Ticket info• Chef ~ CHefStations stations Tickets silent balloonInfo bust Silentauction Auction ~• Contact TICKET INFORMATION Member Sponsor – Complimentary table of 8 *Please RSVP your attendance by contacting Tiana Rodrigue at trodrigue@friendsofwecare.org before April 10th, 2015. Costs will be incurred if tables are withdrawn after this date, so help us send more kids to camp by handing out your ‘Save the Date’ tickets and confirming your guests’ attendance early. Additional Tickets - $375 per ticket or $3,000 for a Table of 8 Accomodations can be made for tables of 10 - Contact Tiana Rodrigue for details CHEF STATIONS As guests step into the big top, they are transported to a place of mesmerizing sights and sounds. Amongst the circus acts and entertainers, guests are enticed by the delectable scents of our chef’s circus creations. You too can reserve a booth with the night’s must-taste delicacies by becoming a gold or silver level sponsor and showcasing your company’s products and talents to hundreds of key industry decision makers. Become a part of one of the most anticipated segments of the evening as guests mingle and explore the unique samplings of the industry’s top culinary experts, all of which are exclusively matched with a unique wine pairing. Spaces are limited, only 8 cocktail reception stations and 4 dessert café stations are available on a first-come-first-serve basis). Contact Tiana Rodrigue to reserve your spot trodrigue@friendsofwecare.org For an electronic copy of this information package, please visit www.friendsofwecare.org and click on ‘view pdf’ on our Gala Events page. FRIENDS OF WE CARE *WE’VE MOVED!* As of March 1st, we will be located at: 35 Adesso Dr Concord, ON; L4K 3C7 fowc@friendsofwecare.org 905-841-1223 SILENT AUCTION Bringing in over $50,000 each year, the gala silent auction and recently added ‘Favourite Things’ blind bid section, are some of the highlights of the night. Acting as an integral part of We Care’s fundraising endeavours, countless people strive to secure generous items and cash donations that will appeal to every person’s taste. We sincerely thank and appreciate all donations made and hope that you will help us again this year to raise money for deserving kids. Gifts will be purchased for all cash donations made on your behalf. For more information or to make a donation, please contact Kevin Collins at kcollins@friendsofwecare.org BALLOON BUST *NEW This year, guests will have the opportunity to purchase $20 balloons for guaranteed prizing. Each balloon wins a prize and gives you a ballot in our special evening draw! Interested in sponsoring this new initiative? Contact Tiana Rodrigue for more info at trodrigue@friendsofwecare.org Follow this event or tweet our cause by using the hashtag #WeCareGala2015 Creative provided by www.creatingchange.ca . Come one, Come all , Step right up AND JOIN US FOR A NIGHT UNDER THE BIG TOP MAY 2Nd, 2 015 THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE - ENTRANCE ONE COMPLIMENTARY VALET SERVICE FOR ALL GUESTS nous aidons LES AMIS DE Nous aidons les enfants handicapés de la Société des timbres de Pâques du Québec! WWW.FRIENDSOFWECARE.ORG WWW.LESAMISDENOUSAIDONS.ORG 2015 f riends of we c a r e Join Friends of We Care as we partake in an evening under the big top in support of sending kids with disabilities to camp. The Friends of We Care Foundation is a membership based organization that raises money to provide accessible summer camp experiences to kids with disabilities. Since its inception in 1983, Friends of We Care has raised over $18,500,000 and has grown its membership base to 84 foodservice industry companies. Our unique mandate ensures that membership fees cover the operating costs of the organization so that 100% of money raised at all of its 14 events across the country, goes directly to sending kids with disabilities to camp. With its incredible support base, Friends of We Care continues to be Easter Seals’ largest single-time donor as well as continuing to lead in Canada’s top 10% of fundraising nonprofits in the country. We welcome you to join us on the evening of May 2, 2015 as we celebrate your hard work and effort and the many kids we have sent to camp over the years! Valet your car and enter the big top to experience a night at a vintage circus. Don’t be shy, step right up and experience the sights and smells of unique chef tasting stations complete with wine pairings. Indulge yourself in the tasty offerings and roam the big top to explore the many silent auction prizes and witness the best of the lot in our ‘Favourite Things’ closed bidding section. The action continues as guests step into the dining hall for a gourmet dinner experience and circus entertainment. As the dinner and show wraps, guests are invited back to the big top area to explore the carnival grounds and immerse themselves in a world of circus fun. Partake in the games and activities and explore the snack stations for classic carnival treats. But the night doesn’t end there! Join Simply Grand as they take to the stage playing songs that will keep you dancing all night long. BUSINESS FORMAL - DOORS OPEN AT 5:30PM Don’t be late, you don’t want to miss the cocktail reception complete with chef stations and wine pairings DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO NETWORK AND CELEBRATE WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND COWORKERS AS WE BRING YOU THE FUN OF A CIRCUS-FILLED EVENING, FULL OF GREAT FOOD, PRIZING, AND CARNIVAL FUN! ~ RSVP YOUR ATTENDANCE TODAY TO TRODRIGUE@FRIENDSOFWECARE.ORG ~ g a l a Spo nso r s h i p GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSOR $10,000 $5,000 $3,000 PACKAGE INCLUDES: PACKAGE INCLUDES: PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Two tables of 8 in prime location • One table of 8 in prime location • Corporate logo in gala program • Full page tribute in gala program (with corporate logo and bio) • Corporate logo in gala program • Corporate name listed on video display throughout the evening • Corporate logo on video display throughout the evening • Corporate logo on video display throughout the evening • Corporate logo on gala tickets • Corporate logo on gala tickets • Option for a Chef Station *see below • Option for a Chef Station *see below • Recognition keepsake from the kids • Corporate name on gala tickets • Recognition keepsake from the kids • Recognition keepsake from the kids * Gold and Silver level sponsors have the oportunity to showcase their corporate chef and creations with a Chef Station during the cocktail reception or dessert café (see back page for more details). Includes chef bios and photos in the event program and at the station. WE THANK OUR SPONSORS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EVENT SPONSORSHIP, PLEASE CONTACT: KEVIN COLLINS – KCOLLINS@FRIENDSOFWECARE.ORG, ROSEMARY DACOSTA - DACOSTAR@DANAHOSPITALITY.CA OR MARGARET DOWELL - MDOWELL@SIRCORP.COM
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