Geauga HMG Newsletter - Geauga Family First Council

Geauga HMG Newsletter
January — February — March
What is Help Me Grow?
Help Me Grow is a voluntary program for
pregnant women and families with infants and
toddlers between the ages of birth and three
years old. The goal of the program is to assure
that newborns, infants, and toddlers have the
best possible start in life. Help Me Grow
provides services that promote children's
growth and development and support families
during their children's early years.
Contact us:
Geauga County Help Me Grow
8200 Cedar Road
Chesterland, Ohio 44026
Program information & Central Intake:
A Help Me Grow Worker can make visits to your
home to provide you with information about
community services and resources for Geauga
Families. Your child will also be screened for
health and overall development to make sure he/
she meets important milestones.
The purpose of Help Me Grow is to help parents
help their children reach their fullest potential
because the first three years of life are so
important to a child's overall educational, social,
and emotional development.
Toll Free 1-866-975-1100
Check out Ohio Help Me Grow website at
Geauga Help Me Grow is funded by
Geauga Family First Council & Ohio Department of Health with the Early Childhood Developmental & Home Visitation Program component funded by
Geauga County Job & Family Services.
Early Intervention and the Medical Home:
Collaboration for Best Practice and Best Outcomes
IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part C Early Intervention (E.I.) Programs) and the medical
home model share many common purposes for children ages 0-3 not the least of which is a family-centered focus.
A “medical home” for children is really a process of care. Pediatric medical homes see a substantial number of
children with developmental delays and/or complex medical conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics’
data supports the critical role of timely referrals to early intervention and the need for collaborative partnerships in
care (see link below). Both the medical model and early intervention support nurturing relationships and family
centered care. Early Intervention services incorporate learning in the natural environment and coaching models. Evidence indicates the value of E.I. services and the need to closely collaborate with the families’ medical home. Extensive research has been done in neurosciences and child development which have shown the need to support the
first few years of life since brain growth and function are being significantly shaped for future skills and
knowledge. Some suggestions to increase collaboration between the medical home and E.I. programs from this article included improving child find/outreach within the community. HMG and E.I. staff work hard to educate our
local community on the services provided and to collaborate with our physicians so that we can assist as many families as possible, as soon as possible! In addition, you, our families, spread the word about our services every day!
You have referred so many family and friends who shared concerns with you and we greatly appreciate your child
find efforts!! Please read the full article on the research and its importance at:
From a parent’s perspective
Dear Help Me Grow,
I wanted to express my deepest heartfelt gratitude for all of you at HMG that have worked with Royce and I
from the beginning and also to those of you that have not. Your compassion, caring and understanding cannot
be matched. Through you I have learned to approach playing with Royce differently, to throw any
"expectations" out the door and to just "smile, surrender to the flow of it, laugh and let go". You have renewed
in my heart the simple joy of playing and enjoying my son, because as I'm sure you all know, time goes by so
very fast and before you know it, they're grown.
When I first introduced Royce to the cotton balls he was unsure about touching them. I threw a couple up in
the air and tossed a couple at Royce. Soon he was laughing hysterically and tossing them back at me (and all
over the living room). Now we have a little cotton ball fight every day. :) He is also pointing and gesturing with
complete understanding and correct reasoning. He also is starting to sign one or two very basic signs. Although, we have had to adjust the meanings to fit his situation, for example when he is hungry, he signs the sign that would normally be the sign for "more". He is also starting to tap one
fist on his hand if he needs help for example reaching a toy or opening a drawer. He is not doing it every time, but it is a start. The feeding part is
very slow, but I am slowly working to get him to let me near, around and inside his mouth without frustration or him pushing me away. I'm kissing his cheeks, I ran a cotton ball across his cheeks, I'm pushing his cheeks together so he kind of makes a funny face (which he thinks is funny) and
I'm also trying the dum-dum pops but he is extremely hesitant with it. So that's mainly where we're at right now. It's slow going, but even a fraction of progress is still progress.
I served two years in Iraq and since coming back I have had many, many difficult physical and emotional trials and in the years since being there
and coming back I guess I kind of lost faith that there were still people that truly cared about others. I want to thank you all for renewing my
belief in that and making me realize that there are indeed, angels here on Earth.
With sincerest thanks and gratitude, Kara and Little Royce
HMG Activities
Playgroups with fun-filled age appropriate activities. Your toddler will get a chance to direct
his/her energy into activities that strengthen their growing muscles, foster their independence, learn new songs, build language and gently encourage their creativity. We offer a
variety of playgroups around the county for your convenience. Some locations include:
Metz, local libraries and park districts. Please call for specific availability and locations that
suit you and your family’s needs!
To enroll, please call 440.729.9406 x1705 or
email at
Check out Geauga’s Play Learn & Grow Facebook page for
information about exciting upcoming activities!
FREE Open Swim
at Metzenbaum
Please contact Cathy Yane at or 440.729.9406
x 1317 to reserve a spot!
3:30—5:30 pm
Movin’ with Music is run by
March 16
January 12
February 9
Carol Colombo, Music Therapist
and his held at Metzenbaum.
This six week session involving music
experiences including playing, moving,
listening, responding and singing to
Ages 18 months up to turning 3.
Would you like to receive
5 FREE books?
If the Geauga County Board of
Developmental Disabilities —
Metzenbaum Center is closed for
bad weather, the HMG offices
will also be closed. If you were
scheduled for a home visit on a
snow day, we will contact you to
reschedule your appointment.
The FREE Help Me Grow Book Initiative
is being offered to all families enrolled in
Help Me Grow! Contact your Service Coordinator or Home Visitor if you are interested in
receiving up to 5 FREE books per enrolled
child per calendar year. There are a wide
variety of books to choose from including:
Clifford Barks, Goodnight Moon, Can You
Find Colors, Is Your Mama a Llama and If
You Give a Mouse a Cookie …
just to name a few.
Spanish books are also available.
March is Developmental Disabilities Month!
In honor of your children, the HMG/EI staff are hosting a very special event to celebrate your child.
“A Night to Shine”
March 25, 2015
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Location: The Metzenbaum Center
8200 Cedar Road
Chesterland, OH 44026
440.729.5250 x1530 by March 16, 2015
Have fun and dress your child up as they walk the red carpet and shine!! As your child is being introduced, this event
will showcase their unique personality and accomplishments, no matter how big or small. It will also be a time for
meeting and sharing with other families experiencing similar developmental delays while enjoying some light refreshments.
There will also be a Chinese Raffle and each family will receive 10 free raffle tickets for a chance to win various Chinese
raffle items!
This event is open to all families enrolled in our EI program that are actively receiving services. The Early Intervention
Program serves children from birth to age 3. Children are sometimes referred by doctors, but primarily enter the program after concerned parents call asking for help. Frequent issues include physical delays like crawling and walking,
talking, eating problems like chewing and swallowing, and problems interacting and playing with others. Some children
come with medical diagnoses, such as Down Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Some children were premature,
born as early as 23 weeks. Whatever the reason, each child and family have their own uniqueness and are working toward their own individual goals!
Parent/Child playgroup: age birth to 18 months
From infant to toddler, our Parent/Child playgroups promote early
development and provide the opportunities for parents to get together to enjoy each other’s company and support one another
through all the trials and tribulations of parenting a child with special
needs while having fun with your child.
This group is for parents to attend with their child to celebrate every
discovery with smiles and hugs . There will also be time for sharing
ideas and discussing what works and what has not worked.
Call to reserve your spot today!
440.729.9406 x1705
1st and 3rd Monday of the month
beginning February 2, 2015
The Metzenbaum Center
8200 Cedar Road
Chesterland, OH 44026
10:00—11:00 am
*Please note, a staff member will be there to
assist at all times.
Help! My baby hates tummy time!
By: Christine Kress, PT, MHS
We all know that the safest way for our babies to sleep is on their backs, but we can’t forget the opportunity to allow them to PLAY on their tummies! By just giving our babies little bursts of time on
their tummies, it allows for many things to happen:
Strengthens the muscles of the neck and core
Offers a different visual perspective to the world
Assists with tummy and digestion issues
Sensory input on their hands and belly, as well as a different overall position
Helps to promote further gross and fine motor skills: rolling, reaching and crawling to name a
What is the best way to position my baby?
Start with their arms tucked under them
Use a boppy pillow or the arm of a couch if available- use yourself, your leg, chest or
Get down on the floor and play with them - put toys out of reach and HAVE FUN!!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let your Service Coordinator know!
Attention Parents, we need your input ...
please join us at the next Early Childhood Subcommittee meeting!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
at Geauga County Job & Family Services
12480 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon OH (next to Geauga Hospital)
Contact your Service Coordinator for more information!
What is Early Childhood
The Early Childhood Subcommittee is an
advisory group of the Geauga County Family
and Children First Council. Membership is comprised of various community agencies, representatives and parents, who partner together to
share ideas, experiences, and expertise in the
area of early childhood development.
Why should I attend Early
Childhood Subcommittee?
The focus of the group is to gather input regarding direction, planning, and success for
the Geauga County Help Me Grow program.
Community members are given a venue to
discuss gaps in services and ways they are
involved with your children.
We value your time &
your opinions…
During the meeting we provide you with
childcare, your children will be watched by
HMG staff on-site, in a child friendly room.
In addition, your time is valuable to
us, we will pay you $25 for attending the meeting.
The HMG Fall Festival was held on October 31, 2014 at Geauga Co.
Job & Family Services. The kids enjoyed bowling, playing ring toss,
making crafts, adding their thumb prints to a “friendship tree”, and playing in the sensory tub filled with rice. After story time, everyone went
trick-or-treating thru the building. The kids traveled to the Barnyard, Santa’s Workshop, and even saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A great
time was had by all. HMG extends a huge thank you to the JFS staff for
going above and beyond for this event!
The HMG Holiday Pot Luck was held on December 5, 2014 at Metzenbaum. Everyone brought a
dish to share and the kids enjoyed making hot cocoa, coloring, making crafts and some of them enjoyed sitting on Santa’s lap! Carol Colombo, Music Therapist, also brought bells and shakers while
the kids played along to festive songs.
If you have not been able to make it to one of our events, we encourage you to try one.
They are great ways to meet other families and have fun!
If you have an idea for an event, please contact your Service Coordinator.
Geauga HMG Bulletin Board
Parents’ Rights in Ohio HMG E.I.
To file a complaint about your child’s early intervention services please:
Contact the Bureau for Children with
Developmental and Special Health Needs at the
Ohio Dept. of Health via:
Phone: 614-644-8389
Mail: Ohio Dept. of Health
Help Me Grow
246 N. High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Help us spread the word about all
the wonderful things Geauga Help
Me Grow can offer children and
If you know of someone who could
benefit from HMG have them call:
Beware of choking
Avoid small toys and those with detachable
parts. Keep balloons, marbles, small magnets
and coins out of reach. Avoid toys that have
sharp edges and points.
For the 2015 Help Me Grow Early
Childhood Subcommittee Meetings:
January 8, 2015 - JFS
April 2, 2015 - Metzenbaum
July 9, 2015 - JFS
October 1, 2015 - Metzenbaum
Webinars on Demand 24/7
The Family Information
Network of Ohio now offers families of
children birth thru 5 years old with delays
and disabilities
opportunities to learn via the web. Visit
FIN of Ohio’s website for more
Meetings start at 10:00 am
You will get a paid $25.00 for
attending the meeting.
Contact your HMG worker for