Church of the Resurrection

Church of the Resurrection
9504 - 100th Avenue, Fort St. John, BC V1J 1X7
Pastor: Rev. Vener Sabacan
Secretary: Bernadette Antonio
Off. Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Parish Ph.: 250-785-3413
Fax: 250-785-4403
Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
Our Parish Mission Statement
We at the Church of the Resurrection embrace
our Baptismal promises and understand the
need to bring Christ into the world where we
are. As community and family we recognize our
diverse heritage and share our joys and sorrows
while supporting each other's
journey in faith.
We extend our hands and hearts in Christian
fellowship to you here, celebrating with us,
whether long-time residents or newly arrived in
the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If
you are new to the parish please fill out a census
form located on the table at the back of the
church and place it in the collection basket or
bring to the parish office.
Contact the Pastor 6 months
before the Wedding
Contact Betty Dvorak at the
Parish Office Tues.-Fri.
between 12 to 1 p.m.
3 months before the
Contact the Funeral Home
then parish office.
Visit / Prayer for
the sick
Contact the parish office.
Saturday evenings at
6:30 p.m. or anytime by
Fridays in the Church
10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Booking of the
Immaculata Centre
Contact Lucy Gagne at
250-785-2867 or e-mail:
Moving forward with the Holy Spirit
Sometimes we find ourselves in the same posture as the disciples in
today's first reading, looking up at the sky where we last saw Jesus,
not moving, just staring at nothing, waiting for him to come back and
do something to rescue this world from its evil.
It seems like he's not finished. There's more he should be doing. Our
world needs the Second Coming of Christ -- and now! What's the
Ahhh, but he's told us not to stand about gawking and waiting but to
go forth and spread the Good News. He told us to take what he's
given us and use it to serve others, to make a difference somewhere,
somehow, to someone.
Why do we stare at the empty sky? Because we feel inadequate.
Parents know this feeling. After giving birth or adopting a child in an
amazing partnership with God the Giver of Life, we have the awesome
task of raising this tiny human into a faith-filled, emotionally healthy
adult. Wow. More than a few miracles will be needed.
Graduates know this feeling. After completing college or a Lay Ministry
training program or ordination or final vows, we stand on the
threshold of working for the Lord and wonder: Will I be effective and
successful? Will I like it? Or will I be sent where I'd rather not go?
Those who are grieving know this feeling. After a loved one is taken
home to the Lord or a friend is lost in a failed relationship, our lives
change drastically. It feels like it shouldn't have. How can we recover
from the emptiness, which by its very nature forces our attention onto
ourselves and our unmet needs, so that we become full of service to
Every change in our lives is a commissioning. Every loss is the
beginning of a new calling. Every experience is training for a work of
God's kingdom that the Lord wants to accomplish through us.
Why are you standing there looking at the sky? Jesus has been your
teacher and your guide: Although you cannot see what he's doing
now, he has not abandoned you. He is fulfilling his promise: "You will
receive power from the Holy Spirit, and you will be my witness
throughout the earth." Indeed, you were given that Holy Spirit in
baptism, and it is this Spirit of God that empowers you to continue the
ministry of Jesus using your particular gifts and talents and
We must confidently raise our foot to step forward and, while it's still
in mid-air, ask: "Okay God, where do You want me to place this foot
down next?" If we remain centered on the Lord, we will not lose our
balance. The Holy Spirit will do the work of Christ on Earth through
Baptismal Preparation Classes – Sundays at
2 p.m. Please register at the Parish Office ahead of
time if you are attending
August 2
November 8
September 6
December 6
October 4
Sacramental Preparation
Sacraments are vital expressions of who we are as
Catholic Christians. Each time we receive a sacrament we
respond in a deeper way to Jesus' call to discipleship.
Since sacraments are so important to us, we take them
very seriously and prepare to receive them thoughtfully
and thoroughly. All sacraments are community events,
and this is reflected in the preparation and celebration of
the sacraments.
The Role of the Family in the Sacramental
Preparation of Children:
In this parish, we are committed to the idea that taking an
active part in a child's spiritual formation is the right and
dignity of Christian parents. Parents are the "first
teachers" of their children in the vision and practice of the
Christian way of life. It is in the home that children
primarily experience and come to know about God. When
children experience the loving care of their family
members, when they are challenged to be the best people
that they can be by their parents, and when they witness
a family's unceasing striving for healing and reconciliation,
then children really learn about who God is. Parents are,
whether they realize it or not, the "sacrament" of God's
presence to their children.
51st International Eucharistic Conference – January
24-31, 2016
Every four years, Catholic faithful from around the world
gather together to reflect on and celebrate the great
mystery of the Eucharist during the International
Eucharistic Congress. Youth, families and organizations
belonging to the Catholic community are invited to
experience the fullness of the Eucharist and deepen their
Catholic Faith through the Symposium and Congress
taking place January 24-31, 2016 in Cebu, Philippines.
International Eucharistic Congress 2016 is also looking for
dedicated volunteers from around the world who are
willing to help promote the presence of the Eucharist in
their Roman Catholic community. Please see the Congress
website for online registration, travel details, and further
information at:
2014-2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal, Building
Together in Faith
Parish Goal:
Actual to Date:
Amount To Goal:
Number of Gifts:
Total % to Goal:
Collections for May 9 & 10
Receipted: $ 2,858.55
Loose: $ 607.10
Total: $ 3,465.65
Building Fund: $ 271.70 Dev. & Peace: $ 350
Initial Offering: $ 5
Therefore, in all of our sacramental preparation
programmes, we attempt to nurture a strong partnership
between families and our parish community. Parents are
encouraged to take on their central role. The parish and
the parish catechists assist parents in this task. The parish
provides the immediate preparation for all sacraments;
and so I strongly encourage parents to enroll your children
(Grades 1-7) in our catechism classes on or before
September 6, 2015. Please contact Linda Gibos,
Sacramental Prep. Coordinator at 250-262-8757.
Needed Weekly Collection: $6,384
Thank you for your generosity!
"For the measure you give will be the measure
you get back." ---Luke 6,38g
This week in our Parish
Mass Intentions
May 18
9 a.m.
7 p.m.
Ladies' Bible Study
St. Joseph
May 19
3 p.m.
6 p.m.
K of C Dinner & Meeting
Lutheran Ap't
St. Benedict
1. Fr. Vener Sabacan
2. Margarita Torbela
3. Peter Hlushko+
Crystal Halverson
May 20
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
NO Mass
Choir Practice
St. Cecilia
May 21
9:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Celebrating the Word
Tai Chi
NO Mass
NO Mass
NO Adoration
St. Cecilia
May 23
1 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Legion of Mary
St. Benedict
May 24
10 a.m.
Office Closed
Office Closed
Office Closed
May 22
1. Janice Gibos
2. Thanksgiving of Bill & Evelyn
3. Eunice McCaffrey
4. Gordon Jones+
5. Jean Arnaly+
Special Collection for Nepal
A massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Nepal on April
25, 2015. More than 4,200 people are dead and more than 7,500 are injured.
In a joint campaign with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops,
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE is coming to the aid of the earthquake’s victims through
their Caritas partners in Nepal. The Canadian government will match, dollar for
dollar, all of the donations made by Canadians to support the victims of the
earthquake in Nepal until May 25, 2015. Parishioners are encouraged to donate
prior to this date. You can contribute to these much-needed relief efforts by
donating to DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE . You can make a donation online at; by phone at 1 888 664-3387; or by sending a cheque made
out to DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE (please indicate Nepal Earthquake) to:
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE , 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd. West 3rd Floor Montreal QC
H3G 1T7. Thank you for your generosity and prayers for the people of Nepal.
Special Presentations on Bioethics, End of Life Issues, Euthanasia and
Assisted Dying
Join with members of the Catholic Women’s League on Saturday, June 13th
from 8:30 am – 1:45 pm at Coast Inn of the North, Main Ballroom to hear
keynote speaker, Dr. Moira McQueen, LLB, MDiv, Phd. Speaking on Bioethics
and End of Life Issues, Euthanasia and Assisted Dying, Dr. McQueen will
provide a Roman Catholic perspective along with guidance into the moral and
ethical dilemmas that have arisen because of new developments in science and
medicine. All are welcome but advance registration is required. Fee: $10.00
for presentation and $20.00 for optional lunch. Register at Sacred Heart
Cathedral in person at 887 Patricia Boulevard, by phone (250)564-5225 or by
Please Note: The cost of this presentation is covered for all CWL members
already registered for the Provincial Convention.
If you are interested in learning about or joining the Catholic
Church, please contact Joe or Lynn Halverson at 250-787-9398, to
leave your name and contact information.
The 150th History Committee is seeking pictures of the Priests,
Deacons and religious who have served the Church of the
Resurrection from 1960 to Present. Contact Cheri Ollenberger at
250-785-9575 or
The 150th History Committee needs persons or a group to organize
the Pictorial Directory for the Church. Contact Cheri Ollenberger
Graduating from High School or know someone who would like to
participate. Grad Mass is on Saturday, May 30 at 7:30pm with
rehearsal on Sunday, May 24 at 2pm. Contact Lance Ollenberger
at 250-785-9575 or
The Catholic Women's League
CWL Windup potluck on Thurs.
June 4th at 6 p.m. in the
Immaculata Centre. All ladies of
the parish are welcome. There will
be a signup sheet at the entrance
of the church.
Meeting: May 20th at 7 p.m.
Knights of Columbus
Dinner & Meeting: May 19th at
6 p.m.
Logo Making Contest for Our
150th Jubilee Celebrations
(All Ages)
Theme: We Remember, We
Celebrate, We Believe
Please submit your entries to the Parish
Office on or before May 31, 2015.
For elderly and disabled
who needs a ride to Mass
on Sunday, please call the
Parish Office.
Camp Emile cleanup Bee Saturday May 23, 2015 all knights
and their families welcome.
We will start at 9:30 am and finish at 4:00 pm. Lunch will be
Please dress for the weather bring gloves for everyone in your group
as we will be cutting and stacking wood for the upcoming camping
There is a sign up sheet at the entrance of the church please fill in
your name and the number of people in your group. We need to
know how many to cook for.
Andy Teslyk, Jaya Kumar, Renate
Eicher, Sally Emory, Marilyn
MacDonald, Nemia Taguban,
Alveous Tan, Romeo Boutin, Mon
Clark, Pat Pimm, Amy Cosens,
Annette Marcoux, Jeffrary Chong,
Lloyd Byra, Jana Leslie,
Teri Burkholder, Dwayne
Burkholde, Elizabeth Bertrim,
Hillary Bertrim, Irene MacLean,
Noemi S. Agngarayngay