St. Joseph Catholic School 43 St. Clair Street Tilbury, Ontario NOP 2L0 Ph: (519) 682-2790 Fax: (519) 682-0581 Website: Mrs. J. Faubert, Principal Mrs. V. Lanoue, Secretary http;// Director of Education: Mr. D. Parr Superintendent: Mrs. D. Crawford THE JANUARY KNIGHTLY NEWS Principal’s Message Happy New Year to all of our St. Joseph families! I hope that you were able to share some time with family and friends and enjoy the blessings of the Christmas season. As we begin our new year at St. Joseph’s I look forward to working with our staff on a number of initiatives that we are involved in to promote the academic success of your children. Our junior teachers will be involved in a math project with an emphasis on proportional reasoning and our FDK and K-1 educators will be involved with other partner schools in strengthening the full day learning program for our youngest learners. We continue to move forward with our PBS – Fill Your Bucket initiative and are excited to bring aboard our student leadership team to help with organizing activities and creating a positive and respectful atmosphere. We will also be looking at an intramural floor hockey league and a lunch hour leadership team who will be in charge of a board game club in the next couple of weeks. Our school improvement plan also recognizes that parent involvement matters. We continue to look at ways that we can involve you, the parents in your child’s success. We have received a grant that will allow us to host an evening of well-being in which our new Mental Health Lead, Christine Preece has graciously offered to help coordinate. A date will follow soon. I also encourage you to contact me if you have any suggestions in ways in which we can involve our parents more in our school community and the academic success of our children. Continue to take the time to use the agendas, communicate with your child’s teachers, read the newsletters and talk to your child about their school day. These are a few of the ways that you can be involved. Again, I wish each of you a happy, healthy and blessed 2015. St. Clair Catholic School Board Mission Statement: Walking together in Christ’s light with parish and family, we are called to build a safe and inclusive Catholic learning community, and to serve as partners in the formation of life-long learners by: *Living our faith; Board Chair: C. Bryden Vice Chair: J. Van Heck MORNING SUPERVISION Morning supervision starts at 9:00a.m. We ask that you do not drop off your children prior to 9:00. All students are to report outside immediately. Students are not to come through the front door. If students are going to breakfast club they are to proceed inside from the back doors. Thanks for your cooperation. PBS LEADERSHIP TEAM We are pleased to announce the following positions have been filled with student reps: Leadership Captain - Faith M. Respect Captain - Darwin M. Participation Captain - Mitchell V. Attentive Listening Captain - Lauren M. Positive Attitude Captain - Megan M. Alternative Captain - Evan O. Breakfast Club Volunteers We are looking for a couple more breakfast club volunteers. If you are available on Wednesday’s or Friday’s and interested in volunteering from 8:30-9:30 please contact the office. Safe School Policy A reminder that if your child is going to be late or absent you need to notify the office by 9:15am. Parents we ask that if your child(ren) are getting picked up early you write it in their agenda or call the office prior to pick up time. Council Corner All parents are welcome to attend our next meeting on: Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 HEALTHY SMILES ONTARIO A FREE Preventive Dental Program for Kids 17 and Under Call the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit 519-355-1071 ext. 5700 Visit us online at: Twitter: @CKPublicHealth Canteen Don’t forget! Chocolate milk is sold daily for $1.00 UCC Grade Eight Open House Thursday, January 29, 2015 Theatre doors open at 6:30 p.m. Presentation in the theatre at 7:00p.m. Teacher-led tours after presentation Helping Your Child to Succeed at School – Director’s Insert January 2015 10 Tips to help your child with reading (Grade 4 to 6) Source: Ministry of Education Website 1. Keep reading with your child. Kids are never too old to be read to–or let your kids read to you. Read a variety of material – magazines, newspapers, books, poems and comic books. Try cutting out or printing interesting or funny articles to share with them. 2. Public libraries today are worlds to explore so try and go regularly. Your library has great resources – books, computer games, DVDs, CDs, magazines, newspapers and Internet access. There are also terrific in-house programs such as reading circles for little ones and homework clubs for older children. If you have access to a public library, talk to the librarian about what is available. 3. Read some of the same books as your child. There are many books that are loved by people of all ages. Ask your librarian or child's teacher for suggestions. You can share your thoughts and ideas, and have great conversations about the characters, stories or topics. 4. Ask your children what they're reading. Ask what it's about and what is most enjoyable about the book. Ask your child to describe it to you. 5. Tap into interests and hobbies. Kids are more likely to read about what they find really interesting, like sports or crafts. Don't worry if it's a comic book, magazine or an illustrated novel, just remember all reading is good and tastes will change as they get older. When you go to the library, let them choose their own books. 6. Find books that relate to TV shows. Let's face it, TV and video games are part of life now and our kids benefit when we help them learn how to think about these messages too. We also know that some kids find TV and video games fascinating. You can use this to your advantage–introduce them to books or magazines that relate to their favourite shows, movies or games. 7. Encourage your older kids to read to younger kids. The older child will practice reading out loud and the younger child will enjoy being read to. Best of all, they get to enjoy spending time together. 8. Play games together. Trivia games and board games such as Junior Trivial Pursuit® or Junior Scrabble® can be a fun way to learn about words and reading. Children have such a good time playing they don't realize they are learning. 9. Computers can be reading zones too! Though we all feel that kids may spend too much time on the computer, there are some great games that help kids with reading and allow them to create their own stories and books. Look for "parent approved" on the box in stores and in the library. Give praise. The best motivation comes from your positive feedback. Whenever your child finishes a reading or writing assignment, ask about what was read and praise your child's effort. A special note: Educators agree that literacy skills develop and improve as a result of a wide range of activities. For example, a child's literacy skills are enhanced when parents who do not speak one of Canada's official languages read to their children in their native language. Children will benefit from this reading experience. Kindergarten Registration for September 2015 kinderSTARt is a special one day event for parents to register their children for Kindergarten. It’s also a great opportunity for parents and children to learn more about school together! At St. Joseph Catholic School, kinderSTARt will be held on Tuesday February 24, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The program is offered in partnership with the St. Clair Catholic District School Board and our Best Start community partners. Through kinderSTARt children and parents have an early opportunity to visit the school, register for Kindergarten and meet staff in preparation for Full Day Kindergarten in the fall of 2015.
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