Primary Maths Drama Workshops Complicite R&D Project

 Embodying Mathematics
Project Information for participants in 2015-16
The Embodying Mathematics project is a collaboration between acclaimed theatre
company Complicite and Sheffield Hallam University. The project builds on
Complicite's successful maths and drama workshops for schools, which were based
on its Olivier award-winning production A Disappearing Number. Funding for the
project comes from John Lyon’s Charity, Complicite and Sheffield Hallam University.
In the first year of the project, from summer 2015 to Easter 2016, two teachers from
four schools will take part in a trial of the workshops and a set of accompanying
curriculum materials for Y3, Y4 and Y5 pupils. Ideally, the teachers involved will
either teach one of those year groups or be a mathematics lead for their school.
Primary schools from the boroughs of Camden, Barnet, Brent, Harrow and Ealing
are eligible to take part.
The materials are being developed by a team of curriculum developers, teachers
and researchers. The curriculum areas are shown in the table below:
factors, primes,
Position and
Loci of
line, angles,
Doing and
Order of
In space
3D shapes,
packing, area
and volumes,
Activities will also aim to support pupils' attitudes to mathematics, mindsets and
thinking skills through a strand called 'Being a Mathematician'.
What is involved for the teachers and the schools involved?
Teacher professional development
Eight teachers will:
take part in a half-day introductory professional development event in North
or Central London on June 25th 2015;
attend two one-day professional development workshops in September 2015
and January 2016;
attend half termly twilight project meetings.
Two classes will be identified as the focus for the project (although schools will be
free to use materials with more pupils if they wish). Complicite practitioners will lead
workshops with those classes at the start of the autumn and spring terms.
Teachers will use the curriculum materials with their classes (4-6 lessons of activities
per module, one module per half term).
Research/data collection activities.
In order to evaluate the curriculum materials, teachers will also:
complete a short reflective log on project lessons,
where possible engage in lesson study/peer observation with colleagues in
administer a short (10 -15 minutes) diagnostic assessment for each module
provided by the project at the end of half term;
administer a short pupil feedback sheet on activities in each module at the
end of half term;
administer an on-line student attitude survey twice, once at the start of
autumn 2015 and at the end of spring term 2016
complete a survey about changes in their own beliefs and practices at the
end of spring term 2016.
There is no cost to the schools for workshops in schools any of the professional
development events or the curriculum materials.
Looking ahead
In 2016/17, the project will be extended to a further wave of schools. The schools
who support the design of the materials in the first year will be able to access or
participate in further project activities if they wish to, but will not be obliged to.
Get in touch
If you are interested in being involved or finding out more, please contact Dina
Mousawi at Complicite: or 020 7485 7700.