SQUARE CALLIGRAPHY - Friends of Asian Art Association

friends of asian art association
Do you recall the excitement you had doing coded messages as
a child? Have you been puzzled yet intrigued by Asian calligraphy . . . but felt it was too “alien”? Or, perhaps you know a young
person that would benefit from a fun exposure to Asian calligraphy? Well, consider this workshop!
Square Word Calligraphy lets anyone write all of our Arabic letters in Asian-style strokes, and design placement of the English
letters in a square format. Square Word Calligraphy is the palatable and fun way to begin an appreciation for Asian calligraphy.
In three hours this workshop will:
Quickly have you able to read Square Words.
Show you how to design whatever you want to write in
Square Word.
Learn the proper way to use the Asian brush via Square
Learn about the practice of Asian calligraphy.
* This workshop is limited to 20 people ages 10 and
the friends of asian art association presents
Seattle Asian Art Museum
(Alvord Board Room)
Sunday, June 7, 2015
1-4 p.m.
Free Parking
For more information or questions, call:
206-522-5438 or
email: FriendsOfAsianArt@earthlink.net.
(fee includes all materials)
Credit Card: PayPal Code
FA3 Members: $18
Non-Members: $ 23
Workshop presenter Steve Erickson has a lifelong interest n Asian cultures, and has studied
at the China National Academy of Fine Arts.
Through his friend, the noted Chinese artist
Xu Bing (a Macarthur genius award winner),
he learned the technique of Square Word Calligraphy. On display will be some examples of
Square Word works by Xu Bing.
Join in the fun and take home a souvenir or
two to hang in your home/office or give to a
Youth, ages 10-16: $15
Check: Send name(s), contact inform
tion and check made out to FA3 to:
Friends of Asian Art Association
P.O. Box 15404
Seattle, WA. 98115