Word The A publication of Dyersburg First United Methodist Church Volume XLI Pastoral Thoughts April 29, 2015 Dr. David Russell, Senior Pastor Rev. Dell King, Associate Pastor The Congregation, Ministers A Historic Change Has Taken Place Beginning April 23, the Memphis Conference of The United Methodist Church (West Tennessee and Western Kentucky) have new district boundaries and names, according to an announcement by Bishop William T. (Bill) McAlilly and the conference’s district superintendents. The Memphis Conference is an area that includes 421 churches (269 charges) in West Tennessee and Western Kentucky. The new district configuration has reduced the number of districts from seven to five and a further reduction down to four will take place by June 2016. New district names also are part of the changes. Here is a breakdown of the new districts: ● Purchase District: 8 counties in Western Kentucky, 83 churches, 56 charges ● Mississippi River District: 8 counties in Northwest Tennessee, 125 churches, 66 charges ● Tennessee River District: 10 counties just west of the Tennessee River in Western Tennessee, 138 churches, 79 charges ● Metro-Asbury District AND Metro-McKendree District: 3 counties in Southwest Tennessee, 83 churches, 71 charges This is particularly bittersweet for pastors and church members who have a long proud affiliation with our former district structure. Personally, the majority of my years of ministry have been served in the Dyersburg District, which is no more. The purpose of this reduction is to bring the structure of the Memphis Conference more in line with that of other conferences in The United Methodist Church. This map indicates the new district boundaries and names. Peace, Copy 16 Sunday Servants SUNDAY, MAY 3 8:30 A.M. 10:50 A.M. ACOLYTES Jarrod Lowrance Lane Pugh CROSS BEARERS Sam Andrews Ches Davis NO SMALL TALK PRAYER WARRIORS Jackie Gullett Cindy Taylor SOUNDBOARD Steve Guttery Joe Jennings VIDEO DIRECTORS Patti Lou Parker Josie McLaurin VIDEO RECORDER John Tucker COMMUNION STEWARDS George and Sarah Goldsby Ellen Moore, Tammy Jowers Heather Kauffman COMMUNION STEWARDS HOMEBOUND Steve and Louise Anderson, Jack and Mary Todd, Jerry and Charlotte Weaver and Polly White GREETERS 8:30 A.M. Clara Nell Bradshaw North Troy Janie Putman Chapel 10:50 A.M. Carolyn Lanier North Troy Penny Switzer Chapel USHERS FOR MAY 8:30 A.M. Jim Bane, Roy Campbell, John Gardner, Jon Helton, Porter Ryland, J.D. Stephens, David West, Mike Workman, and John T. Yarbro 10:50 A.M. J. Dan Gullett, Jamison Gullett, Keith Guthrie, Billy Ozment, David Peckenpaugh May communion supports Golden Cross Sunday, which supports the ministries to the elderly—Wesley Senior Ministries. ...Family and friends of Mrs. Betty Sue Putman, who died April 23. Mrs. Putman was a member of First United Methodist Church since 1952. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday, May 31—Wednesday, June 3 6 – 8 p.m. For three-year-olds thru 6th grade RECORD OF LOYALTY ATTENDANCE 4/26/15 8:30 A.M. Worship 10:50 A.M. Worship Combined Morning Worship Total Sunday Evening Sunday School Salt and Light Class Attendance Salt and Light Meals Served 152 165 317 N/A 210 151 117 OFFERING Annual budget 2015 $1,025.028.00 Needed to date 338,105.19 Received as of 4/26/15 279,183.19 Amount over/under Budget -58,922.00 “Imagine No Malaria” This Week 6.15 Total to Date 15,019.64 DIRECTORY PICTURES If you did not have your picture made for our new church directory and would like to do so, there may be a make up day if we have enough people. Please call Patti Lou Parker at 285-6454, if you are interested. YOUNG ADULT CLASS Class members include persons in college through persons in their mid 30’s. The class meets in the Boy Scout room across from Rawles Hall. If you are interested in joining this class please come Sunday morning, or if you know someone who would be interested invite him/her. For more information call Patti Lou Parker at 285-6454. MISSION BLITZ UPDATE Dear FUMC members, Thank you to all who donated and/or participated in this year’s Mission Blitz. We had over 600 people from 17 different churches completing over 50 projects in and around the Dyersburg community. Whether helping organizations or individuals, we truly were working together through Christ to spread and show his love in our community. Not only were we helping those in need, we were also making Dyersburg a better, more beautiful place to live by working with our friends and neighbors. If you have any experiences or pictures you would like to share, please send them to Mark Gadlage by phone at (812) 639-0724 or by email at mark.j.gadlage@gmail.com. Again, thank you for all of your hard work and time. SENIOR SUNDAY Sunday, May 17, is Senior Sunday. On that day, we will honor our 2015 Graduating Seniors. Please come and support our Seniors at the 10:30 a.m. combined service. Graduating from high school is a huge step for these young adults, and they are to be congratulated. FOOD PANTRY Suggestions: Crackers Jelly Stew Tuna PLACE IN PLASTIC TUBS Salt and Light News 5:00 P.M. —Wednesdays Menu — Grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Chips, Cookies, Soft Drinks Servers – Various and Sundry People Y C O R N E R Heather Kauffman O With Senior Sunday coming up in a few weeks, like to take a moment to share something U Ithatwould makes me proud of the class of 2015. The last T few months of high school are some of the busiest months of a high school student’s career. There are H countless award nights, senior nights for athletics, prom, final exams, final moments with friends and so much more. There are so many decisions to be made about colleges, jobs and scholarship applications. In the midst of all of this, however, I am thankful that they choose to still show up for church and youth events. Their commitment to this church and youth program amazes me. It amazes me because it is common for many seniors to stop coming in the midst of their busy schedules. It happened in my youth group in high school, and I hear about it happening in many of the youth groups of my classmates in CYMT. The commitment of our seniors is something I think we can all learn from. I see their commitment in two main ways, though I could probably list off many more. 1. Their commitment to learn. The class of 2015 never ceases to show up prepared to learn about what God has in store for them that day. Their attentiveness to the lessons reveals this to me. They come to learn about God and have committed to this learning process throughout their time in high school. They work hard in all that they do, not just in school and in their activities, but also during their time at Dayspring, Sunday School and UMYF. While they seem to come partially for the community of believers, it is obvious that they come because of their passion to learn. This is an incredible trait that will take them far in their life and especially their faith. We can definitely follow their example and commit to constantly learning more about God and God’s world. 2. Their commitment to serve. The class of 2015 is full of servant leaders. The faith of these students seems to prompt them to action and service. Ask them to serve in anyway and they gladly do it. This is such a blessing to our youth group and our church. They serve those who are younger than them by their presence and their example. They reach out to those around them and help when someone is in need. This has been one of the ways I have been most inspired by this graduating class. The class of 2015 has so much to teach us about service and what it looks like to put our learning to action. I pray that we follow this example and think of how we might serve those around us, both younger and older. Our youth ministry is extremely proud of our seniors. We are thankful for the many ways they have inspired and influenced our youth group and our church. I hope that you think about them and pray for them in the Please call the church with updates for the prayer list when someone becomes sick or their health improves. Tony Deere Louise Hendrix Carole O. Whitnel—home Becky Park—Cristy Evan’s mother Susan Motley—Nancy Hardin’s sister Linda Holt Brenda North Bob & Peggy Mayfield Bonnie Holt Destiny Kennedy—Brian and Sandi Stahl’s granddaughter Naomi Rushing Melissa Langston Carol Hendren Disney Please remember our homebound members. A list of homebound members will be included in the newsletter YOUTH CORNER continued... coming weeks and months as they approach the next step that God has called them to! Blessings! Heather Sunday, May 3rd 9:45 A.M.—Senior Appreciation Breakfast 5:30-7:30 PM— UMYF Wednesday, May 6th 5:00 PM- VBS Registration Night (No Dayspring) Our weekly worship service on cable television, airs on Thursdays at 1 p.m. on Channel 12. VISITOR BAGS We have bags containing information about our church and small tokens available to give visitors to our worship services. They are no longer in gift bags, but are in plastic bags inscribed with the church name and are located in the doors of the chest in the parlor area to your left when you come in the door off the Troy parking lot. MEMORIALS/HONORARIUMS PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of: Given by: Betty Sue Putman Sellers Class Betty Sue Putman Dr. & Mrs. Fred Moore Betty Sue Putman Mr. & Mrs. James Cooper GENERAL FUND In memory of: Betty Sue Putman Betty Sue Putman Given by: Mr. & Mrs. George Robertson Vera Harness In honor of: Betty Rickert Given by: Vera Harness PANTRY FUND In memory of: Grant Guthrie Betty Sue Putman Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Jones Elizabeth Fowlkes SACRISTY FUND In memory of: Betty Sue Putman Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Roy Campbell FAMILY LIFE CENTER In memory of: Given by: Betty Sue Putman Joan Gilliland Memorials not listed this week will be in next week’s issue. Sunday, May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter (white) Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 8:30 & 10:50 A.M. Worship John 15:1-8 “Cut Off or Caught Up?” Dr. David Russell, preaching 5:00 P.M. Acts 8:26-40 “What’s Stopping YOU?” The Rev. Dell King, preaching FAMILY LIFE CENTER NEWS From Andy Fisher PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Parents’ Night Out will be Saturday, May 9 from 6—10 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Bring the kids and let them enjoy a night without you. Make your plans now and leave the kids to us. They should be ready for a fun night out. Send pizza bucks to offset supper expenses. Nursery will be provided for the small ones. MEN’S SOFTBALL At this time, we have seven people that have signed up for softball. This is a ‘wood bat’ league for ages 14 and older. We are trying to determine if there is enough interest this year to have one team or even two teams. Don’t worry about your skill level. We need players that want to have fun and fellowship, while playing slow pitch softball. Some Methodists are known for waiting to the last minute to sign up. The season begins June 23. Everyone must sign a waiver which is located a the Family Life Center or in the print room, in Andy’s mailbox. NO PARKING The lower parking lot by the Family Life Center will be blocked off from 8—11 a.m. for the Preschool’s Field Days on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Annual Church Golf Tournament Saturday, May 2 1 p.m. Contact Barbara Stephens if interested, 731-676-7194. Send form #3579 to The Word, P.O. Box 452, Dyersburg, TN 38025, FUMC Weekly published by First United Methodist Church 100 McGaughey, P.O. Box 452, Dyersburg, TN 38024 Church: 731-285-6454, Family Life Center: 731-285-4794 Web Page—www.fumcdyersburg.com #13490 Periodicals Paid at Dyersburg, TN
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