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NOTICESHEET 19th October 2014
Info for the notice sheet please send to
Welcome to those visiting! Do please make yourself known to the sidespersons and minister
19th October 2014
Week 3 Trinity 18/Green
1 Thessalonians 1.1-10 Tols pg 1186 D’Arcy
835 Sal 139
Matthew 22.15-22 Tolls pge 990 D’Arcy 698
Sal 139
8:00 am Tollesbury CW (2) Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
9.30 am Salcott CW Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss (I) /
Tim Whitfield (preach)
9:30 am T. Major Worship Together
Revd Christine Gorringe
11:00 am TollesburyFamily Communion
With Edward Bear Club +
1st Communion Revd Geoff Bayliss
6:00 pm TollesburySung Evensong
Revd Geoff Bayliss /
Revd Christine Gorringe
22nd October 2014 10 am: Tollesbury
9.15 am
Morning Prayer - Tolleshunt D’Arcy
10 am
Edward Bear Club – Tollesbury
2.00 pm
Bible Study
9.15 am Tollesbury Prayers
12 Noon Parish Lunch D’Arcy Vicarage
10.00 am Mid-week service
6.00 pm SALT our KS3 Mid week youth
8 00 pm Home fellowship Vicarage
7:30 pm CCS Course in the vicarage
9.00 am
Morning Prayer – Tollesbury
3.00 pm Baptism – Tolleshunt Major
26th October 2014
Week 4 Proper 25/Green
1 Thessalonians 2.1-8, Tols pg 1186 D’Arcy
835 Sal 141
Matthew 22. 34-end Tols pg 991 D’Arcy 699
Sal 141
8:00 am Tolleshunt Major Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
9:30 am TollesburyParish Communion
with Sunday School
Revd Geoff Bayliss
11:00 am Tolleshunt D'Arcy Family Worship
Together Revd Geoff Bayliss
This Week :
Prayers for the sick: John Pearson, Tommy
Jan Gibson, Mike Gibson, Christine Drake, Les
Carter, Bob Walklet, Paul Murray, Lily Dewson,
Daphne Gurton, Hazel Palmer, Sarah Wlliams,
Leanne Mullenger.
Recent deaths: Eva Maynard
Year’s Mind : James Pewter, Leonard Partridge,
John Clarke, Francis Ballam, Ruby Riley,
Margaret Birkin, Gilbert Pattisson, John
Rosie Holder, Elizabeth Jones, Joseph Morrell,
Thomas Batten, Reginald Houlding, James
Anthony Wade, David Bond.
If you would like to make a difference to the life
of a child in need then please fill a shoe box with
toys and toiletries. Leaflets are at the back of
Tolleshunt Major and D’Arcy churches which tell
you all you need to know. If you find the most
difficult bit is actually wrapping the shoe box up
then help is at hand as this year Pat Weston has
generously purchased special flat pack decorative
boxes which need no wrapping. These will also
be available at the back of the churches. For
further information contact Gill 860767 or email
Operations Gnashers - relieving pain,
helping the poor, saving the lost.
Over the past 5 years, 731 teeth have been
removed through Operation Gnashers
in Dorohoi, Romania, alongside the UK
charity Centre of Hope. Unable to afford
dental care many live with toothache for
Witnessing poverty is heartbreaking. All eyes
and teeth have a story to tell…
He smiled; I cried……..
There is an update for Operation Gnashes on
our web site (or on the notice board in the
porch). Do please pray for Laura Frost as she
works with this.
26th October 2014
9:30 Sunday School and Youth
work in Tollesbury!
11:00 Family Service in
Do come along!