GARDEN CLIPPINGS The Garden Club of Endwell March 2015 President’s Message: The December issue had my last thank you to all my good garden club friends, now this is my first thank you for the 2015 garden club year. DeWitt Henricks will be distributing our yearbooks at the March meeting—please review page 6, list of committee chairpersons and page 4—our Executive board. THANK YOU for great leadership working together to set up our activities, programs and meetings. Looking forward to seeing everyone on March 11th (if it doesn’t snow) Do consider bringing a friend and encouraging increased membership. We want everyone to be part of our happy flower and friends garden club. Ginny This Months Program: Cacti and Succulents, design and care Presented by Kay Shaw from Nichols, NY features many unusual plants and designs Program Chairperson: Maria Leahy Tea Table: Tammie Werkman Refreshment Chairperson: Diane Mulcahy Refreshment Providers: Virginia Borne, Judy Cunning, Tammie Werkman Please arrive by 6:30 to help set up, serve and clean up after the meeting. Also, please set up a table and chairs near the refreshment table for those who are unable to stand for any length of time. Thank you very much! Garden Therapy: Monday, March 9 at 10:30am will be our first meeting at the day adult card program for senior citizens at the Broome West Senior Center, 2801 Wayne St. Endwell, NY. Sue, Gail, Natalie, Lil and I thoroughly enjoy our monthly visits. We also enjoy lunch together after the meeting. THIS IS AN INVITATION TO JOIN US WHENEVER ITS’S CONVENIENT. Thank you for all the ideas and donations for the projects. I have plenty of room in my basement for shells, pinecones, dried and artificial flowers, ribbons, baskets, unbreakable vases, doilies, and whatever. Just call me, I’ll come to our house to assist with the trashment and at the right time, trim your bushes and pick your flowers. Thanks! Ginny Welcome A warm welcome to our newest member Gardening is the slowest of the performing arts June Martin Cooper 3714 Beechwood Drive Endwell, NY 13760 Author unknown 607-237-7134 Home and Garden Show: Once again we have the honor of being invited guests at the 2015 Home and Garden Show to be held in the Events Center at Binghamton University on Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29. Because there will be just a short time after our March meeting, I will appreciate if you would let me know the following as soon as possible: are you willing to volunteer for 2 1/2 hours over the weekend and which day; do you have any actual photos of past Garden Club events or photos you could email to me...I need a few of the community gardens we plant; do you have any spring-flowering branches that you would be willing to force for display? Dolores has kindly agreed to do another basket for us to chance off. If you have promised to loan things to me, please bring them to the meeting, if possible. You can contact me at: or 754-2362. Thank you!!! Lois White Page 2 Garden Clippings Volume 1, Issue 1 Mark Your Calendar February 28th - March 8th Philadelphia Flower Show Monday, March 9th Garden Therapy Wednesday, March 11th March Meeting March 11th—March 15th Boston Flower Show Tuesday, March 17th Board Meeting hosted by Terry Loos Friday, March 20th First Day of Spring Wednesday, March 25th Garden Clippings Deadline Saturday & Sunday, March 28, 29 Home and Garden Show Saturday, April 25 Earth Fest 2015 SUNY Broome District News from Tony Antes Pauline Filsinger is planning to step down as the Awards Chair. However, she is willing to serve as a Co-Chair for the first year (2015 - 2016 period). Then, her Co-Chair (YOU, whoever you are) will serve the second year solo. Pauline has very kindly provided me with the guidelines. They are as follows: " The job is not as difficult as it sounds. 1. Garden Clubs who are planning a Flower Show send a letter of intent to the district chairman, notifying her of the date and awards they are seeking for their Flower Show. 2. A list of the judges judging the show is sent to the Award Chairman before the show and the Award Chairman assigns the judges who are to evaluate the show. 3. The chairman receives the evaluation sheets for both the schedule and the show awards, which are included in the Book of Evidence and sent to State Award Chair. Then it is just a matter of guiding the club when they make their Books of Evidence. 4. The State Award Chairman sends any changes in the procedure to the District Chair. 5. The requirements have been simplified for making the Book of Evidence. Hope this helps you to convince someone to accept this responsibility. " There MUST be someone out there who is willing to benefit from Pauline's expertise, and also fill a vital role in our VI District. How about one of the other Judges? Or, possibly someone with organizational skills who wants to help your District while filling this vital position? So, if you are interested please let me know ASAP, or contact Pauline for more info. You can reach Pauline at: Pauline Filsinger There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. 4821 McDonald Road One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues. Syracuse, NY 13215-1907 Hal Borland (1900-1978) Phone: 315-475-6025 Hi Gals, The Garden club hopes to continue sponsoring a student to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Camp in Adirondacks this summer. The guidance counselor at Maine Endwell High School will help by providing suggestions if she knows of an interested student. The boy or girl should be age 14-17 and have an interest in conservation and the environment. It's important that we also have an alternate student on stand-by. We looked at Maine Endwell first but candidates from Endicott and Vestal schools may be offered this opportunity as well. Fun activities include hiking, backpacking, canoeing , cooking over campfire. Attending camp will perhaps stimulate a desire to participate in sound management of our natural resources and pursue further studies in related fields. Registration begins January 21. If you know of a candidate, please send note. Cost to our club remains the same, $350. Camp has been operating for 68 years. 1400 campers attended in 2013. Thank you. Muriel Herzig
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