Fairfield Warde PTA Blast APRIL 5, 2015 We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. The sun was shining, a little cold, but birds were chirping and some flowers started blooming. Hopefully Spring is here! CALENDAR/IMPORTANT UPDATES: Mon. April 6th - Parent Night for WARDE Spring Sports (State Mandated) - 7:00pm Auditorium. Team meetings with coaches will follow. Wed. Apr 8th - Social Media Forum - An Open Conversation for Students and Parents 7:30-9:00pm -FLHS Auditorium Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA Thurs. Apr 9th - 10th Grade Parents Informational Meeting with Guidance Counselors 8:00-9:00am Respective Houses: Fitts House parents: will meet in the Library/Media Center Lecture Room A Pequot House parents: will meet in the College/Career Center Townsend House parents: will meet in the Library/Media Center Lecture Room B Mon. - Fri. Apr 13th-17th - School Closed - April Break - Enjoy the break!! Fri. Apr 17th - Warde vs Ludlowe - Harbor Yard Wed. - Apr 22nd - A Night of Respect: Youth Motivational Speaker/Coach - David J. Flood will be offering parents guidance in helping their teens unlock their potential while guiding them to find strength in the power of respect. Check his webpage at https://davidjflood.com/ Co-sponsored by Fairfield Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA. Fri. Apr 24th, Sat - Apr 25th, Sun Apr. 26th - Once Upon a Mattress Spring Musical Production WARDE - PTA Seeking new and interested parents to serve on the FWHS PTA. We know there are current parents who might be interested in serving in PTA leadership roles and on committees in the upcoming year. We hope to have a Slate of Officers and interested parents for events planned throughout the year at our May PTA meeting. If you are interested in serving, please contact Leonora Campbell at campbelll@sacredheart.edu FAMILY ENGAGEMENT TEAM: The Family Engagement team offers you the tools and resources to make your child’s academic and social potential a reality. Today’s parents need to be engaged, empowered, informed and responsible in advocating for their children and WARDE PTA wants to partner with you to accomplish this. The Family Engagement Team invites you to Like us on Facebook at Parenteen Talks where we post helpful conversation starters and specific how-to strategies. Additionally, program information is available at the PTA website at www.fwhspta.org Please find below the meetings and programs/topics planned for the remainder of the school year: Wed. Apr 8th - Social Media Forum - An Open Conversation for Students and Parents - 7:30-9:00pm FLHS Auditorium Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA Wed. April 22 - A Night of Respect: Youth Motivational Coach, David J. Flood will be offering parents guidance in helping their teens unlock their potential while guiding them to find strength in the power of respect - RLMS Auditorium Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA Wed. May 13 - 12th grade Parent Program - Life After Warde Tues. June 2 - Best-selling author, Harlan Cohen of “The Naked Roommate book” series, will speaking with parents and students about the transition college. Sometimes you need to get "comfortable with the uncomfortable" (Location TBA) Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA The Library Staff is: Ready to Help! On March 25th members of the library staff presented information about the library program at the PTA morning meeting. Topics included the resources, staff, course selections and the new library web page. Parents and students are encouraged to take advantage of the library resources from this page, which is common to both schools the link is HERE Resources included e-reference books, audio books, apps to access library information, the library catalog and lists of curated webpages for classes and teachers. While students learn of this resource in their freshman orientation and many classes, parents can still encourage use of the library resources, especially the staff, when the students are looking for information! WARDE SPIRIT WEAR SALES: GET YOUR WARDE SPIRIT WEAR HERE!! - Next date to buy spiritwear will available after the April break! LOOKNG FOR A WAY TO GET INVOLVED AT WARDE? THE WINNING ANSWER IS SPIRIT WEAR! We are looking for two people to take over Spirit Wear for the 2016 school year and beyond. We started co-chairing Spirit Wear when our children were freshmen and it has been an extremely positive and worthwhile experience. So find a friend and volunteer to be the next Warde Spirit Wear co-chairs. Finding someone you like to work with is a plus. We’ll walk you through the whole process as you’ll come on board in September when the school year starts. We originally signed on for only two years, but we like it so much we are doing it for two more. It’s a great way to get into the school and say hello to your son or daughter (if they acknowledge you) and to help out the PTA. If you’re interested please e-mail Susan Fiske at sfiske@optonline.net < or Denise Walsh at dwalshct@att.net > . Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program for Fairfield Warde As of today, Warde's totals for the 2014 - 2015 Program YTD total earned: $4,420.67 AFTER GOING ON LINE and reviewing the latest update, it looks like the final amount exceeded our $4000.00 goal!!! Way go WARDE!!! Thank you for everyone's suppport! SAT and ACT Prep Course REGISTRATION Just a reminder: Planning on taking the June SAT or ACT? The Ludlowe-sponsored AlphaPrep Spring Courses are now open for sign up! Take a look at the dates and sign up today! Go to AlphaPrep.com . Click on "Services" and type in "FPHS" in the course code box to find your class and costs. It's that easy!! Some upcoming options: JUNE ACT CLASS Location: FLHS, Mondays, 3:00 PM - 5:15 PM, April 6 - June 1 Courses are open to all FPS high school students, regardless of location. Scholarships may be available - contact your guidance department to inquire. For our full year course offerings, class details, and to register: log on to www.alphaprep.com click on the Services tab and then type in fphs in the course code window. A $25 late fee will be added to any registration made within 2 weeks of start date. Sign up TODAY! PTA contact: Lilian Awad at lilianawad@hotmail.com, or Jamie Kaiser at jamiekaiser73@gmail.com HOW TO ENROLL: Step 1: Go to AlphaPrep courses page: http://alphaprep.com/courses/courses Step 2: Type in course code “fphs” and click search. It will show you a list of available classes. (**Note: All classes regardless of location are open to students from both Warde and Ludlowe**) Step 3: Review the course selections on line and select the most appropriate course for your needs Step 4: Once you have selected a course, click the “Enroll Now” button, and complete the required information fields, (if you are a new user on our website, please create a password when prompted to do so), and click “Submit.” Step 5: You will be then be prompted to confirm your enrollment information, please click “Confirm.” Once you click confirm, your credit card will be charged. Step 6: You will receive an automated e-mail from AlphaPrep at this time to alert you that your enrollment was completed successfully. **If you do not receive this e-mail within one hour, please contact us at info@alphaprep.com** Please Note: You will receive an email reminder and additional information prior to the class start date. FAIRFIELD WARDE ANNOUNCEMENTS: MARK YOUR CALENDER- Parents & Students: WARDE ATHLETICS: Our state Mandated Parent Night for spring sports will be on Monday, April 6th, at 7 pm in the auditorium. Team meetings with the coaches will follow. WARDE VS LUDLOWE BASEBALL - HARBOR YARD The Ludlowe vs Warde Baseball Battle will take place on Friday, April 17 at 6:00 PM at Harbor Yard (rain date Sat April 18 at noon). Let's CREATE A SEA OF RED BY WEARING YOUR WARDE COLORS to root for and cheer on the Mustangs!! to a win. Tickets are available through any FWHS Baseball Player or the FWHS Athletic Office. Checks payable to Fairfield Warde Baseball. Pre-sale tickets are only $3.00 for students and $5.00 for adults. Tickets at the gate are $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for high school students and children. Tickets include a coupon on back for a free 8" pizza at Primo Pizza's Black Rock Tpk location. *****SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS INFORMATION: (All senior students were given a letter)**** The application form for the High School Scholarship Foundation of Fairfield, Inc. will be available on line beginning Monday, April 6, 2015. This is the form required to apply for a variety of scholarships from the Foundation and a number of local community groups. The application is available to all seniors online at www.fairfieldscholarshipfoundation.org. Be sure to complete it on a device that has access to a printer. If you do not have access to a computer or a printer at home, you may see your counselor, go to the College/Career Center at FWHS, or the FWHS Library/Media Center, or any of the Fairfield Public Libraries. By saving a copy of the application to your home computer or to your student folder at school, you do not need to complete this application in one sitting. Once you have completed the application, please save a final copy. Print the application, attach the required documents, sign it and secure the signature of a parent/guardian. Submit the entire completed packet to your School Guidance Counselor no later than April 24, 2015. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Detailed instructions are provided on page 1 of the application. Please contact the foundation if you have any questions thehssff@gmail.com After you have completed the application fully and printed the completed application, sign it, have your parent(s) sign it, and submit two copies to your school counselor, along with two copies of your essay, two copies of your written recommendation from an unrelated adult and two copies of the SAR page from your FAFSA, on or before Friday, April 24, 2015. All parts must be completed and submitted together. Incomplete applications will not be considered. AP EXAM REGISTRATION - $95.00 per exam The website to register is www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/070186 • Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:00 a.m. - Registration Begins • Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11:00 p.m. - Registrations and payments after this date will incur a $10 late fee per exam. • Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:30 p.m. - Registration and payments after this date will incur a $55 late fee per Exam. • Monday, April 6, 2015 at 11:30 PM - Registration Ends • Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:30 PM - Registrations that have not been paid for will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered SPRING DRAMA PRODUCTION: Save the Date... The FWHS Drama Club presents "Once Upon a Mattress" as its Spring Musical. Friday, April 24 at 8:00 PM and Saturday, April 25 at 8:00 PM and Sunday, April 26 at 2;00pm Be sure to check back for Ticket Sales and further information. Come see Warde students make the music happen!!! A show not to be missed! PARENTS WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP JUNIOR JOB SHADOWING DAY PROGRAM A job shadowing experience will be offered this spring to interested juniors. The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to spend one day with someone employed in a career area that interests them. Applications & FACT Sheet are available on the College & Career Center’s webpage: FWHS – Counseling – College & Career Center – Job Shadowing (left side of screen.) Please see Ms. Lala in the College & Career Center or email klala@fairfieldschools.org with any questions. AQUACULTURE SCHOOL Angie's At Aqua Seafood Market is Open at the Aquaculture School! The Angie's At Aqua Seafood Market is open on Thursday afternoon from 3PM to 6PM at the Aquaculture School, which is located at 60 St. Stephens Road, Bridgeport (just in front of Captain's Cove). If you would like to receive Angie's fish/seafood price list via email each week, please email the NEW address for Angie's at angiesaqua@bridgeportps.net and you will immediately be put on the new list! BOARD OF EDUCATION UPDATES: The BoE budget remains unchanged from the BOS adjusted budget. BOS added $367k to cover short fall to medical reserve fund (internal service fund). A proposal was made to reduce BOE by $367k the amount added by BOS but this did not have the support. Be sure to now contact your RTM members to keep the BUDGET as it has been approved. RTM: rtm@fairfieldct.org <mailto:bof@fairfieldct.org> For more complete, detailed information on the budget, please visit the District's webpage: http://fairfieldschools.org/ Next Board of Education Meeting this Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:30pm at the Board of Education, 501 Kings Highway East, 2nd Floor Conference Room. Please find some agenda items here: • Recognition of State Championship Athletes, Mr. Seth Fry - Warde and Mr. Dave Schulz - Ludlowe • Status Update and Review of K-12 Art Curriculum, Ms. Chase and Dr. Boice • Approval of Policy 5330 - Students - Code of Behavior - Bullying/Teen Dating Violence • Approval of the Safe School Climate Plan - Creating and Sustaining Supportive and Engaging Schools -Version 2.0 • Establish Date and Time of Fairfield Ludlowe & Warde High School Graduation - that the BoE establish June 17th at 6:00pm as date and time. • Presentation and Submission Approval of the Teacher Evaluation Plan • Discussion of the Draft District Improvement Plan, dated April 2, 2015 • First Reading of Policy 4220 - Personnel - Rights, Responsibilities and Duties - Smoking by School Employees • First Reading of Policy 5314 - Students - Code of Behavior - Smoking • Discussion and possible action of BoE member Mr. Llewellyn's Information request for Internal Check Registers for each school for the last two years. Please be sure to go to the website for any updates and meeting agendas/minutes. You can locate this information at http://fairfieldschools.org/ If you can't attend a meeting but want to stay involved and on top of what is happeneing, be sure to click on http://fairtv.pegcentral.com ******Changes have been made to the by-laws of the Board of Education that affect Public Comment****** Parents will only be able to comment on items that appear on the agenda. There will be no more open public comment at regular meetings. Parents who would like to address issues, concerns or specific items, will now need to contact the Board directly and should contact them at boemembers@fairfieldschools.org SBAC Curious About the SBAC and its implementation in Connecticut? Visit the CT State Dept. Website to learn more. This test will be administered to Juniors at Warde at the end of May (after APs and SATS). A more detailed schedule will be following in the coming weeks. COMMUNITY EVENTS: Donnelly Dash Sunday, April 12, 2015 - Tomlinson Middle A 3.5 Mile Run, 1.8 Mile Walk & Kids Fun Runs. Please join for this10th anniversary Community Challenge.You can register here: http://www.clubct.org (be sure to click on the "Donnelly Dash" logo). For more information, click: https://files.ctctcdn.com/30488ccb001/10776325-af36-424bae18-5465384cc419.pdf The Scholars and Athletes Serving Others (SASO) 2015-16 Membership Drive is on! This outstanding Service and Leadership organization for high school boys and their mothers is currently recruiting new members for the upcoming year. All current 8th-11th grade boys in the Fairfield area are invited to join. SASO members are provided with many opportunities to serve our local community, take on leadership roles, and attend personal growth sessions. Please take a look at our new website www.sasofairfield.org to find information on SASO events and partnerships as well as the current membership information and registration forms. (Just click on the Requirements tab to access the forms.) The enrollment period closes on April 15th so please send your registration forms in ASAP! For more information please contact Trish Donelan, SASO VP of Membership, at tdonelan@optonline.net <mailto:tdonelan@optonline.net> . EARTH DAY - Saturday - April 25th Fairfield’s Earth Day Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the following: Event planning and logistics Exhibitor recruitment Food vendor recruitment Lawn sign placement and collection Publicity Event set-up (after school hours on Fri. April 24) Support on April 25th during the event and assist with breakdown Tell us about any skills, interests, etc. that you have. Include your phone number in your reply. Send your response to FairfieldEarthDay@gmail.com We invite PTA volunteers, members, teachers, staff and parents to submit FWHS newsworthy items to be included in future blasts. Each announcement should be received no later than Friday to be printed in the Sunday edition. Submissions for this newsletter should be: E-mailed to fwhspta@gmail.com *As a gentle reminder, the purpose of these e-mail blasts is to promote and keep you informed of FWHS-based activities, events, important dates, and other FWHS related items. Information pertaining to non-FWHS or non-school/community matters will be considered and if appropriate will be included. * If you would not like to continue to receive any PTA emails, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line. We thank you in advance for your patience, and ask that you allow a week or so to process your request. We have volunteers working on making changes and hope you understand we are working as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you would like to unsubscribe please click the link below https://www.myschoolanywhere.com/msaunsubscribe.a5w?conf=97c56c1e452b4dfaae05264a52881afb
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