Summer 2015 - Geauga County Public Library

Geauga County
Public Library
Your Connection to Reading, Learning and Growing for More Than 50 Years
What does a Library Board member do anyway?
The Geauga County Public Library
Board is a “body politic” in the state
of Ohio. This means that once
appointed, the Library Board has
autonomous control over the
operations, finances and future of
the library. The primary responsibility
of the Board is to determine the
purpose (mission statement) of the
Volume 16, No. 1
Summer 2015
In This Issue
Youth & Family Programs 4
Teen Programs
Book Discussions
Book Sales
Adult Programs
Digital Discoveries
Bulletin Board
library system and to then implement
that mission in its actions and
The mission statement adopted in
2000 continues to guide the Library
Board as it prepares for the future of
library service in Geauga County.
The mission statement is “The
Geauga County Public Library is a
resource center that provides and
facilitates free access to collections
of information, entertainment and
reading resources. The library
strives to meet the changing needs
of its diverse communities.”
Fiscal prudence is the hallmark of
any responsible public body. The
Library Board must make sure that
taxpayers’ funds are used wisely.
This does not mean that the goal is
to spend as little as possible; it
means that funds should be spent in
a reasonable and cost-effective way
to provide the type and level of
services needed or desired by a
material number of those residing in
our service area. Excellent public
service providers judiciously spend
funds given to them to meet
residents’ needs now and in the future.
For example, one looming challenge
for the Library Board is to meet the
needs of our aging population. More
residents live longer in their own
homes and find they are no longer
able to drive to the library to obtain
their treasured library materials.
Planning is underway to partner with
county agencies, volunteers and others to find ways to deliver materials
and provide services falling within
our mission to this growing segment
of our population. More and more
senior-living facilities are popping
up in our county. Delivering a variety of reading, viewing and listening
materials to these residents is a
priority as well. Accordingly, the
Library Board has been pursuing
plans for a variety of outreach
services to bring library books and
materials to those who cannot visit
the library any longer.
In recent years, the decline in funding from the State of Ohio, the sole
source of funding for the library for
most of its history, has been very
dramatic and the future of state
Continued on page 2
What does a Library Board do?
Continued from page 1
funding is uncertain at best. In
response, and so as to position the
library to continue its excellence in
service, the Library Board placed
ballot issues before the electorate in
1991 and 2010 and the response
both times was positive. Two onemill permanent levies now provide
the mainstay of funding for the
library and into the future. It is not
anticipated that the Library Board
will need to seek additional funding
for operating the library system in
the foreseeable future.
While the cost of operating the
library is not likely to be a concern
soon, the provision of adequate
facilities to carry out the mission of
the library is another major and
on-going issue the Board faces. All
taxpayers in the library’s district pay
two mills to support their local
libraries. The services that they are
able to receive, however, are quite
disparate and are greatly affected by
the quality of their local library
buildings. For example, Middlefield
Library users enjoy our most recently
constructed facility with multiple
meeting rooms, quiet study areas, a
drive-up book pick-up window, a
conference room, a separate story
time room, seating for dozens of
library patrons, a spacious children’s
area, a separate teen area, quiet and
comfortable places to read and use
the Internet, and, most of all, space
for a very large collection of books
and other library materials. The
situation is similar for Geauga West
Library users, who benefit from our
second-youngest facility. However,
the circumstances in Bainbridge and
Chardon, our oldest facilities, are
not nearly as advantageous. The
situation in Bainbridge is particularly
concerning to the Board because
while the Middlefield Library serves
15,000 nearby residents, the
Bainbridge Library’s service district
serves more than 21,000 citizens.
The Library Board must constantly
scan the horizon and plan for the
future. To that end, the Board
purchased property adjacent to the
existing Bainbridge Library for
possible future expansion. In a like
manner, when two adjacent properties were offered for sale in the City
of Chardon, the Library Board
purchased them for possible future
expansion of the Chardon Library.
This same forward-looking strategy
was used successfully when the
Board purchased almost ten acres of
property in Middlefield Village in
1996. Almost ten years later, the
beautiful new library opened
courtesy of the taxpayers in Cardinal
School District, which comprises the
service area for the Middlefield
Library. A time may come when the
Board asks residents of the districts
served by the Bainbridge and
Chardon Libraries for similar support
to better serve those communities.
But be assured, the final decision
will always rest with the taxpayers
through ballot issues duly presented
and voted on by those who exercise their right to vote.
The Library Board understands the
importance of library service to the
county residents it serves. Geauga
County continues to be the number
ONE county in Ohio in per capita
library borrowing. No matter what
part of the county is your home, you
have a nearby public library facility
to provide you with the latest in
technology, Internet, books, programs,
listening and viewing materials, and
services for all ages. The dedication
of the Library Board in planning for
the future, anticipating needs, and
responding to our county’s changes
has made this number-one rating
possible and its continued dedication will help preserve it well into
the future. With so many public
agencies under pressure at the local,
state and national levels, you can be
sure that the dedicated members of
the Library Board are looking out for
you and your families, always
striving to bring the best of reading,
listening and viewing to our residents in a financially prudent way.
Your comments are welcome! I will
be pleased to share your thoughts
and plans with the Library Board
now and in the future. Email me at
Happy reading, listening and
Deborah F. O’Connor
System wide program
May 1 – Sept. 11, 2015
Strengthen your body and brain
with Geauga WORK Out.
Geauga County Public Library
is teaming up with University
Hospitals Geauga Medical
Center and the Geauga Park
District to offer this exciting
challenge. Keep active by hiking
or attending walking programs.
Observe educational and
cultural opportunities
throughout the county. Read
to enhance your cognitive
power and develop new skills
to increase your knowledge.
The program’s four categories
(Walk, Observe, Read, Know)
engage your mental and physical
health. Pick up a challenge log
and starter kit with T-shirt at any
GCPL location. WORK Out is
open to anyone 12 years and
older. Once completed, you will
receive a high-quality stainless
steel water bottle, ear buds and
other awards. Also, you will be
entered into drawings for bigger
prizes. Is a Fitbit in your future?
Although most teen and adult
programs qualify for
WORK Out credit, special
events are marked
with this symbol:
Geauga County
Public Library
Storytime Programs
Registration start date: Tues., May 26
Registration is not required at
Bainbridge, Middlefield and Thompson.
Stories for babies from 3 months –
2 years old with caregiver. We'll do
poems, finger plays, nursery rhymes,
songs, and stories with a special
emphasis on body awareness and
group interaction.
Mondays and Tuesdays: June 1 July 21, 10 a.m.
Preschool storytime
Stories and activities for children
4 - 5 years old.
Wednesdays: June 3 - July 22, 2 p.m.
Family storytime
2 - 5 years with parent or caregiver.
Tuesdays: June 2 - July 21, 2 p.m.
Wednesdays: June 3 - July 22, 10 a.m.
Enjoy stories, songs and rhymes with
lots of participation.
Birth - 23 months with caregiver.
Mondays: June 15 - July 20, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: June 16 - July 21, 9:30 a.m.
Babies and twos
Just like babytime, but includes babies
through their second year.
Birth - 35 months with caregiver.
Tuesdays: June 18 - July 23, 9:30 a.m.
Family storytime
All ages with caregiver
Thursdays: June 18 - July 23, 11 a.m.
Special storytime
Kindergarten, here we come!
We will review numbers, letters,
colors, shapes and nursery rhymes.
Join us for 2 hours of fun and learning.
Entering K
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Mon., Aug. 3, 6:30 p.m. or
Tues., Aug. 4, 9:30 a.m.
G Geauga West
Birth – 2 years with caregiver
Wednesdays: June 10 – July 22,
9:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays: June 11 – July 23, 10 a.m.
Toddler storytime
Ages 2 – 3 with caregiver
Mondays: June 8 – July 20, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: June 9 – July 21, 9:30 a.m.
or 10:30 a.m.
Preschool storytime
Ages 3 – entering K
Tuesdays: June 9 – July 21, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: June 10 – July 22,
9:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
Entering grades 1 – 3
Mondays: June 8 - July 20, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: June 10 – July 22, 2 p.m.
When children are registered for
Trailblazers, they are automatically
signed up for Book Buddies and
will read to teen volunteers for
30 minutes.
Twos and threes
Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and an
introduction to colors and counting.
Two years - 47 months with caregiver.
Tuesdays: June 16 - July 21, 11 a.m.
Thursdays: June 18 - July 23, 6:30 p.m.
Baby / toddler storytime
Six months – 2 years with parent or
caregiver. Join us for stories, songs
and rhymes.
Tuesdays: June 9 - July 28, 10 a.m.
Thursdays: June 11 - July 30, 11 a.m.
The young and the restless family
A noisy, interactive story program for
families with active children of
all ages.
Families with children ages 2 - 5
Mondays: June 8 – July 27, 7 p.m.
Tuesdays: June 9 - July - 28, 11 a.m.
Preschool storytime
Thirty minutes of stories, songs and
fun. Parents are welcome to attend
storytime, too, or browse the library.
Ages 3 – 5
Wednesdays: June 10 - July 29, 11 a.m.
Thursdays: June 11 - July 30, 10 a.m.
Club read
Early elementary children enjoy a
30-minute storytime.
Grades K – 2
Wednesdays, June 10 - July 29, 4 p.m.
Thursdays: June 11 – July 30, 7 p.m.
T Thompson
Preschool storytime
Have fun with stories, songs, rhymes,
colors and counting. This storytime is
designed to allow children to assert
their independence by attending on
their own.
Three years – Kindergarten
Mondays: June 15 - July 20, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: June 17- July 22, 7 p.m.
Thursdays: June 18 - July 23, 9:30 a.m.
Combined-ages storytime
Storytime for preschool through grade 5.
Stories, games, crafts.
Mondays: June 15 – July 20, 7 p.m.
Wednesdays: June 17 - July 22, 10:30 a.m.
Youth and Family Programs
All programs are 60 minutes and require registration unless noted.
Summer reading program
Every hero has a story
Like to read? Want to win prizes just for doing it?
Stop in at any of our locations to pick up a reading
log. Read to win! Every child is welcome to participate.
Summer reading begins the first day of summer
vacation (varies by school district) and ends Aug. 8.
Registration is required for all summer reading
activities. All children have the potential to be
heroes, and they can discover the superheroes
within themselves by dressing up, exploring
games, crafts and reading, of course!
Local superheroes party
All ages
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Sat., June 6, 11 a.m.
Kickoff your summer reading with a
superhero party that includes face
painting and a K-9 unit. Discover
everyday heroes in your own community.
Explorers club:
Create your own hero world
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., June 8, 2 p.m.
Join the explorers club this summer
and find your inner hero through stories,
crafts, games, and more. We provide the
supplies; you provide the creativity.
Let's go on a StoryWalk®
Families – all ages
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
June 8 – 14, daily 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Can chickens save the day? Families,
read a story together and stroll through
the library. Self-guided program.
Story: Chickens to the Rescue!
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne
Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian
Coalition and the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.
StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned
by Ms. Ferguson.
Summer reading kick-off with
magician Greg Carson
Families – all ages
Celebrate the start of summer reading with magic by Greg Carson.
This magician will amaze and
astound with his magic tricks!
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., June 11, 7 p.m.
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Thurs., June 18, 3 p.m.
Chardon, 440-632-1961
Thurs., June 18, 7 p.m.
Diary of a whatever kid
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., June 11, 2 p.m.
Design your own comic book featuring
the hero of your choice. Will you
create your own superhero or battle
the villain yourself?
Explorers club: Be a hero to animals
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., June 15, 2 p.m.
We are teaming up with Rescue
Village to be a hero to our animals
in need.
Superhero training
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., June 17, 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
Strengthen your special powers with
our superhero training exercises and
games. Decorate your own cape,
mask and wrist cuffs.
Super sign-up day
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Wed., May 27, 4 – 8 p.m.
Walk in at the library.
Phone registration begins
Thurs., May 28.
Register for summer reading.
All other GCPL locations
Sign up any time.
Get gross at the library
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., June 18, 2 p.m.
Learn some gross facts and make your
own slime at the library as we explore
heroic people and moments in
scientific history.
Superhero dads
Families – all ages
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., June 18, 7 p.m.
To celebrate Father's Day, we are honoring the superhero in your life. Bring
your dad, uncle, grandfather or that
special guy in your life to a fun-filled
Explorers club:
Get gross at the library
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., June 22, 2 p.m.
Let’s make slime and see how yucky
we can get!
Teddy bear clinic
Entering K – 5
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., June 23, 3 p.m.
Save the day with good-hand
washing skills and healthy
eating. University Hospitals
presents this fun and interactive class.
Parents, check out health screenings.
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., June 24, 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
Join the team of superheroes dedicated
to protecting our land and water. Use
your super recycling and creative
Youth and Family Programs
Villain bash
Entering grades 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., June 25, 2 p.m.
All villains are a heroes in their own
minds. Participate in games, villain
trivia and a craft.
Community heroes
All ages
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., June 25, 4 – 6 p.m.
Who are the heroes in your community?
Let’s find out.
Pizza and pages
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Sat., June 27, 3 p.m.
Enjoy pizza and a book discussion on
El Deafo by Cece Bell. Craft to follow.
Explorers club: Heroes of the ancient
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., June 29, 2 p.m.
Try games from ancient times.
Drawn to be a hero
Entering 1 – 5
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., July 2, 2 p.m.
Learn how to draw cartoons and
superheroes with artist Jeff Nicholas.
Frozen (in summer)
Entering K – 5
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., June 30, 3 p.m.
Sisters can be heroes, too. Join us for
Frozen games and activities inspired
by Anna and Elsa.
Explorers club: Harry Potter’s world
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., July 6, 2 p.m.
Join us for wizarding fun.
Be fit in America
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 1, 1 – 3 p.m. ,
drop-in program
Test your fitness as we try some fun
physical challenges. Make a patriotic
star wand to carry as we jog through
the Chardon Library.
Heroes of the ancient world
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., July 2, 2 p.m.
The Olympic Games are coming to
the Bainbridge Library. Join us for stories of mythological Greek heroes and
try ancient-times games.
Madcap Puppets presents:
Aladdin and Friends
All ages
Newbury Schools Auditorium
Tues., July 7, 1 p.m.
Harry and Max have a spectacular
show to present, if only they can keep
their little assistant, Tweedle, from getting into too much trouble. See back
cover for more information.
Picture yourself a hero
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 8,
10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
There's a hero in all of us. Trace and
decorate life-size copies of ourselves
as superheroes.
You be the hero
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., July 9, 2 p.m.
Donate your time and creative energy
as we decorate and put together care
packages for local people in need.
Explorers club: Recycle, reuse,
Entering K - 3
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., July 13, 2 p.m.
What will you make out of recycled
comic books? B
Superhero party
Entering K – 5
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., July 14, 3 p.m.
Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? We'll help you look the part and
test your skills.
Meet a Geauga County deputy and
his K-9 partner
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 15,
10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
Join us for a special guest visit from a
deputy and his K-9 dog partner.
Book hero party
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., July 16, 2 p.m.
We're throwing a party for our favorite
book heroes. You're invited to dress up
as your favorite book character for
games, crafts and a whole lot of fun.
Craft day
Entering 1 – 5
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., July 16, 2 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Make everything you need for a superhero outfit.
Teen Programs
Family Programs
Meet a Chardon firefighter
Entering 1 - 5
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 22, 10:30 a.m. or 2 p.m.
Join us for a special guest visit from a
Chardon firefighter, including an upclose viewing of a firetruck.
Summer reading finale ice cream party
All ages
Thompson, 440-298-3831
Sat., July 25
Celebrate your reading achievements
with ice cream and a Chinese auction.
Grand prize winners will be drawn.
LEGO and DUPLO mania
Families – all ages
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., July 22, 7 p.m.
Join us for some free play, LEGO style.
Be an environmental superhero
Entering K - 5
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., July 28, 3 p.m.
Enjoy a story, game, and craft with
Geauga Trumbull Solid Waste
Superhero training
Entering 1 – 5
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Thurs., July 23, 2 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Do you have what it takes to be a
superhero? Come to our training day
to find out.
Making minions
Entering 6 – 12
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Tues., June 9, 2 p.m.
Make minions just like from the
Book buddy training
Entering 6 – 12
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Monday, June 1, 3 p.m. or 4:15 p.m.
Volunteer to be a book buddy to a
grade school student. Book buddies
meet after Trailblazers and must attend
one of the sessions to participate.
Superhero factory
Entering 6 – 12
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Fri., June 12, 2 - 4 p.m.
Unmask your inner superhero. We
have all you need to bring your alter
ego to life: DIY masks, capes, logos
and more. Get busy saving the world
Bubble Lady
All ages
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Sat., July 25, 11 a.m.
Be amazed at the incredible, giant
bubble creations you’ll witness as we
wrap up a heroic summer.
Pizza and pages
Entering 4 – 5
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Sat., July 25, 3 p.m.
Enjoy pizza and a discussion on a
book we will have voted on during
our previous meeting.
Summer reading finale with Jungle Terry
All ages
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Thurs., Aug. 6, 3 p.m.
Bring the whole family to see Jungle
Terry and his reptiles and
other animals.
Library night at the drive-in
All ages
Mayfield Drive-in (12091 Mayfield Rd., Chardon)
Special pricing: $15 per car
Extra $5 to bring your own food.
Sun., Aug. 9, 7 p.m., Box office opens
Save the date. Join us for a family-friendly movie at a special price.
Be a duct tape hero
Entering 6 - 12
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., June 16, 11 a.m.
Create a variety of useful crafts and
gadgets with duct tape.
Teen Programs
Black light art
Entering 6 – 12
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Tues., June 16, 2 p.m.
Use black lights to make art and other
Once upon a murder
Entering 6 – 12
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Fri., June 19, 6:30 – 8:30 (afterhours event) Join us after hours for a
party that's killer. Can you solve the
murder mystery and unmask whodunit? Food and fun for all, except for the
dearly departed one.
Comic book magnets
Entering 6 – 12
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Thurs., June 25, 1 p.m.
We'll recycle comic books into cool
magnets for your locker or fridge.
Discuss your favorite comics or
graphic novels, too.
FabFridayz movies
Entering 6 – 12
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Fridays: 2 – 4 p.m.
June 26, July 3, July 17
DC and Marvel duke it out
during this summer's FabFridayz
movie series for teens. Stop in at
the Bainbridge
Library to vote for
your choices.
Title with the
most votes gets
that week’s
screening. And
the winner is...
Mask workshop
Entering 6 – 12
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Tues., June 30, 2 p.m.
Make a superhero mask, a Mardi Gras
mask or another variety mask.
Fitness fair
Entering 6 - 12
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 1, 1 – 3 p.m.
(drop in)
Fitness information, challenges and a
contest with prizes.
Superteens to the rescue!
Entering 6 – 12
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Fri., July 10, 2 – 4 p.m.
Partner with Geauga Park District to
unleash your superpowers on our
community's natural resources. Meet
at Frohring Meadows where Team
Superteen will receive rescue mission
instructions. Signed waiver and
appropriate attire required. Capes and
masks optional.
Games on Chardon Square
Entering 6 - 12
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., July 14, 11 a.m.
Play outdoor games including cornhole on Chardon Square.
Comic book phone covers
Entering grades 6 – 12
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Tues., July 14, 2 p.m.
Does your phone cover need an
update? Bring your phone or other
device cover and decorate with comics.
Entering 6 – 12
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., July 15, 1 p.m.
Create a mask to wear or display.
Adventure time
Entering 6 - 12
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., July 21, 11 a.m.
What time is it? Adventure Time!
Watch episodes of the show featuring
Finn, Jake, and other heroes and
villains. Create an origami hero from
the Land of Ooo to take home.
Unmask your talent
Entering 6 – 12
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., July 23, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Do you juggle? Sing? Paint? Act?
Dance? Knit? Kazoo? Share your
creativity at Bainbridge Library's Teen
Talent Showcase. See library for rules
and guidelines. Deadline to register
your performance or display piece is
Thurs., July 9.
Make a video game from Scratch
Entering 6 – 12
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., Aug. 4, 1 p.m. Learn the
basics of Scratch programming
to create a computer game.
Book Sales
Book Discussions
Ask about joining any of GCPL’s Friends’ groups.
Memberships may be purchased at individual library locations.
Bainbridge Women’s Club and Bainbridge Friends of the Library book sale
Tues., Aug. 25
Wed., Aug. 26
Thurs., Aug. 27
Fri., Aug. 28
Sat., Aug. 29
4 – 6 p.m.
6 – 8:45 p.m.
9 a.m. – 8:45 p.m.
9 a.m. – 8:45 p.m.
9 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
9 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Members preview
Open to public
Open to public
Open to public
Open to public (bag day)
Open to public (bag day)
Reading and literary socializing go handin-hand at GCPL book discussions. Check
out any of the following books at the library
a few weeks in advance of the scheduled
discussion and enjoy. We’ve got plenty of
copies because we know we’ve got plenty
of readers. Discussions are open to anyone
who loves to read and share ideas.
May 11
June 8
July 13
The Chardon Library book sale is sponsored by the Chardon Friends of the
Library. Bargains for everyone on books, DVDs, CDs and more.
Fri., July 31
9 – 10 am.
Members preview
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Open to the public
Sat., Aug. 1
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Open to the public
Sun., Aug. 2
1 – 5 p.m.
Bag day
Aug. 10
May 20
July 15
Aug. 19
May 6
July 1
Aug. 5
June 11
July 9
Aug. 13
GCPL book sale at the Great Geauga County Fair
Thurs., Sept. 3 – Mon., Sept. 7, 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
This book sale is a fair-worthy event. Sponsored by Geauga County Public
Library, this sale features thousands of books, audiobooks, CDs and DVDs
at bargain prices. We’re located in the barn next to Gate 1. A new
children’s area provides kids a place to relax and read. Parking is free, and
we’ll hold your purchases for you while you enjoy the midway rides,
animal exhibits, milkshakes and shows.
May 17
June 17
July 15
Aug. 19
We are all Completely
Beside Ourselves
by Karen Joy Fowler
97 Orchard: An Edible ...
by Jane Ziegelman
The Age of Miracles
by Karen Thompson Walker
The Orchardist
by Amanda Coplin
Wednesdays, 7 p.m.
The Fault in our Stars
by John Green
The Chaperone
by Laura Moriarty
The Orphan Train
by Christina Baker Kline
Prague Winter
by Madeleine Albright
May 14
Visit our ongoing summer book sale during regular library hours.
Find great prices on great books. Stock up on these specials.
Wednesdays, 7 p.m.
Geauga West
June 3
Sponsored by the East Geauga Friends of the Library book sale.
Weekdays, noon - 3 p.m.
When you are visiting the Middlefield Library, please stop
in our Friends Room and take a look at our ongoing book sale. You'll find great
bargains and a friendly atmosphere.
Destiny of the Republic
by Candice Millard
Tell the Wolves I’m Home
by Carol Rifka Brunt
The Kitchen House
by Kathleen Grissom
Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes
June 17
Geauga West Library
The Geauga West Library book sale is sponsored by the Geauga West Friends of
the Library.
Wed. July 29 4 - 6 p.m.
Members preview
6 - 8:30 p.m.
Open to the public
Thurs., July 30
9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Open to the public
Fri., July 31
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Open to the public
Sat., Aug. 1
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Bag day
Mondays, 2 p.m.
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.
Island at the Center of the
World... by Russell Shorto
Hidden in the Shadow of
the Master by Ruth Butler
Cutting for Stone
by Abraham Verghese
The Fault in our Stars
by John Green
Wednesdays, 7 p.m.
The Last Runaway
by Tracy Chevalier (Sunday,
2 p.m., this month only)
The Cat Who Could Read L. J. Braun
After the Armistice Ball
by Catriona McPherson
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax
by Dorothy Gilman
Adult Programs
Space is limited. Registration is
required. All programs are 60
minutes unless noted.
Adult summer reading:
Restorative yoga
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Second and fourth
Tuesdays of each
month, 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Unwind the
mind and release tension from the
body with instructor Melissa
Schlechte. Novice yogis and anyone seeking a therapeutic, relaxing
practice are invited. The focus is
on proper alignment, gentle
stretching, strengthening and
breath awareness.
Scrapbook crop
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Fri., May 1, 5 – 10 p.m.
Bring your ideas, photos and
supplies to catch up on your projects during this special after-hours
All GCPL locations
Mon., June 15 - Sat., July 25
Why should kids have all the summer-reading
fun? Adults can play this summer by entering our
contests at each library. Simply read a book, fill
out a ballot and drop it in the box. Weekly drawings
are held at each building for prizes including gift
cards for gas, books, apps and even to favorite
local eateries and sporting events. Grand prizes are
even bigger. Could there be a tablet in your future?
There’s only one way to find out. Head to any GCPL
location and be a reading hero.
Books and barks
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Tues., May 5, 6:30 p.m.
Combine your enjoyment
of books and dogs with a
dog walk at Beartown Lakes and
discussion of The Storied Life of
A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin.
Walkers should have socialized
dogs, but don't need a dog to
participate. Walk canceled in case
of inclement weather.
The probate court process
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Tues., May 5, 7 p.m.
If something were to happen
to you, your loved ones could face
unnecessary costs and delays in
receiving the assets and property
you want them to own. Probate
Court Judge Tim Grendell explains
the probate court process and how
choices you make now can help
your family avoid delays and
hassles later.
Becoming a writer:
Paul Newman discusses writing
Murder at the Maple Festival
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Mon., May 4, 7 p.m.
Paul Newman, Geauga
County attorney, photographer,
and author discusses what it takes
to write and market a book. His
most recent book, Murder at the
Maple Festival, is a mystery set in
Chardon. Books available for
purchase and signing.
Green smoothies 101
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Wed., May 6, 7 p.m.
Supercharge your
immune system. Learn the
hows and whys behind
green smoothies. Discover just
how easy it is to make them at
home. Learn tips and tricks to
avoid the season's sniffles. Tasty
samples provided. Space is limited,
so register early.
Stroke awareness and risk assessment
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., May 13, 7 p.m.
Experts from UH
Geauga Medical Center
present a program on heart
health and stroke awareness.
Risk assessments available. Learn
to recognize and prevent these
health problems.
Read between the wines
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Wed., May 20, 7 p.m.
Join library staff at Thorncreek
Winery for a discussion of The
Boys in the Boat by Daniel James
Brown. Must be 21 or older to
participate. Call the library to register.
Adult Programs
Medicare 101
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Thurs., May 21, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Medicare 101 is an introductory overview of Medicare.
Included topics: Medicare parts
A, B, C, D & Medicare
Supplementals. Adam Van Boxel,
LSW, MSSA of the Geauga
Department of Aging and trained
as an Ohio Senior Health
insurance Information program
counselor, presents objective information and 2015 updates.
Improve yourself with ABLE
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Thurs., May 21, 7 p.m.
Whether you are seeking a
GED, brushing up on computer
skills, improving language skills,
learning English, hoping to
advance in your career, or looking
to learn a trade, the Auburn ABLE
program has something to offer.
Diane Marjenin will discuss the
variety of services and opportunities available at the ABLE site in
the Cardinal Board of Education.
Begin working on your future
Diet fact and fiction
Thompson, 440-298-3831
Wed., May 27, 7 p.m.
Is the latest diet trend
going to help you get
healthy or sabotage your
efforts? Explore options for healthier
eating and discover the latest
Book bites: Taste of summer,
Heinen’s style
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Mon., June 1,
6:30 – 8 p.m.
Join us on a healthy foods
tour of Heinen’s. Explore GMOfree produce and learn about
Cleveland Clinic Go Foods so you
can enjoy a healthy, happy
The Geauga Shutterbugs
meet the first Thursday
of the month in Chardon
Library’s Bostwick Room
to explore photography
techniques and critique
each other’s work.
May 7
June 4
July 2
Aug. 6 (Off-site picnic)
History of the Western Reserve
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., June 2, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Did you know that much of
northeast Ohio was once known as
the Western Reserve of
Connecticut? Learn more about the
early land history of the United
States and how much of our area
became what we now call Ohio.
Presented by the James A. Garfield
National Historic Site.
Fitness fun
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Wed., June 3, 7 p.m.
Need a place to work
out but don't want to pay a
gym or personal trainer?
Use the library. We provide the
room and fitness video. Just show
up ready to move.
Card class
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Fri., June 5, 6 – 8 p.m.
Learn new techniques, folds,
layout sketch ideas and two-step
stamping. The subject will be
everyday greetings. All skill levels
welcome. Bring scissors, doublesided tape and a folder for creasing.
$10 materials fee.
Drop spindle demonstration
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Mon., June 8, 7 p.m. Learn
how to spin fiber into yarn
using a drop spindle. Nancy
Curtiss, a member of the Western
Reserve Spinners and Weavers
Guild, will guide you as you learn
this technique.
Medicare 101
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Wed., June 3, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
See description on this page.
Manhunt for Lincoln’s assassin
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., June 3, 7 p.m.
Paul Goebbel returns to
recount the great manhunt for John
Wilkes Booth in April 1865. Hear
firsthand accounts from period
documents. What happened in
Washington, D.C. and in the
swamps and rivers, forests and
fields of Maryland during those
twelve days is incredible.
Books and barks
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event) Tues., June 9,
6:30 p.m. Combine your
enjoyment of books and dogs
with a dog walk at Beartown
Lakes and discussion of The
Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt by
Caroline Preston. Walkers should
have socialized dogs, but don't
need a dog to participate. Walk canceled in case of inclement weather.
Skin cancer and tanning safety
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., June 10, 7- 8:30 p.m.
Experts from UH Geauga
Medical Center discuss skin cancer
and the effects of tanning. Sign up
for a free skin-cancer screening
appointment to be done during the
Family Health & Safety Day July 11.
Adult Programs
Green smoothies 101
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., June 10, 7 p.m.
Supercharge your
immune system. Learn the hows
and whys behind green smoothies.
Discover just how easy it is to
make them at home. Learn tips
and tricks to avoid the season's
sniffles. Tasty samples provided.
Space is limited, so register early.
Fitness fun
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Wed., June 17, 7 p.m.
Need a place to work
out but don't want to pay a gym
or personal trainer? Use the library.
We provide the room and fitness
video. Just show up ready to move.
Read between the wines
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Wed., June 17, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Join library staff at Thorncreek
Winery for a discussion of The
Chaperone by Laura Moriarty.
Must be 21 or older to participate.
Call the library to register.
Nutrition on the go
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., June 17, 7 p.m.
UH Geauga Medical
Center provides valuable
information on making good nutrition a way of life. Learn the tools to
make better choices and live a
longer, more productive life.
Bats and bikes
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
(Off-site event) Thurs.,
June 18, 8 – 9:30 p.m.
Bring your bike for a Geauga
Park District naturalist-led ride
along The Maple Highlands Trail
beginning at Headwaters Park
(13365 Old State Road, Huntsburg).
Witness a bat detector demonstration.
Truth, justice and the Cleveland way
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., June 23, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster,
two kids from Glenville High
School, created the world’s most
enduring superhero. Hear about
the original Superman and learn
how he was influenced by the
boys’ lives in Cleveland.
Fitness fun
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Wed., June 24, 7 p.m.
Need a place to work
out but don't want to pay a gym
or personal trainer? Use the library.
We provide the room and fitness
video. Just show up ready to move.
Health screening
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Tues., June 23, 3 p.m.
UH Geauga Medical
Center provides blood glucose,
cholesterol and blood pressure screening. Receive valuable information to
improve your health. Also, kids can
check out the Teddy Bear Clinic.
Tea celebrating Cleveland’s golden
age of shopping
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Sat., June 27, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Join us for tea and snacks and
reminisce about shopping in
Cleveland when it was an event. A
Western Reserve Historical Society
representative talks about riding in
an elevator with an operator, the
wood escalators and more. Who
could forget Halle Brothers, The
May Co. and Higbee's?
The Tai Chi Bible: The Definitive Guide
to Decoding the Tai Chi Form by Dan
The Handy Nutrition Answer Book by
Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas
E. Svarney
Tai chi for life
Thompson, 440-298-3831
Mon., June 22, 7 p.m.
Lynne Leffel offers an
introduction to tai chi and
how it can improve health.
No Excuses Fitness: The 30-Day Plan
to Tone Your Body and Supercharge
Your Health by Donovan Green
Adult Programs
Geauga WORK Out fitness fair
for all ages
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., July 1, 1 – 3 p.m.
Fitness can be described
many ways, and includes
being physically, mentally,
environmentally fit. This fitness fair
features booths and activities for
all ages. Craft a repurposed tote
bag, try a new exercise, spin the
safety wheel, learn about your
environmental footprint. Play
games, win prizes and gain information on personal fitness.
No registration required. WORK
Out partners from the Geauga Park
District and UH Geauga Medical
Center will be on site.
Fitness fun
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Wed., July 1, 7 p.m.
Need a place to work
out but don't want to pay a gym
or personal trainer? Use the library.
We provide the room and fitness
video. Just show up ready to move.
Chardon history walk #1
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Mon., July 6, 7 p.m.
Join Bill Jackson of the
Geauga County Historical
Society on this walking tour
back through time in Chardon.
Discover the people and events in
area history against a background of
the buildings we see in Chardon
today. For a longer tour, see walk #2
July 27.
Books and barks
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Tues., July 7, 6:30 p.m.
Combine your enjoyment of
books and dogs with a dog walk at
Beartown Lakes and discussion of
The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie
Benjamin. Walkers should have
socialized dogs, but don't need a
dog to participate. Walk canceled
in case of inclement weather.
Read between the wines
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Wed., July 15, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Join library staff at Thorncreek
Winery for a discussion of The
Returned by Jason Mott. Must be
21 or older to participate. Call the
library to register.
Chardon history walk #2
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Mon., July 27,
6:30 – 8 p.m. Join Bill
Jackson of the Geauga
County Historical Society for an
extended variation of his tour earlier
this month. See walk #1 for details.
Book bites: Ice cream at Jeni’s
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Mon., Aug. 3, 7 p.m.
Join us at Jeni’s Splendid Ice
Creams (67 N Main St., Chagrin
Falls) as we learn about what goes
into making great frozen treats.
Books and barks
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Tues., Aug. 4, 6:30 p.m.
Combine your enjoyment of
books and dogs with a dog walk at
Beartown Lakes and discussion of
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik
Backman. Walkers should have
socialized dogs, but don't need a
dog to participate. Walk canceled
in case of inclement weather.
Medicare 101
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., July 15, 7 p.m.
See description on page 10.
Book tote decorating class
Geauga West, 440-729-4250
Wed., July 22, 6 p.m.
Paint it! Stamp it! Glitz it up!
Whether you use it to carry your
books, groceries or beach items,
decorate your own canvas tote.
$8 material fee.
A walk in the park
Thompson, 440-298-3831
Wed., July 22, 7 p.m.
Meet at the Thompson
Ledges Park for a guided
tour of the famous ledges
and the new accommodations.
The Victorian woman
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., July 23, 2 p.m.
Join us for afternoon tea and
finger sandwiches. From bonnets to
corsets, manners and flirtation, the
Summit County Historical Society
will help us discover the proper role
of the Victorian woman.
Snacks provided.
Home design and decorating
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Tues., Aug. 4, 7 p.m.
Looking for ideas to freshen
up your living space? Join us for a
workshop with Kathleen Bliss
Goldfarb, ASID from Decorating
Den Interiors, the Valley Design
Team of Northeast Ohio.
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., Aug. 5, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
What is cyberbullying?
How is it different from traditional
bullying? Is it ever considered a
criminal activity? What can we do
in our homes, classrooms and
communities to prevent and stop
cyberbullying? Learn practical tips.
Adult Programs
The Lincoln assassination
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Thurs., Aug. 6, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
As the 150th Anniversary of
the Civil War continues, hear
from Todd Arrington, Chief of
Interpretation and Education at the
James A. Garfield National Historic
Site, about the manhunt that eventually found John Wilkes Booth nearly
two weeks after Lincoln’s death.
Balance screenings and fall
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Wed., Aug. 12,
7 – 8:30 p.m.
Experts from UH Geauga
Medical Center present a
program on preventing falls and
improving balance. Balance and
hearing screenings will be available.
Read between the wines
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
(Off-site event)
Thurs., Aug. 19, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Join library staff at Thorncreek
Winery for a discussion of I
Remember Nothing by Nora
Ephron. Must be 21 or older to
participate. Call the library to
Genealogy Programs
Registration required unless noted.
Call respective library to register.
Most class sizes limited to 11 people. A powerful,
free genealogy website
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., June 4, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
The world’s largest free database
keeps adding millions of records,
images and new features. Tap in to
this great resource. Library laptops
will be used.
Chardon’s Anderson Allyn Room:
Serving all patrons
Chardon, 440-285-7601
Tues., Aug. 18, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Did you know GCPL has genealogy
resources for all patrons, not only
those with Geauga County roots?
Become acquainted with the Allyn
Room, the GCPL genealogist and
the genealogy resources on the
GCPL website.
Introduction to genealogy
Middlefield, 440-632-1961
Wed., Sept. 9, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wondering how to get started finding your ancestors? Learn about
genealogy charts, documenting and
The probate court process
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., Aug. 20, 7 p.m.
See page 9 for details.
Architectural afterlife with
Johnny Joo
Bainbridge, 440-543-5611
Thurs., Sept. 17, 7 p.m.
Local photographer Johnny Joo
will explain his process of taking
stunning photographs of hidden
places, including Rolling Acres
and Randall Park Malls. Books
will be available for
purchase and signing.
online genealogy databases. Bring
whatever vital information you have
(names, birth/ marriage/death dates
and places) for yourself, parents,
grandparents, etc. Library laptops
will be used.
Geauga County Genealogical
Society Programs
The Geauga County Genealogical
Society meets in the Bostwick
room of the Chardon Library on
the second Tuesday of each month
(no meetings in July and August).
Interested in family or local history?
Learn more with GCGS.
Registration not required. Check for information.
Questions? Contact
Two Cleveland celebrities:
Bob Hope and Chef Boyardee
Tues., May 12, 7 p.m.
Presented by Dr. Deborah Abbott,
learn about these two legends,
both from Cleveland.
Pre-1850 Research
Tues., June 9, 7 p.m.
Presented by Margaret Cheney,
Ohio Genealogical Society
Problem? Solved.
Free eBooks, audiobooks, music, movies and TV shows
available now
Problem: I would like to find more time for reading, but I’m too busy to browse a
bookstore or library.
Solution: GCPL’s digital collection (hoopla and Overdrive)
Problem: My music collection is stale and I want to find different artists.
Solution: GCPL’s digital collection (hoopla)
Problem: I don’t understand how all this digital stuff works.
Solution: GCPL’s Digital Discovery classes
Getting the best in eBook, audiobook, movies, TV and music is as simple as visiting There is no reason for anyone with an Internet connection
and a smart phone, tablet, MP3 player or other device to ever be disconnected
from music and stories.
With all GCPL digital services, you never pay overdue fees. When items are due,
they simply are removed from your queue without you needing to do anything.
Also, you have the option of either streaming your content or downloading it so
that you may binge read wherever you may be. In fact, many patrons prefer to
download audiobooks so they can listen during commutes without using up their
data plans. GCPL offers several digital services, among which hoopla and
Overdrive are extremely popular.
With hoopla, you may borrow up to 20 eBooks, audiobooks, music collections,
movies and TV shows per month. Because hoopla does not have holds, you
never have to wait for your materials.
With Overdrive, you may borrow up to 30 eBooks and audiobooks per month.
If GCPL’s maximum number of digital copies has been checked out of a specific
title, you may have to wait for a short time, but the browsing feature allows you
to see what other content is available. In fact, you can sort to find only available
titles if you need something to read immediately.
Before dropping money on your next digital music, Netflix, Kindle, Audible or
nook selection, check out GCPL’s digital collection.
Problem? Solved.
Digital Discoveries
Adult programs. Space is limited.
Registration is required and
begins May 1.
B Bainbridge
Email made easy
Thurs., July 9, 7 p.m.
Confused about email? Library
staff will help you navigate the
tool bars on various email sites
and show you how to manage
attachments. Participants must be
comfortable with computers and
Internet and have an email
account before the class begins.
Google Drive docs
Thurs., July 30, 7 p.m.
Wondering what all the fuss about
the cloud is? Learn how to create
documents in Google Drive and
how to access and share them
with others on the cloud.
Participants must be comfortable
with computers and Internet and
have a Gmail account or stop in to
create one.
The wonders of Windows
Fri., Aug. 14, 10 a.m.
Wondering how the new Microsoft
operating system works? Learn in
this hands-on basics class as we
explore a few Windows 8 tips and
tricks. Participants must be comfortable with computers and Internet.
C Chardon
Introduction to email
Tues., May 19, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
This hands-on class will help email
novices set up and make the most
of their email account. Participants
must be comfortable with computers and Internet and have an email
account before the class begins.
Excel basics
Tues., May 19, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
What can you do in Excel? Learn
about cells, formatting and how to
set up a basic worksheet.
Participants must have basic
keyboard and mouse skills.
Digital Discoveries
Facebook for business
Tues., July 21, 7 p.m.
Library staff and Chamber of
Commerce representative Lyndsey
Brent will demonstrate how to
make Facebook a useful tool for
small business owners. Learn how
to set up a page, upload and
schedule posts, and whether advertising is a good option.
How do I… use the library’s
digital resources?
Wed., July 22, 7 p.m.
Did you know that with just your
library card and Internet access,
you can download and keep over
70 full-color, interactive magazines? Or that you can stream up
to 20 audiobooks, movies, TV
shows, and CDs a month? Need a
government document? Away from
home and need to renew an item
to avoid a fine? You can do all of
that and much more. Explore
library resources available to you
outside of our buildings via your
computer, tablet or smartphone.
Feel free to bring your device or
just come to observe.
Introduction to the iPad
Wed., Aug. 26, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Intended for novice users, this class
will explore the basic features of the
iPad. We will learn about tablet
settings and indicators, use the mail
and Safari apps and use the camera
app to take and edit photos. Bring
your own iPad.
G Geauga West
Library eBooks and eReaders
Call to schedule an appointment.
Did you recently receive a Kindle,
Nook, or iPad? Did you
know you can borrow library books
on your device? Or do you just
want to know more about eBooks
before plunging into the format?
Our library staff will guide you
through downloading eBooks. Call
to arrange an appointment for oneon-one assistance.
Microsoft Word basics
Wed., July 8, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Explore fonts, formatting, and
saving documents in this basic
introduction to the popular word
processing program. Basic
computer skills are required.
Intro to computers A: Computer
basics, Windows 8
Thurs., July 9, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Have little or no computer experience?
In this class you will learn about basic
computer operations, Windows
navigation, and files & folders.
Shutterfly 1: Simply Shutterfly
Wed., July 29, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Learn to share photographs online
with just your friends and family.
This class explores basic photo editing and creating a basic share site.
Basic computer skills are required.
Introduction to Microsoft Publisher
Tues., May 19, 7 p.m.
Ever wished you could create your
own party invitation or eye-catching sign? Publisher can help you
do these things and more. Learn
the basics. Participants must be
comfortable with computers.
Facebook for business
Tues., June 30, 7 p.m.
See above description.
Intro to computers B: Internet basics
Thurs., July 30, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Discover what the Internet has to
offer. Learn web browser basics,
surfing the web, Internet safety,
and basic search skills.
Shutterfly 2:
Creating custom path photo books
Wed., Aug. 19, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Ready to move beyond Shutterfly
basics? This class explores the
creative options available through
the Custom path photo book.
Participants must have basic knowledge of Shutterfly and computers.
Intro to computers C: Intermediate
computer and search skills
Thurs., Aug., 20, 10 – 11:30 am.
Ready to move beyond the basics?
This class covers copy-and-paste,
flash drives, maps, and more.
Geauga County Bulletin Board
Geauga’s Community
Health Improvement Plan (2015 – 2017)
Representatives from numerous service agencies worked
alongside charities, residents and other community
stakeholders last year to address the health and social
challenges facing local citizens. The result is an in-depth
plan that highlights high-priority issues. Copies of the plan
are available at all GCPL locations.
The committee identified three main areas that need attention:
1. Increase access to help and awareness of mental health issues.
2. Increase access to and awareness and treatment options for
substance abuse including drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
3. Increase access to healthcare.
Mental health concerns are of primary interest in the wake
of the Chardon High School shooting, along with recognized drug dependency concerns and an aging population.
G eauga
Bus ines s
M agazine
Geauga Business
Magazine is the
only business-tobusiness magazine
in Geauga County.
Distributed free
of charge to every
business owner,
facility manager
and entrepreneur,
Geauga Business
about other
thriving within
the county and facilitates networking among these businesses.
We welcome sponsorships and invite businesses to email
press releases to
Copies of Geauga Business are available at GCPL locations.
UH Geauga Medical Center offers
free educational seminars on various topics including orthopaedics,
surgical weight loss, cardiovascular
health, diabetes and women’s
health. To learn more, call 440285-7757 or visit Seidman Cancer Center at
UH Geauga Medical Center
education series
Free education, screenings and
support groups are offered each
month at University Hospitals
Geauga Medical Center.
Digestive Health Institute
Join us for a new patient information session. If you are interested
in weight loss surgery at
University Hospitals Digestive
Health Institute’s Bariatric Surgery
& Nutrition Center, attend one of
our free, new patient information
sessions. Visit www.uhhospitals.
org/weightloss for dates and times
or to watch online.
Orthopaedics day
Sat., May 30, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Executive Caterers at Landerhaven
(6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield
Heights) Attend this free community event to learn the latest in
orthopaedic treatment from
experts. Space is limited. To
RSVP, call 440-285-7757. Doors
open at 8 a.m. Breakfast provided.
Family health & safety day
Sat., July 11, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
UH Geauga Medical Center
(13207 Ravenna Rd. Chardon)
This free event promotes healthy
living and provides health and safety
information, screenings, a farmer’s
market and more. Pre-registration is
required for screenings.
For more information or to register,
call 440-285-7757.
Geauga County Bulletin Board
Financial education
Free financial education
workshops sponsored by
GCJFS and the Ohio State
Extension are offered to
Geauga County residents.
Contact GCJFS for more
Upcoming topics:
How to communicate about money and save for
financial goals
Creating a personalized budget
Paying down debt and improving your credit
Document emergency kit for valuable papers
Volunteer tutoring program
Wanted: Adults with a few hours of spare time each
week to make a difference in a child’s life.
We’re looking for caring, motivated adults to participate
in our Volunteer Tutoring Program that pairs volunteers
with local elementary students who need extra help in
basic reading and math. Volunteers must be able to help
during the school day, and are required to attend training and complete a criminal background check, both
provided by Job and Family Services.
Summer camp enrichment program
Our summer camp enrichment program provides
foster and low-income children in Geauga an opportunity
to enjoy a summer camp experience, summer activity or to
participate in an extracurricular activity. The program is
funded solely through donations which may be sent to:
Special Services of Geauga County / PO Box 309 /
Chardon, Ohio 44024
Help Me Learn Day
Now in its ninth year, Help Me Learn Day is a schoolsupply distribution program for low-income children in
Geauga County. This year, Help Me Learn Day is August
10, at Geauga Co. Job and Family Services. A second
distribution day will be held at Chagrin Falls Park
Community Center (date to be determined).
Families must register for the program and demonstrate a
need to qualify. All of the school supplies distributed are
donated from area churches, civic groups, businesses,
and individuals. Volunteers are needed to set up and
help the children “shop” for their school supplies on the
distribution day. Monetary donations to this program can
be made to Special Services of Geauga County, PO Box
309. Chardon, OH 44024. Please indicate “Help Me
Learn Day” in the memo portion of the check.
Help Me Grow is a voluntary
program designed with your
family’s concerns and goals in
mind at no cost to your family.
We provide services that promote
children’s growth and development while supporting families
during the important early years
of a child’s life.
How Help Me Grow serves pregnant women and families with
children from birth – 3 years:
• Prenatal visit to help prepare
for baby’s arrival
• Developmental screenings to
make sure your child is meeting
important milestones
• Answers to questions or concerns you have about your
child’s development
• Help in locating services for
children with special needs
• Support and education for your
• Help in increasing your understanding about your child’s
• New ways to play with and
care for your child
• Links to helpful community
• Events for you and your family
For more information, contact:
Geauga County Help Me Grow,
440-729-5250 or 866-975-1100. Visit
Geauga Help Me Grow is funded
by Geauga Family First Council &
Ohio Department of Health with
the Early Childhood & Home
Visitation Program component
funded by Geauga County Job &
Family Services.
Geauga County Bulletin Board
Geauga Growth Partnership
Geauga Growth Partnership, Inc. is
a business-led 501c(3) organization
dedicated to the retention, growth
and attraction of jobs, investment
and economic growth in Geauga
County. Programs attract and
engage GGP members, businesses,
government, educators, students and
Introduction to succession planning for small businesses
Fri., May 15, 8 - 10 a.m.
Kent State University, Geauga, (14111 Claridon Troy Rd.,
This free panel discussion will cover the key topics
including business/organization, legal, tax implications,
financial planning/funding.
Entrepreneur success breakfast
Fri., Jun 12, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Third Dimension, Inc. (10729 Kinsman Rd., Middlefield)
This free networking and mentoring event spotlights Louie
DeJesus of Third Dimension who will share the history
and the challenges faced as a successful business owner.
Learn tips for success.
Geauga Growth Partnership annual meeting
Wed., Jun 24, 8 - 10 a.m.
Notre Dame Educational Center (13000 Auburn Road,
Chardon) Hear keynote speaker Ivan Schwarz, Executive
Director, The Cleveland Film Commission. The Cleveland
Film Commission is driving economic growth and job
creation. Learn what film production means to Northeast
Ohio and how it might impact Geauga County.
Registration is required for all events. For registration and
information, contact Geauga Growth Partnership visit our
website at or contact
GGP at or 440-564-1060.
LEAF: Lake/Geauga
Educational Assistance
8221 Auburn Road,
Freshmen session
8221 Auburn Rd., Concord
May 9, 10 a.m.
What can freshmen do to
prepare for college? What
other opportunities are out
there for underclassmen?
LEAF recommends parents
attend with students.
Individual appointments
LEAF is a college-access
nonprofit serving students
of all ages with the financialaid process. Individual
appointments are offered
throughout the summer for
students and their parents,
and are available by
calling the LEAF office at
Geauga County Bulletin Board
Burton Public Library
14588 West Park Street, Burton,
All programs are free unless otherwise noted.
For programs that require registration, please call 440-834-4466.
Self defense for women and teen girls
Sat., June 6, 11 a.m.
Taught by members of the Geauga County
Sheriff’s Department, this self-defense
class features a classroom session
followed by a hands-on practical defense
session. For ladies ages 14 years and
older. Registration is limited to 20.
May Day garden party
Sat., May 2, 10 a.m.
Join us as we welcome May in style. This
family program includes stories, activities,
a craft, and a snack. Registration is
required and begins Sat., April 18.
Downton Abbey tea party
Sat., May 9, 2 p.m.
Join us for a traditional English afternoon
tea complete with finger sandwiches &
sweet treats. Victorian fashion historian,
Laura Loew, will present a Downton Abbey
program on the series’ fashions from 1912
- 1924. Period dress is encouraged.
Registration begins April 1 and is limited
to 50.
Great apps for your smartphone
Tues., June 16, 6:30 p.m.
Explore the Geauga County archives
Thurs., July 9, 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the Burton Historic District
Architectural Review Board, Clair Wilson,
Geauga County Archivist, will share what
the archives contain and how she can help
you with your own research.
Ohio search dogs
Tues., May 12, 6:30 p.m.
The Ohio Search Dog Association, Inc.
(OSDA) is a non-profit, all volunteer emergency response unit that uses highly
trained dogs and handlers to assist law
enforcement and firefighters in locating
missing persons. Join the K-9s and handlers of OSDA for a presentation describing their mission to help those that are lost
find their way home.
Trip to Buffettville concert
Tues., July 21, 6:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening of summer beach
music. Local musician Tom Todd entertains
all ages in the Luxenberg Family Reading
Garden. Concert will be held inside if it
rains. Refreshments. Grab a Hawaiian
shirt and a lawn chair and meet us in the
Summer Reading for all ages: "Every Hero
has a Story” Check our website for summer storytimes and teen programming
Hunter safety
Community appreciation night
Date and times to be announced.
Crafternoon: Decoupage flower pots
Thurs., June 4, 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Make something beautiful for your porch
or patio. Bring your plain terra cotta pot or
$2 and we will give you one. All of the
other supplies and instructions will be
Visit us at and follow us
on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and
The tales include:
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
(Middle-Eastern folktale) and
The Girl and the North Wind (Norwegian folktale).
Tuesday, July 7
1 p.m.
Newbury Schools Auditorium
Free and open to the public, all ages
Save the date for Distinguished Speaker:
GCPL is pleased to welcome David Liss Sat., Nov. 7 to
Notre Dame Education Center.
Bainbridge, Chardon, Geauga West
Monday - Thursday --------- 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday and Saturday -------- 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Chardon, Ohio
Permit No. 77
Harry and Max have a
spectacular show to present,
if only they can keep their
little assistant, Tweedle, from
getting into too much
trouble. Aunt Susie's coat
closet has become the stage
for their marvelous show,
but it barely contains
their giant puppets and
enchanting stories from
around the world.
Celebrate summer reading
adventures with GCPL’s
systemwide grand finale to
summer reading. Join us for
a charming production as
Madcap Puppet Theater
presents Aladdin and Friends.
Geauga County
Aladdin and Friends
Public Library
12701 Ravenwood Drive
Chardon, Ohio 44024
Madcap Puppets present:
Memorial Day through
Labor Day 2015
All locations closed
the following days:
Monday - Friday ------------ 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday ---------------------- 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Newbury (Closed Fridays)
Monday - Thursday ------- - 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday ---------------------- Noon - 4 p.m.
Independence Day
Friday, July 3
Saturday, July 4
Thompson (Closed Fridays)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Wednesday ------------------ 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday ----------------------- Noon. - 4 p.m
Labor Day
Monday, Sept. 7
Memorial Day
Monday, May 25
Staff Development Day
Monday, Oct. 12
Bainbridge Library
17222 Snyder Road
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
(440) 543-5611
Chardon Library
110 East Park Street
Chardon, Ohio 44024
(440) 285-7601
Geauga West Library
13455 Chillicothe Road
Chesterland, Ohio 44026
(440) 729-4250
Middlefield Library
16167 East High Street
Middlefield, Ohio 44062
(440) 632-1961
Newbury Public Library Station
14775 Auburn Road
Newbury, Ohio 44065
(440) 564-7552
Thompson Public Library Station
16200 Burrows Road
Thompson, Ohio 44086
(440) 298-3831
16167 East High Street
Middlefield, Ohio 44062
(440) 632-1961 x21