22234VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults Certificates

Certificates in General Education
for Adults
Improve and develop communication and
language skills, for everyday life or the
workplace, with lessons in reading, writing,
speaking and listening.
Our classes cater to the individual needs of
people from English or Non-English
speaking backgrounds.
Students may join in at any time if there
Course in Initial
are places available. Please make a time to
speak to our Tutor, during office hours, to
arrange a class to suit your needs.
Course Pathways
This course will create pathways into other
learning opportunities including TAFE and
higher education, or to employment.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8.30 am - 4.00 pm
General Education for
203-205 Lyrebird Drive,
Carrum Downs VIC 3201
P: 9782 0133
F: 9782 0379
C.G.E.A. Course Outline
Course in Initial General Education for Adults
VU21282 – Develop a learning plan and
portfolio with support
VU21283 - Engage with short simple texts for
personal purposes
VU21284 - Engage with short simple texts for
learning purposes
VU21286 - Engage with short simple texts to
participate in the community
VU21287 - Create short simple texts for
personal purposes
VU21288 - Create short simple texts for
learning purposes
VU21290 - Create short simple texts to
participate in the community
VU21291 - Recognise numbers and money in
simple, highly familiar situations
VU21293 - Recognise measurements in
simple, highly familiar situations
VU21294 - Recognise shape and design in
simple, highly familiar situations
VU21295 - Recognise and locate simple
numerical information in short, simple highly
familiar texts
VU21313 - Develop verbal communication
Assessment for Accredited Courses
Qualified staff will assess students
competencies according to the assessment
criteria set out in the curriculum document
(please refer to Individual Learner Plan for
further information).
To attain this certificate you need to
successfully complete all 11 units as listed.
Develop a Learning Plan
This unit identifies and documents current
skills, plans future skill development and
develops and maintains an assessment
portfolio. It is designed to meet the needs of
learners with personal, learning and
community participation goals.
Students engage with a range of texts for
personal and learning purposes, and to
participate in the community.
Students create a range of texts for
personal and learning purposes, and to
participate in the community.
Skills and knowledge that enable learners to
develop the basic skills and confidence to
perform very simple and highly familiar
numeracy tasks.
Tuesday AM 9.30 am - 12 noon
Tuesday PM 12.30 pm - 3pm
Wednesday AM 9.30 am - 12 noon
Wednesday PM 12.30 pm - 3pm
Our Language, Literacy & Numeracy classes
are delivered with Victorian and
Commonwealth Government funding. If
eligible you will be charged for a government
funded place otherwise a fee for service
price applies.
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