Document 122878

High Voltage Classic
Surfboard Collection
This is about 2/3 of the collection
New Zealand’s Largest
Classic Surfboard Collection.
This Document contains images and descriptions of some
of the boards in the collection.
High Voltage Surfboards
P O Box 4020
Mount Maunganui
New Zealand.
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All images are the property of High Voltage Surfboards.
If you wish to use them for any purposes - Please contact
us for permission.
All images are the property of High Voltage Surfboards.
YOU are given permission to use these images only in the
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1: For school projects where there is no commercial use
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the High Voltage Team.
9'4" Ted davidson-1966 maorl motif.
Greg Wall 1967- Made in Palmeston nth
7'0" Bob Davie - 1972 fang tail shaped by Warren Thompson
7'11" Natural Progression -1976 reputed to be one of Rolf Aurness sold to Bill Goodwin by Rolf for $40
7'3" michael Peterson Surfboards -1971
shaped by michael Peterson
6'8" mike Court - 1975
7'0" Atlas Woods -1969 Wayne Parkes model
fln box intact plastic fin
6'3" 6rey Seal - l975 artwork by ....
10'10" Greek - 1960? Remnants of tunnel fin made in America.
7'4" Tltcombe -1972 Wellington
9"4' Atlas Woods -1967.
6'4" Energy -1976 shaped bg Simon Anderson
7'8" Bob Davies -1968 -shaped by Alan Byne #1703
No name - single fin
6’9” Michael Peterson 1972 Natural Design
Shaped by Michael Peterson
9’0” Quane - 1964 nice tail block
9'2" Dunlop. - 1966. #515
7'4" Bob Davies -1969 #1895GE Lime green pigment
Finbox with intact plastic fln
9'4" Atlas Woods- 1965
9'4" Dolfin. - PN (?Palmeston North)
5'10 Clearwater -1979 twin fln
6'4" Saltwater - 1975 fluted wing shaped by Rodney Dahlberg
5'8" Sunshine - 1983 Art work by Dave Warriner
6'4" Saltwater -1977 shaped by Bob Davie
9'4" Dunlop-1966 #1232
9'2" Dunlop -1966.#577
9'4" Rtlas Woods -1965.
9'4" Atlas Woods -1967.
9'4" Kahuna -1962. Popout
7'10" Cooper -1972 shaped by Bob Cooper Australian
7'6" Bob Dauie - 1969
6'2" Bob Davie -1969 shaped by Darryl Del
9'6" Roger Land -1964 Warren Thompson's Old board.
9'6" Roger Land- 1964. Concave tail
8'8" Ted Davldson - 1968.
9'6" Dunlop. -1966. #1975.
9'2" Apex -1964. made for Wisemans Sports stores.
8'9" Quane - 1962. made for new Plymouth Surf shop Logo.
8'9" Rodney Davidson - 1968. V bottom
8'1" Bob Davles - 1969. fin box, Intact plastic fln.
8'3" Dick Van Stralen - 1972. Big Wave Gun.
6'6" mc Grigor - 1972. Green rounde3d square tail.
8'1" Early Times - 1972. Shaped by murray Wagstaff.
7'0" Natural flight -1973. made In Gisborne NZ.
6'9" Goodtime -1972. Shaped by William Grant-Australian.
8'0" John Ormord -1968. Herne Bay, Auckland.
Pin tail v bottom
8'3" Bob Davies -1968. Resin glassed stringer #1161R
9'4" Pacific Surf king - 1963. Popout.
9'4" Surfboards by frank Wilkin. - 1962. Popout
9'4" Island Surfboards -1963. 3 stringer T Brand middle
stringer and made by Gordon Woods in Sydney.
6'3" Energy - 1976 Australian shaped by Simon Anderson.
9'2" Island by Dunlop. -1966.
9'6" Bob Davies - 1964 3 stringer, green gel coat
made in Gisborne
9'6" Roger Land. -1964.
9'6" Britwyn - 1965. #b181 shaped by Don Wllson
9'4" Carey Custom -1967. made in Currumbin ,Queensland
9'8" Atlas - 1964 Rlvetted metal fin -not original
6'4" Tom Smithers -1977 shaped by Tom Deken
6'4" Bob Dauie - 1970 shaped by Alan Byrne #4076
9'6" Britwyn- 1965.
9' 4" Atlas - 1964 Early logo
6'1" Bob Davies - 1969
10'1" Keyo- 1964. Australian.
9'4" Joe Larkin -1963. Wooden fln Australlan.
9'4" Quane -1965. John mcDermott 3 -Strlnger, tail block.
8'0" Peter Way - 1968. V bottom.
9'4" Dunlop - 1965 #1337.
9'2" Atlas woods - 1966 .
9'4" Dunlop - 1967 #2065. Green Deck.
8'8" Quane- 1962 Green and white pop out.
9'8" Del 1965
6'8" Wilson - 1975. Pin tail made In Raglan NZ
9'2" Atlas Woods - 1964. Green Deck
9'2" Bob Davies - 1967. Scoop model.
9'4" Atlas Woods - Red gel coat with tail block
7'6" Bob Davles -1969. Alan Byrne model.
7" Del -1973. Shaped by Rodger Strahl
Del -Kneeboard Spoon
6'9" Blue spirit - 1973
6'O" Bluewater -1978. Twin fln shaped by Kevin malloy
6'5" Bob Davie - 1972 shaped by Rodney Dahlberg #4999
6'4" Jackman Way Alliance - l969 Textured deck
6'10" morning Star -1972 Narrabeen, Australia
shaped by Colin Smith
5'10" mark Richards - 1978
7'0" Blue Spirit -1972
7'8" Genesis - 1972 Rlck ford
6'2" Wayne Parkes -1976 #357
6'1" Saltwater-1978. shaped bg Brett munro
6'0" Tom Smithers -1977 shaped by JAG
6'11" Saltwater -1978
5'5" High Uoltage - 1984 turbo twin fln
5'11" Wilson -1977 Raglan Point Logo.
6'11" Bob Davie - l971. Screwdriver tail shaped for murf.
6'4" Bob Davles -1969.
6'0" Hot Stuff - 1978 Wayne Bartholomew model.
6'4" No name single fin
6'2" GregSeal-1976 Incredible Hulk sprayed on bottom
7'4" Bob Davies - 1969 Glass stringer
6'10" TomSmithers -1973
6'0" Supersession -1977. Graham Allen #952
Natural flight
Hannah- Kneeboard
6'10" McGrigor Supernatural -1972 middle wood stringer
4 Outside glass stringer #186AB (Allan Byrne)
6'9" TubeCruIser -1974 made in Glen Eden
5'7" Ocean Rhythm -1978 Raglan twin fln
6'6" Atlas Woods -1969.
6'5" Lightning Bolt - 1977
6'6' Nev Hynes - 1975 double concave dlamond tail
6'7" Hannah - 1975
6'6" Con -1974. #11938. single fln box American
7'4' SE - 1968 ? Sam Egan Rustralian
7'4" Bob Davies - 1968 #1715GE
9'8" Atlas Woods -1967.
6'4" Dlck Van Stralen Surf designs. 1973
6'6" Grey Seal -1975. #776 shaped by Dan
5'10'' Saltwater -1978 Twin fln shaped by Rodney Dalhierg
8'6" Bob davies -1968 - #1134R Stringerless v bottom
9'2" Dunlop -1966 #1396
9'4" Ted Davidson -1967.
9'6" Dunlop -1965 #1179
9'6" Rtlas Woods -1966. Shaped by ? Wayne Parkes
-mitchell modeL
9'2" Dunlop. -1966. #670
7'6" Atlas Woods -1969 fln box with Intact plastic fln.
6'4" Bob Dauies- 1969.
6'10" Blue Spirit -1974 shaped by Wayne Parkes #2763
5'10,' Saltwater - 1978. shaped by Bob Davies Single fin
9'6" Atlas Woods -1965.
6'8" Blue Spirit - 1974. Shaped by Wayne Parkes.
9'6" Dunop - l966 #195
9'4" Ted davidson-1966. Grren Foam bet Twin Stringers.
No name - twin fin
9'2" Bob Davies -1967. Scoop model
9'4" Frank Wilkin - 1962 popout
10'0" Atlas -1963.
9'2" Atlas Woods -1967. 2 glassed stringers. #1695
9'6" Gordon Woods-1964. Australian
9'4" Ted Dauidson -1966 fully restored.
6'2" Keyo - l969. Shaped by Jeff mcCoy.
9'6" Dunlop -1966
9'8"Quane-1965 3stringer tail block
Atas Woods- 1969.
6'10" Super session - 1975.
6'2" Bob Davie -1972 shaped by Rodney Dahlberg
9'4" Atas Woods- 1965.
9'2" Atlas woods - 1967 dble stringer
7'0" mike Court -1973.
9'9" Dunlop -1966 shaped by TW #1318
9'4" Island Surfboards by Dunlop - 1966
6'1" Supersession -1976 shaped by Brian Smith
7'0" Bob Davies -1969 shaped by Chrls Prentice
Many Other boards are Not Photographed
due to the fact that the collection is always
We hope you enjoyed looking at some
of the boards.