Year 11 and 12 English Pathways Remember…

Year 11 and 12
English Pathways
…to receive your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
you must meet a literacy requirement. You must pass an English
subject or the QCS Test to do this.
For more information…
Contact the Head of Department Senior English
Katrina Hundt
Our Vision
To equip students with the knowledge and skills
to confidently negotiate the rapidly changing, culturally
and socially diverse communities in which
Brisbane State High School students live.
English Communication
English Extension
English Communication
(Authority Registered)
Q: Who should choose English Communication?
Q: Who should choose Authority English?
A: Anyone who is going for an OP score for tertiary entrance.
Q: What do students learn?
Units of Study
Unit 1: Representing Reality – analyzing
media texts; Responding to Drama –
persuasive language; Trust and Betrayal –
analytical responses to Shakespeare’s The
Merchant of Venice
Unit 2: Protest and
Passion – celebration and protest in Australian
poetry; Stories and Histories – imaginative and
analytical responses to literature.
Unit 3: Mending the World – literary satire
and persuasive language; Reading the
World – alienation and belonging in
reflective writing; Perspectives of the World
– analytical responses to Shakespeare’s
Unit 4: The Spirit of the Age – Poets and poetry
in context; Examining the Classics – imaginative
and analytical responses to classic literature.
A: Anyone who is NOT going for an OP score or anyone who
struggles with the literary component of English.
Q: How is it different from Authority English?
There is a focus on the practical use of language to perform tasks,
use technology, and interact in groups, work places and the wider
community. This is different to Authority English which has a more
academic, literary focus.
Q: What do students learn?
A: Skills that are highly valued by employers or vocational training
institutions, such as, literacy, technology, planning and
organisation, problem solving, and working with others.
Units of Study
Unit 1: Marketing Australia – persuasive
and visual language in advertising texts.
English Extension
Q: Who should choose English Extension
Year 12 only?
A: Anyone who is interested in a highly
academic, rigorous study of literature and
reading practices. Anyone who has a passion
for reading and academic writing practices.
Q: What is the process for applying to
study English Extension?
A: Towards the end of Term 3, year 11, interested students can
indicate their interest by completing a form signed by their parents.
After this, acceptance into the course will be subject to an interview
with the Head of Department and a review of the student’s results
in English. There is an expectation that the student achieves a
VHA in both semesters of Year 11 English. Having studied English
Literature Studies in Year 10 is desirable.
Q: Why study English Extension?
A:The extension syllabus offers different approaches to reading
texts and explores the literary theories that underpin them.
Students then apply these reading practices to a range of texts
(such as novels, films, or hypermedia texts).
Q: What do students learn?
A: The English Extension (Literature) syllabus is built around a
framework which draws on contemporary and historical
approaches to reading and constitutes them as: author-centred,
text-centred, reader-centred and world-context-centred.
Q: How is student work assessed?
Unit 2: The Effective Team – interaction
skills for collaboration, giving instructions.
Unit 3: Managing Conflict – aggressive,
assertive and passive language.
Unit 4: In Someone Else’s Shoes –
reflective writing and speaking.
A: Assessment in English Extension is criterion-based and is
designed to help students to demonstrate achievement in the
objectives of the syllabus. Assessment is both written and
spoken/signed. Students complete three major tasks, one of which
has two aspects.
Q: What texts are needed?
A: For this course, students will be provided with the necessary
textbooks and novels through the English Faculty class set
program, and self-selected texts can be used for assessment