Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal February 05, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 18 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS SCHOOL CLOSINGS CASA GRANT AFTERSCHOOL February 16-20 - Midwinter Recess April 3-10 - Spring Recess KINDERGARTEN AND PRESCHOOL APPLICATION PERIOD The Kindergarten application period opens on January 7, 2015, and closes on February 7, 2015. All applications must be submitted online or at a Borough Enrollment office. All current pre-k students must submit an application for kindergarten. You should receive an Elementary School Directory from your pre-k teacher. If you need assistance, please see Sergio Borrero, Parent Coordinator. You can also visit or The preschool application period opens on March 16 and closes on April 24, 2015. The same procedures will apply as those for kindergarten. Please read the blurb above. We are delighted to announce the start of our after-school arts program through Brooklyn Arts Council. The program has come to us through the generosity of a CASA grant provided through Councilman Menchaca’s office. This program runs on Thursdays from 2:45- 4:15. The first date for this program is Thursday February 5th and will continue on Thursdays into June. This program is only available to 2nd and 3rd graders. Offer letters have been sent home. If you did not respond, your spot will be given to the next person on our waiting list. TITLE III AFTERSCHOOL Our Title III afterschool is happening on Thursdays from 2:45 to 4:15. This program will continue until April 2nd. This program is available to all English Language Learners who are or have been serviced by our ESL teachers. ATTENTION PARENTS! During your child's Title III Program on Thursday afternoons, there will be Adult English workshops provided by Ms. Wood from 2:45-4:00 in the Library. All parents are welcome and you do not need to sign-up--just come to class! We will work on computer skills, practice English conversation, and have presentations to teach you how to help your children with literacy, math, and homework. TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND PROGRAM PS 295 and New Voices will be partnering with the Trust for Public Land. The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a non-profit organization that helps transform existing sites into parks, playgrounds, and trails. We have been given the preliminary approval to begin the participatory design program for our blacktop. How that works is that groups of students from both schools (fourth & sixth graders) will be involved in a 10-week program where the students will reflect on community needs and through expert guidance create potential designs for the blacktop. From design stage to project completion, we are looking at an 18 -24 month process. This program will run on Mondays from February 2nd through April 13th. The curriculum is extremely focused and quick moving so that the students can be finished with their designs by mid-April. THE DRAMA STUDIO COMES TO INSTAGRAM If you’ve been enjoying Ms. Shen’s ps295visualarts account on Instagram, you’re going to love ps295drama! Now that the school play has completed its blockbuster run, Ms. Cat is turning her attention to social media to share our kids’ creativity with parents all year long. As with the ps295visualarts account, ps295drama is private; Ms. Cat will personally approve each follow request, and the photos will not be accessible to anyone she hasn’t approved. Just search for ps295drama on Instagram, click the “+Follow” button, and you’ll soon have a front-row seat to the best shows in town! Website: Yahoo Group: Facebook: Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal February 05, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 18 PTA NEWS & INFORMATION CONFESSIONS OF A PTA MEETING NON-ATTENDER IMPORTANT DATES February 9th- LiceXchange 2nd visit February 9th – 13th - Spirit Week o o o o o 2/9-Moustache Monday 2/10-Twin Tuesday 2/11-Crazy Hat Wednesday 2/12-PS 295 Gear Day 2/13-Pajama Day February 11th- Bagel Bits February 12th- Fitnessgram @ Armory (Gr. 4 & 5) February 13th-5th Grade Graduation Planning Meeting 8:30AM February 16th-20th-Mid-Winter Recess February 24th-Last Armory Day (Grades 3 -5) FOLLOW PS295VISUALARTS ON INSTAGRAM Ms. Shen-Ribeiro has set up an Instagram account to share her classes’ creations with family members! The account is under the name ps295visualarts. Check it out today! 50% OFF ICE SKATING AT PROSPECT PARK We have eight vouchers (50% off) for the Prospect Park ice skating rink ( Please contact Sergio Borrero. Website: I’ll admit it—I wasn’t always the first person in the door for PTA meetings. I went to a grand total of one meeting during my first two years at PS 295, and before that I hadn’t made it to a single one during two years at PS 39. Life is busy enough without having to go back to school on a Tuesday night or stay late after drop-off. But since I started doing it more often (at first, mainly to be a supportive husband for my PTA-nerd wife), I’ve noticed two things. First, I’ve noticed how many people do come to these meetings. This week, at a rescheduled meeting on a frigid, icy, and generally awful day, about two dozen stayed to discuss everything from how our curriculum helps students learn to think and read critically, to how we could make it easier for teachers to park their cars near the school in bad weather. You see a lot of the same people month to month, but you also see a lot of people who rotate through now and then, and that’s great too. Near the beginning and end of the year, we might get twice as many or more. The level of parent engagement in this school is really remarkable—a lot of schools have to work pretty hard to get their parents involved, but people show up at PS 295 interested and active, and it really makes this community special. It all ends up in the classroom, of course, where parents play an active role in bringing new enrichment opportunities into the school and provide the funding to go above and beyond what the DoE pays for. Our kids are fortunate to be spending their days in a place like this. Second, although I’d once teased Amy about her PTA nerdliness, I’ve come to realize that it really is pretty interesting. Not just the critical thinking and parking—there’s so much happening at this school, from PTA events and programs to new initiatives like mindfulness training for all students, on-site registration for IDNYC cards, and the transformation of the blacktop by the Trust for Public Land. Linda is exceptionally open as a principal, and gives long and thoughtful answers to questions—we take it for granted, but parents at larger or colder schools can’t count on that kind of access. Maybe more than anything, it’s where parents come together for an hour or so a month to share the experience of having kids in the school—the challenges they’re facing, how the school is addressing them, how we’re working to inspire them further. The point of all this is just to say—thanks for being a great parent community, and for showing up in any kind of weather. WELLNESS WARRIORS NEEDED! The PS 295 wellness program needs new energy! We have lots of programs and partnerships in the school, including Wellness in the Schools, Garden-to-Café, composting, recycling, the Farmers Market, the school gardens—it’s a longtime area of strength. What we don’t have is a solid core team of parents to coordinate these activities, help set priorities, and rally volunteers. Can you help nourish all things green at PS 295? Our Wellness in the Schools partner Ellen Emerson will be here for a meeting Thursday, Feb. 12 after drop-off. If you can make it—and even if you can’t— please let us know you’re interested! Email Dan a or find me in the courtyard. Yahoo Group: Facebook: Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal February 05, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 18 BROOKLYN BOOGIE BRUNCH TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE We’re rapidly approaching another sellout for our second Brooklyn Boogie Brunch! Tickets are on sale now at the Littlefield website here: You can find more information about the event here: We’ll also have paper tickets for sale in the courtyard next week. Great bands, craft projects, tasty food—last year’s was a ton of fun, and this one will be too. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! People to drive stuff over to Littlefield that morning, set up, help with food and the raffle, clean up— there’s something for everyone! If you’d like to volunteer, email Maria at or ask Sergio to introduce you. (Note that volunteers will still need to buy tickets—it’s a fundraiser, after all). THE LIBRARY NEEDS LOVE The PS 295 school library was created by parents (including our own Susan Weseen!) and parents help keep it alive. The Library Committee is a very easy, low-impact way to get involved but it’s also quite rewarding. The group meets once a month or so, but even if you can’t make it to a single meeting you can drop by as your schedule allows to help re-shelve books. It’s a great way to see the kids in their natural habitat, and the Dewey Decimal System can be oddly soothing after a while. Other jobs include repairing damaged books, helping to cull the collection of outdated books, arranging author visits, and stuff like that. You’ll come to love the library as much as the kids do! Give it a try—email Katharine James at or send a note with your child to Susan Weseen in the library. ANOTHER CUPCAKE FRIDAY SUCCESS Even on a windy, chilly day, we raised $367, just $10 less than our best ever! A lot of people brought cupcakes, so we had just enough. Please keep it going! At this rate, we might make enough on cupcakes to cover the entire classroom supplies budget we provide for every teacher in the school. Now that would be sweet. TOUCH-A-TRUCK IS GEARING UP Get it? Gearing up like a truck? Anyway, May 2 will be here before we know it! We’ve turned in our petition to the Community Board to close 18th St., and we have many fascinating and touch-worthy trucks lined up with more to come. If you know of a truck that kids might like to explore, whether your own or a friend or relative’s, let us know! We’re also open to sponsorships; in the past we’ve had businesses like Fairway, Checklist Home Services, and Target put their names on the event. As our biggest fundraiser—we raise more money on this day than at every other event combined—Touch-a-Truck is an essential resource for the school, paying the entire salary of a part-time teacher each of the last few years. If you can help with trucks or sponsors, please email Debra Doogan at We’ll be calling for volunteers soon, and we’ll need a lot of them—please plan to spend Saturday, May 2 at the school! It’s a great day for the PS 295 community. You won’t want to miss it. OUR BUDDING ARTISTS ON INSTAGRAM If you’re on Instagram, make sure to follow ps295visualarts! Our kids are doing some great things in the art studio with Ms. Shen, and she shares it with us in living color online. CBE KIDS AFTERSCHOOL SESSIONS STILL AVAILABLE We’re nearing the end of the first week of the winter/fall session, but it’s not too late to sign up for afterschool activities. They keep your kids busy until 6 pm, and they even get a bunch of homework done—pretty handy! If you’re interested, you’ll find information and registration under the AFTERSCHOOL tab on at, and Sergio can provide paper versions and general help. Website: Yahoo Group: Facebook:
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