DOGWOOD DIALOGUE A newsletter of the Dogwood District of The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. “Gardening in a Changing Environment” Helen Grogan, Dogwood District Director – Director: Helen Grogan Co-Director Sally Holcombe Board Members: Adams, Chris Adamson, Kim Austin, Jean Azar, Jean Benson, Betty Berry, Johnnie Bourque, Barbara Bozonier, Monica Brown, Joan Campbell, Bonnie Capps, Rosa Carpenter, Sally Cole, Reba Collins, Gretchen Davidson, Rosie Dunn, Lee Edwards, Ann Fawcett, Emily Frey, Florence Hadley, Johnnie Hanlon, Sandy Hawkinson, Nola Henry, Kathy Herndon, Carolyn Jones, JoAnn Jones-Thurmon, Paula Knight, Martha Kuykendall, Gina Trankina, Betty Vann, Debbie Waith, Terry Whiteman, Jane Wilson, Jenelle Wolf, Ginny Dynamic Dogwoods, 2014 Fall Issue As I sit and watch the swallowtails vie with hummingbirds for the best blooms on the Rose of Sharon while cardinals perch deep within the shade of the branches, I am reminded that the summer fun will soon turn to fall festivities and garden clubs have been planning for the transition - now it is time to get busy! September meetings will be filled with talk of new projects and projects to be continued. Please consider including the following projects that promote “beautification, conservation and education”: GCG Special Project “Ban the Bag”: Encourage friends, family and local business to discourage use of plastic. These bags end up in the landfills and can be deadly to wildlife. Scholarships: Purchase extra calendars as gifts for those holiday drop-in guests. Calendars support scholarships. Students need assistance as the cost of education increases at an alarming rate. Want to make a direct donation? Blue Star Memorial Project: Honors service men and women. The Blue Star became an icon in World War II and was seen on flags and banners in homes for sons and daughters away at war, as well as in churches and businesses. This program has been active all through the years to the present, a fitting tribute always and especially now. Consider a fundraiser to add a marker in your community. Community Wildlife Project: A joint effort of GCG and the Department of Natural Resources. Caring for and protecting our wildlife through Backyard Habitats is easy and play an important role in being good stewards of our land. Do remember to plant natives. Historic Preservation: Since 1996 the annual Historic House and Garden Pilgrimage has raised funds to support a matching grant for the restoration of historic, non-profit public landscapes and gardens in Georgia. We are pleased to announce that this project comes to the Dogwood District during the coming year. Learn more inside this edition of the newsletter. Meet me at the Fall District Meeting on October 15th. Our speaker, Wayne Juers, The Plant Doctor, will give advice on your garden dilemmas and introduce new gardening ideas. Don’t miss the invitation inside this newsletter. Don’t miss the fun! Speaking of fun, Town and Country celebrated their 60th birthday in June. See outtakes from the party. Thanks for having me! Sally and I want to join you at your meeting or celebration, just let us know about it. We look forward to working with you this year. Helen Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 2 Teens and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities Get Support from Iris and Bellmere Garden Clubs During Summer Day Camp Members of the Iris Garden Club of Atlanta and the Bellmere Garden Club of Johns Creek brought gardening programs and many smiles to teen and young adult campers with developmental disabilities at the summer day camp program sponsored by enAble of Georgia, Inc. (enAble). The eight-week program provided campers with a variety of activities including swimming, arts and crafts, community outings, gardening and much more. enAble, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 1979 and based in Fulton County, provides residential services, day enrichment and job skills training, and in-home supports for over 100 adults with developmental disabilities throughout the greater Atlanta area. This is the second year enAble has offered teens and young adults an opportunity to enjoy the summer through a unique camp experience. Merrell Woodyard, President of the Iris Garden Club, and club members Jane Henley and Anna Kilburn were quick to respond when asked to provide a garden segment to weekly camp programing. Campers planted the raised beds, provided by Pike Nurseries, with flowers, herbs and vegetables, which supported future programs on Texture, Fragrance, Bugs & Bees & Butterflies, Garden Care, Flower Arranging and Edibles. Iris Garden Club furnished many “Make and Take” items which supported the weekly topic and brought out the campers’ happy faces. Sally Copeland, President of the Bellmere Garden Club, and club members Pat Pittard, Rose Rigdon, Betty Stark, Sallie Stark, Penny Anne Machemehl and Ann McCrory treated the campers to the art of making terrariums. The campers learned how to make terrariums and took their lovely creations home to enjoy. These garden clubs, along with the support of Grantly Ricketts from the South Fulton Extension Service and Susan Farris, an enthusiastic volunteer, shared with these individuals their love and knowledge of gardening and stressed the importance of protecting trees, plants and birds by giving their time, talent and treasure to the project. This wonderful participation supports the mission of The Garden Clubs of Georgia and the Dogwood District. Submitted by Peggy Farris, Life Member, Iris Garden Club, Life Member and Past President Brookwood Hills Garden Club Penny Anne Machemehl from Bellmere GC and campers admire their planted raised bed garden Merrell Woodyard, Pres. of Iris GC helps campers decorate chalk board “butterflies” Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 3 SAVE THE DATE! APRIL 22, 2015 The Garden Club of Georgia’s Dogwood District will host the Historic Landscape and Garden Grant Fundraising Lecture Presenting Andrea Wulf Author of The Brother Gardeners Botany, Empire & The Birth of an Obsession Ansley Golf Club Atlanta, GA 7 p.m. Reception and book signing to follow We hope you and your clubs will help support this Historic Landscape and Garden Fundraiser! Since Dogwood District is hosting this event, we know you will not only plan on attending but hopefully you or your club will become a sponsor of the event! You will be hearing more about this event but in the meantime if you have any questions, please contact: Rosie Davidson (, Pam Covington ( or Karen Manzini ( NATIVE PLANT Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia) This is a gorgeous, dependable summer shrub that is native from coastal Maine south to north Florida and then west to the eastern edge of Texas. It blooms in mid July in North Georgia and will continue to bloom for 4-6 weeks. Light fragrance perfumes the air around it. The versatility of this shrub is one of its most attractive characteristics. This plant naturally thrives in moist locations (so it is good for a sunny, wet area), but it also does well in average garden conditions. The species naturally has creamy white blossoms but light pink forms are available as well. The flowers are a bottlebrush structure composed of many small flowers that open from bottom to top. Flowers form on new growth, so late cold snaps will never affect these flowers. The foliage is a lustrous medium green. Source: written by Ellen Honeycutt. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 4 PENNY McHENRY HYDRANGEA FESTIVAL AND FLOWER SHOW Submitted by Kathy Henry Ama-Kanasta, Skint Chestnut, Sweetwater and Town & Country Garden Clubs were very proud of their seventh annual Near Standard Flower Show, Ruby Slippers, held June 7-8 at the beautiful Douglas County Courthouse. The Wizard of Oz theme lent itself to exquisite flower arrangements, educational exhibits and horticulture. The eighth annual Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival is in the planning stages to be held June 6-7, 15 with a theme of All Things French featuring the beautiful classic white hydrangea Madame Emile Mouilere. Please mark your calendar and join us! $$$ GCG Scholarships $$$ We are pleased to announce that for the 2014-2015 school year, $52,000 in garden related scholarships were awarded to deserving students who attend Georgia colleges and universities. Please support our scholarship program by (1) buying calendars- see order form on page 11, (2) buying the new “Bags for Scholarships” (for a $7.50 donation you will receive a nice tote bag with the GCG Seal – these are available now or can be purchased at the fall District Meeting), (3) making a donation in any amount to the scholarship fund, or (4) making a donation of at least $1000 to create a named scholarship that honors someone special in your club or family. Please contact Barbara Bourque for more details. DAFFODIL MILE COMMITTEE AT ABERNATHY GREENWAY OPENING JULY 2014 7 The Daffodil Mile Committee is thrilled to get to plant along the gorgeous new linear park in Sandy Springs-Abernathy Greenway. Construction delays were worth the wait. It will be a spectacular show of daffodils honoring and remembering cancer patients, next winter and for years to come. Brent and Becky's Bulbs are in order now: the first 5,000 will be planted by our Sponsor Alex Smith Garden Design in October. Back Row L to R: Melissa Patterson, Chris Adams-SSGC President, Maidee Spencer, Kate Dalba, Mary Catherine St. Louis Front Row L to R: Nan Henson and Davis, Jerrie Woodward and Wesley, and a friend! Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 5 RAIN BARREL WORKSHOP --- PINE CENTER GC Gwen Brinkley and Jennifer Mclaurin of the South Fulton Office of Environmental Education installed a rain barrel and conducted a workshop on conserving water in Pine Center member Jean Austin's garden. Jean won the rain barrel during a National Pollinator Week tour of the South Fulton Demonstration Gardens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOWN & COUNTRY GC AND SWEETWATER GC Submitted by Mary Patterson Town & Country Garden Club and Sweetwater Garden club of Douglasville donated 75 hanging baskets as center pieces for the annual Senior Citizens Picnic which was held in May at the Alice Hawthorn Center; the baskets are awarded as door prizes. Our clubs have been doing this for many years as a community service project for the 500 attendees at the picnic each year. CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSIE DAVIDSON!! Note from Rosie: My garden is being featured in Georgia Gardening in the October edition!! The writer Bonnie Helander visited my garden in May when it was in the Atlanta Botanical Gardens Conoisseurs Tour and contacted me after that. She interviewed me and took a lot of photographs. I also have my garden shown in Thomas Lowe, a garden designer here, did a series of short instructive videos, around 35, which can be accessed on this website. I hope this is of some interest to you. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 6 TOWN AND COUNTRY GARDEN CLUB CELEBRATES 60 YEARS Submitted by Mary Patterson The Town and Country Garden Club of Douglasville, Dogwood District, along with our Dogwood District Director, Helen Grogan, met June 24th to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the club. The club was treated to dinner in the beautiful landscape at the home of Suzanne and Jimmy Wix and enjoyed a tour of the Wix’s garden. The koi pond and fountain, wooded and floral trails, art and architectural features, a vegetable garden, tool/potting shed, and outdoor living areas provided all in attendance with inspiration and entrainment. The motto Town and Country began with “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”, has been the legacy and the challenge it hopes to continue for years to come. 60th Anniversary Committee Sandra Fisher, Linda Schuppener, Linda Hampton, Suzanne Wix, and Mary Patterson Garden of Jimmy & Suzanne Wix Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 7 MAGNOLIA GARDEN CLUB Submitted by Carol Martin Members of Magnolia Garden Club (Dogwood District) took a walking tour of the Atlanta Beltline led by Greg Levine, CoExecutive Director of Trees Atlanta. Pictured here, (L-R) Carol Martin, Lindsey Sosebee, Nancy McWilliams, Greg Levine and Gail Buchanan directly in front of the old Sears Building and deciduous hybrid "Goldfinch" Magnolias. In the background stand the stately Grandifloras that marked the outfield of the old Atlanta Crackers Baseball Stadium. After our walking tour of the Beltline, we attended a reception and lectures at Trees Atlanta. Greg Paige, head curator at Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories in Charlotte, N.C. spoke about "Magnolias for the Urban Landscape". The subject of "Bringing Home Nature" was the focus of talk including the importance of utilizing native plants in home landscaping given by Doug Tallamy, professor of Etomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware and the author of a book by that title. Information about Atlanta Beltline tours for garden club meetings, families or individuals can be found at Guided tours are offered at many locations throughout the city by trained volunteers. These can be walking, bus or bike tours. For information regarding programs offered at Trees Atlanta go to Information about Dr. Tallamy's book can be found at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALPHARETTA GARDEN CLUB CELEBRATES STATE GARDEN WEEK Submitted by Pam O. Elmore In celebration of Georgia Gardening Week in April, the Alpharetta Garden Club conducted a day of various activities for their community. Members held a Pass-along Plant Sale at the historic Mansell House and Gardens to coincide with the Alpharetta Arts Streetfest. A booth at the Streetfest was manned by various members throughout the day to publicize both the plant sale and the club's activities. Seed packets with information about meeting times were handed out, along with flyers giving directions to the plant sale. Tours of the historic Mansell House and Gardens were offered, as well as pruning and plant division demonstrations. A free Kids Corner was offered where children could plant seeds to take home. Chaired by Vera Snyder, plans are already underway for continuing the plant sale next spring. Judy Axtell mans the Alpharetta GC booth downtown Fran Gossage readies the Mansell House Gardens for tours Vera Snyder potting plants for the Pass Along Plant Sale Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 8 Spalding Garden Club Enjoys Summer With Sip 'N See's During the quiet summer months, the Spalding Garden Club enjoys getting together for organized visits to members' gardens to "sip" ice tea and "see" their personal gems. In lieu of our regular monthly business meetings and programs, we have an opportunity to visit the lovely gardens of three of our members, and enjoy their personal approach to creative landscaping. It is such an inspirational day for anyone who loves gardening! A Sip 'n See is scheduled during the months of June, July and August. Also, during the month of July, we traditionally enjoy a lovely day and luncheon at a member's home on Lake Lanier. This year, in addition to offering lunch on Lanier, our hostess arranged for our group to visit an alpaca farm in Dawsonville. You can see from the smiling faces in the photograph, everyone had a wonderful time seeing the alpacas and enjoying a lovely lunch, provided by our hostess! These Sip 'n See garden tours are a wonderful way for our club members to stay connected during the summer months. Spalding GC member Linda Daniels with alpaca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TALLAPOOSA GARDEN CLUB Submitted by Debbie White Our members are committed to cleaning up the trash on the side of the roads in our county. Members came up with the idea to make smocks to identify us as the Tallapoosa Garden Club to let the community know we care. Below is a photo of our members with our new smocks made by Marilyn Downey and designed by Mary Tolleson. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 9 WAFA 2014 FLOWER SHOW DESIGN Maidee Spencer's Commended Entry: Blast Off! Floral Odyssey, WAFA 2014, Small Div. Schedule required 25 cm or less in each direction (9.8 inchesmuch bigger than NGC "small" dimensions. Spaceship disk was milk bottle cap, covered in parsley flakes, with yarrow. Disk was edged with lily grass and backed with a disk of aspidistra. Nut of unknown origin was "found" on floor. Other materials are steel grass, palm curls and paper covered wire. CONGRATULATIONS, MAIDEE! Marsha Webb's design Her small class was 17 inches in every direction!! Way bigger than NGC Flower Show Guidelines. Both Marsha & Maidee are members of Sandy Springs GC, CFoAA, NAFAS. Marsha is also a Master Judge and member of Designers Study Club. Her work has been published in many NGC coffee table books! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, MAIDEE AND MARSHA!! TABS PROJECT Pull your tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Recycled beverage tabs help your local Ronald McDonald House, a “home away from home” for families of children with serious illnesses who are undergoing treatment at nearby medical facilities. Mark your bags of tabs with the name of your garden club. Nola Hawkinson will pick them up at Fulton Federation meetings and Dogwood District meetings. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 10 Dogwood District Fall Annual Meeting The Dogwood District of The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. cordially invites you to the 56th ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Country Club of Roswell 2500 Club Springs Drive, Roswell, GA 30076 Phone: 770.475.7800 Registration and Hospitality at 9:30 a.m. Meeting starts promptly at 10:00 a.m. Honored Guest will be Suzanne Wheeler President of the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Speaker Wayne Juers Wayne is known around the country as “The Plant Doctor.” He is the immediate past Chairman of the Georgia Green Industry Association (GGIA). This former Nurseryman of the year trains students to become Georgia Certified Plant Professionals. He speaks at many events and nurseries in the area to answer questions and provide information about woody and herbaceous plants in the garden. You won’t want to miss his presentation. Lodging Information: Holiday Inn 909 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell Book online or call: 1-888-465- 4329 Directions: From GA400 Take Holcomb Bridge Rd. via Exit 7B West. Make U turn at Warsaw Rd. Holiday Inn is on the south (right) side behind Taco Bell & Peachtree Diner. Breakfast for 2 adults per room and wireless internet included. Free parking. ***Request Dogwood District Rate *** Room Rate - $104 king or double Event: 187454 Valid if reservations are made before September 30th Directions to Country Club of Roswell from Holiday Inn: Note: A registration form will be emailed separately. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 11 GCG 2015 CALENDAR ORDER FORM - Check One Method of Delivery Pick Up Calendars At The District Meeting in October 2014 - To pick up calendars at our District meeting, return this form with your payment to Jean Azar Dogwood District Calendar Chairman prior to the District meeting. List Fulton county below for sales tax purposes. Mail Calendar Order If you want your calendars shipped, return this form with your payment – mail it to: Mary Denney, P.O. Box 77, Moreland, GA 30259-0077 770-251-1670 e-mail: List the county to which the calendars are being shipped. Club: President’s Name: District: Address: City: State: Phone: Zip: Email: @ $8 $ each= No. of Calendars Desk Size ( 5-1/2"x 8-1/2"): Club #: Shipping and Handling if mailed (see rates below): $ County: Subtotal: $ GA. Residents Add 7% Sales Tax $ (tax on shipping too) (List the county to which the mdse is being shipped, or the county of the meeting/location where you will pick up calendars) Total Amount Due: $ **(Enclose Check Made Payable to THE GARDEN CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC.) State Calendar Chairman: Mary Denney, P.O. Box 77, Moreland, GA 30259-0077 770-251-1670 e-mail: DOGWOOD DISTRICT 2014 Fall meeting in Fulton County Jean Azar 1080 Edgewater Drive, NW Atlanta, GA 30328-3563 404-255-3777; SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES WITHIN THE U.S. 1-2 Calendars $ 5.00 11-25 Calendars $ 14.00 3-10 Calendars $ 8.00 26-49 Calendars $ 17.00 For postage rates for 50 or more calendars, call Mary Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 12 ROSWELL GARDEN CLUB ACTIVITIES During National Garden Week in June, members of the Roswell Garden Club visited four members’ gardens. Sherron Lawson showed members around the extensive veggie patch of her husband, who was there to explain what was growing. Carolyn Clarke guided members through her lovely shade garden which has “rooms” designed with water features, koi ponds, and fairy gardens, just a few of the many designs in her garden. Nancy Moses’ shade garden consists of many hosta plants, many in pots placed all around her patio, and in gardens lined with bottles. Carolyn Herndon enjoyed showing visitors around her sunny gardens which contain over 400 different cultivars of daylilies. Nancy Moses’ garden Sherron Lawson’s garden Carolyn Clarke’s garden Carolyn Herndon’s garden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE THE DATE! "Make it gorgeous and they will come. Keep it that way and they will help." - Lynden Miller Please save the date of Wednesday, October 15, 2014, when the Cherokee Garden Library will host Central Park Conservatory Garden Director and Author, Lynden B. Miller, who will discuss her award-winning book, Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 13 Roswell Fall Farm Days Saturday, October 11, 2014 FREE Admission! 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Proudly Presented by: The Roswell Garden Club & Archibald Smith Plantation Fun for the Whole family! Fun for the whole family featuring artisan exhibits & demonstrations of life on a 19th Century Farm. FREE Activities for the kids: Floral Arranging, Handmade Bird Feeders, Fun Crafts, Scavenger Hunt, Face Painting, Farm Animals Petting Zoo, Wagon Rides & More! The Smith Plantation Home will be open from 12 – 3 pm for $5.00 admission. Hotdogs & hamburger lunches will be available for a small fee. Yummy baked goods, homemade preserves, pickles and other tasty treats will be for sale. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 14 FULTON FEDERATION OF GARDEN CLUBS Fulton Federation of Garden Clubs has been in existence since 1966. Its goals are to unite all garden clubs to coordinate community interest in gardening, strengthen clubs through dissemination of information and diversification of activities, and to provide the means for a combined effort in projects of greater scopes. Fulton Federation has 5 meetings per year with wonderful programs and you are all invited to arttend. Fulton Federation Dates and Programs Sept. 15, 2014 "How to Make a Shade Garden Wreath" by Becky Mensinger Nov 10, 2014 "Cooking with Herbs" by Marlysa Raye-Jacobus Jan 12, 2015 "How to Photograph Flowers or How to Grow Orchids" by Mary Booth Cabot March 9, 2015 "How to Garden with Children" by Chris Adams & Kathy Kennedy May 14, 2015 Annual Awards Meeting/Luncheon Held at Ansley Golf Club "Native Plants for Gardens and Vases" by Sandra Sandefur Website: Location for Sept., Nov., Jan., and March Meetings are held at: Canterbury Court 3750 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30319 Refreshments: 9:45 am Meeting: 10 am Annual Awards Meeting/Luncheon May 14, 2015 held at Ansley Golf Club 196 Montgomery Ferry Drive Atlanta, GA. 30309 Registration 10:30 am Meeting/Program/Luncheon 11:00 am Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 15 INDIAN CREEK GARDEN CLUB Save the Date! Tuesday, September 16, 2014 "From Seeds to Designs with Gourds." By Master Flower Show Judge Kay Red Horse Indian Creek Garden Club is sponsoring a Great Educational Program Absolutely Free! Everyone is invited to attend. When: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Time: Program @ 10:45am Where: Ashe Simpson Garden Center 4961 Peachtree Ind. Blvd. NE, Chamblee, Ga. 30341 (need directions or lost: 770-458-3224) Speaker: Designer, Kay RedHorse Free Program: From Seeds to Designs with Gourds Kay is giving away Free seeds and brochures on how to grow your own gourds to all who attend. Bring: Yourself and a Guest! RSVP: To: Dellis Caden Noble call: 404-872-7276 or email: Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 16 Bulb Sale – Dogwood District Fundraiser Dogwood District is pleased to offer flower bulbs from Colorblends again this year. By now, you have experienced or have heard about these superior bulbs and blooms that make great gifts for your friends (or you). These Amaryllis, Tulips and Daffodils will please any plant-lover. The white Amaryllis selection always goes quickly so place your order early. The Tulip ‘Big Eartha’ will add “oomph” to your “Plant It Pink” projects. Members of several clubs have already given me requests from previous Dogwood District/ Colorblends catalogs. My neighbor reminded me that the inside of ‘Big Eartha’ looks like a giant Poppy and she wants to order two bags. The September 24, 2014, order deadline date has been set to help us get ahead of the crowd, but these bulbs do go fast. Colorblends has been in business for more than 50 years and they ship high volumes both near and far. Mail completed order forms and checks (payable to Dogwood District) to Terry Waith, 6590 Long Acres Drive, Sandy Springs, GA 30328-3018. The photos and order forms will be emailed via the ListServ. Remember: Orders must be received by Wednesday, September 24, 2014. WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD At the Fall Dogwood District Annual Meeting/luncheon, the Dogwood District will be pleased to announce the Annual Woman of the Year Award. The purpose of the award program is to identify the positive contributions of women in our District and The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and for the encouragement of others. We invite you to nominate exceptional women you may know from your garden club or from working within Dogwood District. The form will be sent separately via the Listserv. SCHOOL GROUNDS IMPROVEMENT The new School Year offers opportunity for Garden Club members to reach out to their communities. Contact schools in your area to learn of possible projects. Several suggestions are: Landscaping, Butterfly Gardens or a Wildflower Trail, working with the students for clean- up days or other litter projects. There are many awards that can be applied for related to School Ground. More information, call EMILY FAWCETT, 404-355-9710. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 17 Dogwood District Awards 2014 Application Send application to: Debbie Vann Dogwood District Awards Chairman 3055 Bluffton Way Roswell, GA 30075-6613 Name of Award: ______ JoAnn Jones Civic Improvement Award________________________ Name of Club: ____________________________________City: _________________________ Year Club Organized: _________ Number of members on whom Dues are paid: _____________ Name of President: ______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: (_____) ___________________ Email: ________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________State: ______Zip: ______________ Please refer to the rules for the award for which you are applying. Applicants should submit a report with this application form to the Awards’ Chairman by October 1, 2014. Describe the scope of achievement, public benefit, and community and membership involvement. Application should include budget and source of funding Deadline is October 1, 2014. Rules for this award are on the following page. Get Your Dogwood District Lapel Pins The Dogwood District lapel pin represents a “pink” dogwood in honor of the “Plant It Pink” project. Please support this fundraiser by purchasing a Dogwood District Lapel Pin. The cost is only $5.00 each. Buy one for all your members. Presidents, this would make a great gift for your board members. Thanks for supporting this fundraiser. Contact: Sally Holcombe, 770-436-9883, Dogwood District Newsletter Making a World of Difference —Choices Matter— Select an area of conservation that is of local concern. Create a project to help solve a problem and partner with other community organizations, thereby working together toward a common goal. NGC is providing cash awards to clubs who achieve excellence in one of the five areas mentioned below. AIR Air projects may include: Energy Conservation, Solar or Wind topics. LAND Project options are endless: All Planting, Gardening, Native Plants, Roadside Beautification, Organic Gardening, Wildflowers, Garden Therapy. WATER Fall Issue Page 18 Dogwood District Rules for the JoAnn Jones Civic Improvement Award 1. The JoAnn Jones Civic Improvement Award shall be awarded annually to a club presenting the most outstanding Civic Improvement project. Applicant should submit a report no longer than two pages (typed and double spaced) to the Awards Chairman by October 1. 2. Projects may include landscaping grounds of hospitals, schools, public buildings, cemeteries, places of worship, courthouse squares, historic monuments, etc. (Continuing projects: Clubs will be judged on what has been accomplished during the awards year). 3. The awards year is May 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014. Water Project suggestions: Xeriscaping, Rain Gardens, Or Aquatic Ecosystems WILDLIFE Why not work on a project with Bees, Butterflies, Endangered Species or Pollinators? Read the material on BeeGAP and start your own Mason Bee colony. FOREST Anything Tree related: Protecting and Preserving Native Forests, Combating Invasive Shrubs and Trees— just a few suggestions. Award Applications are due by March 15th. Contact Barbara Bourque ( or see attached flyer for more details. 4. Include before and after photographs with your application. Photo pages do not count toward the maximum page allotment (keep captions short). 5. The Civic Improvement Award will be presented at the annual Dogwood District Meeting which is usually held in October. 6. The trophy is a traveling trophy. Winners of the award must return the trophy to the Dogwood District Director by September 15. 7. The trophy will be returned in good condition. 8. Any club that loses or damages a trophy will be required to replace the trophy immediately. Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 19 Bellmere Garden Club National Garden Week Project On June 5th, BGC members met at the home of Barbara Taylor to assemble a variety of floral baskets, potted arrangements or terrariums which were then donated to many area nursing homes, senior centers, animal shelters and libraries in North Fulton. In advance of our work day, we obtained donations from Home Depot, Whole Foods and several food stores to add to the plant material harvested from our gardens and supplies donated Above: Some of the baskets that were ready for delivery. by members. We had a great time doing the Below: Members working, and many happy recipients. arrangements, enjoyed a pot luck lunch, and the recipients in the community were very appreciative. Each arrangement carried a tag noting National Garden Week. National Garden Week June 1-7, 2014 Arranged for you by Bellmere Garden Club Johns Creek, GA Many happy recipients appreciated our efforts commemorating National Garden Week Dogwood District Newsletter Fall Issue Page 20 CALENDAR OF EVENTS September 5-7 Fri-Sat Yellow Daisy Festival Stone Mountain 11 Thurs Basic Design I (Unit 3 - Tables) Thomasville Garden Center 15 Mon Fulton Federation meeting Canterbury Court 16 Tues “From seeds to Designs with Gourds” by Kay Red Horse Ashe Simpson Garden Center 24 Wed Deadline for bulb order 11 Sat Roswell Fall Farm Day Smith Plantation 15 Wed Basic Design I (Unit 2) State Botanical Garden, Athens 15 Wed Dogwood District Fall Meeting Country Club of Roswell 15 Wed Lynden Miller lecture Cherokee Garden Library Mon Fulton Federation meeting Canterbury Court October November 10 IN MEMORIAM Janie Brumbelow was a long-time member of the Roswell Garden Club. One of her favorite activities with the club was the flower shows the club hosted many years ago. For several years she has been an honorary member and unable to attend club meetings. She always enjoyed receiving news about members and the club’s activities. Janie passed away this summer and will be dearly missed. Please email your club articles and photos ASAP after the event to Carolyn Herndon, editor: carolynhrgc@gmail. Deadline for Winter issue is November 14, 2014.
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