The Colorado Department of Local Affairs is currently conducting a

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs is currently conducting a study
concerning fair housing. Known as the “Analysis of Impediments to Fair
Housing Choice” (AI), the study is required by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a condition for receiving Federal
housing and community development funds. The goals of the study are to
identify whether barriers to fair housing choice exist in Colorado in the rental
and real estate markets and the mortgage lending, insurance, and appraisal
industries. Further, the study examines private and public policies and
practices that may inadvertently lead to housing discrimination.
This AI process includes soliciting the opinions of persons involved in the
housing industry, including renters and homeowners. As such, you are being
asked to take part in one of two fair housing forums to provide your opinions
and experiences regarding fair housing in the State.
The forums will be held on May 20 in Pueblo and May 21 in Denver. The
Pueblo forum will begin at 1:30 p.m. at 201 S. Victoria, and the Denver
forum at 9:30 a.m. at 1313 Sherman Street, Room 318. Each forum is
expected to last about 90 minutes.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Mary Miller at or call 303-864-7816.