NEWSLETTER AGM Report October 2014 Inside this issue

October 2014
Inside this issue
Waterways Skills………p2
Wet Room………………..p3
Stort Experience……….p4
Best Practice…………....p5
Birds’ Nest……………....p6
Editorial Greetings
Don’t miss the stuff
about land lines on
page 5.
The Waterways Skills
and Stort Experience
stuff on pages 2 and 4
show how a gang of elderly folk can get two
really brilliant days organised!
A particular thanks to
Ken T and Tony C for
building fascinating
Keep on chugging .
Steve Swailes
AGM Report
The AGM was attended by 25 volunteers who heard
Geoff summarise the annual report and accounts for the
financial year ending March 2014.
Geoff thanked the two retiring Trustees David Graham
and David Batley who had made a significant contribution
to the running of the charity.
The year was again challenging. Income levels failed to
recover to the level expected but plans laid last year to
control expenditure were successful to limit the overall
deficit. There was also much good news and our staff
and volunteers responded exceptionally well to meet
these challenges and opportunities.
Trustees focused plans and strategy to build booking levels to a sustainable level and early signs are more positive with bookings received in the last quarter significantly
higher than the previous year.
Questions were asked about the future of the extended
mooring and also if a Health & Safety report should be
included in the annual report
The annual report and the accounts were approved unanimously.
The meeting elected Linda Pailing and Daniel Winter to
serve as Trustees for the next 3 years
Finally Geoff thanked all staff and volunteers for their efforts to ensure the viability of Canalability.
The full report is available to read in the office and if you
would like a copy emailed to you please let me know.
Waterways Skills Day Trip
Harlow guides were first to experience the new Waterways Skills Day from
The weather was good and during the day all the group operated locks,
steered the boat and used the correct knots to moor the boat. They were also shown how to identify sights and wildlife on the river and given all the
safety information they should know to keep them safe around rivers and canals
The girls belonged to 6th Harlow group and ages ranged between 10 and 13.
Guide leader Liz said the girls really enjoyed the day and learnt a lot as well
as having fun. They are now planning their next trip.
Geoff, Richard (Witter) and Stuart (Jacobs) were the crew and all agreed that
the day had been demanding but very enjoyable – “just like the schools trips
used to be”
This was a trial run to ensure the timings and content were workable. Some
changes to the route were made so that the group could receive the theory
on how a lock works (using Ken’s excellent working model) before arriving at
the first lock but everything else worked well and there was plenty of time for
a lunch break at Roydon.
The day is now ready for other youth groups to experience and if you know
of any group that may be interested please let us know.
Stort Daybreak Toilet with disability equipment/Wetroom
The following is feedback received from a recent user (this is not the first
time we have received such a comment).
There were too many other bits of equipment in the disabled toilet to allow the electric wheelchair to move around easily.
Please may we ask all crew members to ensure that ALL equipment is
neatly stored. Pictures below to help you!
River Stort Experience
Informative, Fun and Afloat
Below you will find an invitation that has gone out to all primary schools in
Harlow inviting them to take part in our new education programme. For those
of you who have been around for a long time – this is a replacement for the
Science Week we used to run. For those of you who are new, this is a great
week long activity working with 9/10 and 10/11 year olds. Vacancies for crew
are advertised in the normal way – get your name down now to take part in
this enjoyable programme.
At CanalAbility we believe in “bringing learning to life”. We have developed a
day of hands on activities for Year 5 or Year 6 pupils. They will spend half a
day enjoying a boat trip along the River Stort, helping to steer the boats and
observing the wildlife. They will also spend half a day understanding different
aspects of life on our rivers and canals by taking part in various problem solving activities.
Our river provides exciting opportunities to deliver many aspects of the national curriculum and offers powerful ways to engage your pupils and bring
learning to life. From water to wildlife, from roses and castles to amazing inventions, the opportunities for cross-curricular delivery are enormous. The
key aspects of our programme are history, science and geography but there
are many other aspects you could cover.
There is space for 30 pupils and 6 adults
From 09.30 to 14.30 (approximately)
Harlow Centre for Outdoor Learning, Burnt Mill Lane,
Harlow, CM20 2QS.
And I get to wear a funny hat and do a Ken T. impersonation! (Ed)
Best Practice
Land lines off before starting engines...yes, I know the
Skipper’s Checklist says to take the line off last of all, but
some strange electrical anomalies have been happening
and the latest advice is to take the land line off before
starting the engine!
Refill water at end of trip...or at least check it!
Check weed hatch at end of trip if you have any doubts
about funny noises etc.
Yes, all the above are what we used to call ‘incident driven’!
Many thanks to Mike Colbert for this picture from the Ware Festival
Fri 26 Sep 14
David Powell
Sun 28 Sep 14
Stephen Swailes
Sat 18 Oct 14
Richard Witter
Wed 22 Oct 14
Banny Banyard
Sun 2 Nov 14
Stephen Swailes
Wed 5 Nov 14
David Powell
Mon 17 Nov 14
Roger Nisbet
Thu 27 Nov 14
Stephen Swailes
Mon 1 Dec 14
Geoff Hill
Wed 17 Dec 14 TBA
Some more of these may turn
into RPD
this space and the website
River Practice
Days opposite.
Contact the
practice skipper at least 48
hours early to
confirm a
place and talk
about which
bits of bank
you would like
to run into...
Admin Team Linda and Sandra
Doreen Goodall
Chair of Trustees
Geoff Hill
01279 424444
01279 424444
07740 799469
01279 813205
Fleet & Moorings
Function Heads
John Eyre
07721 744615
Please refer any queries to Doreen Goodall
Please refer any queries to Doreen Goodall
Training Admin
Working Parties
Steve Swailes
01992 505223
Nigel Bardsley
Tony Catchpole
John Joy (via office) 01279 424444
Banny Banyard
Geoff Hill
Roger Nisbet
Dave Powell
Steve Swailes
Ken Templey
Richard Witter
Practice Day Skippers
01279 771552
01279 813205
07531 846055
01799 523855
01992 505223
01277 899130
07807 812167
01279 260067
Crew Required: