Spring 2015 Vol. 6 No. 2 Friends of Whitfield Newsletter Photos by Nick Nicolaus TheFriendsofWhitfieldWildlifeConservationAreasupportsthisConservation Areainpromotingwildlifeconservationandenvironmentaleducation. Calendar Photo by D Varela Phillips Chairman's Corner As spring tries to make its way into New Mexico, we are challenged Nature Walks Led by Master Naturalists Monthly on the third Saturday 9 AM May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17 & November 21 Whitfield Membership/Board Visioning Session - Saturday, June 13 9AM - 11AM Friends of Whitfield Bi-Monthly Board Meetings 1st Saturday July 11, September 5 All are Welcome! Friends of Whitfield Project Meetings 1st Saturday Alternating Months June 6, August 1, October 3 Desert Willow Festival Saturday, August 8 For information: (505) 864-8914 with up and down temperatures and the usual windy days. We started off May with some welcomed rain that we all prayed for and hope to see more of. With this change in seasons comes more and more visitors to Whitfield. We could certainly use more volunteers on Fridays and Saturdays to help greet these folks and tell them about Whitfield. We are busy sprucing up the place and with the help of a grant from PNM through the Central New Mexico Audubon Society, we will soon have an extensive display of native cacti to show off. The cactus garden is being planned by Whitfield manager, Ted Hodoba, and will have signage identifying all the different species of cacti. Once they are established, we should have a brilliant display of cacti flowers to show to one and all. We will soon have a Friend’s web page for all to view and keep up on events happening at Whitfield. We are working with the Whitfield manager to come up with programs for every month of the year. Some will be hands-on instruction classes, while others will have guest speakers. At our Annual Membership meeting, with 40 in attendance, we had as our guest speaker, Kirsten Cruz-McDonnell, who provided us with a great program on Burrowing Owls and showed some video clips that had us all laughing. She gave us some great insights into the lives of the Burrowing Owls and alerted us to the fact that the populations seem to be on the decline. She answered many questions from the audience. We are in the process of providing new habitat for Burrowing Owls here at Whitfield and hope to have some take up residence in the coming months. Thanks to all for your support – we hope to see you in the coming summer months. Stop by and see the changes taking place at Whitfield. Nick Nicolaus President Summer Tanager Dolores Varela Phillips POBox170,BelenNM87002friendsofwhitfield@gmail.comwww.friendsofwhitfield.org facebook.com/friendsofwwca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring 2015 Friends of Whitfield Newsletter Project Manager’s Update Ted Hodoba Kids and Whitfield Ted Hodoba International Migratory Bird Day, May 9, 2015 We held our third annual celebration of International Migratory Bird Day that was created to draw attention to the fact that migrating birds do not recognize man-made borders and are subject to things we do as humans in different countries. A bird count is always part of the day and this year, Linda Heinze once again lead the project. The count took place from 7 am to 11 am. This was followed by a presentation once again by Wings of Enchantment Butterfly Farm and a release of butterflies as we did last year on Earth Day. Once again, butterflies were available for purchase. We decided to include butterflies as Monarchs migrate as well as birds and migration is the theme for us this year at Whitfield. (See count on P.4) Girls on the Run On April 28, approximately 42 girls and parents came and under my direction, we planted 50 cottonwood trees in the northwest corner of Whitfield as a community service project. Girls on the Run is a program in the Belen Public Schools that encourages girls to be physically active, especially walking and running. It is an international program across the United States and Canada. Margette dressed as a Monarch Butterfly Thursday Birders The Audubon Thursday Birders group came and visited Whitfield on their annual spring visit to Whitfield. They visit quarterly, once during each season of the year. They have been doing this for several years and once a year make a donation to our Friends group of money to be used in the promotion of birding and birds. We have used previous monies to purchase bird seed, seed blocks, and books on birds for the Whitfield library. Continued on p.3 Hands On Experience for Belen Students For the third year in a row, Belen teacher Roberta Sanchez has brought her special education students every Thursday to work at Whitfield. The students do various tasks including weeding, planting, and other tasks. I’d like to thank Roberta and her students for volunteering and for their hard work at Whitfield. Albertsons' & Smith's Community Programs Albertsons' Community Partners program consistently sends Whitfield a check. This is because you Albertson's shoppers use your Whitfield scan card every time you shop. If you don't have this card come pick one up at Whitfield Visitor Center. Also, Smith's has their Community Rewards program. You can link your Smith's card to Whitfield online. Go to www.smithscommunityrewards.com and enter our number: NPO #23579. THANK YOU FOR HELPING SUPPORT WHITFIELD! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Spring 2015 Friends of Whitfield Newsletter Project Manager's Update Continued from P. 2 Friends of the Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area On April 11, the Friends held their Annual Meeting of their membership. They had a speaker on burrowing owls, which was very entertaining as well as informative. I spoke with the speaker afterwards and in a followup email discussed with her the ways to attract burrowing owls to Whitfield. She said there is no point to creating artificial burrows if we have prairie dogs as they would just ignore them for the real thing. Instead she said we should construct perches to attract them. Materials have been purchased to do so and we will be installing them soon. Education Six different school groups, some with more than one class, visited Whitfield as part of the Whitfield Education Program, which is conducted by our Friends organization. Earth Day We held our third annual Earth Day Celebration in cooperation with the School of Dreams Academy (SODA) in Los Lunas. The day began with a nature walk led by Master Naturalist, Linda Heinze. A group of about 10 Girl Scouts joined her along with other members of the public. Afterward, SODA students served up their Earth Day Cupcakes and Groundwater Parfaits to all. This was followed by a presentation by Prairie Dog Pals complete with live prairie dogs. About 46 people attended the event. VSWCD Board Members Teresa Smith de Cherif and Andrew Hautzinger and former Board Member Charlie Sanchez Jr. attended the event. Rio Abajo Botanical Garden at the Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area We have received a grant from PNM and the Central New Mexico Audubon Society that I wrote in the amount of $3,326.40 through our Friends organization for the cactus garden at Whitfield. This money will go for signage, gravel, and plants. I received word yesterday the Audubon group may be providing addition funding for signage. I am in touch with the designer on a large sign, have sent in an order for cacti, and visited a gravel operation to choose decorative gravel and anticipate ordering it soon. Whitfield Master Naturalist Program On April 4, the Master Naturalist students toured Whitfield and on April 25, the group took a field trip to Abo ruins including a tour by the ranger of the petroglyph site there. Prairie Dog Pals - Earth Day All Photos by Linda Heinze Field Work Our field workers have been working on increasing our irrigation efficiency. Mark Sanchez used a back hoe to clean out the culverts to enable us to create a stronger flow of water to the northwest section of the Whitfield Property. We also used the backhoe to plug up a hole created by a prairie dog that was leaking water from the wildflower meadow into the pond when we tried to irrigate the meadow. The backhoe was also used to bring soil up to the cactus garden, which is under construction. This is a priority project as we need to get the previously mentioned grant funding money spent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Spring 2015 Friends of Whitfield Newsletter International Migratory Bird Day Banner Birding Day! By Linda Heinze Whitfield's 2015 International Migratory Day Bird Count was a record high count of bird species since its intiation in 2009. Five birders spent four hours looking, listening and listing what we saw and heard on Saturday, May 9. We noted 50 species with a total of over 300 birds. These data were submitted to Cornell’s e-bird.org to be combined with bird counts in North America. There is a lot of interesting information on that website, including all reports sent in for Whitfield. Some of our count highlights were: 5 Common Yellowthroats, 2 Green Herons, 8 Bullock’s Orioles, 4 Western Tanagers, 2 Gray Flycatchers, 2 Summer Tanagers, 2 Yellow-breasted Chats, and a pair of Wood Ducks perched on the Wood Duck box in the little pond on the western side of Whitfield. The female Wood Duck entered the box and stayed there for a while before she emerged and dropped into the pond. This is the best time of year to see the bright, colorful plumages on so many of the birds, so put on your insect repellant and take a leisurely walk. Wood Duck - Dolores Varela Phillips Birds on the log Photo by Linda Heinze Fourth Grade Annual Meeting Essay Contest Winners "What does Whitfield Mean to Me" The Friends of Whitfield WCA held our Annual Essay Contest in conjunction with our Annual Membership Meeting. The meeting took place on Saturday, 11 April 2015. A large crowd of people attended the meeting including family members of the Essay contestants. There were three students taking top honors and five students receiving honorable mention. The three top honors went to Ivy Gabaldon, First Place; Natilie Grimm, Second Place and Christopher Loera, Third Place. All three of them were from Los Lunas Schools. They all received a bird identification book, The Sibley Guide to Birds, and Ivy Gabaldon also received a fine pair of binoculars. The students had a chance to read their essays in front of the audience and received a well-deserved applause for their efforts. The essays seem to be getting better every year. Also present for the ceremony were the Honorable Mention essay writers. From Los Lunas Schools were Jordan Montoya and Joy Martin and representing Belen Schools were Nicholas Romero, Nikki Baca, and Luciano Gomez. Thanks to all who came to show their support for these talented students. We plan to exhibit the three winning essays along with the students' photos at Whitfield. Nick Nicolaus Christopher Loera, Natalie Grimm, Nikki Baca, Ivy Gabaldon Birds on the Log and By Nicholas Linda Heinze Romero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spring 2015 Friends of Whitfield Board of Directors friendsofwhitfield@gmail.com President: Nick Nicolaus (2016)* nnick@q.com Vice-President: Open hhodoba@unm.edu Secretary: Jeannine Kimble (2016)* jeannine_kimble@fws.gov Treasurer: Dolores Varela Phillips (2015)* doloresvp@juno.com Members Ron Goens (2015)* ron.goens@gmail.com Member: Open *term expires Coordinators Ambassadors: Ron Goens ron.goens@gmail.com or whit.ambassador@gmail.com Classroom Environmental Education: Molly Madden Whitfieldeducation@gmail.com E-Mail Coordinator: Dolores Varela Phillips doloresvp@juno.com Friends of Whitfield Newsletter Your support is so appreciated! If you have not joined or renewed for 2015 please do so today! Membership Application (Please print neatly) Name_____________________________________________ Family Members____________________________________ (if Family Membership) Address___________________________________________ City State__________________________________________ Zip__________Phone________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Membership Level ________Renewal ________New _____lndividual $10 _____Senior $5 _____Family $20 _____Special Friend $60 _____Student $5 _____Business Sponsor $200 Please check the Volunteer opportunities that interest you: _____Ambassador ______Education _____Library Help ______Outdoor Tasks _____Fundraising ______Special Events Please fill out and either mail or bring in to Visitors' Center with your check or money order to: Fundraising/Special Events: Open Media Liaison: OPEN Membership: Dolores Varela Phillips doloresvp@juno.com Newsletter Team: Dolores Varela Phillips doloresvp@juno.com Jim Rickey j7057r@msn.com Linda Heinze manzanogal@gmail.com Nick Nicolaus nnick@q.com Outdoor: OPEN Outreach: OPEN Volunteer: Madeline Miller madeline.miller@nm.nacdnet.net (505)-864-8914 Whitfield Project Manager (VSWCD) Ted Hodoba (505)-864-8914 whitfieldwca@gmail.com www.whitfieldwildlife.org Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area is located at: 2424 Hwy 47, Belen, NM © Friends of Whitfield Friends of Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area PO Box 170 Belen, NM 87002 friendsofwhitfield@gmail.com www.friendsofwhitfield.org Thank you! Friends of Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area is a registered 501 (c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in 2008 to support the purposes for which the WWCA was created. Kudos to all our VOLUNTEERS! You are so appreciated for all you do for Whitfield! We need more of you so come join the fun and dedication. Be a Whitfield Volunteer! Contact: Madeline Miller at: madeline.miller@nm.nacdnet.net (505)-864-8914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
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