I&T DEPARTMENT Sustainability Projects BIOMETHANE Production Bernardo Llamas Moya Sustainability Area. Department I+T FCC Aqualia 14th April 2015 1 INDEX 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION: From biogas to bio-methane FCC Actions: technology, projects CONCLUSIONS 2 INTRODUCTION. FCC Group Servicios Ciudadanos FCC is one of the most relevant players in citizen services: FCC Environment: manages solid waste of 17 M people in Spain FCC Aqualia: manages the whole water cycle, present in 20 countries - in Spain: 36% of the market for private water management – 7 M people Treats > 500 M m3 sewage/year ( 10 Million Population Equivalents) FCC Aqualia 3 INTRODUCTION. FCC biogas production: huge opportunity for bioenergy Servicios Ciudadanos 20/20/20 EU Objectives - D. 2009/28/CE EC wants to promote renewable energy, and biomethane will be a relevant energy vector in order to fulfill this objective (grid&transport) The potential of the European biogas production is so large that it could replace 12 to 20 % of the natural gas consumption. Source: CIVITAS TRENDSETTER Project DISTRIBUTED SOURCE OF ENERGY Current biogas production from Municipal Waste in Spain: • 30 plants, about 10% of population (50% operated by FCC) • 500 M m3 CH4/ year. • Corresponds to NG Consumption of 700 000 people Biogas potential from Municipal WWTP - FCC Aqualia operates 20 digestors in Spain - 19 M m3 CH4 / yr – NG Consumption of 25 000 People - If municipal sludge would be anaerobically digested, this could reach 25 M x 0,05 x 0,5 x 365 = 250 M m3 CH4 FCC Aqualia 4 INTRODUCTION. From biogas to biomethane Servicios Ciudadanos GOAL/CHALLENGES: - Biomethane production from municipal sources: Germany, NL and Scandinavian countries. - The energy produced may be considered for: (1) Electricity, (2) Transport, (3) Grid injection. - Generation of autochthonous and renewable energy is EU objective: Directive 2009/28/EC - Reduction of GHG emissions promotes use of biomethane (EC communication) - Energy transport by pipeline offers efficient and flexible energy storage (compared to electric grids). Lack of European legislation /regulation on renewable energies is a barrier for developing of upgraded biogas: EC objective is to establish a common regulation during 2015 (M/475 08/11/2010): Grid injection and Transport EU biogas production FCC Aqualia 5 INDEX 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION: From biogas to bio-methane FCC Actions: technology, projects CONCLUSIONS 6 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos FCC Aqualia and FCC Environment are working together in several projects to test different technologies to obtain biomethane as a commercial source. These projects are focused on: New technologies to treat waste water and solid waste from municipalities. New concepts to recover energy from the water cycle (Water & Energy nexus) Acronym Project Title/Description Participating Entities FP 7 ALL-GAS Industrial scale demonstration of sustainable algae cultures for biofuel production. Coordinator: FCC Aqualia BDI (Austria), Hygear (NL), Soton (UK), FhG (D) 11.827.444 CIEN SMART Green Gas Valorización energética de residuos y efluentes, SMART Green Gas FCC Aqualia, Gas Natural Fenosa, EDP-Naturgas, ECOBIOGAS, DIMWATER, DIAGNÓSTICA, BFC. 8.250.000 RENOVAGAS METHAMORPHOSIS Finished Total budget (€) Desarrollo de la tecnología P2G ENAGAS, FCC Aqualia, Abengoa Hidrógeno, Gas Natural Fenosa, aplicada a la corriente directa de biogás CNH2, TECNALIA, CSIC-ICP 1.700.000 Waste Streams treatment for obtaining safe reclaimed water and biomethane for transport sector to mitigate GHG emissions 3.546.000 On going FCC Aqualia, FCC SA, SEAT, Gas Natural-Fenosa, ICAEN, AMB Negociation FCC Aqualia 7 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos The main objectives of the project : - a new generation of technologies and innovative systems for the recovery of energy - from solid waste, and urban and agro-industrial effluents - obtain biomethane with maximum efficiency, both technically and economically - new treatment systems and refining/upgrading - use in industry, automotive and residential areas, by injection into the distribution grids of natural gas. - innovative systems for the control and distribution of biomethane - intelligent and SMART GRID GAS FCC Aqualia 8 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos FCC Aqualia – new upgrading system Based on an ingenious way to treat conventional biogas (excess sludge from waste water treatment). Process is ready to produce high quality biomethane . Our technology development is still “in progress” to obtain higher quality from any biogas source. FCC Aqualia 9 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos FCC Aqualia technology Initial results: biomethane with a CH4 concentration up to 90%, and less than 3% CO2 content. Current design will produce CH4 with higher quality improving different known parameters. Next step will be a Full Scale Conceptual design in a large WWTP. 88 14 87 14 87 12 86 12 86 10 85 10 85 8 84 8 84 6 83 6 83 4 82 4 82 2 81 2 81 0 80 0 2 4 6 L/G 8 10 0 2 H gas L gas 4 %CH4 16 %N2/%CO2 88 %CH4 %N2/%CO2 16 0 % CO2 %N2 % CH4 BIOGAS B BIOGAS A 44,16 80 8 10 Wobbe MJ/m3 39,7 Wobbe MJ/m3 L/G FCC Aqualia 10 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos FCC Aqualia technology - Full Scale Conceptual design Economic evaluation: CAPEX: decrease 80% of investment cost to upgrade biogas. OPEX: reduce 60-85% of energy and chemicals to upgrade biogas. FCC Aqualia 11 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos According to the current situation, conclusions are: - It is technically possible to produce commercial energy from sewage (READY! ) - This renewable energy is economically competitive, with similar cost than conventional Natural Gas (Fossil NG). Different options are under evaluation: 1. Injection in the distribution grid: this process will be optimized in the SMART Green Gas Project. 2. Fuel for the transport sector: The process will be demonstrated at a full scale in the SMART Green Gas and METHAmorphosis Projects. Regulations and support from Natural Gas, Transport sector and Authorities are needed in order to develop this resource. FCC Aqualia 13 FCC ACTIONS. Projects and technology Servicios Ciudadanos Diffused GHG Emissions should be reduced with New Fuels Biomethane may reduce CO2 emissions up to 80% (Well2Wheel). SEAT & FCC Aqualia will demonstrate the feasibility of biomethane from WWTP as an automotive fuel. Tests will start in September 2015. FCC Aqualia 14 INDEX 1. 2. 3. INTRODUCTION: From biogas to bio-methane FCC Actions: technology, projects CONCLUSIONS 15 3. CONCLUSIONS Servicios Ciudadanos 1. FCC Aqualia has developed a new process to treat biogas : • techno-economically feasible. • produces high quality biomethane (2005/55/CE Directive). • ready for use in automotive transport or energy production (electricity/thermal). 2. FCC Aqualia is working with relevant players in the Natural Gas Sector (i.e. ENAGAS, GAS NATURAL FENOSA & DEP-NATURGAS) to develop the process to inject biomethane into the grid. NECESSARY: 1. Energy Policies should promote autochthonous and renewable resources. 2. Adopt a homogeneous Normative at European level. 3. Collaborate with the Natural Gas Industry in order to identify and develop the logistic to distribute this energy vector. FCC Aqualia 16 Servicios Ciudadanos Bernardo Llamas Moya Sustainability Area. Department I+T FCC Aqualia Dirección General de FCC Aqualia Avda. Camino de Santiago 40, 28050. Madrid bernardo.llamas.moya@fcc.es 91 7574507 620 623292 FCC Aqualia 17
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