Weekly Announcing - First United Methodist Church

Faith Studies @First
Children & Youth
Children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited for faith learning and fun every
Sunday. We meet in room 204 at 9:35 and then at 10:00 am, all groups move
to separate classes for Bible story and activities.
6 -12 grades meet in room 114 for interesting discussion about stuff that
matters to you.
Adult Classes—Sunday morning
Boomers—continue with their study of The 10 Commandments with Joan
Chittister, facilitated by Susan Davies.
room 112
Centering Prayer—This prayer time begins with 10 minutes of fellowship,
followed by a 20-minute sit in silence, closing with The Lord’s Prayer.
Mead Chapel
Connections—are assisting with the reception in The Commons for the Rev.
Debra McKnight. Next week, they will return to room 203.
Explorers—continue their study of The Underground Church: Reclaiming the
Subversive Ways of Jesus by Robin Meyers.
Adult Education Library
Explorers Class will be starting the study of America and Its Guns: A Theological Exposé by James Atwood on May 31. If you would like us to order you a
book, for personal study or group reading, contact Mary Spurgeon at 402-556
-6262 X1004 or Mary.Spurgeon@fumcomaha.org.
Faithlinks—This intergenerational class looks at a current issue through the
lens of our Christian faith.
room 111
Next week! John Wesley: Holiness of Heart and Life—Short term study—
May 10, 17, 24, 31 and June 7, facilitated by Mary Spurgeon and our pastors.
Adult Classes—Sunday afternoon
Knitting Into the Mystery—We’re back and invite you to join us to today, 34:00 pm at Tea Smith, 345 N 78 St.
Adult Classes—Weekday
A Study of The Torah—For more info, please contact Mary Spurgeon at
Mary.Spurgeon@fumcomaha.org. Mondays, 4:00-5:30 pm, Urban Abbey
Lectionary Bible Studies are small groups that delve into the background,
context, and meaning of weekly scriptures chosen for focus in common by
many Christian denominations.
See weekly calendar for meeting times
Sophia’s Path–is a group who meet weekly to connect, learn, reflect, and
grow together. All are welcome! Childcare is provided upon request—please
contact Jessica.Thacker@fumcomaha.org. Contact: Maria Walker at MariaBWalker@yahoo.com.
Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 am, room 111
Daring Greatly—Join us at the Abbey and bring a friend for a book club featuring "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown. Topics include strategies to develop
courage in relationships, leadership, love, and LIFE! For more information
contact: RevDeb@UrbanAbbeyOmaha.com.
Our Faith in Action
Mercy and Justice
Second Cooler: A Migrant Justice Documentary with Director, Ellin Jimmerson,
Thursday, May 7, 7:00 pm, St. Paul UMC, 5410 Corby St. Omaha. This film examines a well-focused question: “Who benefits?” from illegal immigration.
Mission at Our Doorstep—Saturday, May 16—This is a family event, as there are
no age restrictions to participate. Sign up in the Gathering Place. We will clean up
the grounds in preparation for the Memorial Day event at the cemetery. Main tasks
are to pick up trash and weeding around the trees; equipment needed are gloves
and rakes. There is adequate parking at the cemetery. Please join us to help clean up
Omaha's pioneer cemetery and maybe learn a little about early Omaha and its
founders. The cemetery is the final resting place for many Omaha developers, religious leaders, mayors, judges, and benefactors, for whom Omaha streets, parks and
schools were named.
Prospect Hill Cemetery, 3202 Parker Street, 10 am-Noon
Free House Painting for Seniors and Disabled Homeowners. Brush-up Nebraska
is now taking applications from Seniors and Disabled Homeowners for the 2015 Paint
-a-thon. Application deadline is Monday, May 25. Selected homeowners will have
their house painted for free on Saturday, August 15. Please contact Brush-up Nebraska at 402-965-9169 for info and application.
From Participants to Partners
All are always welcome to participate in the life and ministries of FUMC Omaha.
When you are ready to move from participant to partnership through your prayers,
presence, gifts, service and witness, contact Jane or Jessica by e-mail or phone—
we’d be delighted to answer your questions and get to know one another!
Jane.Florence@fumcomaha.org; 402-556-6262, ext. 1002
Jessica.Thacker@fumcomaha.org; ext. 1008
Consistent Giving Made Easy
If you are interested in setting up automatic giving and would like assistance, contact
Thank you for supporting the ministries of FUMC.
Contribution letters are provided to identified donors for
tax deduction records at year end.
Because you give…we are able to transition a family into their
All are welcome to join in at any time—no cost involved~
Taizé Worship—1st Saturday monthly, 5:00 pm, Mead Chapel
Yoga—Mondays, 9:30 am, Mead Chapel
Light Aerobics—Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 am, room 204
Tai Chi For Balance—Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pm, Mead Chapel
Meditation—Wednesdays, 12:00 pm, Mead Chapel
Sacred Drumming—1st & 3rd Thursdays monthly, 6:30 pm, Mead Chapel
Centering Prayer—2nd & 4th Thursdays monthly, 6:15 pm, Mead Chapel
Labyrinth, Garden & Gazebo—24/7
Today @ First United Methodist Church
Sunday, May 3, 2015
8:30 & 10:50
9:35 am
Worship Service, Sanctuary
Faith Studies @First
Habitat Kickoff—Sunday, May 3—You can help by volunteering to work on the construction or consider making a
financial donation to help us meet our goal of over $5000.
We need 100 families to contribute $50 each in order to
meet that goal. Contact Habitat Project Manager, Carol
Beaty 402-496-8468 or cabeaty@cox.net for more info.
Reception for Rev. Debra McKnight—We celebrate the 8 years
she served here as our Associate Pastor and offer blessings to
her new ministry at Urban Abbey. Please join us in The Commons today at 9:30 to share in cake and celebration!
40th Anniversary Celebrating Together—Choral Concert
in the Sanctuary to celebrate and remember our first 40
years of coordinated emergency assistance! Thank you for
your years of service and commitment: First UMC, Temple
Israel, St. Pius X, Countryside Community, St. Luke UMC, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, St. Paul UMC, Hanscom Park UMC, Faith Westwood, and The Water’s
Sunday, May 3, 2:30 pm, Concert; Social at 4:00 pm
UMW Sewing Circle
The new UMW Sewing Circle will meet to get organized and plan what sewing
projects we want to pursue on Tuesday, May 5 at 10:00 am in room 111. Contact either Nancy Coziahr, 712-323-4008 or Emogene Whitten, 402-905-2420.
Fellowship Meal—May 17—Boomers class will serve delicious pulled pork
sandwiches with BBQ beans, cole slaw and desert. Proceeds will be used to
purchase food for the May 20 dinner for Siena/Francis House. Join us in The
Commons after the second service. All are welcome and the cost is a free will
own home through Habitat for Humanity cooperative build.
FUMC Foundation Estate Planning Program
Philanthropy is more than giving; it is inspiring dreams and creating defining
moments for donors, recipients, and the community. Learn more about philanthropy through estate planning with Darrin Carlson, attorney with Carlson and
Burnett and Todd Feltz, President and CEO of Feltz WealthPlan on Sunday,
May 17 after the second service. Pick up lunch in The Commons and join us in
room 112 for this informative program.
Spiritual Practices @ First
First United Methodist ChurchOmaha
7020 Cass St Omaha, NE 68132
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Friday & Sunday, 8:30 am-12:00 pm; Closed Saturday
Have you lost something? Maybe forgot
to take your coat home
because the weather
was so beautiful? Well,
we might have found
it! Please stop by the
church office to check
for your lost item in the
lost and found box. All
unclaimed items will be taken to Lydia House by May 15.
Monday, May 4
8:30 am ..... Community Counselor (Christina Howard), room 107 (Mon & Tues)
9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 12:30—Rainbow Factory Preschool classes (Monday-Friday)
9:30 am ..... Transformational Yoga, Mead Chapel. Instructor: Marci Baker
1:00 pm ..... Recovery support group, room 111
4:00 pm ..... A Study of the Torah, Urban Abbey
6:00 pm ..... River City Mixed Chorus, The Commons
................... A Time To Heal cancer support group, Mead Chapel & Parlor
7:00 pm ..... Omaha Street Percussion, room 208
Tuesday, May 5
9:30 am ..... Exercise class (light aerobics), room 204 (Tuesday & Thursday)
10:00 am ... UMW Sewing Circle, room 111
3:30 pm ..... Tai Chi for Balance, Mead Chapel (Tuesday & Thursday)
6:00 pm ..... Arts Board, room 108
Wednesday, May 6
6:40 am ..... Lectionary Bible Study (N Coziahr), HyVee Café
9:30 am ..... Sophia’s Path, room 111 (childcare in room 105)
11:00 am ... Rainbow Factory Preschool Mother’s Tea
12:00 pm ... Meditation Group, Mead Chapel
6:00 pm ..... Rainbow Factory Preschool Board, room 109
6:30 pm ..... Stephen Ministries, east Parlor
7:00 pm ..... Alcoholics Anonymous, Ada Mead Hall
Thursday, May 7
7:00 am ..... Lectionary Bible Study (S Cramer), Village Inn, 7837 Dodge
................... Lectionary Bible Study (S Morgan), Garden Café
10:00 am ... UMW General Meeting: Della Lamb Community Services, rm 112
11:00 am ... Rainbow Factory Preschool Mother’s Tea
5:00 pm ..... Healing Arts Team, room 111
6:30 pm ..... Bell Choir rehearsal, Clark Rehearsal Hall
................... Sacred Drumming, Mead Chapel
7:00 pm ..... “The Second Cooler”, St. Paul UMC, 5410 Corby St., Omaha
7:30 pm ..... Chancel Choir rehearsal, Clark Rehearsal Hall
Friday, May 8
8:30 am ..... Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), room 111
9:30 & 10:30 am Tai Chi class by Shandy, Mead Chapel
10:30 am ... Bulletin Folders, Conference room (04)
11:00 am ... Rainbow Factory Preschool Mother’s Brunch
6:00 pm ..... Box City, front lawn
Saturday, May 9
1:00 pm ..... “Dare Greatly” Book Study, Urban Abbey
4:00 pm ..... Proud Horizons, Ada Mead Hall
Sunday, May 10—Mother’s Day
Lectionary: Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17
8:15 am ...............Toddler Nursery, room 105
8:30 & 10:50 .... Worship Service, Sanctuary
9:15 am ...............Social Time, Gathering Place
9:30 am ...............Chin Immanuel Church, Ada Mead Hall
9:35 am ............ Faith Studies @First
3:00 pm ...............Knitting Into the Mystery, Tea Smith 345 N 78 St, Omaha
5:30 pm ...............Worship Service, Urban Abbey
Spiritual Practices at
First United Methodist Church-Omaha
May 7 & 21
Sacred Drumming
1st & 3rd Thursdays
6:30 pm
Mead Chapel
Staff Extensions & E-mail Addresses:
1002 ... Pastor .............................................................................. Jane.Florence@fumcomaha.org
1006 .... Pastor .................................................................. Cynthia.Lindenmeyer@fumcomaha.org
1001 .... Office Administrator…………………… ......................... Roberta.Coss@fumcomaha.org
1021 .... Music Ministries Director………………… ........................... Mark.Kurtz@fumcomaha.org
1003 .... Finance Manager………………………… ............................. Ed.Pearce@fumcomaha.org
1010 .... Building Manager………………………… ....................... Steve.Nehrig@fumcomaha.org
1004 .... Director of Adult Education ......................................... Mary.Spurgeon@fumcomaha.org
1008 .... Director of Children & Youth Ministry/Membership . Jessica.Thacker@fumcomaha.org
1009 .... Rainbow Factory Preschool Director…… ................ Linda.Thompson@fumcomaha.org
............ Music Associate………………………… ......................... Marie.Meyers@fumcomaha.org
Faith Community Nurse: Jan Dixon, 402-571-4076
Community Counselor: Christina Howard, 402-354-6891, ext. 25
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Friday & Sunday, 8:30 am-12:00 pm; Closed Saturday
Benefits Youth Emergency Services and is located in downtown Benson, next to Max I Walker. FUMC members staff the shop on the first and second Wednesdays monthly.