policy document, mission statement and

DATE: 20/04/2015
Mission statement
“GEOS creates a social study
environment for geomatics
students and connects others to
this network”
This document was written in the framework of the soon to-be Geomatics study association
GEOS. The document introduces the founders of the association and shortly reflects on the
goals that GEOS will attempt to achieve; (1) improving vertical integration, (2) improving the
student-to-student counterpart, (3) building company relations, and (4) building relations to
other associations.
DATE: 20/04/2015
Tom Broersen
BSc Earth Sciences, and MSc Physical Geography at Utrecht University
“By setting up a study association we can improve the social cohesion between
Geomatics students, and at the same time promote the Geomatics program to other
students at the Faculty of Architecture”
Florian Fichtner
BSc of Geography at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
As growing field of study, Geomatics needs a study association to represent and
connect the students with each other and to organizations outside the university​
Tom Hemmes
BSc of Architecture at the University of Technology Delft
“We strive to connect (potential) students, graduates and professionals around a
Geomatics association, as we believe that improving these relationships will benefit all”
Matthijs Kastelijns
Ma of Archaeology at Leiden University
The greatest achievement of students is the freedom to organize themselves, therefore it
is a privilege to create a positive study environment for geomatics students​
DATE: 20/04/2015
Vertical integration
by Tom Broersen
- New students profit from the older (experience)
- New students inspire the older
- Social study environment
Semester start-up
Creating and maintaining a solid vertical integration for different years of Geomatics
students will be one of the primary tasks for GEOS. Currently such vertical integration is
limited, which negatively affects both the social and study environment for current
Geomatics students. A solid vertical integration provides benefits for both new and
experienced students. Older-year students can play an important role in transition of
knowledge about the Geomatics programme, its courses, and possible electives to new
students. They, in general, are more familiar with the ways of working within the
Geomatics programme as well as the TU Delft than new students, who often have yet to
find their way within the system. On the other hand, new students can also inspire older
students through their different backgrounds.
A solid vertical integration can also be advantageous for the creation of a social study
environment, making students feel at home within the faculty and the programme, and
involving them in the bodies that shape this environment. An additional benefit is that
relations can be maintained with students after they graduate, thereby improving the
connection between the Geomatics programme and potential future employers.
DATE: 20/04/2015
Organizing a semester start-up and regular GEO-drinks, creating a yearbook, and
providing an online platform are tools that can help us in achieving the desired vertical
DATE: 20/04/2015
Student-to-student counterpart
by Matthijs Kastelijns
- Within the faculty (promotion of geomatics)
- within geomatics
Online platform
Facebook, twitter, a.o. social media
BAU careerevent
As student association GEOS, we would like to maintain good student-to-student contacts.
Not only do we want contact between geomatics students, but we also wish to be the first
port of call for other students within our faculty. If there are any questions related to the
programme we can be the students that inform bachelor students about opportunities within
our masters. We offer them a place for information for they might be our future colleagues
and it is in our interest to have motivated well informed students. This way we both have a
way to profit from this relation. Examples are the Bau Careerevent and the masterday. We
should be approachable at these events, but also online, through all social media.
We feel it as our responsibility to keep warm bonds within the faculty. There are more
personal approaches than bringing a poster or handing over a brochure, for they can identify
with our stories. For some students, another student might be easier to approach than a
teacher. The shortest distance is during a drink in the Bouwpub. We want to encourage the
students to come to these events and get to know GEOS.
DATE: 20/04/2015
Company relations
by Tom Hemmes
Funding for events
Graduation project places
Potential employees
Knowledge from the field of practice
- In-house days
- Guest lectures
- Business faires (intergeo, and other equivalents)
GEOS intends to build relationships with a variety of companies to profit from by both the
companies and the students. Companies are often looking for inspiration, potential
employees or graduation projects. These are all subjects on which GEOS could mediate
between companies and students.
These relationships with companies will consist of regular contact, staying up to date on the
needs of partner companies, being present at geomatic related events and organising events.
When establishing an active relationship with partner companies GEOS will be able to
anticipate quickly to the needs of companies.
Facilitating events in which students and professionals can meet and share knowledge is
something which both parties benefit from. For financial support GEOS actively seeks
sponsors, offering them participation in previously mentioned events.
DATE: 20/04/2015
Association relations
by Florian Fichtner
With-in faculty (start-up)
Exchange experiences
Collaborative events (size matters)
Electives at other universities
- Online platform
- Combined alumni database
- Get-togethers
Other associations
- Wageningen
- Twente
- TU Delft (Civil engineering)
- Münster
Another goal is to get connected to other, related, study associations from TU Delft, but
mainly from all over the Netherlands or even abroad. During the start-up phase of our
association we can highly profit from the experiences of the others in the faculty. But it should
not stop after GEOS is running and it is important to keep in constant exchange throughout
the years.
Furthermore exchange does not stop in Delft, together we are bigger, can exchange
experiences and plan collaborative events, from in-house’s to parties, size always matters.
They can recommend possible electives at other universities, there can be online platforms
with combined alumni databases and regular meetings or visits. Networks built here can help
also later during the entire career of all the association’s members. (here that is much more