November 2014 JBER Family Child Care (FCC) Provider List FCC Homes located on Joint Base Elmendorf Licensed FCC Provider’s Name Phone # Housing Area Susannah Charleton */** 339-0140 Moose Crossing Bertha Clark * 240-3141 Bobbie Del Rosario 315-8045520 Under 2 years of age Over 2 years if age Will also provide care for: unavailable unavailable New Sunflower unavailable available PCS/VOL, Drop In Moose Crossing unavailable available PCS/VOL unavailable unavailable PCS/VOL Drop-in Care/PCS/VOL/Exercises/ TDY/Shift Care/nights and weekends Maria Dobbin (Expanded Child Care & Subsidized Provider) 231-7745 Houston Erica Guice 850-3765988 Silver Run unavailable unavailable PCS/VOL/Exercises/ TDY/Shift Care/nights and weekends Audrey Hartley 868-2846 Moose Crossing unavailable available PCS/VOLDrop In Jeannine Kouassi 792-9305 Silver Run unavailable available Drop-in Jenny Lemasters 306-8316 Cherry Hill unavailable unavailable Drop-in Care/PCS/VOL Michelle Riggs 222-2886 Silver Run unavailable available PCS/VOL FCC Homes located on Joint Base Richardson Licensed FCC Provider’s Name Phone # Housing Area Under 2 Over 2 Will also provide care for: Danielle Daigrepont (Expanded Child Care) 717-9548 Ft Rich available available PCS/VOL/Exercises/ TDY/Shift Care/nights and weekends Tamara Davis 743-0530 Ft Rich unavailable unavailable PCS/VOL Anikka Fleming 887-4299 Fireweed unavailable available PCS/VOL Jennifer Tillman 929-1289 Raven Ridge unavailable available PCS/VOL This FCC Provider Opening List is for 1-30 November; the list will be updated as new FCC providers are licensed or as inactive FCC Providers become active. FCC listing updated: 24 Oct 2014. NOTE: Space availability may change at any time during the month so please contact the FCC Provider for possible openings in their Family Child Care Home. Bold Lettering indicates completion of modules * Indicates the provider has a CDA ** Indicates the provider has a degree in Early Childhood Development *** Indicates the provider is accredited All providers are willing to provide PCS/VOL care if space is available. Subsidized providers are providers who are on the AF Subsidy Program. You will pay these providers the same category fee that you would pay the Child Development Center based on your TFI (Total Family Income). Please contact the FCC office to inquire about this program and other child care concerns at 552-3995 (has voice mail). Office hours are MonFri, 0800 –1700 (This is a 1 person section and may be out inspecting homes during this time). Parents: The individuals listed are the only licensed providers authorized to provide child care on JBER. This listing is subject to change so parents should call the FCC office for a current list. Active FCC providers have a FCC sign in their window. If a person caring for children is not on this list, please contact the FCC office at 552-3995. They are providing unauthorized care. To report unlicensed care: call 552-3995. AFI 34-276 para1.3. states: “Any individuals caring for other families’ children a total of more than 10 hours a week or on a regular basis must be licensed to provide care in on-base quarters.” What the FCC provider needs to know when you call to enroll in an FCC home: 1. How many children you will need care for? 2. What is the age of your child? 3. How long will you need child care? Hours, Days, Part time or Full time? 4. What is your work schedule or shift? Days, Swings, Mid-shift? 5. Does your child have any special needs? What you need to provide when enrolling your child: 1. Immunizations (All immunizations must be current and a copy of your child’s immunization record is required for our FCC record). 2. Completed AF Form 1181 3. School information (if applicable); this is for children receiving Before and After school care. 4. Current, local emergency contact information, other than you and/or your spouse. If you are just arriving to JBER, you may use your immediate supervisor and/or First Sergeant as your emergency contact(s) until you have established relationships with other reliable sources. 5. Diet and allergy statements as needed (all documentation must be from a medical physician)
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