APPENDIX . M-7 Long Island 6 Railroad .Montreal .Gallery EMU Car Electric Multiple Unit -M- ~ New York, Usj Under joint agreement to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) and the Metro-North Railroad (MNR), Bombardier Transportation is providing Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) M- 7 commuter cars to LIRR to begin replacement of its Metropolitan M-I commuter car fleet. Chartered in 1834, the Long Island Rail Road is the largest Commuter Rail system in North America. Bombardier's new Electric Multiple Units, its first railcar contract for the LIRR, will service the Long Island commuter lines, constituting 80% of the system. The units are equipped with Bombardier's renowned stainless steel carbodies for long life and low maintenance, and asynchronous AC motors featuring stateof-the-art IGBT {isolated gate bipolar transistors) inverters. Use of outboard-bearing bolsterless fabricated bogies offers considerable weight savings over cast bogies. The interior of the LIRR' "Car of the Future" was designel with the input of the passenger and employees and includes a] ADA compliant toilet, cellula telephone and wide, single-lea sliding doors for ease of entry an exit. ~ BOMBARDIER BOMBARD" TRANSPORTATION 'V Electric Multiple Unit -M- 7 POWERCAR WITH TOILET B END ---10' 6' I 3,200 mi FEND -: CJCJ -" , 0 ~~[] =0 ~ C==- :- CJCJCJCJCJCJ I [] D b 01 -1::1 ~~W ~w ~~IL...I 1 11 m 205~16~m-! 2 591 ..1.6" mm --I 59°6" , ~ 309~mm t ~ 25.908 GENERAL DATA type of vehicle Metropolitan Transportation Authority Long Island Railroad May 1999 113 power cars without toilet 113 power cars with toilet up to 14 cars quantity train consist Metric 25,908 mm 3,200 mm 3,950 mm I ,295 mm 4,039 mm 1,270 mm 1,981 mm 2,261 mm 2,007 mm 914 mm 2,591 mm 18,136 mm 1,435 mm doorway height floor to high ceiling height floor to low ceiling height wheel diameter truck wheelbase truck centre distance track gauge car weight (empty) -power car without toilet -power car with toilet 58,200 kg 56,835 kg PERFORMANCE AND CAPACI'IY maximum service speed acceleration rate, initial (service) braking rate (service) braking rate, nominal (emergency) buff load Metric I 60 km/h 0.9 m/S' 1.3 m/s' 1.4 m/S' 3,560 kN 4°8-1/2. ~-- -;cl 10435mm .-1 F END wheelchair locations passenger per car (seated) passengers per car (standing) crush load TECHNICAL .power Imperial 85'0" 10'6" 12' II Y;" 51" 13' 3" 50" 6'6" 89" 79" 36" 102" 59'6" 4' 8 y;" 2 under design under design CHARACTERISTICS fed by third .auxiliary voltages: rail: 400-900 Vdc 230 Vac / 3 ph / 60 Hz 72 Vdc .AC DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHf length over coupler width over side sheets rail to roof height rail to top of floor height rail to top of height doorway width traction .dynamic .coil motor: 265 hp (200 kW) and pneumatic spring primary (tread & disc) braking system suspension .air-bag secondary suspension .stainless steel carbody .fabricated steel frame .automatic parking .forced-air ventilation .air-conditioning .electric trucks brake capacity of 18 tons strip heaters .ADA compliant .vacuum toilet .communication .cellular system with telephone .event room (8 car) sewage system (8 car) visual signs (8 car) recorder .cab signal/ 125,300Ib 128,300Ib .cab end: automatic ATC Imperial 100 mph 2.0 mphps 3.0 mphps .four coupler type N-6A) .non-cab end: semi-permanent single-leaf .hinged-end .on-board (mechanical, pneumatic and electrical drawbar doors doors computer-controlled diagnostic system 3.2 mphps 800,000 Ib ~ TRANSPORTATION 1101 Parent Street, St. Bruno, Quebec, Canada J3V 6E6 .Telephone .Austria -Tel.: (43-1) 25 110. Belgium -Tel.: (32-50) 4011 II. .France -Tel.: (33-3) 27235300. .Switzerland. Tel.: (41 21) 9670505 .United I (450) 441-2020 Canada -Tel.: I (613) 384-3100. Czech Republic -Tel.: (42-0425) 802111 Germany' Tel.: (4930) 6793-0. ~) -- mm electric multiple unit order date 1- I ° 16,~:,60~m ~ operator t~J -A'-'1~~~I ~~ I~ " 1211-1/2 Mexico -Tel.: 52 (5) 209-67-00. People's Republic of China -Tel.; 8610-8529-9100 Kingdom -Tel.: (44-1-924) 271 881 .United States -Tel.: I (212) 682-5860 wwwJransportati oQbombardier. corn Electric An impressive result of Bombardier's ongoing research and development activities, the Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) delivered to the societe de transport de la Communaute urbaine de Montreal feature technological advances that make them safe, reliable, high-performing and economical. Technical innovations and improvements include: .A propulsion system that uses asynchronous alternating current motors -requiring less maintenance than direct current motors. .Outboard bearing bogies which are considerably lighter than casted bogies and provide a smoother ride at higher speeds. Multiple Uni Montreal, Canad .Wide side doors at both hig and low platform levels t allow quick loading/unloadin and to eliminate the need f(J stepwell trap operation. These modern units are ii revenue service on the Montrea] Deux-Montagnes commuter lin( BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTA TION Electric Multiple Unit POWER CAR lr ===:m A END BEND I ~[lnCJCJg ~.. a--" -==.~ r=r-l I~- t59'6.18,136mm -~:~.-JI 2,842mm-e..l ~I 1A END '. GENERAL type 85'4. 26,010 mm .dynamic DATA electric of vehicle operator societe Communaute 4 trailer metric 26,010 mm 3,200 mm 3,937 mm I ,295 mm 864 2,642 18,136 1,435 mm mm mm mm 1992 29 power cars 25 trailer cars cars with up to five married rail to top of equipment height, except pantograph 4,420 mm doorway width (side centre doors) 1,270 mm doorway height (side centre doors) 1,905 mm doorway width (side end doors) 1,219 mm doorway height over first step (side end doors) 2,413 mm floor to ceiling height (high ceiling) 2,159 mm floor to ceiling height (low ceiling) 2,006 mm wheel diametre truck wheel base truck centre distance track gauge de la de Montreal June quantity DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT length over coupler width over side sheets rail to roof height rail to top of floor height unit de transport urbaine date of order train consist multiple cab pairs imperial 8514" 10' 6" 12' II" 51" 14' 6" 50" 6' 3" 48" 7' 11" 7' 1" 6' 7" 34" 8' 8" 59' 6" 4' 8.1/2" car weight (empty) -powercar .trailer car -trailer car with cab 57,169 kg 44,465 kg 45,372 kg 126,000 Ib 98,000 Ib 100,000 Ib TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS .power fed by catenary25 kV /1 ph /60 Hz .auxiliary voltage 700 Vac / I ph / 60 Hz 480 Vac 13ph 60 Hz -120 Vac/60 Hz- 37.5 Vdc .AC traction motor 380 hp (continuousrating) .coil and pneumatic (tread) braking system springs primary suspension .air-bag secondary suspension .stainless steel carbody .fabricated steel frame trucks .manual parking brake .forced-air ventilation (trailer car and cab) .air-conditioning capacity of 13 tons .electric strip heaters .type H tightlock coupler .sliding side centre doors .swing plug side end doors .I hinged end door (A end car with cab) .on-board computer-controlled diagnostic for propulsion and braking systems metric 120 km/11 109 km/11 2.4 km/11/s 3.2 km/h/s 4km/h/s 3,558 kN PERFORMANCE AND CAPACIlY maximum design speed maximum service speed acceleration rate, initial (service) braking rate (service) braking rate, nominal (emergency) buff load wheelchair locations -power car -trailer car with cab double bicycle racks (summer) -trailer car -trailer car with cab imperial 75 mph 68 mph 1.5 mphps 2.0 mphps 2.5 mphps 800,000 Ib 2 2 2 passengers per car (seated) -power car -trailer car -trailer car with cab passengers per car (standing) crush load winter summer 88 88 88 92 80 88 126 126 ~ BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION 1101 Parent Street, St. Bruno, Quebec, Canada J3V 6E6 .Telephone I (450) 441-2020 .Austria -Tel.: (43-1) 25 110. Belgium-Tel.: (32-50)4011 11. Canada-Tel.: I (613)384-3100. CzechRepublic-Tel.: (42-0425)343 190 .France -Tel.: (33-3) 27235300. Germany-Tel.: (4930) 6793-0. Mexico -Tel.: 52 (5) 209-67-00. Switzerland-Tel.: (4121) 9670505 .United Kingdom-Tel.: (44-1-924)271881. United States-Tel.: I (212) 682-5860 www .transDDrtatiDn bombardie[com BOMBARDIER ~ -I 0: n -0 ~ ~5 O :.0< N '" CD ~ n !N 01 < -0 Ns. ' I O~ :.0< "» ~n ~OI ~N ~n.01~n " ~ n < C 8 ~ -.lG") ~ ~ ~Q),"m» oOO~.. '-i i - ~ .. ~ :T n -~ " 1 - 0. I~ ... 1, ,-o 3 3 9. 100 1-~ IZ " 3 I,a CD ~ I \ -< (JI -t m ~ r m \ 0 ..:T ~ ~ .CD 0 ' , ..a ..- NN""'88 N 3 3 3 3 mm<o 00' ~~... -~°::. ~ m ~ -" .. -~ .0 «:T ..CDo ;:I;:1~ --N ~~g ---~3 0 n -3333:D n ~~~ » -c.c.c. .-, --, (JI c:c:c: c: s I~.N I}, ~..' 3 3 1 " ~~ '~om ~ ' ~... , z 'j , , ~ :T.. ~:! 3 m 3 3 n' :T I oCD ~~ -v; :D m -t n » n X » :D m - ' ~ c. ~ J!! w » CD Z CD n O ~ -1 "'- 3-n c: n..m n .2~O l -0 ~ 3 .. CD "n3 Q~O c: :D c: ~~~'-"""»~"U ,CDo;~ "",,~ -,-.-,~~~!!.~,333- m rm n -t c: N <0 U1m~ mm, , , .. :t - 8 8 N 8 0 <0 ~ .. .. ~ 3 N~m"' N~m", mm~m mm,"' ~~~ ..CD~ ""' ~~c g,g,~ 330C. aa~~.. c: ",,'io --- -I-IZ", SSc:c: , , 1'1 ,e ,.J I -L it I ~ I , ~ .~ ~ I ~~ n il- ] "-' ~. "J --1 ITl:s' r , , -" , ,; 1 -" Lower level interior Upper level interior The Highliners were desig.. 'E;=:=!t by the St.Louis Car Company for operation on the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad's corr. -wluter lines in the Chicago area. Following the initial order of 131 such cars in 1970, a.. additional 36 cars were ordered from Bombardier in 1976 and placed into service b~ ~inning in 1978. The cars not only offer a low weight-topassenger ratio. but make I-. -~..e efficient use of manpower than conventional single level cars. The car bodies, constr seated passengers, both o"f level for ticket taking, etc. .0 of the car . <ted of low alloy -high tensile steel, feature two levels for '--.;/hich may be monitored by railroad personnel from the first c::=:::cess to the upper level is via stairwells located at the center Used in commuter se r~ice. the cars serve numerous communities to the south of Chicago. One route. South c::=: -.'icago. operates on a boulevard median strip while another. to Blue Island. operates for a ~ ~onsiderable distance on single track. The cars have been des. Chicago, with temperature~ - ~ned and built to operate in the severe winters experienced Df -20°F and snowfalls of 20 inches and more. Bombardier Inc. Transportation Equipment Group 11 01 Parent Street St-Bruno, Quebec, Canada J3V 6E6 Phone: (514) 441-2020 Facsimile: (514) 441-1515 ~~')'nnQA'~.. in
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