4-18-15 Workshop Brochure Final

Autism Society WNY Chapter &
Autism Services, Inc.’s
Autism Center for Learning
Invite you to attend:
About the Workshop
Dr. Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D., a Harvard Medical
School Researcher and Pediatric Neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, will be speaking about new
research that offers a scientific basis for hope in the treatment of autism. These findings support the view that
much of autism arises not from a “broken brain” but from
series of obstructions that get in the way of the talents that
lie within. Dr. Herbert’s revolutionary view suggests that
autism is not so much hardwired as generated moment by
moment in a dynamic, active processes created by challenges to cellular function throughout the body and brain,
that impact communication and behavior as well as metabolism, digestion, the immune system and more. It
follows that the body and brain and not just the behavior
need to be dealt with in order to get the best outcomes.
Dr. Herbert will explain how you can address problems
involving diarrhea, anxiety, sensory overload, sleeplessness, frequent illnesses and seizures through lifestyle
changes to support the body and not just with medications
and therapies. These practical approaches can reduce
brain overload, increase body and brain health and resiliency and make life all it can be.
A Fresh Look
At Autism:
A Revolutionary Approach
Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D.
Disclosure: Dr. Martha Herbert financial – Dr. Herbert has
published a relevant book on the topic of autism. She will
receive royalties in the future and has received an advanced payment for the publication. Non-financial – she
has no relevant non-financial disclosures.
Author of
The Autism Revolution
Co-Sponsored by The SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association of WNY
List ways to reduce brain overload in individuals with
Describe one aspect of epigenetics—the effects of
previous generation’s environmental exposures on
subsequent generations.
List several tips to increase brain resiliency in
Individuals with ASD.
Location: Classics V Conference Center is located at
2425 Niagara Falls Blvd. — One mile north of the Niagara
Falls Blvd. Exit on the I-290 or Youngmann Hwy.
In case of inclement weather or other unforeseen
emergency, please call our event closing hotline at
631-5777, ext. 688.
Autism Society WNY Chapter
19 Limestone Dr., Suite 1
Williamsville, NY 14221
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants
will be able to:
Classics V Conference & Banquet Center
Amherst, NY
Saturday, April 18, 2015
8:45 am-12:45 pm
$11 Parent /Individual with ASD
$25 Professional /Student
$35 SLP/Audiologist/OT/COTA/PT/PTA
About the Speaker
Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Martha Herbert is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at
Harvard Medical School, and a
Pediatric Neurologist and Neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is director of
the TRANSCEND Research Program, a collaborative program
utilizing brain imaging techniques, neuropsychological testing, and laboratory measures of body function to identify potential for improvements and targets for intervention in children with ASD.
Dr. Herbert obtained her medical degree from
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, trained in pediatrics at Cornell University
Medical Center, and trained in neurology and child
neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
8:00-8:45: Registration/Continental Breakfast
Name : ______________________________________
8:45-9:00: Introduction
9:00- 10:30: Overview of new research in autism;
Challenges to cellular function throughout the
body & brain.
Scholarships available for parents or individuals with
ASD based on financial need. Please call (716) 633-2275
for more information.
Additional brochures are available online at
www.autismwny.org, www. autism-services-inc.org, and
www.shawny.org or call (716) 633-2275.
Address: ____________________________________
City: _____________________ Zip:________________
10:30-10:45: Morning Break
Phone: (_________)____________________________
10:45-12:15: Lifestyle changes; Strategies to reduce brain overload; Tips to improve brain health.
E-mail: ______________________________________
12:15-12:45: Q and A
Please Select Only One Category:
_______Parent/Family/Individual w/ASD
_______Speech-Language Pathologist
or Audiologist
.35 ASHA CEUs included
_______OT or COTA
This course is offered for .35 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level;
Related area).
Dr. Herbert is also author of “The Autism Revolution” which approaches autism as a collection of
problems that can be overcome and talents that can
be developed- The ultimate goal being to restore
health and resiliency in individuals with autism.
Dr. Herbert directs the Higher Synthesis Foundation
and co-directs the Body-Brain Resiliency Center
Autism Family Clinic in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
3.0 NYS Continuing Competency Units for OTs/OTAs; .3 AOTA CEUs
CATEGORY 2: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PROCESS (Evaluation, Intervention, Intervention Process); 3.75 NBCOT PDUs; .3 IACET CEUs recognized by NBCOT & NYS OT Board
_______PT or PTA
.3 NYS PT Board CEUs
Learning Partners has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the
International Association for Continuing Education and Training
(IACET). See the full list of national/state/professional bodies that
recognize the IACET CEU here: http://www.iacet.org
Learning Partners is an AOTA
Approved Provider of continuing
** AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical
procedures. hp://www1.aota.org/app_search/providers.asp
Learning Partners has received approved
provider status by the New York State Office
for the Professions and is designated as an
approved provider of con$nuing educa$on
course work for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. hp://
Other Professionals: Please check with your na$onal/state/professional
body to determine the type of CEUs needed.hp://www.iacet.org/whoaccepts-the-iacet-ceu-g-see-a-list. Learning Partners can be reached at
info@learningpartners2.com or 716-807-2289. Each organiza$on/en$ty uses
its own calcula$on to determine the number of CEUs based on contact
hours. As with all con$nuing educa$on, the aendee should always verify
CEU requirements by his/her professional organiza$on and/or state licensure board.
_______Other Professional/Paraprofessional
or Student- No CEUs Awarded
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance. You
must be PRE-REGISTERED to be guaranteed
Mail-In Registration Deadline: April 13, 2015. No refunds
after this date. Full refunds prior to.
Late (after 4/13/15) & Walk-In Registration if available:
Additional $10 added to above fees. Call (716) 633-2275
or check www.autismwny.org EVENTS page for late/walkin registration availability.
Online registration & payment thru PayPal available until
April 13, 2015 at www.friendsofasi.org.
Checks payable to : ASWNY Chapter
Mail to:
19 Limestone Drive, Suite 1
Williamsville, NY 14221