Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 20 Souderton, PA 18964 June 2015 Non-Profit Organization Who We Are p. 2, 20 U.S. Postage Permit #64104 Special Announcements & Programs p. 2-6 Social Service & Volunteering p. 7 Recreational Offerings p. 8, 9 Calendar & Lunch Menu p. 10, 11 Health, Wellness & Spa p. 12, 13 Travel p. 14-16 Hours & Contact p. 20 Lansdale, PA 19446 259 N. Second St. ! Current Resident or ! We’ll Vouch For Farmers Markets! WRAP up your wellness plan! See p. 3 Time Dated Material Mailed from Lansdale on May 19, 2015 ! !Generations is. . . •a •a •a •a place of welcome and friendship for active adults community of people committed to learning, growth, and mutual support gathering, where the needs and joys of the community can be shared spirit of partnership and caring which lasts. . . from generation to generation We’re here ! ! Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm Evenings & Weekends as scheduled* *see p. 11 for a full list of current schedule announcements. ! Contact Us: Main Number: (215) 723-5841 Rental Info.: (215) 723-6966 Social Services: (215) 723-1930 Meals on Wheels: (215) 723-8555 Generations of Indian Valley Hoagie Sale: Thursday, June 11 Enjoy a delicious turkey or Italian hoagie made fresh with a Conshohocken Bakery roll for just $6.oo each. Please place pre-orders by Tuesday, June 11: 215-723-5841. ! Generations of Indian Valley is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All proceeds benefit our Center & Meals on Wheels Programs. ! Delivery is available for large orders. Do you know of a local business that might be willing to place a large order? You can pick up a large order form at our Front Desk and spread the word! ! Remember: You can view our full newsletter on our website by the 1st of each month: What better place to get all of the wonderful fruits and vegetables of the season than at your local farmer’s market? Generations is, once again, pleased to partner with CADCOM (Community Action Development Commission), The PA Department of Agriculture and Montgomery County Aging & Adult Services for the Farmers Market Voucher program. To receive your vouchers here at Generations, you must be a Montgomery County Resident, 60 years or older this year, and meet the income eligibility requirements.* Singles are eligible for $20 in vouchers and couples are eligible for $40 in vouchers. *(Household income not more than $21,590 for a single or $29,101 for a couple). Vouchers will be distributed at Generations on Tuesdays from 10:00am - 1:00pm, while they last. There is only one more catch…… you must actually USE your vouchers (please)! When you spend your vouchers, you are helping out local farmers. You can use them all at once, or divide them up over the season until October 31. You could save one voucher to get a pumpkin for Halloween! If you find that you are not going to use your coupons, you may share them with someone else. There are 11 farmers markets within a five mile radius of Generations that will accept your vouchers, including The Indian Valley Farmers Market, so fill your kitchen with some nutritious locally grown foods today! ! Dawn Hunsdorfer, Social Service Director Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 2 Our team Generations is. . . Staff Douglas Eschbach, Executive Director Steven Doherty, Development Director Lisa Furbacher, Member Services Director Dawn Hunsdorfer, Social Service Director Kathy Jansen, Nutrition Services Director Lexi Little, MOW Nutrition Assistant Rachael Mast & Pat McQue, MOW Directors Stephanie Radcliff, MOW Nutrition Director Esther Stoudt, Rental Director Amy Stover, ADC, Program Director Milt Stover, Maintenance Director ! Board of Directors William Payne, Chairman Alexandra Metricarti, Vice Chair Christopher J. Detweiler, Secretary Timothy Swartley, Treasurer Lewis Goodman, Esq. Brian K. Goshow Ron Hallman Paul R. Hunsberger Marion Juniper D. Scott Landis Kyle Longacre Rick Myers Rebecca Nice, D.O. Ella M. Roush Carl Yusavitz ! Emeritus Charles H. Allebach, Jr. James Church Scott Hillegas Paul Wimmer Generations of Indian Valley is a 501(c)3 non-profit community center serving active adults in Souderton, Telford, Franconia, and the surrounding communities with programs in wellness, nutrition, social services, recreation, travel and more. Generations’ Meals on Wheels program serves the Indian Valley and North Penn areas. Generations of Indian Valley is funded, in part, under contract with Aging and Adult Services of Montgomery County. Additional funding is provided by the North Penn United Way, foundation grants, municipal support, fundraising projects and individual and corporate contributions. We suggest, but do not require, a minimum annual contribution from our participants to help defray the Additionally, each year in July, we request a donation It’s a WRAP! Wednesdays, this June ! costs of our operating expenses. ! We assure participation and services to anyone applying and qualifying without regard to race, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability where a person is otherwise qualified or could be with reasonable accommodation. from our participants to help defray the increasingly high costs of our operating expenses. Although our requested contribution is $10.00 per person, many of you send contributions which are far more generous to support our work even further, and we appreciate this kindness. If you are able to contribute to either parking lot repairs or our annual request for funds with a monetary donation, please make checks payable to Generations of Indian Valley and indicate which appeal(s) you'd like to help support in the check memo. Thank you for your continued financial support of Generations. Aware that what you contribute to our Center cannot be measured by dollars and cents or line items in a budget, we are grateful for all you do to support Generations of Indian Valley. This June, we hope you’ll join us for a program many have called “life changing.” Facilitated by Betsy Gorski, Director, Creating Increased Connections, The Wellness Recovery Action Plan®, or WRAP®, is an evidence-based practice tool that is used worldwide to address any kind of challenge to living a better quality of life. It is a prevention tool; something you can develop before you have any kind of life distress or dissatisfaction. Your WRAP® program is designed by you in practical, day-to-day terms and holds the key to getting and staying well. It is a great companion to other life changes you may have already made to adapt to the aging process. & News notes June 2015 p. 3 WRAP® is for Life! – It is for everyone, anytime, and for any of life's challenges. “WRAP has changed my life completely. Now I am a person who knows how to take care of myself and help myself in difficult times. If I am feeling badly or having a hard time, I take action.” Paving the Way for our Mission Recently, you may have received a letter in mail requesting funds for much needed repairs to our parking lot. If you've visited us in the past few months, you’ve probably noticed that the winter took quite a toll on our paved surfaces! Repairs to the lot are estimated to cost in excess of $80,000. Generations of Indian Valley Facilitator Betsy Gorski is a 65-year-old married mother of two young adults. A social worker by training, Betsy has always worked in services within the mental health system. Betsy is the director of Creating Increased Connections, an organization which promotes many different types of selfhelp programs in Montgomery County. Betsy was introduced to WRAP® in a training session with Mary Ellen Copeland, the originator. She immediately saw its utility in her own life and the lives of people she cares about. Betsy believes that the keys to successful living, no matter what kind of challenge we face, are in taking charge of our life in a planned way. The free WRAP® program will be presented over four Wednesdays this June from 9:30am-12:30pm. Participants should attend all sessions to benefit fully from the WRAP program. Please register for the free program by calling our front desk: 215-723-5841. As a friendly reminder, lunch is available for purchase in our Cafe. ! WHAT’S COOKIN’ FLAG SPONSORS The Generations cookbook will be available for purchase soon at our front desk. Thanks to all who submitted recipes and especially to volunteer Grace Price who spent hours typing all of the great recipes for the book! We love to fly the flag high! We’re so thankful to the following individuals who either sponsored or donated American flags for our front entrance flag pole: ! David Hanwell & Winnie Peterson STAY HYDRATED Mon., June 10, 10am In this season of the year and of your life, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. Andrea Gorman, RN, of Bayada Home Care will present an interactive program on the importance of staying hydrated. Please register for the free program: 215-723-5841 Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 Raising our Voices at Choralrama The Low Down on High Blood Pressure Friday, June 5 at 12:30pm Monday, June 15 at 10:00am Our own Indian Valley Choraleers enjoy providing entertainment in many local venues under the talented direction of Helen Keller. This month, they’ll be coming to Generations! Listen as The Choraleers present a program with three other community center singing groups. You’ll hear choral arrangements of popular, seasonal and traditional old favorites. The free program will take place during lunch. Join us for lunch (12:00pm) or just the music (12:30pm). If you’re coming for lunch, please make a reservation by calling 215-723-5841, then place a donation in the box upon arrival ($2 suggested). p. 4 heart as well as other organs. To find out more about this “silent killer,” join us for a presentation by Abington Health Chronic Care Professional Nurse, Jane Cero. ! Are you at risk for high blood pressure? Most of the time there are no symptoms. Many people have high blood pressure (hypertension) for years without even knowing it. If left uncontrolled, it can damage arteries and the Please register for the free program by calling 215-723-5841 or stopping by our front desk. ! Look for more informative “Help Yourself to Healthy Living” presentations on the third Monday of each month at 10:00am. AARP Safe Driving Refresher Course Friday, June 12, 9:15am-12:00pm Even the most experienced drivers can benefit from To register, stop by our front desk or call 215-723-5841. brushing up on their driving skills. Bring your drivers license and a pen to class. If you’d Take the AARP driver safety course and learn the current like to have our noon meal, you must make a rules of the road, defensive driving reservation. Walk-ins welcome at our Café. techniques and how to operate your More lunch information on p. 10. vehicle more safely in today's increasingly “If you don’t challenging driving environment. Get the Most insurance companies require a full like the way I tools you need to drive safely on today’s eight hour course to be taken initially. Once drive, get off roads, and remain independent for many completed, a refresher course should be the sidewalk.” years to come. . . taken at least every three years after that. We recommend contacting your insurance Join instructor Judy Pfanders to learn defensive driving company to determine exact requirements. We will offer techniques. Fee: $15.00 AARP Members; another refresher course in September, 2015 and the full $20.00 Non-members. course again in January, 2016. ! ! Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 5 The Scoop On Concert Sundaes On Sundays in June, July & August, our community welcomes talented artists and entertainers to Souderton Park where visitors can enjoy a free outdoor concert along with a sundae (or other tempting refreshment)! Generations is proud to be a “service club partner” for Concert Sundaes. Thank you to all of our participants who helped support the 2015 Concert Sundaes Series! We raised over $500 for these concerts, which bring our community together. Here’s the scoop on upcoming Concert Sundaes (full brochures will be available at Generations soon): All concerts begin at 7:00pm and are held outdoors at the Maurice W. Foulke Bandshell at Souderton Community Park, Wile Avenue & Reliance Rd. If it rains, you’ll find the concert at: Indian Crest Middle School 139 Harleysville Pk. Souderton, PA 18964 If you haven’t experienced the treat that is a Concert Sundae in the Park, make this the summer to do it! Picture a Norman Rockwell painting come to life right here in our back yard! People of all ages tap their toes to live music, appreciate the talents of local artists, and enjoy summer together. The cherry on top is that refreshment sale proceeds during the concerts support a different local non-profit each week (including Generations)! Upcoming Concert Sundaes: · June 7: Community Day: Lockman Family & Pete Smyser · June 14: Our Three Tenors · June 21: Joey Hoey Big Band · June 28: Penn View Brass Band* ! *Come out and see us at the Concert in the Park on June 28! All proceeds from refreshment sales will benefit Generations’ Center and Meals on Wheels programming. Footnotes with Indian Valley Podiatry Friday, June 19, 10:00am Learn about common foot concerns with Dr. Michelle Morrissey on Friday, June 19 at 10:00am. The presentation will encompass recommendations for prevention and treatment of the most commonly-seen foot and ankle problems including peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, and arthritic foot/ ankle deformities. A question and answer session to better serve individual inquiries will follow. ! Dr. Morrissey has worked with prominent academic and community podiatric surgeons in both Philadelphia and Delaware. She currently treats a variety of foot and ankle pathology in both adults and children at Indian Valley Podiatry in Souderton. ! To register for the free program, stop by our front desk or call 215-723-5841. Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 Days at the Races Across The Board Purchase your tickets this June and get in the running! The odds are in and this summer we’ll be giving you a run for your money with our Days at The Races Raffle! Purchase your raffle tickets during the month of June for $5 each at our front desk. Each Tuesday in July at 11:30am, we will host our official “horse race” and choose six ticket holders to represent that week’s six horses in an exciting (well, sort of) race to the finish. The “race” is actually just a board game but wait until you see the horses! Well, the horses are actually just small cardboard cut-outs but wait until you see how they dart across the track! Oh, just trust us - it will be fun! Will you hold the ticket to be the front runner or the dark horse? You’ll have to play to find out! Must be 18 or older to participate. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit community center. All proceeds benefit our Center and Meals on Wheels Programming. News & Notes Veterans Benefit Presentation: Wednesday, June 17 at 11:00am Sean Halbom, Director of The Montgomery County Veterans Affairs Office, will provide information to veterans, their dependents, and survivors regarding their rights and the various county, state and federal benefits they may be entitled to receive. Please register for the free program: 215-723-5841 Shingles Vaccine Clinic Reminder: The clinic, for Mont. Co. residents 60 years of age and older, will be held at Encore Experiences of Harleysville on June 2nd from 9:00 - 11:30am. This listing is a reference only for those who have already made an appointment. This clinic was advertised in our April & May newsletters and no new appointments are being made at this time. p. 6 • Tickets are $5 each and available at our front desk from June 2-June 30. • There will be six ticket holders each week chosen at random to be in the following week’s running. The race outcome will be determined randomly by a horse racing dice game held in our community room. Horses which place 1st, 2nd or 3rd will earn a cash prize. • Actual prize amounts will be determined by the amount of tickets sold but are estimated between $10-$30 each week. Tickets will be re-entered • into the running each week so you have plenty of chances to win! Artist of the Month: Souderton artist Merril Brown will share his paintings with us during the months of June & July. Mr. Brown has been drawing and painting as long as he can remember. He enjoys painting local landscapes as well as those areas where his travels and vacations take him. He has worked in acrylic, oils and watercolors. Merrill Brown hopes to convey the feelings and moods he experiences and observes in nature and his surroundings. Our New Neighbors: Adult Day Services Tuesday, July 7 10:00am Save the date for a presentation with Catholic Health Services, our new campus partners who can help provide care and companionship for seniors who need assistance or supervision during the day. Generations of Indian Valley · Be 60 years or older this year · Be a Montgomery Co. Resident · Meet required income limits Questions? Please call Dawn at 215-723-1930. Social Services Our Social Services Director, Dawn Hunsdorfer, is available Wednesday through Friday from 10am-1pm. Summer hours, effective June 21, are Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-3pm. Stop in during these hours or call ahead to speak with Dawn at 215.723.1930 (her job duties sometimes take her outside of the office). ! Apprise Appointments Thursday, June 4 Learn about the Medicare system and how to make good health insurance decisions once you turn 65. Ed Savitsky, our APPRISE counselor, will answer your Medicare questions. This service is free and open to members of the community. Participants must register in advance. Call Social Services at 215-723-1930. Farmers Market Vouchers: You could be eligible to get $20 in FREE Farmers Market Vouchers. Vouchers are distributed at Generations on Tuesdays from 10am-1pm. To be eligible you must: a Lend hand June 2015 ! Financial Counseling:" 3rd Wednesday, 1—4pm A Senior Financial Analyst with Univest Bank provides this free review of your investments and or budgeting assistance. Call Social Services, 215-723-1930, for an appointment. Keystone Opportunity Center Donations Generations is a non-perishable food collection site for Keystone Opportunity Center. Place your donations in the baskets located near our front and rear entrances. They are delivered regularly to K.O.C. to help struggling families and individuals make ends meet. We are so grateful for your donations but unfortunately cannot accept food that is expired. Check the date before you donate. p. 7 S.H.A.R.E. With SHARE (Self Help And Resource Exchange) you can buy food packages worth $35-$40 in exchange for only two hours of community volunteer service and $20. SHARE is open to all without financial restrictions. For more information, sign-up forms and menus, check outside the Social Services office or call 215-723-1930. To place a SHARE order through Generations, please order by the date listed below. Generations is not responsible for any orders placed directly to SHARE. May Order Due Date: June 9 May Pick Up Date: June 25 Social Service Resources Our local & regional United Ways have an extensive database of social services available in the region. Anyone can access this information by dialing 211 and talking with a live operator or by logging on to the system through the internet at Legal Aid: 3rd Thursday Veteran’s Affairs 1:00—4:00pm, by appt. Meet with a lawyer to discuss your legal questions or have a will or P.O.A. prepared. Appointments are limited and book up fast. Call Social Services to schedule: 215-723-1930. Counseling Most times, the counselor from MONTCO’s Office of VA Affairs will be able to help you over the phone with your needs. To set up an appointment call 610-278-3287. Volunteers are needed to help weed and water our flower beds this season. Just a few hours a week can make a big difference! Contact Linda Kratz: 215-723-5074 Meals on Wheels drivers are needed. Contact Rachael: 215-723-8555 Both clients and volunteers are needed for our local HEARTH program which helps seniors with yard work, transportation, errands counseling, and some handy work. Contact: Shirley Petko 215-368-0985 ext 402 Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 8 Regularly Scheduled Recreation The listing below shows when programs are typically scheduled. Activities may be canceled or rescheduled. Please check the calendar or call if you have a question. Front Desk Information: 215.723.5841, 9:30 am—3:00pm. Billiards: Mon.- Fri., 9am-4pm Join in a game of pool at one of our two well-maintained tables. All welcome for daily play. Registration required for tournament play. Donation is $1.00 per day. Bingo (Day): 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 1:30pm Begin purchasing your bingo cards at 1:00pm for $1.00 each. We play 20 games and have a 50/50 raffle and refreshments at the break. November. The next Evening Bingo will be Friday, June 26. On July 24 and August 28, the Evening Bingos will be Family Night Bingos. More information to come! rehearses and performs a varied repertoire on hand chimes and is offered September-June. Ringers who can read music are needed! Contact Dottie: 215-721-9070. Bowling: Wed., 10:00am A fun time at Earl Bowl in Earlington with a chance to win a free game; $2.75 a game; $2.00 shoe rental. Meet at Earl Bowl. Creative Writing: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 1—3pm Do you like to write? Join our creative writing group. Share your stories, poems or non-fiction articles. ! ! ! Bridge: Thurs., 12:30-3:30pm For the more proficient player who can play without guidance. Join them for a game in the Curves Room. Evening Dance: (1st Fri., March-November) Dances are held from 7:00Bingo (Evening): 10:00pm, with doors opening at 4th Friday, 7:00pm 6:30pm. We have live Doors open at 6:30pm; games begin music and snacks are at 7:00pm. Purchase cards for $1.00 offered at each. We play 20 games. At Choir Chimes: intermission! Singles & intermission, we serve snacks and Wednesdays, 10:15am couples welcome. Open offer a 50/50 cash raffle. Evening The group, led by Dottie Reed, to public. Dance cost is Bingo is offered from March$10.00 at the door. See the Front Desk for Book Club: Tues., June 30, 1:30pm advance tickets June’s book club selection will be To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. For more at $9.00 each. The than half a century, To Kill a Mockingbird has stood apart as a singular American literary masterpiece, a perennial best seller about racial and social injustice. It next evening dances will be brought instant and overwhelming fame to its enigmatic author, Harper Lee. Fridays, June 5 & August 7, both with The Blue Harper Lee never published another book, leaving her millions of fans yearning for more. Now, at age 88, Ms. Lee has revealed that she wrote another novel Notes (No Dance in July). ! after all — a sequel of sorts featuring an aging Atticus Finch and his grown daughter, Scout. The book is scheduled for release in July so we’re going to refresh our memories on the original before that! Volunteer Ginger Parrish will lead a friendly discussion on Tuesday, June 30 at 1:30. Please register if you’re planning to attend our discussion. Stop by our front desk or call 215-723-5841. Duplicate Bridge: Mon., 12:30—4:00pm A serious approach to the game; requires a partner. Donation $1.00. Generations of Indian Valley Garden Club: This group does gardening around the Center. New volunteers are welcome. Contact Linda Kratz at 215-723-5074. ! Hand and Foot Cards: 1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesday, 10:00am—2:00pm Learn this card game that’s similar to Canasta. Lunch break at 12:00 noon. ! Handicrafters: Mondays, 10:00am Join these crafty ladies to help with service projects or items for sale at the Center. Look for their display at our Meals on Wheels Entrance. ! Hasenpfeffer: 1st & 3rd Wed., 1:00pm Contact Irene Landes at 215-723-3791 if you’d like try this PA Dutch card game that’s lots of fun. Beginners welcome. Please call Irene if you are a regular player and won’t be able to attend. ! Indian Valley Choraleers: Mondays, 1:30—3:00pm The Choraleers sing a variety of popular, seasonal and patriotic tunes from September-June. New members welcome. ! Library: Mon.-Fri. Our Library is available for your use unless it is reserved for a program. We use donations/honor system for borrowing. ! Line Dancing: Wed., 2:00pm Join this class to learn and enjoy the music and the moves. Beginners and new class members are invited to arrive 15 minutes early for some practice in advance. Ken Woulfe, instructor, $2.00 per class. ! Mah Jong: Fridays, 12:30pm Join a fun group for this wonderful old Chinese tile game! Beginners welcome; meet by the fireplace. Memoirs Group: Mon., 1pm Whether you’re writing just for yourself or to pass on to your family, join this creative group led by Marilyn Gross. Meet in the library. ! Newsletter Mailing: 3rd Tues., 8:00am (June 16) Join this winning team to help fold, label and sort newsletters. Refreshments follow for volunteers. Volunteers are also needed the afternoon before the mailing to help fold newsletters in the back of the community room. ! Painting: Tues., 2—4pm Led by Louisa Wismer. One-on-one instruction is available. Donation is $3.00. Pinochle: Thursdays, 12:45—3:30pm Straight bid, no partner required. Refreshments served. Donation is $1.50. June 2015 p. 9 Quilting (Beginner): 2nd & 4th Thursday, 10:00am Volunteers Lois Hatstat and Maria Smola will guide you in creating a patch each month which can later be used for a project of your choice (pillow, tote bag, small quilt). Beginners and experienced quilters are welcome. No supplies necessary unless you have something special you’d like to use. To register for the free program, stop by our front desk or call 215-723-5841. ! Red Hat Happenings: Check the Saxy Red Hatters bulletin board in the vestibule to sign up and obtain more information on these and other upcoming events: · Meet the group at The Peace Valley Lavender Farm on Wed., June 17. Shuffleboard: Wed., 9:30am Join this casual group in the warmer months in Souderton Borough Park, weather permitting. Park on Wile Ave. near the pool. ! Scrapbooking: 1st Wed., 1pm Creative volunteer Mary Caruso will help you organize and embellish your photos to create a scrapbook you will treasure. $1.00 donation for supplies. Technology Training: Wed., by appt. through July Meet young volunteer Casey, who can assist you one to one with technology concerns such as Facebook, email, digital cameras, smart phones and tablets. Call 215-723-5841 to schedule. June 2015 MONDAY 1 10:00 Handicrafters 10:00 Blood Pressure √√ TUESDAY 2 3 Touch of Peace Massage OUR NOON MEAL 12:00 Lunch: Cheese Ravioli Shingles Vaccine Clinic (p. 6) Menu items are listed on the calendar. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Please sign your name in the lunch book at the front desk or call 215-723-5841 by Friday of the week prior to desired days. Upon arrival, please swipe your key card and place your anonymous donation ($2.00 suggested) in the collection box. TAKE-OUT MEALS are $4 each. Call 215-723-5841 by Friday of the week prior to desired days. Pick up and pay at our front desk from 12:15-12:45. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrate birthdays with us on Wed., June 17! Lunch includes birthday cake for dessert and Martha leads the singing! OUR CAFE The Café is open Mon-Fri from 9am-1pm and features an a la carte breakfast & lunch menu. No need to order, just stop by! WEDNESDAY ZB Massage 9:00-11:00 Haircuts 9:30 Shuffleboard—Soud. Park Technology Training (p. 3) THURSDAY 4 5 12:30 Duplicate Bridge Touch of Peace Massage 10:00 Hand & Foot Cards 1:00 Memoirs 12:00 Lunch: BBQ Chicken 12:00 Lunch: Cheese Steak 1:30 Choraleers 2:00 Painting Class 1:00 Hasenpfeffer 8 10:00 Handicrafters 9 Billiards home Pennridge 10 ZB Massage 11 9:00 Haircuts 10:00 Beginner Quilting (p.9) 10:00Staying Hydrated (p. 3) 9:15 Healthy Kitchen/Life 12:00 Lunch: Pizza 12:30 Duplicate Bridge Touch of Peace Massage 1:00 Memoirs 1:30 Choraleers 10:00 Bowling—Earl Bowl 12:00 Beginner Bridge 12:45 Pinochle Apprise Appointments (p.7) 12:30 Mah Jong 7:00 Evening Dance 1:00 Scrapbooking HOAGIE SALE! 9:30 Shuffleboard—Soud. Park 11:00 Lion King Trip 12:00 Lunch: Chicken w/ Technology Training (p. 3) 12:30 Bridge 9:30 WRAP Wellness (p. 3) 12:45 Pinochle 10:00 Bowling—Earl Bowl 1:00 Creative Writing 12:00 Lunch: Ham 3:30 Board Meeting Eye Care Appointments (p. 18) 1:30 Bingo 2:00 Painting Class SHARE Orderes Due (p. 6) 15 Touch of Peace Massage 16 8:00 Newsletter Mailing 17 ZB Massage 9:00 Haircuts 18 10:00 Mohegan Sun Casino Billiards @ Arbour Square 9:30 Shuffleboard—Soud. Park Diabetic Shoe Fittings 10:00 Handicrafters 9:15 Healthy Kitchen/Life Technology Training (p. 3) 12:00 Lunch: Chicken Pot Pie 10:00 Help Yourself to Healthy Living: Blood Pressure (p. 4) 12:00 Lunch: Vegetable Quiche 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Memoirs Reflexology 10:00 Hand & Foot Cards 12:00 Lunch: Pasta with Meatballs 9:30 WRAP Wellness Program (p. 3) Red Hatters to Lavender Farm (p.9) 12:45 Pinochle 11:00 Veterans Benefits (p.6) 1:00-4:00 Legal Aid 12:00 Lunch: Salmon & B-day Cake 1:00 Hasenpfeffer 22 Touch of Peace Massage 23 24 Hearing Checks Touch of Peace Massage 9:00 Haircuts 10:00 Handicrafters 12:00 Lunch: Grilled Chicken 9:30 Shuffleboard—Soud. Park 12:00 Lunch: Crab Cake 1:30 Bingo Technology Training (p. 3) 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 2:00 Painting Class ZB Massage 9:30 WRAP Program (p. 3) 10:00 Bowling—Earl Bowl 12:00 Lunch: Pork & Sauerkraut 12:45 Les Miserables Trip 29 30 Touch of Peace Massage Touch of Peace Massage 10:00 Handicrafters 10:00 Hand & Foot Cards 12:00Lunch: Veggie Lasagne 12:00 Lunch: Meatloaf 12:30 Duplicate Bridge 1:00 Memoirs 1:30 Book Club: To Kill A Mocking Bird (p. 8) 2:00 Painting Class p. 10 12:30 Bridge 10:00 Bowling—Earl Bowl 2:00 Painting Class 1:00 Memoirs Billiards home Ambler 12 Reflexology SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENTS All events are subject to change. 6 All fitness classes will be held in the Curves Room on Friday, June 5. 9:00 Grounds for ! ! !! ! ! Sculpture 7 with The Blue Notes 11:00 AMT Trip/Inspiration Veggies & Quinoa Touch of Peace Massage 11:00 Acupuncture (p. 12) Billiards @ Center Square 12:00 Lunch: Salisbury Steak 12:00 Lunch: Chef’s Choice 12:30 Choralrama (p. 4) 12:30 Bridge 9:15 Healthy Kitchen/Life 9:30 WRAP Wellness Program (p. 3) FRIDAY SATURDAY/ SUNDAY 13 9:15 Safe Driving Refresher (p. 4) 12:00 Lunch: Turkey Burger 12:30 Mah Jong Touch of Peace Massage 14 19 There will be no noon meal on Thur., June 11. Order your Hoagie today! 20 9:30 Hike: WEEKLY FITNESS OFFERINGS: (held each week at the corresponding day & time unless noted above). See page 13 for full descriptions. MONDAYS: 9:00 Flexercise 10:00 Footnotes/Podiatry (p. 5) Banks 10:00 Meditation 12:00 Lunch: Soup & Boardwalk 10:30 Tai Chi Sandwich 12:30 Mah Jong TUESDAYS: Touch of Peace Massage 8:15 Low & Go 9:00 Sit, Stretch, Flex 10:00 Hatha Yoga WEDNESDAYS: Billiards home Arbour Square 9:00 Step Aerobics 10:00 Hunterdon Hills 2:00 Line Dancing 12:00 Lunch: Fish & Chips 12:30 Mah Jong 8:45 Tall Ships THURSDAYS: Touch of Peace Massage 7:00 Generations @ 8:15 Low & Go Concert Sundaes (p. 5) 9:00 Sit, Stretch, Flex 7:00 Evening Bingo (p.8) 10:00 Hatha Yoga 10:00 Zumba Who’s Calling? FRIDAYS: We sometimes use an automated phone system to relay schedule 9:00 Flexercise information to our participants. If you receive a call from a “617” 10:00 Stretch/Renew area code, it might be us! Please answer the phone or let your 10:30 Tai Chi Billiards @ Center Square Schuykill 21 25 10:00 Quilting (p. 9) 12:00 Lunch: Beef Stroganoff 12:30 Bridge 12:45 Pinochle 1:00 Creative Writing SHARE Pick Up (p. 6) 26 27 ! 28 machine pick it up to hear important information (you may hear a pause first). Phone lists are generated from our participant sign-ins so be sure to swipe your key card when you visit! p. 11 Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 12 Wellness/Spa Offerings Acupuncture: Thursday, June 4, 11am Acupuncture is an ancient and continually-researched medicine that enables the body to heal and relieve symptoms by inserting thin, sterile needles in specific points on the body. Kimberly Niezgoda, L.Ac. Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist, offers seated group treatments ($20). Walkins are welcome but if you’d like to sign-up to attend or receive a treatment, please call 215-723-5841. Haircuts: Wednesdays, 9—11am Pamper yourself with a haircut for only $6.00. Please use the sign up sheet at the Front Desk or call 215-723-5841 to schedule your appointment up to six weeks in advance. Walk-ins will be welcome up to a total of 25 people. Massage Most weekdays by appointment Massage Therapy has been proven to help the body heal, relieve stress, and help manage anxiety and depression. Zero Balance Massage is a hands-on body/mind system of therapy and table massage with licensed therapist Maureen Staudt, RN. Cost is $25 for members and $45 for nonmembers. Payment is due at time of appointment. Please call Maureen for more information or to schedule: 215-806-0556. Health Screenings Blood Pressure Checks: 1st Mon, 10—11:30 Free blood pressure checks, provided by Abington Health Services, are held the 1st Monday of the month. First come, first serve; sign up on the posted sign-in sheet and the nurse will call you in. Diabetic Shoe Fittings: 3rd Thurs., by appt. Diabetics on Medicare may receive one pair of shoes and inserts per year. A Pro Medical, Inc., representative from will evaluate and measure your feet. For more information, contact Jim Gulczynski at 610-701-9966. ! ! Touch of Peace Massage helps alleviate pain and stiffness, control blood pressure and boost immunity. On-site appointments available. For more information, or to make an appointment call Patricia Isaak, LMT, 267-261-2827. Reflexology: Fridays, June 12 & 26; Tuesday, June 16, by appt. Reflexology is the practice of stimulating points on the feet for a beneficial effect elsewhere on the body. Lori Koffel, Reflexologist. Call 267-663-1575 for appointments at Generations. $22/30 minutes. Healthy Kitchen/Healthy Lives Continues on Tuesdays at 9:15 through June 15 (no class May 26) Join us for Healthy Kitchen = Healthy Life this spring and learn all the facts that will help you shop and cook better, easier and healthier! Each of the 12 classes will feature a food category and we will discuss what you should look for when purchasing. Katie Marger, registered dietitian, will then offer cooking ideas and, of course, a recipe or two to taste! Eye Care Appts. Tues., June 9 Exams, disease management, and free adjustments provided at Generations by Skippack Eyecare. Payment depends upon your particular insurance coverage. Call Skippack Eyecare at 610-410-5290 to schedule (be sure to tell them it is for Generations). ! Glucose Testing: July 13, 10am This free service provided by Bayada Nurses is now offered quarterly. Eat a light, lowsugar breakfast on the testing morning. Call 215-723-5841 to schedule. Walk-ins welcome. ! ! Hearing Aid Checks Mon., June 22, 9am—10am Please call our Front Desk at 215-723-5841 to schedule an appointment for a free hearing check and/or hearing aid service with Associates in Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 13 Fitness Offerings Class fees vary based on instructor fees and typical class attendance. Exercisers: Check the health & fitness bulletin board (near the double doors on the wood-floor side of our Community Room) for important announcements and last-minute changes. ! Hatha Yoga: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 - 10:45am Hatha Yoga, with standing poses and mat floor work, is a great way to enhance flexibility, balance and strength. Jean Tornetta, certified instructor. Fee: $3/class or $14/8 classes. Register at front desk. Meditation: Mondays, 10:00 - 10:30am Enjoy a soothing and gentle class with guided meditation, stretches and breathing techniques that will renew and revitalize body and mind. Darlene Cianci, certified instructor. Fee: $3/class or $14/8 classes. Register at front desk. Stretch & Renew: Fridays, 10:00 - 10:30am It feels good to be FLEXIBLE. This is a slow, gentle fitness option that will help you to stretch in so many ways. No problem if you have trouble kneeling or getting up or down. You can enjoy this class in a chair, on the floor, or standing. Darlene Cianci, certified instructor. Fee: $3/class or $14/ 8 classes. Register at front desk. 4 Fit less The following classes are led by certified fitness instructors. Please place $2.00 per person, per class in the collection box at the back of the Community Room. ! Flexercise: Monday & Friday, 9:00 - 10:00 am Come join this vigorous one hour class featuring ½ hour of aerobics and ½ hour of strength work. All equipment provided. Instructor Robyn Earl. Tai Chi: Monday & Friday, 10:30 - 11:15am Tai Chi Health, developed by the Arthritis Foundation, can help you: improve balance and coordination, relieve stress, increase muscle mass, strength, stamina, endurance and flexibility. Darlene Cianci, certified instructor. Fee: $3/class or $14/8 classes. Register at front desk. Zumba! Thursdays, 10:00 - 10:45am Come for this “feel good" workout which combines Latin and international music with some of your old favorites from the 40s, 50s and 60s. A mixture of body sculpting movements with easy-to-follow dance steps. Kristin Messina, certified instructor. Fee: $4/class or $20/6 classes. Register at front desk. Low & Go: Tues. & Thursday, 8:15 - 8:45 am Sit, Stretch, Flex: Tues. & Thursday, 9:00 - 9:45 am Here is a low impact class that gets you moving but at a slower pace. It’s a great way to learn aerobic steps or to get a quick workout into your schedule. Instructor Jean Tornetta. This seated workout includes aerobics, strength, flexibility and balance work. Keep moving, prevent falls or return to exercise after a break. Equipment provided. Instructor Jean Tornetta. ! Step Aerobics: Wednesdays, 9:00 - 9:45 am This class has cardio and strength components. Participants can select a preference of step or regular aerobics. The format is middle to high level. Instructor Donna Savercool. Generations of Indian Valley Day Trips On the day a trip opens, in-person reservations are accepted first, beginning at 9am. Phone reservations may be made beginning at 10am by calling 215-723-7997 (Please use this number on opening day only). On all other days, reservations may be made in person at the Front Desk or by calling 215-723-5841, Monday-Friday between 9am-3pm. A Generations participant my sign up only himself/herself and one guest on opening day. GROUNDS FOR SCULPTURE, Hamilton, New Jersey Saturday, June 6 Come see more than 270 sculptures thoughtfully positioned on meticulously landscaped parkland full of thousands of exotic trees and flowers. After your self-guided tour, you can enjoy lunch on your own at one of the on-site restaurants: The Peacock or Van Gogh Café ($4-$12) or Rats Restaurant ($10-$20, dial 609-584-7800 to make your reservation). Recommended lunch time is between 11:30-12:30pm. No outside food permitted. Departs: 9:00am Returns: approx. 2:30pm Cost $20 includes ride on our bus, and entrance to the gardens. Lunch on your own. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: May 29 INSPIRE, American Music Theatre, Lancaster, PA Tuesday, June 9 Enjoy this original show featuring beautiful songs in the style of Josh Groban, Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman and many others. Witness the magic of stunning costumes and breathtaking scenery, while remarkable performers delight your spirit and inspire you! Enjoy a family style lunch before the show at Fulton’s Steamboat Inn. Departs: 11:00am Returns: 6:30pm Cost $65 includes ride on our bus, admission, lunch, taxes & gratuity. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: Due at signup THE LION KING, Academy of Music, Philadelphia Thursday, June 11 This trip is sold out. You are welcome to sign up for our waiting list. Departs: 11:00am* Returns: 7:00pm *Showtime is 2pm. Lunch on your own before show. Cost: $120 includes transportation on our bus, show ticket & taxes. Seats in parquet. Trip Opened: Dec. 1, 2014 Payment Deadline: Jan. 5, 2015 MOHEGAN SUN CASINO, Poconos Monday, June 15 The Generations escort will call roll at the departure and return times and is available for emergencies. Hagey Coach is not responsible for transportation of people who miss the bus at its designated time of departure. No minors. Please park your car across the street in the lower lot of the Fire Co. Departs: 10:00am Returns: 7:00pm Casino Gift: $25 slot credit, $5 food Cost: $30 includes Hagey bus, taxes & tip. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: June 1 June 2015 Generations of Indian Valley p. 14 June 2015 HIKE: SCHUYLKILL BANKS BOARDWALK, Philadelphia Saturday, June 20 Come and check out Philadelphia’s newest riverfront destination, Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk. Enjoy the beautiful view as you walk this 1.2 mile trail in the heart of the city. Lunch at Iron Hill Brewery. Departs: 9:30am Returns: 2:30pm Cost: $4 includes transportation on our bus. Lunch on your own. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: June 20 Payment Information: LES MISERABLES, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, " DeSales University, Wednesday, June 24" Seen on stage by more than 60 million people worldwide, this epic musical is both breathtaking and majestic. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, it’s a a tribute to love, passion for freedom, and the sacrifices for a better tomorrow. Departs: 12:45pm Returns: 4:45pm Cost: $48 includes transportation on our bus and show admission. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: June 1 Additional Trip Tips: Trip payment is due by the payment deadline listed with each trip. After this date, your money will not be refunded unless you find a replacement traveler. If payment has not been made by this date, Generations reserves the right to cancel your reservation. Registrations may still be accepted after the payment deadline if space is available. Checks should be made payable to Generations of Indian Valley. • All trips depart from 259 N. Second St., Souderton unless otherwise specified. • Trips are open to the public. However, our active participants take precedence over guests. • Travelers must be independent to participate in any trip. • Look for the sneaker symbol to indicate the degree of walking involved in a trip. • A star (*) after the trip listing indicates a new trip. ! COUNTRY CONNECTIONS, Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, NJ Friday, June 26 Enjoy this new Branson-style country music revue featuring Tim Gillis and his band. Add in the homespun comedy of “Crazy Elmer,” and you’re guaranteed to have a fun and foot-tappin’ great time! Departs: 10:00am Returns: 4:15pm Cost: $65 includes ride on our bus and admission to the show. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: June 12 ADVENTURE AQUARIUM, TALL SHIPS FESTIVAL, & INDEPENDENCE SEAPORT MUSEUM, Camden, NJ & Phila. Sunday, June 28 We will start our day at Adventure Aquarium. Come and explore over two million gallons of water and 8,500 super cool animals from around the world. We will have lunch in the Aquarium Café before we catch a ferry to the Philadelphia Waterfront where you will have free time to enjoy the Tall Ships Festival and Independence Seaport Museum. Finally, enjoy a 90 min. guided tour of The Battleship New Jersey. We will end our day with a ferry ride back to the aquarium to the bus. Wear rubber soled shoes. Departs: 8:45am Returns: approx. 5:00pm Cost: $85 includes transportation on our bus, admission to the Aquarium, Tall Ships admission, Seaport Museum admission, Tour of The Battleship New Jersey and lunch. Trip Opened: May 6 Payment Deadline: June 8 LANDIS VALLEY MUSEUM & WILBUR CHOCOLATES* Wednesday, July 1 We will begin our day in Lancaster at Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum where we will travel through time by way of horse-drawn wagon and experience a living history Pennsylvania Dutch Village where costumed guides interpret village life in the 1700-1800’s. We’ll sample their famous Sticky Buns & Apple Schnitz. Then we will have lunch in the historical Landis Valley Hotel. To end our day perfectly, we will stop at the Wilbur Chocolate Factory where we will watch candy makers hand dip chocolates and enjoy a sample of this wonderful treat. Departs: 7:30am Returns: 4:00pm Cost: $55 includes ride on our bus, lunch and admission to all tours. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: June 22 p. 15 • If you don’t get a spot on a desired trip, please sign up for the waiting list! If a waiting list becomes long enough to plan an additional trip, w will attempt to do so and call those on the waiting list first. • We sometimes use an automated phone system to relay important information. Calls will come from a “617 area code and there may be a pause before the message begins. OUT TO LUNCH – BLUE BELL INN* Monday, July 13 The Blue Bell Inn has a rich history of welcoming guests since 1743. One of the original patrons was George Washington himself. The Inn was marked as the “White Horse Inn” on military maps that led his troops to the historic Battle of Germantown. The room Washington slept in was later used to display military memorabilia from the Revolutionary War. In 1796, the Inn’s name was changed to “Blue Bell Inn” when a distinctive bell was hung outside the building so all would be able to recognize the famous Inn. Departs: 11:15 Returns: 2:30 Cost: $35 includes ride on our bus, 3 course lunch, taxes and gratuity. Please indicate your menu choice at sign up. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: June 25 ! HIKE: DUKE FARMS,* Hillsborough, NJ Saturday, July 18 Discover Duke Farms! Hike trails through a variety of habitats. Walk a mile to see the “Hay Barn,” which is an abandoned barn that Doris Duke used as an outdoor sculpture gallery, placing individual marble statues of human figures in linear arrangements along the walls. You can walk through the Orchid Range which houses a subtropical display and a tropical orchid display focusing on plants native to the United States. We will stop at Applebee’s for lunch (on your own) following our self-guided tour of the property. Departs: 9:00am Returns: 3:15pm Cost: $10 includes transportation on our bus and admission to the property. Lunch on your own. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: July 18 ! MOHEGAN SUN CASINO,* Poconos Wednesday, July 22 See full description under June 15 listing. Departs: 10:00am Returns: 7:00pm Casino Gift: $25 slot credit, $5 food Cost: $30 includes Hagey bus, taxes & tip. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: July 6 ON GOLDEN POND, BUCKS COUNTY PLAYHOUSE* Wednesday, July 22 It’s summer on Golden Pond, the beautiful lake where Ethel and Norman have spent 48 summers. This year, their tranquil plans are turned upside down when their daughter and her new boyfriend arrive to drop his teenage son off for the summer. This acting tour de force is about growing up, growing older and learning to manage the ties that bind. Departs: 11:00am Returns: 5:00pm Cost $60 includes transportation on our bus, show tickets and taxes. Lunch on your own at one of the areas restaurants before the show. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: June 17 ! IRON PIGS BASEBALL GAME,* Allentown Sunday, July 26 Take me out to the ballgame! Swing into summer with the Iron Pigs and enjoy a baseball game at nearby Coca-Cola Park in Allentown. Watch the Iron Pigs take on Syracuse. Rain or shine event. Departs: 12:00pm Returns: 5:00pm Cost $22 includes transportation on our bus, ticket to the game and a $2.00 food voucher good for any concession stand. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: July 1 ! TWIST & SHOUT, HUNTERDON HILLS PLAYHOUSE,* NJ Wednesday, July 29 This show will take you on an affectionate musical journey back in time, celebrating that fascinating era through the timeless songs we still sing along with today from Burt Bacharach to The Beatles; from The Four Seasons to The Four Tops! So put on your tie-dyed shirt, stick a flower in your hair to come see this FUN, FAB and FAR-OUT musical shindig! Departs: 10:00am Returns: 4:15pm Cost: $68 includes ride on our bus, show tickets, meal, taxes & gratuity. Sodas and alcoholic beverages available for purchase at an additional fee. Trip Opens: June 3 Payment Deadline: June 22 !! Generations of Indian Valley Nashville Country Christmas November 19-24, 2015 Your six day/five night adventure includes deluxe motor coach transportation, overnight lodging to and from Nashville, three nights lodging at the famous Opryland Hotel, five breakfasts, Country Christmas Dinner Show, fabulous performance at the Grand Ole Opry, guided tour of Nashville, Treasures for the Holidays featuring arts & crafts, themed ice sculpture display, Holly Jolly Town Square, Brightest Star Fountain Show, Two Million Lights, baggage handling, taxes & meal gratuities. $949* double occupancy. Single: $1338 per person. $75 deposit due with reservation. Final balance due 9/15/15. If you cancel after this date, you will not be reimbursed by Generations. NTA travel insurance is highly recommended and must be purchased within 14 days of deposit. Forms available at Generations. *Prices based on 40 paying passengers. Questions/Registration, see Lisa: 215-723-5841, ext. 21 We have already filled one bus for this trip. If we have enough interest to fill a second bus, we will attempt to do so. June 2015 p. 16 Overnight Trips Thanks to our sponsors and partners. . . Platinum Gold Generations of Indian Valley June 2015 p. 18 Silver Bronze Thanks to these additional newsletter supporters. . . Skippack EyeCare offers a number of services on-site at Generations as well as in their Skippack office: · Comprehensive eye exams with personalized eye health and wellness reports · Treatment of glaucoma, macular degeneration and generations eye-related illnesses · Co-management of LASIK, Visian, PRK and cataract surgery · Free eyeglass repairs and adjustments · Unique selection of eyewear · Sports and safety eyewear · Extensive brands of contact lenses Dr. Lim and her caring team of experts will be offering eye care appointments on-site at Generations on Tuesday, June 9. Call them directly at 610-584-0314 to schedule and be sure to tell them it’s for Generations! Thanks to these additional newsletter supporters. . .
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