April-May 2015 Newsletter - Gary Rindal Lutheran Parish

Parish Reflections
April-May 2015
Newsletter of the Gary-Rindal Lutheran Parish
Faaberg ~ Gary ~ Ness ~ Sundal
One Community ~ One Faith ~ One Call: To Reflect the Love of Christ in thought, word and deed.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
April/May 2015
2 Corinthians 5:17 17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new
creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
This letter reaches you in Holy Week, the very busy and theologically
important week before Easter!! Why is it so special you ask? Starting on Palm
Sunday we celebrate the Passion, and then on Maundy Thursday we will celebrate First communion while learning about the Last Supper, Good Friday
marks the crucifixion and then after a long day on Saturday we observe the
Easter Vigil, and finally at long last the celebration of Easter Sunday and Jesus’
That may seem like a lot of church to you, but it is the foundation of
our faith! God is doing a new thing in each of us! No matter how many candles were on your last birthday cake you are NEW in CHRIST this day!
I heard of a man who shared his faith by asking others this simple question, “How would you like to be forgiven for everything you have ever done
wrong?” Think about this for a minute. How does it feel when we finally put
down burdens of guilt, anger, shame, fear, and frustrations? It is like a nice
shower and clean towel after a few days of roughing it in the forest! Refreshing, renewing, and so needed! We all need this forgiveness and we need to
offer it to each other.
Rev. John & Rev. Kelly
Parsonage 945-6340
Kelly’s Cell:
(701) 866-5629
John’s Cell:
(701) 212-8877
Office at Rindal
4391-340th Ave
Fertile, MN 56540
Office at Gary
202 Thorpe St
PO Box 96
Gary, MN 56545
Parish Secretary: Jenny
Office Hours:
This verse is not about new paint, new shingles, or even putting in an
elevator in our churches! (Although those things are a blessing to many!!) This
is purely about Spiritual Renewal and the gift of new life in Christ.
8:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
I hope this Easter as you look for signs of spring and see those first few
flowers peek their heads over the soil, and those tractors start their work in
the fields around us…look inside, take a few moments of prayer…and ask
God to show you how you are made new each and every day!
Thursdays in Rindal
This is our prayer for us all and our blessing at Easter!!! You are a beloved child of God and God has made all of us new through Jesus Christ!
God’s blessings to you! Pastors Kelly and John
Tuesdays in Gary
Wednesdays in Rindal
For to this end Christ died
and lived again, that he
might be Lord both of the
dead and of the living.
Romans 14:9
From the office...
Happy Spring!
If you would like to decorate your congregation with an Easter Lily in honor or memory of
someone, please call the office by Wednesday, April
1 so it can be acknowledged in the bulletin. If you
would like for me to pick up a lily for you, please let
me know by April 1.
Do you have any snapshots of congregational
activities? If you would be willing to share your pictures with us to be included in the new parish directory or on the website, please email them to grpoffice@gvtel.com.
God Bless,
Pastoral Acts . . .From the Records
2/15 Tyler John Sletton (Faaberg)
2/22 Gavin Herbert Werpy (Gary)
3/15 Haylie Marie Kirkevold (Faaberg)
3/15 River Wallace Gunufson (Faaberg)
Dean Airhart (Gary)
Kathryn Larson (Sundal)
Gail Coplin (Reinstated, Gary)
Attention: Synod Assembly Delegates!
Scripture Quiz
1. The Bible states that Jesus was scourged. What
does scourge mean?
A. Starve
B. Wash
C. Banish
D. Whip
2. According to the book of Matthew, what color
was Jesus’ robe?
If you were chosen to be a delegate for the
Synod Assembly this year, please call or email
the parish office to be registered for the assembly. It will be a Saturday/Sunday assembly this
year on May 16-17 beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday and ending 1 p.m. Sunday. All events will
take place at Concordia College, Moorhead.
The theme will be Mission: Imaginable with a
focus on mission planning. The registration
deadline is April 30, so please contact Jenny by
or before that date.
A. Blue
Vacation Bible School is Coming Soon!
B. Scarlet
VBS is tentatively
planned for June 1-5 and
the starter kit has been
ordered. The theme will
be camp discovery. We
are looking for volunteers and someone to be
in charge of organizing Vacation Bible School this
year. A location has not been set yet, since we
hope to set the location based on what will work
best for volunteers. Parents will receive a letter in
the mail soon. Please prayerfully consider being a
C. Yellow
D. Green
3. After resurrection, Jesus goes to see his disciples.
Which disciple was not present at this time?
A. Thomas
B. Simon
C. Paul
D. Peter
A PRIL /M AY 2015
Upcoming Events...
Save the Date!
Pine toValley Cluster 3
Northwestern Minnesota Synod WELCA
Spring Gathering
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Registration/Coffee 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Fee: $8.00
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
1214 University Avenue—Crookston, MN
Theme: New Life in the Spirit
The Women’s Retreat at Fair Hills
Resort in Detroit Lakes will be
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 from 8:30
a.m.-3:30 p.m. The theme will be
Sweet Friendships. Pastor Kelly
will be the pastor for the worship
service and the guest speaker will
be Gaye Linfors, author of God,
Girlfriends & Chocolate. More information and registration materials
will be available at a later date.
Theme Verse:“This means that anyone who belongs
to Christ has become a new person.The old life is
gone; a new life has begun!”
Halstad Lutheran Church, Halstad
Speaker: Terri Krake & Seizure Assist Dog Brody
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
(Traumatic brain injuries from an explosion while working as a young New Orleans police officer left Terri with
seizures so debilitating she became depressed and afraid
to leave her house. Enter Brody, a specially trained service dog who can warn Terri of an oncoming seizure and
even stop them, thanks to his amazing instincts and new
technology. Terri considers Brody a guardian angel who
has truly given her new life. Their inspirational story will
touch your hearts.)
“Love Grows Where It Is Planted”
Physical Offering: Cash (or checks payable to St.
Paul’s WELCA) or Walmart or Target gift cards. These
offerings will be distributed to area food shelves and
Spring Cluster 5 Gathering
Program: “Lift Him Up” Singers
Come and Be Renewed!
Registration begins at 4:15 p.m.
Program begins at 5 p.m.
Please pre-register at your church office.
$5.00 luncheon fee is collected at the
All Women Welcome!
WELCA Unit Fees: $15.00 for congregations under 300
Please make checks payable to Cluster 3 Gathering
Send to Kay Carlsen, Financial Recorder
612 N. Eaton Ave
Fosston, MN 56542
A PRIL /M AY 2015
Congregation Announcements April/May 2015
~Women of the ELCA: The Cluster 3 Spring Gathering will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (1214
University Avenue) in Crookston. Registration and
coffee will take place from 8:30-9:00 a.m. with the
program beginning at 9. More information can be
found on page 3.
Women’s Bible Study Groups:
 Afternoon group: will meet on Wednesday, April
8 at 1:30 p.m. Jean Krogstad will serve lunch and
Lynda Sevald will lead Bible Study. In May, the
afternoon group will meet on Wednesday, May
13 at 1:30 p.m. for potluck. Nancy Grunhovd will
lead Bible Study.
 Evening group: will meet on Wednesday, April 8
at 7 p.m. with Janice Helgeson leading Bible
Study and Marian Cerkowniak serving lunch. In
May, the evening group will meet on Wednesday,
May 13 at 7 p.m. Julie Harstad will lead Bible
Study and Jan Helgeson will serve lunch.
 Daughters of Jacob: will meet on Monday, April
27 and Tuesday, May 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Julie Harstad’s home.
Ushers: April: Marvin Gunderson & Brad Hanson
May: Dave & Julie Harstad
Altar Committee: April: Greg & Colleen Ranz
May: Katy Krogstad
*There will be a congregational meeting following
10:30 a.m. worship on April 12 at Faaberg about the
painting and flooring project.
*There will be a bridal shower honoring Tiffany Krogstad on Saturday, April 25 at 2 p.m. at Faaberg. All
are welcome!
Help! Gary Lutheran Church needs a treasurer! If
you are willing to serve in this way, please contact
Abby Stueness (356-8203 or 218-930-0430) or the
church office ASAP (356-8236 or grpoffice@gvtel.com).
Greeters: Mar. 22-Apr. 4: Jay Gunderson, Dennis Jacobson
April 5-18: Mike & Jill Nelson
April 19-May 2: Ben & Tamara Ramstorf
May 3-16: Merlyn & Gwen Meyer
A PRIL / MAY 2015
May 17-30: Curt & Candy Robertson
May 31-June 13: Heath & Crystal Stene, Stacy &
Kathy Stene
Altar Guild: April: Jenny Hanson & Peggy Hanson
May: Rhonda Bennefeld & Renee Olson
Circle & Quilting: will be Wednesday, April 8 and
Wednesday, May 13 with Bible study beginning at
10 a.m. and quilting beginning around 12:30 a.m.
both days.
*Everyone is invited to a baby shower welcoming
Norah Renae, daughter of April and David Swafford
from Hawley. It will be held at the Gary Lutheran
Church Saturday, April 4th at 3:00 p.m. Grandparents
are Barry and Cari Halland from Gary and Tom and
Nancy Swafford from White Bear Lake. Greatgrandparents are Lester and Darlene Halland from
Bejou and Rose Bugh from White Bear Lake.
April: Shonnie Carlsrud & Karen Carlsrud
May: Kim Kveno & Laurie Sather
Altar Guild: April: Cheryl Hagy
May: Shonnie Carlsrud
Janitors: April: Scott Hagy & Cory Valen
May: Harry & Kim Kveno
Usher: April: Mark Hagy
May: Vernon Hovelson
*Bridal shower for Haylee Preabt (bride to be of
Justin Sirjord) to be held on Saturday, April 4 at
10:00 a.m. at the Wild Rice Community Room in
Mahnomen. All are welcome!
Sundal Women of the ELCA: will meet for quilting
on Monday, April 13 and Tuesday, April 14 at 9
a.m. both days. Please bring a brown bag lunch. The
meeting will be held on Monday at 12:30 p.m.
In May, there will be a WELCA meeting at 2 p.m. on
Tuesday, May 12. Barb Miller will serve as hostess.
Janitor: April: DeWayne Miller
May: Kenneth Johnson
Usher: April: DeWayne Miller
May: Donald Eid
Make an impact with a Thrivent Action Team!
If you’re a Thrivent Financial member, you can lead a Thrivent Action Team to bring people together for a one-time project to help others be wise with money and live generously.
You can:
 Coordinate an educational event.
 Conduct a service activity
 Organize a fundraiser
Thrivent will provide:
 Resources to help you plan the event.
 Promotional items, including Thrivent T-shirts.
 Community Impact Card with $250 of seed money.
Learn more at Thrivent.com/actionteam and apply online.
Not a member of Thrivent? Share your idea with a Thrivent member. At Gary, Abby Stueness
and Audrey Felske have a list of Thrivent members that may be willing to help you make a
Thrivent Action Teams will replace the matching funds that Thrivent previously provided.
This should help our smaller community as it was often difficult to have enough Thrivent
members at an event to qualify for matching funds. With this program all Thrivent members
are eligible for up to two projects per year.* This is not a grant, but rather seed money to start
a fundraiser, service activity or educational event. Some ideas for projects include making
blankets or quilts for the homeless, holding a benefit for someone with high medical bills, assembling school or medical kits, or organizing an educational workshop.
How It Works
Decide upon a one-time fundraiser, service project or educational event and apply to be a
team leader online at www.thrivent.com/actionteam. The project must be completed in 90
days and once you are approved you will receive:
 Promotional banner
 Invitations and thank-you cards
 Thrivent Action Team T-shirts
 A $250 Community Impact Card you can use as seed money to purchase project supplies
and create promotional materials.
Following your event, you will need to share stories, photos and volunteer team information
with Thrivent. This step must be completed before applying to lead your next Thrivent Action Team.
*All Thrivent members are eligible to lead an action team. Benefit members are eligible to
lead two teams per year and associate members are eligible to lead one per year (maximum
of three).
A PRIL /M AY 2015
Gary Rindal Lutheran Parish Council Meeting - February 25, 2015
Pastor John called the parish council meeting to order following Lenten worship on February 25, 2015 at Ness.
Roxanna Nelson moved to approve the agenda. Secretary's report was read and approved upon motion by Myron
Stene with the correction of the secretary's pay which was set at $12,000 for the 2015 year at the November meeting. The treasurer's report was reviewed and approved upon motion Mike Hagy. Pastor John gave a Pastor's report.
Election of officers was held with the following accepting nominations: Wally Nelson as President, David Harstad
as Vice President, Jan Helgeson as Treasurer, and Jenny Hanson as Secretary. Myron Stene moved to close nominations; carried. Unanimous ballot was cast. The accountant changes were discussed. Jan Helgeson and Jenny Hanson would keep track of their hours and report back at future meetings. It was decided to send out a letter and survey to Vacation Bible School families to find volunteers and decide where VBS should be located this year. Georgia
Gullickson moved to pay for the registration for Katie Nelson and Jenny Hanson to attend the GIFTS classes offered three times a year by the synod.
The next meeting will be held on June 10 at Gary at 6:30 p.m. Meeting closed in the Lord's Prayer.
Jenny Hanson, Secretary
Local Prayers Ventured—April/May 2015
We pray for all fifth graders who will receive their First
Communion on Maundy Thursday. We thank God that they
are able to learn about communion and join Your faithful
servants at Your table.
As we move into Easter, we thank you, Lord, for this
Lenten season. Thank You for the reminders to slow down
our lives. Thank You for the simplicity of our soup and
sandwich meals. Thank You for the close fellowship we
share during our Lenten worship and meals.
Thank You for the blessings of spring and the newness
that each season provides. Thank You for Your wondrous
creation and for all creatures who share it with us.
We pray for all those on county fair boards and community clubs as they plan for summer activities. We thank
God for all committed community members who give
their time and talents to make our communities fun and
We pray for all families as they spend time together over
Holy Week and Easter. We pray that all people remember
the true meaning of the cross and the Easter celebration and
spend some time doing Christ-centered activities.
We pray for all those who have recently lost loved ones as
they adjust to their lives without that person. We remember in prayer all widows and widowers. We ask that they
feel Your presence whether they lost their spouse months,
years or decades ago.
We pray for those who suffer from diabetes as the Gary
Lions Club sponsors a diabetes day on April 18. We pray
for a better understanding of this disease and for a cure.
We pray for all those with Alzheimer's Disease or dementia. We pray for new research to find a cure and for medication to help alleviate the symptoms.
We pray for all farmers as they begin a new planting season. We pray that they are kept safe as they work with
equipment and for fair prices for the products they raise.
We pray for all graduating seniors from high school or
colleges as they begin to discover what God has in store
for their lives. We pray that they see God working through
their lives in each journey they take.
We pray for WELCA Clusters as they gather for their
Spring Gatherings this April. We pray for fun and fellowship for all attendees.
We pray for all confirmands as they are confirmed in their
faith on April 26. We pray that they continue to be active in
church and that they take what they learned in confirmation
class with them as they grow older.
A PRIL /M AY 2015
On Memorial Day, we thank God for the ultimate sacrifice
that soldiers have made for our country. We remember all
veterans in our prayers and pray for those who suffer from
post-traumatic stress disorder and physical disabilities. We
pray that all veterans have access to good medical care and
other necessary services.
April/May 2015
Narrative Lectionary Readings
Gary-Rindal Prayer List ~ April 2015
1. Chelsey Larimore; Maria Sather
2. Mark & Kristin Larson, Michael & Laurie Sather, Jase
3. Michael & DeAnn Larson; Larry & Tanya Senechal, Sarah
4. Tai Larson; Abigail Sirjord
April 2, 2015Words of Institution-Maundy Thursday
Psalm 116:12-15
Matthew 26:17-30
April 3, 2015Crucifixion: Matthew-Good Friday
Psalm 22:1-2, 14-18
Matthew 27:27-61
5. Terry & Caty Larson; Avery & Jacqueline Sirjord
6. Orpha Marvig; Briana Sirjord
7. Barb Miller; Gloria Sirjord
April 5, 2015Easter: Matthew-Easter
Psalm 118:19-24
Matthew 28:1-10
8. DeWayne Miller; Holly Sirjord, McKenzie, Megan, Chase
9. Darin Narum; Jerome Sirjord
April 12, 2015Great Commission-Second Sunday of Easter
Psalm 40:9-10
Matthew 28:15-20
10. David & Linda Black; Justin Sirjord
11. Robert & Kathy Black; Katelin Sirjord
12. Roger & Addie Black; Kristin Sirjord
13. Allen & Jewel Boit, Samuel Holen, Justin; Briar Thronson
14. Amber & Tom Borsch; Bryan Thronson
15. Joshua Brevik, Dawson, Megan; Byron & Lori Thronson
16. Marian Cerkowniak; Dalen & Belinda Thronson
17. Dean & Darlene Chandler; Ordale & Margie Thronson
18. Amanda Christianson; Sara Thronson
19. Braidy Christianson; Duane & JoAnne Tilleraas
20. Derek Christianson; Monica & Jerod Trenda, Cole
21. Jason Christiason; Norman Tuven
22. LeRoy Christianson, Hannah, Kassidy; James & Phyllis
23. Lyla Christianson; Marlys Visser
24. Mark & Judy Christianson; Aaron & Kayla Werpy, Ella,
25. Ryan Christianson; Brad & Teresa Werpy, Brayden, Tia,
26. Spencer & Lisa Christianson; Gene & Bonnie Werpy
April 19, 2015Peter’s Vision-Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 10: 1-17, 34-35
Matthew 9:36-37
April 26, 2015Paul’s Mission-Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 13:1-3, 14:8-18
Matthew 10:40-42
May 3, 2015Gospel as Salvation-Fifth Sunday of Easter
Romans 1:1-17
Matthew 9:10-13
May 10, 2015God’s Love Poured Out-Sixth Sunday of Easter
Romans 5:1-11
Matthew 11:28-30
May 17, 2015Hope of Resurrection-Seventh Sunday of Easter
Romans 6:1-14
Matthew 6:24
May 24, 2015Nothing Can Separate Us-Pentecost
Acts 2:1-4
Romans 8:18-39
May 31, 2015The Holy Trinity
Summer Reading Series-To Be Announced
27. Tracy Clark, James, Shelby; Teresa Werpy
28. Steven Courneya; Jacobi Widrig
29. Kenneth & Delores Dalby; Mindy & Anthony Aguilar,
Morgan, Mercedes, Maya, Maverick, Maximo, Myka
30. Brandon & Sarah Floan, Lucy; Karol Airhart
Gary-Rindal Prayer List—May 2015
1. Carol Joy Andersen; Allison Floan
2. Douglas & Harriet Andersen; Rueben Fritsch
3. Douglas J. Andersen; Heather & Jacob Ganssle, Frances
4. Alden Anderson; Kala Germundson, Tyler Sletten
5. Katherine & Bruce Asbury; Andrea & Tony Greive, Taylor, Isaac,
6. Adam Aune; Alan & Brenda Grunhovd, Ava, Sofie
7. Amanda Aune; Brian & April Grunhovd, Bennett, Kendall
8. Stan & Ramona Aune; Bradley Grunhovd
9. Diane & Samuel Bartholomew, Trissten, Elissa; Danny & Nancy
10. Roger Bekkerus; Jeffrey & Tia Gullickson, Drew, Brennan, Leyton
11. Bethany Bennefeld; Steve & Georgia Gullickson
12. Roger & Rhonda Bennefeld, Daniel, Kayla, Shana, Izaah, Kobe;
Elvern & Shirley Gunderson
13. Richard Bennefeld; Marvin & Deborah Gunderson
14. Taylor Bennefeld; Robert & Doreen Gunderson
Parish Long-term
Prayer Concerns List:
Please keep the following people
in your prayers:
Ruth Larson, Carol Andersen, Norma Pyles,
Laura Johnson, Emily Tadych, Joyce Bestul,
Gladys Sundet, Lily Thronson, Michael Flermoen, Larry Olson, Eleanor Thorson, Mickey
McCollum, Bernice Sundet, Robert & Gloria
Ramstad, Brody Lenz, Arvid Valen, Maynard
Larson, Lillian Gustafson, Lorraine Sweep,
Natalia Dahl, Ordale Thronson, Tammy
Pyles, Darlene Kronschnabel, Sara Thronson,
Marvin Olson, David Braaten, Tim Beyer,
Violet Orre, Ione Jacobson, Dorothy Moen
If you would like for you or a loved one
to be added to this list because of a longterm illness, recovery, or stay in a nursing
home, please call the office (945-6220 or
356-8236) or email grpoffice@gvtel.com.
15. Tyler Bennefeld; Brian Gunufson & Liz Lisburg, Braiden
16. Willis Biggers; Chad Gunufson
17. Gail Coplin; Dale Gunufson
18. Jordan Coplin; James & Vicki Gunufson, Carissa
19. Katie & Jacob DeMarais, Annika; Jered & Rachael Gunufson, River
20. June Dobberstein; Jordan & Kelsi Gunufson
21. Carol Engen; Mark & Michelle Gunufson
22. Mark Sirjord; Trista Gunufson
23. Matthew & Denise Sirjord, McKenzie, Megan, Chase, Isabelle;
James & Dara Narum
24. Mervin & LouAnn Sirjord; Troy Narum, Brooke
25. Samantha & Eric Stock, Archer, Everett; Amanda Nelson
26. Bernice Sundet; Matthew Nelson
Answers to Scripture Quiz on Page 2:
27. Gladys Sundet; Russell Nelson
1. D; John 19:19
28. Perry Sundet; Vernon & Roxanna Nelson
2. B; Matthew 27:28
29. April & David Swafford, Norah; Wallace & Edna Nelson
3. A; John 20:24
30. Arvid & Shirley Valen; Sybil Oakland
31. Cory Valen; Julie Oliver
A PRIL /M AY 2015
Resurrection Cookies Recipe
This recipe was written to be shared with children, but anyone could make these as a reminder of the resurrection.
You will need 3 egg whites, 1 cup pecans, 1 tsp. vinegar, a pinch salt, 1 cup sugar, a zipper baggie, a wooden
spoon, tape and a Bible. Each ingredient has a special meaning and a Bible passage to read. Begin the evening before Easter by preheating your oven to 300 degrees—do not wait until you are half done with the recipe to preheat.
Place 1 cup of pecans in a zipper baggie and beat them with a wooden spoon. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1-3.
Put 1 tsp. vinegar into a mixing bowl. Let each person smell the vinegar. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on
the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30.
Add 3 egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11.
Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest in the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27.
So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. The sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died
because He loves us. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.
Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white
represents the purity of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isa. 1:18 & John 3:1-3
Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60.
Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal
the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66.
Go to bed! Explain that we may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22.
On Easter morning, open the oven and eat a cookie. The cookies are hallow! On the first Resurrection, Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9.
May 2015 Worship Schedule
Sunday, May 3 (White)
Fifth Sunday in Easter
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m.-C
10:30 a.m.-C
Sunday, May 10 (White)
Sixth Sunday of Easter
10:30 a.m.-C
9:30 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m.-C
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Sunday, May 17 (White)
Seventh Sunday of Easter
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
No Worship
No Worship
Sunday, May 24 (Red)
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
C=Holy Communion
*= Time Change
Sunday, March 31 (White)
The Holy Trinity
10:30 a.m. Fifth Sunday Parish Worship at Sundal. If you would like to
be part of a choir that morning, please come at 10 a.m.
A PRIL /M AY 2015
Want to Go Green?
4391-340th Ave
Fertile, MN 56540-9319
Sign up to receive your newsletter via
email by sending an email to
Address Service Requested
2015~Issue 4~ April
2015~Issue 5~May
Gary Office: 218-356-8236
Rindal Office: 218-945-6220
E-mail: grpoffice@gvtel.com
C=Holy Communion
*=Time Change
April 2015 Worship Schedule
Sunday, April 2 (Scarlet)
Maundy Thursday
Sunday, April 3 (Stripped)
Good Friday
7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship & Communion at Faaberg
7 p.m. Good Friday Worship & Communion at Sundal
Sunday, April 5 (White)
Easter Sunday
9:00 a.m.-C
7:30 a.m.-C
10:30 a.m.-C
10:30 a.m.-C
Sunday, April 12 (White)
Second Sunday of Easter
10:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 19 (White)
Third Sunday of Easter
8:30 am.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 26 (White)
10:30 a.m.-C
9:30 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m.-C
9:30 a.m. Sunday
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.