Be a Friend of the Oregon Asian Celebration and 30

30th Annual Oregon
February 14-15, 2015
Be a Friend of the Oregon Asian Celebration and
Advertise in the Official Program Guide!
Get your message in front of thousands of people. This year’s 30th Anniversary of the Oregon
Asian Celebration is Saturday, February 14th and Sunday, February 15th,
at the Lane Events Center/Fairgrounds, Eugene, OR. This year’s theme is
“30 Years of Love For Community & Diversity” and the event will feature many exciting new
activities celebrating this theme.
The official 24-page program guide contains two full days of:
 Cultural Entertainment
 Martial Arts Demonstrations
 Arts/Crafts Demonstrations
 Cooking Demonstrations
 Fine Arts Exhibit
 Special Exhibits
 Children’s Activities
 Asian Heritage Exhibit
And a full listing of:
 Asian Food Court Vendors
 Asian Marketplace Vendors
 Local Asian-American Resource Directory
Distribution: 10,000 copies are distributed statewide by area retailers and popular public places
one month prior to the event. Additional copies distributed beyond Lane County include
Portland, Salem, Corvallis, Roseburg and Florence.
Full Page:
$700 (5 ½ ”x 9 ½”, Vertical)
Half Page:
$400 (5 ½” x 4 ½”, Horizontal)
¼ Page:
$275 (5 ½” x 2 ¼ ” Horizontal)
Business Card:
$200 (3 ½” x 2”, Horizontal)
Ad on web presence: $50 for a full year of exposure on our website (specs to follow)
Congratulations Page for 30th Anniversary: $25 per line of your family or business name
Ex: Marvy Schuman & Family
The event attracts more than 20,000 people! (Source: event intercept surveys)
 17% came from outside Lane County
 75% came with family or friends
 30% identify themselves as ethnic minority
Each advertiser receives two VIP Admission Tickets! (Congratulations names not included)
(See reverse side for space reservation and specification requirements)
Oregon Asian Celebration Advertisement Confirmation
& Specification Requirements
If you are interested in advertising in the program guide, please complete the information
Business Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________
Contact Person: ____________________________________ Day Phone: ________
Address/City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________
Reservation Deadline: December 1, 2014
PDF Electronic Ad Delivery Deadline: December 31, 2014 to Green City Graphics, or mail camera-ready ad to Green City Graphics, c/o Asian
Celebration, 65 Lund Dr. Eugene, OR 97404, 541-607-6793.
Please indicate size below:
 Full Page:
$700 (5 ½ ”x 9 ½”, Vertical)
 Half Page:
$400 (5 ½” x 4 ½”, Horizontal)
 ¼ Page:
$275 (5 ½” x 2 ¼ ”, Horizontal)
 Business Card:
$200 (3 ½” x 2”, Horizontal)
 Congratulations Page: $25 per line of your family or business name
 Ad on Web Presence: $50 for 1 year (specs to follow on specifics of size)
Use same ad as last year.
I can provide camera-ready ad for you. Please email as .pdf or .eps vector file.
Please prepare an advertisement for me for an additional $75 design fee. (Green City
Graphics will prepare your professionally looking ad. Please call if you need ad design ideas
or specifications. Contact Steven at 541-607-6793)
My check payment is included with this confirmation form. If you checked the box above to
have your ad created, please include the $75 design fee with your ad payment.
RETURN this form:
To confirm this reservation order, please complete this PDF form and email to:
Marvy Schuman at Or mail a printed form with your payment to
the address below.
BILLING: Advertisers will be invoiced for their ads upon receipt of this advertising
confirmation. To avoid late payment fee of $35, please mail by January 5, 2015.
Please make checks payable to:
Asian Celebration
c/o The Treasurer
PO Box 51117
Eugene, OR 97405
Contact: Marvy Schuman at
Thank you for supporting the Oregon Asian Celebration!