Rossmoyne Primary School P&C general meeting minutes - Monday 16 February 2015 1. Present: John Coombe, Sonia Pilkington, Jocelyn Peoples, Stephen Johnston, Geoff Anderson, Jo Turner, Sarah Haddow, George Atartis, Lisa Flynn, David Furness, Rowan Stokes, Shelley Stokes, Francesca Renkema, Kristy Williams, and one other who prefers to remain anonymous Apologies: none 2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – 1 December 2014 - - - Stephen Johnston to write thank you letter to honorary auditor, Brian Wallis Stephen said he was almost certain he had sent the letter Cheque signatories – Jade Furness, Rowan Stokes, Sonia Pilkington and one other P&C member Rowan said the signatories had been arranged. Geoff Anderson to send invitations to new parents for the new parents’ sundowner early in the new year. Geoff said the letters had been sent with the package of material to new parents. 3. Correspondence - Thank you card from Sylvie MacGregor for her gift of a travel document holder from the P&C on her retirement as school registrar. - Brochure promoting a coffee van which was handed to Jocelyn Peoples for consideration for the faction sports day. This prompted a suggestion that two vans were needed in light of quite long queues at times during the 2014 faction sports but it was agreed that one would be sufficient and it would not be sufficiently profitable for two. 4. Reports President John Coombe noted with pleasure the good attendance at the first P&C meeting for the year. Treasurer Rowan said the only expense this year had been a contribution by the P&C of $346-50 for tablecloths for the graduation lunch. The P&C’s cash balance as at 16 February 2015 was $30,084. - Rowan will arrange reimbursement of a P&C member for the purchase of the travel wallet for Sylvie MacGregor. Rossmoyne P&C Meeting Minutes 16 February 2015 Page 1 of 4 Principal Geoff said enrolments at the start of the term totalled 421 and the first day attendance was about 95%+. He credited the smooth start for the year to the hard work of registrar Sabrina Blankley, school officer Kerry Donovan, and deputy principals Greg Wilson and Joanna Ashby. There were no additional staff while Lyn Kovacic and Linda Bateman were the only staff to depart as they did not have permanent positions. . Geoff said parent-teacher meetings would be completed the following day and there had been mostly good attendances. He thanked Sarah Dodd, Lisa Flynn and their team for help in preparing the school information information pack. There had been a good response to the payment of contributions and charges with more than $70,000 in the first week of collection. Geoff said the P & C could expect an electronic transfer progress payment shortly. He said the availability of bank electronic transfers had helped considerably. Antonio's Pizza is reducing lunch orders to Wednesdays and Fridays because orders had been low on Mondays. Geoff said the school website calendar had been updated and requested that he be advised of any inclusions as required. He said the school budget and business plan were works in progress. There was a one line budget totalling $3.562 million of which $2.995 million was devoted to staffing costs. The school’s new Independent Public School (IPS) status required the school to produce a business plan. This would be discussed by the school board which would have its inaugural meeting on Monday 23 February 2015 with three new members expected to join. The value of the school’s IPS status had been evident in the selection process for the Rossmoyne Community Kindergarten’s permanent teacher, Michelle Hamley, out of 260 applicants. Events - New Parents Sundowner - Friday 6 March 2015 Stephen encouraged parents to help out handing around the food, getting drinks and generally welcoming new parents. - Rossmoyne-Shelley Primary School parents’ bowls night Stephen said this would now be held on Friday 13 or 27th March Rossmoyne P&C Meeting Minutes 16 February 2015 Page 2 of 4 - 50th anniversary progress report George Atartis reported on the significant amount of progress that had already been achieved including invitations sent and accepted by two VIPS, a band booked and quotes obtained for various things including external lighting. George said that we were looking at a budget of about $12,500. We would hopefully know by April-May how much money we need to fund raise. Geoff said we should aim for the event to be cost neutral so there was not a need to draw on P&C funds. Francesca suggested that we produce a commemorative magazine or book that included historical snippets and interesting facts about the school with possibly each class having responsibility for the content of a page or two. It could adapt an idea used by Manning Primary School for a tea towel where very child drew their face and wrote their name beside it. She said this idea could be used for the border of the cover of the magazine. Most of the publication could be produced before the event and pre-ordered by parents with provision to drop in photos and reports on the 50th celebrations before final publication. Geoff said that if the magazine was produced we should aim for cost recovery. Road Safety Jocelyn raised concerns about the dangers posed by the crossing in Third Avenue next to the IGA car park. Children presumed it was a formal crossing, which it isn’t; some vehicles stop to allow pedestrians to cross but some don’t. Geoff reiterated that Main Roads would only consider installing a zebra crossing if they found very high numbers of vehicles using the road which was unlikely to be the case with Third Avenue. - Grounds Weed spraying of scrubby corner Stephen said he was raising for the last time the need to spray weedicide on the tussocky weeds in scrubby corner. Book Club Sonia Pilkington said that in 2015 there would be a trial of two book club suppliers - Lamont and Scholastic . She said a volunteer was needed for the book fair in August 5. Other Business Lisa Flynn questioned the status of the Walking to School Bus, whether all routes were still operating. Geoff said sustainability of these voluntary parent initiatives was crucial. Rossmoyne P&C Meeting Minutes 16 February 2015 Page 3 of 4 Francesca Renkema said she had observed some suspicious behaviour by a teenager looking into cars parked beside the school by parents collecting children, and had contacted local police. It highlighted the need for awareness about security and the risk of leaving valuables in a car when the parent is away collecting children. It was agreed that Rossmoyne is seen as a safe affluent area that was immune from crime but in fact its lack of immunity was demonstrated by some recent incidents in Webb Street. Shelley Stokes asked about the overflowing lost property basket. Geoff said that the school tried to track down the owners of the clothing but if none could be found the clothing was washed and put up for second hand sale. Next 50th anniversary meeting: Monday 9 March 2015 Next P&C general meeting: Monday 23 March 2015 Rossmoyne P&C Meeting Minutes 16 February 2015 Page 4 of 4
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