UND DISAVOWS MEXICO CHARGE spenden! CHINESE YIELD TO TOKIO DEMAND Denies Implicating ExAmbassador in Madero Assassination. Baron Ishii Says Monarchy Plan Has Been LUXEMBURG DUCHESS TO WED tu Marry nn Austrian -Vrrh1I11K1-. /.nriih llrnrs. Ea Zntich, Jan. 22. The "Neue eeire richer Zeitun*r'aM Luxemburgmarriage announce» that the i,miDad i s Mai is of l Bxtasbari will probablí tniii» |ilacs shortly. Ceurt fsosi bs Aus¬ of ofllciali C\ peeled Luxemburg archduke. The duchess, for politic»! reasons. or sn| coanol marry « Oermafl prmr» of itir Baarbofl prineea, nn.l the prlneei of the. imallsr Btutral st.'ite« either trian are too 401111»: or nip Woman Su(Trage Aaaoclatlon, at| Asserts .'«-rso.v continuation of its twenty-fifth an-i Only the nunl comenr Ion te i aa| *. Jaa. C2 la rep'.«, to it letter from Henry Lane Wllaoa, rv Amh<»» ;,t to Mexico, calling on him -s mads m to d», W ilaon Mi a chut. it to asuraos Fraactsco Into* at I. Maooro, John Lin.l, r\ poraoaal ren- M rasoatal si eg so« -¦ In Msxlco, seat ta Mr. Wilson the f oo lne letter, osado ; ib c to ight by Cavarlas B r, Mr. Wilson's local . atasnay. "Î aaTS thai »nor to acknowledge the of your letter. In trie coursai of taa addreai te w| ch yon refer I 'ed up commented the death o' Pros t I said was Ident l»l . sleeted these da**, Sirs Edward I*. Small '^.SafJ à' ¦* ^aaaSBSW PETROMORTIS.KILLS MAN AND BRIDE Gasolene Overcome Fumes Pennsylvania Couple as Auto. They Work «Over t laj-a: ' . ' here as Ready to Tight Removals to This City. Oppose . 1%ZJ$ ¿../V1 I Federal Information reached the Building BSISabari yesterday that the Indict.'.I <>f labor's .National POMS lind Started plans for a strong f'oiincil resistance against removr.l from Wash ington and other places for trial in (he Southern Dlsttiet of New York. The BBSSS of H. Snowden Marshall. the Cnited States Attorney, expressed no concern over the action. It wa» »aid postponement Is Interpreted signifying an ascendency of un¬ MISS IRMA A M H. derstood that Yuan Shih-kal has been Co sounding Japan In an effort to obtain Harlem girl whose engagement todial the recognition of the monarchy. The red D. Trubenbarh, ei-Olymplo plon. ha« been announced. declination of Japan to receive the Chinese special mission, headed by OLYMPIC STAR TO MARRY (how Tzu Chi, Minister of Agricult¬ ure and Commerce, and reports that Miss Ams First M Japan Is preparing another repre¬ Truhenharhat and Field. Athletic the of In behalf postpone¬ sentation A romance that began on the fie ment of the monarchy on account of Club Athletic of the New York tbs revolution, It Is believed, have In- Travers Island was revealed Wedne < duced Yuan Shih-kal to yield to the, day night at a dinner at the8,1home Hami Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ams, the Boy» Undilid. ... Sylvester Seminary, and Pr. Reach,! field; W. |3 samsBalTc ¦«..¿«..II tis*«anU5 »S? injured. . SUBWAY Direct to A. d 5, lintrance.tiOYT STREET W. Thayer Field, Savings of t0% of niture Fine itOr/c on Our Already L ore Prices for FurDesign and High Quality, in Superb Varietu, China Closets Tables Serving aa.no. |ll i to r. . accompanied SSS.OO, At 16409 valu« i .« i -i A' »in -.«i. i a- IBS SB .. A* »*0.«a(,, , Osa BSBJ MaaesBSf »,1)t -j , tSSaSSJ, -ralee MS-M a- ''.:. . Oak. $7.00 Arm Chairs or Rocken, $3.50 Mahl «ran y Hl it ' "are, .rich Bseoned Baien ei «reJesi ir.d Mahogany flni»h with tapestries and leather. Brass Bedsteads, (20.00 ii - $15.00 $30.00 Sofai,frames, covered Colonial design, with 2-;neh pent« and filled top raps. Vel¬ vet ribbon finl»h; all width». il**« a* .Mthna-any ia i neje, IISJS, At ftnlah K'imil 'iah. At SifS.OO. vain« |SS 00 Mat.ogar.y At S40.00, valu« ISO 00 finis*. At us oo, eoloe sss oo. 4**uaaai o»«-. tapestry. . Library Tables « * a* At I« 41, valu« 11109. 0'-l«l«n Oak. At II« oo, laloa 139 94 Goldin Oak rima* Oak At 112/40, «aloe 114 09. Ai |''.vi-u, velOS !'.' ''" Jacobean OOat j GaCuuBXtTS savohth 25 Minuta» from 06th Streot, 22 Minute» from 72d Street, 17 Minute» from Grand Canlral, 9 Minute, from Brooklyn Bride« |[I Tfe ï^iriuairy [F^ mataos Sil that when the time for trial wa» »t h»nd the local otl'.ca expected no dlfli culty In bringing th« alleged consplrutors here. H. Robert Fowler, the former Repre «enlatlve from Illinois, who wa» coun se] for Labor's National Peace Council »nd who was one of the men Indicted with David Fumar for all.*g.*d con¬ seby Bellefonte, Pern., Jan. 22. Killed spiracy to tie up inanition plants, him the fames ol Basaient, Will¬ 'hat th- Indietmentl against clared of the Inhaling all last night I and his associates hud been procurt-d iam 11. Noll stood deadwith which he ths automobile by bribery. attack of, report! i4hen the Fowler, Heniy B. Martin »nd Her had I"ng i language of the On him. overcame of man Schulteis, of Labor's National advice powers. < susceptible petromortis announcement In the ton Terrace, car sat his bride of live yesterday be¬in l'eac» CeUBCil, appeared 1 was not re- seat or" h;sMiranda of misinti In th« the engagement of their daugh'er Irm dead rebels Noll, 22..The Mowery Jan. Mrs. fore a Cnited States commisHioner Peking, days, Tri assuiaa Mr. i iblicatioa, anonsibie fa to Conrad I). Trubenbarh. -»her« argument» wer»' same cause. have defeated si benbBch . libility and disavow from ths44-ho. Is e former Olympic ehamplo: Washington, with his hrother Calvin, prorlnea of Yunnen inadi' for them Bgainst removal to New Nell,a t are team and American the with then-,.*' went of troops who service, a hack government body York for trial. The men contended keeps garagetheand runs after Mr. Wilson's lottos to Mr. Lind, alio remained Stockholm. his part-, moving northward. th« indictments against them did at that garage «t> in WSl Is Interested rr.nde pub! ! I night, 1 Miss Am«, who not charge a direct conspiracy to i»Yunnan ner left last right to complete the the between The noti some the engagement of In public a swimmer of his lrtics and "Yob ara strain trade, as is forbidden bjr the act, QStment el the carburetor car to of No¬ sat revolutionist« and the government admired Mr. Truocnbach's athleti hut charged them with using other proas ¦¦a the front »eat of the th r vember _-'. U 'ave fain at a public his I : de, watching h:m 4vork. f'nlvin forcea took place at Sulfu, Eze-chuen prow-ess when she sh'.v him at person« for that purpose. Tiny forthf ba! La« Noll left the garage at 7;"0 o'clock in ^v^ Travers Island, to which sh contended moetiag ii Mil n<lor that no indictable offenes the gamesa on crossed rebels hsvtng the 'knew Trubeti Province, Mr. visitor. to Mexico, Ambassa constant was American was bending had been »honri. the evi>B ng. llis atbrother of the rl^t t«i assassinate Madero.1 the time and an- northern border of Yunnan. The force bach Is a number of the Columbi Uavid Lamar and Frank S. Monett, the enfin« would hi an who I Theta Delta to another press report. over in Club, was the Lniversltv finished garrí"According were: Sulfu he at 4vere indicted with Fowler, were them that he nounced opposing He l.ane WilIs Club. 'Ilcii'v Athletic York «.fijr «.»orls offlc a few minutes and was then going son of that place, end after defeating the New spectator» in the commissioner's 1 father knew of home. His fiancee'» aon. the American Ami civil engineer. Frank Buchanan, of Representativo towof the German Charity Hal Illinois, »n early it the rebels marched northward and did not, trv to proven! the nssasthis president 7 morning o'clock was busy, it 4vas said, prepar At r.g to the im sinat on of Madero, and accord his ear Into the garage. In ard Tzeliutstng, apparently with the Committee. nig his campaign to bring about 'Madero was murdered ths rear.ove another rspoit, the noticed Mr». Noll ie»ted in Intention of moving on to Changtu, the, he of IL Snowden Marshall. peschment con¬ WEDS knowledge undUnited her stood Province. Beside British a Sze-chuen subject of by Huerta with I.nr.e machine. T. Norman Bailey, her husband's Wilson, sent of Her.ry the arm of the capital troops from Hanformer manager of the London of¬ government against and Slat.y leaning Noll, the on the on Btatei Ambassador.' kow are arriving at Shun g king, seat Not wishing to break in Miss Margaret L. Pratt Become« Brldi fice of the detective agency of William "You also \»c«re reported to hsve »»»Id reveries of the newly-weds, the man Yang tse Kiang, in Sre-chuen Province,; yesterday to J, Burn«, wa« unwilling of B. E. Sholtz. in the words of the press dispatch left the building without »aylng any¬ but the navigation on the river above he resigned his place. When 4vhy say Wilson Pratt, dangh Lennox 'Ambassador th« Mi's Margaret which I saw that there is difficult. Consequently yesterday at his own Bgeney, thing. Pratt, of Sho informed 1 ad Beet wit An hour later Calvin Noll came to revolutionists are opposed only by; ter of the Rev. Edward No. 11 Pine Street, that the London I the Huertt» the was married to ILrl F, Idaho, brother, his to due« him to coi i ¦bono, He spo!:» small garrisons. office had been ransacked by men from afternoot Scotland and that 'Carranza re and garage. when he weei-red no answer apgovernment,' The revolutionists are not molesting Shu'ti at 4 o'clock yesterday Yard Mr. Bailey said: was he Nichols because on St. I the Souls' Both I All in Church, him. thai and touched plied rhe man who was In fnreignera. "Yea, ofI theam Burn» Avenue. The ceremor.y »a» performs« charge pledjred to a constitutional jrovern-j proachi'd in London a' H 1 the woman had been dead for the Rev. Georgi 'he outbreak of the office the bride's uncle, nient.' by rours. HAMPL present war, but I MISS FOR MEMORIAL tin sím¬ of of rector matter as a 44-ere te rso, Pratt, wife Starkweather evidently "Isbb Nell and his cannot say at this time why I quit. I 1 hear' overcome church. ale justice to you, assume, until suddenly. The body of the say that I left in a hurry and there The bride, who entered the rhurcr will from you to thecontrary.thai the reports wife was lounging at case in the seat Service Will Re Held In Church Where .¦..¦re excellent reasons for my quit¬ Is Flder. the side of the with lier uncle, Robert Gilbert Welsh ting." Father In the presi wl eh sti r d < '.y Tl n fact, dramatic and musical critic for "Thi those remarks ai. car, hand outstretched, as though to A memorial service for Miss Stepha Francis J, .lohnion, the Cnited tin**throttle. but I am rv red to o'eta the nurse who was Lvening Telegram," was given in mar deputy marshal who 4-,«s responsible the grasp r.ie young Hampl, or stories S. Pratt these Mrs. George her .'.as held thl» afternoon. at aun', each and even- one held be will i Inanest riage by Adriatic Sea, the in for the escape from custody of I. T. T. sracter la utter- Tho verdict returned declared that Mr. lost Her gown was of white satin veiled Lincoln, aay one <^f 10:30 a. m. to-day at the John Huss the »elf-styled German spy lise stories and Mr». Noll had been overcome by Bohemian bands with and 849 lv báseles«, roe« chirTon with caught up Church. Presbyterian dismtsad from iti*TÍee yeeterdaj while trying Fast Seventy-fourth roses. The gar¬ was exhaust and of the father which have come fo mv ears before. if iilver fume» Her the Street. trimming orders from Attorney General Graf* bu> nover from crv resp< nsible source. niture of the waist was of duches« on out the car. is an elder In the church. say for¬ ..I desire her« a".«I to the war rone point and orange blossoms. She car¬ ory. first On her trip M. Power. Cnited States Mar¬ J»mes know, aenta quoted No death, so far as physician» that mally to youuntrue, by her ried white roses and lilies-of-the-valley was Kastern District, said yes¬ and I call upon vou has ever been attributed to the so Miss Hampl as ma¬ shal for the who Pinsmore iho-e ere Mrs. Horace Lyon, of Chicago, Kara, John I>r. fiancé, the dismissal order was to disc!a:m them if von have been mis¬ called petromortis here in New York. died of typhus in a little town rn the tron of honor, wore apple green silk terday after from Washington that he had received consid¬ that ill Coroner Feinberg said yesterday to trim¬ silver net and with quoted or retract them »>s After veiled green Serbia. returning of mad» a thorough wives'igation of the She he had never heard of a fatal result Interior The ered and no! suaeeptible of proof. a black picture hat. Avenue, and Jackson 70S home, her mings me to from inhaling gasolene fum«-«. escape and concluded that it was due "It will not be neceeeary for lamed scarlet carnations. Mrs. Tratt's to Bronx, for two months, Miss Hampl carelessness. of these "A Mini may become deathly sick had with gravity the satin on colored of was point out that the plum flower started for Montenegro reached gown over the exhaust of the of while working and never charges consistíforinsonrt" circumstance toque which trimmings Brindis», gold steamer the con- machine." he said, "hut fresh air will its destination. thai vou «ere crimson rose» and ivy leaves. MISS WILSON RECOVERED lent In Mexri bring him to his senses. The fldent'a: apert of The best man was Newberry Holt'--.an fumes given off by a gasolene engine re :ci> and that \« < re Alonzo II. ushers the and brook, Charles R. i to youi are closely similar to Illuminating gn«, Horace I». Leavi»-» Philadelphia Folio-sing Opera¬ Bisaoll, Gentry, and might produce the same efTert if tion on Nose and Throat. uttera: Lewis. Following N. Ldwin and Lyon -a> breathed continually in large nuantiB| T» apaaà .¦> it.« Ittsaas 1 the ceremony there was a rocootiofl in Jan. 22. Miss Mar¬ DR GRENTELL AT FRONT the rectory. Philadelphia, Dr. William H. Guilfoy, Registrar of The bride Is a graduate of Mis» garet Wilson, eldest daughter of the of In the Department Vital Statistics now Pchoo',, Whiton's Miss Rangs and Missionary Is Major with 22d British Health, also denied that he had ever who was operated on for CootlnneS from paga 1 at Rlverdale. Mr. BhultS was graduat¬ President, heard of a fata! case of gasolene poi¬ Eipedltlonal Hospital. 1909. the removal of tonsils and adenoids in De Pauw University ed from Groa- soning. Boston, Jan. 22. Dr. Wilfred He Is a member of the Helta Tau Helta at the Jefferson Hospital ten days ago, of I ahraDr. Otts n. Schultse, former Coro« their horses had strayed to the Ameri¬ Fraternity and associated with the Bfl left that institution this afternoon, fell, the med;rsl missionary with connected now and « L'2(l the ner'l ith or physician ma can side and they were going after reau of Municipal Research, 'J»*il Broad the etfer'« that said office, the I>:str:ct the At'orney's ear i tal having fully recovered fromMiss Private told be Bril sh Expi thefls. They were Wilson way. knife. the ad never heard of putroriiorti«. of surgeon's Har Private and front In h rat.re, according I Seamen's of "The fumes of all coal tar products Long, of Company G, C, l«th infantry, went immediately in Washington. a 'rom hiri tec» Woman. Kills Co'mpany 'Bus rison, "if Jitney an'»'. F., an.: by Dr. D. Braden Kyle, dangerous," he remarked, Accompanied and !!r.-| 'a. »t I never that their horses would he found Mrs. Jennie Kelly, a widow, lift y breathed to a: y e\;*rr.t, butdis'-ase ness ¿»rid thron* ipecialiat, who per¬ here to-day. ireeVie«! to them. This was not satis¬ years old, was killed lust night by a aformed returned invented of '.».a.ii tilla a mi as the newly named opération, and Mi». K\le, Dr, Groi fell was factory, and the Mexicans attempted 'bus in Jersey City .! HerK-ei; Mill WiUon left the hospital in an al unit. of the i ond Harvai warn¬ jitney the the cross bridge, despite "o K. Leander avenues. Storms Mans, and and 4vas taken to the Broai| Harvard ty, but NORMYL Three shots of 87 Orient Avenue, driver of the au¬ automobile ing of the Americans 4vhern she boarded a station, Street irty. wai unable to sail « ..«ere tired by the Americans, who laid tooK the unconscious woman train for W-i-hir.gton. Kntertalnment at the Princes» to Aid .bat they intended to frighten the tomobile, .o the Jersey I ity Hospital, but she Now that her throat Is again In nor¬ Welfare Work. Mexican«, and not to hit them. The died on arriving there. Mr». Kelly's mal condition, Miss Wilson, who Is an An entertainment will be given at Mexicans fled. home was In the Glenwood apartment, accomplished vocalist, will resume her Accused by Mexicans with attempt¬ 2G77 Boulevard. the ¡'rinces« Theatre on Thursday af¬ singing. ing tfi drive General Luis Terrars's rat¬ in, Februarv 24. for the benefit of the Normyl Welfare Work. This tle across the border into the United I» bain«*; conducted hy the Normyl StOtee, tí Irtj cowboys from the Taxa» recently Incor¬ side, said to be employes of American Association, which was BROOKLYN**. BEST KNOWN with Miss Sara Graham Mai- cattlemen near Sierra Planea, Tex., porated PIANO BO ÜBE ii president, Mrs. Philip M. I.ydig weie captured to-day by Mexicans. One OSK PRJCK.NO COMMISSIONS and Oorgo Chase as of the cowboys was shot and killed, the ee other twenty-nine heing taken by the treasurer. who will appear Mexican.« into the Interior. Among the artists areMile. Verlet. entertainment The Mexicans are said to have V />n Mme Alice Archair- I'arrnnza troops looking for eatSlS Mill Miss Huston and Margare! <rustlers. The capture ef the cowboys In took Foui pat ronesseiNichplace near Coysms, Chihuahua, Mr«. rlude Mrs. August ltclmnnt, and the twenty-nine cowboys are sstd Van Mrs. Schny/ler Butler, in Juarez to have been taken to Chi¬ Murray Mrs. Pierre 1.orillan! «rid huahua City for trial. Mexicans claim McKelway. that Atnerirans and Mexicans from the American side are making a practice an STANFORD HEAD INSTALLED « f driving cattle out of Mexico in exeffort to evade the Carranza cattle This is being done, the tax. porl Mexicans, say, with the cattle of C»neral Terraza. Soldiers of the Car¬ ranza garrisons along the border have been ordered to make war on the al¬ leged ruMlers. (or a a I? 1.1.KO, value $15.00. Ma¬ hogany finish. At «I 4.09. value il<".60. Mahojt-r.ny finish. At 916.00. value 120.00. Mahefjnnjr finish. 982.00, value $25.00. Fumed At At '»ak. At afaS.-nO, li ogan v. value $26.00. Ma¬ $80.00. Ma At l*a.'7.0O, value hegnnf. $202.00 Dininf Room Suites, $162.00 Mahogany, Sheraton design. Four pier.-«, HufTet, Serving Table, China Closet and Kxtensior. Tablea $20.00 Buffets, $14.75 i;.'.i!on Adam Design Dining Room Suite, $67.50 Fumed oak finish; four picefs. inrludimí Buffi f. Chins I Extrusion Table and Serving? Table. Oak, Colonial de«ign. Two drawers for linens, one lined for cutlery and a large double door close«. Room Suites, $130.00 Dining $117.00 four Brown Mahogany finish; pleca«, Buffet, serving Table, China Closet Bnd Exten«ion Table. losttj Adam Design Bedroom Suite, $75.00 Finished In Ivor** enamel A m r He «ri walnut. Foof or pier**«,- Bedstead, Bureau, Chiffonier, Dressing Table. Deliveries to be made during February. .Later de¬ liveries to be made by special arrangement. - £ VILLA DENIES MURDER ORDER " BENEFIt'-ARRANGED president 3 DAY SALE of ... PIANOS USED Monday.Tuesday Wednesday Predicts Mexico Will Rise China andItaFall Like 'i h ) « reai Irawee mm Washington, Jan. 22. "American maiiufacturi-i », producers and rapitalshould be cautioned that, notwith¬ the recognition of a govern¬ standing ment in Mexico by the I'nited States and other foreign powers, economic conditions are not yet, and will not for some time to come, he in a condition to permit the exploitation of the markef of Central Mexico," declared an Ati arican well known in the commer¬ cial world, and who has ju-t returned from a business tup to that country. I he pre'etit de facto government will find it hard, if not impossible, to realize the democratic ideals to which ¡1 nas pledged itself, due primarily to 'he dense ignorance of 90 per cent of the people, and. secondly, to the char¬ acteristics of the Indians, who, as ex" Les Restaurants sont les Bustanoby plus chics de New York perience ha» shoun u» in our own country, do not ¡i-nd themselves readily to tin» restraint of self-government. The history of the n«e and fall of the i hiriese republic is one which probably And its analogy In the Mexican situa¬ tion. "Mexico, from an economic stand point, is still perfectly solvent, nottl -landing the terrible drain and If you want good piano very low price, it will certainly pay you to visit nur Ezchiuige Department tomorrow. .Ask tlie salesman to show you the following lot» . We Accept 'eau. form asset which, in actual and realizable value, is far in excess of the total of :ts liabilities, which the last few an of revolutions have years Placad In the hands groatlj incroaeed. SI arable ¿»t.«i Competent re- eeiver, Mexico would ¦errrTyer.fei.l' .. T> so soon be ranked »mong the presaereaa, rich and pro¬ of the world." countries gressive . . Terms WALTERS. 150 STEINWAY. 185 That STANDARD. MARRYATT. 135 110 Are PEASE 225 MENDELSSOHN. 175 STERLING. 225 FISCHER 75 180 HUNTINGTON. Reasonable « destruction of wealth during the revolution. The natural resources, both mineral and agricultural, together with itl gl ographical po-ition and the Ideal climatic condition«, of its rentrai plat- LAURIE & HAYNES $120 WINTERROTH & CO. 160 MILTON. 140 WALTERS. 155 STERLING. 235 . . The Sterling Piano c0 SÛT*! WfcokSSls ¿7ÄS. STERLING BUILDING Manufacturers »ml Hftail Warem-nia.! »flfaWMO Fulton Street, Corner of Hanmtr Place, BmoU|) ii; . Dir. Crushed {n W*lla«Princeton, N. .1, Jan, 22. In the Mount Holly, \. j, J.n o, library «>f 1 hanet Lodge, Greenholtn, " a um» Miss Blisaboth iatiire laadl 'de ,Ir. a b.nk «f th« himie of the brid". of Professor (]mJ ^ Marsh l.ibbey, daughter Prince of lmr Willson, Louis« day and '»nysar old aaa. ami Mrs William I.ibbev, was married burgh, Howard Powell and ton. Lester Bniaot thin afternoon to Walter man, They wer» ¦»*.¦ ._"l '?..*. were dead »sea William T. Glenney was H.best L. C. Glenney, Glsnntpi «on ofPr.Welter Fleming Owen Malancthon W. Ja¬ and the u«h«rs0.were ut I'lainfield. Reinhart, of Plain Sell, rs, who .ere at play wita cobus, «lean of Hartford Theological and Franela "¦. of Newark, THLY WILL COME. SAY PROSECUTORS - Japanese Influence in Chin«. It Is j »f v« . BBaaaf dimming». Newark: treasurer, Mrs Tokio. .Tan. 22. Faron Kikujlro Ishll, Ed« ii .1 Olmsted, Elisabeth of Forelirn Affnlrs. to day Minister si« Montclatr. Mr* Arthur Hunter, made auditor, and Misi Francas Baker. told the House of Poors that China had Is wpreaenl informed Japan that it has postponed of Woodbury, 41 as sUcted ; th« Bat lonsl sxecativs stati the s«me establishing n monarchy on account »re officer» the AH ¡'I'lirii it ¡rear except th«.* sacond «ico- of the conditions throughout the coun¬ try. The Peace Council Leaders daughter of Professor Llhhey. of Princeton, Wed to W. I,. Glenney. Wad»-*orth M «» Mary Newkirk. of He.:ornpaf!i«'i| by H,« orrUitr. ", the bridal hymn, "0 Perfect I Fowler, Martin and Schultels Argue Against Indictments Lincoln's Guard Ousted. "^.7aar"^^^ secretary. Mrs. I.. H 'atiiiic: PLOT SUSPECTS TO D.EFY TRIAL and Wlllsrd Presbyterian pastor of th« First fhe ceremony. liiircli here, performed .! th« sister I.lbbey, Miss Polly and tbs bride, was maid of honor, Elizabeth bridesmaids were the Misses of Llbbsf, llnldwin, of Paris; Janet bride, Eos Lake, cousins of the Spring th« of cousin G. Rrown«, of Plainfleld, bridegroom; Pose Marsh, of l"Uts< - Detachments of Government Troops March. officera: President, Feickert, Danellenj AntKa»t«lea-praslOrange; ilent, Mrs P. 11 Colvin.Mr«. \V»rd D. i president, .. t^""B"w à m AFTER VICTORY Hetirtng (MUrcra. EllsaSatk, N .' Jan. 2s, The Now But President's Agent His Criticism Was Made in Oood laith. m\\\\\\\\\s^^\Sî am Postponed. New Jersi>4 Organi/atlon Keélert» Ils BBBa» Mm REBELS ADVANCE SUFFRAGE ELECTION HELD aaaane -aaaal aw Protestante. . DECLARES WORDS WERE MISQUOTED I IS» l'/«"iás1^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW MISS LIBBEY IS A BRIDE Offering Thousands ONLY, ai OLD .-hi Annual Event of High Importance, of Household Helps, of Reliable Quality Low 'Prices. Enameled Ware Grey Grosjean quarter of century and known the world's stand¬ The Famous Lalance and a Made hon- in Woodhavon for a with rfai-e su on a steel coated ard. Fir.st quality, single made and every piece absolutely perfect. IS extra an « j _ s*c Ususlh Sale price.. 38e <*c 44c ftoc 56c Kettlei 8 .I qt 4 5 qt. 1 5 6 I 10 IS $4!##l 95c I UsusHy. .48c 53c 59c 69c 3ÎC ?1 U|V. _76c Sale pr.ce.38c 41e 47c 64e 67c 81c ally. .2?c Î0c 42c 44c ?Cc«Jc95e :TC 27c '7c 4^ 47c . . p",*^ 23o 24c 29c 36c 41e B2c S7« D««P CoUoders 9 L'su-"v- **-24c Ususlly. Sale price. 19c 23c 26c 32c 37c ."¦¦ pneo..!9c 11 12 In 10 Convex Ssuce Pots i U sM )H 6 *#¦ *ic Ml Usnslly. .35c iSc Me 33c 39e ]¡* 27c 50c 21c 23c 28e . Deep Pie Plates. Deep Dish Pans 1 " 1o i i Ususlly. ...44c Sale price. 36c Soc 19c 39c 47c 21 10 qt Ususlly. ...i'c 16c 68c Sale price.lie 12c roc Sale price. 19c 23e 27c M 12 i8c 14c io in Ususllv. i"c 4 5 2 "'.-*', qt . 12 IS 20s". .59c roc He =:;1'-I8 Convex Kettlei S S io t2 f> it Sale price.47c 57c 68c 79c 98c 15c Berlin Covered Kettles Tes Poti ' . . . . _ Berlin Covered Sauce Pans 1 «4 SK iH ê 8 qt. .. Carefully 7 4 _ _ finish. Lipped Preiemtig or Stew Tea Kettles Rice Boilers * good 1 I 12 tSSOSr* qt --1 inallv R1< '"'0$1'-* |0 ¦, 30c 34c 38c 42c 46c 50c Ususlly. ,28c J4c 42C48C 59c 70C SaI*5 « Usually. ii.si.ss.so.n.1». ?.*, »oc 9Sc i ¦*. 56« ««,- 75c «si Price hbc .47« «.l.-.i..»!.^«.«.«.«. Sale price.23c 24c 27c 29c 33c 39c Sale price.23e 27c 32c 37c 48c 59c 1 1 ¡ . Oval Dish Pant 15 - -- - - - " IS 22 qt t'i i 2 Sauce Pans Straight Covered Coffee Pots 4 ? qt I s.i - USUSlI: . ill» .- 2i.¦ : .' ; . .70C SJC <"5c USUSlly. .210*20 360 420 440 400 Sale s*",e Price.86c 64c 74c Sale price.23c 26c 27c 31c 33c 43c Price. 17r 21 c 24c 29r 38c 47c 5»< 5000 Pieces Aluminum Ware.Best Grade- Far Mandan! «>f heavy ^«»««il gsnge mrUl and hiarhlv cereal Bailer.OSc Me. covered Sauce Pans, polish-il 1-n.t. .iM«- 11.70 rice or 12.25 seamless -» spun Tea 5 Kettle: ''*.fli-oO |] ii en'ere,1 Merlin Sauce Pan, . íl^'c^reirnerlln Kettie/t^ 7í,<' Pereolaton; S-euB «oM Si I I 11 Bee. deep Colanders..Illr ««1.10 deep preserving Kettle.*. 6 o'. *U* Underpriced - «mil!«-*' Small Aluminum Ware at Sir Price». a.ja,r' '^ Preserving- Kettle,. $jt. Pres>eff<*1t»c Kettles,«* i8-qt., ii i «i ,,i a s*-*0 *seep « ,. gj Jj* ^JGra< 10«. ,, « ... ><¦<.-'. |£ u 48e. deep lippe«! Saoee Paaaf 2-o.t..».» ;-'*',.¿' I'"4' ,. rritni-r. U Ü.'.'i Baues Pan Sets: best lif-OB, I 11.21 « > rn i» «. t Pani.S||(. ;,.s". p;,r.- -.. ft. 1 '-j. 3-qt.; «-ach HI»,- Aluminum lolonial pattern Coffee Cake Turner White Holly Hutter Pate. .Be. e*eh In ported Salad SoooB and Fork, poliahed boxwood; usually 35c, at .m le. pair ..lie. pair Triumph Self-Wringing Mops, re_r. Towel Holler«, wh te '*;;"'. tie. patterns at ,.>, I 20c. and ttc. el Ms«, at.»..'Z t e f.-ft. smooth Ironin«; Hoards. «Mlc; 44-ft., 4l>c; 4 ft.4'aîc MoP ('loth« for above, reg. tSt., Best white woo«! ^'.,'.,. ..4,.'V : V .¦..'»y.&V" V Strong foldlBg Ironing Tables, 6««i- (..,",. l«^«**« IV. for lifting from boil Sticks, 21c; 16x22, »-«e.i ¦'-* ?* .,S( ft. top, clear white wood; reg **. **.*''' taxtt ***» ât $149 "1" siic Knife"f* Hoxes, 2-compartment, sah, Star Ladders, .», I, SI] * ai 21» Wall nDryers. ü8-arm. galv.nire,i He. ,..'., .s,. a* S. . S . » w,x ...,, . , ma(U>. ;.r*J Iteel hanger; reg. 2or at....l»c ftt |(. ..,,., «ii'ii Mop Stirk«, ref, late, at-He Mutter Mould«, reg. 15c. at.... .><¦ at " - 'j " -. Wooden Ware That Will Give Satisfactory Service %_»_»> * . ¦ }** ä5,to*.2"fr f.^»!*' i*SiÍ ,,. .». _ J Wonderful Savings in Willow Ware. Baskets and Hardware, Which Space Prevents Enuo«-'«1' ing.Deliveries During the Week.Subway Floor, Esit Building.
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