Elementary Education Department Chinese Bilingual Program

Elementary Education Department Chinese Bilingual Program Bilingual Authorization Credential: Begins Summer Session July 30-­‐Aug. 14, Fall and Spring; Summer session from M-­‐F 9-­‐12:45 and 1:15-­‐5:00PM. (30 units) 2015-­‐2016 Contact: Dr. Josie Arce, Professor, Coordinator BEST, and Dept. Chair, BH 183 [jarce@sfsu.edu] Credential Admissions and Analysts: credinfo@sfsu.edu Department of Elementary Education: elemed@sfsu.edu •The Bilingual Authorization Program, embraces concepts of social justice and equity with a focused philosophical stance representing critical pedagogy and rooted in bilingual education. •Student teaching placement in Dual-­‐immersion classrooms • A primary goal is to prepare bilingual candidates to understand the major importance that first language and second language development and acquisition have in the academic and social growth of learners. Requirements for the Multiple Subject Credential Bilingual Authorization: CBEST CSET Early Field Experience (45 hours) E ED is offering a summer course to support preparation for CBEST & CSET, June 15 to July 9th, Monday to Thursday, 5:30 to 8:30 PM(3 units)