Celebrating 50 Years : 1965 - 2015 FAMILY NEWSLETTER - Issue 12 - May 7th 2015 2015 CALENDAR DATES MAY Fri 8th Tues 12-14th Wed 13th Thur 14th Fri 15th Mon 18-22nd Mon 18th Wed 20th Thu 21st Fri 22nd Tues 26th Wed 27th Fri 29th Mother’s Day stall NAPLAN testing Gr 3 & 5 Special Food Day-volunteers req’d 1pm Student Progress reports home Curriculum Day - Pupil free Vic Schools Education Week Gr 3/4 Melbourne Aquarium excursion School Council 7.00pm Winter Lightning Prem - footy/soccer Maths Mania - Whole school Maths Activity Day Xmas Fair meeting 2.30pm Gr 6 transition forms due back Walk Safely to School Day Make a Difference Day—Nepal Earth quake fundraiser—casual dress Division Cross country Winter Lightning Prem - n’ball/T-ball School Trivia Night - Highton Bowls JUNE Thur 4th Mon 9th Mon 15th Wed 17th Fri 19th Wed 24th Fri 26th NAPLAN TESTING GRADE 3 & 5 STUDENTS National testing in literacy and numeracy for students in Grades 3 & 5 takes place next Tues/Wed/Thurs. Teachers have been familiarising students with the process of formal testing and giving practice questions to help both alleviate any stress and maximise their potential in the tests. Can we ask parents to help us by ensuring students arrive at school in plenty of time as most testing is scheduled for morning sessions. Thank you. A flyer explaining the testing programme has been sent home today to help explain the process to parents. Results from the tests will be sent to parents early in Term 4. MOBILE MUSTER It’s on again! We are collecting old mobile phones, mobile batteries, chargers and mobile accessories as part of the ‘Mobile Muster’ program for 2015. What is Mobile Muster? MobileMuster is the Australian mobile phone Prep Mums Ships Ahoy Night 6pm Queens Birthday Holiday School Council Gr 1 Zoo incursion Special Food Day Half year student reports home Parent teacher Interviews from 8.30am — pupil free Last day Term 2 Lunch 1.00-2.00pm Dismissal 2.30pm industry's official product stewardship program. It's a free mobile phone recycling program that accepts all brands and types of mobile phones, plus their batteries, chargers and accessories. Basically, it's the industry's way of ensuring mobile phone products don't end up in landfill - but instead are recycled in a safe, secure and ethical way. The collection box will be located in 5/6C – Room 2 and we encourage all families to bring in any old mobile phones and accessories they no longer use. We will end collection on World Environment Day, Friday 2nd June. For more NOTES HOME THIS WEEK Receipts Bank Books Address : 37 Cook Street Newtown VIC 3220 Telephone : 03 5221 3772 Facsimile : 03 5223 1208 information please visit the website at: http:// www.mobilemuster.com.au Email : fyans.park.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website : www.fyansparkps.vic.edu.au P/Assoc. Email : fyansparkpa@hotmail.com OSHC - CAMP AUSTRALIA Telephone : 0452 247 130 Hours : 6.45 am - 8.45 am 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm SCHOOL NEWS FOR SALE Page 2 MOTHERS DAY STALL TOMORROW - Friday 8 th May Children may bring up to $5 each to spend at tomorrow’s Mother’s Day Stall. Please also send along a plastic bag to put their pressie in. Parent helpers are required to help with the stall from 12.15pm in the Library. Thank you, Kirsty Ayerbe Parents Association 420 litre frost free fridge 160 X 68 X 62 $50.00 Please contact Gavin Nelson if interested ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS (MAKE A GREAT MOTHERS DAY GIFT!) Fyans Park Primary School have the new 2015/2016 Entertainment Book for sale. The Entertainment Book includes hundreds of valuable offers from many restaurants, arts, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and lots more! The cost of each book is $55. Office. Please contact the SCHOOL NEWS Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS BATCH ERRANDS Feel like you spend your whole week trying to catch up with the errands? Take a few moments once a week to make a list of all the errands that need to get done, and see if you can batch them into one trip. Not only will you be saving petrol, but also you might find yourself with much better time management skills. TUNING INTO KIDS Tuning into Kids is a six session parenting program to help children learn to understand and regulate their emotions, which in turn leads to becoming more resilient. FREE Q & A Panel Event @ The Royal Children’s Hospital The Asthma Foundation of Victoria, in partnership with The Royal Children’s Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital, is very excited to announce that once again it will be holding a FREE Q&A Panel Event in June 2015. This year’s event will be focused on ‘Managing Asthma and Allergy’. An Expert Panel, consisting of respiratory and allergy specialists, will address key questions and concerns you may have in regards to asthma and allergies. The event is open to all ages, those recently diagnosed or with life-long struggles in managing their asthma and allergies. The panelists will be available to answer all of your questions. Commencing: Wednesday 13th May Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington Street Date: Sunday 28 June 2015 Contact: Regional Parenting Service Time: 4pm to 6pm Ph: 5272 4817 Cost: $15 or $5 conc. Venue: Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville Cost: FREE To register visit asthma-and-allergy.eventbrite.com.au or contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on advice@asthma.org.au or 03 9326 7088. SIBLING ENROLMENTS If any families have Prep students yet to enrol for next year, would they please contact the Office. Ground Force Ground Force will meet on Tuesday morning for some general tidying up. We will meet at the Office at 9am. Hope to see you there. Kirsty COMMUNITY NEWS Page 4 To advertise in our school newsletter, please contact the Office on 5221 3772 or fyans.park.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Ads will run for a term’s duration and will be business card sized only Cost will be $150 per term, decreasing in cost for subsequent terms No inappropriate businesses will be considered, ie. promotion of gambling, alcohol, etc OSHC NEWS Page 6 Term 2 Week 4 7th of May 2015 Come and Have Fun with us! Hi Families, DO YOU HAVE ANY ODD SOCKS LAYING AROUND THAT NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU LOOK YOU CAN'T FIND IT'S MATE? If you would like to get rid of them, I will take them off your feet, oops I mean hands! This terms Buddy Activities will be focussing on learning from each other and helping others. With this we are hoping to have a lot of activities that are led by the children. We are wanting to also make a puppet theatre in order to do a variety of puppet plays, so if anyone has any ideas on how that should look we would appreciate any help given to us. As we are wanting to make puppet friends for our new Buddy Puppet we would appreciate any donations of off cut material or any odd socks that you may have laying around. We have also started on our Buddy Leadership program and have been asking for any child that is interested in becoming a Buddy Leader to write a letter stating what they are good at and can help others with and what they think makes a good Buddy Leader. I have 8 children put up their hands to be Buddy Leaders, which is fantastic and I am aiming to have 10 so if you come into O.S.H.C & think you have what it takes to be a leader please come see Jodie and let her know. Next term we have our annual fundraiser and I am looking into making an O.S.H.C recipe book and would appreciate any recipes that you and your family enjoy from entree's to dessert & supper ideas. Also if anyone has any experience in binding books I would appreciate some help with that as well. We endeavour to ensure that all your child's medical and contact details are kept up to date as possible, to help us with this task I ask you to come and see me if there is any changes in your or your child's details. We want to make sure we can contact you if there is an emergency and ensuring that your details are correct is the best way to do this. If you know that your child will NOT be attending a session they have been booked into PLEASE ensure you give me a call to let me know, so that I am not chasing up children that are safely with their caregiver. I encourage you all to enrol your child/ren with us in case of emergencies that are beyond your control and to ensure that I have access to your child’s details if needed. To enrol your child/ren go to www.campaustralia.com.au. We have vacancies every morning and afternoon in O.S.H.C. don’t hesitate to book your child/ren in today! Cheers & Keep Smiling Jodie & Dawn
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