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NOTICESHEET 16th November 2014
Info for the notice sheet please send to
Welcome to those visiting! Do please make yourself known to the sidespersons and minister
16th November week 3
2nd before Advent Red or Gold.
1 Thessalonians 5. 1-11 Tols 1188 D/M 836 Sal 147
Matthew 25. 14-30 Tols 994 D/M 701 Sal 148
8:00 am
9.30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
6:00 pm
CW (2)
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Salcott CW Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
T. Major Worship Together
Isabel Adcock
Family Service
with Edward Bear Club
Geoff Bayliss
Tolleshunt D’Arcy Sung Evensong
Revd Geoff Bayliss,
Isabel Adcock to preach
19th November 10am Tolleshunt D’Arcy
This Week
9.15 am Morning Prayer - Tolleshunt D’Arcy
Edward Bear Club- Church Tower
2.00pm Bible Study – Tollesbury
Tollesbury PCC – The Lighthouse
9.15 am
Tollesbury Prayers
10.00 am
Mid-week service
6.00 pm
SALT youth group
8. 00 pm
Home fellowship at the Vicarage
12.00 noon Funeral T.D’Arcy – Mrs Doreen Brewer
9.00 am
Morning Prayer – Tollesbury
10.00 am
Christmas Fair- Tolleshunt Major
1.00 pm
Jumble Sale - Salcott
23rd November week 4
Christ the King, Sunday before Advent Red or White.
Ephesians 1. 15-end, Tols 1173 D/M 825 Sal 149
Matthew 25. 31-end Tols 995 D/M 701 Sal 149
8:00 am Tolleshunt D’Arcy Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
9:30 am Tollesbury Parish Communion
with Sunday School
Revd Geoff Bayliss,
Tim Whitfield to Preach
11:00 am Tolleshunt D'Arcy Family
Worship Together
Revd Christine Gorringe
Recent deaths: Doreen Olive Brewer.
Year’s Mind : James Sheldrick, Frank Spain,
Dorothy Arthur, Lucy Braybrook, Sheila Turnbull,
Eileen Spooner, Christopher Wager, Arthur Harrison,
William McLeod, Michael Schofield, Helena Dawson,
Jack Houlding, Samuel Parmenter, Nancy Cross.
Remembering our Loved ones
The Light up a light service with Farleigh Hospice will be
held at St Mary’s Church Tollesbury on Wednesday 10th
December at 7pm.
Please note change of day and date from the original
Raising the face of
Men’s health
Prayers for the sick: John Pearson, Tommy Gould,
Mike Gibson, Christine Drake, Les Carter, Bob Walklet,
Paul Murray, Lily Dewson, Daphne Gurton, Sarah
Wlliams, Leanne Mullenger, Bryony, John Golding,
Cathy Naunton, Margaret Whitfield, David Bunce.
If you would like to make a difference to the life of a child
in need then please fill a shoe box with toys and toiletries.
Leaflets are at the back of Tolleshunt Major and D’Arcy
churches which tell you all you need to know. If you find
the most difficult bit is actually wrapping the shoe box up
then help is at hand as this year Pat Weston has generously
purchased special flat pack decorative boxes which need
no wrapping. These will also be available at the back of
the churches. For further information contact Gill 860767
or email
Tuesday 2nd Dec 7:30 pm
Tolleshunt D’Arcy Church
A chance to meet and get to know the
people of Goldhanger, Gt Totham and
Little Totham Churches. The future is
leading us closer together. This is a
opportunity, in an informal way, to get
to know each other over a glass of
mulled wine and a minced pie!