1 INDICE Pagina 3 Pagina 5 Pagina 6 Pagina 7 Pagina 8 Pagina 9 Pagina 19 Pagina 21 Pagina 22 Pagina 23 Pagina 26 Pagina 28 Pagina 29 Pagina 30 Pagina 31 Pagina 34 Pagina 35 Pagina 36 Pagina 37 Pagina 38 Pagina 39 Pagina 41 Pagina 42 José Miguel Romero Jose Belo ODXC Dino Bloise Glenn Hauser Jose Raul Laborda Andres Fernando Sarasola Associao DX do Brasil José Miguel Romero Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Alok Kr Dasgupta Glenn Hauser Anatoly Klepov Márcio RJ Glenn Hauser José Maranhão Associao DX do Brasil Claudio Galaz Yessua Ceballos Rob Wagner Glenn Hauser Williams Lopez José Miguel Romero Dj Spacewalker José Miguel Romero José Maranhão José Maranhão Daniel Camporini Beto Torresillas Bob Padula José Maranhão José Miguel Romero Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Sakae Onozawa Robert S. Ross Allen Willie Jorge Zuñiga Manuel Méndez AllanStern Pedro Elonda Roberto Pavanello Harold Sellers Edward Kusalik Mark Coady Robert Wilkner Sandipan Basu Mallick Zacharias Liangas Edward Kusalik Hironori Takeuchi Posible cese de emisiones de Radio República Venta ODXA DX REPORT - May 11th 2015 Frecuencia Al Día Visita Argentina!!! Logs May 10-11, 2015 Trabajadores despedidos regresan a la televisión pública griega Venta Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 09-11-2014 Digital radio – which way will South Africa go? Prashant Pandya en Indian Philatelists' Forum List of radio stations Logs May 8 & 10, 2015 “RUS-DX” # 819 "Sejam bem vindos ao Grupo DX & CW" Logs May 9-10, 2015 Nova publicação em Regional DX Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 02-11-2014 Radios locales a la hora de informar emergencias Consulta An old documentary film from 1944 Logs May 7-8-9, 2015 Protesta de los trabajadores de Radio Yugoslavia Radio Air Du Mboa: la república subsahariana independiente de la radio Mothers Day of Radio Spaceshuttle Int. Somalia: Various Abuses Passed By Radio Shabelle Rádio Assunção Cearense Pioneirismo Do Rádio No Ceará Rendición de Alemania Venta Australian DX Report episode no. 463, released May 8, 2015 Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas 2 CONTENIDO José Miguel Romero Posible cese de emisiones de Radio República Posible cese de emisiones de Radio República vía Issoudun http://www.humanite.fr/radio-clandestine-issoudun-573650 Le voyage de François Hollande à Cuba sera-t-il l’occasion de mettre fin à l’accueil sur le sol français de la radio antigouvernementale cubaine « Radio Republica », porte-voix d’un groupe établi à Miami, le « Directoire démocratique cubain », financé par la « Fondation nationale pour la démocratie », appendice de la CIA ? Cette radio émet depuis le centre ondes courtes d’Issoudun, dans l’Indre, géré par TDF. Comment expliquer qu’une radio installée à Miami à quelques encablures de Cuba utilise des installations françaises éloignées de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres ? La puissance des structures de TDF Issoudun permet d’arroser en ondes le monde entier, contournant les brouillages éventuels. Anciennement Télédiffusion de France, l’actionnariat de TDF comprend Texas Pacific Group, aujourd’hui TPG Capital (42 %), la Caisse des dépôts et consignations (24 %), Ardian (ex-Axa, 18 %) et Charterhouse Capital Partners (14 %). TPG Capital est l’un des plus importants fonds d’investissement nord-américains. Parmi ses principaux conseillers et représentants en France figure Bernard Attali (frère jumeau de Jacques). C’est TPG Capital qui a obtenu de TDF l’ouverture d’un espace pour la radio antigouvernementale cubaine, le contrat ayant été obligatoirement validé par un représentant de l’État. Jose Belo Com permissão do moderador, estou disponibilizando para venda o meu receptor JRC NRD-92. Funcionando perfeitamente. Banda corrida de 0 a 29 mhz. Aos interessados envio fotos e características 73 – Saulo PY7EG - 81 8730-6765 - Recife/PE. ODXC ODXA DX REPORT - May 11th 2015 Send your best DX WHEN YOU HEAR IT to: shortwaveloggings@gmail.com Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blue and older ones are in black. Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blue and older ones are in black. 2485 AUSTRALIA VL8K (ABC Katherine) at 1025 with a man with talk then music and a man and woman with talk at 1030 – Barely audible May 7 Wilkner-FL 2850 NORTH KOREA KCBS Pyongyang at 1220 in Korean with a man with long talk then possible calliope instrumentals and into female vocals – Good May 3 Barton-AZ 3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 2345 with Latin American music and no announcements – Good May 7 Wilkner-FL 3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya at 1234 in Indonesian with pop music and a female DJ - Fair May 2 Sellers-BC 3365 PAPUA NEW GUINEA NBC Milne Bay at 1244 in Tok Pisin with pop music and a woman with talk with a mention of “NBC” - Poor May 10 Sellers-BC 3925 JAPAN Radio Nikkei 1 at 1100 // 6055 and 9595 in Japanese with technopop music – Fair to Good May 9 Barton-AZ 4055 GUATEMALA Radio Verdad at 1006 with the usual format of hymns before their official sign-on to 1040 tune-out – Good with static crashes May 2 Coady-ON. Also at 0140 in Spanish with a preacher mentioning “Dios” and “Verdad” and into guitar instrumentals – Very Good May 10 Forsythe-WI 4750 BANGLADESH Bangladesh Betar at 1256 in Bengali with a woman with talk and instrumentals then a man with announcements at 1259 and time pips at 1300 - Poor May 2 Sellers-BC 4755.5 MICRONESIA The Cross at 1135 with a preacher and Christian songs then DTMF tones over music at 1200:15 and off - Fair May 2 Sellers-BC 4774.9 PERU Radio Tarma at 1000 in Spanish with sign-on of rustic music and a man with “Buenas Dias” and a mention of frequency with “KiloHertz onda media...onda corta” then Andean flute music at 1010 – Fair May 7 Wilkner-FL 4870 INDONESIA RRI Wamena at 1302 in Indonesian with easy-listening style of music and two women with talk - Poor May 2 Sellers-BC 4875 BRAZIL Radiodifusora Roraima at 0210 in Portuguese with Brasopops and a female DJ with brief talk at 0212 and a female ballad – Fair May 10 Coady-ON 4915 BRAZIL Radio Daqui at 0000 in Portuguese with a man with clear ID – Fair May 7 Wilkner-FL 4920 INDIA AIR (Chennai) at 1249 in Hindi with presumed news headlines over music - Fair May 10 Sellers-BC 5020 SOLOMON ISLANDS SIBC at 1141 in Tok Pisin with pop and country music and a “Radio Happi Isles” ID and time checks then goodbye announcement at 1157 followed by Christian devotional and closing announcements then anthem at 1201 - Good May 2 Sellers-BC 6010.2 COLOMBIA La Voz de tu Conciencia at 0002 in Spanish with an excited male preacher with mentions of “Conciencia” and piano instrumentals at 0013 – Weak and noisy May 9 Coady-ON 6050 MALAYSIA Asyik FM at 1310 in Bahasa Malay with a male DJ and country songs and romantic ballads - Fair May 2 Sellers-BC 6134.8 BOLIVIA Radio Santa Cruz at 0028 in Spanish with Latin American pops and a man and woman with definite “Radio Santa Cruz” IDs then a man and woman with several ads and promos – Fair May 4 Coady-ON. Also at 2350 with clear ID of “Radio Santa Cruz” - Fair May 7 Wilkner3 FL – Robert notes that they seem to be silent in our local mornings - ed 6185 MEXICO Radio Educacion at 0043 in Spanish with a mix of various types of Latin American vocals and a man with talk – Fair May 4 Coady6876 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE The Crystal Ship at 0107 with “The Bubble Gum Express Show” with Bubble Gum music and a male DJ with “TCS – The Crystal Ship” IDs – Fair but noisy May 4 Ross-ON 7175 ERITREA Voice of the Broad Masses (2nd Channel) at 0333 in a local language with a man with talk with mentions of “Somalia” and “Eritrea” then Horn of Africa instrumentals at 0337 and into a woman interviewing a man at 0339 – Fair May 10 Coady-ON 7205 SUDAN Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation at 0341 in Arabic with a man with talk then local vocals to 0344 and a woman interviewing a man with mentions of “Sudan” and “Darfur” – Good May 10 Coady-ON 7445 TAIWAN RTI at 1115 with “Here in Taiwan” about surviving earthquakes – Good Apr 30 Barton-AZ 7460 PHILIPPINES VOA at 1346 in Korean with Korean-English lesson – Good May 10 Sellers-BC 9315 EGYPT Radio Cairo at 0202 with a woman with program highlights then Middle Eastern instrumentals to 0204 then Qu'ran verses with English translation – Good signal muffled audio May 9 Coady-ON 9390 THAILAND Radio Thailand at 1239 with Thai news and current events to 1243 - Fair May 2 Sellers-BC 9445 INDIA AIR at 2107 // 11670 and 11740 (via Goa) with a man with news then a woman with ID and program highlights at 2109 then another ID and into Bollywood vocals – Good May 10 Coady-ON 9515 TURKEY Voice of Turkey at 0257 with Middle Eastern music IS and ID loop then time pips at 0300 and a woman with ID, sked, and contact info then a woman with news at 0302 – Very Good Mar 4 Coady-ON 9625 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1010 with “Friends Around the World” mailbag program – Good May 10 Barton-AZ 9660 VATICAN Vatican Radio at 0258 with IS to opening music at 0300 and a man with ID of “This is the Africa service of Vatican Radio” and a woman with “Welcome to our half-hour program” then a man with program highlights and talk about the readings for the 6th Sunday of Easter – Very Good May 10 Coady-ON 9665 BRAZIL Radio Voz Missionaria at 2353 in Portuguese with a male preacher with impassioned talk and frequent mentions of “Brasil” - Fair May 9 Coady-ON 9690 INDIA AIR at 1330 signing on in English with ID, frequencies, and meter bands then “This is All India Radio. The news read by…” at 1331 – Fair May 10 Sellers-BC 9700 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0955 with a 2009 BBC “World Book Club” interview of the late Gunther Gross then a man with closing comments to time pips at 1000 and “Radio New Zealand News” - Very Good Apr 28 Coady-ON 9730 ROMANIA RRI at 0034 // 11800 with “Through the Looking Glass” with a woman reporting on a museum in southern Romania then local folk music from the region – Very Good May 9 Coady-ON 9740 OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman at 2338 in Arabic with male vocals with percussion accompaniment then three men with talk to 2344 and a man with acapella vocals then three male acapella vocals at 2348 – Good May 9 Coady-ON 9750 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1600 in Japanese with a man with talk and violin music – Good May 10 Barton-AZ 9800 MADAGASCAR DW at 0401 with a woman with “Deutsche Welle News” – Fair but noisy May 6 Coady-ON 9830 TURKEY Voice of Turkey at 2159 with Middle Eastern music then time pips at 2200 and a woman with ID and sked then a man with brief program highlights and a man and woman with news at 2202 – Very Good Apr 30 Coady-ON 9835 MALAYSIA RTM Sarawak at 1540 in Bahasa Malay with vocals and male and female hosts – Fair May 10 Barton-AZ 9850 ALBANIA Radio Tirana at 0128 with piano IS to 0130 and opening music and a woman with ID and sked then a man with program highlights and news fromt 0132 to 0139 and “Press Review” to 0140 then pop female vocals at 0141 – Good May 9 Coady-ON 9870 INDIA AIR at 1415 with “Vividh Bharati” program in Hindi with percussion and sitar instrumentals and Bollywood vocals – Very Good with CRI May 3 Barton- AZ 9900 UZBEKISTAN TWR India at 0118 with local music and talk in Indonesian – Fair to Good May 5 Forsythe-WI 9915 ARMENIA BBC at 0123 in listed Hindi with a man with long talks and off at 0130 – Weak May 5 Forsythe-WI 9925 EAST GERMANY The Mighty KBC at 0010 with the usual fare of oldies pop songs and DJ Eric's antics and KBC Import ads – Very Good May 10 Coady-ON 9930 PALAU World Harvest Radio at 1306 with Sat/Sun only broadcast with a WHR promo with website and email and into a Christian song – Good May 2 Sellers- BC 9996 RUSSIA RWM at 0149 with time pips every second and rapid time pips from 0150 to 0200 then a continuous tone – Fair to Good with WWV May 10 Forsythe-WI 11520 USA WEWN at 0940 with a woman leading a group of women with a litany prayer – Excellent May 8 Barton-AZ 11665 MALAYSIA Wai FM at 1206 with lite Malay pop music and ID - Fair May 10 Sellers-BC 11670 INDIA AIR at 2115 with subcontinental vocals and woman with ID at 2130 for “The General Overseas Service of All India Radio” and into news - Fair to Good May 2 Forsythe-WI 11695 PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio at 1540 with a man and woman discussing nuclear weapons then IS at 1548 and off – Good May 3 Barton-AZ 11710 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1319 // 9435 with a woman with news to 1324 then ID and commentary - Good May 10 Sellers-BC 11710.7 ARGENTINA RAE at 0259 with multilingual ID loop then piano music at 0300 and a choral anthem at 0301 and multilingual IDs at 0304 and into “The English Connection” at 0305 with a man with program highlights, frequency, and website then Argentinian news at 0307 – Fair May 9 Coady-ON 11725 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0740 with “Spectrum” with a man and two women doing “The Wellington Writers' Walk” - a walking tour of where some of Wellington's famous writers lived – Very Good May 11 Coady-ON 11740 SINGAPORE NHK World Radio Japan at 1225 with male and female hosts with music and closing announcements at 1228 - Poor May 10 Sellers-BC 11815 BRAZIL Radio Brasil Central at 0104 in Portuguese with a male DJ and a mix of Brasopops and Brazilian ballads to 0111 and into Frank Sinatra's version of “My Way” followed by a more obscure Sinatra song then a man with talk and brief ID at 0117 and into Motown music – Fair May 4 Coady-ON 11890 PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio at 1315 signing on in Vietnamese with IDs and Viet music and male and female hosts - Fair May 10 Sellers-BC 4 12005 ENGLAND Voice of Vietnam at 0059 with OC then a man with ID at 0100 followed by a brief anthem and a woman with ID and program highlights and into news at 0101 then “Current Affairs” at 0010 – Very Good May 9 Coady-ON 12020 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam at 1235 with news then repeat of news headlines at 1242 and “The news from V-O-V” - Fair May 10 Sellers-BC 13800 SOMALIA Radio Puntland tentatively at 1256 with Koranic singing through top of the hour and at periodic re-checks – Poor May 10 SellersBC – Harold mentions that this was getting progressively weaker by 1325 and completely faded out or went off the air between 1330 and 1400 – ed 15150 SRI LANKA AWR at 1355 in Cambodian with a hymn and closing announcements at 1358 and dead air before 1359 - Fair May 10 Sellers-BC Sundays only – ed 15280 GUAM KTWR at 1359 opening a special broadcast to Nepal with IS then time pips at 1400 and IS to announcements at 1402 - Very weak May 2 Sellers-BC 15450 SPAIN REE at 2143 // 15490 and 17715 in Spanish with a man with two IDs and a woman with an apparent news magazine – Very Good May 10 Coady-ON 15575 SOUTH KOREA KBS World Radio at 1329 introducing Saturday Mailbag Show - Fair May 2 Sellers-BC 15580 BOTSWANA VOA at 1813 with “Nightline Africa” with various reports on African issues especially the fight with Boko Haram – Good May 9 Coady-ON 15680 CHINA CRI (Kashgar) at 1530 in French with music and a man and woman with talk – Very Good May 10 Barton-AZ 15720 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0234 with two IDs of “The Voice of the Pacific – Radio New Zealand International” then a “Nine to Noon” report on the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal – Very Good Apr 29 Coady-ON 15760 SRI LANKA Mashaal Radio at 0414 in listed Pashto with two men with talk then a man with a “Mashaal Radio” ID at 0415 and brief Middle Eastern music and into a woman with talk – Fair May 10 Coady-ON 17560 SAUDI ARABIA Radio Riyadh at 1745 in Arabic with a man with long talks then off at 1757 – Good May 10 Barton-AZ 17615 FRANCE RFI at 1620 in listed Hausa with African music and a man with talk – Excellent May 10 Barton-AZ 17830 ASCENSION ISLAND BBC at 1610 // 17640 with Liverpool vs. Manchester football coverage – Good May 10 Barton-AZ 17840 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 0255 // 15240 with “Grandstand Rugby League” with a man interviewing a correspondent on the Sydney vs. Gold Coast game – Very Good May 3 Coady-ON Thanks to our contributors: Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Robert Ross in Ontario; Harold Sellers in British Columbia; Robert Wilkner in Florida KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may encounter: ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart); AIR – All India Radio; BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation; BSKSA – Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; CCI – co-channel interference (same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); CRI – China Radio International; DRM – digital shortwave radio; DW – Deutsche Welle; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station ID; IS – interval signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited); QRN – noise; QRM – man-made interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; RRI Radio Republic Indonesia or Radio Romania International (depends on the logging); RTI – Radio Taiwan International; RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB – upper sideband; UTE – utility station; v (when used after a frequency) variable frequency meaning it drifts or is not exactly on frequency; VOA – Voice of America; VOIRI – Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran; // (#) - parallel (frequency) Dino Bloise Frecuencia Al Día Visita Argentina!!! Mayo, 2015 - Frecuencia Al Día Hola amigos, colaboradores y oyentes del programa Frecuencia Al Día. Entre los días 18 al 23 de mayo de 2015 estaremos de visita en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mucho nos gustaría poder encontrarnos con Ustedes y grabar algunas entrevistas. ¿Lo organizamos? Por lo pronto díganos de su interés, disponibilidad y número de teléfono. Hágalo al email dbloise@hotmail.com y en el sujeto especifique: Visita a Argentina. Muchas gracias, y les agradecemos si lo difunden entre sus amigos de radio. Dino Bloise - Frecuencia Al Día - Miami, EE.UU Glenn Hauser Logs May 10-11, 2015 ** BRAZIL. 11815, May 11 at 0507, R. Brasil Central barely audible, no chance vs the scratchy spur from 11780 RNB, matched as usual by another one around 11745 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURUNDI [non]. VOA has just added broadcasts to Burundi, as in a press release sent at 1548 UT May 11, and also here: http://www.insidevoa.com/content/voa-boosts-broadcasts-to-burundi-as-civilians-flee-political-violence/2762849.html It even gives SW times and frequencies! But no sites: 0400-0530 & 1930-2000 on 7350, 9815, 11905 1600-1630 on 13630, 15460, 17530 13630 is already scheduled from 1630 in Portuguese via Botswana 15460 & 17530 already scheduled 1600-1630 Sats only as `Kin` language via São Tomé. I didn`t get to checking these three until 1629 May 11, 5 none heard, as propagation is certainly subnormal, and all supposed to continue past 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 11 at 1524 UT, KETU/KEOR carrier is on, from the direxion of Sperry but very weak and can`t make out any modulation. This is one of its characteristic modes, which could last for months: transmitter on at much reduced power, accomplishing nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1640, May 11 at 1200 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC, yet again open carrier/dead air with some hum. Not checked again until 1538 UT when it is remodulating. Storm/power outage could be no excuse this time. Amazing how cavalierly some stations are managed around here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [and non]. 11670, Sunday May 10 at 2258, collision between Brother Scare via WHRI, and Radio Habana Cuba, making SAH of about 3.8 Hz, but WHRI goes off a minute later. Latest HFCC regs for WHRI show 250 kW, 173 degrees in SpaEng, daily at 20-21, and Sat/Sun at 2223. No RHC in HFCC, of course, but own sked shows 11670 at 23-04, so only a brief overlap as long as it doesn`t come on earlier. BTW, if you reach an RHC frequency schedule via the /eo Esperanto page, it`s still the old expired B-14 one. Go back to the main Spanish homepage and find A-15 in pdf on a drop-down under Interesantes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. After finding R. Dabanga on 11645 ex-11650, May 10, I check again May 11 at 0506, but can`t hear it on either --- just tone jamming on 11650. Meanwhile, Ivo issued a schedule with 11645 as a new frequency as if it were a permanent change, which remains to be heard. 13800, the other R. Dabanga frequency, checked May 11 at 0508: hi-pitched tone jamming but here too cannot hear any Dabanga. Could it be off or totally moved/rescheduled? I haven`t checked lately for their evening broadcast, but do so May 11 at 1523, and can`t hear it on any of: 15150, 15550 (just WJHR) or 17600. Propagation however, has been degraded with K-indices of 4 at 06 and 3 at 15 UT May 11. Madagascar site should still be getting thru if not Vatican (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1772 monitoring: not confirmed Sunday May 10 at 2100 on WRMI 15770; nor on JBA 7570. Recheck of WRMI schedule for 21-22 still shows on 15770, Sundays at 2100-2130, WORLD OF RADIO; and on 7570, End Times Coming, which is apparently what we were hearing on both. System D and System F programming for reasons unknown often gets mixed up, or only one or the other on both frequencies. WOR 1772 is confirmed on the much more reliable Sunday 2300 transmission via WRMI 11580. WOR 1772 also confirmed on Area 51 webcast, starting UT Monday May 11 at 0300, but WBCQ 5110v unchecked, which I should have, considering what happened last week. Next: Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v For all our broadcasts on all media see http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Access to podcasts, latest and previous shows: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1280, May 11 at 1200 UT, CBS News Update ending in less than a minute, a far cry from an extended World News Roundup but mentioned some storm damage at ``Corsica``, Texas --- meaning Corsicana?? [10 inches of rain, a drowning per Corsicana Daily Sun]. Then ``More country than you can shake a stick at --- stick not included, [sung:], K-S-O-K``, ha ha, from my nearby Ark. City KS station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Jose Raul Laborda Andres Trabajadores despedidos regresan a la televisión pública griega Trabajadores despedidos regresan a la televisión pública griega tras dos años de cierre. El Gobierno de Syriza ya ha aprobado la ley que prevé su readmisión y la reapertura de la cadena. Fernando Sarasola Venta VENDO ROTOR WALMAR POCO USO ( A TODA REVISACION) 1 AÑO DE GARANTIA 2 - $U20 000 VENDO ROTOR WALMAR POCO USO ( A TODA REVISACION) 1 AÑO DE GARANTIA 20.000 GRAPODINA 2.500 15 MTS. DE CABLE COMANDO ROTOR 1.000 PESOS SI COMPRA ROTOR+GRAPO=CABLE GRATIS Las fotos son de la fabrica, el que se vende está tal cual !!!!! 6 Associao DX do Brasil Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 09-11-2014 Comunicamos que já se encontra a disposição o mais recente áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" referente ao quarto domingo de outubro/2014. Neste programa dominical você encontra o espaço "Correio dos Ouvintes" da Rádio França Internacional, "Clube de Amigos" da Voz da Rússia e "Correspondência da Semana" da Rádio Vaticano. Ainda temos as notícias do Informativo Semanal da ADXB com Jailton Amaral. Confira www.adxb.com.br/ea-09112014.mp3 José Miguel Romero Digital radio – which way will South Africa go? Radio technology has seen very little innovation and development since FM stereo was introduced in the 1960s http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadcasting/125718-digital-radio-which-way-will-south-africa-go.html Radio technology has seen very little innovation and development since FM stereo was introduced in the 1960s. It was the sound revolution of the time, but little has happened since FM took over local broadcasting. It caused the demise of AM stations and the shortwave services of the SABC and LM radio. The Southern Africa Digital Broadcasting Association (SADIBA) issued a report in 2002 in which it said “to remain commercial attractive, radio as a medium will have to deliver improved quality service, greater choice, interactivity and multi-media. Digital radio technologies must rise to the challenge and deliver the multimedia radio of the future.” In the document SADIBA made recommendations on the critical aspects to be considered in order to allow for the introduction of digital radio in South Africa. Little seems to have happened since 2002 until last month when the subject was extensively discussed at the SADIBA Conference where the 2002 paper re-emerged and digital radio mondiale (DRM), one of the technologies, came into the limelight with international speakers and a demonstration of DRM by the BBC transmitting DRM from their shortwave relay station on Ascension Island with CD clarity – no noise, no interference. Discussing the advantages of DRM, Ruxandra Obreja, head of digital radio development at the BBC world service and chairman of the DRM Consortium said that DRM and DRM+ have proved to be the obvious choice for digital radio. But not everyone would agree with that. Let us consider some of the various digital radio technologies available. IDAB is based on in-band-on channel (IBOC) technology which looks at inserting the digital signal within the existing FM and AM channels without affecting other FM or AM transmissions. FM IBOC is designed to operate in a 200 kHz FM channel allocation. It would have been very impractical to introduce FM IBOC into South Africa without re-engineering the current FM frequency plan based on 100 kHz channel. According to the 2002 SADIBA paper the most established of all the digital radio technologies is the Eureka 147 system. The technology is based on an open standard defined in a range of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) documents. But it requires different frequency bands which in itself is problematic given the scarcity of spectrum oin the UHF bands which are demanded by satellite communication channels (VSat) and wireless broadband. The so-called digital dividend will also not provide the required spectrum as that process will take a long time to materialise. Obreja believes that DRM and DRM+ is the obvious solution. DRM, the acronym for digital radio mondiale, is promoted by a consortium of broadcasters, manufactures’ research institutes and stakeholders that have endeavoured to work toward a world-standard for digital broadcasting in the frequencies initial below 30 MHz, operating on the AM and shortwave broadcasting bands. Since the original development engineers have moved ahead and DRM+ emerged, the name applied to the DRM standard when used on the VHF frequencies. “The initiative to extend DRM began with a vote at the 2005 General Assembly to begin the design, verification and testing of the parameters needed to allow DRM to operate in the VHF broadcasting bands between; primarily band I and band II,” said Obteja. The design process began shortly afterwards and key decisions were made to ensure that the extension completely shared the successful design philosophy of DRM – it is “DRM but at higher frequencies”. Its spectrum usage parameters are determined from the internationally agreed norms in the FM band (88 to 108 MHz). Therefore it has an occupied bandwidth of 96 kHz and a frequency grid of 100 kHz. DRM+ provides bit rates from 35 kbps to 185 kbps at SNRs from 2 dB to 14dB and, like DRM, permits up to four services. It is therefore a flexible solution allowing single or small numbers of audio services to be broadcast together. During the process of gaining endorsement from the ITU for DRM’s extension to the VHF bands, test results from various field trials conducted around the world were submitted. One of the interesting trials was carried out in December 2011 by Vatican Radio carrying out broadcasting tests of DRM+1 in the VHF band II at 103, MHz. The aim of the tests was to verify the performance of DRM+ in a difficult interference scenario such as the FM VHF band II in Rome and to check the compatibility of the digital technology with existing antenna arrays having complex RF coupling systems such as the one located in the Vatican. The frequency used was assigned to the Vatican in the GE84 Agreement and was chosen for two main reasons: it is not used during a few timeslots in the morning and it suffers from some strong interference coming from stations operating at 103,7 MHz and 104,00 MHz located close to Rome. The tests were carried out taking into account the normal programme schedule. During the tests the digital transmitter was connected to the antenna feeder via a changeover, leaving the analogue transmitter in stand-by. The antenna array is a complex system: four FM transmitters at different power levels share the same antenna with elliptical polarisation and omnidirectional horizontal radiation pattern. The results were great. Acceptable stereo coverage under mobile reception conditions has been verified in areas where predicted field strength is comparable with 44 dBmV/m and interference is negligible. 7 Using the most robust configuration for DRM+, it was possible to achieve better coverage in full stereo than an analogue FM signal; the overall subjective listening experience was better than that of FM interfered with by splashes coming from adjacent stations. With South Africa’s poor performance in changing from analogue to digital TV, it may be some time before government will applies its mind to take a decision on digital sound radio. The first step have however been taken by commercial enterprises. Pulpit Radio is conducting a DRM pilot from their transmitting station at Kameeldrift near Pretoria. The 50 kW transmitter was installed by Broadcom International and made history with the first DRM audio broadcast in the Southern African region on 1440 kHz AM. “The results were very good. The station was received in Botswane some 400 km away with CD quality audio,” Obreja said. One of the issue is however the availability of receivers but Ruxandra Obreja said that experience from elsewhere where DRM was introduced local industry began manufacturing. “This will be a great opportunity to grow South Africa’s electronic manufacturing industry.” There is software available to decode the DRM signals using a sound card and a dongle is under development that can be used on a laptop or even other devices that have a USB port. With DRM, the use of medium and shortwave will open up many new radio channels. Each DRM channel can carry three radio programmes and one data channel requiring very narrow bandwidth of less than 5 kHz. Another advantage is that the system is also more energy efficient. Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Prashant Pandya en Indian Philatelists' Forum Special Cover on 300th Anniversary of Arameri Kalancheri Mutt, Virajpet released on 9th May 2015. Kodagu King Sri Siri Bai Doddaveera Raja’s (A. D. 1681-1738) sister Nellammaji was married to a youth of Beppu Naadu. She became a widow at young age. She adopted spiritual life and to initiate through a teacher a mutt was built in 1690 at Arameri. The mutt follows the principles of Jagajyothi Basavanna. Sri Shanthamalla Swamiji opened the mutt to common people and also added an education institution in 1946. He made this “Arameri Kalamcheri mutta” as his abode of work. On the occasion of tercentennial celebrations of Arameri Kalancheri Mutt and birth centenary celebrations of late Sri Shantamallaswami a Special Cover was released at Virajpet on 9th May 2015. (Special Cover approval no. KTK/42/2015). On this occasion Sri Lingarajendra Prasad Nilaya was also inaugurated. This hostel can accommodate 300 students. The Special cover depicts the image of the Sri Lingarajendra Prasad Nilaya and photo of Shantamalla swami with the image of the mutt in the backdrop. Alok Kr Dasgupta List of radio stations www.dxasia.in : List of radio stations with their language and frequencies broadcasting to and for South Asia. Most of the schedule information has been updated for A15 (or summer period) season started on 29th March 2015 and will run through till 24 October 2015. Any new changes or corrections are very much welcome at the usual DXAsia address. XAsia was "invented" over a meal in a Dutch restaurant, which seems a rather unlikely place to discuss a Web site focusing on radio in South Asia. But some of the best ideas are conceived in strange places. The idea behind the site couldn't be simpler: to create a place on the Web where the latest schedules, news and information about radio broadcasts from and to South Asia can always be found. The aim is not to be exclusive or first with the news, but to be accurate. We believe we can achieve that with the help and support from Andy Sennitt, our advisor and the main editors, Alok Dasgupta and Victor Goonetilleke, who live in the region. DXasia is now fully automated, thanks to the hard work of Abhishek Dasgupta. DXAsia is updated from a central database using scripts hosted on the server. It is hosted in the UK on servers in London's Docklands. Recently we have made major improvements to the site. The site is now fully database-driven, and the editors are able to update the schedules remotely.You, the user, will be able to see the South Asian schedules by station andlanguage. A recent addition to the Home Page is the option to display all the transmissions currently on the air, including all the frequencies, in UTC time with one click of the mouse. We have also added transmitter sites for each frequency, which will be a big help to DXers. A new search facility has been added using Structured Query Language (SQL) which permits the user to perform complex queries and see the results from all the data on the site. This facility is still being developed and improved, and your feedback is welcome. Our contact details are at the top of every page. Glenn Hauser Logs May 8 & 10, 2015 ** AUSTRALIA. 12085 // 9580, Friday May 8 at 1305-1355+, RA with `Keys to Music` I meant to laud in previous report, this week about Mozart`s last year; excellent commentary and music excerpts. 9580 as usual stronger but with more selective fading, so I preferred 12085 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of May 10: 12950, May 10 at 1255, CNR1 jammer, very poor 13980, May 10 at 1255, CNR1 jammer, very por 8 13920, May 10 at 1255, CNR1 jammer, very poor 14920, May 10 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter 16100, May 10 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, fair 18930, May 10 at 1258, CNR1 jammer, JBA, but checks out as the Sunday only 12-13 jumparound frequency of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait Already at 1304 May 10, I am hearing the Sunday-evening serious music show, sounds like Peking Opera, from CNR1 on 9810, 9660, fair with flutter; 9680 under Taiwan CCI; 9500 very poor with flutter, CCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 9689.9, May 10 at 0557, hilife music and drumming prélude as V. of Nigeria is on here again; stronger than // 7254.9, also offfrequency to low side but somewhat less off than 9690-. Compared to 7250 for Vatican Radio, that`s JBA if still on. 0600 both sign-on in Hausa; 9690- is a bit distorted, and now 7255 has a fast SAH with slight echo, leading me to suspect the *two* VON transmitter sites are BOTH on 7255v now! I.e. three transmitters total again, while nothing is audible on 15120. As usual I shortly doze off but reawaken briefly at 0643 to find that 7255is off, but 9690- is still on with music. Others monitored more of this May 10: Thorsten Hallmann, Germany, tells us, ``VON was Hausa before until IS at 0628, then music only, then off, and at 0725, 7254.9 is already on again warming up for again Hausa at 0730, which will be probably replaced at 0800 by 9689.9 for another Hausa segment. A naturally grown schedule ;-)`` Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, reports: ``7254.922 Ikorodu and 9689.918 Abuja - presumably outlet centers - were the two footprints of Voice of Nigeria's morning "West African sing-sang program", performed by woman at about 0650 UT on May 10th, Voice of Nigeria Abuja on S=8 or -82 dBm signal strength, noted on all North American remote SDR units checked, at best in Florida and Michigan, but also more than fair in Massachusetts, Rochester NY, Calgary-Winnipeg, and Edmonton Alberta, weak and tiny signal in the far west at Vancouver island. ``7255v signal was a little bit of 'wobbly' kind, but 9690v had fine clear audio, no whine, no whistle tone at all. 7254.922 signed-off at 0657 UT, and 9689.918 kHz followed s-off by 0703 UT. Nothing of any broadcast noted on 15120 kHz in this half hour. wb`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Sunday May 10 at 1610 UT, definite carrier from the direxion of Sperry, i.e. KEOR/KETU on the air again, but hardly any modulation (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 10 at 1255 or so, JBA carrier so presumed R. Puntland One is on today. Other reports: Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, AB, using: Rx Collins HF 2050, Ant KLM 7-30 MHz Log periodic at 220 degrees, tells me: ``Puntland Radio 13800 kHz 1245 UT in best via long path with songs, multi language ID at 1248:30. Poor but building. May 10, 2015``; and later, ``Looks as though Puntland Radio went off at 1336 mid or just after Qur`an that has been on for some time now ([since] 1250 UT). So as someone reported last week, perhaps off early on Sundays. They were coming in very nicely in USB until then``. Another report, to the DXLD yg: ``Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia, listening in my car, by the lake and using the Eton E1 and Sony AN1 active antenna: 13800, SOMALIA Radio Puntland, tentative, at 1256 with Koranic singing through top of the hour, same at periodic checks, getting weaker by 1325, either faded out or went off the air sometime between 1330 and 1400 - Poor, May 10`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. 11645, May 10 at 0547, poor-fair Arabic here, not Greek! That`s because R. Dabanga via VATICAN has shifted down from 11650, and apparently leaving the barely audible carrier/tone jammer behind. // 13800 now also via VATICAN, May 10 at 0552, is much stronger and with the double tone jamming, two carriers on the hi side only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Anatoly Klepov “RUS-DX” # 819 “RUS-DX” # 819 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya. QSL world. WEB radio. Sunday / 10, May 2015 Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia E-mail : rusdx@yandex.ru Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) “RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source. ARMENIA Happy Radio Day: The Public Radio of Armenia is 89. The Public Radio of Armenia is 89. May 7 is Radio Day, an invention that changed the world, in general, and the world of communication, in particular. On August 27, 1926 the “Soviet Armenia” newspaper informed: “The construction of the radio station in Yerevan has been completed. The station will start operating in five days.” The Voice of Yerevan was first heard on air in September, 1926. On April 6, 1927 the first radio schedule consisting of news and concerts was printed in the press. The Day of Radio was first observed in Moscow on May 7, 1945. From that time on May 7 has been marked in Armenia as Radio Day. (José Miguel Romero, Valencia,Spain) ARMENIA (ARM) PUBLIC RADIO OF ARMENIA (FOREIGN SERVICE) (Pub) kHz: 1314, 4810 Summer Schedule 2015 Arabic Days Area kHz 1900-1930 daily ME 4810erv Assyrian Days Area kHz 1530-1545 daily ME 4810erv Azeri Days Area kHz 1145-1200 daily ME 1314erv, 4810erv 1200-1215 mtwtf.. ME 1314erv, 4810erv Greek Days Area kHz 1615-1630 daily ME 4810erv Kurdish Days Area kHz 1230-1300 daily ME 1314erv 1545-1615 daily ME 4810erv 9 Persian Days Area kHz Turkish Days Area kHz 1430-1500 daily ME 4810erv 1200-1215 .....ss ME 1314erv, 4810erv 1215-1230 daily ME 1314erv, 4810erv Yezidi* Days Area kHz 0600-0630 daily ME 1314erv 1500-1530 daily ME 4810erv Key: * Kurmanji Kurdish (designated “Yezidi” in Armenia). (WRTH, April 2015) BELARUS Radio Belarus International sets up club of friends for Chinese broadcast. http://eng.belta.by/all_news/society/Radio-Belarus-International-sets-up-club-of-friends-for-Chinese-broadcast_i_81487.html MINSK, 6 May (BelTA) – Radio Belarus International has created a club of friends for Chinese broadcast. It is aimed at spreading information about the Belarus-Chinese cooperation in the international media space and promoting Radio Belarus' broadcasts in the Chinese language, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian state TV and radio company. “It is important to tell the Chinese people about our country, about the bilateral cooperation and the joint projects. When we learn more about each other, we understand each other better. Our programs are also designed for those Chinese citizens who live, study and work in Belarus,” Chief Director of Radio Belarus Naum Galperovich noted. In his words, the club of friends for Chinese broadcast should become a kind of coordination center uniting all the Belarus-China organizations that operate in Belarus. The management board of the club will include employees of Radio Belarus and the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Belarus, representatives of the Belarus-China Friendship Society, the Confucius Institutes, and the Chinese communities and student associations in Belarus. Radio Belarus started broadcasting internationally in 1962. It offers programs in eight languages. The Chinese section is the youngest and the most promising one. The program Your Friend Belarus has been aired twice a week since 2013. The project features news bulletins and a section on culture and education about renowned Belarusian people, sites, and cultural traditions. The program pays special attention to the Belarus-China cooperation and the life of Chinese students and specialists in Belarus. (José Miguel Romero, Valencia,Spain) BELARUS (BLR) BELARUSKAJE RADYJO (Gov) kHz: 1170, 6080, 7255 Summer Schedule 2015 Belarusian Days Area kHz 0400-0700 daily Eu 1170sas, 7255mns 1500-1700 daily Eu 7255mns 1500-2100 daily EEu 6080mns RADIO BELARUS (Gov) kHz: 1170, 3985, 6005, 11730, 11930 Summer Schedule 2015 Belarusian Days Area kHz 1100-1400 daily Eu 11730mns English Days Area kHz 2000-2200 .tw.f.. Eu 11730mns, 11930mns 2020-2200 m..t.ss Eu 11730mns, 11930mns French Days Area kHz 1940-2000 daily Eu 11730mns, 11930mns German Days Area kHz 0600-0800 mtwtfs. Eu 6005kll 0600-0800 ......s Eu 3985kll 1800-1940 daily Eu 11730mns, 11930mns 2000-2400 daily Eu 3985kll Polish Days Area kHz 1600-1800 daily Eu 1170sas, 11730mns 1705-1800 daily Eu 11930mns Russian Days Area kHz 1400-1600 daily Eu 11730mns 2200-2300 daily Eu 11730mns, 11930mns Spanish Days Area kHz 2000-2020 m..t.ss Eu 11730mns, 11930mns (WRTH, April 2015) KYRGYZSTAN KYRGYZSTAN (KGZ) SHORTWAVE RELAY SERVICE (Rlg) kHz: 5130 Summer Schedule 2015 Persian Days Area kHz 1500-1800 daily WAs 5130bis† Key: † Irregular. (WRTH, April 2015) RUSSIA RUSSIA (RUS) 10 GTRK “ADYGEYA” (Gov) kHz: 7325 Summer Schedule 2015 Adyghian Days Area kHz 1800-1900 m...f.. ME 7325arm* 1900-2000 ......s ME 7325arm Key: * Mondays also in Arabic and Turkish. VESTI FM (Gov) kHz: 1413 Summer Schedule 2015 Russian Days Area kHz 0000-2400 daily UKR 1413kch VOICE OF RUSSIA (VOR) / RADIO SPUTNIK ‡ (Gov) Note: ‡ No MW/SW broadcasts at time of publication. Currently broadcasting in selected areas on DAB(+)/Digital FM in the UK, Switzerland and the USA, and via satellite only. (WRTH, April 2015) Radio Network New cities of broadcasting stations "European media group» Two radio stations "European media group" recognized winners of competition of the Federal Tender Commission on Broadcasting, which was held on April 29. "Radio 7 on seven hills" has acquired the right to broadcast in Volgograd at the frequency 94,9 FM, so the geography station gained another cities. "Traffic Radio" has received the right to broadcast in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on the frequency 107,9 FM. "European media group" (EMG) - Russia's largest private broadcasting holding company. Includes national radio networks Europe Plus (station number 1 in Russia on a daily audience) * "Traffic Radio" Retro FM, «Radio 7 on the seven hills", Sport FM, Cupcake FM, and Radio Record (Moscow). Broadcast stations covering over 2400 cities and towns in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. Every day the radio station belonging to the EMG, listen to a 22.2 million (35.3%), every week - more than 41.7 million (66.3%) *. EMG is a subsidiary of the Russian diversified holding "Siberian Business Union". HK "Siberian Business Union" includes industrial and manufacturing companies, print media and radio stations, sports and wellness facilities. * TNS Russia, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people.) July - December 2014, Daily Reach (Mon-Fri, 06h-24h), Weekly Reach (Mon-Sun, 06h-24h) among stations population 12 years and older. Measurement method - telephone interviews. (OnAir.ru) “Dorozhnoe radio” ("Traffic Radio") BEAMS all of the M-1. In early May, the radio station "Traffic Radio" on the frequency 102.5 FM began broadcasting in Safonovo, Smolensk region. Thus, the broadcasting station today cover the entire federal highway M-1 "Belarus" on the Moscow - Smolensk - the state border with Belarus. Radio transmitters cover not only the city but also the motorway. This approach to installation is unique to the "Road Radio". One of the core values of the radio station - be comfortable to listen to in the car. A modern system RDS recorder allows you to switch automatically to the new without losing the signal station. The idea of a single broadcast of the space is reflected in the slogan "Road Radio" - "Together on the way!". "Traffic Radio" - the second largest daily audience network in Russia: every day listening to the radio for more than 10 million people each week - more than 23 million *. The radio station started broadcasting in 2003 in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad region. Then the broadcast network has developed steadily: Pskov, Murmansk, Ryazan, Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg. In 2010, the call sign "Road Radio" heard the inhabitants of Moscow. Today the station sounds in more than 670 cities in Russia, as well as all the major highways and roads of regional and local importance, the total length of which is estimated at 1.1 million Rosavtodor kilometers. In the area of broadcasting "Road Radio" is home to over 70 million people, or more than half of Russia's population. This the potential audience "Road Radio". Website radio: www.dorognoe.ru "Traffic Radio" is part of the largest non-state broadcasting holding company "European media group" (EMG), which also includes national radio networks: Europa Plus (station number 1 in Russia on a daily audience), Retro FM, «Radio 7 on seven hills "Sport FM, Cupcake FM, and Radio Record (Moscow). Broadcast stations covering over 2400 cities and towns in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. Every day the radio station belonging to the EMG, listen to some 22.2 million. People (35.3%), every week more than 41.7 million. (66.3%) *. * TNS Russia, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people.) July - December 2014, Daily Reach (Mon-Fri, 06h-24h), Weekly Reach (Mon-Sun, 06h-24h), radio stations population 12 years and older. Measurement method telephone interviews. (OnAir.ru) Crimea. From September in the Crimea will begin broadcasting “Vezhlovoe radio” ("Polite radio") Since September, will begin broadcasting in Crimea created on the basis of radio “Nashe Podmoskovje” ("Our Moscow") radio station "Radio polite." "Our Moscow" began broadcasting in Kerch and Feodosia in early May. As reported, the radio station owned by the government of the Moscow region and, together with the TV channel "360 ° Moscow" is a holding company "Television suburbs." "The format of the radio station near Moscow for the Crimean weird. We started looking for a format that, on the one hand, will be relevant to residents of the Crimea, and for holidaymakers from the suburbs, "- commented on the creation of" politeness radio "Ruben Oganesov minister, adding that this will be music to the news of both regions: the Crimea, and the Moscow region. First radio, is scheduled to start broadcasting in Kerch and Theodosia, eventually covering the entire territory of Crimea. www.novostimo.ru (OnAir.ru) Pskov region. Pskov. Pskov - New City Love Radio broadcasting For regional broadcasting network Love Radio has joined the city of Pskov, the frequency 105.8 MHz broadcast. Potential audience - 224.5 thousand. People. Regional partner Love Radio - LLC "media system", CEO - Nosov VP Love Radio - one of the radio stations Krutoy Media. According to TNS Russia (Radio Index - Russia, July - December 2014.), Daily coverage Love Radio 3 million 109 thousand. Man has a weekly reach 9 million 57 thousand. Man. Regional network broadcasting Love Radio has 143 transmitter located in Russia and the CIS countries. Official website of Love Radio: www.loveradio.ru (OnAir.ru) 11 Tomsk region. Tomsk. "Radio Russii" began broadcasting in Tomsk on the FM frequency May 7 Day Radionachinaya from six in the morning Tomichi can listen to Radio Russia on the frequency 102.9 MHz. Documentation on how to enter the telecommunications network into operation were signed between the management of TV "Tomsk" and RTRS branch. Switching to FM wave of TV and Radio allows listeners to expand the audience, the director of TV "Tomsk" Stanislav Marinin. Modern broadcasting format will make adjustments to the concept of working the radio. Following in the Tomsk region of broadcasting FM "Radio Russia" campaign will include parts of the region. www.tvtomsk.ru (OnAir.ru) Khakassia. Abakan. Abakan including "Radio Dacha" Map of broadcasting cities "Radio Dacha" gained another point. The regional network broadcasting station joined Abakan Khakassia Republic. Broadcasting frequency - 89.4 MHz, the potential coverage - 173.2 thousand. People. Regional partner "Radio Dacha" - LLC "Siberian Radio", CEO - Tinnikov AV "Radio Dacha" - one of the stations of the media holding Krutoy Media. Included in the top 10 country music radio stations. According to TNS Russia (Radio Index - Russia, July - December 2014.), Daily coverage "Radio Dacha" in Russia is 5 million 214 thousand. Man has a weekly reach of 13 million 372 thousand. Man. Regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" currently has 163 transmitter located in the cities of broadcasting in Russia and CIS countries. Official website of "Radio Dacha»: www.radiodacha.ru (OnAir.ru) TAJIKISTAN TAJIKISTAN 13675 Radio Free Asia, Dushanbe-Yanguidul, 16:48-17:00, escuchada el 8 de mayo de 2015 en chino con emisión de música pop melódica, tonos horarios y fin de emisión, SINPO 34443 José Miguel Romero - Burjasot (Valencia, Spain) 39.513356, -0.410268 - Grundig Yacht Boy 80- Antena hilo de 10m TAJIKISTAN (TJK) VOICE OF TAJIK (OVOZI TOJIK) (Gov) kHz: 1143, 7245 Summer Schedule 2015 Arabic Days Area kHz 1200-1300 daily ME 1143dsb, 7245dsb Dari Days Area kHz 0600-0800 daily WAs 1143dsb, 7245dsb English Days Area kHz 1300-1400 daily WAs,ME 1143dsb, 7245dsb Farsi Days Area kHz 0400-0600 daily ME 1143dsb, 7245dsb 1600-1800 daily ME 1143dsb, 7245dsb Hindi Days Area kHz 1100-1200 daily As 1143dsb, 7245dsb Russian Days Area kHz 0800-1000 daily CAs 1143dsb, 7245dsb Tajik Days Area kHz 0200-0400 daily CAs 1143dsb, 7245dsb 1400-1600 daily CAs 1143dsb, 7245dsb Uzbek Days Area kHz 1000-1100 daily CAs 1143dsb, 7245dsb (WRTH, April 2015) “RUS-DX PLUS” PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET PLAY-DX 1648 electronic - 03 May 2015 - Editor : Dario Monferini, Milano, Italy CARLOS GONCALVES – PORTUGAL report OL-OM obs. for PlayDX 1035.0 2234-2247 01/5 EST R.Eli, Tartu. Ru, songs, tks. Adj. & co-ch. QRM. 34432 CG DX RE MIX NEWS # 908 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: May 05, 2015 - Bulgaria TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet: 1215-1230 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15538 1245-1300 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1300-1315 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15568 1315-1345 NF 15547 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1315-1345 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15568 1345-1400 NF 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548 1345-1400 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15562 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/frequency-changes-for-voice-of-tibet.html Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria - Bulgarian DX blog Videos April 27-May 3 April 27 Radio Free North Korea in Korean to NEAs 1230 on 15590 Dushanbe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=681OwL_9cug&feature=youtu.be April 28 Voice of Tibet in Chinese to EaAs 1215 on new 15537 Dushanbe, ex 15538 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXe36p6XrlI&feature=youtu.be Voice of Tibet in Chinese to EaAs 1317 on new 15547 Dushanbe, ex 15543 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8R7IMN4e_g&feature=youtu.be Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1319 on new 15563 Dushanbe, ex 15562 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATI_pHcj90g&feature=youtu.be Voice of Tibet in Chinese to EaAs 1349 on new 15542 Dushanbe, ex 15548 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06mQDqgAsc0&feature=youtu.be Voice of Tibet in Tibetan to CeAs 1351 on new 15568 Dushanbe, ex 15562 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KXVBzmlBrc&feature=youtu.be Voice of Martyrs in Korean to NEAs 1627 on 7510 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6_XF7Pi3i8&feature=youtu.be 12 April 30 Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok in Khmer to SEAs 1130 on 17860 Dushanbe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vyQ1kPbUGA&feature=youtu.be TWR India in Hindi to SoAs 1405 on 12160 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBIMnJ2mah0&feature=youtu.be TWR India in Maithili to SoAs 1407 on 12055 Yerevan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqHxtLmt2mQ&feature=youtu.be May 2 CNR 1 Jamming vs Radio Free Asia in Tibetan on new 15275 Dushanbe, ex 15265 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOdkjHfnYwY&feature=youtu.be Radio Free Chosun in English and Korean to NEAs 1453 on 11570 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xpfAWURL6c&feature=youtu.be CHINA vs UZBEKISTAN and ARMENIA PBS Xizang vs FEBA Radio 1400-1500 on 9500 LHA 100 kW / 290 deg to CHN Tibetan PBS Xizang 1430-1500 on 9500 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi FEBA Radio 1500-1600 on 9590 LHA 100 kW / 220 deg to CHN Tibetan PBS Xizang 1500-1530 on 9590 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Dari FEBA Sadaye Zindagi http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/pbs-xizang-vs-feba-radio.html INTERNATIONAL Cancelled transmissions: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/cancelled-transmissions.html UZBEKISTAN Summer A-15 schedule of CVC Voice Asia: 1100-1400 on 9670 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi 1400-1700 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to IND Hindi According to WRTH Update of May 1, CVC The Voice Asia planning to stop broadcasts in mid May-video on May 6 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/cvc-voice-asia-on-6260-via-tashkent.html CLANDESTINE Observations of several clandestine broadcasts to North Korea Radio Free North Korea: 1230-1330 on 15590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Wilderness (BVB): 1900-2000 on 7375 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean 2000-2030 on 7375 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean Sat Radio Free Chosun: 1300-1500 on 11570 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs: 1600-1730 on 7510 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/observations-of-several-clandestine.html Voice of Nigeia and Belarusian Radio this morning May 8 15120 Voice of Nigeia in English and French with awful modulation 9690v Voice of Nigeia in Hausa, no signal 7255 Belarusian Radio 1 as scheduled A15 videos: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/voice-of-nigeia-and-belarusian-radio.html VONigeria on 15120 at 0830 and 0904 UTC with usual modulation, videos: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/05/voice-of-nigeia-and-belarusian-radio.html DX LISTENING DIGEST 15-17, April 30, 2015 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser ** ARMENIA [and non]. QSL News for February-March: QSL from DW, transmitter in Armenia. 17800 kHz, waited 27 days. Signature: Horst Scholz, Transmission management. Photos on the QSL: Schwerin, Schweriner Dom. (Retreat, but not lyrical: Recently, as something went wrong with DW contacts at the technical department tb [at] dw.de, but found a contact form on the website station, http://www.dw.de/explore-dw/reception/s-6809-9798 and then on the link «Send us an e-mail» closer to the bottom of the page to the right. It has been tested and works. More than once I've read complaints that this or that station responds poorly or not at all in any way does not respond to e-mails and the reason may be too slam spam filters. Communication via the web form works quite reliably, but here too there is a minus - not saved a copy of the letter sent to.) (Moscow Information DX Bulletin, Weekly electronic publication # 941, April 21, 2015, Editor of the current issue: Alexander Dementyev, via RusDX April 26 via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. TAJIKISTAN, Frequency change of clandestine Radio Free North Korea: 1230-1330 NF 15590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 9330, videos: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/frequency-change-of-radio-free-north.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Blgaria, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Frequency change of clandestine Voice of Martyrs: 1600-1730 NF 7510 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7530, 13 videos: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/frequency-change-of-clandestine-voice.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, April 24, dxldyg via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Dengue Kurdistan via Issoudun. The only program heard in this morning’s listening that was beating the noise level. Speakers in listed Kurdish easily followed, 1742, 5/4 (Charles Jones, Castle Hill NSW (JRC NRD-535D and 7m vertical), May ADXN via DXLD) Good in Kurdish on 3/5 at 0629 (John Adams, Port Douglas Far North QLD (Sony ICFSW7600GR, 7 Metre Reel Antenna, May ADXN via DXLD) 20/4 at 1431 with IDs in two Kurdish dialects (Sorani & Kurmanji?): ”Eira Dengia Kurdistania” & “Dendzhi Kurdistana“ (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF 2001D, Folded Marconi ant 16 meters own made), May ADXN via DXLD) April 24: SPL relay Denge Kurdistan in Kurdish to WeAs 1300 on 11510 Secretbrod + 11490, 11530, 23020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otYZQ0R0-Tc&feature=youtu.be (Ivo Ivanov, Blgaria, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) SPL = Spaceline 11510, April 26 at 0323, very good with Kurdish instrumental music. Nice to hear Denge Kurdistane this well, as no longer possible in the 13+ UT period: that`s because from that hour, the site is inferior Bulgaria. Aoki shows the site setup currently for Radyoya Denge Kurdistane; is this all still correct? --03-07 MDA = PRIDNESTROVYE 07-11 ARM = Armenia 11-13 MDA (but with an antenna azimuth change at 12, why?) 13-17 BUL 17-19 FRANCE Yet, the latest HFCC shows nothing but Moldova for the entire span! As alleged by BRB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KYRGYZSTAN. REPUBLIC, 4009.973, Kyrgyz Radio from Bishkek SW Relay Service at Krasnaya Rechka, Kyrgyzstan, reported at 1730 UT on April 27, onwards with political and economical news in proper modulation sounded Russian language. S=9+30dB well propagation during nighthours in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. \\ 4819.779 kHz channel from Krasnaya Rechka too, but with lower power - or different antenna construction and performance (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. 9400, April 29 at 0112, ME music and talk, poor signal with ACI from TruNews/WRMI 9395. This is one of the few SW broadcasts left via Sitkunai, RFA Uyghur during this hour only, which is no doubt jammed but none heard here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEPAL [non]. NEPAL: Recopilación de emisiones en nepalí del Aoki TWR India 0045-0115 UZB Tashkent GUAM; INDIA; UK Sábados 9900 (via José Miguel Romero, Burjasot(Valencia), España, April 27, dxldyg via DXLD) SEE ALSO: AUSTRALIA; ** RUSSIA [and non]. INFO WARS --- SANCTIONS-STRAPPED RUSSIA OUTGUNS THE U.S. IN INFORMATION WAR --- Apr 2, 2015 4:05 AM GMT http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-04-02/sanctions-strapped-russia-outguns-the-u-s-in-information-war MOSCOW DROWNS OUT VOICE OF AMERICA, AND FACTS ARE A CASUALTY. Nicole Gaouette The troubled U.S. agency responsible for delivering news around the world is being outgunned in Eastern Europe by Russian outlets unrestrained by notions of fact-based journalism. The unequal competition raises fears among U.S. officials that Moscow is winning the information war about events in Ukraine, even as the Russian economy staggers under economic sanctions imposed after the takeover of Crimea. “Russia has engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I’ve seen since the very height of the Cold War,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a Senate subcommittee in late February. It’s “spending hugely on this vast propaganda machine,” he told another panel the same day, and it’s succeeding “because there’s nothing countering it.” “You have your truth, I have mine, there is no truth.” Stephen Blank Not literally nothing. Up against Russia 24, Rossiya 1, Russia K, First Channel, Sputnik and other around-the-clock operations, are new U.S.-sponsored Russian-language offerings including, “Current Time,” a newscast of just 30 minutes beamed into Eastern Europe on weekdays. The Voice of America show, co-hosted from Washington by Natasha Mozgovaya, is part of $23.2 million in programming aimed at Russian speakers. That comparatively small sum is up 49 percent from last year, according to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Russia Spending How much Russia spends on its information programs is difficult to pin down, but in the face of sanctions forcing cuts elsewhere, President Vladimir Putin pledged to increase budgets for state-run outlets and cultural outreach. He said outlays for Rossotrudnichestvo, an organization devoted to spreading knowledge of Russia and its values abroad will rise from $60 million to $300 million by 2020. The differences in approach between what Kerry describes as Russian propaganda and U.S.-supported outlets were on display last month, on the first anniversary of the Crimean annexation. State-owned RT quoted Putin recalling that Crimeans had voted to return to the Motherland in the face of Ukrainian nationalism. The headline: “Coming Home.” VOA reported details RT omitted from the same interview: Putin’s acknowledgment that Moscow had planned the annexation and sent in troops weeks before the referendum. That headline: “Putin’s Latest Crimea Spin Attempts New Narrative.” 14 Fact-Checking Given the David-and-Goliath challenge “Current Time” faces, preparation and fact-checking are among the program’s best assets, says Mozgovaya, 35, a Russian-born, Israeli-raised former war correspondent. “We need to double and triple-check everything because the only thing basically that we have here is credibility,” she said. “It’s a very big responsibility because broadcasting one fake from our side will cost us the reputation.” Budgeted at about $2 million a year, the program airs in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Lithuania and Latvia. It’s available free to networks and on Google Inc.’s YouTube. The Broadcasting Board of Governors, the parent agency of VOA and other government-backed outlets, doesn’t know yet how many people watch “Current Time,” which began in October, but social media feedback shows it’s striking a chord, said Arkady Cherepansky, assistant managing editor of VOA’s Russian Service. Beyond the Russian-speaking region, RT, with an annual budget of at least $241 million, sends Moscow’s version of events to the world in English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic. Editorial Stance The network is seen by more than 600 million people worldwide, said Peter Pomerantsev, who described Russia’s “weaponization of information” in his book, “Nothing is True and Everything is Possible.” U.S. and European officials and analysts say one of its aims is to undermine Western unity over economic sanctions. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius has called RT “no less destructive than military marching in Crimea.” Its editorial stance is that there is no objective truth, said Pomerantsev. The point isn’t persuasion, says Stephen Blank, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, but to muddy the waters. “You have your truth, I have mine, there is no truth.” The network’s slogan is “Question More.” That editorial approach means RT gives air time to people who blame the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and entertains multiple theories about who shot Malaysian Airline System Bhd.’s Flight 17 out of the skies over eastern Ukraine. ‘Broken’ Agency RT is amplified by social media disguised to look like ordinary people’s accounts, said Angela Stent, director of Russian studies at Georgetown University in Washington. Its social media use is “very sophisticated,” she said, and includes “people who troll and immediately bite back” at critics. Requests for comment from the Russian Embassy and RT weren’t answered. Facing off against the Russian juggernaut is a U.S. agency that lawmakers have called “broken” and “dysfunctional.” Last year, the State Department’s inspector general found that the BBG, with a budget of more than $720 million for its worldwide activities, had wasted almost $5 million on unapproved purchases, couldn’t properly record budget transactions, had inadequate IT security, and wasn’t able to keep track of physical property. In another blow, Andrew Lack, the former chairman of the Bloomberg Media Group who was sworn in as the BBG’s chief executive officer and director on Jan. 20, left just six weeks later to run NBC News. Spending Increase Still, the U.S. is boosting the BBG’s budget, saying that the Russian narrative in Eastern Europe must be countered. Baltic states are so “flooded with propaganda,” Kerry told lawmakers, that people there aren’t aware Russian soldiers have crossed the border into Ukraine or died there. Many think “we’re the problem,” Kerry said. For fiscal year 2016, the Obama administration is requesting $38.6 million for Russian-language programming, a 66 percent increase, plus more than $20 million to train Russian-speaking journalists, support independent media and other programs. Much of the effort to counter Russia’s narrative unfolds in a ground floor studio at VOA headquarters on Washington’s National Mall. In a darkened control room nearby, a producer scans dozens of wall-mounted screens as his team prepares to tape “Current Time.” Russian Speakers The name, a pun in Russian, carries the connotation of “the real deal.” Some screens feature the show’s Uzbek co-anchor preparing in Prague, others have camera angles at the United Nations. Several screens show Mozgovaya, blond head lowered over a laptop as she prepares for the show. The BBG has hired more part-time correspondents who speak Ukrainian, Tatar and Russian. It set up news websites such as “Donbass Realities” focused on places under siege. There are plans for a central Asian version of the show and another focused on the Caucasus and for new mobile platforms, said Jeffrey Trimble, deputy director of the BBG’s International Broadcasting Bureau. A 24-hour global Russian-language TV station, perhaps with European partners, is a longer-term possibility. Information War The target audience -- Russian speakers inside and outside the country -- is 260 million people worldwide. Stent, of Georgetown University, said Western democracy is one complicating factor in trying to reach them. “The problem is in the West we don’t have one message and we’re up against a very coordinated information war,” Stent said. Cameron Johnston, an analyst at the European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris, said the Kremlin’s media strategy “rests on three key propositions: there is no such thing as objectivity; journalists are not critics but servants of the state and, in wartime, they are ’soldiers of the ideological front.’” Reaching those inside Russia, where Putin has steadily tightened controls on media, is increasingly difficult. In 2005, VOA was carried on almost 100 Russian outlets. Now it’s on just one, and that may be eliminated by proposed Russian legislation that would ban “undesirable foreign organizations.” Alexander Tarnavsky, a supporter of the measure, said in the lower house of Russia’s parliament on Jan. 20 that he hopes the law will “put the brakes on some of the foreign companies that joined the fight against Russia.” At the “Current Time” studios, staffers like Cherepansky say Russia’s closed media market gives their job added urgency, particularly in spreading U.S. views on events. “Unless we go out, talk about it, it’s as if it never happened,” he said (via Larry Zamora, TX, DXLD) ** TAJIKISTAN. 14295 harmonic, Tajik Radio. Home Service (3 x 4765) // 19060 (4 x 4765), but not heard on 4765 & 9530 on 24/4 at 0500 with news in Tajik (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF 2001D, Folded Marconi ant 16 meters own made), May ADXN via DXLD) Talks in Tajik 1248, then into local music. In amongst the hams! 28/3 (Craig Seager, VK2HBT, Bathurst NSW (Icom IC-746, Perseus, Horizontal Loop, LQ1AQ Amplified Loop, G5RV Junior, May ADXN via DXLD) 4765.051, Tajik Radio 1, via Dushanbe Yangi Yul center, at 1743 UT on April 27, Turk[ic] language family poetry verse reading, interspersed by local folkloric flute music. S=9+25dB more than fair signal into Germany (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27, DX LISTENNG DIGEST) Technical details concerning BBG operations: see USA [and non] ** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN, Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet: 1215-1230 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15538 15 1245-1300 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1300-1315 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15568 1315-1345 NF 15547 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1315-1345 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15568 1345-1400 NF 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548 1345-1400 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15562 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/frequency-changes-for-voice-of-tibet.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Blgaria, April 28, dxldyg via DXLD) ** TURKMENISTAN. TURKMEN GOVERNMENT CAMPAIGN TARGETS RFE/RL Bruce Pannier, RFE/RL Qishloq Ovozi blog, April 21, 2015 http://www.rferl.org/content/qishloq-ovozi-turkmenistan-satellite-campaign/26969998.html "The government of Turkmenistan has taken a decision to liquidate all privately owned TV and radio satellite dishes in the country" and "the main target of this campaign is Radio Azatlyk, the Turkmen-language service of Radio Liberty/Free Europe." That's according to the Civic Solidarity Platform, an umbrela organization bringing together nearly 60 nongovernmental organizations from the United States and Eurasia. Azatlyk knows about the campaign to demolish satellite dishes. It's not the first time the Turkmen authorities have attempted to rid the country of satellite dishes, but this time the efforts seem more serious. The Turkmen government has always preferred to have a monopoly on the dissemination of information inside Turkmenistan. Access to satellite dishes, which in some cases cost only some $100, has broken the grip Turkmen authorities have tried to keep on information, allowing citizens to watch or listen to programming from many sources, including Azatlyk. But according to Civic Solidarity, this most recent decision by the authorities to rid the country of satellite dishes "is aimed at fully blocking access of the population of Turkmenistan to hundreds of independent international media outlets which are currently accessible in the country only though satellite dishes." In naming Azatlyk as the main target of the campaign, Civic Solidarity called the RFE/RL service "the only independent source of information about Turkmenistan and the world in the Turkmen language and is widely listened to in the country." Azatlyk has regularly reported on a wide variety of subjects affecting Turkmenistan today, from housing problems and long lines to purchase train tickets, to the problems of people being detained and imprisoned for demanding their basic rights be respected, or the deteriorating security situation along the country's southern border with Afghanistan. What these topics all have in common is that Turkmen state media will not report on them and the authorities would prefer these matters not be publicized. Civic Solidarity noted Azatlyk's broadcasts are "currently accessible to the Turkmen public through satellite dishes while other channels of information about Turkmenistan, including websites of human rights and dissident organizations as well as the website of Radio Azatlyk are blocked in Turkmenistan." Azatlyk is aware of the campaign and has learned the Turkmen government is offering options to satellite-dish owners. The government will compensate the loss of satellite dishes with "cable TV packages" that would provide "entertainment channels produced by Russia, Turkey, and India," none of which include news programs. The authorities have already said they reserve the right to cut off broadcasting at any time. Another option for those losing their satellite dishes is to agree to have government-installed satellite dishes on their buildings, but that would leave subscribers with only state-approved channels. It appears in some cases Azatlyk would still be accessible on some antennas but on others Azatlyk programing would not be available. As has been true during previous campaigns to rid the country of satellite dishes, the official reason given is that the dishes are ugly blemishes on the grand architecture of Turkmenistan's cities. See also: http://civicsolidarity.org/article/1080/turkmenistan-authorities-ban-satellite-dishes Image: satellite dishes in Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan ... Sending Pic:193x184C; http://janchipchase.com/2010/06/comm-clusters/ http://janchipchase.com/fp/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/20100525-Ashgabat-0208.jpg (via VOA Radiogram April 25 via roger, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A [and non]. BBG Survey, a lot of internal details of the operation of the IBB systems in recent years. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Operations and Stations Division (T/EOS) Monthly Reports, of 2011 - 2014, see under link http://www.governmentattic.org/13docs/BBG-TEOSreports_2011-2014.pdf some interesting items, like: In Tajikistan, the new low voltage regulator for the Thales MW transmitter was delivered to the site on February 05, 2011. Due to the excellent support provided by the local staff, the installation of the voltage regulator was finished on February 08, 2011. {Sept 2011y} At the end of the month, station staff departed Lampertheim for a two - week maintenance trip to Tajikistan/Orzu site. The goal of this trip was to maintain and service both the medium wave and shortwave transmitters at Orzu. {June 2012} In Orzu Tajikistan, the Continental SW transmitter {? DB- 13} went out of service after a heavy power fluctuation, damaged the tuning capacitor. To make the installation possible, IBB Germany provided technical drawings to fabricate an adapter for the installation of this capacitor. The reassembling of the PA stage was finished shortly before engineers from Germany arrived on site. The engineers inspected the transmitter and performed a complete initial setup. The transmitter is now back in service. A representative from Teleradiocom, General Director ..., and the IBB representative Transmitting Station Manager ... signed an agreement that will cut the cost of the IBB operations in Tajikistan. While in Germany, ... also visited the Germany Transmitting Station and was briefed on station operations and the IBB mission. As a result of this agreement, the preparatory work for the installation of a second Continental SW transmitter in Tajikistan was started. {May 2013} In Tajikistan, three members of the Lampertheim staff spent two weeks working with Teleradiocom staff on the installation of the second Continental SW transmitter. Tajikistan Support at Orzu: The TRK staff continued their work on installation of the second Continental SW transmitter. PUBLICATIONS UPDATE MAY 3: DX/SWL/Media Programs: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html 16 World of Radio schedule: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Alan Roe`s Hitlist of SW stations websites: http://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm WRTH HAS RELEASED THEIR A15 INTERNATIONAL RADIO & COTB SCHEDULES FILE. The A15 schedules file is available for free download (whilst donations are appreciated, they are by no means mandatory). Use the following link, and click on "International Updates": http://www.wrth.com/_shop/?page_id=444 This file is in PDF format and you will need a PDF viewing program (such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) in order to open this file. The pdf id 2.3 MB in size and contains 78 pages, consisting of: Summer (A season) 2015 LW/MW & SW schedules for International broadcasters and Clandestine & Other Targeted (COTB) Broadcasts; International DRM broadcasts; a 'By Frequency' listing of the broadcasters; Selected language broadcasts (English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese); and finally a list of sites used in the schedules, together with name, location, co-ordinates and type (LW/MW &/or SW). Despite the doom and gloom surrounding shortwave and international broadcasting, please be assured there is still a lot to listen to, broadcast in many, many languages to all parts of the world. There are even new SW stations popping up from time to time. There are at least 6 new entries in this file, that have come on air since WRTH2015 was published. That has to be encouraging! If you haven't already got your copy of WRTH 2015, you can still order on-line direct from our website or from Amazon.com (At last Amazon seems to have sorted out whatever issue they had, which caused unacceptable delays and annoyance for our valued readership). Using the A schedules together with the printed WRTH gives you powerful tools to help you get the most from your listening. Sean Gilbert - WRTH http://www.wrth.com (via BDXC-UK yg 1410 UT May 1, via DXLD) Excellent resource! Let me make clear that altho I have picked out a few things in it to correct, it is probably 99.9% accurate as of date of publication (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ydun's Medium Wave Info Editor : Ydun M. Ritz Denmark, Vojens News 07/05-2015 LATVIA Radio Caroline Flashback on 1485 kHz from Riga on May 8th at 1800utc to 0600utc. 2500 watts. Roy Sandgren and Mike Barraclough, MWC fb group (7/5-2015) WRTH – WRTHmonitor - National Radio section Uploaded 10 April 2015 TAJIKISTAN 1143 kHz is reported carrying Tajik R. 1st prgr between 2200-0200. Uploaded 6 April 2015 KAZAKHSTAN BBC relays on medium wave have stopped. RUSSIA R. Rossii has closed most of its medium wave transmitters. Only the following transmitters have been reported on the air after 31 January : Matveyevka 936 kHz, Ust-Kan/Ulagan 1350/1353 kHz, Buguruslan 1395 kHz and Turochak/Ust-Koksa 1440 kHz. R. MTUCI (Zelyoniy glaz) is currently inactive on both 1584 and 25900 kHz, but is looking for a permanent licence and restart is planned during the 2nd half of 2015. R. Mayak transmitter in Kyzyl on 828 kHz has been closed and FM 103.4 MHz has replaced it. UKRAINE UR1 is testing with 100 kW on 1278 kHz from Petrivka (Odesa). BC-DX 1207 , 08 May 2015 - edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany BELARUS 7255 Radio Belarus Minsk Kalodzicy was heard here in Sofia at 0647 UT on May 6. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 6) BULGARIA/MOLDOVA {Clandestine} Radio Ranginkaman-Rainbow again was on two frequencies on May 1 1600-1630 Mon&Fri only, 7575 secret / hidden site {Grigoriopol Maiac} to WeAS Farsi // freq was with 45 sec delay 15630 SCB 050 kW 090 deg to WeAS Farsi Mon/Fri, mixing with BVB. At same time 11600 SCB 100 kW 090 deg to WeAS Farsi Daily BVB (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 1) CLANDESTINE Observations of several clandestine broadcasts to North Korea Radio Free North Korea: 1230-1330 15590 DB 100 kW 071 deg to NoEaAS Korean Voice of Wilderness (BVB): 1900-2000 7375 DB 100 kW 071 deg to NoEaAS Korean 2000-2030 7375 DB 100 kW 071 deg to NoEaAS Korean Sat Radio Free Chosun: 1300-1500 11570 TAC 100 kW 070 deg to NoEaAS Korean Voice of Martyrs: 1600-1730 7510 TAC 100 kW 070 deg to NoEaAS Korean (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 7) KAZAKHSTAN KAZ Qaraturiq Image Yesterday I brought to the attention of members the extra photo imagery possible from within Google Maps as opposed to Google Earth. There's never been any photo imagery (Panoramio) available within GE of the former Kazakstan SW site of Qaraturiq/ Tolqin. Today with a quick search of Google Maps & Google Plus I found this rare & seemingly recent pic (posted January 2014) of the former SW TX site: Views - Google Maps https://www.google.com/maps/views/view/114354604965307063217/gphoto/6128706531252474322?gl=nz There's also another more distant colour pic of the site with snow vehicle in foreground. I don't have any close-up pics of this former TX site on file. Does anyone have any pics or links to pics of this site to share with the group? On the subject of imagery. I believe BING MAPS have released further satellite & aerial images this month. (Ian, SW TXsites yg via dxld April 26) 17 KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 1287 Trans World Radio Broadcasting "Trans World Radio" for Central Asia at a frequency of 1287 kHz transmitter is translated into "Storm" (previously used "Buran") - both Soviet production. Power of 150kW. If someone expresses a wish to spend their time listening to broadcasts and provide feedback on their quality and sound (with the location of reception, brand receiver and antenna), I will be very grateful. Even better, would be attached audio files. Broadcasting TSR at this frequency is a 1445 to 1745 UT in various languages, including in Russian: from 1630 to 1700 and from 1715 to 1730 UT daily. {registered for Kyrgyz Radio (KGR-1, Kyrgyz Radiosu) from Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek site, wb.} (Vasily Gulyaev, Trans World Radio / "deneb-radio-dx" RUSdx Apr 26) KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 4009.973 Kyrgyz Radio from Bishkek SW Relay Service at Krasnaya Rechka, Kyrgyzstan, reported at 1730 UT on April 27, onwards with political and economical news in propper modulation sounded Russian language. S=9+30dB well propagation during nighthours in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. // 4819.779 kHz channel from Krasnaya Rechka too, but with lower power - or different antenna construction and performance. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27) MOLDOVA [separate PRIDNESTROVIE] 7460 Radio Payam E-Doost from Grigoriopol Maiac site, at *0230-0315* UT on April 25, musical opening, ID followed by program of mainly talks in the Farsi language with short music segments. Good signal. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer April 26) TAJIKISTAN 4765.051 Tajik Radio 1, via Dushanbe Yangi Yul bcast center, at 1743 UT on April 27, Turk language family poetry verse reading, interspersed by local folkloric flute music. S=9+25dB more than fair signal into Germany. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27) EDXC Conference 2015 - a reminder of April 9, 2015. St. Petersburg DX Club and European DX Council would like to invite all European DXers and DX hobbyists from all over the world to take part in the EDXC Conference 2015 to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia on September 18 to 22, 2015. The conference will take place in the RUSS Hotel in the centre of St. Petersburg http://www.hotelruss.spb.ru Accommodation prices for September 2015 are not defined up to this moment, but they seem to be very reasonable. We recommend to book rooms in the conference venue hotel via St. Petersburg DX Club for we will get a special group discount. We will inform you about conference packages as soon as we get all necessary information. Besides traditional agenda events (lectures, reports, banquet dinner, etc.), we will try to organize excursions to local radio stations, radio museums, etc. We will also try to organize a special radio broadcast via Radio Bonch, students AM MW broadcasting station of the Bonch-Bruyevich State University of Telecommunications (if license documents are ready in September 2015). Visa support is posible for those possible attendees who need it. Please let us know as early as possible. During April 2015 we will present the preliminary conference agenda. Please send preliminary applications for participation in the conference to Alexander Beryozkin dxspb@nrec.spb.ru https://edxcnews.wordpress.com/ May 6 Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 149, Issue 9 From: JRonaldo <odlanor53@...br> Subject: [HCDX] JRX Logs May 5-6,2015. JRX Logs May 5-6,2015. 730 5/6 2027 BLR R.Belarus,Msk,in EE;good signal but barely audible modulation; Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX) Cabedelo-Brazil. ??? Shortwave Central QSL Report: May 2015 Utility Russia-MRCC Kaliningrad MMSI 002734417, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data verification letter via email. Received in 25 days for e-report to mrcc@mapkld.ru (Ibold). Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 149, Issue 10 From: Artur Fernandez Llorella <afll7@...com> Subject: [HCDX] QSL Report ARMENIA TWR India via Yerevan, 11635, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to ktwrfcd@twr.org. v/s Kathy Gregowske. MOLDAVIA Radio Payam e-Doost via Grigoriopol, 7480, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to prtc@idknet.com. v/s Sergey Omelchenko, Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr. Radio Denge Kurdistane, 9400, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to prtc@idknet.com. WEB RADIO IN RUSSIAN Moscow Service Moskva.fm adjusted to the anti-piracy law. Internet service to listen to Moscow radio stations Moskva.fm of entry into force of a new package of anti-piracy amendments, declined to archive recordings and radio on your website Ceychas Moskva.fm available online listening to music only when it was broadcast on Internet radio, although more recently it was possible to search for songs in a vast archive. Moskva.fm since 2007, the site contained 53 Moscow radio broadcast: on its own statistics, through the service have been reproduced more than 270 thousand. Composition over 35 million times. Project Development Manager Moskva.fm Alexander Smirnov confirmed RBC that the temporary waiver of the archive is related to changes in the anti-piracy legislation. On May 1, 2015 was introduced the mechanism of pre-trial settlement of disputes for all kinds of intellectual property rights, except for the photos - to the musical soundtrack, literary works, software, etc. Every site owner should specify the postal address to which the holder may submit an application with a demand to remove illegally posted content. The site owner to respond within days - to remove the disputed content or provide proof that content is used legally. However, penalties for failure to comply provided by the copyright owner. The hearing may be continued in court. Repeat the Moscow City Court decision in respect of the same resource in favor of the same plaintiff would lead to a permanent blocking of the site. Roskomnadzor will maintain a register of blocked sites for piracy. While the administration service Moskva.fm not determine whether the file is returned and in this case can be resolved issues with the owners. Now when you try to listen to the recording, the user hears the text that archival records "are on prevention." According to Smirnov, the company intends to "vigorously logical to seek ways out of the situation and to follow the 18 decisions of the stations themselves." According to him, they have to find legal ways of broadcasting of their records online. Earlier, Russia's largest radio station not once tried to close Moskva.fm. In early May, the rights holders are going to file lawsuits against pirated resources. Representing Russian and foreign music brands ("Navigator Records», Black Star, Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music, and others.) The National Federation of the music industry (NFMI) has prepared a list of 23 sites, said the head of the association Leonid Agronov. Is there a list Moskva.fm Agronov not specify: Friday, May 8, he was unavailable for comment. While based in the Moscow City Court no new claims. Owners Moskva.fm not disclosed, said Smirnov. Earlier media reported that the site belongs to the founder of the online music store Allofmp3.com Georgy Tushino, but the Tushino is not confirmed www.rbc.ru (OnAir.ru) QSL world Ireland I got an electronic QSL from Radio RTE of Ireland for broadcast on 02.13.2015 frequency of 5820 kHz. The report sent e-mail: info@rte.ie (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") New Zealand I got an electronic QSL from Radio New Zealand International for enrollment for English 04/04/2015 at the frequency 9700 kHz. The card - a Kiwi bird the flag of New Zealand and confirmation data. Messages are sent via online form RNZI. The report confirmed Adrian Sainsbury, Frequency Manager. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Slovakia. Got QSL-cards of the International Radio Slovakia. Broadcast via WRN. Russian language. On the cards ornament. (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia) Turkey I Got QSL-cards from the "Voice of Turkey" for the reception in Russian 03/12/2015 at a frequency of 9410 kHz. The card is dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8. The report sent e-mail: russian @ trt.net.tr. Also sent to the stand under glass and broadcast schedule "Voice of Turkey" in all languages. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Philippines. I got an e-mail confirmation from FEBC for reception in Vietnamese 22.04.2015, 11.00-11.30 UTC on 9795 kHz frequency. The card photo antennas Bocaue, Bulacan, Philippines at sunset. The report sent: norie.estabillo@os.febc.org.ph .(Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Pirate radio Scotia. E-QSL received from the radio station Radio Six International for Reception 4.25.2015 on the frequency 9405 kHz (Sala, Sweden 10 kW). The report sent E-mail: letters@radiosix.com. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Márcio RJ "Sejam bem vindos ao Grupo DX & CW" Esta página é restritamente usada para publicações sobre DX e CW, como: vídeos, matérias, informações e arquivos. Os administradores agradecem, PY1RJ e PY1WPN. Venha fazer parte deste grupo e compartilha conosco todas as informações deste hobby tão fabuloso que é o radioamadorismo, informações de contestes, expedições, ativações, vídeos, arquivos, modalidades digitais, CW, DX, QRP, cartões de QSL, esquemas de antenas, manuais de rádios e outros. Faça parte do grupo DX & CW e mantenha-se informado por 24 horas. Obrigado e forte 73! https://www.facebook.com/groups/grupo.dxcw/ Glenn Hauser Logs May 9-10, 2015 ** ALBANIA. 9855, May 10 at 0128, R. Tirana is here instead of 9850! With IS, 0130 sign-on still mentioning 9850. The `het` I think is still JBA on the new frequency. I had been prompting R. Tirana to shift up 5 due to previous assumption that the QRM was coming from another station, China on 9850, instead of from the same station. It took this long to change, shortly after I explained that it would not make any difference to do so. However, 9855 is no worse than 9850, so might as well stay there now (unless this was just an overlooked QSY from 9855 as used earlier for Albanian at 2324). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 6134.83 approx., May 10 at 0103.5, TC for 21 horas, 3 minutos, 10 segundos, from Radio Santa Cruz, ID with bells, poor signal vs noise level, but still no het from absent Aparecida making no apparition (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. 9570 Albania & 9580 Cuba, May 10 at 0139, CRI English is concluding weekly `Sci-Tech Report` with item about a UAE-sponsored probe to Mars, 2020-2021y, marking the fiftieth anniversary of the UAE. Missed most of it, but I suppose this means China will be launching it. CRI said the cost was not disclosed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11840, May 10 at 0113, no modulation from RHC, but instead rapid pulsing audible from 11835 to 11863 where muscled aside by 11870 WEWN. At first I wondered if OTH radar, but more likely a very out of order RHC transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 11935 // 12070, May 10 at 0108, R. Cairo suptorted Spanish is again equal on these two frequencies, but /// 9315 is absent. 19 9965, May 10 at 0134, R. Cairo is very strong and splattering upon weaker 9975 KVOH, especially during music, which to my astonishment sounds like an Arabic variation on ``Old McDonald Had a Farm`` complete with barnyard SFX; then into something a bit more Egyptian. Signal has some distortion, not undermodulated, and the usual whine in the background (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1210, May 10 at 0120 UT, ``Today`s Country, 1210, KGYN`` and plug their Facebook, /kgynguymon --- that doesn`t work, but there`s something at /kgyn1210 while the top hit on google, /KGYN-AM-Guymon is still there since last used in 2011. Robert Wien`s Broadcasting Information in the May 9 IRCA DX Monitor includes: ``1210 KGYN Guymon, OK was Cumulus Today’s Best Country, now Westwood One Mainstream Country`` Same flip applies to many other C&W stations (in OK, 1260 KWSH Wewoka), but ``Today`s Country`` slogan I just heard contradicts that, altho ``Best`` was omitted. So does the WW1 format axually ID on air as ``Mainstream Country``, or what? And is KGYN`s admittedly no longer the Best? Still unclear whether this mean KGYN`s own longtime slogan is no longer ``US Country`` which I am still not hearing, but is still on its website. My impression was ``US Country`` was specific to KGYN even if most of the programming was coming from some network bird or another (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 9500, May 10 at 0141, fair signal but very undermodulated, seems Arabic, as if RSO is on proper frequency tonite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, May 10 at 0055, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, and a trace of overtime Cuban pulse jamming; also storm noise worse on the lower bands, but the lightning area is further away from us tonight than the last few. So I am still able to clock the cutoff which is at 0110:57* or 6.5 seconds later than last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. 15170 good // weaker 13650, May 9 at 2055, RRI sign-off giving frequencies for the 22-23 & 00-01 UT next English broadcasts. Seemed like they were playing the wrong closing, but maybe it was a preview. 9520 good // 7335 fair, May 10 at 0142, RRI Romanian service with regular UT Sunday classical concert, playing Rachmaninov piano concerto to 0146 outro over applause (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7570, May 10 at 0056, WRMI is back on after absence 24 hours earlier, with Brother Scare musing that sometimes he wishes he could fade away; fell in an accident recently. Believe he has said he is 84 years old. Well, we too wish he would fade away: retirement from the shortwaves would be sufficient rather than joining the boneyard on his website (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 10 at *0114:10.5 carrier on from SLBC, back on time tonight after late start last night; 0114:46 music starts; 2+1 mistimesignal ends at 0115:11; very poor level now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 9870, May 10 at 0059:56.5, timesignal is a little fast as VOT introduces Spanish hour, with CCI --- at least I assume the TS is from Turkey rather than India where it`s hourbottom. Stilted Spanish is hard to follow. Check 9770 for maybe better reception, but *no* signal on customary //. It`s not until 0137 that I find it on 9830 instead, and that is stronger than 9870, no RTTY either at this hour. They forgot(?) to change 9830 frequency on the transmitter with English to North America at 2200-2250! Not the first time such a failure has been propagated. Meanwhile, at 0136 they were outroing `La Pregunta del Mes`, with same ditty as in English service, and into music fill probably for rest of hour. By this time there was no CCI from AIR VBS which is supposed still to be on 9870 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1772 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday May 10 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, starting late, still with ARRL News at 0317, but must have started about 0326 judging from an item I could copy in the storm noise level at 0342. Next: Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 Sun 2300 WRMI 11580 Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51 Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v For all our broadcasts on all media see http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Access to podcasts, latest and previous shows: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 11920, May 10 at 0109 check, chalk up yet another absence by Fámily Radio in Spanish as WRMI is playing fill music, steel drums at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9495, Sat May 9 at 2050, live coverage of a silly race game involving cars. Whenever you hear one of these on SW, you know it`s got to be WHRI, which is obsessed with these off-topic things and not just the Indy 500 which I assume will be broadcast later this month. Later, Peter W Hansen reported to the DXLD yg: ``Grand Prix of Indianapolis was on WHRI 9495 from 1900 till past 2100 UT. So in 2 weeks The Indy 500 will probably be on WHRI as it has in the past`` Latest HFCC of May 6 shows 9495 is a registered HRI frequency but only as follows: 1900-2000 Sat, and 2100-2130 daily in SpaEng; the first one a 100 kW, the second a 250 kW, both on a 173 degree antenna --- but they were running it anyway during the break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: 1480 log ** U S A. 9975, May 10 at 0059, no signal from KVOH, but at 0132 recheck it`s on with the sacred soccer show, undermodulated interview with 20 Frenchy (?) about how playing such a game is divinely inspired. Has some splatter de stronger 9965 Cairo during music. As far as I can tell, KVOH is still running the old transmitters, a few months after acquiring a replacement, but without all the necessary gear to make it work. How`s it coming, Ray? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1030, May 10 at 0117 UT, tornado spotted along I-70, another warning for Logan County which in KS is S of Colby, for from NW this is obviously KBUF Holcomb (Garden City); while 90 degrees away is gospel music, no doubt KCWJ Blue Springs MO; mutually nullable, take your pick (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1480, May 10 at 0122 UT, repeating announcement obviously not intended for broadcast, between long pauses, addressed to: ``Stations, this is the Motor Racing Network``, and saying that the Spongebob Squarepants 400 Sprintcup race is being delayed due to rain, but coverage will resume at 10 Eastern/9 Central [0200 UT], after the track dries out at the Kansas Speedway (which is in KC/KS). How can he be so sure? Also gather that this is a NASCAR event, but Spongebob Squarepants lends his aura to it?! Announcer sounds like he is serious, doesn`t audibly smirk. Here`s about the SBSP connexion: http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/05/saturdays-nascar-sprint-cup-race-is-called-the-spongebob-squarepants-400 Fox sports later reported the race resumed after a 2 hour and 16 minute delay, but who won? Who cares? Anyhow, assume this 1480 is KQAM Wichita, a.k.a. Big Talker rather than a solely sportsful station. It so happens there is also a 1480 near the Speedway, KCZZ Mission KS, but can hardly be that if it`s still 24 hour Spanish religion as Radio Luz. Its Steckline webpage makes it seem as if KQAM is a subset of KGYN Guymon (see OKLAHOMA) instead of viceversa http://kgynradio.com/kqam Nothing there but a rather generic, unspecific program schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) José Maranhão Nova publicação em Regional DX A radiodifusão francesa no Pacífico Sul: Nova Caledônia – 3 - by Ivan - Adrian M. Peterson Neste artigo será dada ênfase à história radiofônica na Nova Caledônia a partir de 1940, quando a emissora amadora FK8AA começou a dar lugar a estação governamental Radio Pacifique. A ilha principal da Nova Caledônia e comprida e estreita, possui relevo montanhoso e uma população de 250 mil habitantes. Para cobrir sua área, a Radio Pacifique/Radio Noumea passou a utilizar um transmissor com 100 watt nas mesmas instalações da estação utilitária FJP. Suas transmissões em 6122 kHz foram captadas pela primeira vez no leste da Austrália em Abril de 1940 com bom sinal. Na mesma época um transmissor de ondas médias foi captado com o indicativo FJP em Sydney, Austrália, na frequência de 558 kHz (e posteriormente em 560 kHz) com retransmissão do serviço em ondas curtas. O equipamento tinha prováveis 300 watts e passou a ser usado a partir de Julho de 1941, mas deixou de ir ao ar em Maio do ano seguinte devido à situação do período de guerra. Durante a Guerra no Pacífico, a Radio Pacifique continuou a irradiar conteúdos locais em Francês, embora fossem ao ar ocasionalmente programas em Inglês. Em determinadas ocasiões ela também levou ao ar uma programação especial sob o nome "All Services Radio", destinado aos militares na ativa no Pacífico Sul. O sinal da Radio Pacifique/Radio Noumea ia ao ar na faixa de 49 metros, e ocupou seis frequências diferentes, com captações na Austrália, Nova Zelândia e Estados Unidos. No final da guerra a Radio Pacifique passou a usar dois transmissores; um de ondas médias com 300 watts em 700 kHz e outro em ondas curtas com 500 watts em 6000 kHz. A Radio Pacifique era identificada incorretamente com frequências em revistas de rádio sob o indicativo amadorístico FK8AA. Quando a Radio Pacifique consolidou sua presença no ar, o serviço da FK8AA deixou de existir e permaneceu apenas com status radioamadorístico. Em 1953, dois novos transmissores foram instalados para a Radio Noumea. O primeiro, de fabricação francesa, tinha 1 kW para a frequência de 6035 kHz. O segundo, com 500 W foi usado anteriormente na frequência de 1500 kHz, sendo reativado nos 3375 kHz em Agosto de 1953. Tais unidades foram instaladas no mesmo centro transmissor localizado no subúrbio de Noumea. Durante a década de 1960 a Radio Noumea preparou programas para transmissão em ondas curtas dirigidos às Novas Hébridas em Francês e a Wallis & Futuna em Francês e Walisiano. Essas transmissões funcionaram como um Serviço Externo por cerca de dez anos. Em 1968 começaram os trabalhos de construção de uma nova estação de rádio e TV na Nova Caledônia. O local em que foi construído o estúdio era a Rue Guynemer, no subúrbio de Noumea, e o transmissor na ilha St. Marie. Em 1970 a Radio Noumea foi captada na frequência de 1420 kHz. O transmissor com 4 kW levou ao ar temporariamente o serviço nacional voltado à capital durante a instalação da estação de 666 kHz. Um mapa local da área da capital e regiões costeiras próximas mostra três ilhas com o nome St. Marie. Uma busca no Google Earth facilmente as revela, sendo que provavelmente duas delas receberam estações transmissoras. A ilha N’gea é a maior do arquipélago St Marie, e no centro dela há um prédio branco que parece ter abrigado os três transmissores de ondas curtas de 20 kW. Curiosamente a baía no leste da ilha é conhecida como "Baía da antena". O serviço em ondas curtas foi encerrado em 1994 para dar lugar ao FM. Ao sul de N’gea fica a menor ilha do arquipélago St. Marie, Uere, onde podem ser vistos claramente no Google Earth o prédio do transmissor e a antena de ondas médias. A torre aparece como uma sombra estreita com uma estrutura circular na base. Esse centro transmissor foi inaugurado por volta de 1986. Não há sinais de geração de energia elétrica nessas duas ilhas desertas, então é provável que um cabo submarino proveniente de Noumea suprisse tal necessidade. Durante as décadas de 1980 e 1990 uma extensa rede de estações FM foi construída e em 1994 a Radio Noumea deixou de transmitir em ondas curtas em favor de tal rede. Entretanto, o transmissor de ondas médias que opera em 666 kHz segue no ar e é captado em vários locais do vasto Pacífico Sul. Em meados da década de 1980 a Radio Noumea foi captada em outro canal de ondas médias, 1260 kHz. O transmissor desse serviço temporário provavelmente foi a mesma unidade de 4 kW usada anteriormente em Noumea em 1420 kHz. Ele foi instalado em Mt Aoupinie, quase no centro da ilha de Nova Caledônia. Retransmitia o conteúdo da faixa de FM enquanto um equipamento 21 para esta faixa era instalado na mesma localidade para funcionar como retransmissor intermediário. Na segunda semana de Setembro de 2005, Dexistas dos Estados Unidos e Austrália captaram uma nova emissora de ondas médias a partir da Nova Caledônia, operando em 729 kHz com 5 kW a partir de Toupo, na costa leste da ilha. Na atualidade a Radio Noumea vai ao ar por meio de uma extensa rede de estações em FM assim como os transmissores de ondas médias em Noumea em 666 kHz com 20 kW e Touho em 729 kHz com 5 kW. Os transmissores de ondas curtas foram desmontados há 21 anos. Curiosamente, em 1984 a Radio France Internationale considerou seriamente a construção de uma grande estação retransmissora na Nova Caledônia. Na época foram feitos estudos de viabilidade de construção de tal centro transmissor ou retransmissão por meio da estação de ondas curtas da Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation em Ekala. Ao final, nenhuma das opções foi levada adiante. Artigo traduzido mediante autorização do autor. A publicação em qualquer outro meio é expressamente proibida. Associao DX do Brasil Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 02-11-2014 Comunicamos que já se encontra a disposição o mais recente áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" referente ao quarto domingo de outubro/2014. Neste programa dominical você encontra o espaço "Correio dos Ouvintes" da Rádio França Internacional, "Clube de Amigos" da Voz da Rússia e "Correspondência da Semana" da Rádio Vaticano. Ainda temos as notícias do Informativo Semanal da ADXB com Jailton Amaral. Confira www.adxb.com.br/ea-02112014.mp3 Claudio Galaz Radios locales a la hora de informar emergencias La importancia de las radios locales a la hora de informar emergencias »http://bit.ly/1DZkbhJ http://www.t13.cl/videos/nacional/la-importancia-de-las-radios-locales-a-la-hora-de-informar-emergencias Las radios locales tienen un rol clave a la hora de informar las emergencias. Eso ha quedado demostrado en las diversas catástrofes que ha vivido Chile, como tras la erupción del volcán Calbuco o tras el alud en el norte. Yessua Ceballos Consulta Amigos Diexistas colegas, quisiera preguntaros lo siguiente. La antena MOXON tiene mejor rendimiento que una YAGI de 3 elementos? esta pregunta se debe a que e buscado muchos articulos en la wed y segun es lo que se entiende, pero prefiero saberlo ya de alguien que haya experimentado con dichas antenas. Tengo pensado hacerme una con tubos de cobre de 1/2" para CB ya que tengo muchos colegas en Sur America. Doy gracias de antemano por sus respuestas y grandes aportes! Rob Wagner An old documentary film from 1944 An old documentary film from 1944 has been beautifully restored by Jeff Quitney. It describes the role, manufacture and deployment of the huge Hallicrafters SCR299 shortwave receiver and transmitter, for use during the final stages of World War 2. This is truly a fascinating video and well worth spending a half hour viewing. SHORTWAVE RADIO IN WORLD WAR 2: "VOICE OF VICTORY" 1944 - HALLICRAFTERS Regular readers of the Mount Evelyn DX Report will remember that some months ago I posted about stumbling across a Hallicrafters transceiver in a lighthouse museum while travelling along the New South Wales coastline late last year. Today, some more stumbling!! This time while cruising around YouTube, I found an old documentary film from 1944 has been beautifully restored by Jeff Quitney. It describes the role, manufacture and deployment of the huge Hallicrafters SCR299 shortwave receiver and transmitter, for use during the final stages of World War 2. This is truly a fascinating video and well worth spending a half hour viewing. Here is what Jeff has written about this marvellous old piece of cutting edge technology of the day: Tells the story of how Hallicrafters developed the WWII SCR299 military shortwave radio from the pre-war HT-4 amateur ham radio transmitter. "How radio equipment helped to win World War II." Reupload of a previously uploaded film, in one piece instead of multiple parts. Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCR-299 The SCR-299 was a U.S. Signal Corps mobile military communications unit used during World War II. The SCR-299 replaced SCR-197 and SCR-597, and was an effort to give a long-range communication advantage to the U.S. Army and its allies. To meet these demands, a high-powered radio transmitter was required — capable of infallible voice communications over 100 miles (160 km); selfpowered; sturdy enough to work in all conditions, flexible enough to cover a wide range of frequencies; and able to operate in motion or at fixed locations. Production began in early spring 1942. Out of the various sets sent from U.S. vendors, and after considerable experimentation, Hallicrafters Standard 22 HT-4 transmitter was chosen as the desired radio's basis. The HT-4 transmitter's new version became known as the BC-610 transmitter. The receivers finally supplied were the BC-312 and BC-342, plus the BC-614 (speech amplifier), BC-729 (tuning unit) and BC-211 (frequency meter), along with the PE-95 (power unit). All these became part of the truck-and- trailer unit called the SCR-299 — later better known as the "mobile communications unit." SCR-299 was updated to version SCR-399, similar to the SCR-299 except it was installed in an HO-17 shelter designed to be mountable in vehicles such as 21⁄2-ton trucks and accompanied by the power unit carried in a K-52 trailer. An air transportable version, the SCR-499 was developed and became standard for the USAAF. Hallicrafters Company advertising of the period sometimes used illustrations of the shelter-mounted SCR-399 to describe the achievements of the SCR-299. On November 8, 1942, amphibious landings of British and American forces for Operation TORCH presented the Signal Corps and the SCR-299 with its first major test of the war. Companies of the 829th Signal Service Battalion assigned to each task force attempted to set up the administrative communications net with SCR-299 truck and trailer radio sets immediately upon landing. The plan was to connect the widely separated landing areas and to communicate with Gibraltar. Unfortunately, the weighty sets had been stowed deep in the holds of the convoy ships and only one could be unloaded in time for use during the initial assault. Luckily, British communications ships filled the gap until the SCR-299's could be landed. Once onshore, the sets provided the chief means of long-distance signals until permanent Army Command and Administrative Network stations could be installed. General Dwight Eisenhower credited the SCR-299 in his successful reorganization of the American forces and final defeat of the Nazis at Kasserine Pass. Though the original Signal Corps requirements were for communication points up to 100 miles (160 km), under favorable conditions these transmitters made and maintained contact over 2,300 miles (3,700 km) of land and sea... The SCR-299/399 received fairly heavy use by war correspondents and members of the press corps... The SCR-299 was a complete mobile HF station on frequencies from 2 to 8 MHz (and 1--18 MHz using conversion kits) with transmitter output of 350 watts. The entire unit came in a K-51 truck except Power Unit PE-95 which was in a K-52 trailer. Power could either be supplied by the Power Unit and a 12 volt storage battery, or 115 volt 60 cycle AC commercial power and two spare 6 volt storage batteries. The power requirement was 2000 watts, plus 1500 watts for heater and lights. The system could be remotely controlled up to a distance of one mile (1.6 km) using two EE-8 field telephones and W-110-B Wire kit. Remote equipment was provided for remotely keying or voice modulating the transmitter, remotely listening to the receiver, and for communicating with the operator of the station. Frequency Conversion Kit MC-503 gave coverage down to 1 MHz. Frequency Conversion Kit MC-516 gave coverage to 12 MHz and Frequency Conversion Kit MC-517 gave coverage to 18 MHz. The receiver used a 9-foot (2.7 m) whip antenna and the transmitter used a 15-foot (4.6 m) whip antenna while moving. Alternately, it could use a 21 ft (6.4 m) whip antenna while stationary or a 45 ft (14 m) auxiliary wire antenna for 2.0 to 4.5 MHz coverage... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zns8D6ZkBFM Finally, I encourage you to check out and support Jeff Quitney's wonderful YouTube channel for more beautifully restored old movies and documentaries from the past. 73 and have a great weekend everyone! - Rob V3BVW Glenn Hauser Logs May 7-8-9, 2015 ** ALBANIA. 9850-, May 9 at 0125, R. Tirana IS, fair-good signal and usual low audible het detectable during pauses. The het is quite constant and persistent, and since Wolfgang Büschel says Qinghai, China listed on 9850 is not propagating to Europe, but that he does detect the ``het`` as a defect out of the Shijak transmitter itself, I no longer call for RT to move to 9855 as that would obviously make no difference! Wolfy said: ``No QRM of China Qinghai co-channel 9850 kHz here in Europe. All the path from eastern China via sunny Siberia reflection zone towards western Europe is in sunny daytime. Radio Tirana English service, 2015-May-07 at 0133-0134 UTC, 9849.975 kHz, usual 100 Hertz hum buzz fence seen, tonight in western Europe, Belgium and U.K., S=9+30dB or -49dBm signal strength. Regards Wolfy df5sx`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 9725-, May 7 at 0107, prayer in Brazuguese from RB2, best on LSB to avoid splash from 9730 Romania (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Date correct; overlooked in previous report ** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of May 9: 17170, May 9 at 1253, CNR1 jammer, poor (while CRI is inbooming on 17490, 17560, 17630, 17650, EAST TURKISTAN sites, q.v.) 19000, May 9 at 1258, CNR1 jammer, upon the Sat & Wed 12-13 jumparound frequency of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait 16775, May 9 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, very poor. New one on me, but in Aoki as one of a multitude of 0.1 kW SOH spoiler channels from Taiwan, and once reported from NZ at another hour in DXLD 15-06 16100, May 9 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, good 15250, May 9 at 1258, CNR1 jammers echo, and CCI, fair 15265, May 9 at 1258, CNR1 jammer, usual het with off-frequency Taiwan 14920, May 9 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, very good 14870, May 9 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, very good 13980, May 9 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, fair, timesignal and off 1300*. I started too late before this hourtop to find any more lower (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 13740, May 9 at 1328, RHC with canned multi-lingual IDs. Listen more carefully than I did to the whole thing once it appear again without notice: if there are two incomprehensible native languages, one must be long-defunct Guaraní from RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 23 ** EAST TURKISTAN. 17615, May 9 at 0457, open carrier fair with flutter, 0500 IS and CRI signing on in German only --- most transmissions start with an ID in Chinese, but not this one, of two hours. 17615 via Urumqi, while weaker // 17720 is via Kashgar. MUF now holding up over night path but not so dark as in winter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. First item in my previous log omitted the date and time: 11935+, May 7 at 0104, R. Cairo open carrier/dead air to possibly just barely modulated, and with a low audible heterodyne, perhaps RB2, Brasil. (Ivo Ivanov says Tibet has also moved from 9580 to 11935 starting at 0200). 11935, May 9 at 0059, R. Cairo, suptorted Spanish, good level but weaker than // 12070 as always suptorted. // 9315 is usually less distorted, but considerably suptorted this time. 13850, May 9 at 0455, R. Cairo good signal but suptorted Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 9420, May 9 at 0105, ERT is on with Greek talk and rock music, good signal and // poor 15650. As I mention on WORLD OF RADIO 1772, this story says, ``The Lost Signal of Democracy`` (awarded at PriMed Festival, France) http://www.smallplanet.gr/en/documentaries/chronologically/2013-2014/337-the-lost-signal-of-democracy ``Within five hours, on the evening of June 11, 2013, the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras turned off the switches of the national public broadcaster ERT, thus violently and suddenly leaving all Greeks with a black screen. It was an unprecedented event in the democratic world, which shocked Greek citizens and caused a fierce international outrage. 23 months later, the newly-elected government led by Alexis Tsipras decides to re-open ERT and to re-employ all of its staff by "putting an end to injustice", as declared by government officials. The new ERT will start broadcasting on the 11th of May.`` The film promoted is all about television, but perhaps May 11 will also be a relaunch day for ERT radio, even shortwave? Zacharias Liangas forwards this in google translation: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=el&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.periodista.gr%2Fmedias%2Fitem%2F17470.htm On May 11 opens the new ERT! "The government expedites the processes that affect the application of the law passed by the House last week" Kostas Poulakida, Monday, 04 May 2015 10:04 ``Aiming to May 11 to emit the new EPT and finished the period of the "black" and "gray" . . . the name "ERT" is the strong trump. Therefore, according to reports, the ERT will name everywhere. All three TV channels (ERT1, ERT2, ERT3) and satellite channel and four radio stations and dozens of regional radio stations (19 had when the ND and PASOK closed). According to reports, there will be independent broadcasting sector for expatriates with the television channel ERT World and radios Friendship and Voice of Greece`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 15120-, May 8 at 0528, VON is on, fair signal but distorted in presumed English, and carrier wobbling around slightly on the low side. Unlike yesterday, neither 9689.9 nor 7255 is on by 0600 in Hausa. Surprise2. On May 9, Ivo Ivanov reported 9689.9 was audible in Hausa at 0616 May 8, but it must have really been May 9 as on his YouTube caption; unchecked by me this date (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, May 8 at 1711 UT, KEOR/KETU is off again, and still off at 2145 UT. Still off at 1544 UT May 9. Have we heard the last of ``La Picuda``? Anyway, I guess the license is secure for a while longer, whatever it is (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1320-, May 8 at 1718 UT, KCLI Clinton OK is open carrier/dead air for at least a minute or two; next check 1817 UT after lunch, it`s in the fifth inning of a silly baseball game between Bethany and Clinton, ``Red Tornado Baseball on 1320 KCLI``. 1320-, May 9 at 1249 UT, ads for somethings in 817 AC = Fort Worth, and in Louisiana, but DF for Clinton, and definitely off-frequency to the low side, making low audible het with Fort Smith. The latter is not audible on daytime groundwave, so one would be unaware KCLI is imprecise (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1640, May 9 at 0524 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC is open carrier/dead air, and still/again? so at next check 1241 UT with some hum. There had been more storms and power outages around OKC and other areas, even Enid, but not for me. I suppose the remote transmitter site when losing power or STL may require at least a human visit to reset. Suddenlink cable & internet vanished for me at 0020 UT and were out all evening, so I headed first for the monitoring studio at 0058-0135 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Re tornado weather relays of TV stations on radio, in previous report early UT May 7: 104.1, & 107.7 [not 102.7 as mistyped] with KWTV audio, not NWS when others are in it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 9500 & 9740, May 9 at 0104, no signals from RSO, but a JBA carrier on 15140, so maybe that`s where it`s misplaced tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, May 9 at 0059, JBA carrier from R. Chaski (presumably still relaying Red Radio Integridad in the evenings), until cutoff at 0110:50.5* which is 11.5 seconds later than two nights ago = 5.75 per on average (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 8 at 1300, JBA carrier detectable, so I guess R. Puntland Uno is back on today. 13800-CUSB, May 9 at 1327, much better signal at poor level with Qur`an, so definitely on today. Edward Kusalik tells me it was also coming in quite well in Alberta with Koran after 1300; Mick Delmage, further north in central Alberta, tells me it was best at 1405 to 1425 after the Qur`an period, via long path at 220 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7570, May 9 at 0058 and still half an hour later, no signal from WRMI, instead of BS. Other WRMI frequencies are on as usual; see U S A. 7570 is back on at 0419 check, scheduled for System C = Brother Scare at 22-10 UT. 24 5110, May 9 at 0106, BS is very poor in noise, via WBCQ while much better 7490 is still in `Allan Weiner Worldwide`, so was 5110 not carrying him at all from 0000? By 0130, 7490 is in BS too. 5050, WWRB is off instead of BSing at 0107 May 9, but 3185 is on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 9 at 0114-0116, no signal from SLBC, so no mistimesignal to log, but recheck 0120 now the carrier is on at very poor level, maybe also undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. 13800, May 8 at 0523, R. Dabanga is in the clear, no tone jamming audible, good signal and no CCI. At 0526 now there`s SAH and QRM from same audio but not synchronized; 0527 SAH is still on, i.e. both carriers, but first audio has been cut. 0527.5, first carrier off and second carrier + modulation resume normal operations. This is the very rough uncoördinated (and pointless, unnecessary?), transition from MADAGASCAR to VATICAN transmitter site amid the 0430-0600 otherwise continuous RD broadcast. This confirms my previous log, and presumably occurs every day for a minute or two. SMG operators need to pay attention to, even monitor what Madagascar is doing, or get their acts together by more precise timing. 13800, May 9 at 0454, R. Dabanga good signal via MADAGASCAR with no tone/het jamming audible; 11650 via VATICAN with tone jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13565 approx., May 9 at 0455, K6FRC, HIFER beacon JBA but enough to copy CW exactly, vs much stronger CODAR. He`s in Patterson CA using his licensed ham call for this, unusually. Frequency not measured this time but based on my previous logs. As for search engines, I tried yahoo first on site:www.w4uvh.net and got two hits from last September, while google search led to 8 DXLD issues starting last Sept thru this April. K6FRC is still missing from otherwise useful and seemingly current roster by LWCA [sic]; also missing from the ON4 list but that`s mainly about beacons on other bands of hams (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17895, May 8 at 1742, during lunch at a restaurant seated next to an east-side window, G8 & whip provide excellent reception of VOA Greenville on 17895, during a rare English broadcast. Unfortunately, it`s ``The Sunni[?] Side of Sports``, expanded edition, I hope only on Fridays. Mostly about silly ballgames in Africa. Why are US taxpayers responsible for providing this info back to Africa? Later in the hour a bit about US SBGs. At 1742 a plug for `African News Tonite` at 16 and 18 on 6080 & 15580. Guess what? It`s also on 17895 starting really at 1805 after world newscast. A mere 250 kW broadcast direct from the USA is not worth mentioning; but who at VOA studios in Washington axually turns on a SW radio to hear what they are doing? ANT is allegedly an ``hour`` and if so, gets chopped off amid, as I heard 17895 closing the other day at 1830 and GB is so scheduled in HFCC at 1700-1830 only --- and in two separate entries at 1700-1830 daily to CIRAF 52, 53 and 57, and at 1730-1830 daily to additional CIRAF 46-48, even tho there are no changes whatsoever in parameters (site, power, azimuth, slew or antenna type). 46-48 means from Western Sahara to Kenya; 52 + 53 + 57 means all of Africa south of there, from Gabon to South Africa to Madagascar. BTW, we are out of luck this A-season for hearing `Music Time in Africa` Sat & Sun at 20 UT on a loud and clear Greenville frequency, as 15580 is currently via Botswana. We can still hear it not so loudly and no doubt better eastward in the Greenville skip zone anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1772 monitoring: confirmed Friday May 7 at 2130.5 on WRMI 15770, sufficient, and barely audible in noise level // 7570. Next: Sat 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Sat 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB [can anyone confirm HLR is on again, with WOR?] Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 Sun 2300 WRMI 11580 Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51 Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v For all our broadcasts on all media see http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Access to podcasts, latest and previous shows: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7570, May 9 at 0058, this WRMI frequency is off instead of BS, and still off for at least a semihour. Other WRMI services are still on: 5850 & 7455 & 9395 (TruNews [not], 0100 `Son Power Radio, Vero Beach`), 9955 (`Walking in Power`, another ubiquitous FL ministry, at 0100, starting with ``horns of doom`` I at first thought might be TOM), 11580 (`Wavescan` ending), 11920 (open carrier prior to more fill music instead of Fámily Radio as at 0130 check), 15190 BS. 7570 is scheduled from #11 transmitter, 315 degrees toward us at 22-10 UT for Overcomer, extended by 21-22 other programming, and 10-12 UT Fámily Stations in Chinese and Japanese --- I wonder if those two are really funxional, as FSI Spanish at 01-03 on 11920, 7730, has been replaced by fill music for at least a week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5985, May 9 at 0449, `Frecuencia al Día` with usual liners, as scheduled for Saturday at 0430 via WRMI System F, which means all the other programming in this block does refer to UT days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12105, May 9 at 0114, WTWW-3 with VG signal, but dead air except for some hum, and still so at 0132. I was hearing a bit of audio 25 bleeding from somewhere, but it turned out to be from my local 1390 KCRC overload instead of 9475 WTWW-1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1510-, May 9 at 0118 UT, ad/PSA string looping NE/SW and going into deep fades and peaks; including Husqvarna, Subway, Shelterpet.org, 0121 UT finally for Kansas youth athletix, so as expected it`s KCTE Independence MO, 10 kW daytimer, still off-frequency to the lo side compared by stepping to 1500 & 1520 carriers, and also a low audible heterodyne is JBA as not much signal from WLAC or anything else yet. BTW, 1520 KOKC is remarkably weak, maybe QRP due to more storms? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 95.1, May 9 at 0135 UT I am bandscanning to see if OKC stations are in weather warning mode, as TV stations are covering threats of tornados and flooding, mostly to the east of OKC, but normal FM programming persists. Here vying with KQCV in OK to capture 95.1 is ``T-95, The Rock Station``, i.e. KICT Wichita KS; in WTFDA FM Database merely as ``T-95`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Williams Lopez Protesta de los trabajadores de Radio Yugoslavia Protesta de los trabajadores de Radio Yugoslavia – Radio Serbia Internacional, frente al Gobierno de Serbia http://voiceofserbia.org/es/content/protesta-de-los-trabajadores-de-radio-yugoslavia-–-radio-serbia-internacional-frente-al Los empleados de Radio Yugoslavia (Radio Serbia Internacional) mantendrán mañana una protesta frente al Gobierno de Serbia como reacción al anunciado cierre de esta casa mediática, que ha existido durante 79 años y que emite en 12 idiomas. Con la Estrategia de los medios de comunicación y la nueva Ley de Información Pública, el Estado dejará de ser propietario de los medios y de financiarlos directamente. Para Radio Yugoslavia, no se ha ofrecido ninguna posibilidad de transformación, racionalización o participación en el servicio público, a pesar de que se ha definido con la Ley el interés público de informar la opinión pública mundial sobre los acontecimientos en Serbia. Los empleados podrían, sin culpa alguna, encontrarse literalmente en la calle, ya que para esta forma de extinción de una empresa no se prevé ni siquiera la indemnización por despido. Durante la protesta se entregará una carta al primer ministro de Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, en la que se llama la atención sobre los efectos negativos de la extinción de tales medios y sobre la difícil posición en la que se van a encontrar todos los empleados que se quedarán sin sus puestos de trabajo, y sin una compensación adecuada. "A pesar del hecho de que las nuevas leyes de medios de comunicación fueron aprobadas el año 2014, estamos seguros de que hay una manera de que sobreviva Radio Yugoslavia (Radio Serbia Internacional.) - la única estación radial de onda corta en Serbia, cuyas olas llegan a todos los continentes. Radio Serbia Internacional tiene menos de cien empleados, y antes de que se cierre, asegúrese si Alemania ha renunciado a la Radio Deutsche Welle, el Reino Unido a la BBC, America a la Voice of America, China a la Radio Internacional de China, Rusia a la Voz de Rusia. Tampoco han renunciado Croacia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Albania. Todas esas estaciones se financian del presupuesto del Estado como servicios mundiales. Piense y deje que al menos alguien hable con nosotros antes de tomar la decisión de cerrar el programa en 11 idiomas que ofrece oportunidades increíbles para la presentación de Serbia en el mundo. Francamente, estamos seguros de que no nos negará esa oportunidad", se destaca entre otras cosas en la carta de los empleados en Radio Yugoslavia (Radio Serbia Internacional) dirigida al primer ministro Vucic. José Miguel Romero Radio Air Du Mboa: la república subsahariana independiente de la radio Radio Air Du Mboa: la república subsahariana independiente de la radio http://www.eldiario.es/desalambre/Radio-Air-Du-Mboa-independiente_0_385661766.html Dos cameruneses emiten un programa de radio en internet con el objetivo de convertirse en altavoz de los inmigrantes subsaharianos de Marruecos "Los inmigrantes subsaharianos aquí no tienen acceso a los medios de comunicación. No se pueden expresar. Por eso decidimos comenzar este proyecto", explica Hassan Yemchu El pasado 6 de febrero, técnico y locutor pagaron de su bolsillo el desplazamiento a Tánger para cubrir el aniversario de las muertes del Tarajal Son las nueve de la mañana. Sobre una sintonía que mezcla ritmos electrónicos con el canto de un gallo suena la voz del locutor: "Música, información, animación. Puedes escucharnos en tu PC, en tu Android, en tu Mac, en tu iPhone. En cualquier momento, en cualquier parte del mundo, especialmente en Marruecos. Air Du Mboa: la radio de la alegría". Con esta promo comienza la emisión matinal de Radio Air Du Mboa (el aire de mi pueblo, en el dialecto camerunés de Douala). Desde el salón de su casa, en babuchas, armado con un portátil, un micro y una pequeña mesa de mezclas, Hassan Yemchu mantiene la antena durante tres horas, de nueve a doce de la mañana, de lunes a viernes. "Los inmigrantes subsaharianos aquí no tienen acceso a los medios de comunicación. No se pueden expresar. Por eso decidimos comenzar este proyecto", explica Hassan a eldiario.es. Esta web radio fundada por tres camerunenes empezó a emitir desde Rabat en 2012. Ahora sólo permanecen en el proyecto Hassan y su socio, Armel Djatche, que se encarga de alimentar la web y de la parte técnica. El tercero tuvo que dejarlo para ir a buscar un trabajo remunerado. El año pasado consiguieron un acuerdo con una asociación cultural marroquí que les cedía un estudio, pero sólo pudieron quedarse durante un mes. Hassan no puede apartar los ojos de la grabadora de la periodista. "Graba directamente con una tarjeta SD, ¿verdad?. Yo tengo que usar un dictáfono y luego convertirlo a MP3", comenta, de colega a colega. No tienen más financiación que la que aportan él y Armel, que trabaja como profesor de nuevas tecnologías en Casablanca. Radio Air Du Mboa se emite desde el piso de Hassan, en el barrio rabatí de Yacoub al Mansour. Es un pequeño apartamento de dos habitaciones donde vive con su mujer y su hija de cinco años. Tiene sus ventajas: "Es un estudio portátil" —se ríe—. "Lo voy moviendo por toda la casa, pero el matinal lo hago desde el salón", una estancia sencilla, ataviada con tres sofás marroquíes por aquí y un mueble y una televisión por allá y presidiéndolo todo, la fotografía de su hija Inez luciendo un vestido rosa. 26 Los días de Hassan comienzan a las cinco y media de la mañana. Se levanta, se va al salón, enciende el ordenador, abre el correo y descarga las grabaciones que le han enviado los corresponsales y colaboradores durante la noche. Mientras monta las crónicas y los audios que va a emitir, se las arregla para preparar a Inez para la escuela. Su mujer, marroquí, trabaja en un restaurante de comida rápida y a veces no puede hacerse cargo de la niña a esa hora. Hassan va con el tiempo justo para llevarla a clase antes de las nueve, por eso la emisión empieza unos días a las nueve en punto, otros a las nueve y cinco y otros a las nueve y doce. El viaje de Hassan Además de trabajar para su proyecto, del que no obtiene un solo dírham, Hassan trabaja como fotógrafo y cámara freelance para bodas y eventos. Unos meses hay más trabajo; otros meses, menos. Tiene 44 años y llegó hace diez a Marruecos con un historia muy similar a la de muchos de sus compatriotas. Trabajaba en una empresa de importación-exportación, pero los salarios en Camerún son muy bajos, así que decidió salir a buscarse la vida a otra parte. Nunca tuvo presión familiar, como ocurre muchas veces, para alcanzar el "sueño europeo". Pasó cuatro años malos en Libia, en una época, todavía con Gadafi en el poder, en la que los inmigrantes subsaharianos empleados como mano de obra en las compañías petrolíferas eran maltratados y encarcelados. Pasó por Argelia y tampoco le gustó y recaló en Marruecos. Aquí se casó, decidió establecerse y siguió formándose como cámara de televisión, una afición que se trajo de Camerún, cuando le llevaba el trípode a un primo que trabajaba en el oficio. "Mi primera cámara fue una JVC que me compré en Oujda por 220 euros", explica con una sonrisa de añoranza de sus primeros pinitos. "La tarjeta de residencia no sirve de nada sin trabajo" Es un hombre orquesta. Después del programa matinal, sale a grabar entrevistas con inmigrantes subsaharianos que le cuentan cómo les va la vida en Marruecos, cómo fue su viaje y por qué quieren llegar a Europa; sus problemas con las embajadas de sus países, lo difícil que está encontrar trabajo aquí y cómo se ha acogido el proceso de regularización de inmigrantes. Es pesimista respecto a esto último: "Una tarjeta de residencia no sirve de nada sin trabajo. El problema es que la Unión Europea ha dado dinero a Marruecos para ayudar a los inmigrantes, pero a ninguno nos han preguntado cómo debería emplearse ese dinero". La UE ha aprobado para Marruecos una ayuda de 10 millones de euros destinados a programas de formación, salud y educación de inmigrantes. Hassan cree que deberían invertirse en montar proyectos como el suyo. Sueña con emplear a más redactores y técnicos para ver crecer Radio Air Du Mboa. "Si tuviéramos medios, podríamos hacer muchísimas cosas". El pasado 6 de febrero, técnico y locutor pagaron de su bolsillo el desplazamiento a Tánger para cubrir el aniversario de las muertes del Tarajal. Se han dejado caer por la feria de agricultura de Meknés, celebrada en abril y han entrevistado al ministro marroquí de Agricultura, Aziz Akhannouch. También hacen vídeos y seleccionan noticias de interés e informaciones prácticas para la comunidad inmigrante. El programa es un magazine muy variado donde la información tiene un papel importante. Cada media hora se emiten las crónicas sobre la actualidad africana que han enviado los corresponsales: "Las negociaciones en Mali en peligro, por la vuelta de las hostilidades entre el ejército y los grupos armados en el norte del país". "El comportamiento del ejército de Burundi, en contradicción con la Constitución". "El Foro Nacional de reconciliación de Madagascar anuncia el fin del arresto domiciliario del ex presidente Ravalomanana". Los locutores son periodistas freelance de países como Guinea, Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Bruselas, Congo Brazaville. Tienen ocho que colaboran habitualmente, por amor al arte, para sostener el proyecto. Hassan pasa un buen rato saludando a los oyentes. "Un saludo para Saga, que nos escucha desde Salé". "Un abrazo para el presidente del Consejo de Migrantes". "Desde Guinea nos escucha Sara". Los oyentes pueden participar y enviar comentarios a través de la web. "No pueden llamar por teléfono, porque no la mayoría no puede gastarse el dinero en eso", explica Hassan. Por la antena desfilan también una especialista en medicina tradicional africana que habla de remedios naturales contra la disfunción eréctil y un pastor congoleño que vive en Yousofia que da media hora de misa. El mes que viene quieren organizar una mesa de debate con economistas "pero tenemos que encontrar un lugar, porque algunos invitados no se atreven a venir al barrio. Hay agresiones regularmente", se lamenta. Hassan se despide en antena: "Así termina la emisión interactiva de hoy. Podéis visitarnos en nuestra web y también enviarnos comentarios en Facebook y Twitter. Les espero mañana a las nueve". José Miguel Romero Somalia: Various Abuses Passed By Radio Shabelle Somalia: Various Abuses Passed By Radio Shabelle - 06 de Mayo 2015 - http://allafrica.com/stories/201505060851.html Radio Shabelle which is now 13 years old has passed by various abuses during its broadcasting accurate news services for the people during in the past 13 years. 3rd May in 2005, huge bomb explosion targeted Mogadishu stadium damaged Radio Shabelle's equipment and that shocked all its journalists. 12 March 2007, Ethiopian forces tortured 3 Shabelle staffers, Mohamed Ibrahim Rage, Osmail Ali Abdi and Mohamed Ibrahim Rashka inside Somalia's Defense Ministry in Mogadishu. 7 Augusta 2007, Ethiopian Embassy in Mogadishu threatened Shabelle Media Network over broadcasting accurate news for its people. 10 Augusta 2007, President Abdulahi Yusuf's Transitional Federal Government forces arrested at least 7 Shabelle Media workers including Shabelle director. The detainees' names as follows Ja'far Kukay, acting Radio Shabelle director Nimco Hassan Abdi Ahmed Omar Hashi Ahmed Tajir Abdi Nor Mohamed Kediye Mostaf Hussein Omar Ali Mohamed Said Ali Ajey Mu'awiye Ahmed Mudey 12 August 2007, Somalia transitional federal government troops taken Shabelle journalist, Abdullahi Ali into custody over news broadcasted from Xulka News program. 27 4 June 2007, Regional Bandir administration shut down Shabelle, Horn Afrik and other radios over an order from Ali Gedi who was Somalia prime Minister at the time. 19 September 2007, President Abdulahi Yusuf's Transitional Federal Government forces sprayed bullets on Shabelle radio's building in Mogadishu and that was went off the air for 14 days. 19 October 2007, Unknown gunmen shot and killed deputy Shabelle director, Bashir Nur Gedi in Mogadishu. No one was arrested over the incident. 29 November 2007, 9 Shabelle Media staff members were forced to leave from Somalia to Djibouti. 4 December 2007, Somalia government forces arrested Shabelle Media correspondent in Bay and Bakol region, Muhudin Hassan Mohamed Husni in Baidoa 3 January 2008, Radio Shabelle journalist, Mohamed Bashir Hashi, was injured in a broad day light by Somalia government soldiers in Mogadishu Wardhigley district. 2 March 2008, Somalia Transitional Federal government troops confiscated all Radio Shabelle equipments but all Media equipments were restored to the station in 4 March 2008. 3 May 2008, World Press Freedom Day, Shabelle Media Network based in Mogadishu was recognized as radio passed by the biggest abuses in 2007. 1January 2009, Radio Shabelle correspondent in lower Shabelle region south of Somalia, Hassan Mayow Hassan was shot dead by gunmen armed with pistols. 22 May, 2009, Abdirazak Mohamed Warsame (Gadaco) was killed and injured by unidentified gunmen in Mogadishu as he was on his way to the workplace. 7 Jun 2009, Somalia's Al Shabab rebels killed Radio Shabelle and its TV director, Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe in the biggest Bakara market in Somalia. Head of Shabelle program, Ahmed Tajir was injured at that day in a broad day light 18 July 2009, Militant group of Al Shabab ordered Shabelle correspondent in middle Shabelle region to leave from the province. 2 September 2009, Somalia's regional Galmudug administration forces arrested Shabelle reporter, Liban Ajib Haji in Galkacyo in north of Somalia. 16 September 2009, Al Shabab militants attempted to take over Shabelle's 2nd branch in Mark town in lower Shabelle region. 3 December 2009, suicide bomb explosion in popular Shamow Hotel in Mogadishu left 2 Shabelle journalists, Mohamed Amin Adan Abdulle and Hassan Suwer dead. 17 March 2010 Ahmed Omar Salihi, Shabelle radio correspondent was arrested by Al Shabab militants in Bardere town in south of Somalia's Gedo region. 25 March 2010, Ahlu Sunna militias arrested Shabelle correspondent in central Somalia regions, Abdikarim Ahmed Bulhan . 14 February 2011, Sadam Mohamed, Shabelle cameraman was injured in mortar rounds that fired by Al Shabab rebels. 27 March 2011, Somalia Transitional Federal Government forces arrested Shabelle director Abdirashid Omar Qasse and head of Shabelle news, Mohamed Ismail Abdi'uud but later they were released. January 28, 2012, Hassan Osman Abdi known as Fantastic Shabelle director was shot to death by gunmen armed with pistols near him home in Mogadishu. May 26, 2009, Nur Muse Hussein, Shabelle reporter in central Somalia's Hiran region was killed in Baladweyne, the capital of Hiran region. May 24, 201, Ahmed Adow Ansur, Shabelle proagram producer, was killed bu gunmen as he was on his way to home from his workplace in Mogadishu. October 28, 2012, Shabelle Webmaster, Mohamed Mohamud Tuuryare was killed by gunmen armed with pistols near his home in Mogadishu's Wadajir district. 26 Octobar 2013, Somalia National Army raided Shabelle Radio Station in Mogadishu and shut it down. In the course of the Media closure, Shabelle chief and head of Shabelle News, Mohamed Bashir Hashi were arrested over interviewing a woman who claimed to be raped by 2 State run radio Mogadishu journalists. 15 August 2014, Somalia National Army shut down Radio Shabelle and its TV based in Mogadishu, arresting 19 Shabelle staff members. The arrestees' names as follows 1 Shabelle chairman, Abdi Malik Yusuf Mohamud 2 Radio SKY director, Moahmud Mohamed Dahir Arab 3 Ahmed Abdi Hassan 4 Ali Ahmed Abdulle 5 Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Jimcale 6 Ibrahim Abdikarim Gaduudow 7 Mustaf Abdi Nor Shafana 8 Mustaf Abdi Abshir 9 Mohamed Abduqadir Suldanka 10 Ilyas Aden Abdulle 11 Yahye C.laahi Mohamed 12 Bile Bashir Mahbuub 13 Noradin Ibrahim Shardi 14 Gued Ali Osman 15 Mohamed Ali Osman Edited by Mohamud Tuuryare 28 José Maranhão Rádio Assunção Cearense A Radio Assunção Cearense tem sua embrionagem um tanto remota, e com inspiração estrangeira. Em 1947, na Colômbia um Sacerdote que havia sido nomeado vigário na cidade de Sutatenza, assistia 800 almas em sua paróquia. Mas, ele tinha algo que diferenciava dos demais. Gostava de rádio e era radioamador naquele país montanhoso. Refiro-me ao Padre Jose Salcedo, que enfrentava dificuldade em contactar com suas ovelhas. A coisa foi revolucionária, afinal montou uma pequena estação transmissora, pois o mesmo era habilidoso na instalação e expansão de rádios receptores. Com a tenacidade que lhe era própria, não era estático, e com verdadeiro dinamismo percebeu que a população local na década de 40 era iletrada. Foi a alavancada que daria grande crescimento ao seu ministério sacerdotal. Após a metade da segunda década desse projeto radiofônico eclesiástico, congregou muita gente pertencente a uma população dispersa pelas encostas dos Andes Colombianos, e a ação social tornou-se popular. Tamanha fora a repercussão que a programação diária captou discípulos na Venezuela e equador. Essa idéia inspiradora mobilizou a Arquidiocese em Fortaleza, e o Padre Arimatéia Diniz em 1954 deu os primeiros passos, e quando tudo se encaminhava para o concreto, em 1958 a direção da Igreja católica no Ceará desviou toda a atenção e, os recursos alocados foram destinados para o flagelo da grande seca. (Foi neste ano que o autor destas linhas veio ao mundo). Essa estação foi um presente de uma comunidade católica alemã, ao Dom Antonio de Almeida Lustosa, então Arcebispo de Fortaleza, pela passagem de seu jubileu de ouro no sacerdócio. O nome oficial da rádio é Radio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, porém devido à programação e, para facilitar as chamadas em vinhetas, tomou a forma contracta de Radio Assunção. Como emissora integrante da Rede Nacional de Educação de Base foi ao ar oficialmente aos 11 de fevereiro de 1962. O estúdio foi localizado na Rua Visconde Saboya nº. 280, tendo como Superintendente o Padre Landim e como Diretor Comercial o também Pe. José Mirton Lavor. A estação transmissora na Rua Joaquim Manuel Macêdo, no bairro Henrique Jorge que, na época era chamado de Casa Popular, e nas adjacências da antena de 90 metros, um matagal. O professor Everardo Silveira foi o locutor da iniciação. A Arquidiocese de Fortaleza agora contou com mais um aliado para a imprensa, haja vista ser proprietária do Jornal O Nordeste, cuja circulação fora erradicada em 1967, já na gestão de Dom José Delgado. A emissora de equipamento importado tinha antena direcional, cujo benefício técnico era o não desperdício de rádio - freqüência para o mar. trabalhando com ondas médias e tropicais (ondas intermediárias) isso permitia uma boa penetração no interior cearense e outros Estados do nordeste. Com o advento da revolução de 1964, as coisas não ficaram bem para a imprensa. José Milton firmou contrato com a Rádio dragão do mar e a Direção Comercial foi para as mãos de Geraldo Fontenele. A Rádio Assunção tomou um novo formato com o ingresso de Fontenele, que com apenas 30 anos de idade já tinha um currículo denotando experiência, já havendo sido produtor de programas, animador de auditórios, radioator, redator de noticias, narrador e Diretor de Broadcasting da Rádio Difusora de Teresina (PI) e com passagem pela Rádio Poti de Natal (RN). Sob pressão de forças revolucionárias, o Governo do estado cortou verbas de incentivos e, a Assunção tinha que se manter por ela mesma. Nesse período muitos empresários em outros Estados, perderam a concessão de suas emissoras que, são renovadas a cada dez anos. Foi graças à habilidade de Fontenele, que havia acumulado a direção de Jornalismo e Comercial que, a Assunção cearense em 1972 renovou concessão, tendo em vista não permitir ao microfone, a participação de padres expressarem suas idéias por serem comunistas. A emissora funcionava 24 horas, e há zero hora começava um programa chamado “Varig a dona da Noite”, com uma belíssima seleção musical indo até as 5 da matina. Com o clarear do dia vinha “Alvorada Cabocla”, com violeiros e cantadores, um estilo ainda muito aceitado no sertão, na periferia de Fortaleza e, no coração de todos aqueles que ainda querem preservar a cultura nordestina. Radialistas que passaram pela Assunção em seu primeiro biênio: Hermano Justa, Narcélio Lima verde, Ivonete Maia, Ribamar Matos, Edvar de Souza, Nazareno Albuquerque, Ivan Lima, Luiz Cavalcante, Paulo Oliveira, Tarcisio Holanda, Oliveira Ramos, Mauricio Carvalho, Marciano Lopes, F. Capibaribe, Airton Monte, Silvio Leite, Júlio Sales. A equipe esportiva foi incrementada com a contratação de Gomes Farias que permaneceu na rádio de 1964 a 1967, quando retornou para Dragão do Mar. A televisão na época era somente a TV Ceará canal 2, o que permitia a existência do rádio-teatro, que tinha no elenco Oliveira Filho, J. Oliveira, Dóris... Locutores Mattos Dourado, José Costa, Oséas Cruz, Peter Soares, Bonifácio de Almeida. A Superintendência da Emissora até 1966 ficou a cargo do Padre Landim, quando foi nomeado o Padre Gerardo Campos, que muito lutou para manter a Assunção num patamar estável. Eram seus companheiros de equipe sacerdotal: Padres Gotardo Lemos e Mirton Bezerra de lavor. Foram eles os responsáveis pela irradiação dos programas religiosos: “Oração por um dia Feliz”; “A Casa é de Todos”; “Movimento de Educação de Base – Escolas Radiofônicas”; “Missa do Pastor” e “Palavra do Pastor”. Em 1969, o veterano José Cabral de Araújo recebeu e aceitou o convite de Dom José Medeiros Delgado para assumira Superintendência da Assunção, em substituição ao Padre Gerardo Campos. Com o aval do Arcebispado, Cabral de Araujo apesar de paraplégico, tinha muita lucidez em suas decisões Houve assinatura e rescisão de contratos. Implantou em seis meses um novo modelo administrativo: o Arrendamento. O primeiro arrendamento foi no setor esportivo com a volta da equipe de Gomes farias, e a posterior contratação de Paulino Rocha. A partir de então a Assunção de quarta colocada passou a primeira, o que atraiu muitos anunciantes da Capital e do Interior. 1973 foi um ano de doçura para a Assunção quando pelo Ibope, confirmou primeiro lugar, porém a rádio Verdes Mares ofereceu a equipe esportiva uma proposta irrecusável, e assim se despediram da Assunção: Gomes Farias, Paulino Rocha, Bonifácio de Almeida, Souza Filho, Peter Soares, Moraes filho, Daniel Campelo e de lambuja José Maria Sales o operador de áudio. A emissora teve que buscar alternativas, e fora transformada em uma freqüência musical, enfatizando programas noticiosos, e voltar sua programação para os bairros, com sua unidade móvel de freqüência modulada, com locução de José Santana e o “Seu Repórter em Ação”. Aos 4 de agosto de 1973, assumia a Igreja em Fortaleza, Dom Aluísio Lorscheider, com recepção transmitida diretamente do aeroporto Pinto Martins, pelo recém contratado José Lisboa, vindo de uma longa caminhada através da Rádio Iracema, e assim nasceu a “Discoteca do Lisboa”. Em outubro do mesmo 73, Cabral de Araujo se desvincula da emissora por problema de saúde, e definitivamente abandona o rádio. Geraldo Fontenelle assume a superintendência. Fontenelle em suas andanças deu uma passada na Empresa Cearense de Turismo – Emcetur, quando ouviu uma linda voz de uma moçinha que fazia os anúncios para permissionários e turistas, no local da antiga cadeia pública. Tratava-se de Maria do Socorro Marques Viana, que de Iguatu havia chegado a Fortaleza em 1966. A mesma tinha um sonho, que era trabalhar em rádio, mas mesmo batendo nas portas não conseguia. Geraldo Fontenelle à conduziu para os microfones da Assunção Cearense que ainda ficava na rua Visconde de Saboya, e assim começou a trabalhar 29 no horário de 20 às 22 hs. A jovem Trabalhou por dois anos, indo para a Ceará Rádio Clube, e em seguida para a Dragão do Mar, quando em conversa com o diretor artístico da Dragão, José Elias vindo da Rádio Globo do Rio, sugestionou que Maria do Socorro deveria ser Samantha. Daí surgiu Samantha Marques. Em 1976, Dom Aluisio Lorscheider foi eleito e proclamado Cardeal da Igreja Católica. Foram importantes solenidades e dias alternados: dia 24 e 29 de maio na sala de solenidades do Papa Paulo VI na Basílica de São Pedro. Geraldo Fontenele viajou para a Itália e durante a permanência de Dom Aluísio em Roma, diariamente as 12 e 18 horas havia transmissões. Com equipe própria, essas foram consideradas as primeiras transmissões internacionais de rádio no Brasil. Por a emissora pertencer a igreja católica, ela teve por obrigação montar uma central de transmissão em seus estúdios(rua Visconde Sabóia), e com sua unidade móvel de FM, fazer toda a cobertura da visita do Papa João Paulo II à Fortaleza em Julho de 1980. Em outubro de 1981, Dom Aluísio anunciou a venda da Rádio Assunção Cearense. O clero cearense não foi consultado, apenas o Conselho Arquidiocesano e membros da CNBB. Com a participação do Monsenhor André camurça nas negociações, a rádio fora vendida em dezembro de 1981. Em súmula, a igreja católica ficou sem o Jornal O Nordeste, O Palácio São José (Do Bispo) e o Banco Popular. O radialista Moésio Loyola, que ainda atua nos microfones com programas esportivos tornou-se proprietário da Emissora, mas por tradição deixou espaço para a programação religiosa. Sei que vou pecar por omissão, mas quero deixar registrados alguns programas que marcaram época: O Esportivo com Paulino Rocha; Programa Oseias Cruz; Discoteca do Lisboa, com José Lisboa; Forrozão da Assunção com Carneiro Portela; Política com Fernando Maia; Recordação Saudade, E Os Anos Carregaram e Parada dos Maiorais com Wilson Machado. Nas tardes de sábado tinha um programa exclusivo de nostalgia e com musicas do passado não distante. Sempre na freqüência de 620 kHz, Rádio Assunção Cearense já esteve com o estúdio instalado na Rua Irauçuba e hoje na esquina da Rua Bárbara de Alencar com Avenida Rui Barbosa na Aldeota. Conservando programação esportiva a emissora de freqüência mais baixa de Fortaleza, no ano 2000 arrendou seus horários à Comunidade Católica Shalom, contrato este que perduraria até 10 de maio de 2006. A mesma, sem programação definida até 10 de julho do mesmo 06 tornou se afiliada da Rádio globo do Rio de Janeiro até 15 de julho de 2012. A partir do dia 16 numa Segunda feira, voltou novamente como Radio Assunção Cearense. A programação novamente enriqueceu a terra. Obs: Esse enriquecimento fora efêmero, afinal dias depois a Assunção intercalou sua programação com a Rede Bandeirante de Rádio. José Maranhão Pioneirismo Do Rádio No Ceará Aos 20 de janeiro de 1924, no Distrito Telegráfico (Os Correios), o Sr. Elesbão de Castro Velloso (engenheiro), reuniu em valia uma idéia inédita com outros companheiros também de engenharia. Criar a primeira entidade de Radiotelefonia na cidade de Fortaleza. Chamou-se Rádio Clube Cearense, com estatuto aprovado em 15 de fevereiro do mesmo 24, e cuja diretoria fora assim composta: Presidente: Engº Elesbão de Castro Velloso; Secretário: Dr. Carlos da Costa Ribeiro; Tesoureiro: Engº Antonio Eugênio Gadelha. Os demais membros efetivos do Clube eram: Desembargador Carlos Livino de Carvalho, Carlos Mesiano, Francisco Riquet Nogueira, Clovis Meton de Alencar, Augusto Mena Barreto, Mister Watson e Henrique Soares. Entre os outros associados e fundadores, constaram os nomes de Anthony de Alencar Santiago (técnico pioneiro), Hit Moraes e Oswaldo Fernandes. A diretoria do Rádio Clube Cearense queria colocar para funcionar com rapidez uma pequena estação emissora de 3 watts, para a operar experimentalmente ainda em março. Segundo técnicos da época, a potência deveria ser de pelo menos 30 watts. A receptora de 3 válvulas com circuito TSE e, acompanhada de alto-falante Ericsson supertone, fora instalada na sede da sociedade que, ficava em um salão da Phênix Caixeiral na época, esquina das ruas Gal. Sampaio com Guilherme Rocha, na antiga Praça Marquês do Herval (atual José de Alencar). Os receptores existentes em Fortaleza eram de propriedade dos associados Clovis Meton de Alencar, cujo circuito de reação com duas válvulas era por ele fabricado, tal qual o de Alfredo Euterpino Borges, fruto também de trabalho artesanal. Essa emissora não chegou a entrar no ar. Como nova tentativa no centro do salão, numa mesa especial e, estava ali o primeiro receptor importado. Era de fabricação francesa, com um imponente auto-falante de corneta. O momento do seu descortinamento foi saudado por prolongada salva de palmas acompanhado do hino nacional. Constara o receptor de uma caixa de tamanho descomunal, de madeira e um painel de ebonite com 4 “dial”, cheia de algarismos com legendas indicadoras em francês, e na porta exterior por cima, encaixadas em soquetes, 4 válvulas Lee Forest, de tamanho grande semelhante a uma garrafa de 600 ml. Foi feito o primeiro procedimento e ante a expectativa e ansiedade de todos, as experiências que às vezes iam até altas horas se prolongaram e, o aparelho nem sequer chiava. Após toda encenação e dias depois, chegaram a conclusão de que uma válvula não acendia, pois, estava queimada. Substituída por outra que estava numa caixa de reserva que acompanhava o aparelho, verificaram os “Técnicos” posteriormente, que os fios estavam invertidos. Com muita assistência, foi feita a ligação correta; o bicho apitou e alto! A alegria foi geral, com satisfação estampada em todos. Henrique Soares, tomando os controles, iniciou uma série de apitos em várias tonalidades e, isso foi prolongado até que cessou tudo. As baterias estavam esgotadas! Novas decepções e novos experimentos surgiram nos dias seguintes e enquanto isso, os comentários e as opiniões Técnicas eram as mais desordenadas, predominando, no entanto que a causa primordial era a antena inadequada. Em uma bela noite e já muito tarde, resolveram ir à casa de Henrique Soares no Jacarecanga, levando o “Bicho”, para experimentar uma das cinco antenas existentes, e vários “Terras” construídos de acordo com as instruções. O aparelho fora conduzido com apoio de duas tábuas. Todos apostavam no alto conceito técnico de Henrique! Referido equipamento foi levado à pé para evitar trepidações. O Mesiano não quis retirar as 30 válvulas receando trocá-la de lugar! Em um dia ignorado, mas já no final de 1924, o aparelho funcionou. Foi no Centro Artístico Cearense, na Tristão Gonçalves, local cedido pelo Cel. Antônio Diogo de Siqueira. Foi uma apoteose pra época. Quanta nitidez o volume! Uma musica suave estava sendo irradiada, não se sabia de onde! Chamaram o Cel. Diogo e família, e os telefones não pararam! Apareceu gente de toda parte. Ouviu-se musicas até o esgotamento da bateria. Ficou ajustado que ninguém mexeria em nada até a noite seguinte. Todo Clube, compareceu as 19. h e de imediato passaram a ouvir a mesma estação. Era uma questão de sintonia. Os técnicos ainda desconheciam o manejo ou ajuste dos “Diais”. Alguém perguntou: “de onde é essa musica”? Ante o silêncio, ouviu-se a voz juntamente com Hil Moraes e Oswaldo Fernandes, onde foi feito uma rede de radiotelegrafia, utilizando bobinas Ford, quando receberam em galenos, resultados surpreendentes. O Radio Clube Cearense havia tomado um novo impulso e havia importado um transmissor de 25 watts, de fabricação também francesa. Havia sido preparado um estúdio em uma das dependências do prédio Phenix Caixeiral na Praça José de Alencar, e foi organizado programas e festivais, como speakers. Foram construídos receptores de 3 válvulas, utilizando o esquema do circuito Sohnell. Os diais eram confeccionados com velhos discos de gramofone, e as suas engrenagens milimétricas com rede de relógios velhos! Henrique Soares era o técnico. O comércio local, interessado no “vírus” que atendera a cidade, passou a importar o material, merecendo destaque a Casa Edson, que aqui em Fortaleza era de propriedade do Sr. Machado. Dr. Elesbão Veloso, importou dos Estados Unidos um “kit” completo, material de ótima qualidade. Foi construída numa boa marcenaria, uma caixa, pelo modelo americano. Depois de pronto e experimentado, foi posto em exposição na Livraria Americana, na Praça do Ferreira como um cartão. Reunidos sempre na Phênix Caixeiral, a sociedade Rádio Clube Cearense com um equipamento receptor, sintonizava também em ondas curtas a “Rádio Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro” e, mesmo assim com um sinal de péssima qualidade. Muitos pesquisadores do Broadcasting desconhecem este capítulo. Foi esse o pioneirismo do rádio no Ceará, que por falta de condições para preservação dos equipamentos importados, insensibilidade cultural, escassez de recursos e a mão de ferro de Artur Bernardes então Presidente da República, essa história quase que se perde levado pelo vento de 1925. Desejar é melhor do que possuir, afinal posse é o prenuncio da morte do desejo. Daniel Camporini Rendición de Alemania El 8 de mayo de 1945 desde Radio Flensburg el almirante Doenitz anunciaba la muerte de Hitler y la rendición incondicional de las fuerzas a su mando. http://www.ivoox.com/rendicion-alemania-audios-mp3_rf_4468755_1.html Beto Torresillas Venta (México) A La Venta Sangean Ats-803a World Band Receiver Limpiecito $1000 Pesos Mas Envío . Colegas Acepto Ofertas Razonables Y Sera Suyo. Bob Padula Australian DX Report episode no. 463, released May 8, 2015 http://adxr.podbean.com/e/australian-dx-report-episode-no-463-released-may-8-2015/#.VU08U4-nInU.facebook José Maranhão Escuchas Family Radio Español espanol@familyradio.org 13:40 (Há 4 horas) para mim Apreciado amigo y hermano en la fe de Cristo: Gracias por su reporte de recepción de fecha 18 de abril 2015. Ya le enviamos la tarjeta QSL correspondiente, esperamos que pronto la reciba. Muy contentos y agradecidos porque dicho reporte sera de mucha utilidad para el Departamento Técnico. Abrazos fraternales! FAMILY RADIO. Radio 2.000 C.A, fue fundada el día 09 de Noviembre de 1983…….. La programación de Radio 2000, es de corte netamente popular, con marcadas variantes en las diferentes manifestaciones folklóricas y música de todos los géneros. Labora los 365 días del año, las 24 horas del día, desde sus estudios ubicados en la Avenida Santa Rosa de Cumaná, Estado Sucre. Ofrece a sus oyentes en forma gratuita: Empleos, Documentos extraviados, Loterías, Información, Servicios públicos, micros adaptados a la LOPNA, micros de Salud, micros de Historia, entrevistas, Informativo 2000, Contacto Directo con las comunidades desde la unidad móvil y la mejor Música. En el ámbito cultural, contamos con el programa Sabiduría Popular, Venezuela y Sus Expresiones , Micros Educativos . Se ubica en los 1.500 kilohertz, señal de Amplitud Modulada. Misión y Visión: Radio 2000 nace con la misión de satisfacer toda una serie de necesidades arraigadas para la época en el colectivo sucrense, debido a la carencia de una tribuna donde el pueblo expresara sus problemas, para así mantenerse informado de manera inmediata y objetiva. Siempre sin perder la visión de hacer buena radio con el objetivo de ocupar el primer lugar de sintonía, Es por eso que Radio 2000 ha logrado el 100% de aceptación en los oyentes convirtiéndose en “La Emisora del Pueblo”. 31 RBC - Rádio Brasil Central - Goiânia - Goiás - Brazil. - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 27/04/2015, às 23.05 UTC, na frequência de 11.815 KHz, com um SINPO: 55333 - Recebido e-QSL (Até agora, visto que a emissora me prometeu o envio do QSL por Correio convencional), via e-mail em apenas 08 dias, após o envio do e-mail !!! - V/S: Laís Ribeiro - QTH: rbcamfm@gmail.com A quien le interese. Los informes de EWTN Radio Católica Mundial deben ser enviados al ingeniero Glen Tapley: gtapley@ewtn.com Anyone concerned about. Reports to EWTN World Catholic Radio should be sent to engineer Glen Tapley: gtapley@ewtn.com oo:3o-o1:oo 11870 KHz. in spanish Caribbean Beacon Radio - YES!!!!!!!!!!!! beacon@anguillanet.com 15:40 (Há 6 horas) - para mim Thank You for listening to us on the Caribbean Beacon Radio.Please to verify your reception on December 31 2014 from 0454-06 00 UTC on 1610KHZ. A QSL card will be sent to you shortly thanks for listening Best Regards - Doris Mussington. RTSH - Radio TIRANA - Albanian service - Shijak, Albania. - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 04/04/2015, entre 23.00 23.50 UTC, na frequência de 9.855 KHz, com um SINPO: 33333 - Recebido somente o cartão QSL, full data, via postal em apenas 23 dias, após o envio do e-mail !!! - V/S: Sem V/S - QTH: web@rtsh.al ( Em finais da década de 80, ou começo da década de 90, eu cheguei a captar as emissões em português da Rádio Tirana. Muito tempo depois que ela deixou de emitir em português, eu passei a ficar muito frustrado por ter perdido a oportunidade de reportar esta emissora. Agora, depois de uns 25 anos, eu pude realizar este grande sonho: Ter um cartão QSL da Radio Tirana!!! Foi muito, muito emocionante, mesmo! Um velho sonho, que foi realizado em tempos modernos; e o mais interessante: O Informe foi feito do programa em ALBANÊS !!! Doce vitória, amigos! Se alegrem comigo! Muitos, muitos, muitos 73 a todos!!!). Cidade Oldies / Free Radio - Portuguese - Pernambuco - Brazil. - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 18/04/2015, entre 03.17 - 03.52 UTC, na frequência de 7.305 KHz, com um SINPO: 35323, com excelente programação musical! - Recebido cartão QSL full data, via Internet em apenas 2 dias, após o envio do e-mail ! - V/S: Sem V/S - QTH: cidadeoldies@live.nl Acabei de receber esta mensagem por e-mail: Family Radio QSL card Theodore Solomon tsolomon@familyradio.org 13:59 (Há 3 horas) para mim Dear José Socorro Soeiro Maranhão, Thank you for your reception report. Family Radio will send you a QSL card by mail. Sincerely, Ted Solomon . Family Stations, Inc., 290 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621. Office: (510) 568-6200 Ext.221 Email: tsolomon@familyradio.org Web: http://www.familyradio.org Sobre a Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro AM 1.130 kHz. Presente na memória afetiva da população como a emissora que mostrou o Brasil aos brasileiros, a Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, inaugurada em 1936, tornou-se, já no início dos anos 1940, uma das cinco emissoras mais potentes do mundo. Suas transmissões em ondas médias e em três estações de ondas curtas, levaram longe o rádio brasileiro e integraram as regiões mais distantes do nosso território. A emissora desbravou novos gêneros, sistematizou a linguagem sonora e com sua programação plural consolidou as matrizes do rádio popular no país ao reunir na mesma grade, música, informação, humor, dramaturgia, esporte e programas de auditório. Instalada desde sua inauguração no lendário Edifício A Noite, na Praça Mauá, zona portuária da cidade, a Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, ao ser integrada à EBC, retomou a tradição das matrizes com que se consagrou, ao mesmo tempo em que se revitaliza, como a própria região em que se situa. Em razão da reforma do edifício, hoje está fisicamente instalada ao lado das outras emissoras cariocas da EBC, no também histórico edifíciosede da TV Brasil na avenida Gomes Freire. Agora, como parte integrante da EBC, a emissora por onde passaram grandes intérpretes, maestros e compositores de nossa música popular, de onde foram transmitidas as radionovelas que enriqueceram o imaginário do brasileiro, passa por ampla reformulação estrutural, técnica e de sua programação com os olhos no futuro sem esquecer, porém, das suas características históricas. Em 12 de setembro, a emissora completou 77 anos de história. Confira também o Caminhos da Reportagem, da TV Brasil, veiculado na ocasião dos 75 anos da Rádio, em setembro de 2011: Radio Sonder grense / Sentech. - Afrikaans service - Mayerton - Captada em Morrinhos - CE - Brazil, por José Maranhão, em 29/12/2014, entre 03.30 - 03.55 UTC, na frequência de 3.320 KHz, com um SINPO: 35222 - Recebida somente carta QSL, full data; em 107 dias, após o envio do email. - V/S: Sikander Hoosen - QTH: info@rsg.co.za TRANS WORLD RADIO MANZINI, SWAZILAND Summer BROADCAST SCHEDULE A2015 - 29th March 2015 to 24th October 2015 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQ PWR ANT AZI Target MTWTFSS 0255 0325 12345 Ndebele 90 3200 50 83 Zimbabwe 0255 0310 6 Ndebele 90 3200 50 83 Zimbabwe 0255 0325 7 English 90 3200 50 83 Zimbabwe 0255 0325 1234567 Shona 90 3240 50 63 Zimbabwe 0325 0340 1234567 Ndau 90 3240 50 63 Zimbabwe 0342 0357 1234567 Lomwe 60 4775 50 83 Mozambique 0400-0430 12345 German 90 3200 50 9 233 South Africa 0400-0500 67 German 90 3200 50 9 233 South Africa 0400 0430 12345 German 60 4775 50 4 233 South Africa 0400-0500 67 German 60 4775 50 4 233 South Africa 0430 0500 12345 English 90 3200 50 9 233 South Africa 0430 0800 12345 English 60 4775 50 4 233 Southern Africa 0500 0800 67 English 90 4775 50 4 233 Southern Africa 0501 0800 1234567 English 49 6120 50 4 233 Southern Africa 1400 1415 1234567 Urdu 19 15360 100 103 43 Pakistan 1418-1453 6 Makua 41 7315 100 11 5 N Mozambique 1455-1525 12345 Malagasy 31 9585 100 3 64 Madagascar 1440 1525 67 French 31 9585 100 3 64 Madagascar 1425-1455 1234567 English 60 4760 50 63 Zimbabwe 1455 1525 1234567 Shona 60 4760 50 63 Zimbabwe 1525 1555 12345 Ndebele 60 4760 50 63 Zimbabwe 1525 1555 67 English 60 4760 50 63 Zimbabwe 1555 1625 1234567 Shona 60 4760 50 63 Zimbabwe 32 1800-1830 1234567 Zulu MW 1170 50 MW ND Swaziland 1830-2155 1234567 English MW 1170 50 MW ND Southern Africa 1630 1645 2 Shangaan 90 3200 50 6 3 S Mozambique 1630 1645 6 Portuguese 90 3200 50 6 3 S Mozambique 1557 1627 12345 KiRundi 19 15105 100 10B 13 Burundi 1630-1645 1 7 Amharic 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1630-1645 2 Oromo 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1630-1700 34 Oromo 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1630 1645 56 Kambaata 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1645-1700 123 Oromo/Borana 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1645 1700 56 Hadiya 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1645 1700 7 Oromo 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1700 1730 12345 7 Amharic 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1700 1715 6 Amharic 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1715 1745 6 Oromo 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1730-1800 12345 Oromo 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1730-1800 7 Amharic 25 11700 100 10B 13 Ethiopia 1802 1847 1234 English 31 9500 100 10B 13 East Africa 1802 1847 7 Swahili 31 9500 100 10B 13 East Africa 1802 1902 56 English 31 9500 100 10B 13 East Africa 1847 1902 1234 7 Juba Arabic 31 9500 100 10B 13 East Africa 1745 1815 1234567 Swahili 31 9475 100 11 5 East Africa 1700 1730 1234567 Yawo 41 7300 100 63 Malawi/North Moz 1820 1850 12345 Umbunbu 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1835 1850 6 Portuguese 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola (WttW) 1850 1905 1234567 Chokwe 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1905 1920 1234567 Umbundu 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1920 1935 1 Luvale 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1920 1935 2345 7 KiKongo 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1920 1935 6 Portuguese 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 12 Portuguese 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 3 Luchazi 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 4 Luvale 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 5 Fiote 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 6 Lunyaneka 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1935 1950 7 Kuanyama 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1950 2020 1234567 Portuguese 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 2020 2035 1234567 Kimbundu 49 6130 100 1 312 Angola 1905 1935 1234567 Lingala 31 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo 1935 1955 1234567 French 31 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo 1955 2005 6 French 31 9940 100 101 343 D R Congo Explanation: DAY is the day of the broadcast = 1 is Monday etc. & 7 is Sunday FREQ is the frequency in kilohertz MB is the metreband PWR is the power of the transmitter in kilowatts AZI is the direction of the antenna Local times are: Kenya UTC+3 Ethiopia UTC+3 Somalia UTC+3 Tanzania UTC+3 Sudan UTC+2 Mozambique UTC+2 Angola UTC+1 Zimbabwe UTC+2 DRC UTC+1 Notes: Changed the Evening Zimbabwe block to 4760 Khz. Morning English stays the same The Southern Moz block stays the same on 3200 Khz Other TWR Africa SW Broadcasts TENTITIVE BROADCAST SCHEDULE A2015 29th March 2015 to 24th October 2015 TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE MB FREQU AZI Reception Area TX Station MTWTFSS 0330 0345 34 Sidamo 25 11710 225 Ethiopia DHA 0330 0345 157 Amharic 25 11710 225 Ethiopia DHA 0330 0345 2 Oromo 25 11710 225 Ethiopia DHA 0500 0515 6 Oromo 19 15720 225 Ethiopia DHA 1300 1315 4567 Afar 16 17680 230 Ethiopia DHA 1630-1700 123456 Somali 25 11635 215 Kenya/Somali DHA 1630-1645 7 Somali 25 11635 215 Kenya/Somali DHA 1800 1830 7 Kunama 49 6120 225 Eritrea DHA 1800 1830 6 Tigre 49 6120 225 Eritrea DHA 1800 1815 1234 Tigrinya 49 6120 225 Eritrea DHA 1815 1845 12345 Tigrinya 49 6120 225 Eritrea DHA Explanation: DAY is the day of the broadcast = 1 is Sunday etc. & 7 is Saturday FREQU is the frequency in kilohertz MB is the metreband PWR is the power of the transmitter in kilowatts 33 AZI is the direction of the antenna Local times are: Kenya UTC+3 Ethiopia UTC+3 Eritrea UTC+3 Chad UTC+1 Somalia UTC+3 Tanzania UTC+3 Nigeria UTC+1 Sudan UTC+2 Ghana UTC+0 Liberia UTC+0 Cameroon UTC+1 Note: Morning block changing from the 31mb to the 25mb (0330-0345UTC) Esquema A-15 de Radio Thailand - Publicado el 31 marzo 2015 20:17 por EA4-0003 - Esquema de Radio Thailand efectivo desde 29.03.2015: THAI 0100-0200 5590 0230-0330 5590 1000-1100 7770 1330-1400 9390 1800-1900 9390 2045-2115 9390 INGLÉS 0000-0100 5590 0200-0230 5590 0530-0600 17640 1230-1300 09390 1400-1430 09390 1900-2000 09390 2030-2045 09390 ALEMÁN 2000-2015 09390 JAPONÉS 1300-1315 09390 CHINO 1315-1330 09390 BAASA 1200-1215 09390 LAOSIANO 1130-1145 05875 CAMBOYANO 1115-1130 05875 BURNÉS 1145-1200 05875 VIETNAMITA 1100-1115 05875 Radio Thailand,World Services(HSK9),Public Relations Department,Royal Thai Government 236 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road,Din Daeng,Bangkok 10400 Thailand - Tel 662 2771814 - Fax 662 2776139 - feedback@hsk9.org RADIO MARTI 1180 am las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana - 1260 am Radio Caracol los 7 días de la semana de las 10pm a la media noche Por onda corta de lunes a viernes (hora del este) 3am to 7am 5,980 kHz (banda de 49 metros) y 6,030 kHz (banda de 49 metros) 7am to 8am 6,030 kHz (banda de 49 metros) y 9,805 kHz (banda de 31 metros) 8am to 9am 9,805 kHz (banda de 31 metros) y 7,405 kHz (banda de 41 metros) 9am to 10am 7,405 kHz (banda de 41 metros) y 13,605 kHz (banda de 22 metros) 10am to 4pm 13,605 kHz (banda de 22 metros) y 11,930 kHz (banda de 25 metros) 4pm to 8pm 11,930 kHz (banda de 25 metros) y 9,565 kHz (banda de 31 metros) 8pm to 11pm 6,030 kHz (banda de 49 metros) y 7,365 kHz (banda de 41 metros) 11pm to 3am 6,030 kHz (banda de 49 metros) y 7,405 kHz (banda de 41 metros) José Miguel Romero Escuchas ARABIA SAUDI 21505 A las 13:09 se observa a Radio Riyadh con buena señal en 21505 en su servicio en árabe de 1155 a 1457 UTC, emite en paralelo por 17705, sin señal por 17895, ni en 17615, ni en 17625. BIELORUSIA 11930 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 20:15-20:20, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en español a locutora con comentarios sobre Minsk, canción melódica, en colisión con Radio Riyadh, a las 20:20 comienza emisión en inglés, SINPO 43333 BULGARIA 11510 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, Kostimbrod, 16:59-17:03, escuchada el 9 de mayo en kurdo a locutora con comentarios, la emisión se corta bruscamente, SINPO 34433 11855 Dimtse Radio Erena, Kostinbrod, 17:00-17:02, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en oromo, sintonía, locutor con presentación, locutor 34 con comentarios, SINPO 34443 EGIPTO 9280 Radio Cairo, Abis, 17:08-17:12, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en turco con emisión de música árabe, SINPO 24332 Clandestinas FRANCIA 11510 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, Issoudun, 17:20-17:33, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 en kurdoa locutor y locutora con comentarios, emisión de música kurda, SINPO 44444 15245 EFND Eritrean Forum-Medrek, Issoudun, 17:05-17:10, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 en tigriña a locutor con comentarios y referencias a “Sudani”, segmento musical y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34443 Web: http://forumeritrea.org/ se pueden escuchar los programas de días anteriores en tigriña y árabe. 15245 Voice of Assenna, Issoudun, 17:30-17:35, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en tigriña, sintonía, locutora con presentación y música de fondo, ID, cuñas de la emisora, SINPO 43433 17630 Voice of Oromo Liberartion, Issoudun, 17:02-17:06, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en afar a locutor con comentarios, referencias a “Oromo, oromia, oromo kataman”, segmento musical, cuña de ID “Radio..oromo..”, SINPO 44444 KUWAIT 21540 Hoy 10 de mayo de 2015 observo que Radio Kuwait en 21540 en su servicio en árabe de 1000 a 1600 está sin emisión, cuando son las 11:20 UTC, tampoco capto señal alguna en 21580 en su servicio en filipino de 1000 a 1200. Me pregunto si es fruto de la mala propagación, aunque Radio Riyadh si se capta en 21670 en su servicio en indonesio de 0900 a 1157 UTC. También capto señal en 17805 en servicio en árabe de 0855 a 1157 UTC. Radio Riyadh en 17570 en ára...be de 08:55 a 11:57 no se escucha por la emisión de Radio Internacional de China en checo de 1100 a 1200 MADAGASCAR 12115 Radio Dialogue, Talata Volondry, 16:45-17:00, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 con emisión de música africana, SINPO 34443 12115 Radio Dialogue, Talata Volondry, 16:38-16:58, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 con emisión de música pop y temas de pop africano, se corta la emisión bruscamente, SINPO 34333 17540 Radio Imara, Talata-Volondry, 18:20-20:57, escuchada el 11 de mayo de 2015 en Kinyarwanda, inglés y francés, emisión musical, locutora con cuña e identificación “Radio Imara”, tras música de sintonía locutor en inglés y luego locutora en francés, más música africana, tras dos temas musicales se repite las cuñas en los tres idiomas, SINPO 34443 - Web: www.fdu-rwanda.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Victoire-Ingabire-Umuhoza/109504816547?v=wall Contacto: Forces Démocratiques Unifiées – Inkingi - Kigali, Rwanda Email : info@fdu-rwanda.com NIGERIA 15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 05:40-05:45, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 en inglés a locutora con comentarios y emisión de música africana, se aprecia una modulación aceptable, SINPO 34433 TIBET 7385 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Baiding, 21:25-21:30, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en tibetano a locutora en conversación telefónica con oyente, le pone fragmentos de una canción, emisión musical, repiten varias veces el mismo fragmento, el oyente canta un fragmento de la canción sin la música, SINPO 24322 NO IDENTIFICADA 12000 NO ID, 21:40-21:47, escuchada el 10 de mayo de 2015 en idioma asiático sin identificar a locutor y locutora con comentarios, segmento musical, cantante con tema de ópera y acompañada de flauta, SINPO 24222 USA 11635 WHRI Beacon of Truth Broadcasting, Cypress Creek, 05:32-05:36, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 en inglés a locutor con entrevista a invitado con referencias a México, SINPO 44444 VATICANO 11650 Radio Dabanga, Santa Maria di Galeria, 05:25-05:32, escuchada el 9 de mayo de 2015 en sudanés con emisión de música africana, locutor con comentarios y referencias a “Sudania”, cuñas de ID, locutor anunciando dirección “…Dabanga Sudan…”, locutor con comentarios con referencias a “…Muslim…Ibraim…”, SINPO 44444 José Miguel Romero - Burjasot (Valencia) 39.513356, -0.410268 - Grundig Yacht Boy 80 - Antena hilo de 10m Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas 3220 9505 9555 830 11/05 2136 NORTH KOREA KCBS PYOYANG yL comentarios 22322 10/05 1830 SUDAO VOICE OF AFRICA OM NXS 34433 10/05 1904 RADIO RHYAD OM ENTREVISTA ARABE 34333( QRM FIREDRAKE)... 07/05 0021 ARGENTINA RADIO DEL PUEBLO BUENOS AYRES RX FUTEBOL 23222 Sakae Onozawa Escuchas QSL: IRIB: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting World Service, Radio Japanese - Sirjan/Kamalabad, IRAN, 5 days of March 2015, Japanese program. F/D QSL received in 39~60 days for reception reports by email. QSL's design is ‘The portico of Madreseh-ye Chahar Bagh (School) Esfahan.’ Advanced receiving data, please see my blog. http://hadzuki.air-nifty.com/radio/2015/05/irib-islamic-re.html QSL: RTI : Radio Taiwan International - Tainan, TAIWAN, April 8, 03:00 UTC, 15,320 kHz, English program. F/D QSL received in 27 days, for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘A restored Class B Shay Locomotive No.31’(2015-04). http://hadzuki.air-nifty.com/radio/2015/05/rti-radio-taiwa.html 35 Robert S. Ross Escuchas I'm not getting through these recordings too quickly, but today I listened to the recordings I made at the TOH for early Morning/Sunrise on May/07th. And Boy…I'm glad I did as these recordings presented me with 4 New Stations….all from the East/Southeast of me and all of relative low power!! I'm not used to logging a lot of New Stations on AM BCB in the month of MAY!! It's not exactly primo DX Season for the BCB!! There is no way I would have ever logged these 4 New Stations if I had just been Band Cruising on one of my Regular Radios!! These 4 New Catches have to be 100 % accredited to the ELAD SDR and it's ability to capture the entire band when it is HOT!! I can hardly wait til the Conditions get really good next Fall and Winter!! I figure I'll be about 6 months behind on listening to recordings by then however…… Keep in Mind that I am using a LOUSY 100 Foot Random Wire Antenna that is Very NOISY!! I have actually stopped making recordings on the BCB for a while til I get somewhat caught up on what I already have!! Plus I'm getting ready for the FM DX to crank up with Tropo and E-Skip. The ELAD also covers FM and does a Great Job on that Band too…so I am looking forward to recording some Big E-Skip and Tropo Openings……Experimenting with the ELAD I have discovered that it also records PI Codes and RDS Codes for the FM BAND…so that will really help too! I need a DX Secretary………..To listen to the recordings…and let me know what I heard !! AHHAHHAHA…….. It ain't old fashioned "Knob Cranking DXing"…but it sure does hear a Lot of Stuff….even if you're sleeping or outside working in the yard!! Here's what I logged on May/07th……… RECEIVER………………….ELAD FDM-S2 SDR - ANTENNA…………………100 Foot Longwire - 73……………ROB VA3SW Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA 1470 1390 1440 1480 1220 WMMW Meriden, CONNECTICUT May/07/15 0500 EDT EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 0500 EDT as "WDRC - The Talk of Connecticut and WDRC-FM 102.9-3 HD". Into Talk. (WMMW runs in // to WDRC 1360 Hartford) NEW STN 2.5 KW WEOK Poughkeepsie, NEW YORK May/07/15 0658 EDT SPANISH GOOD Spanish Pop Music/Ballad @ 0658-59 EDT. Male DJ with SS Talk and ID @ 0659 EDT. Mentioned "FIERRO" and "Hudson Valley" @ 0700 EDT. Mixing with WNIO - Youngstown, OHIO. NEW STN 5 KW/106 Watts Nights WGLD Manchester Township, PENNSYLVANIA May/07/15 0659 EDT EE FAIR Male with Ad and 1-800 Phone Number. Male DJ with ID as "WGLD - Manchester Township and WSOX-HD4 - Your Sports Leader ????". "CBS Sports Radio sung out. Into Sports Talk. NEW STN 730/53 Watts Nights WEEO Shippensburg, PENNSYLVANIA May/07/15 0659 EDT EE FAIR Female with Classic Country Music @ 0659-0700 EDT. Male DJ gave ID @ 0700 as "From the 75th Anniversary of ABC?? Studios - Country Gold FM - WIOO". Into News @ 0700 EDT. (WEEO runs in // to WIOO) NEW STN 410/9 Watts Nights WJUN Mexico, PENNSYLVANIA May/07/15 0659 EDT EE FAIR Male with Local Weather Report @ 0659 EDT. ID as "That's your Forecast from Sports Radio - 1220 WJUN". Mixing with Cleveland…….. RELOG…But not heard in a Long Time!! 1 KW/46 Watts Nights Allen Willie Escuchas 1215 UNITED KINGDOM - Absolute Radio , various 23:40 UTC w/ the classic song " Stairway To Heaven " by Led Zeppelin , Isle of Wight Festival promo, ID's Good signal into Newfoundland tonight - Receiver: ICOM R-75 w/ 500 ft / 150 metre wire - Allen Willie VOPC1AA - Carbonear, Newfoundland Jorge Zuñiga Escuchas 720 11/05 LV 10 02:05 UTC 11:05 ARG "tango noche" SINFO 44344 RX: Sony ICF-S10MK2 captada en la localidad de padre hurtado chile Manuel Méndez Escuchas ANTARCTICA 15476 LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabirel, Base Esperanza, 2003-2020, 06-05, Spanish, female, comments, Latin American songs. 14321. (Méndez) BRAZIL 6180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0512-0540, 09-05, program "Madrugada Nacional", Brazilian songs. // 11780. 24322. (Méndez) 9645.4 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0523-0545, 09-05, Portuguese, comments. 24422. (Méndez) 9664.7 Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0508-0531, 09-05, religious program, Portuguese. 23322. (Méndez) 9725 Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0504-0523, 09-05, religous program "Com a Mae Aparecida". 24322. (Méndez) 9819.7 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0507-0535, 09-05, program "Com a Mae Aparecida". 24322. (Méndez) 11815 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0502-0550, 09-05, program "Giro na Madrugada", Brazilian songs and comments, "2 y 23". 34433. 36 15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0601-0614, 09-05, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. 14321. (Méndez) COLOMBIA 5910 Alcaraván Radio/La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0510-0546, 09-05, Latina American songs, Spanish, religious comments. 24322. (Méndez) CUBA 4765 Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0317-0324, 10-05, Cuban songs. 34433. (Méndez) ETHIOPIA 6010 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1801-1810, 07-05, Vernacular, comments. 24322. (Méndez) GUATEMALA 4055 Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0455-0535, 10-05, religious songs and comments, English. 14321. (Méndez) LIBERIA 6050 ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0528-0545, 10-05, tuning music, identification, English, religious songs and comments. 14321. (Méndez) MALI 9635 Radio Mali, Bamako, 1745-1759*, 07-05, French, comments, tuning music, identification: "Içi Bamako", close. 13221. (Méndez) NIGERIA 15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 0518-0535, 10-05, English and Vernacular, comments, identification: "Voice of Nigeria", Vernacular songs. At 0530 interference from China Radio International. 32332. (Méndez) Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain - Logs in Lugo - Grundig Satellit 500, Tecsun PL-880, Sony ICF SW7600G Cable antenna, 8 meters and Degen 31MS active loop antenna Allan Stern Escuchas 13927 USB 1755z: USAF MARS Operator AFA5RS (Shelbyville IN) working "Roller 75" (C-130H 79-0475, NV-ANG), over Arizona, en route to Montgomery AL, for M&W phone patch to 520/990-####, Mom in AZ. (10/May/2015) (Al Stern, Florida). 13927 USB 0110z: USAF MARS Operator AFA5JC (Beavercreek OH) working "Reach 262T" over Montana for M&W phone patches, one to 612/231-#### (Minn) and one to 712/301-#### (Iowa); 580/402-#### (Okla) tells family members he is flying Presidential support flight. AL STERN Satellite Beach FL - AllanStern@aol.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MilRadioComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaMilcom http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpaceCoastComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CivilAirlineComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HFmonitors http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaPlanespotting http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ScanMarine Pedro Elonda Escuchas C-CQ BARCELONA. A continuació faig un enganxar d'una publicació al grup "La Radio y Mucho Más" que administra el colega Juan Carlos Pérez. ////PROVINCIA DE BARCELONA Emisoras que posiblemente no existan en la provincia de Barcelona, al no encontrar nada de ella en Google actual. Ni se ha hablado de ellas desde hace tiempo. 87,5 RADIO STUDIO-SANTA COLOMNA DE GRAMENET 88,1 SONRISA FM-SABADELL 88,9 RADIO ZENIT FM-SANT VICENÇ DE CASTELLET 89'8 SPECTRUM FM MALLORCA, Magaluf. Baixa potència i continua pràcticament soterrada per les interferències de les espuries de RNE1 Alfabia fora de la seva àrea d'influència (municipis de Calvià i Andratx, S.O. de l'illa) 90,0 RADIO ONDA 2000-POLINYA 90'3 LOCA FM, Alfabia, amb mono, potència i modulació baixes i sense estéreo ni RDS 91,6 AULA RADIO-BARCELONA 92'5 LOCA FM, Alfabia, amb portadora mono amb RDS 92,7 AKTIVA RADIO-LA ROCA DEL VALLES 94'7 RÀDIO FELANITX, el seu RDS recupera el PS mixte (FELANITX -estàtic- RADIO FELANITX 94,7 FM -corredor-) 95.8 ¿? BERGA 96,2 ABN FM-CASTELLAR 99,7 RADIOSKÁ-GRANOLLERS 100'2 ULTIMA HORA RÀDIO, Alcúdia. Inactiva 100,5 RAT LA CIRERETA-TORRELLES DE LLOBREGAT 101,1 RADIO 90 FM-CASTELLNOU DE BAGES 101,1 RADIO ALGARABIA-BARCELONA 102,3 RADIO POLINYA-POLINYA 103,1 RADIO BARRAKA-TERRASSA 104,6 EUROTOP FM-TERRASSA 37 104,7 104'7 105,2 105,8 NOVA FM-VILANOVA I LA GELTRU Ràdio Bellvei - En aquests moments estan emetent en connexió amb la iCat.cat (ex iCat FM) METARADIO-CANYELLES RADIO SANT CLIMENT-SANT CLIMENT DE LLOBREGAT Roberto Pavanello Escuchas QSL. Radio Latino 7585 KHz - radiolatino@live.com con QSL elettronica allegata in 1 giorno. v/s Marco QSL. Radio Voyager 6940 KHz - radiovoyager@hotmail.com con QSL elettronica allegata in 5 ore. v/s Cap. Danny. 846 7/5 22.45 R. Challanger - Villa Estense IT talk suff. 945 4/5 21.30 Smooth R. - Bexhill EE MX // a 1332 KHz suff. 1008 4/5 21.55 R. Extremadura - Badajoz SS ID e pubblicità locale suff. 1567 9/5 23.10 Vahon FM - Den Haag Hindostano MX suff. 1584 4/5 19.40 R. Studio X - Momigno IT ID e MX buono 3930 9/5 22.30 R. Batavia - radiobatavia@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 4845 9/5 23.15 R. Cultura - Manaus PP MX suff. 4885 9/5 23.20 R. Clube do Parà - Belem PP calcio suff. 6090 9/5 22.55 Caribbean Beacon - Anguilla EE predica buono 6240 4/5 19.55 R. Experience - experienceshortwave@gmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6260 10/5 08.50 R. Borderhunter - borderhunterradio@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6320 4/5 21.00 R. Montferland - radiomontferland@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6380 9/5 23.25 R. Ronalisa - radioronalisa@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6750 4/5 19.50 R. Tidalwave - radiotidalwave@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6795 8/5 23.10 R. Pioneer - pioneeram@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6880 4/5 19.45 R. Europe - radioeurope@iol.it IT ID e MX sono buono 6940 10/5 09.15 R. Voyager - radiovoyager@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 6950 9/5 22.15 R. Enterprise - enterpriseradio@hotmail.com IT ID e MX buono 7300 10/5 08.25 R. U-Boat 66 - uboatradio@gmail.com EE ID e MX buono 7300 10/5 09.10 R. Mistero Glost Planet - rmgp76@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono 7585 9/5 23.30 R. Latino - radiolatino@live.com SS ID e MX buono 7590 4/5 20.40 R. Latino - IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione buono 7630 10/5 08.40 R. Waves Int. - rwaves@free.fr EE ID e MX buono 9262 8/5 22.45 WINB - Red Lion EE predica buono 9665 8/5 22.50 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP Voz do Brasil suff. 10000 7/4 22.40 Obs. Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e ora buono 11725 4/5 19.30 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE NX buono 11765 9/5 22.45 R. Deus è Amor - Curitiba PP predica suff. 11855 3/5 22.30 R. Aparecida - PP MX buono 15190 4/5 19.35 R. Inconfidencia - Belo Horizonte PP MX suff. 15345 3/5 22.35 R. Nacional - Buenos Aires SS NX suff. www.playdx.com www.bclnews.it - Roberto Pavanello Harold Sellers Escuchas 3365 4920 7460 9690 11665 11710 11740 11890 12020 13800 15150 PNG NBC Milne Bay at 1244, Tok Pisin, pop music, female announcer with mention of NBC - Poor, May 10 Sellers-BC INDIA A.I.R., Chennai at 1249 in Hindi, 1250 presumed news headlines over music - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC PHILIPPINES VOA at 1346 in Korean with Korean-English lesson - Good, May 10 Sellers-BC INDIA All India Radio at 1330 signing on in English with ID, frequencies and meter bands, 1331 “This is All India Radio, The news read by…” - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC MALAYSIA Wai FM at 1206 with lite Malay pop music, ID - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1319, woman with news to 1324:30, ID, commentary - Good, //9435, May 10 Sellers-BC SINGAPORE NHK Radio Japan at 1225 with man and woman hosts, music, 1228 closing announcements - Poor, May 10 Sellers-BC PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio at 1315 signing on in Vietnamese with IDs and Viet music, man and woman hosts - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam at 1235 with news, 1242 repeat of news headlines, “The news from V-O-V.” - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC SOMALIA Radio Puntland, tentative, at 1256 with Koranic singing through top of the hour, same at periodic checks, getting weaker by 1325, either faded out or went off the air sometime between 1330 and 1400 - Poor, May 10 Sellers-BC SRI LANKA Adventist World Radio at 1355 in Cambodian (broadcast Sundays only), hymn, 1358 closing announcements and dead air before 1359 - Fair, May 10 Sellers-BC Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia, listening in my car, by the lake and using the Eton E1 and Sony AN1 active antenna. Editor of World English Survey and Target Listening, available at www.odxa.on.ca 38 Edward Kusalik Escuchas GUAM 9800 AWR-Cantonese BCB via KSDA, Agat. May 10 *130-1300* Cantonese BCB with opening EG ID and Language announcement, followed with a religious BCB in Cantonese, noted with a nice EG ID AWR -Voice of Hope and closing statement. Also Noyed on the 9th from 1230 to 13oo* with similar prm'ing and again nice ID and closing annts at 1300. Thank you to Ralph Perry for pointing out this station, as well as, the "Voice of Love" station, and the other the smaller religious Broadcasters. QSL Report to May the 8^th .2015. Austria 15290 AWR Panjab BCB to India via Moosebrunn Transmitter. Rec’ed back to my e-mail report adventistmediacentre@gmail.com a verification response ,thanking me for my interest in their broadcast and to continue listening, on the reception report retuned with confirmation. Reply in 10 days.V/s: Dr. Edison SamrajDirector France 15315 Voice of Gospel / Radio Sawtu Linjilia Fulfude/Hausa BCB to Africa via Issoudun. Full datat (w/site, power and aizmuth) new media Broadcast Building with large rotable Quad-like antenna. This for a 2^nd follow-up for my August 2014 report. 21 days after posting this report. V/s: Michael Putz Germany 15150 AWR –India Punjab BCB via Nauen Transmitter. Rec’ed a full datat (w/site) AWR – The Voice of Hope QSL card, this for a report sent to adventistmediacentre@gmail.com but the QSL reply came from Indianapolis. Reply in 14 days. V/S; Dr.Adrain Peterson DX Editor. Moldova 9400 Denge Kurdistan (Voice of Kurdistan) via Kishinev-Grigoriopol,PMR. Full data ( with name of program) E-mail QSL of towers at Grigoriopol reply in 24 hours prtc@idknet.com, for a e-mail with attached audio file in MP3 format. V/a: Sergey Omelchenko The V/s is very friendly and responses to all inquiries. Philippines 7410 “Voice of Love” FEBC Cambodia. Rec’ed a e-mail reply within 7 days, with a cover letter, plus a nice .pdf E-QSL showing the FEBC Iba/Zambales Transmission Tower site, with full datat statement. Truly a very nice reply from this small station. My report went too: info@febcambodia.org Hern.sopheary@febcambodia.org <mailto:Hern.sopheary@febcambodia.org>V/S; Nhore Estabillo Rwanda 17800 AWR French BCB to Adfrica via Kigali. Full datat (w/ site & AWR Kigali Radio Stamp) 2- QSL cards, of AWR-Voice of Hope & Series of 3 QSL Radio stamps series.This for two Postal reports to Indianpolis address. Reply in 26 days. V/s: Dr. Adrian Peterson DX Editor. Pirate (USA) 6945 AM X-FM Shortwave. Rec’ed QSL #853 from redhat, with apolozies for the extended delay, plus the schedule of that BCB in 8 months. Sao Tome 9800 Deustche Welle Hausa BCB to West Africa via IBB/VOA Sao Tome Transmitter. Full data ( w/site) Fountain & Statue / Buildings QSL card, in 4 months, for a Postal Report to Bonn.V/S; Horst Scholz Transmission Management. Thailand 9390 HSK9 Radio Tahiland World Service via Udon Thani (IBB/VOA Site) Transmitter. Rec’ed a nice folder HSK9 QSL card with time/ frequency/ program and transmitter site, in 28 days, for a e-mail report to: feedback@hsk9.org V/S; illegible Director RTWS. Mark Coady Escuchas 7175 7205 ERITREA Voice of the Broad Masses (2nd Channel) at 0333 in a local language with a man with talk with mentions of “Somalia” and “Eritrea” then Horn of Africa instrumentals at 0337 and into a woman interviewing a man at 0339 - Fair May 10 Coady-ON SUDAN Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation at 0341 in Arabic with a man with talk then local vocals to 0344 and a woman interviewing a man with mentions of “Sudan” and “Darfur” – Good May 10 Coady-ON. Both of these were heard best of my Drake TR-7. Robert Wilkner Escuchas DX South Florida - follow us on the -- “Ontario DX Association” -- Face book Have the flu …. this issue out with a minimal of my logs .... typos and mistakes are my own. rlcw Musings -Greetings from the Connecticut Shoreline! Our move from Florida was arduous and chaotic. For about 6 months there was little I could do to get on the air. Either we were guests at the in-laws or there was over 2 feet of snow on the ground at the new house. Now that we have 2.1 acres of property in the hills above Madison, I think I can safely devote at least half of it to wire antennas of various types. There is even an 8.5 acre land trust lot directly to the south onto which I might be able to sneak a wire...a 1,375' long wire....hi! Can't see the forest for the....antenna wires. I've been looking at the trees here as the likely place to mount wires. (As have hams and DXers who lived near trees since the dawn of radio.) The tree 39 canopy averages between 50 and 65 feet depending on the type of tree. The dominant variety is beech with a healthy percentage of white oak. I've seen seed and leaves from tulip poplar but haven't spotted any on my property yet. I have a wild cherry outlier near the road but mostly I'm dealing with the beech stands and the convoluted mess that is their root and limb networks. A more miserable wire snagging tree probably does not exist outside of the osage orange. Beech is pretty hard and trimming is a chore. I had to purchase new capability to take it on and have built a couple of "measuring tunnels"* in the mess that is the stand to the south of the property. They do offer a fair amount of limbs onto which to mount antennas. The oaks have very few limbs which run perpendicular to the trunk and that holds true to the canopy ceiling. I have one or two to the west that I can exploit but it looks like it's beech mounting or nothing for the most part. Climbing is not an option for getting ropes and pulleys up onto a limb. There are few lower limbs in the taller trees and the ones that exist are rarely less than 20-25' high. I have been looking at extension ladders but the taller ones are expensive and difficult to transport. My current strategy for mounting is to throw an old Master Lock tied to a small diameter nylon twine over a limb and attach 1/4" poly rope to one end and pull it up and over. I put a small swivelling pulley on one end of the rope and set another rope into the pulley and haul it and one end of the antenna up. In this fashion I've been able to get my end fed Zepp style experimental antenna up to nearly 40'. It takes around 200' of rope to mount one antenna end or center at 40'-50', you can do if with less if you don't care about bringing that part of the antenna down for maintenance. I'm not sure if I have the arm to get up much higher using this method. I figure that anything above 30 feet is a good thing. I hardly built anything up higher than ~15' in the trees in my Florida backyard, so I'll take 35-40' any time. From what I could gather from looking over OCF dipole designs, I see where the Buckmaster people don't want you to put the apex over 35'.The G5RV designs just want enough height to allow the twin lead portion to play out fully without touching the ground or being bent so a full size version should be happy with ~32'. * Measuring Tunnels? In Florida I had barely 0.2 acres to work with so manual tape measurements were fairly easy. Even when I experimented with on-the-ground two-wire Beverage antennas at remote sites I used a Keson "Road Runner" to measure distances. The "Road Runner" rolled along the ground surface and had a geared mechanism used to read out distances. That method is good for smooth surfaces that lack obstructions but here I have a small forest for a sizeable portion of my backyard. That means large granite boulders strewn about and lots of fallen trees limbs and trunks. I have invested in a Bosch GLR825 Laser Rangefinder to help solve the issue of figuring out where and how to put up wires. In addition to just measuring distances in a straight line over rough terrain, it has a feature that allows you to measure the height of an object. This is mostly useful for fixed and regular structures but can be used to give a rough estimate of the height of a tree or its upper limbs. The GLR825 can measure distances up to 825 feet and is accurate to within .016 inches. I did an experiment where I cleared the brush and tree limbs for around 350' in one direction (and was still on my own property....life is good!) and measured down this "tunnel" in the forest to a distant tree with the GLR825. I also used my Garmin GPS unit and took down the coordinates between the same two points. This is the interesting part: The Garmin, strapped to the built-in inaccuracy in the GPS system, calculated the distance between the two waypoints to be nearly 15' further than the laser rangefinder. When I put the recorded coordinates into a geocache calculator I found on the internet the distance difference came out to be less than 5 inches. It is an older GPS unit so maybe things are better with the newer ones. -Russel Scotka NICARAGUA Radio Catolica, Managua, 1030, ID and then into a program about a saint April 28 (XM) Unidentified, 1007, somebody playing XE-type mx, no signs of WLS, does not fit format for KSAH Universal City, TX, went into rather quick fade May 4 (XM) 810 Puerto Rico WKVM San Juan, 0955-105, carrying EWTN SP relig pgming in // w/ 830 WACC Hialeah, these have been in before but not for over a year, usually WACC is stronger, but this morning WKVM was April 30 (XM) 960 GEORGIA WJYZ Albany, 1032, call-letter iD in the midst of heavy QRM April 26 (XM) 960 Alabama, WERC Birmingham, 1030, TC and ID, May 6 (XM) 970 Cuba, 1028, My unidentified Cuban of May 3 was definitely identified as R Guama, Los Palacios, running // w/ 990 R Guama, Pinar del Rio May 4 (XM) 980 Georgia, WPGA Perry, 1021, ad for Macon auto dealer May 5 (XM) 980 Tennessee, WYFN Nashville, 1020-1030, Gospel mx and pgm from the Bible Broadcasting Network, ID, first time April 27 (XM) 1050 FLORIDA WROS Jacksonville, 1025-1030, David Jeremiah relig pgm followed by full ID, fair May 8 (XM) 1290 FLORIDA WJNO West Palm Beach, 1200, ID and Faux Nx, was surprised to find this at near local level this late April 28 (XM) 1290 North Carolina, WHKY Hickory, 1000, very strong "WHKY Hickory" ID and then rapid fade out into the QRM, first time April 27 (XM) 2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1025 om in English, 1028 music 1030 om & yl… threshold with some audio 7 May (Wilkner) 3289.9 Guyana, GBC Voice of Guyana 2350 om in English then yl 2351 on 28 April ; 0945 to 1000 Christian minister “ For God said….” 30 April ; 2350 to 0000 very poor signal only copied in ssb. 7 May (Wilkner) 3310 Bolivia Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 2345 to 2357 music with a good signal alas no announcements heard 7 May (Wilkner) 4699.9 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 2340 to 2355 in Spanish with om chat, weak signal with fades 28 April (Wilkner) 4716.65 Bolivia Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura irregular operation or silent? - rlcw 4765 Cuba, Radio Progresso 0320 rock “Fly Like An Eagle” by Steve Miller Band; 0330 3 May (Wilkner) Parallel 900 Radio Progreso Cacocun, Holguin - 750 Radio Progresso Palmira, Ciefuegos 730 Radio Progresso La Fe, Isla de la Juventud - or- Camaguey , Camaguey , 920 Radio Progresso Pilon, Granma - 3 May (Wilkner) 4774.9 Perú Radio Tarma. Tarma 1000 sign on rustic OS music, Buenas Dias by om, “kiloHertz onda media …onda corta “1010 beautiful flauta andina 7 May (Wilkner) 4785 Brasil Radio Caiari, 1050, threshold, surprised to find this coming in when nothing else seemed to be April 27 (XM) 4810 Perú Radio Logos, Chazuta, Tarapoto 1015 om yl mentioning KiloHertz followed by time check. UTE inferences seems absent as has 6kh wide filter with the R8 locked in AM 7 April (Wilkner) 4870 Indonesia RRI Wamena, 1048, again stronger than usual w/ M in cmntry, 4750 Makassar only a very weak carrier April 25 (XM) 4875.05 Brasil, Radio Roraima, 0950, PT pgm, poor, not much better than threshold April 30 (XM) 720 720 40 4885 4885 Brasil, Radio Clube do Para, 0810, PT talk, poor, used to be much better signal April 29 (XM) Brazil Radio Clube do Para, Belem 0140-0205 Soccer w/"Radio Clube do Para" ID@0156. Fair w/QRM. Checked on internet and found their 690AM outlet has a "Radio Clube online/Escute Aqui!" button...it's a few seconds off from over the air and not very reliable. 5/7 (Russell Scotka) 4915 Brasil, Radio Daqui Goiânia, GO 2350 to 0000 clear ID on the hour by om announcer 7 May (Wilkner) 4910 Australia, ABC Tennant Creek, 0808, weak signal but EG could definitely be identified April 29 (XM) 4940 China Voice of the Strait, 1102+, fair to almost good w/ M and W in cmntry and Chinese mx April 25 (XM) 5952 Bolivia, R Pio XII, 1022, better than usual, cmntry by W, possible anuncio, gone on 1043 recheck May 4 (XM) 5975 China, CNR, Program 8, 1103, domestic pgm in Korean, cmntry and Korean mx, fair May 5 (XM) 5985 Florida, WRMI, 1057, nice SP ballad and in the clear until 1100 when very effective Cuban jammer totally wiped it out (May 6) (XM) 6050 Ecuador HCJB La Voz de los Andes, 1032, Quechua pgm, fair May 8 (XM) 6070 Canada CFRX Toronto, 1040, nx, fair, 6160 CKZN St. John's was only a carrier by this time May 8 (XM) 6055 Japan, R Nikkei, 1st pgm, very strong signal on a morning w/ very poor reception May 6 (XM) 6134.8 Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz at 0028 in Spanish with Latin American pops and a man and woman with definite “Radio Santa Cruz” IDs then a man and woman with several ads and promos – Fair May 4 (Mark Coady-ON) 6134.82 Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz 2350 to 2357 clear ID as “Radio Santa Cruz”, seems silent recently from1000 to 1130? 7 May (Wilkner) 6174 Peru, R Tawantinsuyo, 1020, threshold, struggling to make it to poor, but never quite getting there, gone on 1043 recheck May 4 7325 CHINA, CRI Jinhua, 1103+, Cmtry and Asian mx in definite JP language pgm, almost local level, no chance for Wontok Light w/ this on April 26 (XM) 7730 SOH [non-log] After hearing "SOH" here for a week or so, no sign of them 8 May 1340+..@ least they show up in Aoki now sked *20451700* (jammed, but yet to hear CNR1 during my listening periods)..a few other SOH frequencies were no-shows on 8 May, as well: 6280, 9155, 9200, while 11470, 11530, 15970, 16600, 16775 were doing OK. (Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach) 11995 THAILAND BBC World Service Special Program to Nepal, 0128 t/in hd carrier, 0130 very weak threshold signal, 0145 carrier off April 28 (XM) 13795 INDIA AIR Bengaluru, 0000 s/on, into presumed listed Tamil pg, I was surprised at the excellent signal strength April 28 (XM) 13800 SOMALIA (PUNTLAND) Radio Puntland, 2356-0000, regional mx, fair but seemed somewhat distorted and actually better on 13799, off at 0000 April 27 (XM) 147210U Unid, 1725, was looking for Nepal rescue traffic but got only hams in the Detroit area and North Carolina doing what hams usually do, talking about their rigs and the wx April 26 (XM) 13800 Radio Puntland One (Garowe) 1327-1358+ 6 May. Thanks to tips from Dave Valko, Bruce Churchill, Ron Howard & after a few days of listening to non-stop Qur'an recitations, heard RPO's IT/EG/SO ID + email/phone # recording @ 1345, 1356 with a fair signal--checks on 7 May produced just a nasty whiny-grinder noise on 13800 & on 8 May, just an OC (which could be anyone, i suppose, but i'll risk it & say it's RPO w/ no modulation). (Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach) 15525 AWR (Trincomalee) 1517-27* 3 May. Doing well during their daily 30-min. NP broadcast w/ POB in Kathmandu + email/phone #s for contact before closing & leaving the frequency open for: (Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach) 15670 AWR (Nauen) 1534-48 3 May. In EG w/ Nepal earthquake reports & starting "Wavescan" @ :45. (Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach) 17765 WHRI (Cypress Creek) 1520-33+ 3 May. Brokered religion, WHRI p-mail addr., & starting "Heart-to-Heart" @ BOH..thanks to Ivo's info in DXLD 15-17, this is Sun.-only *15-16* & Sat.-only *19-21* ex-17610. (Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach) Russell Scotka - Conneicut - R390A, Icom 746 Pro , Tr 7 Mark Coady- Ontario - Dan Sheedy, Moonlight Beach, CA - G5/PL606 + 6m X wire XM - Cedar Key - Florida - NRD525D - R8A - E5 Robert Wilkner - Pompano Beach , Florida - Pompano Beach, South Florida Drake R8, Icom 746 Pro, NRD 525 DXSF 1981 - 2015 Sandipan Basu Mallick Escuchas Atlantic 2000 International, via Internet 09:00 - 10:00 UTC on 29-Mar-15. eQSL received on 14-Apr-15 for my reception report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com Radio Praha, Czech Radio via Internet (Czech Radio Website) on 18-Apr-15. QSL received on 09-May-15, for my reception report submitted at website. Zacharias Liangas Escuchas Please reply to zliangas@yahoo.com andlook at my book Malaysia 25 Years Survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp 11/5 ERT starts back !! https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=el&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.periodista.gr%2Fmedias%2Fitem%2F17470.htm On May 11 opened the new ERT ERT ERT "The government expedites the processes that affect the application of the law passed by the House last week" Kostas Poulakida Monday, 04 May 2015 10:04 – Printing E-mail - Aiming to May 11 to emit the new EPT and finished the period of the "black" and "gray", the government expedites the processes that affect the application of the law passed by the House last week. As has emphasized the State Minister Nikos Pappas, "our intention is to restore the people's trust and relationship of society towards the public 41 broadcaster." In this regard already began the process of establishing the Board. From Thursday posted an open call for proposals to fill the Chair of the Board positions of CEO and three other Board members ERT. The process ends tomorrow, so the Board to establish a body and immediately select persons who will staff the new organization. The information EPT profile is its big bet, while the name "ERT" is the strong trump. Therefore, according to reports, the ERT will name everywhere. All three TV channels (ERT1, ERT2, ERT3) and satellite channel and four radio stations and dozens of regional radio stations (19 had when the ND and PASOK closed). According to reports, there will be independent broadcasting sector for expatriates with the television channel ERT World and radios Friendship and Voice of Greece. The new administration should immediately find the faces and voices that express the new ERT, leaving behind the period of Memoranda, and outdated perceptions. Certainly the work will be done with limited resources as ERT continues to pay part of the budget of the state public debt another element along with that was profitable, which "forget" the celebrator "black" .. . The next stage will be the restructuring of the organization and the work of the ERT by streamlining structures and allocation of personnel, and integrating functions of the period of self-organization that proved to have worked in practice. SOURCE: avgi.gr My radio related e-books https://www.scribd.com/collections/7127419/Mini-publications my radio shack: http://goo.gl/MHAHJ1 all my pages : http://delicious.com/gr_greek1/zak Edward Kusalik Escuchas 13800 Radio Puntland, May 9 breaking above the noise floor and coming with with Koran recitations at 1300 hrs plus..best heard on the Longwire, amazing reception, after days of no trace of them...the Propagation Gods are smiling today down on me ! Nothing heard prior to 1232 hrs. Hironori Takeuchi Escuchas QSL: TWR Asia - KTWR, 03-mayo-2015, 12:14 UTC, 9975 kHz, programa en japonés. E-QSL "Parque de Latte Stone" firmado por Kathy Gregowske, que he recibido en 1 día para un informe de recepción a Friendship Radio (KTWR programa japonés) por correo electrónico QSL: Voz de la República Islámica de Irán, 27-feb-2015, 20:48 UTC, 5965 kHz, programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL "El pórtico de Madreseh-ye Chahar Bagh (Escuela) - Isfahán", firmado por Sáberi, que he recibido en 64 días, junto con una carta y el horario de programación, para los informes de recepción de 5 días por correo electrónico. QSL: Voz de América a través de Tinang, 17-ene-2015, 12:00 UTC, 7235 kHz, programa en coreano. Tarjeta QSL "Transmisores potentes y antenas altísimas de cientos pies emiten radio programas de VOA a los oyentes de todo el mundo desde las estaciones emisoras internacionales del Gobierno de EE.UU." con el sitio como "IBB_Philippines_Transmitting_Station", que he recibido en 99 días para un informe de recepción al IBB Emisor de Filipinas por correo electrónico. EDITORIAL Estimados amigos, en esta oportunidadp ara agraceder nuevamente como otras tantas, el apoyo de cada uno de ustedes. Pero también con algunos matices que la verdad muchas veces no entiendo, donde decimos vamos a luchar por lo que va quedando del hobby, algunas veces parece ser que no nos unimos como deseamos o pretendemos, al menos de la boca hacia afuera. Ver en ciertos circulos que limitan la informacion del presente boletin, diciendo este espacio es exclusive para tal cosa u otra, entonces la pregunta primaria es decir, queremos unirons o solamente figurar ante otros. Y esto lo digo con cuasa justificada, en el boletin rara vez coloco cosas mias, opino ciertas cosas, o trato de ver que mi persona sea vista por algo, claro, en la pagina de presentacion esta mi foto, mi nombre como editor y hasta alli. Despues la verdad no entiendo, y este malestar lo digo porque no ha ocurrido unicamente en este tiempo, en donde podria nombrar tres situaciones en donde aducen exclusividad, personalizada o que se yo, la verdad que no los entiendo, aqui nadie paga nada, todo es libre, se dan los creditos a quienes se toma la informacion, en fin, se que debe haber criticas como todas las cosas, pero de alli a que se piense que esta hecho para lograr una Gloria personal, nada mas lejos de la realidad, mis trabajos en la Antigua Asociacion Diexman Uruguay desde que se habia fundado en abril del año 1984 y del cual fui participle, dice todo lo contrario, siempre con animo de que si se publicaba algo llegara a mas personas, hoy con toda la tecnologia por supuesto, esta publicacion llega a mas de 200 paginas de facebook, se puede enviar el mismo a mas de 5000 email lo cual suspendi por el momento, en los mismo hay radioclubes, agrupaciones, emisoras de todo tipo, desde las internacionales a las mas humildes comunitarias, programas, y asi podria seguir nombrando, y lo unico que se quiere es patrocinar la radioescucha, unicamente, sin glorias, sin asuntos raros, en fin, ustedes capaz no comprendan mis palabras, pero en realidad es asi, dividimos todo, separamos todo, en fin, somos mas de lo mismo, radioescuchas que hoy pueden escuchar internacionales, mañana en onda media o FM, despues clandestinas, satelites, en fin, y esta bien que tengamos amigos que realicen ese trabajo de aunar personas en un hobby especifico, no lo combat, es mas si es por mi lo patrocino, se necesita, ahora que despues se agranden las cosas y digamos exclusividad en algo, eso no, pero por suerte para todos es una minoria, de igual forma queria expresarlo porque esa una cosa que me molesta. Perdonen por estas palabras, pero se merecian tambien saber de ciertas cosas que muchas veces muestran los dientes y por otro lado no es tan asi, ojala sea una pausa para la recapacitacion, de mi parte tambien, con humildad y mientras las fuerzas me den seguiremos en este camino, con material libre, gratuito y universal. Como dice el amigo Dino Bloise, el mas internacional, yo no lo pienso asi pero si refleja amigos de todas partes del mundo, y orgullos que tenemos que estar, que una publicacion desde America Latina tenga amigos en todo el mungo. Nuevamente muchas gracias a todos, y mis disculpas nuevamente. Un abrazo y se cuidan. 42
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