Brant Lake Week 1 Work Summary 2015 Crew leader: Kyle Jaquis Week of: 6/1-6/4 Operations: Monday: Began diving the bay south of the Grassville road area working our way across the wide littoral zone. 1 bag of scattered plants was harvested from the area. Continued north Along the Grassville road area finding 1 bag of small 1-5 foot tall plants scattered across the wide littoral zone. Tuesday: Began the day diving the cove south of Point O' Pines finding plants scattered throughout the cove as well as a small bed of plants on the north side of the bay. 2 bags were harvested from the area. Continued north into sunset cove and along the gravel bar finding 1/2 of a bag scattered throughout the littoral zone. Further north, between Brant Lake Farm and the bridge all the hot spots from previous years were harvested. 45 plants were found by the farms white boat house and 1/2 of a bag was harvested from the cove south of the bridge. Wednesday: Began be in the Northernmost bay where a small but dense bed was located at the western corner of the bay. Plants were multi stemmed and growing from 2 inches to 3 feet in height. A total of 8 bags were removed from the area. Continued into Mead's cove finding 11 plants on the north side and 30 from the south. Continued to the gravel bar south of Meads finding 48 small single stemmed plants. Thursday: Began the day with a surface survey of the southern basin of the lake locating and removing 1/2 of a bag of mixed old and new growth plants mostly from the western side north of the boat launch. Relocated to big rock cove diving the entire northern area removing 1 bag. Total bag count: 12.5 bags 312.5 lbs Recommendations: The south end of the lake should be thoroughly monitored for any new milfoil growth as well as the northernmost bay in front of the swamp. A further harvest of the southern half of Big Rock Cove should also be completed. Figure 1: Overall harvest map with 2014 harvest locations in orange Figure 2: Northern half of Brant Lake harvest map Figure 3: Southern half of Brant Lake harvest map
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