Completion Report for Gerrish Township Higgins Lake Common Merganser Harassment Program April 8 -May 22,zALs May 22, 2015 Project goalwas to reduce Common merganser (CM) presence on Higgins Lake, Gerrish and Beaver lethaltake. No harassment occurred in Lyon Township from the west boundary of the DNR North State Park to the boundary at Creek Township area through the use of harassment and limited supportive Town Line road. Harassment: Harassment protocol inJofued daily boating of the lake using boat activity and pyrotechnics to move CM off the lake. Staff training included area geography, pyrotechnics, riparian/public considerations and project social concerns. First CM observations were on April 8, 2015 (Figure 1.) with 7 CM noted at Gerrish Township Park and 2 CM near the dam. CM harassment efforts were initiated on April 8, 2015 with the lake ice covered and limited areas of open water near the shoreline. Pyrotechnics were used to drive the birds from the lake. Warm temperatures and heavy winds on April 18, created extensive openings in the ice pack enabling boats to be launched in the north end of the lake, Detroit Point, and FIag point. Seventy five CM were counted that day during harassment activities. Total ice out was on April 22, 2015 with peak numbers noted on April 24 with 89 CM counted. Harassment efforts were increased for the next few days resulting in a continual decline in CM numbers. Low CM numbers (around 10 CM per day) continued through the completion of the harassment effort on May 22,2OL5. Areas of high CM concentration were found near North State Park, Lakeside, Cottage Grove, Pine Woods Camp, Gerrish Township Park, Almeda Beach, Surfside, and Treasure lsland. Lethal Take: Lethal harvest was included to support and reinforce harassrnent efforts. Extensive training of staff was conducted throughout the entire project to develop a field flight identification technique for CM. This field identification technique was based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service publication "S3E4[SS,AW. afS!sex.,ldintification of Ducks Vsina YVino Pl.ymag9. written by Samuel M. Carney, United States Department of the lnterior, Fish and Wildllfe Service, 1992. Daily observation were made of CM and other waterfowl in flight. These observations included size, general coloration, wing coloration, flight configuration and pattern. Lethal harvest activities were initiated on April 30, 2015 only after staff had confidence in accurate CM identification. All staff was instructed to take only positively identified CM. Northpoint staff solely conducted all lethal and harassment activities and were supported by Frank Homola Gerrlsh township. No volunteers were allowed to participate due to our stringent training and safety requirements. Roscommon County Central Dispatch was notified at the start of harassment and the start of each lethal take. tnitial lethal harvest was directed at both sexes of CM due to the uncertainty in difficulty in taking CM. lt hen was quickly noted that harvest would be easier than anticipated, therefore harvest was directed at CM to maximize the potential reduction in CM brood production from tliggins Lake. were Lethal harvest activities started on April 30th and concluded May 20 2015 {Table 1.). Fourteen CM harvested on April 30, 4CM were harvested on May 4,4 CM were harvested on May 5, 0 CM were harvested on May 7, 1CM was harvested on May Ll,and 2 CM were harvested on May 20. Two CM were counted as part of the total harvest but not retrieved. on April 30,2015 one adult male CM was shot and dove underwater and on May 4,za]4and adult female CM was shot and dove underwater. Neither of these were retrieved after an extensive search. All 23 harvested and retrieved CM were provided to Scicon, either picked up personally, dropped off at their dock or left for pickup at the Gerrish Township Marina. Allactivities concluded on May 22,20t5. I Project Staff: Steven P. Sendek, Northpoint Fisheries Management, LLC Owner and Project Manager. Fisheries Biologist with 46 years waterfowl hunting experience in Michigan and North Dakota- with Dr. Mark Luttenton, phD. profesgor of Biology and Aquatic Sciences, Grand Valley State University 44 years of waterfowl experience in Michigan. years of waterfowl James Andersen, PhD & Brigadier General, Michigan National 6uard ret. with 50 hunting experience in Michigan and North Dakota. MichaelMcNamara, MS & Lt Colonel, Michigan NationalGuard ret. with 20years of waterfowlhunting experience in Michigan, North Dakota and Ohio' year3 Steven S.J. Sendek, student Fisheries and Wildlife, Lake Superior State University with 16 waterfowlhunting experience in Michigan and North Dakota. of Nicholas J. Sendek, student Mechanical Engineering, Ferris State University with 13 years of waterfowl hunting experience. Submitted by: Steven P. Sendek Northpoint Fisheries Management, 930 S. Au Sable Trail LLC Table 1,. Common Marganser Counts for Higgins Lake, Gerrish Township, and Beaver Creek Township Spring 2015 Grayling, Ml 49738 8-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 9CM 11-Aor 12-Apr 13-Apr 5CM ocM 0cM 27CM 14-Apr 15-Apr 15.Apr 17-Apr 18-Apr Tqrn 19-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 48CM 22-Apr 23-Apr 43cM 70cM 221-Apr tgcM 25-Apr 25-Apr 27-Apr 49CM 26CM nrM )ej{t 44CM 7?rM 29-Apr 30-Apr 1-Mav 1)C.M Lethal take 15CM 2-Mav ctal\, 3-May 4-May 13CM 8-May 9-May out 29CM 28-Apr 5-May 6-May 7-Mav ice 6CM 5CM 1?CM Lethal take tqcM 1.0-May lqcM 11-Mav 12CM Lethal take 12-May 13-May 14-May 15-May 15-May 26aM 17-Mav 18-Mav 7CM 8CM qaM nrl\t 5CM * ioo.oo l co**on ";;;;";.;;;;;;;;; ";-;;ns Gerrirh Towtship mte sp*ng zol' j i 90.00 : i i fo l oo It II ! : Tooo i NorthpoilLirt*.i", Management I_J Ll Ill IllI I'l 5000 l\ l srevenP':"0** l'"l 600o l\ lt lvl 4ooo l'. ln'l E] : : a : : l nl ,,,, vv t t\ l\l J U 2000 ni"lllXlr" ?ffifil'on GenishrownshiP IW \ I I \ \ A **** , I : LLC "t"$*olo-"*-1"**"t.t1*HF"dL$!4*$*l* v * rtd .
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