FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDER LISTINGS RAF Lakenheath, RAF Feltwell and RAF Mildenhall Office hours: 0730 – 1630 Phone DSN 226-2170 Commercial: 01638-52-2170 For assistance please call or email The FCC office is located in Bldg. 957 on the 1st Floor. Family Child Care is an excellent alternative to traditional Child Development Center (CDC) care. Providers have as much or more training than CDC caregivers and have the flexibility to provide care to meet your needs (i.e., full-time, part-time, hourly, Before &After School, nights, weekends, emergencies, TDY, PCS, Volunteer, Returning Home care, exercises, etc…). Phone & Housing area Types of Care available Farley, Kayla 07500803725 Liberty Village Hourly, PCS, and Volunteer, please call for availability. Email me at: Fermin, Nilfre 01842827847 07833620708 RAF Feltwell Housing Please call for availability. Email me at: Jackson, Diana 01638532901 Lord’s Walk Hourly and PCS care only. Please call for availability. Email me at: Selander, Abbie 07500708535 Liberty Village Hourly, PCS, and Volunteer, please call for availability. Email me at: 07473354535 RAF Feltwell Housing Immediate openings for Full and Part Time care and Hourly, please call for availability. Email me at: NAME Smithwick, Brandi ECC – denotes the provider participates in the Expanded Child Care Programs EXTENDED DUTY CARE (EDC) The EDC Initiative is to enable families to obtain high-quality child care from licensed or affiliated providers at or near their base when weekly parental workloads due to longer duty hours exceed their typical 50-hour child care arrangements. Child care provided is for non-traditional hours, i.e., evenings and weekends at no additional costs to parents. The EDC Initiative also helps parents with “child care emergencies” when their regular source of child care is not available. Other approved use includes spouses of deployed or TDY members needing child care created in part by absence of spouse as well as FCC providers that have medical appointments or need substitute care on a limited basis. A written statement is required from Commander or Supervisor to be turned into the FCC office to utilize the EDC program. Contact your FCC Coordinator for more information. RETURNING HOME CARE (RHC) The RHC initiative is a program aimed to help families to reintegrate after a deployment or TDY. Up to 16 hours of free childcare is available for each child. A written statement is required from Commander or Supervisor to be turned into the FCC office to utilize the EDC program. Contact your FCC Coordinator for more information. PCS AND VOLUNTEER CARE Participating providers can provide you with 20 hours of free child care for your PCS move in or out. Volunteer service is awarded 10 hours of free child care per week. Please contact the AFRC for a voucher then call one of the providers that offer this service. Start your own business!!!! Next FCC Provider Orientation: November 3rd -7th from 8:30-4:30pm Call or Come by the FCC Office for more information and learn how you can support our Air Force mission in your own unique way!!!! We are constantly looking to expand and enhance the FCC Program at RAF Lakenheath, Feltwell and Mildenhall. If you are interested in becoming a FCC Provider, please contact the FCC office 226-2170 or email Care needed for the following: Special Needs, weekends, shifts, babies, youth, drop-ins, and evenings FORALTERNATIVECHILDCAREOPTIONS: PLEASECALLTHEBRITISHSOCIALSERVICES@08456.08.0033/01284352098orcheckouttheir currentopeningonlineat THISNUMBERISGIVENONLYASAREFERENCEFORTHOSESEEKINGCHILDCARE.THEBRITISHCHILD MINDERSARENOTENDORSED,REGULATEDORAFFILIATEDWITHRAFLAKENHEATHor MILDENHALL,THEUNITEDSTATESAIRFORCEORTHEDEPARTMENTOFDEFENSEINANYWAY. In accordance with AFI 34-276, any individual caring for other families’ children a total of more than 10 hours a week on a regular basis must be licensed to provide care in a government-owned or governmentleased housing. Multiply the number of children in care by the hours of care provided to determine if the total hours are over 10 hours. New listings are completed and posted by the 5th business day of each month.
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