APRIL 2015 OUR FAITH CAMPAIGN & THE BACKYARD MISSION TRIP 2015 For the past 8-10 months we have been talking about our Faith Campaign, a campaign that is encouraging us to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ by knowing, loving and serving God. Quite simply we are called to be Christ in the world; His body, the Church. Pope Francis tells us that as His disciples, “we need to be constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others.” We have a perfect opportunity to share that love with others through the 2015 Backyard Mission Trip (BYMT) on Saturday, April 25. sit down at the Cube to have a bite to eat and pray before going off to work for the day and then will come back there to have dinner and fellowship afterwards, including a video presentation of the day’s grace-filled work. In this same vein Cathy Schock will head up the prayer support for the day. She will accept volunteers who feel that their calling might be to pray for one another and to ask God’s blessings as volunteers work and as homeowners receive the gracious help of others who assist them. This is a beautiful way for us to not only accomplish a day of work, but also provide a day of prayer and service to our brothers and sisters in the name of Christ Our Lord. There will also be another group of people who will go to nursing homes to visit community members who are now living in those places. It’s another way for us to reach out to the community, to let them know we are thinking of them and that we are available to help give them support and make their day a little brighter. All of these things will help us be in relationship with others to let them know we love them, they are important to us; we will be there for them because we want to help them, to support them, to show our care for them. April 25, 2015 The purpose of BYMT is to gather volunteers to do yard work, painting, and modest one day house repairs to homes in the community. This very successful ecumenical program involved about 30 churches last year and hopes to add more church community members throughout Findlay and Hancock County this year. This outreach program started in 2011 with College First Church of God and expanded with support of the Findlay Ministerial Association in 2013. These past two years have seen an explosion in the number of volunteers with between 1100-1300 working at 160-215 sites. Thank you to all who have helped in the past years. Likewise appreciation goes to several companies/ businesses who have donated money and materials that are used for our program. This year the Findlay Ministerial Association is highlighting the quote “Stay at Home” for mission projects even more by asking churches to volunteer to fill the needs of the sites in their parish. So if eight households from St. Michael the Archangel Parish ask for help, we at St. Michael the Archangel want to try to get eight teams to work at those sites. The reasons for this are: • to develop an already good relationship with a parishioner or church neighbor • to provide a feeling of security; “volunteers are from my church” • to give the church the opportunity to follow up with needs that the family or person may have in the future Many people might be under the impression that the BYMT only needs people who can do manual labor. However the Findlay Ministerial Association recognizes that there are different gifts for different people. All gifts are important for building up the body of Christ so not only do we need people who can do the physical work, but we also need volunteers in other areas. Cathy Mutchler is heading up the food drive for the breakfast and for the evening meal after the work has been completed. She will be asking us at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, as well as other churches, to donate certain foods to help with the BYMT. This is a huge undertaking when you stop to think that hundreds of people might Parish Office: 750 Bright Road, Findlay, OH 45840 Here at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Mary Umbs, one of our office secretaries, is our contact person for the BYMT. If you have something you would like BYMT to do on Saturday, April 25, contact Mary at the parish office (419-422-2646). She will help you apply to receive help at your site. You can also access an application online at http://findlayma.org/wp-content/ uploads/2013/02/BMT-Application-2015.pdf. You can also give Mary a call at the parish office (419-422-2646) to let her know that you would be willing to be a volunteer to help with our program. Or you can access the volunteer application at https:// docs.google.com/forms/d/1Z4miJD6bYbhiuIy-3U1K8hcp4GKoe6Dd7Sng7ZzBe0/viewform. In the past St. Michael’s has had 8-10 teams of people volunteering. This year it would be nice for us to have 12-14 teams and maybe to work on 12-15 sites. We are a very large parish so we have the capability to do several things with a program like the BYMT. The BYMT is a great way for us to help break the silence by sharing our faith stories and to live our faith by taking action through ministry in our community. Once the BYMT is completed, it would be wonderful if those who participated would put one of the symbols on the commitment cross so that as we fill the cross with symbols, we will be reminded of the commitment we are making to one another, to our parish, and to our God. God bless, Fr. Mike Telephone: 419-422-2646 www.findlaystmichael.org I Website: www.findlaystmichael.org THE NEWSLETTER OF ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PARISH MARCH 2015 • VOLUME 24 • ISSUE 8 CONTENTS MIKE’S MESSAGE 1 FR. Faith Campaign update. Parish Penance Service Monday, March 30 - 7:00pm at the Main Church 3 4 PASTORAL COUNCIL PERSPECTIVES Prayer concerns and intentions of our parish and world. Perpetual Adoration 5 PARISH FAMILY NEWS Marriages, Baptisms and Deaths in our parish. Sunday, March 29 - Wednesday, April 1 Following 6:00pm Mass until Midnight on April 1 in the Eucharistic Chapel (Main Church). 6 SMS BAKERY BINGO Holy Thursday, April 2 7 HUMAN LIFE COMMITTEE NEWS 8 THE DEFENDER 10 ST. WENDELIN NEWSLETTER 11 BELIZE OUTREACH PROGRAM 10:00am - RCIA Preparation Rites in Narthex of Main Church 7:30pm - Blessing of the Food - Day Chapel of Main Church 8:30pm - Easter Vigil Liturgy Coffee sales forms & reflections by past team members. Easter Sunday, April 5 12 SWING TIME Main Church Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00 Noon Downtown Church Masses - 9:00am & 11:00am 12 GARDENING & LANDSCAPE 13 14 Thoughts on applying our Catholic faith to everyday life. PRAYER CONCERNS Information about the event April 10, 2015. Information about spring flower sales. Newsletter of St. Michael Catholic School. Keep up to date with our local Catholic High School. Practical thoughts and words of wisdom of faith and life. Individual Confessions Wednesday, April 1 - 12:45pm (following Mass) DT Church 7:00pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper at the Main Church. Exposition in the Day Chapel following Mass until midnight. 11:30pm - Night Prayer Good Friday, April 3 1:30pm - Service at Main Church 7:00pm - Stations and Veneration of the Cross DT Church Holy Saturday, April 4 **please note, we will not have 4:30pm, 7:30am or 6:00pm Masses on Easter. Volunteers and Coordinator Needed PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT A report on Sunday collection: goal vs. actual PARISH CALENDAR A look at the month ahead here at St. Mike’s. MESSENGER is a monthly publication. For more information, please email: kclapper@findlaystmichael.org. Reach Out and Touch Someone Corrections Last month the Vocations Committee published a list of priests and religious brothers and sisters who are sons/ daughters of our parish. The following addresses were found to have been incorrectly reported. Thank you to those who called, emailed and stopped by with corrected information. Sr. Yvette Gillen St. Mary’s Convent 900 E. Oak Hill Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917 Rev. Fr. George Heffner 1901 Waukegan Road P.O. Box 6000 Techny, IL 60082-6000 Rev. Msgr. Kenneth Morman St. Paul the Apostle Parish 91 East Main Street Norwalk, OH 44857 2 I April 2015 Messenger Pastoral Council Perspectives Dear Parishioners, With heads bowed, troubled hearts pray “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy”. Acknowledging our sinfulness and need of redemption we pray in unison “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us”. We say these words often in our lives, but how do we know that Christ will hear us and respond mercifully to our supplications? The answer to this question is twofold, one requiring a conscious decision on our part, the other a promise from God Himself. As with most things in life it takes cooperation to achieve great results, so too with God, His response requires our collaborative effort. In order to obtain mercy from God we must first approach God asking for His help and trusting with all of our being that He will not turn away, but will fill us with the grace we need. The greater the sinner the more right he has to the mercy of God. The bigger the vessel, the more can be poured in. The more we trust, the more we will receive. And it is in giving that we receive. If we are asking for mercy we must in turn be merciful. There can be no understanding of this great gift of mercy until we know in turn what it is like to extend the hand of mercy to others. Mercy and love are intimately united emotions. Even as humans we instinctively are quick to forgive and show mercy to those we love. Jesus proved the unfathomable depth of His love by dying on the cross, and in a message to St. Faustina showed us the breath of His mercy by promising to pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach Him with a trusting heart asking for mercy on the first Sunday after Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday. Our risen Lord has promised that the soul who has gone recently to confession and receives Holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. Jesus is begging us to come to Him and receive communion not with indifference as if the host was a dead object, but with reverence acknowledging the Real Presence mingling within our very selves, and in return He will grant us the most abundant graces imaginable, especially on this Sunday. Thinking about our past lives and all the times we have failed to do the right thing why would we not acknowledge this promise and ask God for forgiveness on this special day when Our Lord has personally invited us to the fountain of His mercy? And what better way to show our gratitude for this amazing gift than to live our faith ever trusting in His infinite mercy and allowing that mercy to overflow from within us to our neighbor? Redemption and God’s love are inclusive for all mankind. No one is excluded. Not only on Divine Mercy Sunday, but every day we have the option to approach Jesus with a trusting heart to accept the mercy of God. May each of us find a moment in our day to approach Jesus with trust and not squander the opportunity. In His Service, The Pastoral Council www.findlaystmichael.org I 3 Prayer Concerns You will make me to know the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy. ~ Psalm 16:11 We invite you to put this list near a prayer book, in your Bible, or in your pocket or purse. If you have a prayer concern, please contact Shauna Shepler at shauna.shepler@gmail.com or the parish office at 419-422-2646. Mike Adler Allyah & family Joan & Sam Benson Beth Gary Bibler Sam Bish Bob Katie Boucher Connie Briggs Chelsea Browne Bill Buescher Brittany Bundy Ned Burden Cindy Myron Cline Ethan Conley Curtis Dave Bob Dietelbach Nondus Doe Lily Egts Ann Ehrle Maggie Elgersma Mary Estep Fr. John Falter Brent Fry Diane Gerowski John Granger Griffin family Susan Hamilton Brett Harden Jim Helfrich Hernandez family Kendyll Heydinger Laura Hoffman Cindy Hogan John Horton Jasmine Jim Jimmy Jodie Amy K. Debi K. Deeanne K. Katrina Dave Keeterle Kathleen Komala Michelle Kulhanek David L. Tim L. Ty L. Carole Leckie Paul Lemming Fr. Wilfred Logsdon Maria Lourdes Alice & Dave Maas Maureen Mains Francis Marian Dolores McCullough Patrick McCullough Margaret McFarland Michelle Medina Janet & Norm Meyer Jan Miller Scott Moorehead Barb Mopps Rudy Murray Richard Muzy Kathryn Neumann Mary Paige Nowicki Nathan Nowicki Ian Oehler Louise Parish Ray & Sharon Perkins Max Powell Chris Przedwiecki J.R. Kim Ray Noah Reuille Robin Jim Ruffing Patrick Runge Aaron Russell & family B.S. Lana Sakash Andrea Scheiderer Sue Schlumbohl Leslie Schmidt Rita Schock & family A.J. Shaffer Chris Sikora George &Trish Stanko Michelle Steinman Virgil Stewart Norma Strahm Jackie & Mike Strathman Suzanne Tiffanie Tonya Betty & Tony Trotta Nick Vogt Sr. Nancy Westmeyer Eileen Wilkinson With Christian love and compassion, please pray for the following, including all family members, friends, caregivers, and those who minister to others: For the many who are grieving the loss of loved ones; For those special intentions, known especially to God; For the hospitalized, those in nursing homes, hospice care, and the homebound; For all those working for peace and justice around the world; For all those going through medical tests, treatments, and/or surgery; For the sanctity of life, in all stages; For a peaceful death for the dying; For all souls of the faithfully departed, may they rest in peace; For our military men and women and their families; For all those continuing to fight the war on terror here at home and around the world; For all those struggling with drug/alcohol addiction, and for those recovering from addiction; For a sincere repentance in the Body of Christ that heals our hearts and restores our relationships; For the catechumens and candidates of the Church as they begin their time of final preparation for the Easter sacraments; For an end to violence between individuals and nations so that we can discover the rewards of reconciliation and peace; For those forced to pray in secret by religious persecution or official suppression of religion; For all who bear the weight of grave sin to have courage to return to God with a full heart; For those who are absent from our Sunday Masses due to infirmity, indifference, travel or obligation; In thanksgiving for our dedicated clergy; In thanksgiving for our dedicated police officers; In thanksgiving for many answered prayers. Whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him. (1 John 5:1) 4 I April 2015 Messenger Baptisms in our Parish Family And Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Acts 2:38 Ryker Lee Inbody February 8 Jordan & Michelle Inbody Benjamin Thomas Grace February 14 Thomas and Susan Grace Adeline Elizabeth Halaschak February 14 Michael and Megan Gilbert Kendall Christine Collins February 15 Peter and Christina Collins Mira Mei Kanney February 15 Christopher and Felicia Kanney Kendra Mae Light February 15 Cody and Jessica Light Carl Robert Muniz, Jr. February 15 Carl and Heather Muniz Scarlet Ruth Schimmoeller February 28 Nick and Cailin Schimmoeller Ethan Francis Coppes March 15 Shawn and Jill Coppus Deaths in our Parish Family Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:12 Manuela Lagunovich February 1 Ida DiServio February 2 Donna Stearns February 6 Bradley Gill February 8 Hildegarde Cramer February 21 John Graham February 22 Richard LaFontaine February 25 Margaret Thompson March 5 Matias Sanchez March 8 Stephen Aldrich March 9 Our Welcome Ministry extends a warm welcome to All who hope for peace in the world May the truths of our faith guide us in our ecumenical outreach. www.findlaystmichael.org I 5 Come join the fun at our annual SMS Bakery Bingo! All proceeds from the event benefit the 7th grade class as they begin fundraising for their 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. Concessions stand open all night featuring Marco’s Pizza, April’s Famous Chicken Sandwiches, Walking Taco’s, Hotdogs, Popcorn, Hot Pretzels and more! Basket Raffles and 50/50 drawings will be held throughout the evening. Free bingo card if you bring in a baked good or buy a card for $1.00 Main Raffle tickets are on sale now $5 each from all SMS 7th grade students. 6 I April 2015 Messenger Human Life Committee News ANNUAL CARNATION SALE St. Michael Human Life Committee will have their annual carnation sale after all Masses Mother’s Day weekend. $1.00 per flower donation is suggested. ANNUAL GERANIUM SALE Sponsored by the Hancock County Right to Life, Inc. MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC CHURCH 750 BRIGHT RD., FINDLAY, OHIO (North parking lot - between church & Senior Towers) Friday, May 8th, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9th, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon *Because of punctual Noon closing, Pre-orders are strongly encouraged* 32-plant FLATS are $19.00 Five colors for flats: red, white, Salmon, deep rose, and violet. 12-inch HANGING BASKETS are $19.00 **Colors for the Zonal Geranium baskets: Red, salmon, deep rose and violet **Colors for the Wave Petunia baskets: Pink, purple and mixed PRE-ORDERS of full flats of one color and hanging baskets can be made by calling Bob Zellers 419-423-2281 or Rheta Depuy 419-423-0453 Pre-Orders must be picked up by 8:00 p.m., Friday, May 10th. At the site you may mix and match flowers. www.findlaystmichael.org I 7 THE DEFENDER ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Findlay, Ohio www.findlaystmichaelschool.org Volume 15, Number 8 March 2015 The Kindergarten and 1st grade students who come into small group instruction were able to sit and listen to Super Hero stories during Right to Read Week. It was exciting to see their faces as they approached the city and sat among the skyscrapers as friends of Batman. There were many exciting activities at Family Read Night and a lot of our families celebrated with the community heroes of Findlay as they were guest readers. The 1st grade classes recently collected over 300 toothbrushes for a service project!!! The students donated the toothbrushes to the children in Belize. Our 1st graders have been learning about the importance of dental health and want our neighbors to be able to keep their teeth healthy too. The collection was also a learning experience for the students. They practiced their Math skills of counting, sorting, graphing, etc. with their classmates. It was fun and also exciting to see how much of a difference one grade could make in the world!!!! Thanks to Mrs. Brenda McDaniel, our 2nd grade classes have been involved in a 6-week study of the Traveling Mazza Art program. The 30 minute presentation includes book art from the Mazza Museum, information about the artist, the media used in the art and the story for which the art was created. The children have learned to appreciate each artist and the media used to create each book. The 3rd graders have been studying our local justice system. They have learned about the jobs of lawyers and judges. They studied how mediations and trials work to solve problems peacefully. As part of this unit, they traveled to the Hancock County Courthouse where we met Judge Niemeyer and got to act out a mock trial. 8 I April 2015 Messenger Everyone in 6A and 6B are really excited about completing quarter three and the kickoff of quarter four. Many people have been Student of the Week, we met Alyssa our youth minister, and we are again outside for superior games of kickball at recess. Mrs. Haas and Mrs. Williams have been doing an activity called Student of the Week to get to know their students better. Kids bring in cherished trophies and other items to share with the class. It was really terrific when we met Alyssa and talked about relationships. We learned about our relationship with Jesus. Last, but not least, instead of spring cleaning, we have been spring kicking. We have been allowed to escape to the outside and play kickball! (Everyone has been waiting to play since January!) Well, I hope you enjoyed reading about what’s up in 6th grade. This article was submitted by one of Mrs. Haas’ 6th grade English students. The annual Student Art Exhibit for students in kindergarten through 5th grade in Findlay and Hancock County schools recently announced their awards. The following St. Michael Students had their art work selected by Mrs. Cindy Rodman, our Art Teacher to be in the show: Payton Frost and Krystyna Laux – Kindergarten, Natalie Gutman and Austin Berger – 1st grade; Johnathan Dornbush – 2nd grade, Rylee Touhalisky – 3rd grade, Chayse Wolke – 4th grade, and Cindy Durliat – 5th grade. Additionally, the following SMS students were recognized with Honorable Mention awards: Jeff Miehls – 2nd grade, Brandon Maag – 4th grade, and Allie Hiegel – 5th grade. Way to go!!! Congratulations to the following students for their high achievement on the Ohio Mathematics League contest taken recently: 6th Grade: 1st place - Luke Ruelle, 2nd place - Lauren Smith, and 3rd place Danny Kelly & Wesley Casselman; 7th Grade: 1st place - Chloe Kin, 2nd place - Garrison Holland, and 3rd place - Abbey Hatch, Meghan Quaid, Braden Richards; 8th grade: 1st place - Andrew Gilgen & Josh Kreinbrink, 2nd place - Jacob Reindel & Jake Murphy, and 3rd place - Gabe Gremling, Maddie Kreinbrink, Olivia Sellers. Power of the Pen is a program designed for young writers in the 7th and 8th grade for creative writing. Power of the Pen facilitates writing by providing the tools and resources to identify, challenge, and reward excellence using creativity. Power of the Pen inspires a love for the beauty and power of language for writing as a life skill. It encourages creative and critical thinking, and enriches and enhances the writing curriculum of schools. This is accomplished in a collaborative environment that includes community support and involvement at all levels. The team recently competed in January at the District tournament in Tiffin, Maddie Kreinbrink placed 6th overall and Emily Klein placed 14th overall in the 8th grade. 7th grade, Emma Cook placed the highest at 18th overall. The top 50% students in the 7th and 8th grade will compete in the upcoming Regional competition at Lourdes College: The students competing are Maddie Kreinbrink, Emily Klein, Olivia Harr, Emma Cook, Alexis Doe, and Margeaux Lazar. Our condolences to the family of retired St. Michael School Assistant Principal, Mr. Dick LaFontaine who recently passed away. Mr. LaFontaine was a member of our school staff for 7 years. Did you know…that Cathy and Les DeGennaro have been serving Mass at St. Michael Parish for the Primary School students for many years? Cathy is also a St. Michael School alumni and retired SMS teacher. Thank you both for sharing your time and talents with our students!! We want to congratulate the following St. Michael School CYO basketball teams who ended their season with success: 8th grade girls were Co TriDeanery League Tournament Champions (team members: Sarah Gerardi, Sophie Johnson, Lilli Myers, Abby Reynolds, Olivia Sellers, Sean Trenkamp, and Kendra Wurm), both 8th grade boys both teams were Co Tri-Deanery League Champions (team members: Quinten Flores, Paul Hansen, Grant Morman , Jacob Reindel, Jacob Scheeter, Ian Starn, Mitchell Taylor, Ethan Camiscione, Andrew Gilgen, Nick Holman, Trent Land, Jake Murphy, Jack Radabaugh Zach Thomas, and Logan Wetz); one of our 7th grade girls teams were Co Tri-Deanery League Tournament Champions and Diocesan Tournament Champs (team members: Aysia Currie, Caitlin Elseser, Abbey Hatch, Zoe Horne, Chloe Kin, Lindsey Shaw, Leah Stall, and Savannah Theil) ; 6th grade girls were the Tri-Deanery League Champions (team members: Morgan Billmaier, Madeline Feighner, Shannon Klotz, Mya Lungay, Olivia Miehls, Hannah Mueller, Alexis Nagy, Kristen Scherger, Ainsley Schroeder, and Lauren Smith); and one of the 5th grade girls teams were Tri-Deanery Tournament Champs (team members: Kelsey Conkright, Sydney Elseser, Grace Griffith, Allie Hiegel, Emma Holdgreve, Aubrey Hucke, Elizabeth Laird, and Anne Traver). Do you have a contribution for next month’s Defender? Send an email note to defender@sms.noacsc.org and we will be happy to include it. www.findlaystmichael.org I 9 Belize Outreach Program News The 2015 Delegates for our annual mission trip to our sister parish, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Benque, Belize are: Youth Team Members: Molly Doepker Aaron Elchert Laura Fox Elana Karhoff Ethan LaFontaine heart. No matter if they were told to meet us at the basketball court right after school or the soccer field late at night, they always brought a crowd and were always very appreciative and pleasant. I truly enjoyed every moment I spent with these children. Mitchell Lichtinger Joey Tornes Caroline Vance Cole Weickert Logan Young Adult Chaperones: Andy Bishop Alyssa Brown Amy Horstman Reflections from past team members… This past year, I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the Belize Outreach Program. Last June, six other high school seniors and I departed for a ten day mission trip to Belize. During these ten days, we became closer and were touched in ways we will never forget. Our mission was to educate the kids there about various saints. I took more away from the experiences shared with the kids outside the classroom. Every child always demonstrated an eagerness to play with us. The pure joy they showed at just playing simple games with us touched my I would first like to say thank you so much for the prayers, support, and donations to the Belize Outreach Program. This program has helped many youth as well as myself to open our eyes and let us see how others live. The Belize Outreach Program is such a blessing to have in our parish. We are very lucky to have such an amazing program to share our time and talents with others. It helped me to see the many blessings God has given to me. This trip has left a lasting impression on me and I am forever grateful for this. One of my favorite memories was becoming friends with a little boy named Jaden. He was always trying to steal my baseball cap. I will never forget his cheerful smile and sense of joy he spread to everyone he met. I encourage other teenagers to apply and to experience the trip of a lifetime that you will never forget. I went expecting to help them but they are the ones who helped change me! Joshua Doepker Belize Outreach Program Pancake Breakfast The Belize Outreach Program will be hosting a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, April 12th in the Activity Center following the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses. Adults - $5, Children 12 & Under - $3 Advance tickets are available from members of the mission team and will also be available at the door. Proceeds benefit the mission team that will be traveling to Belize in June. Come enjoy fellowship and breakfast while supporting the students. 10 I April 2015 Messenger “Birds who can’t decide whether to attack or flee sometimes just go away and peck grass.” - Beverly Cleverly That one made me laugh. I’ve seen it in nature. And done it myself. Life entails making choices. Most days we just use our best judgment and get on with living. Occasionally, though, indecision can overwhelm our ability to choose and then act. Sometimes we just need more time to rouse ourselves to action. When faced with a choice, we may find that what on the one hand seems good and to our benefit is balanced on the other hand by … something else that seems good and to our benefit. We mentally flop back and forth between the two options, or sometimes even between three, four, or more apparently right and proper paths. We dither in indecision until the hesitation itself submerges us in doubt. At that point, if we are not to be mired forever in uncertainty, we must step aside and concentrate on something else for a while, no matter how inane. Personally, I don’t often peck grass … but I’ve been known to wash windows or read a well-read book or organize files already in good shape, just to clear my mind. I’ve found that, given time, the situation may clear by itself without requiring a decision. Or conditions may alter in such a way that the correct resolution becomes evident. Or, in the end, I may just need to take a leap of Faith and head down one life-altering path over another. That, in fact, is Life. - Tamara Copyright © 2015 Tamara Luchini Gardening & Landscape Volunteers & Coordinator Needed Spring will be here soon, and time to clean up the church grounds, courtyards and school gardens. The Parish needs a Volunteer Coordinator for the Gardens, contact Fr. Mike, John Mathers or Tim Brugeman for details. The Grounds Care Ministry can use more volunteers to help with special spring projects and for routine care over the summer at both churches. No "green thumb" experience required; instructions, tools, fun and friendship provided. There is lots to do from planting flowers, trimming shrubs / lawns, spraying weeds (adults only) and mulching.... we need you. Any schedule works at your best times. Two groups are being organized again this season; 1. East Campus (Church & School) 2. Downtown Church Individuals, youth groups and combinations of family members can enjoy the fresh air, exercise and beauty of our Parish grounds. Groups also welcome for special short term projects. Thanks to all who kept our gardens and landscape looking so great last year. Call the Parish Office 419-422-2646. EasterBlessingsfrom E.T.andLittlePete!!! www.findlaystmichael.org I 11 Financial Statement Sunday Collection For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2015 To Cover Day-to-Day Operating Expenses: Year to Date budget for Sunday Collection as of February, 2015 $1,181,896 Actual Sunday Collection income through February, 2015 $1,206,669 Variance $24,773 More good news! It’s so nice to be able to report that we continue to be ahead of our Sunday Collection budget for the year. Thank you for your financial commitment to St. Michael the Archangel Parish. Each monetary gift is appreciated and used to help provide financial support to all the ministries of the parish. Your gifts help to make our parish the growing and active parish that it is. Building and Maintenance Collection Collections through February, 2015 $39,944 $4,993 Average Monthly Collection Thank you for your support of the Building and Maintenance collection. Spring is coming and the repair list is growing. We need to tackle a few major repairs in the warm months and with your financial support we should be able to get the jobs done. Vocation Views “Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life! If up until now you have kept him at a distance, step forward. He will receive you with open arms. If you have been indifferent, take a risk: you won’t be disappointed. If following him seems difficult, don’t be afraid, trust him, be confident that he is close to you and that he is with you. He will give you the peace you are looking for and the strength to live as he would have you do.” - Pope Francis 12 I April 2015 Messenger APRIL SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 PERPETUAL ADORATION FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 HOLY THURSDAY 3 GOOD FRIDAY until Midnight Main Church 4 HOLY SATURDAY 10:00am RCIA PREP. RITES 1:30pm GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Main Church 5 6 7 Main Church Narthex 7:30pm BLESSING of the FOOD Main Church Day Chapel 7:00pm 7:00pm MASS of the LORD’S SUPPER STATIONS & VENERATION of the CROSS 8:30pm Main Church DT Church Main Church 8 9 EASTER VIGIL MASS 10 11 EASTER 8:15am 9:00am 7:30am - Noon MAIN CHURCH MIDDLE SCHOOL MASS PRIMARY SCHOOL MASS Main Church Main Church MINISTRY LEADERS RETREAT 7:00pm 6:00pm HUMAN LIFE COMMITTEE Auditorium 8am, 10am & Noon 7:00pm PASTORAL COUNCIL MTG. DOWNTOWN CHURCH Art Room 9am & 11am 12 BOP PANCAKE BREAKFAST after all masses Activity Center 13 14 4:00pm BAKERY BINGO Conference Rm. 15 12:30pm WARM HATS KNITTING GROUP Auditorium 16 17 8:15am 9:00am MIDDLE SCHOOL MASS PRIMARY SCHOOL MASS Main Church Main Church 6:30pm FAMILY HOLY HR Marian Room 4:30pm CATHOLIC SINGLES ALIVE Main Church Day Chapel BAPTISM SUN. 7:30pm Main Church ORGAN CONCERT Marian Room 6:00pm REFUGE HS YOUTH GROUP featuring Josh Brodbeck 19 20 21 22 23 24 10:00am 12:30pm 8:15am 9:00am BAPTISM SUN. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP MIDDLE SCHOOL MASS PRIMARY SCHOOL MASS Main Church Main Church Main Church 11:00am 18 25 BACKYARD MISSION TRIP Marian Room K OF C BREAKFAST 6:00pm Activity Center FIRST COMMUNION PRACTICE 2:00pm BAPTISM CERMONY (Students only) Main Church Main Church 26 27 28 29 7:00 - 10:00pm ARISE MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP 30 7:00pm FIRST COMMUNION PRACTICE (Parents & Students) Main Church www.findlaystmichael.org I 13 Mass on TV Each Sunday, one of our Masses is being videotaped for later broadcast on Time Warner Cable Channel 21. Here are the broadcast times: Monday evening at 7:30pm Wednesday evening at 7:30pm Sunday morning at 9:00am El Grupo Maria Madre de Dios de la comunidad Hispana de Findlay, les invita al rezo del Rosario, Reflexión de la Palabra y Oración con Dios. Todos los miércoles a las 8pm “2361 Massillon Dr., Apt 4, Findlay, OH”. Informes: Irma y Miguel González 567-525-4836. It is hoped that those who are unable to be at Mass physically may still feel a connection to our community via this medium. The Mary, Mother of God Hispanic Community of Findlay invites you each to join us each Wednesday as we pray the rosary and reflect on the word of God. Join at 8pm at 2361 Massillon Dr., Apt. 4, Findlay, OH. For more information, please contact Irma or Miguel Gonzalez 567-525-4836. Homebound Ministry St. Michael Athletic Boosters Scholarships If you are unable to come to Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist in your home, please contact the parish office at 419-422-2646 or Pat Wolford at 419-423-7545. Coming Home to the Church If you have been away from the Church and would like to come back, we would like to help you. Please contact Geri Leibfarth at gleibfarth@findlaystmichael.org or 419422-2646. Attention CROSS STITCHERS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) has a very special project and needs your help if you are a person who enjoys doing cross stitch. It’s a simple project and you’ll have several months to complete it. What a wonderful way to welcome our candidates! Please call Millie Berger at 419-424-0165 after 6:00pm if you can help! Warm Hat Project Do you knit or crochet? The Warm Hat Project would love to have you join them on the 2nd Monday of each month from 12:30 - 2:00 pm in the Marian Room as they work to make hats for those in need. Contact. Sr. Mary Lou Schmersal for more details cppsnews@bright.net or 419304-3819. Parish Cell Phone Use Policy St. Michael the Archangel Parish prohibits usage of cell phones or other electronic devices (including hand-free systems) to talk, text, send/receive messages (text or emails) when driving a vehicle for parish and/or school sponsored events. In the event of an emergency, drivers are required to pull over before using their phones. Parish Points You can now use your cell phone to sign up for Parish Points. Simply text SMP to 22828 and follow the prompts. 14 I April 2015 Messenger Each year, the Athletic Booster Club awards two nonrenewable $500 scholarships (one for a boy, one for a girl) for graduating high school seniors who participated in CYO sports at St. Michael School during their 7th and 8th grade years. Applicants don't have to be St. Michael graduates to be eligible, but must have participated in CYO sports there during their two junior high years. For more information, including a downloadable application, please visit the St. Michael Athletic Boosters website: www.smsathleticboosters.weebly.com All applications must be submitted to the assistant principal by April 15, 2015. SMS Seeking Assistant Principal St. Michael School, is seeking a full-time Assistant Principal for pre-school - 8th grade school with enrollment of 580 students and 40 staff. Must be an active, practicing Catholic with teaching and administrative experience. Bachelor’s degree required. Submit resume by 4/7/2015 to: Search Committee, Attn: Anne Brehm 723 Sutton Place Findlay, OH 45840 Follow us on Social Media! Keep up to date on all of the latest happenings here at St. Mike’s by following us on social media! We are on: www.facebook.com/FindlayStMichael Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Findlay, Ohio Permit No. 339 St. Michael the Archangel Parish 750 Bright Rd. Findlay, OH 45840 Current Resident or www.findlaystmichael.org I 15
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