2 Green Tree Garden Club Member of The Garden Club of America Presents IN THE GARDEN A Club Flower Show June 9, 2015 The Town Club 7950 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Fox Point, WI 53217 11:00 am – 3:00 pm 3 The purpose of a flower show is threefold: to set standards of artistic and horticultural excellence; to broaden knowledge of horticulture, floral design, conservation, photography and other related areas; and to share the beauty of a show with fellow club members and with the public. The Garden Club of America Flower Show and Judging Guide, July 2014 Edition The purpose of The Garden Club of America is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening; to share the advantage of association by means of educational meetings, conferences, correspondence and publications; and to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through educational programs and action in the fields of conservation and civic improvement. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 TIMETABLE FOR EXHIBITORS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 FLOWER SHOW COMMITTEE……………………………………………………………………………………………………….7 GCA RULES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8 GENERAL INFORMATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 FLORAL DESIGN GUIDELINES……………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 FLORAL DESIGN CLASSES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………11 HORTICULTURE GUIDELINES………………………………………………………………………………………………….12-13 HORTICULTURE CLASSS………………………………………………………………………………………………………...14-15 PHOTOGRAPHY GUIDELINES………………………………………………………………………………………………….16-17 PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Floral DESIGN REGISTRATION FORM…………………………………………………………………………………………..19 HORTICULTURE REGISTRATION FORM………………………………………………………………………………………..20 PHOTOGRAPHY REGISTRATION FORM………………………………………………………………………………………..21 PHOTOGRAPHY ENTRY FORMS……………………………………………………………………………………………………22 FLOWER SHOW AWARDS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 5 TIMETABLE FOR EXHIBITORS Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Registration for all classes opens Monday, March 16, 2015 Floral Design registration deadline Monday, March 16, 2015 Photography registration deadline Monday, June 1, 2015 Horticulture registration deadline Monday, June 1, 2015 Photography must be submitted Tuesday, June 9, 2015 7:45am-9:00am 7:45am-9:00am Floral Design entries accepted and passed Horticulture entries accepted and passed 8:45am Judges’ briefing 9:00am Judging begins 10:00am Business Meeting 11:00am Show open to members 12:00pm Luncheon 6 FLOWER SHOW COMMITTEE Floral Show Chairmen Sara Murphy 414-352-3283 Cato Schley 414-352-8816 Club President Holly Blake 414-351-3622 Awards Name Email Telephone Judges, Passing and Clerks Cato Schley 414-352-8816 Hospitality Judges Luncheon Schedule Floral Design Deb Walker 414-446-5572 Rana Holbrook Horticulture Sarah Starrett 414-379-0185 Photography Sarah Starrett 414-379-0185 Signage/Graphics Name Email Telephone Staging and Passing Floral Design Deanna Braeger 414-332-3228 Margot Paddock 414-212-8418 Horticulture Valerie Brumder 414-352-4506 Photography Sandy Dawson 262-241-5885 7 GCA RULES 1. Please carefully read and follow GCA flower show rules, general information and division guidelines. All rules as stated in The Garden Club of America Flower Show and Judging Guide, July 2014 Edition, shall apply. 2. All plant material must be correctly identified with the botanical and common names, if possible. Accepted references for nomenclature are: AHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, The Plant List at www.the plantlist.org, International Plant Names Index at www.ipni.org or http://www.internationalplantnames.com, Plant Systematics at www.plantsystematic .org, Royal Horticultural Society plant finder database http://apps.rhs.org.uk/rhsplantfinder 3. The Garden Club of America expects all exhibitors to be aware of the need to promote conservation of endangered and threatened plants. Plants collected in the wild and listed by the Wisconsin Natural Heritage Program may not be exhibited in any flower show sponsored by a GCA club. Cultivated plant material listed by Wisconsin’s Natural Heritage Program may be exhibited if accompanied by a typed card stating that it has not been collected from the wild or that it was collected out-of-state and giving information concerning its cultural requirements and methods of propagation. Natural Heritage Program lists of endangered plant material will be available before and during the show from the division chairmen and are available online at http://plants.usda.gov/ threat.html 4. Plant material showing evidence of insects or disease must be removed immediately from the exhibition area. This rule will be enforced at any time during the show, whenever the problem is identified. 5. All entries in the Floral Design Division must include fresh and/or dried plant material. Fresh plant material must be in water or conditioned in such a way as to remain in pristine form while on exhibition. An entry not maintained in show condition may have its award removed. 6. Locally invasive plants, diseased plant material, artificial plant material, live animals (including fish), taxidermy, natural birds’ nests, and protected sea life, are not permitted, http://plants.usda.gov/java/noxiousDriver 8 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Entries are open to all Green Tree Garden Club members. 2. Registration is required for all classes. Registration forms are provided at the back of the schedule. 3. While The Garden Club of America, Green Tree Garden Club and The Town Club will exercise due caution in safeguarding exhibits, responsibility for damage, loss or personal injury cannot be assumed. 4. An entry card must accompany each entry. Entry cards for Floral design and Horticulture will be available at the show. Information required on the entry card must be completed in black waterproof medium. 5. The passing committee must pass each entry before an exhibitor may leave the show area. The passing committee reserves the right to refuse any entry that does not conform to the rules of the schedule. The exhibitor has the option of correcting the entry, if time permits. If not corrected, the entry cannot be judged, but may remain in place, marked “For Exhibit Only” with a brief, constructively worded statement explaining why it was not judged. The judges may not disqualify any entry passed by the passing committee, unless evidence of insect infestation or disease is identified. 6. Once an entry is passed, the exhibitor(s) must immediately leave the exhibition area. A passed entry may not be touched again by the exhibitor until after judging. 7. All exhibits must remain in place in show condition until 3:15pm. 9 FLORAL DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. Please carefully read and follow the GCA Rules, General Information and Timetable for Exhibitors. 2. An exhibitor is permitted only one entry per class, but may enter more than one class. The exhibitor(s) under whose name(s) the entry has been registered must create and complete the design. All participants must be listed. Only listed exhibitors and show personnel may be on the show floor at the time of entry. 3. If forced to withdraw, an exhibitor must notify the registration chairman and class consultant, and find a substitute unless there is a waiting list for the class. 4. Mechanics should not be visible unless they are an integral part of the design. 5. Designs may be executed off-site and brought to the show completed. 6. Anything not prohibited in the GCA Rules, Floral Design Division Guidelines, or individual class descriptions is permitted. 7. Although permitted, the use of cut fruits and vegetables is discouraged and should be undertaken only with proper treatment to prevent spoilage and insect contamination. 8. Judging will be based on the principles of design: balance, contrast, dominance, proportion, rhythm and scale; and the elements of design: light, space, line, form, color, texture, pattern and size. Creativity is important, as are distinction, conformance to and interpretation of the class and schedule. 9. Accessories are permitted, unless otherwise stated in the class description. 10. 11. A statement of intent is required in Floral Design classes. The scale of points for judging are as follows: Design Interpretation Creativity Scale/Proportion Total 30 20 25 25 100 10 FLORAL DESIGN CLASSES CLASS 1 PICNIC IN THE PARK 5 Entries Springtime has finally arrived at Olbrich Gardens! Find a friend or two* and prepare a functional table arranged on 36’ x 36” table which will be draped with a black cloth. Overlay permitted. This is to be arranged as a "sit down" meal for two persons to include linens, dishes and glassware. Flatware may be included. Plastic is acceptable. There is no height restriction and the design will be viewed from all four sides. * (maximum three people total but only two allowed on the floor to arrange) Class Consultant CLASS 2 ASIAN SERENITY Margot Paddock 414-212-8418 5 Entries Create a design inspired by the Thai Golden Temple at Olbrich Gardens. Arrangements will be viewed from three sides. Floral Designs will be displayed on a 15’ long table covered with black cloth. Each Floral Design will be allowed a 24” space. Design may not be exceed 18” in width or 24” in height. Overlay permitted. Class Consultant Deanna Braeger 414-352-3228 11 In The Garden Horticulture Guidelines 1. Please carefully read and follow the GCA Rules, General Information and Timetable for Exhibitors. 2. Preregistration is requested for Classes 1 and 2. The form is attached at the end of the guidelines. Please send your form to the Horticulture Chairman, Sarah Starrett. 3. Ceramic, troughs, terra-cotta and green or terracotta-colored plastic containers are allowed. Containers must be clean, unobtrusive and compatible with the exhibit. 4. Entries must have been owned and grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of two months. Ownership deadline is April 9th, 2015. 5. Unobtrusive stakes are permitted in container classes. 6. An exhibitor may only submit one entry per class. An entry card is required for each exhibit. An entry card is a 4 x 6 index card that includes information about the exhibit. Bring to the show the botanical and common name (if known), length of ownership, propagation method and details if done by the owner. There will be club members at the show to assist with completing the entry card. 7. A key card (diagram or plant list) is required when multiple species or cultivars are exhibited in the same container. This should be provided on a 5 x 8 unlined card and completed in waterproof black ink. If you need help with this, bring the common names of the plants (at a minimum) to the show. We will have cards and helpers there. 8. Top dressing is permitted but must not float when watered. 9. All cuts must be presented in green Perrier bottles provided by the committee. Wedging material for cuts will be available at entry. 10. Classes may be subdivided and entries moved and/or reclassified at the discretion of the horticulture committee and/or the judges. 11. No invasive plant material is permitted for entry. 12. The plants will all be staged on white table cloths supplied by the Horticulture staging committee. 13. Any questions regarding the Horticulture schedule should be referred to the class consultant. 12 14. Classes will be judged based on the following scale of points: Class 1 Condition Degree of maturity Presentation/grooming Nomenclature Total 60 20 15 5 100 Class 2 Each plant is judged individually against the perfection of standard for the specific specimen or cultivar. Class 3 Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes, Tubers and Flowering Perennials Form 15 Substance 15 Color 10 Size 15 Foliage and stem 25 Balance and proportion 10 Conditioning and grooming 10 Total 100 Flowering bushes or trees Amount of flowers Quality of flowers Condition Grooming Form of branch Distinction Total 25 25 20 15 10 5 100 13 In The Garden Horticulture Classes Class 1: Succulents and Cactus A singly grown, or collection of succulents/cactus grown in a single container. 1. Plants have been owned less than 1 year. 2. Plants have been owned 1 year or more. Class 2: Par A single rooted specimen of exceptional horticultural merit, which does not qualify elsewhere within the horticultural schedule. 1 Plants have been owned less than 1 year. 2. Plants have been owned 1 year or more. Class 3: Cuts Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes or Tubers – Single stem cut to be not less than 12” nor more than 24” in length. 1. Tulipa (tulip) 2. Iris 3. Daffodil 4. Allium 5. Other Flowering Perennials – Single stem cut to be not less than 12” nor more than 24“ in length. 6. Peaeonia (Peony) 7. Aquilegia (Columbine) 8. Other Flowering Bushes – Single stem branch not to exceed 30” in length. 9. Rhododendron (azalea and rhododendron) 10. Syrigia (Lilac) 11. Magnolia 12. Other 14 Flowering Trees – Branch not to exceed 30” in length. 13. Prunus (Cherry) 14. Malus (Crabapple) 15. Cercus canadensis (Redbud) 16. Other Classes 1, 2, 3 consultant Adrienne Widell 414-961-9361 a.j.widell@sbcglobal.net 15 DIVISION III Photography Guidelines 1. An exhibitor may enter one class only. Total entries for the show are limited to 18 photographs. Advance registration is required. Registration forms will be accepted from Green Tree Garden Club members only February 10 to May 16, 2015. Exhibitors will be notified if accepted or not by email at the time of registration. Note: Photography has a registration form AND an entry form. The registration form reserves your place in a class, the entry form is attached to the photograph at the time the photograph is submitted. 2. Each entry must be labeled on the back of the photograph mounting with the attached entry form including the exhibitor’s name, address, phone number, email and class entered. The top of the photograph must be indicated. A second copy of the entry form is submitted along with the photograph but not attached to it. 3. All photographs must be submitted to Mary Walker, Photography Division Chairperson, no later than June 1, 2015. If you will not be present to remove your entry on the date of the show please make arrangements for someone to take it home for you; or, send preaddressed packing materials and adequate postage along with your submission. 4. If forced to withdraw, an exhibitor must notify Mary Walker, the Photography Division Chairperson, and find a substitute unless there is a waiting list for the class. 5. Photographs that have won first place or a Special Award in a GCA or GCA Major Flower Show may not be entered in a competition again. A photograph that has been entered before in another GCA Flower Show or GCA Major Flower Show but has not received a First Place ribbon may be entered again if the image is altered and newly printed. The same photograph may only be entered in one show at a time. 6. Each photograph must be the work of the exhibitor under whose name it is registered. Mounting and printing may be done professionally. 7. Any manipulation at any stage must be the work of the exhibitor. This includes enhancement for color or clarity, removal of a part of the image, combining images, or distorting the original subject. 8. Photography entries are limited to subjects consistent with The Garden Club of America interests such as horticulture, floral design, gardens/landscapes, conservation and the environment, historic preservation, civic improvement and the natural world. Plant material is required in all classes. 9. Photographs must be mounted on foam core with no boarder or over-matting. The dimension of the matted photograph must be a minimum of 36" and may not exceed 50". Glass and framing are not permitted. 10. Identification of plant material on the entry form is not required, but encouraged whenever possible. An optional title or brief statement may be included on the entry form. 11. All photographs will be passed by the photography committee to verify that class specifications have been met. If a photograph is not passed, the exhibitor will be notified and allowed, if time permits, to send a replacement photograph. If not corrected, the entry cannot be judged, but may remain in place, marked “For Exhibit Only” with a brief, constructively worded statement explaining why it was not judged. The judges may not disqualify any entry passed by the passing committee, unless evidence of disease is identified. 16 12. The recommended scale of points by which the classes are to be judged. Creativity 25 Composition 25 Technical Merit 20 Interpretation of Theme 20 Distinction 10 Total 100 17 In The Garden Photography Classes Class 1: Seasons in the Garden Color 6 entries Gardens change dramatically throughout the year. Photograph a garden demonstrating the beauty of one of the four seasons. Class 2: Precious Pollinators Color 6 entries A macro of a pollinator actively fertilizing a plant. Macro is life size or lager. Class 3: Monet’s Garden Color 6 entries An impressionistic style photograph of water, manipulation encouraged. Classes 1, 2, 3 consultant Sandy Dawson 262-241-5885 sldawson12@sbcglobal.net 18 In the Garden Floral Design Registration Form Please complete one Registration Form per entry. Registration Deadline: Monday, March 16, 2015 Send to: Cato Schley 7716 N. Links Way Milwaukee, WI 53217 Please print using block letters. Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ Tel:_____________________ E-mail:___________________________ Co-Exhibitor(s):_______________________________________________________________ Class Number Class Title 1st Choice:______________________________________________________________________ 2ndChoice:_____________________________________________________________________ NOVICE: Yes_____ No______ A novice is an individual exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or GCA Special Award in Floral Design in a GCA Flower Show, a GCA Major Flower Show or a Sanctioned Non GCA Major Flower Show. Date: ___________________________ 19 In the Garden Horticulture Registration Form Form for club flower show Registration is not required for cut specimen classes. Preregistration is requested for Classes 1 and 2. Please complete one Registration Form per entry. Registration Deadline: June 5, 2015 Send to: Sarah Starrett 3131 W. Donges Bay Rd., Mequon, WI 53092 or sallts@yahoo.com Please print using block letters. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ Tel:_____________________Fax:_________________Email:___________________________ Class Number Class Title _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NOVICE: Yes_____ No______ A novice is an individual exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or GCA Special Award in Horticulture in a GCA Flower Show, a GCA Major Flower Show or a Sanctioned Non GCA Major Flower Show. 20 In the Garden Photography Registration Form Registration deadline: May 16, 2015 Mail registration form to: Mary Walker, Photography Division Chairperson 825 N. Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53202 marymwalks@gmail.com Name: ______________________________ Garden Club: _____________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Cell __________________Email ____________________ Class Number and Title: 1st Choice _____________________________________ 2ndChoice ____________________________________________ NOVICE: Yes_____ No______ A novice is an individual exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or GCA Special Award in Photography in a GCA Flower Show, a GCA Major Flower Show or a Sanctioned Non GCA Major Flower Show. 21 Photograph Entry Form Photograph Submission Deadline: June 1, 2015 Two copies of this form must accompany the entry. Affix one form to the back of the photographic mounting. Indicate top of photo. Leave one form loose. Class Entered: ___________________________email:____________________________ Name: _______________________ Garden Club:___________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Cell: ____________________ Return postage and packaging have been provided____. Yes____No_____ Identifiable Plant Material (optional):__________________________________________________ Title or brief statement (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Novice? Yes No A novice is an individual exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or GCA Special Award in Photography in a GCA Flower Show, a GCA Major Flower Show or a Sanctioned Non GCA Major Flower Show. Send photograph to: Mary Walker, Photography Division Chairperson 825 N. Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53202 Photograph Entry Form Photograph Submission Deadline: June 1, 2015 Two copies of this form must accompany the entry. Affix one form to the back of the photographic mounting. Indicate top of photo. Leave one form loose. Class Entered: ___________________________email:____________________________ Name: _______________________ Garden Club:___________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Cell: ____________________ Return postage and packaging have been provided____. Yes____No____ Identifiable Plant Material (optional):__________________________________________________ Title or brief statement (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Novice? Yes No A novice is an individual exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or GCA Special Award in Photography in a GCA Flower Show, a GCA Major Flower Show or a Sanctioned Non GCA Major Flower Show. Send photograph to: Mary Walker, Photography Division Chairperson 825 N. Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53202 22 CLUB FLOWER SHOW AWARDS Best in Show, selected from among the first place winners, may be awarded in each division. Judges’ Commendation(s) may be given to an entry, class, section, special exhibit or other aspect of the show that is of exceptional merit. Novice Award, may be given to a novice in any division who has placed first, second or third. In the Floral Design table class if more than one person worked on the table then everyone must be a novice. 23
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