FOX NEWS Fall River Elementary 2015 The Courage To Be Outstanding!! Dear Fall River Families, There is always so much going on at the end of the school year—I don’t think it can all fit into this one small page!!! So let me be sure to encourage you to read all of the classroom information coming home in the next few weeks to be sure you know all of the fun coming up! Watch for field trips, Field Day, end of year parties, and more! One of the most important events will be our Teacher Appreciation Week coming up soon. Can we really thank them for all they do in one short week?!? I can’t wait to be a part of all the fun PTO has put together to celebrate how great our staff is, and I want to thank everyone who participates in advance for helping us recognize the absolutely fabulous fantastic Fall River staff. Information has recently been sent regarding teacher grade level assignments for next year, and a reminder of the procedure for submitting your suggestions for your child’s class placement next year is in this newsletter. Please read this before contacting the principal regarding requests; please do not send requests to teachers. We value your input, and will work to integrate it with our rigorous procedure for creating balanced and effective class lists. We are so excited for our third annual summer school programs; we are so grateful for the Race to the Top Grant, as it will allow us to offer both a STEM and Literacy summer school program right here at Fall River Elementary! Parent orientation and class assignments will occur at 8:00 AM on our first day together, June 17. The majority of teachers are our wonderful Fall River staff; we are so lucky to have so many teachers available to help us make this program outstanding. Now that the weather is gorgeous on a regular basis, please remember that if you are walking dogs to and from school, meet your students across the crosswalk in the park so we can avoid any human-dog conflicts on school campus. Please be safe during drop off and pick up; we continue to receive complaints about unsafe drivers during this time. Drivers need to stay off cell phones, out of the fire/bus lane, and out of crosswalks. It takes all of us working together to keep our kids safe!! Also, please keep an eye on the weather so you can send a jacket when we get one of our surprisingly cold or windy spring days. We look forward to seeing even more of you walking and riding bikes to school with all of this nice weather; a little exercise in the morning is a great way to wake up those brains! Thank you for encouraging kids to be outside, and to do so safely. I want to take the opportunity during this last newsletter of the school year to thank you for partnering with me to do our very best for the students of Fall River Elementary. The students of Fall River could not be more friendly, fun, and fired up for learning. And what a superb staff, so committed to children and learning, supported by an incredible community of parents who truly understand that we all work together to do the absolute best we can for children because they are our future. Thank you for supporting us in delivering excellence in education and for having the Courage to be Outstanding! --Dr. Guthals Upcoming Dates April 30 May 1 Kinder Preview May 1 Carnival 4:30-7:30pm May 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week May 6 Late Start School Starts at 11:25am May 11 PTO Meeting 3:30pm May 20 Last day for Kindergarten May 20 Fifth Grade Graduation 1-2pm May 21 Last Day for Students May 21 Field Day Bring A Sack Lunch from Home! ART NEWS I am very happy to say that the district art show was a huge success! Thank you to all the families that attended the open house night and who took the time to come out and check out the art show. The carnival is coming on May 1st and we will be unveiling the four quilt panels that the students worked hard on with the artist in residence. The artist, Sara Broers Brown, will be available to speak with on this evening and there will also be a quilt for raffle. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to work with your children while Jeff Boyd was on leave this past year. It has truly been a pleasure to work with the staff at Fall River Elementary and to inspire and create art with all the students. I will miss each and every one of the students and staff. Shelly Luckow Art Teacher HEALTH OFFICE NEWS The end of the year is fast approaching and there has been lot of clothes borrowed from the Health Office. Now is the time to bring them back. PLEASE!! Or if you have clothes to donate (pants/sweats) we would appreciate it. If your student has medication in the health office, please remember to pick it up on or before the last day of school, May 21st. Have a good summer! Thank you! Ginger Scott PRESCHOOL NEWS Preschoolers had some special visitors from the Denver Zoo in April. We saw (and touched!) some small animals. We are expecting a visit from the Butterfly Pavilion in early May and hope to see some live "bugs" and have a chance to hold Rosie the tarantula! This month we will be watching caterpillars transform into butterflies in our classroom. We have practiced all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds and some classes have been reading books in small groups as we get ready for kindergarten! Miss Julie and Miss Carol MUSIC NEWS PLC ENRICHMENT: ALL STUDENTS WILL BE OUTSIDE; WEATHER PERMITTING, WITH CHINESE JUMP ROPES, TINIKLING AND BEAT BOXING STATIONS WHILE WORKING ON FLEXIBILITY AND YOGA. ENRICHMENT TIME FROM 9:00-9:45am every morning with be ZUMBA routines! 3rd GRADE MUSIC CONCERT!!!: 3rd Grade concert; “Schoolhouse Rock” will be at the Vance Brand Civic Auditorium at 7:00p.m. on Wednesday, May 20th. (This is the day before field day……) FUN FRIDAY! Fun Friday for the month of MAY will be drumming and rhythmic based learning using “STOMP” techniques and Just Dance! ALL grades will be participating in this activity. We will be outside for MANY of these Fridays; weather permitting! Thank you for your continual support of the Fall River Music Program. Musically Yours, Ms. Rachel Aurand Fall River Music Director GIFTED/TALENTED NEWS It is time to start thinking about nominating your student to be tested in the fall for GT if they have not already been tested. Please send an e-mail to me (Mrs. Whisman) telling me your child's name, current teacher, grade level, and which area you think they might be gifted in. You can e-mail or leave a letter in my teacher box. Feel free to send any questions my way as well. Thank you! MISSING?? Please make sure to check the Lost and Found before the end of the school year. There are tons and tons of items that need to go home with their owners. All items that have not been claimed by Thursday, May 21st will be donated to charity. If you have information you would like to share with us as we decide your child’s classroom placement next year, you are welcome to submit that information in writing to Dr. Guthals no later than Friday May 8th. This information will be confidential, for the principal’s eyes only. Please be aware that parents cannot choose their child’s teacher, nor can they choose which other children are in the classroom. However, parents have valuable information that can help us as we go through the complex process of determining optimum classroom placements, and we encourage you to share that with us. The more specific the information, the more useful it will be. Information not put in writing will not be considered, nor will e-mails. Thank you! PTO NEWS Yearbooks We still have yearbooks available for $15 each. If you’d like one and don’t have an order form, just send in a note with your student’s name and exact change or a check payable to Fall River PTO. Yearbooks are sold “first come, first served,” so get your order in right away! Teacher Appreciation We always appreciate our wonderful Fall River teachers, but national Teacher Appreciation Week from May 4th to 8th is a great time to show them just how much. Getting involved with this year’s activities is easy. Signup to bring an item to our breakfast on Wednesday, May 6th at and look for more information about the other events that week (and some very easy ways to participate) in your Fox Folder this Friday. Menchie’s We’ll be announcing some “Menchie’s Days” this summer. Come to Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt (17th and Main). Just like our restaurant community nights during the year, you can visit Menchie’s for a delicious treat, see some long-lost Fall River friends, and our school will earn a bit of money to start off next year. Student Directory Fall River’s student directory is available on and the password will still be deerwood2014 (until next year’s Popsicle Pop-In in August). Since this may be the only way you can connect with friends from Fall River during the summer vacation, please take a moment to double check your own contact information. If you’ve moved, or if we made any errors typing up your information, you can submit new contact information any time (even over the summer). MAKE IT MOM’S DAY ALL YEAR ROUND Teach kids how to treat mom with the respect she deserves © 2002 By Dr. Charles Fay Mother’s Day is a special day for moms to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. An effective way for kids to help mom on Mother’s Day — and throughout the year — is by assisting with chores around the house. Chores are an important part of family life. They provide the foundation upon which responsibility, self-esteem, and strong family relationships are built. At the Love and Logic Institute, we’ve found that kids who make meaningful contributions to their families, such as preparing dinner once a week or completing household chores, are more likely to gain academic achievement, enjoy success in life, and develop a desire to give back to the community. Here are four practical, easy-to-learn tips to teach children the value of helping their mothers (and fathers) all year round: Tip #1: Teach kids to do their fair share of the housework without being hounded. It will make mom’s life a lot easier if kids complete chores without frequent reminders. With one simple statement, show your kids you mean business in a loving way by saying, “I’ll be happy to do the things I do for you as soon as your chores are done.” Tip #2: Guide your kids toward needing less help with completing daily chores. It’s never too early to start teaching kids how to take care of themselves. As early as age two or three, kids can learn daily activities, such as getting ready in the morning, putting away toys, and preparing for bed in the evening. In order to teach kids how to be independent, have them write down a list of daily tasks and mark them off the list as they are completed. If the child is too young to write, Tip #3: Assign chores as repayment for withdrawals from your “emotional bank account.” When a parent asks a child to stop misbehaving, but the child keeps it up, the parent can say in a loving, soft tone of voice, “How sad! Your behavior has really drained the energy out of me. Now I’m too tired to clean the bathrooms. When you get them done, I’m sure I’ll feel a whole lot better.” If the child refuses or forgets to do the chore, wise parents don’t lecture or threaten. Instead, they quietly allow their child to “pay” for their bad manners Tip #4: Show kids why it is wise to be polite to mom (and dad). When a child talks back, pick one loving statement in response and say it over and over again, such as, “Honey, I love you too much to argue.” Kids will learn that they need to use a polite tone of voice and respectful words when requesting assistance from their parents. It’s never too early or late to start raising kids to respect their parents. I know of a mom with a 15-year-old who had to “go on strike” with her son, because he was very demanding, wanting to know, “Where’s dinner? Where are my clean clothes?” In response to her son’s rude requests, she said, “I’ll be happy to help you when your chores are done and I feel respected.” It eased her stress level and before long, her son was a much happier, more respectful and responsible child. Give Love and Logic a try and join thousands of parents who have discovered easy and effective ways to improve their relationships with their kids and teach positive family values. ### Dr. Charles Fay is a nationally known speaker, parent, and school psychologist with the Love and Logic Institute in Golden, Colo. His book, Love and Logic Magic: When Your Kids Leave You Speechless, provides a host of helpful tips for teaching values, as well as handling other perplexing parenting issues. For more information about Love and Logic parenting and teaching techniques, call 1-800-LUV-LOGIC Remaining Testing Schedule 4/27 4/28 4/29 Math 1 Math 2 th th 5 Grade 5/4 4/30 ELA 1 th 5 Grade 5 Grade 5/5 5/6 5/7 Late Start Math 1 Math 2 4th Grade 4th Grade 5/11 5/12 ELA 1 5/13 Math 1 Math 2 3rd Grade 5/14 5/15 Make-ups th 3 Grade 5/8 3rd Grade ELA 1 rd 5/1 4 Grade 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 Make-ups Make-ups Make-ups Last Day of School LIBRARY NEWS There are some great reading programs out there for your students. One if them is at the Longmont Public Library. This year’s theme is “Every hero has a story”. To register for this program, check out their website, or call (303)-651-8477. Of course stop by the Longmont Public Library for more information. The Fall River Elementary library will be open during summer school from 12:00-1:00. All Fall River students are welcome check out 1 book at a time. Please note the following dates for your calendars and swing on by. June 16, June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14 and July 28 The last week for students to check out books will be May 4th-8th. Students will come to library May 11th-15th but instead of book check out, students will learn how to check out e-books from our SVVSD catalog. Flyers will go home with students that include details about “how to” check out Fall River library e-books online. If your students has a lost or missing book from the library, notices will go home in Friday Folders May 8th. If these books are not returned or the fees not resolved, a fee will be added to your students Infinite Campus account. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this or any other issues. Mark your calendars for the Fall Scholastic Book Fair September 28th - October 9th. Have a marvelous summer! -:- Mrs. Myhre Mark Your Calendars!! Wednesday, May 20th: 5th Grade Graduation and Kindergarten Field Day: Kindergarten Field Day will be from 9:30-11:30am; please see the kindergarten newsletters for details. Fifth grade Graduation Ceremony and Celebration will be from 1:00-2:00pm in the gym. PTO will be providing the Celebration treats and 5th grade teachers will be running the Ceremony. Please see 5th grade teachers for more information. Note: this is the last day of school for kindergarteners. Please see Kindergarten newsletter for details We expect many visitors for both events, so please plan accordingly for parking. Thursday, May 21st: Field Day, Grades 1-5 All Grades 1-4 will have Field Day from 10:00-12:00. Fifth graders will assist from 9:00-12:00, as they will have already had their own Field Day earlier in May. At approximately 11:30, students and teachers will go inside to get ready for lunch (all students need to bring a sack lunch) and use the restroom, and then will return to the field for a picnic beginning at noon. You are welcome to join us for the Field Day events and the lunch, though we can only invite siblings to the lunch portion; parents/guardians only can join us for Field Day due to safety reasons. You are free to take your student home following lunch, but you must sign out your child with their teacher before doing so. All students are welcome, however, to stay for the full day of school, with regular dismissal at 3:25. Please note: Kindergarten’s last day of school is May 20th. Please see Kindergarten newsletter for details. Class lists: August 17th Please join us for a “Popsicle Pop-In,” on August 17th! Dr. Guthals will be serving popsicles on the playground behind the school for all grades between 3:45 and 4:30. Class lists will be posted for all grades on easels near the popsicles. Teachers will also open their classrooms from 3:35 to 4:30 to allow time for introductions and to put supplies away to be ready for the first day of school. Students will need a pawprint stamp from their new teacher to get a popsicle! If a teacher is unable to attend for some reason, we still make sure the classroom is available for items to be put away. Class lists will then be posted on the front door of the school. Please note: For half-day kindergarteners, please check-out your classroom on the following schedule. All other classes (pre-school, FDK, and grades 1-5) may come any time between 3:30 and 4:30. 3:30-4:00 AM Kindergarten 4:05-4:35 PM Kindergarten All Kindergarten parents: Please join us for Kindergarten Parent Orientation the same night, August 17th, 5:00-5:45. First Day of School – August 19th– Grades 1-5 Kindergarten Assessments – August 19th & 20th Preschool Orientation – August 19th & 20th First Day of School – August 21st – Kindergarten and MWF preschool Orientation/Back to School Night: August 27th, Grades 1-5 This is the time for you to learn all about your child’s curriculum, new grade level, and new expectations. Please join us at one of two times (the same presentation will occur at both): 6:00-6:30pm or 6:35-7:05pm. INTA JUICE rIRib Sandwich Sloppy Joe/Cheeseburger BBQ Meatballs BRING A SACK LUNCH FROM HOME. Last Day of School! PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL STUDENT ACCOUNTS ARE FREE OF CHARGES AS OF MAY 15TH. ANY MONEY THAT IS LEFT ON YOUR STUDENT(S) ACCOUNT, WILL ROLL WITH THEM UNTIL NEXT YEAR AS LONG AS THEY STAY IN THE DISTRICT. IF YOU ARE LEAVING THE DISTRICT AND NEED A REFUND, PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS. TARAH SABLE AT (720)652-7920 THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR!!
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