GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400 022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE OPEN DOMESTIC COMPETITIVE BIDDING Contact Details: GAIL (India) Limited 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai- 400 022. Phone No. 022-2404 5453/56 Ext-382/384 Contact Person: CM (C&P) / DM (C&P) E-mail ;; E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 1 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) ON OPEN DOMESTIC COMPETITIVE BIDDING BASIS Bids under e-tender two bid system are invited from eligible bidders as per following details: Tender No. Item Description GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 (Etender No. 8000007766) DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE Last date & time for receipt of bids 04.04.2015 upto 14:00 Hrs.(IST) For complete details of tender documents and other details, the bidders are requested to visit GAIL etender portal and tender website For any queries, please contact Chief Manager (C&P) / Dy. Manager (C&P), GAIL, Mumbai Phone: 022-24045453/56, Ext: 380/384 E-mail: ;; GAIL reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids received at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 2 of 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 (E-TENDER DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766) Introduction SL. NO. SECTION DESCRIPTION 1 SECTION - I INVITATION FOR BIDS 2 SECTION - II INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 3 SECTION - III FORMS & FORMATS 4 SECTION - IV GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 5 SECTION - V SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT & SCOPE OF WORK 6 SECTION - VI PRICE SCHEDULE / SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE SUBMITTED IN SRM FOLDER OF ETENDER E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 3 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company th 7 Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION I INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 4 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400 022. Date: 18.03.2015 Ref.: GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 SUB: DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION Dear Sir, GAIL (India) Limited invites all eligible bidders to submit E-bids on ‘Open Domestic Tender’ basis at GAIL e-tender portal. 1.0 SALIENT FEATURES OF BID DOCUMENT: TYPE OF ENQUIRY BIDDING DOCUMENT NO. Open Domestic Competitive Bidding GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 (E-Tender No. 8000007766) (To be referred in all future correspondence) TENDER FEE (Non Refundable) NOT APPLICABLE BID SECURITY (EMD) Rs. 1,72,000.00 PERIOD OF CONTRACT As defined in SCC PRE BID MEETING At 11:00 hrs (IST) on 25.03.2015 LAST DATE AND TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF BID DATE AND TIME OF OPENING OF UN-PRICED BIDS VENUE FOR PRE BID AND OPENING OF UN-PRICED BIDS Upto 14:00 hrs. (IST) on 04.04.2015 At 15:00 hrs. (IST) on 04.04.2015 GAIL (India) Limited, 7 Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion ( E), Mumbai– 400 022. th (If the particular day happens to be a holiday in GAIL, then activity mentioned at (vi) & (viii) shall be carried out on the next working day) 1.1 Bidders are requested to attend the Pre-bid Meeting so that their queries, if any, related to the Bid Document and Scope of Work can be addressed during meeting. 1.2 Bidder can download the Bid Document from GAIL’s Website or GAIL’s E-tendering Website However, bidders have to E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 5 of 83 submit their bids only through E-tending Website of GAIL. Bid is to be submitted on GAIL’s E-tendering portal The bid will be submitted in two parts as follows: 1.3 PART - I (UN-PRICED BID) To be submitted on Collaboration Folders of E-tendering system complete with all technical details along with all other required documents as specified in bid document including Price Schedule WITH PRICE BLANKED OUT. No Hard copy of Bid document to be submitted. 1.4 PART- II (PRICED BID) To be submitted as an SRM attachment. Priced bid should contain only the prices, without any condition, whatsoever. Bids complete in all respects should be submitted on or before due date and time of Last date of Bid submission. The bids submitted on line in GAIL’s E-tendering system will only be considered for evaluation. Bids sent through Fax/E-mail/Courier/Post will not be accepted. 1.5 PART-III (HARD COPY) i) ii) iii) iv) The following documents in addition to & after uploading the bid on the GAIL’s e-Tendering website shall be submitted in Original in physical form and should reach us latest by within seven days of bid due date: Tender fee: Not Applicable in this case EMD/Bid Security/MSME / NSIC certificate (as per clause no. 47) Power of Attorney Integrity pact 2.0 BID EVALUATION CRITERIA 2.1 Technical Criteria: The bidder must have successfully executed at least one single order for similar nature of job in any of the preceding 07 years for a minimum value of Rs. 42.94 lakhs (reckoned from bid due date). For substantiating above criteria, bidder has to submit copy of work order establishing the experience & copy of completion certificate mentioning the executed value against the work order. The work order & its completion certificate must be duly certified / attested by Chartered Engineer & Notary Public with legible stamp. The completion certificate must be issued by end user / owner (or their consultant who has been duly authorised by them to issue such certificate) only after completion of work / supply in all aspect. Jobs executed by subsidiary/fellow subsidiary/Holding company: A job executed by a bidder for its own plant/projects cannot be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting the requirements of BEC of the tender. However, jobs executed for subsidiary/fellow subsidiary/Holding company will be E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 6 of 83 considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the bidder towards payment of statutory tax in support of the job executed for subsidiary/fellow subsidiary/Holding company. Such bidders are required to submit these documents in addition to the documents specified in the bidding documents to meet BEC of the tender. 2.2 Financial Criteria: (i) ANNUAL TURNOVER: Bidder must have achieved minimum annual turnover of Rs.21.47 lakhs during in any one of the last three financial years i.e. 2011-2012, 20122013 & 2013-14. Bidder must submit “Details of financial capability of bidder” in prescribed format provided in the tender document duly signed and stamped by Chartered Accountant and copy of AUDITED Balance sheet & Profit and loss account statement for the relevant FY(s) 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 duly certified / attested by notary public with legible stamp along with the technical bid. (ii) NET WORTH: Net worth of the bidder must be positive as per the last audited financial statement i.e FY 2013-14. Bidder must submit “Details of financial capability of bidder” in prescribed format provided in the tender document duly signed and stamped by Chartered Accountant and copy of AUDITED Balance sheet & Profit and loss account statement for the relevant FY(s) 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 duly certified / attested by notary public with legible stamp along with the technical bid. (iii) WORKING CAPITAL: The working capital of the bidder shall not be less than Rs.4.29 lakhs as per the audited financial results for financial year 2013-14. Bidder must submit “Details of financial capability of bidder” in prescribed format provided in the tender document duly signed and stamped by Chartered Accountant and copy of AUDITED Balance sheet & Profit and loss account statement for the relevant FY(s) 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 duly certified / attested by notary public with legible stamp along with the technical bid. If the bidder’s working capital is inadequate, then the bidder should supplement this with a letter from the bidder’s bank, having net worth not less than Rs.100 Crores, confirming the availability of line of credit to meet the current working capital requirement. 2.3 BID EVALUATION METHODOLOGY: Techno-Commercially Qualified bids will be compared based on the total evaluated price as quoted by the bidder for all the services in the Schedule of Rates inclusive all charges, taxes & duties. The contract will be awarded to the overall lowest bidder. DOCUMENTATION: Bidder shall meet the Evaluation (BEC) criteria as stated above. Bidders shall furnish all the necessary documentary evidence along with the bid to establish the Evaluation (BEC) criteria including the technical and financial criteria as stated above. In absence of requisite documents GAIL reserves the right to reject the Bid without making any reference to bidders. 3.0 ZERO DEVIATION E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 7 of 83 Bidder is advised to quote strictly as per terms and conditions of tender document and not to stipulate any deviation/exceptions. This is a zero deviation tender. 4.0 GENERAL 4.1 Payment of EMD shall be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee, Demand Draft (DD), Banker’s Cheque, Letter of Credit Issued by Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in favour of GAIL (India) Limited, payable at Mumbai, India. EMD can be submitted in form of BG as specified in tender document. The bid of any bidder shall be considered only if the bid is accompanied by the requisite EMD. However, if the bidder is unable to submit EMD in original on the due date, he may upload scanned copy of the EMD while submitting the bid electronically, provided the original EMD, copy of which has been uploaded, are received within 7 days from the date of un-priced bid opening, failing which the bid will be rejected irrespective of their status in tender and notwithstanding the fact that copy of EMD was earlier uploaded by the bidder. 4.2 The firms registered with NSIC (under its Single Point Registration Scheme) will be exempted from the payment of EMD/ Bid security provided they are registered for the items they intent to quote. The PSU’s and MSE’s will also be exempted from the payment of EMD/ Bid security. Central Public Sector Undertakings and firms registered with NSIC under single point registration scheme are exempted from furnishing bid security subject to their enclosing with their bid a copy of the latest and current Registration Certificate. In case bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprises under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 are exempted form submission of EMD/Bid Security however, they have to submit the following: Documentary evidence that the bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprises registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries Commission of Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and medium enterprises. The above documents submitted by the bidder shall be duly certified by the Statutory Auditor of the bidder or a practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the bidder’s company/firm) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law. If the bidder does not provide the above confirmation or appropriate document or any evidence, then it will be presumed that they do not qualify for the above. 4.3 Corrigendum/Addendum, if any, shall also be available on the referred Websites. Further, bidder shall give an undertaking in Agreed Terms & conditions that the content of the bidding document have not been altered or modified. 4.4 No extension in the bid due date/time shall be considered on account of delay in receipt of any document. 4.5 GAIL will follow purchase preference policy as per prevailing guidelines of Government of India. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 8 of 83 4.6 GAIL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is an integral and inseparable part of the Bid Document. This is not an order. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of GAIL (India) Limited (K. Balakrishnan) Dy. Manager (C&P) Email: or E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 9 of 83 CUT OUT SLIP DO NOT OPEN - THIS IS A QUOTATION Bid Document No. : GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 (E-tender no. 8000007766) Due Date & Time : Upto 14:00 Hrs. (IST) on 04.04.2015 From: To: Dy. Manager (C&P) GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Ph. 022-2404 5453/56 (To be pasted on the envelope containing physical document i.e. Original EMD/BID SECURITY/ MSME / NSIC certificate (as per clause 47), Power of Attorney etc.) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 10 of 83 ======================================= READY RECKONER FOR VENDORS Ready Reckoner for e-tendering is ( as shown below.” E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 available on e-tendering portal Page 11 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company th 7 Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender No. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 12 of 83 SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Table of Contents A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 8. 9. 10. C. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. D. 21. 22. 23. 24. E. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. F. 31. General Scope of Bid Eligible Bidders Bid Evaluation Criteria Bids from Consortium / Joint Venture One Bid per Bidder Cost of Bidding Site Visit Bidding Documents Content of Bidding Documents Clarification of Bidding Documents Amendment of Bidding Documents Preparation of Bids Language of Bid Documents Comprising the Bid Bid Prices Bid Currencies Bid Validity Bid Security Pre-Bid Meeting Format and Signing of Bid Zero Deviation E-Payment Submission of Bids Sealing and Marking of Bids Deadline for Submission of Bids Late Bids Modification and Withdrawal of Bids Bid Opening and Evaluation Bid Opening Process to be Confidential Contacting the Employer Examination of bids and Determination of Responsiveness Correction of Errors Evaluation and Comparison of Bids Award of Contract Award 32. 33. Employer’s Right to Accept any bid and to Reject any or all Bids 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Notification of Award Signing of Agreement Contract Performance Security Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices Waiver of the transfer of the agreement Integrity Pact New Clause of GCC Cenvat/VAT credit Service Tax AHR Items Income Tax Road Permit Compliance with labour industrial law Dispute Resolution Evaluation in respect of MSE Debarring an errant bidder E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 13 of 83 Section-II Instructions to Bidders (ITB) A. General 1. 2. Scope Bid of Eligible Bidders 1.1 The Employer, as defined in the General Conditions of Contract, hereinafter “the Employer”, wishes to receive bids for the Services as described in Section V, Special Conditions of Contract, hereinafter referred to as “the services.” 1.2 The successful bidder will be required to provide the services within the period mentioned in SCC Section V of bidding document. 1.3 Throughout these bidding documents, the terms “bid” and “tender” and their derivatives (“bidder/ tenderer”, “bid/ tendered”, “bidding/ tendering”, etc.) are synonymous, and day means calendar day. Singular also means plural. 2.1 Bidders shall, as part of their bid, submit duly executed power of attorney in line with clause no 6 &11 of Addendum to ITB authorizing the signatory (whose name appears in digital signature) of the bid to bind the bidder. 2.2 This invitation for bid is open to any bidder. 2.3 The bidder shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility by Employer for corrupt or fraudulent practices as defined in ITB. 2.4 The bidder is not put on holiday by GAIL or black listed by any Government Department / Public Sector/any PMC of GAIL like EIL,MECON, Tractebel Engineering, J P Kenny etc. Bid Evaluation Criteria Bids from Joint Venture / Consortium 4.1 NOT ACCEPTABLE 5. One Bid per Bidder 5.1 A firm shall submit only one bid in the same bidding process, individually as a bidder. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid will cause all the proposals in which the bidder has participated to be disqualified. 6. Cost of Bidding 6.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid, and GAIL will in no 3. 4. Please refer clause 2.0 of IFB. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 14 of 83 case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 7. Site Visit 7.1 The bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the bidder’s own expense. B. Bidding Documents 8. Content of Bidding Document 8.1 The Bidding Documents/Tender Documents are those stated below and should be read in conjunction with any addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 10. Section I Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI Invitation for Bids (IFB) Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Forms and Formats General Conditions of Contract SCC & SOW Price Schedule / Schedule of Rates to be submitted in SRM folder 8.2 The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bidding documents. The Invitation for Bids (IFB) together with all its attachments thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by the bidders. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. 9. Clarification of Bidding Documents 9.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents may notify GAIL in writing or by fax or e-mail at GAIL’s mailing address indicated in the Invitation for Bids. GAIL will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the Bidding documents which it receives not later than 10 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids prescribed by GAIL. Written copies of GAIL’s response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of the query) will be uploaded on e-tendering website. Any Clarification or information required by the bidder but same not received by the Employer , ten days prior to the bid due date, the same is liable to be considered as no clarification/information required. 10. Amendment 10.1 At any time prior to the bid due date, GAIL may, for E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 15 of 83 of Bidding Documents any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents. 10.2 10.3 The amendment will be uploaded on e-tendering portal. In order to afford prospective bidders, reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, GAIL may, at its discretion, extend the bid due date. C. Preparation of Bids 11. Language of Bid 12. Documents Comprising the Bid 11.1 The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by bidder and GAIL shall be written in English language. (B) The bid will be submitted in three parts as follows : (C) (PART-I) (To be submitted in Technical Documents tab of e-tender portal) Part-I: Techno-commercial /Un-priced Bid shall contain the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Bidder's General Information', as per 'Format F-1' 'Bid Form', as per 'Format F-2' Proforma for Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Format F3 A confirmation that prices in requisite formats, strictly complying with the requirement, i.e. copy of Schedule of Rates with prices blanked out. 'Documents' establishing the eligibility/evaluation and conformity to the BEC & Bid Documents of all services, which the Bidder proposes to supply under the Award is to be submitted. Formats to be submitted duly filled and certified as per clause no 2.0 of IFB. 'Letter of Authority', as per 'Format F-4' 'No Deviation Confirmation', as per 'Format F-5' Certificate from Bidder, as per 'Format F-6' Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance Security in ‘Format F-7’ Checklist in ‘Format F-8’ ************************************ Page 16 of 83 (k) (l) 'Bidder's Declaration', in 'Format F-9' Acknowledgement cum consent letter as per ‘Format F-10’ (m) 'Agreed Terms and Conditions', as per 'Format F-11' (n) Proforma for Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) Mandate Form (To be issued on vendor’s letterhead), in Format-F12 (o) Format F 13 – Financial capabilities of bidders (p) Any other information/details required as per Bid Document (q) Power of Attorney as per bid document (r) Documents towards Proprietorship/Partnership &Company (Self declaration towards Proprietorship/partnership deed towards partnership firm/certificate of incorporation towards company). (s) Copy of tender document duly digitally signed. Note: All pages of the Bid must be e-signed by the authorized signatory" of the Bidder (D) PART-II (To be submitted in Notes & Attachments tab of e-tender portal) Part-II: Priced Bid To be submitted as per attachment. Price bid should contain only the prices, without any condition, whatsoever. (E) PART-III (Hard Copies of required documents such as original EMD, Power of Attorney, Integrity Pact) Bidders are required to submit the above documents in original in the prescribed formats and in the manner prescribed in the tender at the time of bid submission in sealed envelope, in addition to uploading the copy of the e-tendering portal as detailed in clause no 4.1 & 1.5 of IFB. 13. Bid Prices E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 13.1 The Contract shall be for the whole services as described in Bidding Document, based on the unit rates and prices submitted by the Bidder and accepted by the EMPLOYER. 13.2 Prices must be filled in format for ‘Schedule of Page 17 of 83 Rates’ available as SRM attachment as part of Bidding Document. If quoted in separate typed sheets and any variation in item description, unit or quantity is noticed; the bid is liable to be rejected. 13.3 Bidder shall quote for all the items of Schedule of Rates after careful analysis of cost involved for the performance of the completed item considering all parts of the Bidding Document. In case any activity though specifically not covered in description of item under ‘Schedule of Rates’ but is required to complete the works as per Scope of Work, Scope of supply, Specifications, Standards, Drawings, General Conditions of Contract, Special Condition of Contract or any other part of Bidding Document, the prices quoted shall deemed to be inclusive of cost incurred for such activity. Items against which no rate or price is entered by the bidder will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the rates for other items and prices in the SOR. 13.4 Prices quoted by the bidder, shall remain firm and fixed and valid until completion of the Contract and will not be subject to variation on any account except statutory variations in Service Tax as mentioned below. Statutory variations in Service tax during the contract period including extended, shall be to the Employer’s account for which the Contractor will furnish documentary evidence(s) in support of their claims to GAIL. However, any increase in the rate of these taxes and duties beyond the contractual completion period shall be to Contractor's account and any decrease shall be passed on to GAIL. 14. Bid Currencies 15. Bid Validity E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 13.5 The Bidder shall quote the prices on the appropriate format of Price Schedule enclosed as part of bid document as SRM format in GAIL’s E- tender site. 13.6 Alternative bids shall not be considered. Bidders shall submit bid in Indian Rupees only. 15.1 Bids shall be kept valid for 3 months from the Page 18 of 83 final bid due date. A bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected by GAIL as nonresponsive. 16. Bid Security 15.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, the Employer may request that the bidders extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by fax / e-mail. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiture of his bid security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of its bid security for the period of the extension and in accordance with Clause 16 in all respects. 16.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, bid security in the amount specified in the Invitation for Bids (IFB). 16.2 The bid security is required to protect GAIL against the risk of bidder’s conduct which would warrant the security’s forfeiture, pursuant to Clause-16.7 The bid security shall be in the form of a Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque/ Bank Guarantee. GAIL shall not be liable to pay any bank charges, commission or interest on the amount of Bid Security. 16.3 16.4 16.5 E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 In case Bid Security is in the form of a Bank Guarantee, the same shall be from any Indian scheduled bank or a branch of an International bank situated in India and registered with Reserve bank of India as scheduled foreign bank. However, in case of Bank Guarantee from banks other than the Nationalized Indian banks, the bank must be commercial bank having net worth in excess of Rs 100 crores and a declaration to this effect should be made by such commercial bank either in the Bank Guarantee itself or separately on its letterhead. Bid Security shall be valid for 3 months beyond the validity of the Bid. Any bid not secured in accordance with Clause16.1 and 16.3 may be rejected by GAIL as nonresponsive. Unsuccessful bidder’s bid security will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible, but not later than 30 days after the expiration of the Page 19 of 83 16.6 16.7 The bid security may be forfeited: a) If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity. In the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails: to accept the Notification of Award/Fax of Acceptance (FOA) or to furnish Contract Performance Security in accordance with Clause-35. to accept arithmetical corrections. b) i) ii) iii) 17. Pre-Bid Meeting 16.8 Bid Security should be in favor of GAIL (India) Limited and addressed to GAIL. In case Bid Security is in the form of Bank Guarantee, the same must indicate the Bid Document and the work for which the bidder is quoting. This is essential to have proper co-relation at a later date. The Bid Security shall be in the form provided at F-4 (Bank Guarantee). 17.1 The bidder(s) or his designated representative are invited to attend a pre-bid meeting which will take place at place (s) mentioned in IFB. 17.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. Text of the questions raised and the responses given, together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted without delay (without identifying the sources of the question) to all purchasers of the bidding documents. Any modification of the bidding documents listed in ITB Sub-Clause 8.1 that may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to Clause 10 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting. 17.3 17.4 E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 period of bid validity prescribed by GAIL, pursuant to ITB Clause-15. The successful bidder’s bid security will be discharged upon the bidder’s accepting the award & signing the Agreement, pursuant to Clause-34 and furnishing the Contract Performance Security pursuant to Clause-35. Non-attendance of the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder. Page 20 of 83 18. 19. Format and Signing of Bid Zero Deviation 18.1 The bid document should be neatly filled and digitally-signed by the person holding the power of attorney to sign the bid on behalf of the bidder. All pages of the bid shall be initiated by this authorized person. The name and post held by the person digitally-signing the bid must be typed or printed below the signature 18.2 The bid shall contain no alterations, omissions, or additions, unless such corrections are initialed by the person digitally-signing the bid. 19.1 Bidders to note that this is a zero deviation tender. GAIL will appreciate submission of offer based on the terms and conditions in the enclosed General Conditions of Contract (GCC), Special Conditions of Contract (SCC), Instructions to Bidders (ITB), Scope of Work, technical specifications etc. to avoid wastage of time and money in seeking clarifications on technical/ commercial aspects of the offer. Bidder may note that no technical and commercial clarifications will be sought for after the receipt of the bids. Not withstanding to the above, bids will following deviation(s) to the bid conditions shall be summarily rejected without any post bid reference to the bidders : Firm Price Bid Price as per clause-13 of ITB. Compliance of Bid evaluation criteria (clause no.2 of Invitation for bid) Bid Security/ EMD Scope of Work Schedule of Rates. Contract Period / Completion Schedule. Period of Validity of bid. Submission of bid in mode other than e-tender system Price Reduction Schedule/Penalty for nonperformance. Contract Performance bank Guarantee Arbitration Force Majeure Applicable Laws Any other condition specifically mentioned in the tender document elsewhere that non-compliance of the clause lead to rejection of the bid. 19.2 19.2.1 19.2.2 19.2.3 19.2.4 19.2.5 19.2.6 19.2.7 19.2.8 19.2.9 19.2.10 19.2.11 19.2.12 19.2.13 19.2.14 19.2.15 19.3 E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 In case Bidder stipulate deviations, Owner have the right to reject such bid at its absolute discretion without giving any opportunity for Page 21 of 83 such Bidders to make good such deficiency. 20. E-Payment 20.1 GAIL (India) Limited has initiated payments to suppliers and contractors electronically and to facilitate the payments electronically through RTGS & NEFT, the bidder should have an account with any Bank so that the payment through e-banking be made to the bidder, in case work is awarded to him. Further, the bidder should give the details of his bank account in any one of the above banks to facilitate payment through e-banking in case of award of work on him. 21.1 (i) Bid shall be submitted in the following manner : Part I (c-Folder) - Techno-commercial/un-priced Bid Part II (SRM Format) - Schedule of Rates Part III (Original)– Original Bid Security, & Power of Attorney D. Submission of Bids 21. Marking of Bids (ii) (iii) a) Part-I to be submitted in Collaboration Folders of E-tendering and shall contain UNPRICED BID complete with all technical and commercial details other than price (with prices blanked out). b) Part –II shall be submitted in an SRM attachment. Priced bid should contain prices, without any condition, whatsoever. c) Part - III shall be submitted in Original in physical form to GAIL as detailed in clause no 4.1 & 1.5 of IFB, the documents shall also be uploaded on the GAIL’s E-tendering Website. The bid along with all the copies of documents should be submitted in GAIL’s e-portal 22. Deadline for Submission of Bids 22.1 22.2 E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Bids must be submitted in GAIL’s E-tendering Website not later than the date and time stipulated in the IFB. GAIL may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion, on giving reasonable notice by fax or any written communication to all prospective bidders who have been informed through e-mail for participation, extend the deadline for submission of bids, in which case all rights and obligations of GAIL and the bidders, previously Page 22 of 83 subject to the original deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. Further, intimation for extension if bid due date shall be hosted on e-tender site. 23. Late Bids 23.1 System does not allow for submission / receipt of bids beyond the deadline for bid submission. 24. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 24.1 The bidder may modify his bid after the bid submission but before the deadline for bid submission. 24.2 No bid shall be modified after the deadline for submission of bids. 24.3 No bid shall be allowed to be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the bidder’s forfeiture of his bid security pursuant to Sub-Clause 16.7. E. Bid Opening and Evaluation 25. Bid Opening 25.1 Un-priced Techno-Commercial Bid Opening : 25.1.1 GAIL will open bids in the presence of bidder’s designated representatives, the unpriced part at date and time as stipulated in IFB at GAIL’s address. The bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign bidopening statement evidencing their attendance. 25.2 Priced Bid Opening: 25.2.1 GAIL will open the price bids of those bidders who meet the qualification requirement and whose bid is determined to be technically and commercially responsive. Bidders selected for opening of their price bids shall be informed about the date of price bid opening. Bidders may depute their authorized representative to attend the opening. The bidders’ representatives, who are present, shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. 26. Process to be Confidential E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 26.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of bids, and recommendations for the award of a contract, shall not be disclosed to bidders or Page 23 of 83 any other persons officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a bidder to influence the Employer’s processing of bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of the bidder’s bid. 27. Contacting the Employer 28. Examination of bids and Determination of Responsiveness 27.1 From the time of bid opening to the time of Contract award, if any bidder wishes to contact the Employer on any matter related to the bid, it should be done so in writing. 27.2 Any effort by the bidder to influence the Employer in the Employer’s bid evaluation, bid comparison, or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the bidder’s bid. 28.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of bids, the Employer will determine whether each bid a. b. c. d. meets the Bid Evaluation Criteria; has been properly signed; is accompanied by the required securities; is substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents; and Provides any clarification and/or substantiation that the Employer may require to determine responsiveness pursuant to Sub-Clause 28.2. e. 28.2 A substantially responsive bid is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the bidding documents without material deviations or reservations. A material deviation or reservation is one (a) that affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the service; that limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, the Employer’s rights or the bidder’s obligations under the contract; or Whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders presenting substantially responsive bids. (b) (c) 29. Correction of Errors E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 28.3 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the nonconforming deviation or reservation. 29.1 Bids determined to be substantially responsive Page 24 of 83 will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows : (a) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. 29.2 In case it is observed that any bidder has not quoted for any item in the Schedule of Rates (such unquoted item not being in large numbers), the quoted price for the purpose of evaluation shall be considered as the maximum rate quoted by the remaining bidders for such items. If after evaluation, such bidder is found to be the lowest evaluated bidder, the rates for the missing item shall be considered as included in quoted bid price. If the estimated price impact of the unquoted items is more that 10% of the bidder’s quoted price, the above provision shall not be applicable and such bid shall be rejected. 29.3 The amount stated in the bid will be adjusted by the Employer in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors and, with the concurrence of the bidder, shall be considered as binding upon the bidder. If the bidder does not accept the corrected amount of bid, its bid will be rejected, and the bid security shall be forfeited. 30. Evaluation and Comparison of 30.1 The evaluation and comparison of bid will be done as under: Bids 30.1.1 The total prices for complete scope of services in SOR on overall basis inclusive of Service tax shall be taken into consideration. F. Award of Contract 31. Award 31.1 Subject to Clause 28, GAIL will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest as per evaluation methodology described at clause 30, is determined to be qualified to satisfactorily perform the contract. 32. Employer’s Right to Accept Any 32.1 GAIL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 25 of 83 Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 33. Notification of Award incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligations to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the ground for GAIL’S ACTION. 33.1 Prior to the expiration of period of bid validity GAIL will notify the successful bidder in writing by fax, cable or telex to be confirmed in writing, that his bid has been accepted. The notification of award / Fax of Acceptance will constitute the formation of the Contract. 33.2 Deployment shall be counted from the date of notification of award/Fax of Acceptance. The notification of award will constitute the formation of a Contract, until the Contract has been effected pursuant to signing of Contract as per Clause 34 of ITB. Upon the successful bidder’s furnishing of contract performance security, pursuant to Clause 35 of ITB, GAIL will promptly notify each unsuccessful bidder and will discharge his bid security, pursuant to Clause 16 of ITB. 34. 35. Signing of Agreement Contract Performance Security 34.1 GAIL will award the Contract to the successful bidder, who, within 15 days of receipt of the same, shall sign and return the acceptance copy to GAIL. 34.2 The successful bidder shall be required to execute an AGREEMENT in the Performa given in of this standard bidding document on non-judicial paper of appropriate value (the cost of stamp paper shall be borne by the Contractor), within 15 days of the receipt by him of the Notification of Acceptance of Tender. In the event of failure on the part of the successful bidder to sign the AGREEMENT within the above stipulated period, the Bid Security shall be forfeited and the acceptance of the tender shall be considered as cancelled. 35.1 Within 30 days of the receipt of the notification of award / Fax of Acceptance from GAIL, the successful bidder shall furnish the contract performance security in accordance with Article 24 of General Conditions of The Contract in the form provided in the bidding documents. The Contract Performance Security shall be in the form of either Banker’s Cheque or Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee and shall be in Indian currency only. 35.2 The contract performance security shall be for an amount equal to 10% of Contract Value towards faithful performance of the contractual obligations and performance of equipment. This Bank Guarantee/DD shall be from any Indian scheduled bank or a branch of E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 26 of 83 an International bank situated in India and registered with Reserve bank of India as scheduled foreign bank. However, in case of bank guarantees from banks other than the Nationalized Indian banks, the bank must be a commercial bank having net worth in excess of Rs 100 crores and a declaration to this effect should be made by such commercial bank either in the Bank Guarantee itself or separately on its letterhead. This bank guarantee shall be valid for a period as stated in Article-24 of General Conditions of The Contract. 36. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 35.3 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of this article shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security, in which event GAIL may award the order to the next lowest evaluated bidder or call for new bids. 35.4 Note: There is no exemption for MSE’s including SSI units from the submission of Security deposits/Contract Performance Bank Guarantee. (CPBG) 36.1 GAIL requires that bidders/contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the execution of contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Employer : a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows : i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer, and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open competition; b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; will declare a firm ineligible and put on holiday, either indefinitely or a for a stated period of time if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a contract. c) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 27 of 83 a) Bidder is required to furnish the complete and correct information/documents required for evaluation of their bids. If the information / documents forming basis of evaluation is found to be false/forged, the same shall be considered adequate ground for rejection of Bids and forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit (Bid Security). b) In case, the information/document furnished by the vendor/contractor forming basis of evaluation of his bid is found to be false/forged after the award of the contract, GAIL shall have full right to terminate the contract and get the remaining job executed at the risk & cost of such vendor/contractor without any prejudice to other rights available to GAIL under the contract such as forfeiture of CPBG/Security Deposit, withholding of payment etc. c) Incase this issue of submission of false document comes to the notice after execution of work, GAIL shall have full right to forfeit any amount due to the vendor/contractor along with forfeiture of CPBG/Security Deposit furnished by the vendor/contractor. d) Further, such bidder/vendor/contractor shall be put on Blacklist/Holiday List of GAIL debarring them from future business with GAIL. 37. 37.1 WAIVER AGREEMENT OR TRANSFER OF THE The successful bidder shall not waive the Agreement or transfer it to third parties, whether in part or in whole, nor waive any interest that is included in the Agreement without the prior written permission of the Owner. 38 39. Integrity Pact New clause in General Conditions NOT APPLICABLE A new clause in General Conditions of Contract has been appended as under: The contractor shall obtain necessary certificate with regard to verification of character and antecedents in respect of personnel deployed or proposed to be deployed to carry out the contractual obligations and provide the copy of the said certificate for facilitating Photo Pass to enter into GAIL’s premises 40 CENVAT CREDIT Bidders shall provide required documents for availing Cenvat Credit applicable on Service Tax as per prevailing rules. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 28 of 83 “Bidders are advised to ensure timely submission of correct invoice (s) with all required supporting document (s) within a period specified in Contracts / LOA to enable GAIL to avail CENVAT credit. If CENVAT credit with respect to excise duty or service tax is not available to GAIL for any reason which is not attributable to GAIL, then GAIL shall not be obligated or liable to pay reimburse excise duty or service tax charged in the invoice (s) and shall be entitled to / deduct / setoff / recover the such service tax or excise duty together with all penalties and interest if any, against any amounts paid or payable by GAIL to bidder.” “Where GAIL has the obligation to discharge service tax liability under reverse charge mechanism and GAIL has paid or is / liable to pay service tax to the Government on which interest or penalties becomes payable as per Point of Taxation Rule, 2011 for any reason which is not attributable to GAIL or CENVAT credit with respect to such payments is not available to GAIL for any reason which is not attributable to GAIL, then GAIL shall be entitled to deduct / setoff / recover such amounts against any amounts paid or payable by GAIL to bidder.” 41 SERVICE TAX: The bid rates should be inclusive of all taxes & duties applicable during the contract period except Service Tax and Education Cess thereon. Service Tax and Education Cess thereon to be quoted separately in percentage as well as its total amount in SOR and same shall be reimbursed wherever service provider is liable to pay service tax on submission of documentary evidence/invoice(s) as per Rule 4A of Service Tax Rule, 1994. However, where GAIL as a service receiver is liable to pay service tax, in such case also bidder shall quote applicable Service Tax and Education Cess thereon both in percentage as well as its total amount in SOR and shall also submit proper invoice as per Rule 4A of Service Tax Rules, 1994 in order to ascertain the amount of service tax payable by GAIL. A. In case a bidder does not indicate the rate & amount of service tax in the SOR or makes any other statement (e.g. “NIL”, “Inclusive”, “Kept as Blank” etc.), their quoted price shall be considered inclusive of service tax at the rate applicable at the time of bid opening (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum service tax 12.36%) and the job shall be awarded accordingly to the L-1 bidder after reduction of the applicable service tax amount ascertained in this regard. B. In case a bidder indicate the rate & amount of service tax in the SOR as “Extra at Actuals” their quoted price shall be evaluated after loading of service tax at the rate applicable at the time of bid opening without any abatement (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum service tax 12.36%), which will be completely sole discretion of GAIL. C. In case the bidder quotes any other rate which is less than prevailing rate as per service tax rules by virtue of any abatement/ exemption then the bidder shall make note of such abatement/ exemption in SOR, else their quoted price shall be evaluated after loading of service tax at the rate applicable without any abatement (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum service tax 12.36%), at the time of bid opening instead of lower rate of service tax as quoted by the bidder, which will be completely sole discretion of GAIL. However reimbursement of service tax will be restricted to the rates as quoted by bidder in percentage as well as its total amount in SOR, and contractor shall be liable to pay differential service tax at its own to government department. During the execution of the contract, (GAIL may ask for copy of challan to ensure the payment by contractor of such differential service tax ) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 29 of 83 D. In case, rate of service tax quoted by bidder is higher than maximum applicable rate as per prevailing service tax rules, it shall be restricted to the prevailing maximum rate (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum service tax 12.36%), for reimbursement purpose, and in the same line, for evaluation purpose also the prevailing maximum rate (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum service tax 12.36%) shall only be considered. The Higher rate of service tax quoted by bidder as stated above in percentage as well as its total amount in SOR shall be termed as void, and not be considered in any case, which will be completely sole discretion of GAIL. The bidder who is exempted to pay Service Tax and Education Cess thereon due to annual turnover at the time of bid submission and later on if it becomes applicable, evaluation shall be made based on information available in their bid. Further, after placement of order/contract, if Service Tax and Education Cess thereon due to increase in annual turnover become leviable, GAIL shall not reimburse Service Tax & Education Cess thereon and contractor shall be liable to pay Service Tax & Education Cess thereon to Government department during the execution of the contract. The bidder shall indicate in its bid the Service Tax Registration no. and in case the Service Tax registration no. is not available, the bidder will give confirmation for obtaining registration with a copy of application for registration. The Service Provider shall specifically mention the Service Tax Registration No. in their Invoice(s). Further, the amount and rate of Service Tax shall be separately and distinctly specified in the Invoice(s). In addition to above invoice / bill shall be serially numbered and should also specify following: (i) The name, address and registration number of the service provider (ii) The name and address of the recipient of the taxable service (iii) Description, classification and value of taxable service provided and (iv) The service tax payable on such services THE ABOVE DETAILS ARE REQUIRED TO ENABLE GAIL TO AVAIL CENVAT CREDIT FOR THE SERVICE TAX PAYMENTS. 42 AHR ITEMS : In items rate contract where the quoted rates for the items exceed 50% of the owners/estimated rates, such items will be considered as Abnormally High Rates Items (AHR) and payment of AHR items beyond the SOR stipulated quantities shall be made at the least of the following rates: (I) (II) Rates as per SOR, quoted by the contractor. Rate of the item, which shall be derived as follows: Based on rates of machine and labor as available from the contract (which includes contractor's supervision, profit, overheads and other expenses). In case rates are not available in the contract, rates will be calculated based on prevailing market rates of machine, material and labor plus 10 % to cover contractor's supervision profit, overhead & other expenses. a) b) 43 INCOME TAX: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 30 of 83 TDS deduction shall be made from all payments of the contractor as per rules and regulation in force in accordance with the Income Tax Act prevailing from time to time. 44 ROAD PERMIT: DELETED 45 COMPLIANCE WITH LABOUR/INDUSTRIAL LAWS: i) The Contractor shall obtain all necessary insurance policies covering all risks such as accidents, injuries, death caused to his employees or labourers or to third person including loss to the properties of owner/GAIL or to some other agency. The contractor shall submit the proof that he has purchased an insurance policy as mentioned above. ii) The contractor has to ensure that persons engaged for these services should have completed minimum 18 yrs of age. iii) The contractor shall not employ or permit to be employed any person suffering from any contagious, loathsome or infectious disease. The contractor shall get examined his employees/workers through a Govt. doctor/ Registered Practitioner and produce the fitness certificate before deployment. iv) No employee or person of contractor (including contractor) be allowed to consumer alcoholic drinks or any narcotics within the plant premises. If found under the influence of above, the contractor shall have to change/replace him failing which GAIL may terminate the contract. v) The contractor hereby agrees to indemnify owner/GAIL and harmless from all claims, demands, actions, cost and charges etc., brought by any court, competent authority/statutory authorities against any act or acts of the contractor or his workers. vi) The contractor should produce the police verification of the character and antecedents of workers to be deployed by him from the place of present residence/ domicile and submit the same certificate within 3 months of the award of contract. In case any worker is found having criminal record, he shall have to be immediately replaced immediately without any reasons. vii) No contractor shall sub let or assigns any work in part or whole to any firm, individual, partnership firm, pvt ltd. company, Proprietorship firm etc., without the prior written permission of GAIL. In case the contractor sub lets or assigns the contract in part or whole without the prior written permission of GAIL and any claim preferred by any firm/individual to GAIL that the main contractor has not paid his or their dues / payments, in that circumstances. GAIL shall without assigning any reasons, withhold from the payments of contractor, the amount equivalent to the claim amount of sub contractor/individual/vendor(s) etc. The same shall be released to the contractor after contractor and labour / supplier / sub contractor jointly submits a joint written settlement to GAIL. viii) The contractor shall require to obtain labour license if applicable from Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) Mumbai to start with the work. ix) The contractor shall pay the wages as per the Minimum Wages Act as notified by the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), Mumbai from time to time. x) The contractor shall have a Provident Fund code allotted to him by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner and has to submit a monthly challan copy of PF deposit amount along with the list of workers. xi) The contractor shall require to deposit with PF authorities the PF deductions of its labours well in time and submit a copy of challan to owner / Engineer In charge on monthly basis failing which owner will deduct from his bills the amount equivalent to PF deductions with penalty under the Act. xii) The contractor shall strictly comply with the various provisions of payment of Wages Act, Workman Compensation Act, Minimum Wages Act; Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 etc., and various other labour legislations as in existence at present in India and as amended from time to time. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 31 of 83 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) It shall be the sole liability of the contractor (including the Contracting firm/company) to obtain and to abide by all necessary licenses/permissions from the concerned authorities as provided under the various labour legislations including the labour license obtained as per the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. The contractor shall discharge obligations as provided under various applicable statutory enactments including Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the employees State Insurance Act 1948, the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, the Inter state Migrant Workmen (Regulation of employment & conditions of service) Act, 1979 , the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, and other relevant Act rules and Regulations enforced from time to time. The contractor shall be responsible for required contribution towards PF, pension ESI or any other statutory payments to be made in respect of the contract and the personnel employed for rendering service to GAIL and shall deposit these amounts on or before the prescribed dates. Every contractor shall submit the proof of depositing the employees’ and employer’s contributions. The contractor shall also be responsible to pay any administrative / inspection charges thereof, wherever applicable, in respect of the personnel employed by him for the work of GAIL. The contractor shall regularly submit all relevant records/documents to GAIL representative (Engineer In charge) for verification and upon such satisfaction only; GAIL will allow reimbursement of the amounts paid. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of wages and other dues to the personnel deployed by him latest by 7th of the subsequent month. The contractor shall be directly responsible and indemnify the Company against all charges, dues, claims etc., arising out of the disputes relating to the dues and employment of personnel deployed by him. The contractor shall indemnify the Company against all losses or damages, if any, caused to it on account of acts of the personnel deployed by him. The Contractor shall ensure regular and effective supervision and control of the work and give suitable direction for undertaking the contractual obligations. The persons so deployed should be on the rolls of the contractor. The contractor should have workers compensation’s Policy for the persons so deployed to carry out the job. 46. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 1.1 GENERAL Any dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s) of any kind whatsoever between/amongst the Parties arising under/out of/in connection with this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 1.2 1.2.1 INVITATION FOR CONCILIATION In case of any dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s), as mentioned above, a Party shall notify the other Party (ies) in writing about such a dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s) between/amongst the Parties and that such a Party wishes to refer the dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s) to Conciliation. Such Invitation for Conciliation shall contain sufficient information as to the dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s) to enable the other Party(ies) to be fully informed as to the nature of the dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s), the amount of monetary claim, if any, and apparent cause(s) of action. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 32 of 83 1.2.2 Conciliation proceedings commence when the other Party(ies) accept(s) the invitation to conciliate. If the acceptance is made orally, it is advisable that it be confirmed in writing. If the other Party(ies) reject(s) the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings. 1.2.3 If the Party initiating conciliation does not receive a reply within thirty days from the date on which he/she sends the invitation, or within such other period of time as specified in the invitation, he/she may elect to treat this as a rejection of the invitation to conciliate. If he/she so elects, he/she shall inform the other Party(ies) accordingly. 1.3 CONCILIATION 1.3.1 Where Invitation for Conciliation has been furnished under Article 1.2, the Parties shall attempt to settle such dispute(s) amicably under Part-III of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and GAIL (India) Limited Conciliation Rules, 2010. It would be only after exhausting the option of Conciliation as an Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism that the Parties hereto shall go for Arbitration as per the provisions of Article 1.4 below. For the purpose of this Article, the option of ‘Conciliation’ shall be deemed to have been exhausted, even in case of rejection of ‘Conciliation’ by any of the Parties. 1.3.2 For dispute(s)/difference(s)/issue(s) pending before Arbitral or Judicial proceedings, pendency of such proceedings shall not constitute any bar on commencement of Conciliation proceedings and Invitation for Conciliation under Article 1.2, even if the Conciliation proceedings under this Article are on the same subject matter(s)/issue(s) as the Arbitral or Judicial proceedings. 1.3.3 The cost of Conciliation proceedings including but not limited to fees for Conciliator(s), Airfare, Local Transport, Accommodation, cost towards conference facility etc. shall be borne by the Parties equally. 1.3.4 The Parties shall freeze claim(s) of interest, if any, and shall not claim the same during the pendency of Conciliation proceedings. 1.3.5 The Settlement Agreement, as and when reached/agreed upon, shall be signed between the Parties and Conciliation proceedings shall stand terminated on the date of the Settlement Agreement. i) 47. Evaluation in respect to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) shall be carried out as follow:Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) quoting price within price band L 1 (other than MSE) + 15%, may be awarded for full/complete value of supplies/contract subject to matching of L 1 price. ii) The MSE owned by SC/ST entrepreneur shall mean: a) In case of Proprietary MSE, Proprietary(s) shall be SC/ST. b) In case of partnership MSE, the SC/ST partners shall be holding at least 51% share in the unit. c) In case of private Limited Companies, at least 51% shares held by SC/ST. If the MSE is owned by SC/ST Entrepreneurs, the bidder shall be furnish appropriate documentary evidence in this regards. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 33 of 83 iii) In case bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprise under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, the bidder shall submit the following: a) Documentary evidence that the bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprises registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. b) The above documents submitted by the bidder shall be duly certified by the Statutory Auditor of the bidder or a practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the bidder’s company/firm) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law. c) If the MSE is owned by SC/ST Entrepreneurs, the bidder shall furnish appropriate documentary evidence in this regard. 48. Debarring an errant bidder: In case after price bid opening the lowest evaluated bidder is not awarded the job for any mistake committed by him in bidding or withdrawal of bid or varying any term in regard thereof leading to re-tendering, GAIL shall forfeit EMD paid by the bidder and such bidders shall be debarred from participation in re-tendering of the same job(s)/items(s). E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 34 of 83 Addendum to Instruction to Bidders Instructions to Bidders for participation in E-Procurement 1. General This section contains detailed instructions regarding bid submission procedure under GAIL’s e-tendering system (e-tender portal). Bidders are required to read the following instructions in addition to various instructions mentioned elsewhere in the bid document for e-tendering, Ready Reckoner and FAQs etc. The instructions mentioned herein related to bid submission procedure shall supersede and shall prevail over the conditions enumerated elsewhere in the bid/tender document. Bidders who wish to participate in e-tenders must download ‘Ready Reckoner for bidders’ which contains instructions in respect of e-Tendering essentially covering security settings required for bidder’s PC / Laptop, uploading and checking the status of digital signature in the bidder’s PC / Laptop, obtaining unique login ID and password, re-setting the password, downloading of Tender document and uploading of Offer/Bid etc. Further, the troubleshooting issues are also available in the form of FAQs which can be downloaded from E-Tender Portal. 2. About E-Tender Portal (Web) GAIL (India) Ltd. has developed a secured and user friendly e-tender system enabling bidders to Search, View, Download tender document(s) directly from the portal (referred hereunder as “E-Tender Portal”) and also enables the bidders to participate and submit online prices directly in the e-tender portal or uploading of SOR/Price Schedule (Price Bid) in note and attachment folder, as applicable, and technical bids in secured and transparent manner maintaining absolute confidentiality and security throughout the tender evaluation process and award. 3. Pre-requisite for participation in bidding process The following are the pre-requisite for participation in e-Tendering Process: 3.1 PC/Laptop with Windows OS, Internet Explorer Bidder must possess a PC / Laptop with Windows7 professional operating system and Internet Explorer 8 or 9 for hassle free bidding. Bidder is essentially required to effect the security settings as defined in step-by-steps with screen shots in the document named “Ready Reckoner for Bidders” for e-tendering available on GAIL’s e-Tender Portal and can be downloaded without logging in. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 35 of 83 3.2 Internet Broadband Connectivity The Bidder must have a high speed internet connectivity (preferably Broadband) to access GAIL’s e-Tender Portal for downloading the Tender document and uploading/submitting the Bids. 3.3 A valid e-mail Id of the Organization/Firm Bidder must possess an e-mail Id, preferably of the Organisation (in case of a company)/Individual (in case of proprietorship concern)/Partner having Power of Attorney (in case of a partnership firm) to create login Id. The e-mail Id should not be changed frequently. All communication related to e-tendering including system generated mails shall be sent on this e-mail Id only. The communication to bidder is fully automated through the system and hence email-id of bidder is very important for online communication with bidder during various stages of tendering process and should be preferably common e-mail Id of the Organisation. 3.4 User ID and Password for new Bidder(s) To participate in the bidding process, it is mandatory on the part of bidder(s) to have user Id and password. Without user Id (Login Id), bidders cannot participate in etender. There will be single login Id for a bidder/vendor code. A bidder having offices/establishments at different address at same city or at different cities shall have different vendor codes and accordingly, different user Ids as a particular user Id is linked to a particular vendor code. To obtain User Id and Password Vendor/Bidder must visit site and perform the following steps: i) Click on button Request User Id (For new Bidders) ii) Fill the on line self-registration form and submit. Ensure that the e-mail address given in the form is valid and active. If you have already been provided with the Vendor code of GAIL, please mention the 10 digit Vendor code in the specified field, otherwise leave blank. iii) Ensure that all the mandatory fields (identified with a * mark) are filled in the selfregistration form for User Id creation. GAIL’s system administrator would take possible care to allot User Id and password within 3-4 working days. User Id and password will be communicated through system auto-generated e-mail as mentioned in the self-registration form. On receipt of User Id and password, please reset the password immediately by logging into GAIL’s E-tendering site. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 36 of 83 User Id and password is unique for each vendor and the vendor can use the same to view/download/participate in all e-tenders of GAIL. In their own interest, Bidder(s) are advised to apply for User Id immediately on publishing of tender or well in advance of the bid due date. User Id shall normally be issued within 3-4 working days provided complete information has been furnished by the bidder in self-registration form. GAIL shall not be responsible for any delays in allocation of User Id/password and the ensuing consequences including but not limited to timely submission of bids. 3.5 Procedure for change of E-mail Id of the Bidder The e-mail-id of the bidder/Vendor Code is captured and registered in GAIL’s system when a bidder submits his request for user-id / password. In case bidder desires for change in the registered e-mail id in GAIL’s system, the under mentioned steps may be followed:Note the name, designation, e-mail id etc of the dealing officer from the tender document or from the “Contact Us” link available on the logon page of GAIL’s e - tender portal. Request for change in the registered e-mail id may be sent to the dealing officer on the company’s letter head through post/ courier/e-mail. Bidder is also requested to mention his vendor code / user Id in the letter. 3.6 About Digital Signature (I) What is a Digital Signature? This is a unique digital code which can be transmitted electronically and primarily identifies a unique sender. The objective of digital signature is to guarantee that the individual sending the message is who he or she really claims to be just like the written signature. The Controller of Certifying Authorities of India (CCA) has authorized certain Certifying Authorities (CA) to issue Digital Certificates. Digitally signed documents are legally valid as per the Indian IT Act 2000. One Digital Certificate is valid for a specified period and can be used for digitally signing any number of documents. (a) In case of Proprietorship/Partnership Both i.e. (i) Class 3 Digital Signatures issued to authorized individuals on their KYC basis and (ii) Class 3b Digital Signatures issued to authorized individuals with their organization KYC basis are acceptable. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 37 of 83 (b) In case of Firm/ Company Only Class 3b Digital Signature is acceptable where individuals are using their digital signatures on behalf of the Organization and digital Signature should be in the name of authorized signatory who has signed the bid on behalf of bidder. Bidder can submit only digitally signed documents/bids/offers, in GAIL’s e-tender portal. (II) Why Digital Signature is required? In order to bid for GAIL e-tenders bidders are required to obtain a legally valid Digital Certificate as per Indian IT Act 2000 from the licensed Certifying Authorities (CA) operating under the Root Certifying Authority of India (RCAI), Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) of India. (III) How to obtain Digital Signatures from Certifying Authority (CA)? Valid Digital Certificate can be obtained from Certifying Agency (C.A). Information about CA’s can be obtained through CCA India website ( Digital Signatures can be obtained using following steps: a) Visit the site of the licensed CA* using internet browser. b) Apply for a class 3b or class 3(as applicable) Digital Certificate with encryption/decryption facility. c) Follow the instructions on the CA’s website for submission of requisite documents for issue of the Digital Certificate and making payment. *Links to some of the licensed CA's are provided below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Note: The Digital signatures should be obtained directly from certifying authority (CA). Digital signature taken from Sub CA will not be acceptable in the e-tendering system. GAIL/Owner reserves the right to verify the Authenticity of above digital signatures after bid opening and in case the digital signature is not authorized / valid, the bid will be rejected. Bidder shall be responsible for ensuring the validity of digital signatures and proper usage of the same. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 38 of 83 4. How to submit On-line Bids/Offers electronically against E-tenders? Bidders who wish to participate against e-tenders uploaded on GAIL’s e-tender website ( (e-tender portal) should follow the steps mentioned in the “Ready Reckoner for Bidders for e-tendering” available on GAIL’s e-tender portal which shall guide them to Search, Display/View, Download and Submit electronic Bids/Offers online in a secured manner ensuring confidentiality. 5. How to search, view and download e-tender? Bidders must go to e-tender website and logon using their user-Id and password. In case bidders do not have the User Id and Password, they can access the e-tender as guest which does not require any user Id & Password. This facilitates viewing of tenders in display mode in Collaboration folder (C Folder). The bidder can also download the tender. 6. Bidders are advised to ensure that their bids are uploaded in e-Tender system well before the closing date and time of bid submission by pressing “Submit” button. It has been seen that bidder who try to upload his bid at the last moment often failed because of last minute unforeseen reasons. Therefore, bidders are requested to upload & submit all documents (Technical/Un-Priced Bid and Priced Bid) well in advance and refrain from submitting their bid at the last moment. Once bid is submitted successfully, bidders shall receive a system generated response on their registered E-mail Id confirming successful submission of bid indicating ten digit response number starting from 9000…. (E-bid number). Bidder can modify the bid already submitted prior to the due date and time of Bid submission. 7. Further, bidders are advised to carry out a practice session on the demo version of tendering as explained in Ready Reckoner to get well acquainted with the system before actual submission of bid. 8.0 Content of Bid 8.1 Un-Priced Bid The Un-priced Bid (i.e. Part I – Technical Bid, refer ITB of tender for details) to be uploaded using Link “TECHNICAL DOCUMENT”. Bidders are advised to not upload duly filled Schedule of Rates/Price Schedule (Price Bid) at this link. For detailed instructions, Ready Reckoner for bidders may be referred. Before the bid is uploaded, the bid comprising of all relevant documents mentioned in the tender document should be digitally signed in accordance with the Indian IT Act 2000. If any modifications are required to be made to a document thereafter the modified documents shall be again digitally signed before uploading. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 39 of 83 Bidders are required to upload all Tender forms and supporting documents which form part of the bid/tender in the Collaboration Folder (C-Folder) under tender document of e-tender portal. Uploading the documents relevant to bid before the bid submission date and time is the sole responsibility of the bidder. No Manual/Hard copy of bid is acceptable. Bids submitted manually shall be rejected. Bidders are required to submit the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/Bid Bond in original in the prescribed formats and in the manner prescribed in the tender at the time of bid submission in sealed envelope. However, if the bidder is unable to submit EMD/Bid Bond in original on the due date, he may upload scanned copy of the EMD/Bid Bond while submitting the bid electronically, provided the original EMD/Bid Bond, copy of which has been uploaded, is received within 7 (seven) days from the date of un-priced bid opening, failing which the bid will be rejected irrespective of their status / ranking in tender and notwithstanding the fact that a copy of the Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Bond was earlier uploaded by the bidder. The complete bid (each page) shall be continuously numbered in sequence, from start till end i.e. 1, 2, 3… n. The bid shall be uploaded along with proper index and indicating page numbers against each category of documents. A sample is suggested as under: Sub-folder in C-Folder 1. INDEX 2. TENDER DOC 3. B.E.C 4. UN-PRICED COMMERCIAL 5. EMD/POA 6. FORMATS 7. TENDER FEE / I.P. 8. OTHERS Documents Index Tender Document, Corrigendum etc. BEC documents (including order, completion/ execution certificate, balance sheet, etc.) Un-priced Commercial offer/bid Scanned copy of EMD/POA Formats of tender duly filed-in, signed and stamped and other Scanned copy of Tender fee/ Integrity Pact (I.P.) Any other document Page nos. (for ref.) 1 to a a+1 to b b+1 to c c+1 to d d+1 to e e+1 to f f+1 to f g+1 to n The above shall ensure that there are no missing documents and traceability of relevant section is ensured. Note: i) Bidder may save/store the bid documents in the PC/Laptop before submitting the bid into in e-tender portal. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 40 of 83 ii) Bidder is required to fill up the price(s)/rate(s) strictly in the Schedule of Rate (SOR)/Price Schedule attached with the tender. Inadvertently, if a document is uploaded in Collaboration Folder (C Folder) by the bidders, such document can be deleted by the bidder and can be replaced by a digitally signed new/modified document prior to due date& time. Un-priced techno-commercial bid document should be placed in the private area earmarked in the C-folder of Tender Document in e-tender portal. 8.2 Priced Bid The Priced Bid (i.e. Part II – Price Bid, refer ITB for details) to be uploaded using Link “Step-3: SOR Attachments” and NOT using link “TECHNICAL DOCUMENT”. Bidders are advised not to upload any other documents and same shall be ignored. For detailed instructions, refer tender document and Ready Reckoner. GAIL shall not be responsible for any failure on the part of the bidder in submission of Priced Bid. Instructions mentioned under “PRICE BID [Online]” in Ready Reckoner shall be applicable in case Bidders have been asked to quote their prices on-line directly in the GAIL’s e-tender portal in addition to uploading of scanned copy of SOR or only the on-line price submission in the portal, as the case may be. 9. E-Tender demo during pre-bid conference During the pre-bid conference, GAIL shall also arrange demonstration for submission of bids in e-tender portal for interested bidders. 10. Submission of documents Bidders are requested to upload small sized documents preferably (upto 20 MB) at a time to facilitate easy uploading into e-tender portal. GAIL shall not be responsible in case of failure of the bidder to upload documents/bids within specified time of tender submission. 11. Last date for submission of bids System does not allow for submission or modification of bids beyond the deadline for bid submission. However, if the bidder for some reason intends to change the bid already entered, he may change/revise the same on or before the last date and time of submission. The system time displayed on GAIL’s e-tender webpage shall be final and binding on the bidders for all purposes pertaining to various events of the subject tender and no other time shall be taken into cognizance. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 41 of 83 Bidders are advised in their own interest to ensure that bids are uploaded in e-tender system well before the closing date and time of bid. 12. Internet connectivity If bidders are unable to access GAIL’s e-tender portal or Bid Documents, the bidders may please check whether they are using proxy to connect to internet or their PC is behind any firewall and may contact their system administrator to enable connectivity. Please note that Port SSL/443 should be enabled on proxy/firewall for HTTPS connectivity. Dial-up/Broad band internet connectivity without Proxy settings is another option. ................................................................................................................................. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 42 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION III FORMS AND FORMATS E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 43 of 83 F-1 BIDDER’S GENERAL INFORMATION BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 To, GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. 1. Name of Bidder / Firm _________________________________________ 2. Status of Firm Proprietorship Firm / Partnership Firm [Mark √] 3. Number of Years in Operation _________________________________________ 4. Registered Address _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 5. Operational Address [if different from above] ________________________________________ _________________________________________ 6. Telephone Number _________________________________________ [Area Code] [Number] 7. E-mail ID & Website ________________________________________ 8. Tele-fax Number _________________________________________ [Area Code] [Number] 9. ISO Certification [If Any] [If 'Yes', Please Furnish Details]: 10. PAN NO ______________________________________ 11. TIN NO ________________________________________ 12. Service Tax Reg. NO __________________________________________ Place: Date: Designation: Seal: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Page 44 of 83 F-2 BID FORM To, GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sir, After examining/reviewing the Bidding Documents for__________________ including technical specifications, drawings, General and Special Purchase Conditions and schedule of rates etc. the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, pleased to offer to execute the whole of the Job of ______________ and in conformity with, the said Bid Documents, including Addenda Nos. ____________. We confirm that this bid is valid for a period of three (3) months from the date of opening of Techno-Commercial Bid, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by any time before the expiration of that period. If our bid is accepted, we will provide the performance security equal to 7.5% (Seven and half cent) of the Annualized contract value, for the due performance with in fifteen days of such award. Until a final Agreement is prepared and executed, the bid together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding Agreement between us. We understand that Bid Document is not exhaustive and any action and activity not mentioned in Bid Documents but may be inferred to be included to meet the intend of the Bid Documents shall be deemed to be mentioned in Bid Documents unless otherwise specifically excluded and we confirm to perform for fulfillment of Agreement and completeness of the Work in all respects within the time frame and agreed price. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest priced or any bid that you may receive. Place: Date: Designation: Seal: [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of ____________________________________ [Signature of Witness] Name of Witness: Address: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 45 of 83 F-3 PROFORMA FOR BANK GUARANTEE FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT/ BID SECURITY (To be stamped in accordance with the Stamp Act) Bank Guarantee No......... To GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sir(s), In accordance with Letter Inviting Tender under your reference no.___________ M/s.______________________________ having their Registered / Head Office at _________________________(hereinafter called the Tenderer) wish to participate in the said tender for _________________________________________________________________. As an irrevocable Bank Guarantee against Earnest Money for the amount of ______________ is required to be submitted by the Tenderer as a condition precedent for participation in the said tender which amount is liable to be forfeited on the happening of any contingencies mentioned in the Tender Document. We, the ____________________________________ Bank at_____________________________ having our Head Office ________________________________________________________ (Local Address) guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on demand without any recourse to the tenderers by GAIL (India) Ltd., the amount________________ ____________________ without any reservation, protest, demur and recourse. Any such demand made by GAIL, shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the Tenderer. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to ____________ [this date should be 5 months after the date finally set out for closing of tender]. If any further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving instructions from M/s.__________________________________________________________________________ whose behalf this guarantee is issued. In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this ___________day of ____________200 __at____________. WITNESS: (SIGNATURE) (NAME) Designation with Bank Stamp (SIGNATURE) (NAME) (OFFICIAL ADDRESS) Power of Attorney No.________ Date: ________________________ Attorney as per E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 46 of 83 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURNISHING BID SECURITY BANK GUARANTEE 1. The Bank Guarantee by bidders will be given on non-judicial stamp paper as per stamp duty applicable. The non-judicial stamp paper should be in the name of the issuing bank. In case of foreign bank, the said banks guarantee to be issued by its correspondent bank in India on requisite non-judicial stamp paper. 2. The expiry date as mentioned in bid document should be arrived at by adding 3 months to the date of expiry of the bid validity unless otherwise specified in the Bid Documents. 3. The bank guarantee by bidders will be given from bank as specified in ITB 4. A letter from the issuing bank of the requisite Bank Guarantee confirming that said bank guarantee /all future communication relating to the Bank Guarantee shall be forwarded to the Employer at its address as mentioned at ITB. 5. Bidders must indicate the full postal address of the bank along with the bank’s E-mail/ Fax/. From where the earnest money bond has been issued. 6. If a bank guarantee is issued by a commercial bank other than a nationalized Bank , then a letter to Employer confirming its net worth is more than Rs. 1,000,000,000/- (Rupees one hundred crore) or equivalent. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 47 of 83 F-4 LETTER OF AUTHORITY PROFORMA FOR LETTER OF AUTHORITY FOR ATTENDING SUBSEQUENT NEGOTIATIONS/CONFERENCES BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 To, GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sir, We _____________________________________ hereby authorize following representative(s) to attend un-priced bid opening and price bid opening and for any other correspondence and communication against above Bidding Document: 1) Name & Designation _______________________ Signature _________________ 2) Name & Designation _______________________ Signature _________________ We confirm that we shall be bound by all commitments made by aforementioned authorised representatives. Yours faithfully, Place: Date: Designation: Seal: Note: [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the bidder and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the bidder. Not more than two persons are permitted to attend techno –commercial un-priced and price bid opening. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 48 of 83 F-5 NO DEVIATION CONFIRMATION To, GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 SUBJECT: DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION Dear Sir, We understand that any deviation/exception in any form may result in rejection of bid. We, therefore, certify that we have not taken any exceptions/deviations anywhere in the bid and we agree that if any deviation/exception is mentioned or noticed, our bid may be rejected. Place: Date: Designation: Seal: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Page 49 of 83 F-6 CERTIFICATE BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 To, GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sir, If we become a successful bidder and pursuant to the provisions of the Bidding Documents award is given to us for _______________, the following certificate shall be automatically enforceable: “We agree and acknowledge that the Employer is entering into the Agreement solely on its own behalf and not on behalf of any other person or entity. In particular, it is expressly understood and agreed that the Government of India is not a party to the Agreement and has no liabilities, obligations or rights there under. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Employer is authorised to enter into Agreement, solely on its own behalf under the applicable laws of India. We expressly agree, acknowledge and understand that the Employer is not an agent, representative or delegate of the Government of India. It is further understood and agreed that the Government of India is not and shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions, breaches or other wrongs arising out of the Agreement. Accordingly, we hereby expressly waive, release and forego any and all actions or claims, including cross claims, VIP claims or counter claims against the Government of India arising out of the Agreement and covenants not to sue to Government of India as to any manner, claim, cause of action or things whatsoever arising of or under the Agreement.” Place: Date: Designation: Seal: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Page 50 of 83 F-7 PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITY (ON NON-JUDICIAL PAPER OF APPROPRIATE VALUE) TO: GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sirs, M/s__________________________________________ have been awarded ____________________________________________for GAIL (India) Ltd., Mumbai. the work of The Contracts conditions provide that the CONTRACTOR shall pay a sum of Rs._____________ (Rupees as full Contract Performance Guarantee in the form therein mentioned. The form of payment of Contract Performance Guarantee includes guarantee executed by Nationalized Bank, undertaking full responsibility to indemnify GAIL (India) Ltd. , in case of default. The said_______________________________________________ has approached us and at their request and in consideration of the premises we having our office at ______________________________ have agreed to give such guarantee as hereinafter mentioned. 1. We _____________________________________________________________ hereby undertake and agree with you that if default shall be made by M/s__________________________________ in performing any of the terms and conditions of the tender or in payment of any money payable to GAIL ( India) Ltd.. We shall on demand pay without any recourse to the contractor to you in such manner as you may direct the said amount of Rupees _____________________________ only or such portion thereof not exceeding the said sum as you may from time to time require. 2. You will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee, postpone for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights conferred on you under the contract with the said _____________________________________ and to enforce or to forbear from endorsing any powers or rights or by reason of time being given to the said __________________________ which under law relating to the sureties would but for provision have the effect of releasing us. 3. Your right to recover the said sum of Rs.____________________________________ (Rupees_______________________________________) from us in manner aforesaid will not be affected or suspended by reason of the fact that any dispute or disputes have been raised by the said M/s.___________________________ and/or that any dispute or disputes are pending before any officer, tribunal or court. 4. The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up dissolution or changes of constitution or insolvency of the said but shall in all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all money due to you in respect of such liabilities is paid. 5. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to______________ if any further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving instruction from M/s.___________________________________________________ on whose behalf this guarantee is issued. 6. The Bank Guarantee’s payment of an amount is payable on demand and in any case within 48 hours of the presentation of the letter of invocation of Bank Guarantee. Should the banker fail to release payment on demand, a penal interest of 18% per annum shall become payable immediately and any dispute arising out of or in relation to the said Bank Guarantee shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts. 7. We have power to issue this guarantee in your favor under Memorandum and Articles of Association and the undersigned has full power to do under the Power of Attorney dated ___________ granted to him by the Bank. Yours faithfully, ___________________________Bank By its Constituted Attorney Signature of a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bank. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 51 of 83 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURNISHING CONTRACT PERFORMANCE SECURITY 1. The Bank Guarantee by successful bidder(s) will be given on non-judicial stamp paper as per stamp duty applicable. The non-judicial stamp paper should be in name of the issuing bank. In case of foreign bank, the said bank guarantee to be issued by its correspondent bank in India on requisite non-judicial stamp paper and place of bid to be considered as Delhi. 2. The bank guarantee by bidders will be given from bank as specified in ITB. 3. A letter from the issuing bank of the requisite Bank Guarantee confirming that said bank guarantee and all future communication relating to the Bank Guarantee shall be forwarded to Employer 4. If a bank guarantee is issued by a commercial bank other than a nationalized Bank , then a letter to Employer and copy to Consultant confirming its net worth is more than Rs. 1,000,000,000/- (Rupees one hundred crore) or its equivalent in foreign currency along with a documentary evidence. 5. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto three months beyond the contract period. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 52 of 83 F-8 (CHECK LIST) Bidders are requested to duly fill in the checklist. This checklist gives only certain important items to facilitate the bidder to make sure that the necessary data/information as called for in the bid document has been submitted by them along with their offer. This, however, does not relieve the bidder of his responsibilities to make sure that his offer is otherwise complete in all respects. Please ensure compliance and tick () against following points: S. NO. 1.0 2.0 DESCRIPTION STATUS Bid Digital signed submitted Confirm that the following details have been submitted in the Un-priced part: a) Covering Letter, Letter of Submission b) Digital signed copy of bid document and addendum (if any) c) Power of Attorney in the name of person digitally signing the bid d) Bidder’s declaration that they are not under any liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings. e) Confirmation from the Bidder that the bidder has not been put on Holiday by GAIL or black listed by any government department/ public sector,/GAIL PMCs like EIL,MECON, Tractebel Engineering, J P Kenny etc. g) Bid Security as per Bid document is submitted h) Format F-11 : Agreed Terms & Conditions duly filled in is submitted 3.0 4.0 5.0 E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Confirm that all forms enclosed with the bid are duly signed / Digital signed by authorised person(s) Confirm that the price bid has been duly filled in for each item, signed / Digital signed on each page separately Confirm that proper page nos. have been given in sequential way in all the documents submitted along with your bid with Index. Page 53 of 83 S. NO. 6.0 DESCRIPTION 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 STATUS Confirm that any correction in the Un-priced part has been initialled and stamped by the authorized person. Confirm that any correction in the “Price Part” part has been signed in full and stamped by the authorized person. Confirm that prices in requisite formats strictly complying with the requirements have been submitted in priced bid. Confirmation that no deviations Form F-5 submitted. Confirm that annual reports for last three financial years & duly filled in Form 13 enclosed in the offer for financial assessment. 11.0 Confirm that copies of documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility are enclosed. 12.0 Other requirements as per Bid Document Place: Date: Designation: Seal: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Page 54 of 83 F-9 DECLARATION To GAIL (India) Limited, 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. Dear Sir, We hereby confirm that we are not under any 'liquidation', any 'court receivership' or similar proceedings and 'bankruptcy'. We further confirm that, we have not been blacklisted or kept under holiday by any Public Sector Undertaking / Government Organization / GAIL (India) Limited/ any PMCs of GAIL (India) Ltd. like EIL, MECON, Tractebel, JPKenny etc . We agree that if any noticed in future, our Bid may be rejected / terminated. Place: Date: Designation: Seal: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder] Name: Page 55 of 83 F-10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CUM CONSENT LETTER (Within 07 days of receipt of e-mail from GAIL for participation in the tender, Bidder shall acknowledge the receipt and confirm his intention to bid or reasons for nonparticipation against the enquiry/ tender through e- mail/fax to concerned executive who issued the tender, by filling up the Format) To, ………….. (C&P) …………………. E-mail:……………… Fax : ………………………….. SUB. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION Dear Sir, We hereby acknowledge receipt of a complete set of bidding document along with enclosures for subject item/job and/or the information regarding the subject tender. We intend to bid as requested for the subject item/job and furnish following details with respect to our quoting office: Postal Address with Pin Code: …………….. Telephone Number : Fax Number : Contact Person : E–mail Address : Mobile No. : Date : Seal / Stamp : …………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………. We are unable to bid for the reasons given below: Reasons for non- submission of bid: Agency’s Name Signature Name Designation Date Seal/Stamp E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 : ……………………. : …………………… : …………………… : …………………… : …………………… : …………………… Page 56 of 83 F-11 BRIEF SUMMARY OF AGREED TERMS & CONDITIONS BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 Bidder M/s............................. Offer Ref................................ This Questionnaire duly filled in should be returned along with Un-priced Bid. Clauses confirmed hereunder should not be repeated in the Bid. Sl. Description Bidder's No. Confirmation in (YES/NO) or details as applicable 1. Confirm Bid has been submitted as per Instructions to Bidders in bid document. 2. Offer Number & Date 3. Confirm that the offer shall remain valid for acceptance up to 3 months from Final Bid Due Date/Date of Opening of Bids. Confirmation towards submission of EMD/Bid 4. Bond of requisite value & its details. Bid Security No. & Date Value & validity Name & address of Bank issuing Bid Security 5. 6. 7. 8. Confirmed that MSE certificate duly certified by statutory auditor as per clause no. 47 is submitted along with bid document (applicable only for MSE bidders) Confirmation towards submission of duly filled and digitally signed copy of complete tender documents (ITB, SCC, SCOPE OF WORK, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION, GCC and all Annexures). Confirmation towards submission of duly signed/digitally signed & copy of blank SOR (Schedule of Rates) showing that rate is quoted in same format. Confirmed that the document submitted are true and genuine and in case of any discrepancy noticed or observed at any stage, bidder shall be personally responsible not only for the damages or loss to GAIL, but also for criminal proceedings under the relevant laws. Confirmed that the contents of the Tender Document have not been modified or altered. In case, it is found that the tender E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 57 of 83 9. 10. 11. 12. document has been modified / altered by the bidder, the bid submitted by us shall be liable for rejection. Attested copies of partnership deeds (in case of partnership firm) / Memorandum and Articles of Association/certificate of Incorporation in case of limited company/ Certificate or affidavit towards proprietorship Firm. Confirmed that Power of Attorney is as per bid document. Provide PAN number. (i) Provide Service Tax Registration Number. (ii) Indicate applicable rate of Service Tax including Cess thereon. (Both in words & figure) (iii) In case the rate provided at (ii) above is lower than prevailing maximum rate (presently 8.652% i.e. 70% of maximum 12.36%) due to abatement/ exemption/ valuation then indicate the relevant notification/ clause of Service Tax Act/ Rules for such abatement/ exemption/ valuation. (Please refer Clause 41 of ITB) (iv) Confirmation toward compliance of conditions toward such abatement/ exemption/ valuation. [YES/NO] (v) Whether liable to pay service tax as service provider. [YES/NO] 13. 14. (vi) Whether liable to pay part of service tax as service provider. If, yes, then specify percentage. It is noted that deviations to Terms & Conditions shall lead to rejection of offer, as specified in the Bid Document. Confirmation towards submission of duly signed/digitally signed copy of No Deviation Confirmation as per F-5. Confirmation of compliance to tender terms & condition specifically clause 19 of ITB without any deviation such as Scope of work PRS, Specification, Payment Terms, contract period, PBG/ security deposit, Arbitration, Force Majeure, applicable laws, E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 58 of 83 15. 16. 17. 18. Integrity Pact, Guarantee/ Defect Liability period etc. Confirm the prices have been quoted in accordance to clause 13 of ITB and confirm quoted prices will remain firm and fixed till complete execution of the contract. Confirm acceptance to of the Terms & Conditions contained in: Instructions to Bidders General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Scope of Work (SOW) All other commercial documents/attachments of Bid Document. Indicate Name & Contact E-Mail /Telephone /Mobile /Fax No. of person(s) to whom queries, if any, are to be addressed against your bid. Confirmed that Integrity Pact duly signed and witnessed uploaded. BIDDER CONFIRMS THAT IN CASE OF CONFLICTING VERSION OF VARIOUS TERMS & CONDITIONS AT DIFFERENT PLACES, THE CONFIRMATION FURNISHED AS ABOVE SHALL BE CONSIDERED OVER-RIDING AND FINAL AND ANY OTHER DEVIATION INDICATED ELSEWHERE SHALL BE TREATED AS REDUNDANT. Signature ________________________ Name____________________________ Designation_______________________ Tel No. __________________________ E-mail___________________________ Fax No. _________________________ Office Stamp_____________________ E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 59 of 83 F-12 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) Mandate Form (To be issued on vendor’s letterhead) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1. Vendor/customer Name : 2. Vendor/customer Code: 3. Vendor /Customer Address: 4. 5. Vendor/customer e-mail id: Particulars of bank account Name of Bank Name of branch Branch code: Address: Telephone number: Type of account (current/saving etc.) Account Number: RTGS IFSC code of the bank branch NEFT IFSC code of the bank branch 9 digit MICR code I/We hereby authorize GAIL(India) Limited to release any amount due to me/us in the bank account as mentioned above. I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or lost because of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold the GAIL (India) Limited responsible. -----------(Signature of vendor/customer) BANK CERTIFICATE We certify that -------------- ---------has an Account no. ----- -- --- -------------------------with us and we confirm that the details given above are correct as per our records. Bank stamp Date bank) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 (Signature of authorized officer of Page 60 of 83 F-13 FORMAT FOR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATE FOR FINANCIAL CAPABILITY OF THE BIDDER We have verified the Annual Accounts and other relevant records M/s…………………………… (Name of the bidder) and certify the following of A. ANNUAL TURNOVER OF LAST 3 YEARS: Year Amount (Currency) Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: B. FINANCIAL DATA FOR LAST AUDITED FINANCIAL YEAR: Description 1. 2. 3. Year________ Amount (Currency) Current Assets Current Liabilities Working Capital (Current AssetsCurrent liabilities) 4. Net Worth (Paid up share capital and Free Reserves & Surplus) Name of audit Firm/: Chartered Accountant Date: [Signature of Authorized Signatory] Name: Designation: Seal: Membership No. Instructions: 1. The financial year would be the same as one normally followed by the bidder for its Annual Report. 2. The bidder shall provide the audited annual financial statements as required for this Tender document. Failure to do so would result in the Proposal being considered as responsive. 3. For the purpose of this Tender document. (i) Annual Turnover shall be “Sale value/Operating Income’’ (ii) Working Capital shall be “Current Assets less Current liabilities’’ and (iii) Net Worth shall be “Paid up share capital and Free Reserves & Surplus.’’ E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 61 of 83 F-14 PROFORMA FOR CONTRACT AGREEMENT LOA No. GAIL/ Dated ___________ Contract Agreement for the work of ----------------- of GAIL (India) Ltd. made on ---------- between (Name and Address)-------------, hereinafter called the “CONTRACTOR” (which term shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and permitted assignees) of the one part and GAIL (India) Limited hereinafter called the “EMPLOYER” (which term shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assignees) of the other part. A. WHEREAS The EMPLOYER being desirous of having provided and executed certain work mentioned, enumerated or referred to in the Tender Documents including Letter Inviting Tender, General Tender Notice, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings, Plans, Time Schedule of completion of jobs, Schedule of Rates, Agreed Variations, other documents has called for Tender. B. The CONTRACTOR has inspected the SITE and surroundings of WORK specified in the Tender Documents and has satisfied himself by careful examination before submitting his tender as to the nature of the surface, strata, soil, sub-soil and ground, the form and nature of site and local conditions, the quantities, nature and magnitude of the work, the availability of labour and materials necessary for the execution of work, the means of access to SITE, the supply of power and water thereto and the accommodation he may require and has made local and independent enquiries and obtained complete information as to the matters and thing referred to, or implied in the tender documents or having any connection therewith and has considered the nature and extent of all probable and possible situations, delays, hindrances or interferences to or with the execution and completion of the work to be carried out under the CONTRACT, and has examined and considered all other matters, conditions and things and probable and possible contingencies, and generally all matters incidental thereto and ancillary thereof affecting the execution and completion of the WORK and which might have influenced him in making his tender. C. The Tender Documents including the Notice Letter Inviting Tender, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Schedule of Rates, General Obligations, SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS, PLANS, Time Schedule for completion of Jobs, Letter of Acceptance of Tender and any statement of agreed variations with its enclosures copies of which are hereto annexed form part of this CONTRACT though separately set out herein and are included in the expression “CONTRACT” wherever herein used. AND WHEREAS The EMPLOYER accepted the Tender of the CONTRACTOR for the provision and the execution of the said WORK at the rates stated in the schedule of quantities of the work and finally approved by EMPLOYER (hereinafter called the "Schedule of Rates") upon the terms and subject to the conditions of CONTRACT. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS:- 1. 2. 3. In consideration of the payment to be made to the CONTRACTOR for the WORK to be executed by him, the CONTRACTOR hereby covenants with EMPLOYER that the CONTRACTOR shall and will duly provide, execute and complete the said work and shall do and perform all other acts and things in the CONTRACT mentioned or described or which are to be implied there from or may be reasonably necessary for the completion of the said WORK and at the said times and in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions or stipulations mentioned in the contract. In consideration of the due provision execution and completion of the said WORK, EMPLOYER does hereby agree with the CONTRACTOR that the EMPLOYER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the respective amounts for the WORK actually done by him and approved by the EMPLOYER at the Schedule of Rates and such other sum payable to the CONTRACTOR under provision of CONTRACT, such payment to be made at such time in such manner as provided for in the CONTRACT. AND In consideration of the due provision, execution and completion of the said WORK the CONTRACTOR E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 62 of 83 does hereby agree to pay such sums as may be due to the EMPLOYER for the services rendered by the EMPLOYER to the CONTRACTOR, such as power supply, water supply and others as set for in the said CONTRACT and such other sums as may become payable to the EMPLOYER towards the controlled items of consumable materials or towards loss, damage to the EMPLOYER'S equipment, materials construction plant and machinery, such payments to be made at such time and in such manner as is provided in the CONTRACT. It is specifically and distinctly understood and agreed between the EMPLOYER and the CONTRACTOR that the CONTRACTOR shall have no right, title or interest in the SITE made available by the EMPLOYER for execution of the works or in the building, structures or work executed on the said SITE by the CONTRACTOR or in the goods, articles, materials etc., brought on the said SITE (unless the same specifically belongs to the CONTRACTOR) and the CONTRACTOR shall not have or deemed to have any lien whatsoever charge for unpaid bills will not be entitled to assume or retain possession or control of the SITE or structures and the EMPLOYER shall have an absolute and unfettered right to take full possession of SITE and to remove the CONTRACTOR, their servants, agents and materials belonging to the CONTRACTOR and lying on the SITE. The CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to enter upon the SITE for execution of the WORK only as a licensee simpliciter and shall not have any claim, right, title or interest in the SITE or the structures erected thereon and the EMPLOYER shall be entitled to terminate such license at any time without assigning any reason. The materials including sand, gravel, stone, loose, earth, rock etc., dug up or excavated from the said SITE shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed under this CONTRACT, exclusively belong to the EMPLOYER and the CONTRACTOR shall have no right to claim over the same and such excavation and materials should be disposed off on account of the EMPLOYER according to the instruction in writing issued from time to time by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. In Witness where of the parties have executed these presents in the day and the year first above written. Signed and Delivered for and on on behalf of EMPLOYER. CONTRACTOR. GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED _______________________________ _______________________________ Date: ___________ Place: ___________ Signed and Delivered for and on behalf of (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) ____________________________ ____________________________ Date: ____________ Place: ____________ INPRESENCEOFTWOWITNESSES 1.___________________________ ___________________________ 1.________________________ ________________________ 2. ___________________________ ___________________________ 2. ________________________ ________________________ E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 63 of 83 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 1.1 GAIL follows a system of Performance Evaluation of vendors and contractors to monitor and ensure the timely and smooth completion of supplies, execution of contracts, and maintenance of quality standards. The basic objective is to recognize and develop reliable vendors and contractors who consistently meet or exceed expectations and requirements of GAIL with respect to timely receipt of supplies, completion of work and services and the quality specifications, standards. Vendors and contractors whose performance is not found satisfactory will be debarred from future business with GAIL. 1.2 All the suppliers and contractors working with GAIL will be evaluated based on the parameters defined in the performance Rating Data Sheet as per enclosed Annexure –I of attachment - I. 1.3 The evaluated rating may be falling in any of the following category depending upon the scoring of points in various parameters. Very good Good Fair Poor 1.4 In case, a vendor/contractor is not able to achieve a minimum scoring of 60% points in the given parameters individually and collectively for all parameters i.e. with poor rating shall be put on “HOLIDAY” for a period of 1 to 3 years depending upon the nature of failure on their part in performance and such venders and contractors will not be allowed to participate in business with GAIL for the Holiday period. 1.5 The vendors and contractors will be blacklisted for submitting forged documents in respect of experience, turnover and any other requirements forming the basis for pre qualifying / eligibility criteria irrespective of their rating in the past. Such vendors & Contractors will be debarred from having business with GAIL in future. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 64 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited Annexure - 1 PERFORMANCE RATING DATA SHEET (i) Location : (ii) Order/Contract No. & Date Brief description of Items Works/Assignment : (iv) Order/Contract value (Rs.) : (v) Name of Vendor / Contractor / Consultant : (vi) Contracted delivery / Completion Schedule : (vii) Actual delivery/ Completion date : (iii) Performance Parameter Maximum Marks Marks Allocated (*) Delivery / Completion Performance 40 : Quality Performance 40 Reliability Performance 20 Total 100 Remarks (if any) PERFORMANCE RATING (**): Note: (*) Allocation of marks would be as per enclosed instructions (**) performance rating shall be classified as under: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Range (Marks) Rating 60 & below 61-75 76-90 MORE THAN 90 POOR FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD Signature of Authorised signatory with name & designation E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 65 of 83 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALLOCATION OF MARKS Marks are to be allocated as under: 1.1 1.2 DELIVERY/COMPLETION PERFORMANCE : 40 MARKS Delivery Period / completion Schedule Delay in weeks a) Up to 3 months Before CDD Delay upto 4 weeks Delay upto 8 weeks Delay upto 10 weeks Delay upto 12 weeks Delay upto 16 weeks More than 16 weeks Marks 40 35 30 25 20 15 0 b) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 Above 3 months Before CDD Delay upto 4 weeks Delay upto 8 weeks Delay upto 10 weeks Delay upto 16 weeks Delay upto 20 weeks Delay upto 24 weeks More than 24 weeks QUALITY PERFORMANCE : 40 MARKS For Normal Cases: No Defects/No Deviation/No failure: 40 marks i) ii) iii) Rejection/Defects Marks to be allocated on prorata basis for acceptable quantity as compared to total quantity for normal cases When quality failure Failure of severe nature endangers the system - Moderate nature integration and - low severe nature safety of the system. Number of deviations 1. No. deviation 2. No. of deviations <=2 3. No. of deviations >2 1.3 RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE : 20 MARKS A. FOR WORKS / CONTRACTS i) Submission of order acceptance, agreement, PBG, Drawings and E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 10 Marks 0 marks 5 marks 10-25 marks 5 Marks 2 marks 0 marks 4 marks Page 66 of 83 other documents within time ii) Mobilization of resources as per Contact and in time iii) Liquidation of Check-list points iv) Compliance to statutory and HS & E requirements Or Reliability of Estimates/Design/Drawing etc. in case of Consultancy jobs v) Timely submission of estimates and other documents for Extra, Substituted & AHR items B. 4 marks 4 marks 4 marks 4 marks FOR SUPPLIES i) Submission of order acceptance, PBG , Drawing and other documents within time ii) Attending complaints and requests for after Sales service/warranty repairs and/or query/advice (upto the evaluation period) iii) Response to various correspondence and conformance to standards like ISO iv) Submission of all required documents including Test Certificates at the time of supply E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks Page 67 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400 022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION IV GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PLEASE REFER DOCUMENT NAMED “GCC-WORKS” ATTACHED SEPARATELY IN COLLABORATION FOLDER E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 68 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company 7th Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. BID DOCUMENT NO. GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION V SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT & SCOPE OF WORK E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 69 of 83 SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT(SECTION-I) 1.0 1.1 . 1.2 GENERAL The SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT shall be read in conjunction with the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT. The SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT shall supersede the provisions of GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT in case of any ambiguity. The intending bidders shall be deemed to have visited the site and familiarized themselves thoroughly with the site conditions before submitting their bid. Nonfamiliarity with the site conditions shall not be considered a reason either for extra claims or for not carrying out in strict conformity with specifications, drawings and bill of quantities. In case of any doubt or dispute as to the interpretation of any clause contained herein, the decision of Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding on the CONTRACTOR. In case of an irreconcilable conflict between Indian and other applicable standards, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings or Schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail to the extent of such irreconcilable conflict in order of precedence: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vii) viii) ix) x) Letter of Acceptance along with Statement of Agreed Variations. Fax / Letter of Intent / Fax of Acceptance. Schedule of Rates as enclosures to Letter of Acceptance. Job / Particular Specifications. Technical / Material Specifications. Special Conditions of Contract. General Conditions of Contract. Indian Standards Other applicable Standards 1.6 It will be the Contractor's responsibility to bring to the notice of Engineer-in-Charge any irreconcilable conflict in the contract documents before starting the work (s) or making the supply with reference which the conflict exists. 1.7 In the absence of any Specifications covering any material, design of work (s) the same shall be performed / supplies / executed in accordance with Standard Engineering Practice as per the instructions / directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, which will be binding on the Contractor. 2.0 LOCATION OF WORK Location of work shall be total GAIL’s pipe line ROU within juriidiction of GAILMaharashtra i.e. Silvassa to Aptibudruk area, Aptibudruk to Borle (Panvel) area, Panvel to Uran area, Khopoli Area, Taloja area, Trombay area, Mahape area, Patalganga area, Kargaon & Usargarh area. The contractor shall be deemed to know about the sites and thoroughly acquainted himself/herself with the site E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 70 of 83 locations and conditions, work areas available, etc., The schematic drawing of Maharashtra Region pipeline system of GAIL (India) Limited is attached as Annexure I. Along with the same, a detail RoU of pipeline network is attached in Annexure-II. 3.0 PERIOD OF CONTRACT: The period for of this contract for “DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASHTRA REGION PIPELINE ” of M/s GAIL (India) Ltd is two ( 2 ) years from the date of commencement of the contract (issue of FOI/LOI). The period of contract may be extended for another period of 6 months on the same terms and conditions if desired by GAIL on mutual consent. However contractor shall not have any claim for revision of quoted rates in this regard for extended period of contract. 4.0 SUPPLY OF WATER, POWER & OTHER UTILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible at his own cost for arranging and providing all the required Water, Power, land required for temporary site office and other utilities, in the quantities and at the times required for performance of work under the contract. The contract price shall be deemed to include all costs towards the same. GAIL shall not supply water, power and other utilities. 5.0. MOBILIZATION PERIOD & MOBILIZATION ADVANCE Contractor has to mobilize and submit details of his resources including man power within 15 days from the date of issuance of LOI / FOI whichever is earlier. No Mobilization advance shall be paid to the contractor 6.0 7.0 SPECIFICATIONS: Unless specified herein and contained in the contract, the latest specifications of applicable National & International standards i.e. API, ASME, LICENSOR DOCUMENTATION (viz EIL etc), IS etc shall be referred for the different jobs. All the works have to be undertaken as per standard specifications, drawings and instructions & directions of Engineer-In-Charge. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall abide by all applicable rules, regulations, statutes, laws governing the performance of works in India, including but not limited to the following: i) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 & the centre rules, 1971 framed there under. ii) Payment of Wages Act. iii) Minimum Wages Act. iv) Employer’s Liability Act. vii) Workman’s Compensation Act. viii) Industrial Dispute Act. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 71 of 83 ix) x) Environment Protection Act. Any other Statute, Act, Law as may be applicable. 8.0 CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (PBG) As per GCC 9.0 WORKS CONTRACT The work covered under this contract shall be treated as "Works Contract". 10.0 PROVIDENT FUND & ESIC ACT 10.1 Bidder must have "Permanent EPF Account" & "Employees' State Insurance Corporation [ESIC] Certificate" in its name. Wherever "ESIC" is not available, an undertaking to be furnished by bidder with technical bid that the same shall be governed by "Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923" and bidder shall furnish WC Policy (specific to this job with required manpower) prior to commencement of work in case of award. Bidder must submit duly stamped & self-attested documentary proofs of having "Permanent EPF Account" and "ESIC Certificate" along with the bid. 10.2 Contractor shall submit necessary EPF code before commencement of work, Contractor shall submit necessary ESIC code before commencement of work, workmen who are not covered under ESI Act, the contractor should take appropriate workmen compensation insurance policy & submit a copy of the same to GAIL(India) Ltd. 10.3 Basic unit rates mentioned in LOA for all of the SOR items will remain firm and fixed over the entire duration of contract period and will not be considered for any sort of revision under any circumstances. 10.4 Contractor shall have to make payment to its workmen with strict compliance to Minimum Wage Circular issued by Government authorities from time to time. The Contractor shall strictly comply with the provisions of Employees Provident Fund Act and register them with RPFC before commencing work. The Contractor shall deposit Employees and Employers contributions to the RPFC every month. The Contractor shall furnish along with each running bill, the Challan / receipt for the payment made to the RPFC for the preceding months. 11.0 MEASUREMENT OF WORKS AND PAYMENT TERMS 11.1 In addition to the provisions of relevant clause of GCC and associated provisions thereof. 11.2 Measurement of works will be based on the work executed at actual and as per SOR. Joint Measurement will be made in the units mentioned in schedule of rates. Jobs performed against any SOR item will be deemed for completion only upon completing the job in all aspects in totality and to the satisfaction of GAIL. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 72 of 83 11.3 Contractor shall submit bills in the form of CENVAT Invoice with complete details of PAN no., TIN no., Service Tax No. etc. duly certified by designated officers of M/s GAIL in respect of the service rendered by him in duplicate in the prescribed performa. 11.4 Contractor is supposed to submit through Running Account Bill (R.A. Bill) on the basis of actual work done. The duration between two R.A. bills shall not be less than one month. The measurement of work with EIC or his designated representative shall be sole responsibility of contractor. 11.5 Contractor is required to submit the details of their bank a/c no. within seven working days from the date of award of work order. All payments shall be made thru’ e-banking / RTGS. The details of bank a/c shall be submitted in the prescribed format. 11.6 Payment shall be released for the correctly made bill normally within the 15 working days from the date of submission of bill duly certified by EIC. The Company shall not pay any interest for any delayed processing of the bills. 11.7 No interest shall be paid on withheld amounts. 11.8 Recovery of income tax applicable as per Income Tax Act from the bills shall be done. 11.9 The service tax and recovery works contract tax as per state VAT (as applicable) should be indicated separately. 12.0 QUANTITY VARIATION: The quantity given in the Schedule of Rates is approximate and indicative only & may vary as per job requirement. However even in case of any such variation in the quantity being executed in line with job requirement, Contractor will have to render the services without any alteration in the rate quoted against SOR item/s. Rates quoted will remain firm & fixed through-out the entire contract period. No escalation shall be permitted under any circumstances. 13.0 TRANSPORTATION/CONVEYANCE: The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the transportation of his service providers, Tools, Machineries, consumables etc. to the Site at anywhere within jurisdiction of GAIL- Maharashtra. Unless otherwise specified, GAIL shall neither make any additional payment nor provide assistance of any kind to the contractor in this regard. 14.0 BOARDING & LODGING: Boarding and lodging shall be arranged by the contractor to his service providers/supervisors etc on his own cost. No payment shall be made by GAIL in this regard. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 73 of 83 15.0 SUPERVISION OF WORK: The contractor shall deploy qualified person/s for effective supervision in line with job requirement and timing. 16.0 SITE CLEANING The Contractor shall clean and keep clean the work site from time to time to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge for easy access to work site and to ensure safe passage, movement and working. The contractor shall dispose off the unserviceable materials, debris etc. to any area as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. No extra payment shall be paid on this account. 17.0 RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR 17.1 All the specifications of the works shall be as per SOR, scope of works and brief description of works which are self explanatory but not exhaustive or limited. Wherever these codes are silent the same shall be governed by sound Engineering practice. The decision of EIC in matters of interpretation shall be final & binding to the contractor. 17.2 For executing items, Contractor has to provide 1 no of Supervisor without any additional cost to GAIL. The minimum qualification of Supervisor shall be Diploma/ITI in Civil Engineering. 17.3 Specification / approved make of all material and finishes approves are as per relevant IS code, CPWD specifications and final approval of EIC. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to get the material approved by EIC prior to its usages. 17.4 Specifications / brands name of materials and finishes where ever not mentioned shall be approved by EIC. However approved equivalent material and finishes of any other specialized firms may be used, in case it is established that the brand approved are not available in the market and subject to the approval of the alternate brand by EIC (cost difference if cost of such approved equivalent material and finishes is less than the materials / finishes listed below, shall be recovered from the contractor’s bill). 17.5 The contractor has to inform the EIC or his representative well in advance regarding purchase & supply of the material before the same is delivered at site for use. 17.6 The contractor is to provide all laborers and experienced personnel, tools and tackles, test equipment and instruments, consumables required to finish the job in all aspects. In order to have proper assessment of the work, the contractor is advised to see the quantity and nature of work by visiting site. 17.7 The contractor is supposed to have taken gathered correct understanding about the job and quantum. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 74 of 83 17.8 In view of the pipeline working on high pressure natural gas, the necessary safety and safety awareness to its workers shall be desired at top most priority. In order to maintain highest level of safe working environment for any expert support on account of safety, contractor may seek assistance from M/s GAIL’s F&S Department through EIC. 17.9 In view of the safety measures contractor shall deploy requisite fire extinguisher of certain quantity in working condition at the site of digging. 17.10 In order to achieve better work output and for better working output and smooth operation, the contractor is supposed to be in close contact with EIC or his representative from time to time to get the job inspected / witnessed. 18.0 RESPONSIBILITY OF GAIL 18.01 Identification and location of bell-hole location is under GAIL’s scope. GAIL will locate and mark the sites for bell-hole test as per Integrity assessment of Non – piggable pipeline SOP. The same will be located with the help of pipeline locator supplied by GAIL only. 18.02 GAIL shall facilitate for the permission for the digging and excavation in the designated area for the bell-hole inspection. However Contractor shall liaison with the authorities for the permission for early response. 19.0 ABNORMALLY HIGH RATED ITEM (AHR item) For all item whose rates as quoted by the bidder exceed owner’s estimates by 50% shall be treated as AHR items. The items which are being considered by the owner as AHR item shall be notified to the contractor at the time of issue of LOI/W.O. The AHR items shall be operated strictly up-to quantity given in BOQ. In case the completion of works requires operating these items beyond BOQ quantity, the same shall be done by the contractor under written instruction from EIC. The rate payable for AHR item shall be given here as under. A) Rate as quoted by the contractor up-to BOQ B) For quantities executed in excess of BOQ, the minimum of the following rates shall be considered. (i) Contractor’s quoted rates (ii) Market rates of the item as ascertained from at least 3 valid quotations, duly approved by EIC, plus 15% for contractor, s profit & overheads 20.0 DEFECT LIABILITY PERIODS (DLP): DLP shall be as per General Conditions of Contract clause no. 80.0 i.e. 1 year from the date of completion. 21.0 COMPENSATION TO FARMERS/LAND OWNERS The contractor shall have to liaison with local villagers and make approach to reach to pipeline site with his own initiative for which no separate payment for liasioning / making approach / jungle clearance etc. shall be made by contractor. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 75 of 83 However compensation, if any, payable to land owner/s shall be paid by the contractor and obtain a certificate from land owner/s that he/they got due consideration and no further claims lies against M/s GAIL (I) Ltd. with regard to job carried out by the contractor in his/their land like excavation activities etc. However for any significant damages to crops or trees etc. arises owing to the said job on pipeline etc. then compensation amount may be paid by GAIL in its discretion. 22.0 PLANNING OF JOB: The contractor shall submit a plan for the execution of the various components of work for all the pipelines, under the contract. The contractor has to mobilize at least three or more number of work teams, if required for the completion of the work within the contract period and no extra claim shall be entertained in this regard. The list of each team member shall be submitted to EIC before starting the work 23.0 RECOVERY AGAINST PROPERTY DAMAGE/ POOR WORKMANSHIP: Recovery shall be made from the contractor bill if found any damage due to the poor workmanship to the GAIL’s property at rate of actual market cost of the item plus 15% of the cost of item as admin charges. This is clearly instructed to contactor to deploy the experienced highly skilled person in the job to avoid any kind of damage to equipment/property to GAIL during the work. 24.0 PUNITIVE FINES: Punitive fines on contractors are imposed for repetitive violation of safety rules & regulations during execution of jobs. Objective of punitive fines is to work as deterrent for contractors in violation of safety rules & regulation and to improve safety atmosphere in general at all site. 1) For first time violation of safety rules & regulation by any contractor, HOD (F&S) will issue a warning letter to contractor with intimation to OIC of work center and EIC. 2) In case of second time violation of safety rules & regulations by same contractor, OIC will call contractor in person and will have a meeting to discuss reason for repetitive violation along with EIC and HOD (F&S). A warning letter will also be issued by EIC to contractor. In case of further violation, punitive fines will be imposed on contractor. Amount of fine will be decided as per severity of violation of safety. However, minimum fine would be Rs. 10,000/- and in multiple of Rs.10, 000/-, thereafter. This will be limited to 5% of contract value, as maximum cumulative penalty. 25.0 PENALTY FOR NON PERFORMANCE: Penalty shall also be applicable @ Rs. 10000/- per day, in the event any job is not executed due to non-availability of contractor person(s) / NDT equipment at site for more than 24 hours without prior written approval of EIC. 26.0 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT: E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 76 of 83 GAIL reserves its right to terminate / short close the contract, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of CONTRACT, by giving one month notice if Contractor fails to perform any obligation(s) under the CONTRACT and if Contractor, does not cure his failure within a period of 30 days (or such longer period as GAIL may authorise in writing) after receipt of the default notice from GAIL. GAIL may at any time terminate the CONTRACT by giving written notice without compensation to Contractor if Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to GAIL. GAIL may by written notice sent to Contractor, terminate the contract, in whole or part, at any time for its convenience. However, the payment shall be released to the extent to which performance of work executed as determined by GAIL till the date upon which such termination becomes effective. ***************** E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 77 of 83 SCOPE OF WORK(SECTION-II) 1. TECHNICAL NATURE OF WORK: The nature / technical scope of work would be in general. The Contractor will have to execute the work as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge given to the contractor’s supervisor from time to time during maintenance activities in line with job requirement. Most of the jobs has been mentioned in detail in SOR and are of self-explanatory type. However, for a better understanding, some of the specific jobs and a broad overview/guideline as mentioned below in this Section are narrated in detail for thorough understanding. Unless otherwise specified against the SOR item, mobilization & demobilization of service crew, tools, consumables, machineries etc whatsoever are required for the completion of the job at any location within jurisdiction of GAIL –Maharashtra Region during execution of any SOR item, are to be done without any extra cost implication besides applicable rate of the corresponding SOR item/s. While quoting rate against individual SOR item, Bidder must take into consideration all of such allied activities. 2. SCOPE OF WORK SOR-1A to 2G A. SITE GRADING: Vendor has to grade, level the surface of the site as per requirement. Surface dressing like cleaning, leveling, stripping etc. of the ground whatsoever to make approachable access for movement of machineries at intended site. This including removing vegetation and leveling in- equalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish as per job requirement & directions of Engineer-in-charge. B. EARTH EXACAVTION: Vendor has to excavate all types of soil over areas (up to 4 meter in depth. , exceeding 1.5 m in width and as well as 10 sqm on plan) by mechanical means i.e. hydraulic excavator and manual means including dressing of sides with required slope as per standard practice. Disposal and storing of surplus excavated soil lead up to 50m and Lift up to 4 m, disposed earth to be leveled and neatly dressed as per site requirement. This job shall also include manual dressing of soil beneath the pipe, manual digging for safe execution of the excavation work for protection of Gas Pipeline & OFC cable in the trench. Resource requirement: 1) JCB-Model-3DX-1 no with experienced operator, 2) Required Civil Labor for manual excavation after certain depth, 3) Site Supervisor-1 No. In certain sites it may be required to dig the earth beyond 4 meter depth by all means like mechanical as well as manual as per standard practice. In certain areas the ground profile may contain hard rock. Excavation Work in Rock (all types: Hard/Ordinary) by mechanical means (Hydraulic/ Pneumatic Excavator & Hand Operated ) and Manual means for all types of Rock ( Hard/Ordinary ) E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 78 of 83 including disposal of excavated Rock as per instruction of EIC and neaty dressed for all type of Rock ( Blasting Prohibited). This job shall also may include of depth 1 meter beneath bottom surface of the pipe. Bidder must prepare with all means of mechanical or manual for this type of earth excavation. Site supervision & resource to be deployed as per direction of EIC. Backfilling of the excavated pit/trench by Hydraulic means (JCB)/Manual Means, with soil (excluding rock) removed during excavation of trench (stored within 50 m radius of the excavated trench). Backfilling must be done with soft soil as per EIC’s approval. Contractor has to transport the excavated earth, debris etc. up to 1Km, lead from the area of excavated trench , all complete including loading, unloading and leveling as per instruction of EIC if the site does not allow for stacking of debris nearby the pit. This shall also include, all loading, unloading & transportation machineries, manpower, tools whatsoever required for the job. Contractor is required to supply, stacking, laying & spreading of soft soil, morrum at site of any excavated trench ( not from anywhere within 50 m radius of excavated trench) for either back filling, road diversion or approach road for site as per site requirement and on EIC’s approval by deploying all sort of lifting/ unloading machineries, transportation means , manpower whatsoever required. Contractor need to supply and lay HDPE vcement bags filled with Stone aggregate of single size (06mm nominal size) where ever it is required at GAIL’s site as per EIC’s recommendation. SOR-3A to 3D Contractor shall provide shuttering plates as per EIC’s approval and recommendations for the excavated pit where the side soil collapse. Supplying and fixing Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form, with double scaffolding system (cup lock type) and MS centering plates (with bolting arrangement), all-around inner side of excavated pit to retain the earth and prevent collapsing of trench. Cup Lock made with 40mm dia M.S. tube, placed 1.5 meter center to center, horizontal & vertical tubes joint with cup & lock system with M.S. Tubes, M.S. tube challis, M.S. clamps. MS Shuttering Plates should be connected with nut bolt system to each other and these are tied (with the outer face of the erected scaffold structure) cup lock scaffolding by MS binding wire. The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc., complete as per directions and approval of Engineer-in-charge. Same items are to be removed, after completion of the requirement at the site. This shall also include transportation, material handling equipment, manpower, tools whatsoever required for the job and duration of installed structure in the trench shall be as long as required for safe completion of the job as per GAIL's discretion. The elevation area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 79 of 83 Contractor shall provide & install shed by Tarpaulin & Bamboo structure at site for protection from Sun & Rain water and removal of the same, as per job requirement and as per GAIL discretion. This Shed is to be erected for preventing entrance of Rain Water from sky into the trench. Measurement of this SOR shall be as per surface Ground area covered at actual by erected shed. Contractor shall provide PCC Slab of required thickness for pipeline/road protection at site wherever required. PCC 1:2:4 (1 Cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). Rate shall include cost of all labor, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials, shuttering etc. as per requirement. Contractor shall provide and lay rubble soling of 230 mm thick with morrum spreading and proper compaction at site as per EIC’s discretion. SOR-4A Contractor shall perform bell-hole test as per OISD-233 and as per GAIL’s SOP for the same but not limited to the following before coating removal. 1. Cleaning of the excavated pipe surface. 2. Mesuring the pipeline surface temperature by infrared thermometer before coating peel off test for record. 3. Coating Peel-Off test with Adhesion tester/digital spring balance as per NACE, ASTM standard. 4. Coating peel off test can be carried out by peeling 2X2 sq inch size of coating from the pipeline surface with the spring balance/ digital spring balance up to the coating disbonded from the pipe surface. 5. The exact reading at which force the coating is peeled or disbonded from pipe surface to be recorded. The peel off test shall be performed at four locations i.e. 3, 6, 9 & 12’o clock positions over the pipeline. 6. This peel off test shall be carried out at each pipeline exposure location as per EIC’s Instruction and in GAIL’s representative’s presence. 7. After performing peel off test 2 meter continuous section of pipeline coating(3 layer Polyethylene-3LPE) to be removed manually with mechanical means i.e. by chisel and proper non-sparking tools. 8. The pipeline size (Diameter) under this job varies from 30” to 4” dia. 8. Onward contractor shall do the surface preparation by Grinder for cleaning the coating bond material with portable power grinder driven emery paper (duly approved by GAIL) for continuous UT thickness measurement (continuous 1X1 inch2 grid of entire 2mt surface) of the exposed section. UT thickness will be in scope of GAIL. 9. Contractor must make the digging site clear from water during period of the UT measurement of the pipeline length. This shall be inclusive of qualified personnel to carry out the peel off test as per standard, pipe fitter, Grinder, helper, labors required for cleaning of the pipe surface, supplying calibrated tools like spring balance/digital spring balance, infrared thermometer to carry out the test, submitting the reports as per GAIL’s E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 80 of 83 instruction. Contractor must produce the valid calibration certificate for the tools being used for the peel off test. SOR-4B After the UT thickness measurement done by GAIL, contractor shall recoat the pipeline by applying cold wrap to the exposed pipeline section as per GAIL’s standard for the same but not limited to the following. 1. Contractor shall supply Cold Tape along with primer. 2. The coating material should be of make DENSO / RAYCHEM equivalent make of Desired Length for wrapping of pipeline dia with 67% overlapping. 3. The pipeline under this job varies from 30” to 4” in diameter. 4. Before applying the cold tape prior application of primer on pipe surface shall be done as per manufacturer specification. 5. Cold tape must be applied/wrapped with 67% overlapping without any air pockets trapped in between. 6. The Cold tape must be applied with experienced applicator. 7. Holiday test of the recoated surface must be carried out after the recoating job done. 8. Recoating or coating application shall be acceptable only after acceptance in holiday test. Contractor shall do the patch work/Match stick wherever is required for minor defects. This shall be inclusive of expert applicator along with all requisite tools, with 67 % overlapping of cold tape of reputed make as approved by GAIL. The coating applicator must be certified by Denso/Raychem. Contractor shall produce the certificate to EIC before starting of Job. SOR-5A-5F Contractor shall supply of additional services, if required to be deployed for attending the job at site, as per Job requirement & at GAIL's discretion. The following services contractor shall provide at site as and when the job requirement arises. 1. Tractor: Tractor with Fuel, operator for Transportation of material to site. 2. Dewatering Pump: Providing diesel engine driven (of capacity not less than 2.5 HP) water pump set including mobilization and demobilization charges, Operator, fuel , hose length of suction /discharge side of at least 15 meter for continuous functioning of the same at site. 3. Portable DG set: Providing Portable DG set (5 KVA) for 230 volt power supply for lighting /buffing /grinding/ UT / X-ray etc. including mobilization and demobilization charges, Operator, fuel etc. for continuous functioning of the same at site 5. Halogen/focus light set (1000Watt) with sufficient extension cable and spare lamps. E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 81 of 83 6. Service crew for Mechanical jobs at site comprising of 1 line fitter, 2 riggers, with tool box for size up to 30mm. The above services must be quoted per day basis. One day shall be of 8 hours duration of uninterrupted availability for continuous usage of the deployed service, i.e. for the first Eight hours or part thereof from the time of deployment contractor shall be paid amount equal to one day. (i.e. 1 equipment day = 8 hrs. of deployment and availability for continuous usage). The working hours shall start from the time of deployment of the pumping set at site. This will be inclusive of Mobilization & Demobilization Charges, Operational Charges (Fuel, Consumables, Operator etc. whatsoever is required for intended operation at site); Job is to be carried out as per Tender Document and as per Instruction of EIC. Any additional deployment beyond Eight (8) hours, shall be paid extra as additional proportionate Day, and shall not be liable for any short of overtime / payment in any form. (eg For deployment of any sort of following services for a period of 10 hours in a day , same shall be paid as 1.25 Days) ************** E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 82 of 83 GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) A Maharatna Company th 7 Floor, ‘B’ Wing, Priyadarshini Building, Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E), Mumbai-400022. TENDER NO.: GAIL/MU/C&P/O&M/14/C064 E-Tender no. 8000007766 BID DOCUMENT FOR DIGGING AND GAS PIPELINE INSPECTION (BELL HOLE TEST) OF MAHARASTRA REGION PIPELINE SECTION VI PRICE SCHEDULE/ SCHEDULE OF RATES ATTACHED SEPARATELY To be submitted in prescribed format in the attachment E - BID DOCUMENT NO. 8000007766 Page 83 of 83
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