PH TO SEARCH ALL SUBMISSIONS WELCOME Help provide hope and inspiration to our patients, their families and their friends by submitting your photos for selection to be included in our new facility. N O I T A M SFOR PLE AN R T : E THEM RKS N AT U R E LAND MA S EVENT PEO • All entrants are welcome (amateur & professional) • JPEG files only • Submit print quality photos, not to exceed 25MB per email • No text of any kind on the image submitted (name recognition will be given with the photo if selected) • Submit up to 10 photos per entrant • No photos of a photo DEADLINE Submissions due by Tuesday, June 30, 2015 For questions, call the photo search management team at A2Z Design, 920.364.0991. For full details, including rules, criteria, terms and expectations visit Submit up to 10 photos to F VHO.ORG OPENING SEPT. 2015 Community Photo Search FOCUSING ON REGIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY TALENT The new Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology facility will be opening Fall 2015 and to acknowledge our connection with the communities we serve, we’re inviting people of the region to submit digital copies of your original works of photography for possible inclusion in the facility art collection — to be displayed throughout the new facility. This is a great opportunity to gain recognition for your work and help us connect with our community. WH0: Submissions will be accepted from any photographer (amateur or professional). Anyone can enter. Preference will be given to photography by local photographers. WHAT: Photography must be original and must be taken within northeast and central Wisconsin. Panoramic, creative collages, optimized and abstracted photographs will also be considered. THEME: The theme of the new facility is transformation. All photography should somehow incorporate this theme. How it is interpreted is entirely up to the photographer. GUIDELINES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS: •P hotography cannot include illegal activities. •P hotography previously published or pending publication, or that violates or infringes upon another person’s copyright, is not eligible. • T here is a submission limit of 10 photographs per photographer. • S ubmissions must be made with a common digital image format such as .jpg or .tiff. •A ll photography must be submitted at its highest/maximum resolution, not to exceed 25 MB. •D igital files can be sent to through file transfer web services (i.e. Please limit each email to 25 MB or less. •E ntrant must hold all rights to the photography. • F ox Valley Hematology & Oncology will not pay any royalties or fees for photography chosen. • S elected photography will be displayed with credit given to the photographer and location of residence. • T he location and a brief description of the photograph should accompany each submission. • T he original photography will remain the property of the artist. If a submission is chosen, Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology has the artist’s implicit permission to print and display it within the facility. The resulting print becomes the property of Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology. • F ox Valley Hematology & Oncology may adjust, crop and/or retouch photographs as needed. • F or a photograph in which a person is recognizable, the photographer must be prepared to secure and provide a signed permission adult release form or minor release form from the models/identifiable persons. If your photograph is chosen, you will be asked to provide this signed release form within 21 days, or the photograph will be withdrawn from consideration. • F inished sizes of the printed photography will vary depending upon placement. BY ENTERING PHOTOGRAPHY, YOU ARE VERIFYING: CHOSEN PHOTOGRAPHY: • The photography is your own • The photography is not subject to any third party agreements • No laws were violated in obtaining the photography Photographers whose photography has been chosen will be contacted in August 2015. They will also receive a special invitation to view their work at Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology. By participating, you hereby grant Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology unlimited, non-exclusive, irrevocable permission to publish and reproduce the photography chosen, free of charge, in all media venues, including but not limited to its website and other promotional materials into perpetuity. The photographer retains all other applicable ownership rights to the photography. TO ENTER: • Participants must review all GUIDELINES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS before submitting photography. • No photography will be accepted directly by Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology. All photography must be submitted electronically to • Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology employees and their affiliates may submit photographs. • Every photographer must provide a unique email address, meaning multiple artists from one household cannot submit photography claiming the same general household email. Each photographer must have a unique contact/email address. • There is no entry fee to submit photography. JUDGING: • Photography choices will be made by Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology. • The name of the photographer will not be shared with the committee at the time of initial consideration. • Preference will be given to photography that depicts local scenes and life by local photographers. • Photography will be reviewed and selected by August 7, 2015. • The decisions made by the committee are final. DEADLINE: Entries to be considered by Fox Valley Hematology & Oncology must be submitted to, by end of day Tuesday, June 30, 2015. F o r q u e s t i o n s , c a l l t h e p h o t o s e a r c h m a n a g e m e n t t e a m a t A 2 Z D e s i g n , 9 2 0 . 3 6 4 . 0 9 9 1.
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