Impact Cheerleading Fruit Cove Baptist Church Starz Impact Cheerleading is a Christian cheerleading organization. It is “Christ -Centered Cheerleading!” Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders (FCC) is the parent company to Impact Cheerleading. FCC was founded in 1986 and has over 25 years in cheerleading ministry. Through camps, clinics, conferences and competitions they minister to over 15,000 students a year. They are endorsed nationally by the Association of Christian Schools International which represents over 8,000 schools and 2 million students nationwide. The founder and president of FCC, Cary Coleman, recognized the importance of reaching young cheerleaders during their critical foundational years so he developed the Impact program to reach these young lives. He knew through his 20 years of experience with cheerleaders that they were much more than sideline decoration, they are athletes! They are also some of the most gifted and dynamic leaders in your community. For those reasons he felt that we can no longer turn our backs to this group of athletes and we cannot afford to lose these potential leaders of tomorrow. We here at Fruit Cove Baptist Church believe that by partnering with FCC & Impact Cheerleading we can provide an environment in which these young cheerleaders can learn and improve their cheer skills, learn healthy competition skills, develop friendships & grow in their relationship with Christ. Our goal is not only great cheerleading but to develop and empower our future leaders! Blessings! 1 2015 - 2016 Impact Cheerleading Fruit Cove Baptist Church Starz Coaching Staff Impact Cheer Coordinator/Head Coach – Melissa Goodman (904)287-0996 or (904)616-7118 Administrative Coordinator – Lisa Sheffield (904)287-0996 Coaches – Allie Anderson Cherilyn Austad Kayla Farris Robyn Justice Brittney Lawrence Danielle Parker Amanda Pound Lauren Ragland Traci Sheffield *Additional contact information will be given out later in the season. All of our Starz coaches have prior cheer experience and/or coaching experience. They have also been through training courses. All coaches are at least 18 years of age and have completed a background check. There may be assistant coaches who are younger. 2 2015-2016 Impact Cheerleading Fruit Cove Baptist Church Starz Length of Season: May 2015 (Pre-Tryout Practices) Tuesdays from 5:00-7:00 pm (pre-tryout practice times only) June 2015 - March 2016 1 2-hour practice per week – Tuesday Top Flight (6th & under) 4:45 – 6:45 pm th Xtreme (8 & under) 5:15 – 7:15 pm Force (High School & under) 6:00 – 8:00 pm Cost for Season: Camp Fee - $220 fee covers; 2 day camp - cheer, choreography, and stunt camp, and cost of custom competition music. Registration Fee - $ 300 fee covers; Competition uniform – skirt, shell & bodyliner, Impact Music CD, Cinch sack, Instructional DVD, Impact devotional/game plan booklet, cost of end of the year banquet & end of season award Apparel Fee - $ 175 fee covers; team shorts & t-shirts, cheer shoes, hairbows, and cheer make-up 3 Competition Fees – $455 There is an entrance fee per competitor per competition that is due 2 weeks to 2 months prior to the competition date. We plan to participate in 4 to 5 competitions in the 2015 – 2016 Season. These fees are included in your monthly fees. Below is a breakdown of the estimated fees: Competition Clinic, FCBC- $25 FCC, Daytona – State - $55 FCC, Orlando (overnight) – National - $120 Cheersport, Atlanta (overnight) – National - $180 FCDA, Daytona Dazzler – Championship - $75 Additional Cost - ???? For some competitions we will need to arrive on Friday evening, so there will be a cost for the hotel stay. We will do our best to keep this to a minimum but we have to go where there are competitions being held. You will need to plan for at least two team required hotel stays for the 2014- 2015 season. Estimated hotel costs are: Orlando – Nationals - $170 Atlanta – Nationals - $100 - $150 per night (2 night stay) Travel expenses to and from competitions will be the responsibility of each cheerleader. When possible we will take the church buses or charter buses. There may be a small cost involved for those who wish to ride on charter buses. We will notify you in advance when this option is available and the cost involved. At each competition there will be venders selling almost anything you can think of, related to cheerleading. It will be up to you as a parent which items you purchase, just be prepared for the asking! Payment of Fees: Camp fee - $220 – due Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Registration, Apparel & Competition fees - $930 o These fees can be paid in monthly payments. There will be 6 payments of $155 each due on the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning in July. Hotel fees – each hotel handles block rooms differently so we provide that information as we book the rooms. Travel expenses – most travel to and from the competitions will be the responsibility of each cheerleader. On occasion we may take the church buses or charter buses, which may involve a cost. 4 Commitment & Practice Policy Impact Cheerleading requires a dedicated commitment for the entire season. Due to the nature of competitive cheerleading if one person is not at practice then the efficiency of practice is compromised. Impact has to be your first priority! Practice will be held EVERY TUESDAY starting in May and continuing into March. All practices are mandatory! There may be extra practices called if needed as we get close to a competition or if there has been some out of the ordinary situation arise. Please do not schedule any activity that can not be missed or changed before checking with the head coach. We do practice in the summer months. Once we are in competition season, we will need to do a rotation for practices which will include some Sunday practices. This will begin sometime in December through the end of the season. The schedule will be given when it is finalized. Practice attire must be worn to each practice. Each cheerleader will receive practice attire for the season. Only these items should be worn to practice. NO jewelry can be worn during practices or competitions. Hair should be secured off the face and in a ponytail. They should wear supportive athletic shoes or cheer shoes if they are a base. If they are a flyer then they should wear cheer shoes. The parent must obtain permission from Melissa Goodman if there is a need to miss a practice or if the child cannot practice fully for any reason. The parent will need to obtain this permission prior to practice time one of three ways: 1. Speak with Head Coach (Melissa) in person 2. Speak with Head Coach (Melissa) by phone (287-0996 x6850) 3. Email Head Coach (Melissa) – 5 The Head Coach (Melissa) is the only person who can excuse someone from practice. In the case of illness the parent must contact the Head Coach (Melissa) to discuss the absence. Unless the child is contagious, has a fever or actively vomiting they are expected to attend practice, so they can watch and be aware of any changes that may occur. In most cases, injuries are not looked upon as an “excused” absence. Your Cheerleader should still attend practice in order to watch and learn. In the case of an injury that may alter the child’s ability to practice, the parent must discuss the limitations with the Head Coach. If the injury will limit them from practicing fully for more than one practice, a doctor’s note must be presented explaining the injury, the limitations and the duration of the limitations. You will also need a release from the doctor to return to practice. Without a note the child will be expected to practice fully. Unscheduled Practices – there are occasional times that a practice needs to be rescheduled or an additional practice needs to be called. We do our best to keep these at a minimum but there are times this can be avoided. You are responsible to do your best to attend each rescheduled practice, no matter the day or time. After ONE unexcused absence, the Program Coordinator/Head Coach will discuss the absence with the child and parent. If there is any subsequent unexcused absences within the season, the child’s place with FCBC Starz may be compromised. Competitions/Clinics/Exhibitions/Performances are mandatory. In competitive cheerleading there are NO bench warmers, so if one person is not there then the routine can not be performed as choreographed. Even if the child is sick they will need to compete. Our season usually consists of 4 to 5 competitions. These competitions are at the Regional, State and National levels. As soon as the exact dates of these competitions are published then everyone will be notified. Please do not make any plans close to competition dates that can not be changed without checking with the Head Coach. Any unexcused absence from a Competition/Clinic/Exhibition/Performance will forfeit the child’s place with FCBC Starz (with no refund). 6 Cheer Camp is mandatory. Everyone must be in attendance because during camp is when we choreograph our routine for the season. Camp Dates for 2015 – 2016: Top Flight July 30-31 Force Aug 1-2 Xtreme Aug 29-30 Level 3 Sept 12-13 Attitude & Behavior – Starz cheerleaders represent Fruit Cove Baptist Church. All Starz cheerleaders are expected to exhibit a positive attitude during practices and while at competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated. The upmost of moral behavior is expected at all times. Starz cheerleaders should refrain from foul language in person, on the internet, or Facebook, smoking, drinking, use of drugs, lying or cheating. The cheerleader will be counseled with concern of any inappropriate behavior that has been brought to the attention of the coaches. There will be disciplinary actions taken which may include dismissal from the squad. If the cheerleader is caught participating in any illegal activity this could lead to immediate dismissal. 7 Cheerleader Responsibilities - - - - - - - - A respectful and positive attitude is expected at all times. Competitive Cheerleading is a “TEAM” sport, not an individual sport. Everyone must work together for the best outcome. Positive dialogue and encouragement should be exhibited at ALL times. Derogatory comments about other girls/coaches/teams will NOT be tolerated. Treat others as you would want to be treated! A “can do” or “willing to try” attitude is a must. Be at ALL practices and competitions. Attendance is mandatory! If one person is missing the “TEAM” is compromised. Be at practice on time, prepared, dressed appropriately(hair secured back off of face and in pony tail, no jewelry, cheer shoes & practice attire) and ready to work hard giving 100% for the entire practice. Pay attention during practice. Keep talking and other distractions to a minimum. Talking, laughing and/or playing around during stunting can be dangerous and can cause injuries. If the coach(es) are working with another group, the information is relevant for all. No Cell Phone use during practices or at competitions during practices, warm ups or actual competing. (except in the case of an emergency) All phones should be in a backpack or out of site. If use becomes an issue, they will be collected by the coach and may be retrieved by the parent at the end of the practice or competition. Report any injury during practice to the coach(es). The coach(es) will determine the appropriate treatment/actions needed. If a medical appointment is necessary, it is the parent’s responsibility to communicate any special instructions to the coach(es). If the injury requires restrictions during practice then a note from the physician is required. If it is negative or inappropriate, Don’t post it! Social media has many positive aspects to it but it has many negative sides as well. Remember when you are posting on social media you are representing yourself (first and foremost), your family and as part of the FCBC Starz you are representing God, this church and this program. It is important to be aware of the image and reputation you may present with photos, statuses, comments and videos you post. During the current season you are not to post any videos of our Starz routines on any social media or internet. This includes practices or competitions. Once the season is over you may post if you would like. 8 Parent Responsibilities - - - - - - - Parents are responsible to help and guide their child to uphold their commitment to the FCBC Starz, by being at all practices, on time to practices and competitions, dressed in the appropriate clothing, and exhibit appropriate behavior and positive attitude. Parents are responsible for making sure their child’s financial account is in good standing or appropriate arrangements have been made. Delinquent accounts may result in not receiving items or dismissal from team. Parents are responsible for transportation for their child to all competitions. If a parent cannot attend then they need to make arrangements with another family to take responsibility of their child. *make sure head coach (Melissa) and team coaches know of the arrangement. Parents are responsible to supervise their child accordingly and adhere to any instructions/guidelines set by coaches or competition company. Parents are to demonstrate good sportsmanship-like conduct and positive attitudes while observing practices, traveling to & from competitions, during competitions and throughout the cheer season. We want to model the behaviors we would like for the our athletes to adhere to now and in the future. If a conflict should arise in this area, the coaching staff & program leadership will address it. All Cheerleaders will remain at competitions with their coaches until they are dismissed by the coaching staff to their parent. Please make sure your child’s coach knows that you have possession of your child. Parents are responsible for cost of lodging at any required overnight competitions. Program Coordinator will secure a team block of rooms and details will be given at the appropriate time. Parents are responsible for ALL communications to coaches and program leadership, i.e. absence from practice, late to practice, illness, injury or conflict. During the current season you are not to post any videos of our Starz routines on any social media or internet. This includes practices or competitions. Once the season is over you may post if you would like. 9 DISCIPLINE PROCEDURE Love is patient, love is kind. I Corinthians 13:4 Keep your hands to yourself. Respect other people’s personal space. Use good listening skills. Speak at appropriate times. Follow directions as given. Be respectful to everyone. Use good manners. Clean up your area properly. Come to practice prepared. Always use a positive way of thinking. You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you! Philippians 4:13 In order to ensure the safety of the cheerleaders and the quality of the cheerleading experience, the following steps will be taken when the rules of conduct are not followed. 1st Offense: Individual Warning 2nd Offense: Age appropriate correction, verbal notification to parent by the coach. 3rd Offense: The cheerleader will be asked to sit out of practice for an age appropriate amount of time, and meeting with parent, coach, and child. 4th Offense: Meet with all of the above and church leadership. Possible removal from program. 10 2015 – 2016 Impact Cheerleading / FCBC – Starz Important Dates Try-out Practices – May 5, 12, 19, & 26 (Tuesdays, 5:00pm to 7:00pm) Commitment Day/Team Placement – June 2nd (Tues. 4:30pm - ???) Regular Practices – Every Tuesday beginning June 9th Top Flight (6th & under) Xtreme (8th & under) Force (High School & under) 4:45 – 6:45 pm 5:15 – 7:15 pm 6:00 – 8:00 pm Camp Dates – see schedule on page 9. Camp is Mandatory! Extra Competition Practices – TBD, these will be scheduled as needed. We could have an extra practice the week of a competition. Please do not make plans without discussing the schedule with the Head Coach. End of Season Banquet – March, after our last competition. Competition Dates: November (exact day TBD) - FCBC, Cheer Clinic December (exact day TBD) - Daytona, State January 1st – 2nd, 2016 - Orlando, FCC Nationals February 12th – 14th, 2016 - Atlanta, Cheersport Nationals February 27, 2016 - Daytona Dazzlers, Daytona Due to the nature of competitive cheerleading please do not schedule any activity that can not be missed or changed before checking with Melissa. We will make every effort to publish the exact dates, times & locations as soon as we know them. Unfortunately all of these dates are not available at this time. 11 2015 - 2016 Impact Cheerleading FCBC - Starz Tryout Procedure 1. Each cheerleader will attend 3 practices where they will learn a cheer, a dance & stunting skills. 2. They will learn a try-out cheer and dance. 3. They will be asked to do two different jumps and any tumbling that they already can successfully do on their own without a spotter. 4. They will be divided into groups of three or four to do their try-out cheer & dance and be scored individually on each of these by the judges. 5. They will do their jumps and tumbling individually and be scored by the judges. 6. A small amount of bonus points will be given to a cheerleader if she was on a Starz squad the previous season. 7. Our Starz coaches will be the judges during try outs. 8. Placement on a squad(s) will be determined by the judges scores as well as the following factors: a. Fall 2015 grade level of cheerleader b. Position and ability during stunting c. Cheerleader’s attitude 9. Head Coach, Ms. Melissa, has final decision on placement. Our goal is not to turn away cheerleaders but we are limited by practice space & time, coaching staff and what we feel is best for the squad(s). *A sample of the judges score sheet will be given out prior to the tryouts. 12 Frequently asked questions: When does the season start and finish? - Our season begins in May and continues through March. We do practice during the summer months. What ages can participate? - Children in 1st grade through High School are eligible to participate. Will there be more than one squad? - That will depend on the number of girls participating. We will more than likely have three squads but that could change depending on practice space, coaches and # of participants. Do you have to be a member of Fruit Cove Baptist to join? - NO, this is open to anyone who would like to cheer. Do you have to know how to tumble? - Tumbling is a huge part of competitive cheerleading. It is not mandatory but is helpful. It is encouraged that you enroll your child in a tumbling class if possible. What if my child has never cheered before? - We will teach cheerleading, stunting & dance skills and can work with them if they are willing to put in the extra effort to learn these skills. What is the financial commitment? - Competitive cheerleading can be a costly sport. We do our best to keep the cost within reason. There will be cost for camp, uniforms & shoes, competition entrance fees, hotel stays & travel expenses. Does everyone make the squad that wants to cheer? - That is a tricky question. The answer is most likely yes but if there is a large number that is interested then cuts may have to be made. Will there be try-outs? - Yes, there will be try-outs. We will use this process to determine the best fit for each squad using the factors of grade, skill level & what is best for overall squads. 13 Will my child learn tumbling skills through Impact? - No, most of our coaches are not qualified to teach tumbling. If we do have a qualified coach then they may give some guidance or light spotting but it will not be a formal lesson. If you would like your child to learn to tumble then you would need to enroll them in a separate tumbling class at a gym. How many cheerleaders are on a squad? - That will depend on several different factors. Ideally we would like to have 15 to 25 per squad but we are not guaranteeing any set number. Will we cheer any other times than competitions? - Possibly, each squad may cheer at a minimum of one Upward Flag Football game and/or one Upward Basketball game. This will help them gain sideline cheer skills so that they can have a full cheer experience and can learn all aspects of the sport. This will be determined by the Head Coach as we get into the season. As a parent what is my commitment level? - You will have the responsibility of making sure that your child is fully committed to the squad. You will need to help them to be organized with their belongings as well as their time. As the parent you will be responsible for the financial commitment. Mostly you will need to be supportive of your child, the coaches, the squad and the program. Your child’s attitude will reflect your attitude! What will the cheerleaders wear during practice? - Cheerleaders will need to wear the practice attire they are given, NO jewelry, hair up in ponytail secured away from face, proper support athletic shoes. Until they receive their practice attire they should wear elastic waist shorts (modest in length) & t-shirt. 14
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