Azalea Trumpet Spring-Early Summer 2015 Azalea District Director Report—April 2015 2013-2015?? Where, Oh, Where did it go? I can hardly believe that these two years have gone by so fast. It seems like just last week I was being installed in Marietta as the Azalea District Director. It has been an Amazing two Years working with some Awesome Amazing Azaleas. I have enjoyed representing you as I travelled the state, attending thirteen district meetings in the two years, two Blue Star Marker Dedication, Babes In The Woods, Augusta Council Awards Luncheon (2 years), COW, Awards Workshop, Garden Therapy Workshop, CWP workshop, Executive Board Meetings, District and State Board Meetings and several different Garden Clubs. I would love to have had the time to attend all club meetings in the District, but with work responsibilities, family obligations and other GC functions this was not possible. I have met and made some wonderful friends that I will always cherish—especially my new sisters in GC-Emily Wilbert, Helen Grogan, Marilyn Chaney, Avernell Rodgers, Janice Cliett, and Jackie Fulmer. I could not leave out our wonderful mother for the past two years, Martha Price. She’s really been there for us all and jumped right in and is doing a great job. Memories we have made— memories that will last a life time for me and for some of you. So many of you were willing to join in and do whatever I have asked of you. You as workers and believers in The Garden Club of Georgia and the Azalea District have encouraged me from day one and I hope that I have you. Special thanks to all who accepted a chairmanship during my term. We’ve met a few bumps in the road, but we must have been on a “bungee cord” because we jumped right over them. Azalea Director’s Message “Learning and Growing in Life’s Garden.” Spring-Early Summer 2015 The memory of the last meeting at “Babes in the Woods” with my dear friend and mentor, “Suzanne Wheeler” will never be forgotten. If you were there, then you will always remember those special moments that we all shared. Every trip that she and I took together will be imbedded in my memory. The long night talks, the meals we shared and even rooming together on occasions will last a lifetime for me. Suzanne would also be proud of our Amazing Azaleas and all that you have accomplished this year. (Director’s Message Continued:) Our Blue-Star By-Way Memorial Marker at Founders Memorial Garden was one of the things that we worked on for the whole two years and it finally came to pass on March 15h, 2015. If you were not able to attend you missed a sweet celebration of honoring our service men and women-- Past, Present and Future. If you purchased an Insulated Tote Bag from Azalea District, you are supporting Azalea District as well as promoting “Ban the Bag”—trying to get rid of some of the plastic bags that fill our landfills and clutter our lands. Carry your bag with pride when you go shopping! Someone may see it and ask about the emblem on the side—who knows you may be able to get a new member. Tell others about your garden club—stay enthusiastic. If you purchased calendars, gave a Patron of Scholarship or money to a named scholarship, you are helping some student further their education by all the funds that GCG gives each year. I could go on and on about you wonderful amazing Azaleas, but I know that I must stop. What else can I say about the wonderful slate of officers that served with me! Always by my side to help guide and make sure I presented things correctly-- Doris Blalock, Parliamentarian—There to help in any way and was a great supporter and just willing to do whatever—Shirley McCorkle my Co-Director, recording what we did and voted on and did an excellent job—Pat Johnson, Secretary, keeping track of every dime that we spent and what we have left—Betty Davis, Treasurer, assisting Betty, willing to do whatever and will be taking over treasury—Julie Davie, reminding me to get her items for the Trumpet before the deadline and taking care of correspondence—Janet Massey. “I really should have given them a raise!” You as Amazing Azaleas have been blessed with people that love Garden Club of Georgia so much. Now, my time is coming to an end—but you ALL will never be forgotten. I feel that we have Grown and Learned and accomplished a lot for “Beautification, Conservation and Education” for the Garden Club of Georgia. Keep up the hard work and the Spirit as we are “Learning and Growing in Life’s Garden.” Love you all, Peggy Tucker, Azalea District Director 2 In Loving Memory This edition of the Azalea Trumpet is dedicated to the Memory of Suzanne Wheeler, State President of GCG. The entire Garden Club of Georgia felt the shock and sorry of the loss of our State President, Suzanne Wheeler. Suzanne was a terrific President and her love of gardening was evident. She will definitely be missed by garden club members from around the USA. However, it is with greater sadness that Pine Tree Garden Club of Hartwell said good-bye to two wonderful members within 3 weeks of each other. Eleanor Reid Feltman Wilson and Suzanne Sosby Wheeler will be greatly missed by their local club. Suzanne’s wit, humor and love of butterflies will long be remembered and Eleanor’s smile and zest for living will be fond memories for Pine Tree GC. Eleanor Feltman Wilson Suzanne Sosby Wheeler October 30, 1947—February 8, 2015 April 14, 1942—February 28, 2015 3 President elect Martha Price & Azalea Director Peggy Tucker attended the ceremony. Dr. Katherine Allen and Peggy Tucker at the laying of the wreath at Founders Memorial Garden in Athens, GA. 4 “The Federated Garden Clubs of Macon, Inc. sponsored a Standard Petite Flower Show entitled “Fairy Tales and Happy Endings” on March 24 through March 26th. It was an International Cherry Blossom Festival event and was attended by about 350 visitors. The Top Award in the Educational Exhibit was entitled “A Home for Honey Bees” and also focused on the National Garden Clubs, Inc., emphasis on the decreasing number of Honey Bees. The BeeGAP program, which is “Gardeners Adding Pollinators” is a Nation Wide Effort and this display entered by Alan F. E. Thiese of the Pine Ridge Garden Club in Macon, Georgia promotes the BeeGAP. Program.” 5 Augusta Council of Garden Clubs Spring Luncheon One hundred seven members and guests enjoyed the program, lunch, awards presentation, silent auction and fellowship on March 26, 2015. Council President Betty Davis chose Angels in the Garden as her theme Nancy Ross Hugo described wonderful examples of windowsill arranging. Marilyn McDonnell received the President’s Award and Iris Garden Club was Club of the Year. Marilyn McDonnell The new officers for 2015-2017 were installed: President Ann Leonard, 1st Vice President Genie Spears, 2nd Vice President Sue Edenfield, Treasurer Marilyn McDonnell, Assistant Treasurer Sheila Lopez, Recording Secretary Julie Mann and Corresponding Secretary Norma Patterson. 6 TAB NEWS Listen up Amazing Azaleas...we are coming down to the finish line and it's going to be a close race this year to see which District will turn in the most tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Two years ago we came in first place. Last year we were third. Let's get our selves back in first place! Last year over 4.6 million tabs were turned in to the Augusta Ronald McDonald House. 517,054 of those tabs were turned in by Azalea District Garden Clubs. The deadline to let me know how many pounds of tabs you have to count in this years race will be Monday, April 13th. So gather those tabs, weigh them and contact Ginny Allen at 706-736-6793 or or Betty Davis at 706650-1863 or bettyboop to turn in your TAB-YOU-LATIONS. Every tab counts and can make a difference to Azalea District and to the residents at Ronald McDonald House. Make us Proud at State Convention in Jekyll Island !! Betty Davis & Vivian Toney State Tabs Chairmen Passing the torch to a new generation Cynthia Cochran and Jessica Roberts receive Club Membership pins for being new members of the Burkeland Garden Club. Their mothers, Marge Cochran and Sandy Steward have been Burkeland Garden Club members for many years 7 Milledgeville Garden Club, Azalea District, celebrated the holidays at the lovely Lake Sinclair Home of Lou & Sharon Williams. Members brought Children's Books, and more than fifty books were delivered to the Pediatric Center of Oconee Regional Medical Center, for the children to enjoy as they wait for their Dr. appointments. Pictured above are Hostesses Peggy White, Sharon Williams, Dede Reoch, Sylvia Moore, and Carolyn Smith. The Augusta Council of Garden Clubs had a booth at the three day Augusta Home and Garden Show in February. Member Debbie Myers spoke about wildflowers. Other members helped man the booth and answer questions about gardening and garden clubs. Dr. Katherine Sanders 8 A Spot Of Tea For The Ladies Members of the Cherokee Rose Garden Club in Augusta had an English Garden tea party at the lovely home of member Nancy Trefz. Three of our members Lisa Miner, Betty Crowther and Ruth Pearl are from Britain. They distributed recipes to members at our previous meeting to make and bring to the tea. Ruth brought English tea and tea cozies along with instructions for using. 9 The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. & Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center Presents a Wild and Wonderful Experience July 12-14, 2015 Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center Mansfield, Georgia Would a child you know love an opportunity to be surrounded by nature, make new friends and have a wonderful time this summer? Check out the 8th Annual GCG Environmental Education Camp! This camp is open to all children entering 5th or 6th grades. Our young people are invited to spend time learning about environmental and conservation issues plus much more! We have many fun and exciting programs planned with guest speakers and of course, all the fun of the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center! Spread the word to your club presidents, members and friends, as space is limited. The fee is $125.00 per child. Call or email for more information and get the Youth in your life involved with this Wild and Wonderful Experience offered by he Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Info & Registration Forms may be found on our website under “Youth”. Registration closes June 1, 2015 ~Questions? Call or email~ Susan Turner Molly Kimler GCG Youth Team GCG Youth Team W&WE Camp Co-Chairman W&WE Camp Chairman 770-922-4411 770-464-3589 10 The Monticello Garden Club sponsored a booth at Seuss On The Loose, a project of the Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy providing free books mailed directly to the homes of those children who are registered. Garden Club members helped to promote the program while at the same time attempting to create an interest in gardening by making “seed bombs.” This creative idea was “brought home” by members of the club who attended the District Board Meeting in February. The booth was a huge success with around 115 children “getting their hands dirty.” Colbie, April and Zachary Ramsey Cherokee Rose Garden Club Members enjoyed an Ikebana demonstration by Hideko Rainey at their March meeting. 11 You are invited to join Ladies’ Garden Club for “Summer” The Third Annual Reception for The Southern Garden Series® Featuring the artwork of Annie Laurie Dodd Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 6 to 8 pm Lyndon House Arts Center 293 Hoyt Street, Athens, Georgia Ladies’ Garden Club of Athens continues its 125th anniversary celebration with a reception concluding an exhibit of original art work by Annie Laurie Dodd and members of the Athens Art Association and Athens Area Porcelain Artists. Hors d’oeuvres catered by Trumps Catering, desserts by members of Ladies’ Garden Club and beverages (wine and beer cash bar) will be provided. The exhibition opens on April 25. We encourage you to become a patron of this event that will raise funds for gardens and art in our community. For a donation of $300 to the Ladies’ Garden Club, a public charity, you will receive a signed, limited edition print of Mrs. Dodd’s Sunstruck Rose and a special badge for your nametag (two per couple). Wearing the badge signifies your generosity and support of both the Ladies’ Garden Club and the Lyndon House Arts Center and will entitle you to enjoy complimentary beverages. A portion of your donation may be deductible for federal tax purposes. A percentage of the donation will go to support the Lyndon House Arts Center to further children’s art education. The Lyndon House Arts Center is a facility of the Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department and is supported in part by the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. The Georgia Council of the Arts is a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Attendance is free but kindly reply to Shannon Williams at the Lyndon House at 706-613-3623 if you plan to attend and if you would like to be a patron of the event. 12 Greensboro Garden club recently celebrated their 75th Anniversary As part of their celebration they staged a mini flower show. (L-R) Greensboro Mayor, Glen Wright; Azalea District Director, Peggy Tucker; Greensboro Garden Club President, Donna Lloyd The Iris Garden Club, Washington, GA, met at the home of Nobie and Hugh Keener in Tignall on Tuesday, March 10, and were joined by a large number of guests for a most interesting and informative program on vertical Aeroponic Gardening. Guest speakers, introduced by Mrs. Keener, were her son, Vince Keener of Snellville, and Michele Rogers of St. Louis, Missouri, of Tower Garden®, (a division of Juice Plus+®). Tower Garden® is a revolutionary vertical Aeroponic Gardening system. Members learned how everyone can grow a garden anywhere. The system uses no pesticides or herbicides, is easy to assemble, and requires low maintenance. Also, plants grow three to five times faster than in a conventional garden, can be ready to eat in four weeks, don’t wilt in summer heat, and yields can be up to 30 percent more produce in less space. Members also learned about the power of eating vine-ripened whole foods and how to easily get more whole foods in their bodies every day. Nobie Keener had her tower garden up and operating to demonstrate how easily one can grow fresher, tastier, and healthier organic produce in a new, simple, and fun way. 13 Peek-a-Boo Fall Garden Tour October 2-3, 2015 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Presented by The Augusta Council of Garden Clubs Tickets $10 6 beautiful home gardens in the Augusta – Evans areas For tickets or additional information contact Ann Leonard at 14 Midville Garden Club Celebrates Its 65th Anniversary On Wednesday, October 8, 2015, members of the Midville Garden Club gathered to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the organization of the club! On September 29, 1949, 22 ladies met in the home of one of the members for the purpose of organizing the club, which has served the community over the years by improving and beautifying public grounds, learning and educating others about horticulture, and enhancing the beautify of their own gardens and homes. Dressed in the fashion of the 1940-50’s, complete with hats and gloves, the current club members met for an afternoon of remembrances and refreshments. Using a sunflower theme, the invitations, favors and tea table were decorated with the seasonal flowers. Remarks were made by the current president, Valerie P. Saxon, and the Vice President, Winnie R. Bunn. Pictured are: (Standing, left to right): Carol Sherrod, Winnie Bunn, Mary Daughtry, Diane Tompkins, Frances Johnson, Jean Lightfoot and Sheila Cross. Seated, left to right: Valerie Saxon, Nell Holloway, Sharon Wilson, Pam Pettis, Lorena Weeks and Tammie Bellamy. 15 Garden Study School Courses in Augusta Course III was held in February and included classroom presentations and a fieldtrip to Pendleton King Park on a cold morning. Course Chairmen Doris Blalock and Judy Kirkland are planning Course IV for May 12, 2015. All of the speakers so far have been excellent. Speakers Sid Mullis and J. Scott Smith with Judy Kirkland Class III Members during a break on the tour of Pendleton King Park 16 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER (Conventions and Board Meetings) April 15-17 - GCG State Convention, Jekyll Island (ALL Azalea District Club Members urged to attend) July 14 - Azalea District Club Officers Workshop (COW), Athens August 19 - Azalea District Awards Workshop, Union Point August 25 - Azalea District Board Meeting, Warrenton These get-togethers are so important to the success of the Garden Club Of Georgia and all the individual garden clubs in our great state. Please try to attend as many as you can. Attention All Azalea District Clubs: Please have pictures and information to be included in the April Trumpet to me on or before April 15, 2015. It would even be better if you email items to me as soon as you have your event, that way I can avoid the last minute panic! Newsletters Deadlines are : Winter/Early Spring January 15 Spring/Early Summer April 15 Summer/Early Fall July 15 Fall/Early Winter October 15 Suggestions and feedback about Newsletter are always welcomed. Janet Massey, Newsletter Editor 17
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