Welcome back to the first term of 2015, I trust you all had a lovely Christmas. The Spring Term is an important period of a primary pupil’s education. Therefore, it is vitally important that pupils attend regularly in readiness for end of year assessments. INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES We would like to remind you about how we deal with any severe weather, especially snow, which may affect the school. The Head and Chair of the Governing Body will make an assessment of weather conditions and whether it is safe and practical to open the school. The decision will be made by 7.30am in order to inform you if we are closed. If the school is closed we will update the school website (http://georgetown.bgp.dbprimary.com), our Facebook page and amend the answerphone message on the telephone system. Please also check the Blaenau Gwent Website (School Closures) for information. Please be assured that we only decide to close our school in exceptional circumstances. Please find below details of our forthcoming events and activities: Date 14/01/2015 15/01/2015 21/01/2015 29/01/2015 02/02/201505/02/2015 11/02/2015 Details Reception Height, Weight and Eye Screening Reception Height, Weight and Eye Screening Year 2 & 3 Dental Screening Multi Skills Festival details to be confirmed Year 6 Hilston Park Residential Trip PC Powell to speak to Year 1 re: People who help us 16/02/2015 – 20/02/2015 Half Term 23/02/2015 Year 4 Trip Talybont 11/03/2015 PC Powell to speak to Reception 13/03/2015 Swimming Gala – More information to follow 18/03/2015 Cluster Cross Country – More information to follow We will try to keep parents informed of any changes or additions to the above as soon as possible. ATTENDANCE We would like to remind parents that if a child’s attendance is less than 90% the Education Welfare Officer will be notified. Holidays taken during term-time are unauthorised absence. We have provided you with the term dates for 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 in this Newsletter, hopefully this will help you if you are thinking of booking your holidays for next year. The EWO is working closely with the school to improve attendance. If a child’s attendance has fallen below 80% parents will be called in for an Attendance Case Review with the EWO and Headteacher. If you have any queries regarding attendance in general please contact Mr. Jonathan Henderson, EWO at Tredegar Comprehensive School on 01495 723551. BEST YEAR ATTENDANCE AUTUMN TERM Congratulations to Mrs. Thomas’ Year 3 for achieving the best attendance in the Autumn Term 2014. Pupils were given a treat at the end of last term as a reward. Keep up the good work!!!! PUNCTUALITY All pupils should be at school by 9am at the latest. If your child is late for any reason, they should go to the school office for a late mark. These persistent offenders are missing valuable teaching time, as many lessons have already started before 9.10am. Persistent lateness will be reported to the Education Welfare Officer. PUPIL ABSENCE If your child is absent from school please leave a message on the school answer phone before 9.30am. May we remind parents that it is your responsibility to inform the school of the reason for your child’s absence. SAFEGUARDING ISSUES AT THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY We have had a lot of complaints regarding congestion and parents congregating on the steps at the entrance to the Reception yard. Pupils are finding it difficult to get into the playground safely. It has come to our attention that junior parents are congregating in the mornings on school premises i.e., directly outside the junior yard. Please vacate the premises as soon as possible to ease congestion in this area. COLLECTION OF PUPILS AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY At the end of the school day parents are not permitted to wait directly in front of the school entrance (at the main doors). Please wait at the bottom of the steps or drive for the class teacher to dismiss the pupils. Please make sure you are visible to your child when they are being dismissed by the class teacher. We have a duty of care to ensure infant and pupils are handed over personally to parents and the congestion at the main door is making this extremely difficult and dangerous. If your child is going to be collected from school by another child’s parent or someone that does not usually collect them, please let the class teacher know in writing. If we do not have written notice we will not release your child. TERM DATES May Day – Monday, 4th May 2015 School Terms and Holidays 2014/2015 Date Start Half Term Starts Half Term Ends Term Ends Autumn 01/09/2014 27/10/2014 31/10/2014 19/12/2014 Spring 05/01/2015 16/02/2015 20/02/2015 27/03/2015 Summer 13/04/2015 25/05/2015 29/05/2015 20/07/2015 School Terms and Holidays 2015/2016 Date Start Half Term Starts Half Term Ends Term Ends Autumn 01/09/2015 26/10/2015 30/10/2015 18/12/2015 Spring 04/01/2016 15/02/2016 19/02/2016 24/03/2016 Summer 11/04/2016 30/05/2016 03/06/2016 20/07/2016 School Terms and Holidays 2016/2017 Date Start Half Term Starts Half Term Ends Term Ends Autumn 05/09/2016 24/10/2016 28/10/2016 16/12/2016 Spring 03/01/2017 20/02/2017 24/02/2017 07/04/2017 Summer 24/04/2017 29/05/2017 02/06/2017 25/07/2017 TRAINING DAYS We make every attempt to inform you of any training days that are coming up in advance. We have two training days in the Summer Term which are:Friday 3rd July 2015 Monday 20th July 2015 EXTRA CURRICULAR CLUBS DAY Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Club Football (Football will be cancelled if it’s raining.) Gardening Choir Sewing Wednesday JAM Thursday Photography Thursday Netball Coordinator Mr. Williams Year YR 5 & 6 Times 3.15pm – 4pm Mrs. Williams Mr. Waite Mrs. Hancock Mrs. Amos Father J. Davis Miss. Penny Mrs. Thomas YR 3 YR 3, 4, 5 & 6 YR 3 3.15pm – 4pm 3.15pm – 4pm 3.15pm – 4pm YR 2 – YR 6 YR 5 YR 2 3 pm – 4 pm 3.15pm – 4pm 3.15pm – 4pm Thank you once again for your continued support.
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