4th Grade Quarter 4 ELA Reading – Literature and Informational RL4.1 I can explain what a text says using specific details from RI4.1 I can explain what a text says using specific details from the text. I can make inferences using specific details from the text. I can make inferences using specific details from the text. text. RL4.2 I can determine the theme of a story, drama, or poem. RI4.2 I can I can determine the main idea using specific details I can summarize a story, drama, or poem. from the text. I can summarize informational or persuasive text. RL4.4 I can determine word meaning in a text. I can identify RI4.4 I can determine the meaning of academic words word meaning alluding from classic mythology. or phrases in an informational text. I can determine the meaning of content words or phrases in an informational text. RL4.5 I can use literary terms to describe parts of a story, RI4.5 I can describe the organizational structure in poem, or drama (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter, casts of characters, informational or persuasive text (chronology, comparison, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions). I can describe cause/effect, problem/solution). the differences in structure of poems, drama and prose. RL4.10 I can read grade-level literary texts proficiently RI4.7 I can interpret information presented through charts, and independently. I can read above-grade literary texts with graphs, timelines, or websites. I can explain how visual or scaffolding and support. graphic information helps me understand the text around it. RI4.10 I can read grade-level informational texts RI4.8 I can explain how an author uses reasons and proficiently and independently. I can read above-grade evidence to support particular points in a text. informational texts with scaffolding and support. RI4.9 I can accurately synthesize information from two texts on the same topic. Foundational Skills RF4.3a I can use a variety of strategies to read words. RF4.4b Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression RF4.4c I can use clues in the text to check my accuracy. I can re-read to make sure that what I’m reading makes sense. Speaking and Listening SL4.1a I can prepare myself to participate in discussion SL4.1b I can follow our class norms when I participate in a drawing on information to explore ideas in the discussion. conversation. SL4.1c I can ask and answer questions that are on the topic SL4.1d I can explain what I understand about the topic being being discussed and make connections to what others say discussed after a discussion. SL4.3 I can identify the reason a speaker provides to support a SL4.4 I can report on a topic or text using organized facts and particular point. I can identify evidence a speaker provides to details. I can speak clearly and at an understandable pace. support particular points. SL4.5 I can add audio or visual support to a presentation in order to enhance main ideas or themes. Language, Grammar, and Vocabulary L4.1f I can recognize fragmented and run-on sentences. L4.2b I can use commas and quotation marks to identify speech and quotations from a text. L4.3a I can express ideas using carefully chosen words. I L4.3b I can use formal English when appropriate. can choose punctuation for effect in my writing. th L4.6 I can accurately use 4 grade academic vocabulary to express precise actions, emotions, or states of being. Writing W4.1a I can introduce the topic of my opinion piece and W4.1b I can identify reasons that support my opinion. create an organizational structure in which I group together related ideas. W4.1c I can use linking words to connect my opinion W4.1d I can construct a concluding statement or section and reasons. for my opinion piece. W4.4 I can produce writing that is appropriate to task, W4.5 With support from peers and adults, I can use the purpose, and audience. writing process to produce clear and coherent writing. W4.7 I can conduct a research project to become W4.8 I can recall information that is important to a topic. I knowledgeable about a topic. can take notes on a topic and organize my notes into categories. I can provide a list of sources I used. W4.9a I can I can choose evidence from literary or W4.9b I can explain how an author uses reasons and informational text to support analysis, reflection and evidence to support particular points in a text. research. W4.10 I can adjust my writing practices for different time frames, tasks, purpose, and audiences.
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