The Sand Dollar Volume 34 Newsletter July 2015 Number 7 Sunday Worship Traditional Worship — 8:30 a.m. | New Traditions Worship — 11:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages — 9:45 a.m. Volunteer Opportunities & Ways to Give Back in July & Early August Imagine No Malaria: Donate money to help the UMC Alabama-West Florida Conference eliminate the disease in Africa. Donations can be put in the Sunday offering plates or turned into the front office. Just $10 saves one life. Flower Ministry: Donate time once a week (Mondays) to help make flower arrangements and deliver them to people in the FWB area who need to be uplifted or simply just need a visit. Contact the front office if you are interested in helping out. Backpack Program: Donate food to help feed needy children in the local community. Every weekend, backpacks/sacks of food go home with kids. Contact: Cathy Wyant Stephen Ministry: Apply to become a Stephen Minister. On-going. Applications in church office. Freedom Festival: July 4, 6 to 9PM. Help set up prior to the event, grill hot dogs, serve food, serve snow cones, and popcorn, monitor the waterslides during the event, clean-up after the event. Freedom Festival Cake Walk: Help by bringing a baked good for the Cake Walk. Can be dropped off the day of the Freedom Festival by 5:45 p.m. Vacation Bible School: July 6-10, 9AM to 12PM. Volunteer to decorate ahead of time or be a group leader, lead stations (games, cinema, expeditions), prepare snacks the week of the event. Children’s Movies On Wednesday Mornings: 8:45AM to 12PM Select Wednesdays during the summer. Help drive vans or chaperone children at the movies. 1 Peter 4:10 New International Version (NIV) Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Freedom Festival: Sat, July 4 From 6 to 9PM Join us for our 11th Annual Freedom festival which will be held from 6-9PM on the side lawn of the church. The event is free! There will be food, fellowship, 2 water slides, patriotic music sung by the choir, and activities for all ages. The event will conclude by watching the city of Fort Walton Beach fireworks, which are fully visible from the church grounds. Please bring bathing suits and towels for the kids and folding chairs or blankets for seating. Baked Items Needed – Freedom Festival Cake Walk! We hope you can join us for the Freedom Festival on Saturday, July 4th, 6PM –9PM. We need baked goods for the Cake Walk. Baked goods can be cakes, pies, cookies (preferably packaged in quantities of 6-12), cupcakes, breads...basically anything you can bake! Baked items do not have to be homemade but we do hope they will have a 4th of July theme! Please drop off your baked goods by 5:45pm on that Saturday at FWBFUMC. We will have tables devoted to the Cake Walk. If you need to make other arrangements, please contact Stacey Izer / (850) 830-6424. Thank you! FWB First UMC Preschool News The preschool office will be open one day a week, Tues mornings from 9AM to 12PM, until fall classes begin. Note: all 2015/2016 classes are currently full except for the 3 year old classes (5 days a week) and 2 year old classes (2 days a week). There are waiting lists for all of our classes. Circumstances of our preschool families change over the summer, especially living in a military town, and people moving. So, be sure to get on the waiting list if you have a child or know of a parent that is interested in having their child enrolled for the 2015/2016 school year. July Book Club Selection The July book club selection is “Taken” by Dee Henderson. The next meeting is 6PM Tues, July 14, location to be announced. If you are interested in joining the women's book club, please contact Denise Whited. Upcoming Community Breakfast Teams July7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Robbins Team Ravan/Whitney Team Wagner Team Barkalow Team Beach Clean Up Make-up Date Since we were unable to participate in the last clean up date due to our Great Day of Service, on Saturday, July 11th our church will participate in a make-up day. We will meet at Beasley State Park at 8:00AM. Registration Is Going On Now For July 6-10 VBS! EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power is the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School. It will be a fun week of new friends, amazing experiments, games, snacks, adventures, and incredible music! 9AM to 12PM Mon, July 6 through Fri, July 10 for ages 4 to 5th grade. A $5 optional donation benefits the Backpack Ministry. Register at or Contact Cathy Wyant with questions. Hope to see you there! CD and Tape Requests A CD or a tape recording of our services can be made available upon request. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please call the church office at 243-9292. Orders will be available for pick up in the church office within one week, or if you would like, a copy can be mailed to you. Lost and Found We have several pairs of reading glasses, earrings, a few books, a bible, a sweater, a ladies watch and a purse that have been misplaced. If you are missing any of these items, please stop by the church office Monday through Friday, and take a look...hopefully one of these items are yours! Facebook / Twitter Information Join in our conversations and see pictures of our most recent activities and ministries! Find us on Facebook at Fort Walton Beach First United Methodist Church. You can now follow us on Twitter at 1stMethodistFWB. Visit us on our website at Opportunity Place Meal Schedule Jul 27 Aug 24 Faith Followers Class FUMC Staff New Women’s Bible Study: Wednesday Mornings During The Summer 9:30AM to 11:30AM, June 17 through July 29 (Room G123). The book is The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst and the theme is how to make wise decisions in the midst of endless demands. Cost for the book/study guide is: $17. Please note, the study will not meet Wed, July 8 because of Vacation Bible School. Members recently enjoyed getting to see Lysa Terkeurst live, in-person in Destin, so we decided to do another one of her Bible studies! We hope you enjoy it this summer! Life Together Wednesday Night Goes On Break For Summer Life Together Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Studies is on break for the summer and will begin again on Wed, Aug 26. Equipped For Every Good Work: Building A Gifts Based Church will be the focus of the studies when they start back up! United Methodist Women No UMW Board meeting this month. UMW General meeting will be an “Out To Lunch” on July 13 at 11:00 at Longhorn’s. If you plan to attend and have not let Susan Palmer know, please let her know by July 10. Please remember to support the Backpack Program through the summer. Circles 1 & 2 will meet at 11:00 on Monday July 20 at the home of Joy Bates. We will enjoy a movie and a salad lunch. Circle 4 will need to watch the bulletin for time and place of their meeting. WORDS OF WISDOM FROM UMW: “Prayer and praise are like the wings of a bird--both must work together.” Youth Ministry Important Dates Oakwood: July 13 to July 17 Children’s Ministry News School Supplies are needed for the families at Fresh Start. We will pack new backpacks filled with new school supplies for the children that are in the Fresh Start program in August. School supplies needed: Pencils, pens, erasers, markers, paper, spiral notebooks, binders, calculators, folders with brads and pockets, rulers, scissors, backpacks, and lunch boxes. We will be collecting these supplies during the month of July. Backpacks will be given to the children approximately August 10th. Wednesday Movies: Children’s Ministry will be going to the movies this summer on select Wed mornings. Cost is $5 per child and it includes: movie, popcorn, and drink. Arrive 8:45AM. The bus leaves promptly at 9AM. The children will return back to the church no later than 12PM. Please sign-up ahead of time by contacting Cathy Wyant Volunteers/Chaperones are needed to help out with taking the children to the movies and driving the vans. If you are able to help, please let Cathy know! July dates: July 1 (Turbo), July 15 (Mr. Peabody), July 22 (Penguins of Madagascar) and July 29 (Dolphin Tale 2) August dates: Aug 5 (Alexander and The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day) and Aug 12 (The Lego Movie) Summer Psalms The book of Psalms is the focus of Sunday Worship this summer. Hope to see you all on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM or 11AM. If you are unable to make it to worship, you can listen to Sunday sermons on our website. Backpack Program Needs Donations All Year Long! Donations are needed for the Backpack Program which provides food to local kids in need all year long. Items needed weekly: 31 of each - oatmeal, grits, ramen noodle, mac & cheese packs, 31 chicken noodle cans, 31 Chef Boyardee cans, 62 snacks. Contact Cathy Wyant to help out. Stephen Ministry Seeking More Ministers To Train Caring nurtures the seed of God's love in the care receiver's heart and in the Stephen Minister's. Are you a good listener and want to help others? Stephen Ministers training will equip you. And, the FWB First UMC congregation will support you so that you can show God's mercy, care, and compassion to another who is hurting. You will walk beside this person, pray for them, and help them work through life's difficulties. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please fill out an application in the front the office or call Margaret Nordlie at 850-865-4109. Important Summer Dates July 3 July 4 July 6 to 10 July 11 July 13 July 13 July 13 to 17 July 14 July 20 July 20 July 27 Aug 6—8 Aug 10—14 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 26 Fri Sat Mon—Fri Sat Mon Mon Mon—Fri Tues Mon Mon Mon Thur—Sat Mon—Fri Sun Mon Wed Church Office closed Freedom Festival Vacation Bible School Beach Clean Up, Beasley State Park UMW General Meeting, Longhorn’s Beachside Emmaus Meeting Youth, Oakwood Finance Meeting Circles 1 & 2, Joy Bates’ home Trustee’s Meeting Administrative Board Meeting Inner City Mission Youth Week CPR/Defibrillator Training Council on Ministries Meeting Life Together Wednesday Dinner and Studies Begin Again! Welcome New Members! Please join us in a warm, heartfelt welcome to our new church members: Nancy Willis Dillard, Susan Morrison, Stephen Gonitzke, Jason & Angela Parsons, and Mary Linda Moody Cole. Prayer/Breakfast—Wednesday mornings Every Wednesday morning, a Prayer Group meets in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. to pray for our Congregation and concerns, then afterwards, meet at a local restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. All are welcome to join! CPR/Defibrillator Training Sunday, August 23rd FWBFUMC will be hosting a CPR/Defibrillator training class in the fellowship hall from 1:00 till 2:00PM. Our instructor will be FWB Fire Marshall Glenn Guarin of the FWB Fire Department. Lunch will be provided at 12:30PM. This is a free class and will not be for any official certification. It is simply to gain practical training, knowledge and information to help in times of distress and need. Please register through the church office to let us know who and how many to expect. Birthdays 1— 2— 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9— 10— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20— 21— 22— 23— 24— 25— 28— 29— 30— Sadie Randolph Kaitlyn Helton, Margaret Nordlie Laura Barkalow Ashleigh Anderson, Andrew Hinton Cliff Long Tracy Hart, Brooks Tinsley Ty Smith, Brian Trigg Donna Bennison Joan Moody, Ruby Wells JoAnne Henderson Lilly Revette Col. Lonnie Spivey Joy Brown, Trish Duggan, Victoria Palmer Kay Walker John Daugherty Karen Anderson, JoEllen Carnathan Reed Garick, Luke Hambleton Ed Allison, Danette Prescott Barbara Stricklin Wes Norton, John Tisdale III Mary Lou Goodman Hayden Beck Doré Bumpers, Dr. Lynn Lancaster, Jerry Melvin Justin Robbins, Cathy Wyant Natalie Fowler Drew Bruner, Reja Klug Illy Reiker, Kim Risalvato Tina Lee Scotty Dreyer, Sarah Nell Williams Wedding Anniversaries 1— 10— 11— 13— 18— 19— 22— 24— 27— 29— Tom and Kim Risalvato Jeffrey and Barbara Black Doug and Lee Tolar Bobby and Sydney Rollins Ira and Kim Tryon Jack and Judy Trossbach Dennis and Marjorie Barebo Jeffrey and Abby Brown Steve and Janice Chambers Cliff and Betty Long Chris and Julie Garick Craig and Janie Clemons Neil and Anna Gates FWB FIRST UMC WEEK AT-A-GLANCE Sunday Classes & Worship 8:00AM 8:30AM 9:45AM 11AM 5:30PM Library open 8:00AM thru 12:30PM Traditional Worship Sunday School New Traditions Worship Sunday Night Youth Weekday Classes & Events Mon/Thu Mon/Fri Mon to Fri Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Fri Monthly Various AM & PM Taekwondo Classes 9AM Walk, Walk, Walk 9AM to 2PM Library Open 7:30PM Crossroads College Ministry 6:30AM Community Breakfast 9AM to 12PM Preschool Office Hours 6PM Stephen Ministry 1st /3rd each mo. 7PM Hugs, Not Drugs 7AM Prayer Group, Breakfast Afterwards Summer Music Schedule: Choir 6PM, Praise Band 7:15PM 8PM Hugs, Not Drugs Book Club, UMW, First Friends Many Adult, Youth, Children’s & Music Ministry options to choose from. Note: Calendar changes regularly, so please visit the online calendar for the latest information! Programs On Summer Break Preschool Life Together Wednesday Dinner and Studies Deadline For Announcements The Sand Dollar deadline is 10th of the month prior to the month that you would like your announcement to run. Email Ann-Marie July 2015 Go to for a complete list of daily activities! Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Prayer/ Breakfast Fri 3 Church Office Closed Movie Day ‘Turbo’ 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prayer/ Breakfast Sat 4 Independence Day Freedom Festival 11 Beach Clean-up CHILDREN’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL—MOUNT EVEREST 12 13 14 15 UMW Gen. Mtg. Finance Mtg Beachside Emmaus Book Club 16 17 Prayer/ Breakfast 18 Taekwondo Testing Movie Day ‘Mr. Peabody’ YOUTH SUMMER CAMP—OAKWOOD 19 20 21 Admin. Board Meeting 28 29 Prayer/ Breakfast Movie Day ‘Dolphin Tale’ 24 Taekwondo Dan Bong Clinic Movie Day ‘Penguins of Madagascar’ Trustee’s Mtg. 27 23 Prayer/ Breakfast UMW Circles 1&2 26 22 30 31 25 Fort Walton Beach First United Methodist Church 103 First Street SE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Fort Walton Beach, FL. Permit No. 34 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Fort Walton Beach First United Methodist Church Contact Information Rev. David Barkalow Senior Pastor 850-243-9292 James Whited Asst. to Pastor & Director of Programs 850-974-6789 Patrick Carnathan Director of Youth Ministry & Director of Communications 850-243-9292 Denise Whited Director of Adult Ministry 850-830-0301 Rew Randolph Director of Music and Worship 850-418-1022 Ann-Marie Rider Admin Asst./Church Office 850-243-9292 Denise Severson Director of Preschool Ministry 850-897-5864 Diana George Finance Assistant 850-243-9292 Cathy Wyant Director of Children’s Ministry 850-642-1643 Stephanie Wheat Children’s Music Director 850-496-4027 Dennis Barebo Business Administrator 850-651-0807 Prayer Chain 850-217-2254 (Joy Bates) (Judy Klug) Diana Salmon—Organist Sharon Simmons—Pianist After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance Rev. Dave Barkalow 850-573-5991
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