WELCOME FROM THE GCHS PRESIDENT Exhibitors: I want to personally invite you to attend and show at the 67th year of the Germantown Charity Horse Show. The show dates are June 2 through June 6, 2015. We are real proud of the fact that we are now one of 20 horse shows that have been awarded the United States Equestrian Federation Heritage Competition. Hope all of you can attend the Exhibitor Party, donuts and coffee every morning, wine and cheese socials in the afternoon, ice cream socials in the afternoon and the welcome wagon everyday with ice tea and water. We will also have a tack room decorating contest being judged on Thursday with a special prize for the winning barn. We are always trying to make Germantown Charity Horse Show one of most Exhibitor Friendly shows you will attend all year. We have just completed two concrete pads at the wash racks. We will have a new exhibitor office completed in the next two months that will make everyone proud. Do not forget to visit our Exhibitor Lounge. I am looking forward to seeing our old exhibitors and meeting the new ones. If I can be of any help to you before, during or after the show please give me a call. Sincerely, Jimmy Chancellor GCHS President 901‐485‐0236 1 HELPFUL CONTACTS We sincerely thank the hotels that have generously sponsored our show this year. We hope that you’ll support them as they have supported us. SHOW MANAGER – Mark Farrar, 615‐469‐4040 (work), 615‐604‐4616 (cell) GCHSmanager@gmail.com BOX SEATS – Kay Ross, kayross@aol.com PROGRAM ADVERTISING – Angela Bledsoe, abledsoe@exchangeclub.net VENDORS – George McGaha, 901‐233‐8722 SPONSORSHIPS – Virginia Walker, 901‐619‐4555, tvwalk@gmail.com INFORMATION ABOUT THE AREA – Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce, 901‐755‐1200, www.germantownchamber.com SHOW VET – Equine Veterinary Assoc. of Olive Branch, 662‐893‐2546 SHOW PHOTOGRAPHER – Jennifer Barr, 931‐205‐3493, www.jenniferbarrstudios.com Exhibitors’ Receptions The Germantown Charity Horse Show invites you to join us for COMPLIMENTARY FOOD, FUN, MUSIC and FANFARE Monday at 5:30pm and Thursday at 5:00pm 2 North Ring Pavilion at the Show Grounds 3 OFFICERS Jimmy Chancellor Virginia Walker Lynda S. Smith Bill McGaughey Robert C. Lanier Lilly Kay Mitchell George McGaha Trey Lawson President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director At‐Large Director At‐Large Director At‐Large Director OFFICIALS BREED HORSE SHOW MANAGER & STABLING MANAGER Mark Farrar, Shelbyville, TN GCHSmanager@gmail.com | 615‐604‐4616 | 615‐469‐4040 PADOCK MASTER: Adam Hensley, Shelbyville, TN ASSISTANT SECRETARY Rocky Moreno, Shelbyville, TN USEF HORSE SHOW STEWARD: Adele Maurer, Fallbrook, CA ANNOUNCER: David Owens, Montrose, PA JUDGES: American Saddlebred, Feathered Horses, Carriage Driving Terry Jones Brennan, Hollister, CA RINGMASTER: John Frye, Riverton, IL Matthew Rhodes, Memphis, TN ORGANIST: Charles Ritchie, Memphis, TN Paso Fino Carmen Micheletti, Williston, FL PHOTOGRAPHERS: Walking & Racking Horses Adam Hall, Murfreesboro, TN Jennifer & Marty Barr, Tullahoma, TN VETERINARIAN: Equine Veterinary Associates of Olive Branch (662) 893‐2546 BREED HORSE SHOW SECRETARY: Debbie Morris, Perryville, MO Show Office During Show: (901) 754‐0009 / Fax During Show: (901) 754‐8995 Facebook: /GermantownCharityHorseShow Website: www.GCHS.org 4 WHAT’S NEW Primarily based on the feedback from last year’s exhibitors, we’ve made several changes for this year’s Germantown Charity Horse Show. We welcome and appreciate your feedback and ideas before, during and after the show. So that we can include more of our breed show exhibitors that don’t arrive until later in the week, we are having two Exhibitors’ Parties. One is on Monday at 5:30pm and the second on Thursday at 5:00pm. Both parties are in the North Ring Pavilion on the show grounds. We’re bringing back the awards for decorating your tack room and your box seat. The tack rooms will be judged on Thursday afternoon and the box seats will be judged on Thursday evening. There are now some incentives for reserving your stalls and making your entries by the deadline. o Reserve your stalls on or before May 8th and you’ll save $25 per stall. o All classes that are entered before 1:00pm on the day they are scheduled receive a discount of $10 per class. (Exception – Saturday morning classes should be entered by 8pm on Friday night). We are adding Feathered Horses to our schedule this year. This includes Gypsy Vanners, Gypsy Cob, Drum, Fresian, Andalusian and any other “feathered” breed horse. Cross‐entering is allowed in the Carriage division. Horses that show in other breed classes are eligible to also show in the carriage classes. The prize money for the Western American Saddlebred classes has been significantly increased. We have doubled the prize money in the qualifiers to $250 and increased the championship prize money to $1,500. Due to a lack of participation, the other American Saddlebred classes have been deleted from our schedule. 5 WHAT’S NEW Several new Paso Fino classes have been added, including youth divisions in Pleasure, Classic Fino and Performance. We’ve also split the Schooling classes into Performance, Classic Fino and Performance. Pay close attention to the schedule because these added classes will run concurrently. We’ve increased the prize money in our Racking Horse division and changed the qualifying rules for the Speed Racking Finals. The first heat in our Speed Racking division is now only open to Novice Horses – horses that have never won a Speed Racking class at Germantown or a Speed Racking World Grand Championship. The second heat is Open Speed Racking – open to anyone. The top 5 horses from each of these two classes will advance to the $2,000 Speed Racking Horses Finals on Saturday night. Once a horse has placed in the top 5 and qualified for the finals, it cannot show in another Speed Racking qualifier. Pyramid Vodka is sponsoring a “Smooth Ride Challenge.” This class is open to exhibitors 21 years and over with any breed of horse. Each exhibitor will receive a glass filled with Pyramid Vodka and the one who spill the least during the class will win a case of Pyramid Vodka! The Jack Russell Terrier Races return to the show this year, and all breeds are welcome. Hollywood Feed is our generous sponsor, and for only $5 per entry, it’s a sure way to have fun with your best friend and enjoy the company of other dog lovers! The races will take place on Saturday, June 6th at 10am. The GCHS Board of Directors works hard to insure that the show grounds is beautiful and a top‐notch show facility. When you arrive, you’ll notice several improvements including a newly remodeled show office. 6 USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4‐H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. The Germantown Charity Horse Show is pleased to be affiliated with: United States Equestrian Federation American Saddlebred Horse Association East Tennessee Saddlebred Association Racking Horse Breeders’ Association of America Professional Racking Horse Trainers’ Association Walking Horse Owners’ Association / WHOA HIO WHTA Riders Cup Paso Fino Horse Association Single‐Footing Horse Owners’ & Breeders’ Association 7 HOSPITALITY EVENTS Following is the schedule of events offered for our exhibitors Welcome Wagon Daily Air Conditioned Exhibitors’ Lounge Open Daily Monday Exhibitors’ Reception – 5:30 PM – North Ring Pavilion Tuesday Morning Call ‐ 6 AM – 8 AM – coffee and doughnuts Ice Cream Social ‐ 2 PM – 3 PM Wine and Cheese – 3PM – 4PM Wednesday Morning Call ‐ 6 AM – 8 AM – coffee and doughnuts Ice Cream Social ‐ 2 PM – 3 PM Wine and Cheese – 3PM – 4PM Thursday Morning Call ‐ 6 AM – 8 AM – coffee and doughnuts Ice Cream Social ‐ 2 PM – 3 PM Wine and Cheese – 3PM – 4PM Exhibitors’ Reception – 5 PM – North Ring Pavilion Hunter/Jumper Tack Room Decorating Judging Saddlebred/Walking/Paso Fino Tack Room Decorating Judging Box Seat Decorating Judging Friday Morning Call ‐ 6 AM – 8 AM – coffee and doughnuts Ice Cream Social ‐ 2 PM – 3 PM Wine and Cheese – 3PM – 4PM Saturday Morning Call ‐ 6 AM – 8 AM – coffee and doughnuts 10 AM – Jack Russell Terrier Races Ice Cream Social ‐ 2 PM – 3 PM 8 TIME SCHEDULE TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd MAIN ARENA – 4:30 PM 509 600 601 602 603 604 605 FTHR FTHR FTHR FTHR GCHS Hunter/Jumper Versatility Challenge Presentation of “The Keepsake Perpetual Trophy” Rachael Smith Memorial Costume Class (approximately 7:45 PM) Halter Mares & Geldings Combined Halter Stallions Halter, 2 Year and Under Halter Stallions, 14h and Under WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd MAIN ARENA – 5:00 PM 507 224 Welcome Stake Open Jumpers – 1.40m – II,2a Lead Line MAIN ARENA – 7:00 PM 606 607.1 607.2 608 609 610 611 612 613.1 613.2 614 615.1 615.2 616 615.3 CARR PASO PASO FTHR CARR PASO FTHR CARR PASO PASO FTHR PASO PASO FTHR PASO Opportunity Junior Exhibitor Carriage Pleasure Driving ‐ Working Amateur/Owner Paso Fino Pleasure (shown concurrently) Youth Paso Fino Pleasure (shown concurrently) Open Western Pleasure, Walk/Jog Opportunity Single Horse ‐ Working Open Paso Fino Performance Walk/Trot/Canter Western and English Combined Opportunity Single Pony ‐ Working Amateur/Owner Paso Fino Classic Fino (shown concurrently) Youth Paso Fino Classic Fino (shown concurrently) Youth Western Pleasure, Walk/Jog Paso Fino Performance Schooling (shown concurrently) Paso Fino Classic Fino Schooling (shown concurrently) Open Feathered Horse Halter Championship Paso Fino Pleasure Schooling (shown after class 616) 9 THUR RSDAY, JUNEE 4th MAIN ARENA – 4 4:00 PM 505 508 WIHS/NAL Children’s//Adult Jumper C Classic – 1.15m – – II,2a 00 Gamblers Cho oice – 1.10m‐1.25m – FEI article 270 $2,00 MAIN ARENA – 7:30 PM 617 618 619 620 621 622 622.1 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630.1 630.2 631 632 633 634 635.1 635.3 636 637 638 639 635.2 CARR TWH FTHR PASO TWH RH TWH CARR TWH FTHR TWH RH TWH TWH PASO PASO TWH TWH RH TWH PASO PASO TWH RH TWH TWH PASO Opportunity Carriage Obstacle Course (Helmet and G Groom Required ) Classic Park Pleasure Walking Horses Amateur Riderss No Canter Dressage Suitability, W Walk/Trot Open Paso Fino Pleassure Counttry Pleasure Amateur Riders Engglish No Canter Novicce Speed Rackingg Counttry Pleasure Walking Horses, Op pen, English or W Western (Riders CCup) Opportunity Open Paair Horse or Ponyy Pleasure Drivin ng ‐ Working Trail P Pleasure Amateu ur Riders English h No Canter Youth h English Pleasurre, Walk/Trot Lite Shod Walking Ho orses (Riders Cup p), No Canter Pleasure English Racking Trail P Lite Shod Walking Ho orses Junior (Ride ers Cup), No Can nter All Daay Pleasure Walkking Horses, Engglish Amateur/Owner Paso o Fino Performance (shown conccurrently) Youth h Paso Fino Perfo ormance (shown n concurrently) Lite Shod Walking Ho orses, Canter (Rid ders Cup) Pleasure Amateu ur Owned and Trained E/W No C Canter Trail P Flat Shod Racking Horses Pleasure Amateu ur Riders English h/Western Cante er Trail P Paso Fino Performancce Schooling Chaampionship (sho own concurrentlly) Paso Fino Pleasure Scchooling Champiionship (shown cconcurrently) Trail P Pleasure Walkingg Horses Junior, No Canter (Ride ers Cup) Counttry Pleasure Raccking All Daay Pleasure Walkking Horses, Junior 5 & Under Classic Park Pleasure Walking Horses, No Canter (Riders Cup) Paso Fino Classic Fino o Schooling Cham mpionship (show wn after 639) DON N’T FORG GET! Enter your E classes byy 1:00 p.m.. on the daay the classs is held and yo ou will rece eive a $10 p per class discount!! (e exception – Sat AM cllasses shou uld be ente ered by 8p pm on Fri PM 10 FRIDAY, JUNE 5th MAIN ARENA – 4:30 PM Pony Hunter Classic – 2nd Round Germantown Hunter Classic – 2nd Round 501 504 MAIN ARENA – 7:30 PM 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 660.1 CARR FTHR TWH PASO SHOBA TWH ASB RH TWH FTHR RH TWH ASB TWH TWH PASO TWH TWH RH TWH TWH TWH Opportunity Scurry Races Liberty Class Pleasure Driving Walking Horses Open Paso Fino Classic Fino Ultimate SHOBA Single‐Footing Horses Exhibition Country Pleasure Amateur Owned and Trained No Canter Amateur Western Country Pleasure Open Speed Racking Country Pleasure Youth Riders 17 & Under, No Canter Open Western Pleasure Championship, Walk/Jog Pleasure Racking Lite Shod Walking Horses Amateur or Youth Riders No Canter Saddle & Bridle Shatner Western Pleasure Trail Pleasure Youth Riders 17 & Under, No Canter Trail Pleasure Amateur Riders Junior Paso Fino Pleasure Championship All Day Pleasure Walking Horses, Western Lite Shod Walking Horses Western, Open, No Canter (Riders Cup) Trail Pleasure Western Racking Country Pleasure Amateur Riders Western No Canter Trail Pleasure Amateur Riders Western No Canter 2 & 3 Year Old Trail Pleasure Walking Horses, Open (Riders Cup) Directions to Germantown Charity Show Grounds 7745 Old Poplar Pike, Germantown, TN 38138 From I‐40: Take Exit #16 South (Germantown Rd.) Continue on Germantown Road for 8 miles until it narrows to 2 lanes at Poplar Pike (traffic light). Turn left on Poplar Pike and the show grounds will be approximately ¼ mile on the right. From I‐240: Exit Poplar Avenue East to Germantown Road (BP Station on South Corner). Turn right on Germantown Road, then left on Poplar Pike (traffic light). The show grounds will be approximately ¼ mile on the right. 11 SATURDAY, JUNE 6th MAIN ARENA – 9:00 AM 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 FTHR TWH FTHR ASB TWH PASO FTHR FTHR FTHR Color Class Model ‐ Walking/Racking Open Showmanship Saddle & Bridle Working Western Pleasure Trail Obstacle ‐ Walking/Racking Paso Fino Trail Horse Trail Obstacle, In Hand Trail Obstacle, Under Saddle Open Western Horsemanship, Walk/Jog MAIN ARENA – 5:00 PM 510 The $25,000 Grand Prix of Germantown MAIN ARENA – 7:00 PM 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 676.1 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 CARR OPEN PASO FTHR TWH RH ASB TWH CARR RH TWH FTHR CARR TWH PASO TWH RH TWH Opportunity Best Carriage Dog Pyramid Vodka Smooth Ride Challenge (riders must be 21 and over) Paso Fino Performance Championship Open English Pleasure Championship, Walk/Trot Country Pleasure Walking Horse Championship, No Canter (Riders Cup) Speed Racking Horse Finals Amateur Western Country Pleasure Stake All Day Pleasure Walking Horses, Youth Riders 17 & Under Opportunity Pleasure Driving Junior Exhibitor Championship Trail Pleasure Racking Championship Trail Pleasure Amateur/Youth Western Championship, No Canter Pro Am Walk/Trot Championship, English or Western Opportunity Pleasure Driving Championship Lite Shod Walking Horse Championship (Riders Cup), No Canter Paso Fino Classic Fino Championship Trail Pleasure Amateur/Youth English Championship, No Canter Country Pleasure Racking Championship All Day Pleasure Walking Horse Championship The Terrier Races at Germantown sponsored by Hollywood Feed Saturday, June 6th • 10am The Magnolia Terrier Club will be hosting this fun racing event. Jack Russell Terriers and all canine friends are invited to come and run for charity. Muzzles are required for dog racing, however, they are optional for owners. For more info: Laurie Mitchell, 901‐734‐0050 or damitelec@bellsouth.net 12 RING SCHEDULE Any breed with classes in progress has preference in use of the warm‐up rings on the show grounds. We will make every effort to give everyone as much time as possible to work their horses. Below are tentative times that rings will be available for Saddlebred, Paso Fino, Carriage, Feathered Horse, Walking Horse, and Racking Horse exhibitors. Once entry numbers are confirmed, there is a possibility that more time could be allotted. There will be a warm‐up ring available next door to the grounds on property owned by the City of Germantown. There will be a path from the grounds to the ring. Because it is not lit, it will only be available from 6am – 6pm each day. MONDAY, JUNE 1st Main Show Ring – 7am – 11:30am and 6pm – 8:30am on Tuesday Main Warm Up Ring – all day TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd Main Show Ring – 12:00am‐8:30am and after the show Main Warm Up Ring – 12:00am‐8:30am and after the show North Ring – 6:00pm‐end of evening show WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd Main Show Ring – 12:00am‐8:30am and after the show Main Warm Up Ring – 12:00am‐8:30am and after the show North Ring – 6:00pm‐end of evening show THURSDAY, JUNE 4th Main Show Ring – 12:00am‐7:30am and after the show Main Warm Up Ring – 12:00am‐7:30am and after the show North Ring – 6:00pm‐end of evening show FRIDAY, JUNE 5th Main Show Ring – 12:00am‐9:00am and after the show Main Warm Up Ring – 12:00am‐9:00pm and after the show North Ring – 6:00pm‐end of evening show SATURDAY, JUNE 6th Main Show Ring – 12:00am‐8:00am and after the morning show until 1:00pm Main Warm Up Ring – 12:00am‐9:00am and after the show until 1:00pm North Ring – 6:00pm‐end of evening show 13 RULES AND REGULATIONS ASSOCIATION REQUIREMENTS All owners, trainers and riders in American Saddlebred and Paso Fino classes must have a current United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) card. Please refer to the information below for specific breeds. Social Security or Federal Tax ID number is required for payee. Back numbers will not be issued until all paper work is complete. AMERICAN SADDLEBRED PARTICIPANTS All owners, trainers and riders in American Saddlebred classes must present copies of the following to the horse show secretary before numbers will be issued: a current United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) card owners and trainers: current membership in the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) horse registration papers showing proof of ownership current coggins PASO FINO PARTICIPANTS All owners, trainers and riders in Paso Fino classes must present copies of the following to the horse show secretary before numbers will be issued: a current United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) card horse registration papers showing proof of ownership current membership in the Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA) with amateur status if applicable current coggins RACKING HORSE PARTICIPANTS All owners, trainers and riders in Racking Horse classes must present copies of the following to the horse show secretary before numbers will be issued: a membership and/or show card issued by the Racking Horse Breeders’ Association of American (RHBAA) horse registration papers current coggins * Speed Racking Horse participants will only need a current coggins to enter. SINGLE‐FOOTING PARTICIPANTS All horses must have a SHOBA Horse Registration number. 14 WALKING HORSE PARTICIPANTS All owners, trainers and riders in Walking Horse classes must present copies of the following to the horse show secretary before numbers will be issued: amateur and youth riders must have a current Amateur Card issued by the Walking Horse Owners’ Association of American (WHOA) professional trainers must have a current membership in the Walking Horse Trainers’ Association (WHTA) horse registration papers from the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitiors Association current coggins ATTENTION DEVICES: GR839.4(i)Included under Cruelty and Abuse Use of any explosive (e.g., fire crackers, torpedoes, fire extinguishers except in case of fire, etc.) or laser beam devices anywhere on the competition grounds, except in an exhibition or if required in class specifications. SB103.9 Attention getting devices &/or other noisemakers (including but not limited to tape measures, blow horns, bamboo poles, explosives, fire extinguishers, baby powder, whips longer than 6', etc.) are not allowed in and around the make up and competition rings during scheduled competition sessions. All such items will be confiscated and offenders will be reported to the USEF. (See also GR839.4i) BARN CALLS Entries must be prepared and report to the makeup area at least 10 minutes prior to the class in which they are entered. Germantown Charity Horse Show will make every effort to announce the progress of the preceding class over speakers to the stable area. Barn calls are a courtesy of the show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to present your horse prior to the gate closing. CLASSES The Management reserves the right to limit entries, alter courses; prohibit or disqualify exhibitors; change, cancel, limit or combine classes at its discretion to compensate for excessive or inadequate entries or due to acts of nature, without claim for damages. COGGINS TEST A Current negative Coggins Test certificate dated within one year must be included with entry. Health certificates with ALL ENTERED HORSES must be available as well. 15 DOGS Germantown has a strict “Leash Law”, and unleashed dogs are subject to impoundment and their owners fined. Impoundment is $30.00, initially and $9.00 per day for each day thereafter. Second offenses double the impoundment fee and third offenses triple the fee. The fine for a Rabies Tag Violation is $60.00. FOOTING All show and warm up rings are made of all weather footing of sand and limestone screenings. Arena dimensions as follows: Main Arena – 130’ x 250’, North Arena – 112’ x 215’, South Arena – 120’ x 224’. ENTRIES Pre‐entries close Friday, May 8, 2015. PLEASE DO NOT FAX ENTRIES! Every Exhibitor, rider, driver, handler and trainer or his/her agent(s) must sign an entry blank. In the case of a rider, driver or handler under the age of 18, his/her parents or guardian must sign an entry blank on the minor's behalf. ALL CLASSES THAT ARE ENTERED BEFORE 1:00 p.m. ON THE DAY THEY ARE SCHEDULED RECEIVE A DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER CLASS (exception – entries for Saturday morning classes should be made by 8pm on Friday). Stall fees must accompany entry to insure reservation. Each entry will pay the USEF fee of $16.00 (Drugs and Medications $8.00/ USEF $8.00) for every entry. Current USEF Rules re: drugs/medications will be enforced. Each Walking Horse entry will pay an inspection fee of $6 per horse per class. Make checks payable to Germantown Charity Horse Show, Inc. There will be a $50.00 returned check fee. All Adds & Scratches must be made in the horse show office before the class starts. Anyone competing in a class in which they were not entered will be charged double entry fees. EXHIBITOR PASSES No more than 2 parking and 2 exhibitor passes provided per entered horse or pony. Additional passes will be available in the horse show office at a cost of $5 per exhibitor pass and $10 per parking pass. GROUNDS FEE A one‐time grounds Fee of $50.00 for the week of the show will be charged for each horse brought on the show grounds and not paying a stall fee. 16 HORSE SHOW OFFICE The Horse Show Office will be open by 10:00 a.m. the day prior to the start of the show for processing entries. The office will open 1 hour prior to the start of the show each day, and remain open ½ hour after the last class each day. All fees must be paid in full, or an open check left at the horse show office, before numbers will be issued MEASUREMENT Horses and ponies without a current valid measurement card issued by USEF will be measured by the horse show steward. Check with the horse show secretaries for a measurement schedule. MOTORIZED VEHICLE STATEMENT Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. NON‐SHOWING HORSE FEE In addition to the stall fee, a non‐showing fee of $135 will be charged for each horse, pony, mule, etc. stabled on the grounds and not in a competition in a complete division. Non‐showing horses must be on a signed entry blank on file with the horse show secretaries. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Only the official photographer(s) contracted by the GCHS are allowed to take and sell photos during and after the show. 17 OFFICIALS The show committee reserves the right to substitute a show official in the event of failure of an advertised show official to attend this show or perform his duties. PROPER ATTIRE It is the tradition of the show ring that riders and drivers and handlers be correctly attired for all classes and that horses be properly presented. All riders in Hunter, Jumper and Hunter Seat Equitation sections must wear properly fitting, “approved” protective headgear while riding in the designated schooling and exercising areas, the show ring, and while mounted anywhere on the competition grounds. Harness must be secured and properly fitted. Any rider violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding until his headgear is properly in place. Formal attire is required in the Grand Prix. Proper attire will be required in all Classics. REFUND POLICY Entry fees will be refunded only upon presentation of a vet certificate before June 8th. After an entry is accepted, stall fees will be charged even if a horse is scratched. There will be a scratch fee equal to the office fee for any entry withdrawn/scratched after the entry has been accepted. RESPONSIBILITY Neither the Germantown Charity Horse Show Inc., the manager, his employees or any other employee of the show will be responsible for any article of any kind or nature that may be lost, destroyed or stolen, nor liable for any injury sustained to horse, exhibitors, spectators or employees of exhibitors. The foregoing shall be included as a condition of entry. WARNING Under Tennessee Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, title 44, chapter 20. 44‐20‐103. Limitation on liability for injury or death of participant Except as provided in §44‐20‐104, an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person, which shall include a corporation or partnership, shall not be liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. Except as provided in §44‐20‐104, no participant or participant's representative shall make any claim against, maintain an action against, or recover from an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any of the inherent risks of equine activities. 18 The Germantown Charity Horse Show Association volunteers, officers and management assume no liability for any errors that might appear in this publication. Great care has been taken to provide accuracy in this document and compliance to USEF rules and regulations STABLING Permanent stabling of 262 stalls and additional tents are on the show grounds at a cost of $125.00 per stall. All stalls are approx. 10x10 w/doors. All stall fees must be paid before stall will be reserved. Bagged shavings will be available through the show office and may be charged to your account. Stabling is available on a first‐come, first‐served basis. EMAIL Mark Farrar at GCHSmanager@gmail.com for all stall reservations. Management reserves the right to close entries. Additional stalls are also available during the show at the Shelby Show Place Arena. STALL RESERVATIONS Due to limited space available, stall reservations must be EMAILED to MARK FARRAR at: GCHSmanager@gmail.com by Friday, May 8, 2015. Stabling will be available from 12:00 noon on Sunday, May 31, 2015 until 12:00 noon on Sunday, June 7, 2015. STRIPPING No class will be required to strip. TIME OUTS Only one (1) 5‐minute time out may be requested per exhibitor per class. In case of casting a shoe or breakage of equipment in the paddock, the gate may be held no more than 3 minutes. There will be no delay after the first horse enters the ring, at which time the gate will be held for 2 minutes. TROPHIES, RIBBONS AND PRIZE MONEY A trophy and ribbons 1st – 8th will be awarded in all classes unless otherwise specified. Prize money will be credited to exhibitor's account and checks, if owed will be mailed within 30 days. 19 PRIZE MONEY & FEES SCHEDULE OF PRIZE MONEY* for Saddlebred, Feathered Horse Breeds, Paso Fino, Walking and Racking Horses Prize Money $250 $400 $500 $1500 $0 st 1 $60 $100 $110 $330 nd 2 $50 $80 $85 $255 rd 3 $45 $70 $75 $215 th 4 $40 $60 $60 $180 th 5 $30 $50 $50 $150 th 6 $25 $40 $40 $130 th 7 $40 $120 th 8 $40 $120 Entry Fee $45 $55 $65 $160 $30 *ALL CLASSES THAT ARE ENTERED BEFORE 1:00 p.m. ON THE DAY THEY ARE SCHEDULED RECEIVE A DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER CLASS. (Exception – Saturday morning classes should be entered by 8pm on Friday night) FEES Stall & Tack Stall (if ordered on or before May 8th) ............................ $125 Stall & Tack Stall (if ordered after May 8th) ......................................... $150 Non‐Showing Horse Fee (in addition to stall fee) ............................... $135 Grounds Fee per Horse Without Stall (One Time Fee) ......................... $50 Office Charge per Entry ......................................................................... $20 USEF Fee ($8 Drugs & Medications Fee/ $8 USEF Fee per horse) ............................. $16 USEF Show Pass Fee (for USEF divisions only) ...................................... $30 WHOA Inspection fee (Walking & Racking Horses) ................. $6 per class R.V. Hookup ........................................................................................ $250 Box Seats ............................................................................................. $250 20 CLASSES BY DIVISION Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF Rule Book will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith. Please refer to the USEF Rule Book for judging and class specifications. AMERICAN SADDLEBRED DIVISION Classes offered for registered American Saddlebred horses as follows. Judging and Show Specifications for this Division please refer to USEF RULEBOOK CHAPTER SB101‐SB197 AMERICAN SADDLEBRED WESTERN PLEASURE SECTION Class 646 652 664 676 Premium $250 $250 $250 $1500 Description Session Amt. Western Country Pleasure Fri PM S&B Shatner Western Pleasure Fri PM S&B Working Western Pleasure Sat AM Amt. Western Country Pleasure Ch. Sat PM Entry Fee $45 $45 $45 $160 FEATHERED HORSE DIVISION Open to any “feathered” breed horse. This includes Gypsy Vanners, Gypsy Cob, Drum, Friesian, Andalusian, etc. (This Division is not recognized by the USEF.) HALTER Class 604 602 601 603 605 616 Premium $500 $500 $500 $500 $1500 Description Halter Two Years & Under Combined Halter Mares & Geldings Halter Stallions Halter Stallions 14h & Under Feathered Horse Halter Champ. Session Tue PM Tue PM Tue PM Tue PM Tue PM Wed PM Entry Fee $65 $65 $65 $65 $160 Session Wed PM Wed PM Wed PM Thurs PM Entry Fee $65 $65 $45 $65 PERFORMANCE Class 608 611 614 619 Premium $500 $500 $250 $500 Description Open Western Pleasure Walk/Jog WTC Western & English Combined Youth Western Pleasure Walk/Jog Dressage Suitability Walk/Trot 21 625 641 649 661 663 667 668 669 673 680 $250 $500 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $1500 $1500 Youth English Pleasure Walk/Trot Thurs PM Liberty Class Fri PM Western Pleasure Walk/Jog Champ. Fri PM Color Class Sat AM Open Showmanship Sat AM Trail Obstacle, In Hand Sat AM Trail Obstacle, Under Saddle Sat AM Open Western Horsemanship WJ Sat AM Open English Pleasure Champ. WT Sat PM Pro Am W/T Championship E/W Sat PM $45 $65 $160 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $160 $160 MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES Class Premium Description 600 Ribbons Rachael Smith Memorial Costume Event Session Entry Fee Tues PM $5 Open to contestants who have not yet reached their 18th birthday. May lead, ride, or drive a horse or pony. To be judged Most Original, Most Authentic, Most Humorous and Most Beautiful. Trophy to the winner of each category judged. Safety Helmets are required for all mounted participants. Not more than 10 individuals may participate with one entry. Show Fee $5.00 per participant 671 Ribbons Pyramid Vodka Smooth Ride Challenge Sat PM $30 Open to contestants 21 years and over, any seat allowed. Entry shall enter the ring at a walk with a glass filled with Pyramid Vodka. Judge will ask for gaits at his/her discretion. At the completion of the class, the entry with the most liquid in their glass will be the winner and will receive a case of Pyramid Vodka! CARRIAGE PLEASURE DRIVING DIVISION Class 606 609 612 617 Cross entry between opportunity classes and regular classes is allowed at this competition. If showing in opportunity classes only, entries are exempt from USEF Membership/Show Pass fees and Federation fees but are subject to all USEF Rules including the Drugs and Medication rules. Premium Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Description Opportunity Junior Exhibitor Working Opportunity Single Horse ‐ Working Opportunity Single Pony ‐ Working Opportunity Carriage Obstacle Course (Helmet & Groom Mandatory) 22 Session Entry Fee Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Thurs PM $30 623 640 670 677 681 Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Opportunity Open Pair Horse or Pony Pleasure Driving ‐ Working Opportunity Scurry Races Opportunity Best Carriage Dog Opportunity Pleasure Driving Junior Exhibitor Championship Opportunity Pleasure Driving Ch. Thurs PM $30 Fri PM Sat PM Sat PM $30 $30 $30 Sat PM $30 FLAT SHOD TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE DIVISION Affiliated with the WHOA‐HIO (This Division is not recognized by the USEF.) The Walking Horse Division will be conducted according to the current rules of the Walking Horse Owners’ Association HIO. Every horse must be registered with the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association (TWHBEA). A horse must be entered under its originally recorded name unless the name has been officially changed. It must be entered under the name of the owner of record or the registered farm name. All amateur and youth riders must be a member of WHOA for 2015. All professional trainers must be a member of the WHTA for 2015. Please refer to the WHOA Rule Book for judging and class specifications. A copy of those rules can be found at www.walkinghorseowners.com or by calling 615‐494‐8822. PERSONS ON FEDERAL DISQUALIFICATION CANNOT TRANSPORT HORSES TO THIS SHOW AND CAN PARTICIPATE ONLY AS A SPECTATOR. Attention Walking Horse Exhibitors: The information required for entries in Walking Horse classes is the horse's registration number, rider's amateur or juvenile card number and the trainer's license number. The DQP will not inspect any entry that does not have these numbers listed on the class entry sheet. For your convenience, daily entries may be called into the Horse Show Office (901) 754‐0009 by 1:00 p.m. of the day your class shows. If a class is not designated as “Canter”, the class is a specialty class. 23 ALL DAY PLEASURE Class Premium 629 $250 638 $250 656 $250 676.1 $250 686 $1500 Description English Junior 5 & Under Western Youth 17 & Under Championship Session Thurs PM Thurs PM Fri PM Sat PM Sat PM Entry Fee $40 $40 $40 $40 $160 CLASSIC PARK PLEASURE Class Premium Description 618 $250 Amateur 639 $400 Open (Riders Cup) Session Entry Fee Thurs PM $40 Thurs PM $55 COUNTRY PLEASURE Class Premium 621 $250 622.1 $400 659 $250 648 $250 645 $250 674 $1500 Description Amateur English Open (Riders Cup Amateur Western Youth Riders 17 & Under Amateur Owned and Trained Championship (Riders Cup) Session Thurs PM Thurs PM Fri PM Fri PM Fri PM Sat PM Entry Fee $40 $55 $40 $40 $40 $40 Premium $400 $400 $400 $250 $400 $1500 Description Session Open (Riders Cup) Thurs PM Junior 5 & Under (Riders Cup) Thurs PM Open Canter (Riders Cup) Thurs PM Amateur/Youth Fri PM Western (Riders Cup) Fri PM Open Championship (Riders Cup) Sat PM Entry Fee $55 $55 $55 $40 $55 $160 Premium $250 $250 $250 $400 $250 $250 $250 $500 $500 Description Session Amateur English Thurs PM Amateur Owned &Trained E/W Thurs PM Amateur E/W Canter Thurs PM Junior 5 & Under (Riders Cup) Thurs PM Youth Riders 17 & Under Fri PM Junior 5 & Under, Amateur Fri PM Amateur Western Fri PM Am/Youth Western Ch Sat PM Am/Youth Eng. Championship Sat PM Entry Fee $40 $40 $40 $55 $40 $40 $40 $65 $65 LITE SHOD Class 626 628 631 651 657 682 TRAIL PLEASURE Class 624 632 634 636 653 654 660 679 684 24 MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES Class Premium Description 642 $250 Pleasure Driving ‐ 2 or 4 wheel vehicle 662 $250 Model 665 $250 Trail Obstacle Session Entry Fee Fri PM $40 Sat AM $40 Sat AM $40 PASO FINO DIVISION Classes appended with .1, .2, etc. to be run concurrent, i.e. 607.1 and 607.2 Class 607.1 607.2 610 613.1 613.2 615.1 615.2 615.3 620 630.1 630.2 635.1 635.2 635.3 643 655 666 672 683 Premium Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons $500 $500 $500 Ribbons $1500 Ribbons $1500 $1500 Description Amateur/Owner Pleasure Youth Pleasure Open Performance Amateur/Owner Classic Fino Youth Classic Fino Performance Schooling Classic Fino Schooling Pleasure Schooling Open Pleasure Amateur/Owner Performance Youth Performance Performance Schooling Championship Classic Fino Schooling Championship Performance Schooling Championship Open Classic Fino Pleasure Championship Trail Horse Performance Championship Classic Fino Championship Session Entry Fee Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Wed PM $30 Thurs PM $30 Thurs PM $30 Thurs PM $30 Thurs PM $65 $65 Thurs PM Thurs PM $65 Fri PM $30 Fri PM $160 Sat AM $30 Sat PM $160 Sat PM $160 FLAT SHOD RACKING HORSE DIVISION Class Premium Description Session Entry Fee 622 $250 Novice Speed Racking Thurs PM $40 Open to horses who have never won a Speed Racking class at Germantown or a Speed Racking World Grand Champ. The Top 5 Advance to the Finals and are ineligible to show in class 647. Trail Pleasure Eng. Racking Thurs PM $55 627 $400 633 $400 Flat Shod Racking Horses Thurs PM $55 25 637 647 650 658 675 678 685 $400 Country Pleasure Racking Thurs PM $400 Open Speed Racking Fri PM The Top 5 Advance to the Finals $400 Pleasure Racking Fri PM $400 Trail Pleasure Western Racking Fri PM $2000 Speed Racking Horse Finals Sat PM Only the Top 5 From Classes 622 and 647 are eligible to show $1500 Trail Pleasure Eng. Racking Ch. Sat PM $1500 Country Pleasure Racking Ch. Sat PM $55 $55 $55 $55 0 $160 $160 SINGLE‐FOOTING HORSE DIVISION All horses must have a SHOBA Horse Registration number. Horse shoes must be no larger than 3/8” x 3/4". To be shown with English tack. No action devices, splint boots, leg wraps, tie‐downs or overchecks may be used. Rubber quarter boots allowed as protective device only. SHOBA horses must display at all times a good style, remain collected in their gait, and maintain a smooth, even, four‐beat gait. The single‐footing speed gait is a collected, even timed, four‐beat lateral gait with one foot on the ground pushing the horse forward with each footfall. A SHOBA single‐footing horse should never compromise either style or gait for speed. To be shown at a SHOBA Show Walk, A SHOBA Pleasure Gait, SHOBA Single‐ Footing Speed Gait. Class Premium Description Session Entry Fee 644 $250 Ultimate SHOBA Exhibition Fri PM $40 26 27 Co ourtyard by Marriott Collie erville – 9901.850.93390 4640 Merchants P Park Cir. C Collierville, TN 380177 TThe Bistro, o opened Janu uary 2014, sserving Cookked to orderr Breakffast, Starbuccks Beveragges and Dinn ner Menu. Eaat, Drin nk & Co onnectt in the e Bistro o. On‐site with Carriage Crossing Mall; o over 60 Shops a and 10 Resstaurants w within walking distance e. Located d in Collierrville, TN; ssmall town n charm w with Gracela and and Memphis Atttractions o only a sho ort drive. All room ms include e Microwavve, Refrige erator, In‐ room Coffee. 28 7787 W Wolf Rive er Blvd German G town, T TN 38138 8 9011‐757‐78 800 We are a a proud sponsor of The G Germanto own Charitty Horse Show Your Morrning Breakfast Evening S Snacks 5pm t to 7pm Complem mentary Coffe ee 24Hrs Free New wspaper M‐F Indoor Po ool King Rooms 77.99 Double Q Queen Roomss 79.99 Suite Roo oms 99.99 Room priices do not in nclude taxes CableTV / / HBO, Flat Sccreens, Hi Sp peed Internett, Hair Dryer,, Coffee M Makers, and W Whirlpool Batth in Suites. 29 LocatedinOliveB Branch,M MS,justou utsideof M Memphis,TN,ourh hotelisid deallyloca atedfora a Me emphisva acationorrbusinessstrip,aswellasfo or bu us‐inesse es,conferrences,se eminars,w weddingss, familyreunio onsando othereven nts. OurHotelinO OliveBran nchFeatu ures: ComplimentaryHotB Breakfast ComplimentaryAirpo ortShuttle FitnessCenter,Outdo oorPool SportsCo ourttoalsoin ncludeSocceer&BaseballlFields 108room mOverFlowh hotelonprop perty‐FairF FieldInn& SuitesOB B Onsitelaaundryfacilitty Microwav ves/Refrigerratorsinallrrooms 180guestrooms,inclludingsixsuiites 47,000sq q.feetofmeeeting&eventtspacetoacccommodateu up to600peeople Exquisiteecateringserrvicesandstaate‐of‐the‐arrtaudiovisuaal technolog gy Complimentaryhigh‐speedwireleessInternettthroughout hotel Impeccab bleservicefromexperien nced,friendly ystaff LowMisssissippitaxofjust9%(Memphisareaataxis15.95 %) MargaretJohnson‐SalesManager 7300HacksCrosssRoadOliveB Branch,MS38654 662‐890‐2881 6 direct662 2‐895‐1590fax e‐m mail:mjohnso on@wwconferrencecenter.co om Visitussat:www..wwconferrencecentter.com 30 31
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