Grafton Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Call to Order Stacy Fischer called to order the regular meeting of the Grafton Elementary School PTA at 7:04 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Approval of Minutes There was a motion to approve the March 2015 meeting minutes. Minutes approved. President’s Report-Stacy Fischer Still looking for a Market Day chair and Screen-Free Week. An announcement is going out each week in the Wolf Blast. Thank you to Kate and all those who helped with the teacher’s lounge remodel that took place over spring break. We are talking about bringing SCRIPT to GES next year. It’s a program that offers gift cards to families for purchase. The school gets a percentage from each gift card from the companies. We would like to know what everyone else thinks about this. Principal’s Report – Karen Noel Welcome back everyone. It was great to come back and see all of your children. We have a few surprises for this Friday for those parents that are able to come. The kids are very excited to show parents how much they are appreciated. Badger Exam is currently going on. 17,000 students were on technology on day one in the state. Students seem to be responding well so far. Our last day will be on June 11 and it’s a full day. We are going to have a field day for students during the last week. We are looking for parents to help us with the lunch portion and serving. There will be more information to come. We hope everyone can make it to April Madness. It should be a fun event. Teacher's Report- Mandy D’Amico and Jen Andrews Gail Grieve – Thank you for all of your support. We love the teacher’s lounge and appreciate your efforts. Treasurer's Report-Janda Vavricka 1 Expenses: Market Day awards, continuing education, discretionary fund for K5, 2nd and special ed., kindness retreat and PBIS Income: Admirals event earned $112 Committee Reports Earth Week – Lindsay Jaeger: Earth week is next week. We are keeping things very similar to last year and are looking forward to it. April Madness – Joe Voiland: We are going to get a sign up out for the free throw, short shot and 5th grade basketball game. Joe is currently looking for an MC for the event. Spring Book Fair – Yvonne Wolfe: Theme is “Under the Sea”. The book fair runs Monday, April 27 – May 1. We are going to try to open it during Market Day pick up. Tuesday, April 28 the book fair will be open during GES singers. Can I get a small budget for muffins and coffee for parents that morning? We are going to look at ways to pair the book fair with the art show and possibly the multicultural fair for next year. Some of the books we are going to give for classrooms and birthday books. Screen-Free Week – Dawn Bumgardner: May 4 will be the start of Screen-Free Week. We would like every kid to participate. Each day if you do something that doesn’t involve screens you get entered into a drawing. Color Blast – Erin Teplin: The event will include all elementary schools, KES, GES and WES. We are working with Lighthouse Events on the details. The race will be approximately 1 mile long and will start at 6:30 p.m. This is going to be a great event to kick off the summer for all of our students. Box Tops – Dawn Bumgardner: I will be sending out a note to remind families to send in box tops before the end of the year. Lego Club – Alix Riley: We would love to start a Lego Club at GES. It would be part of Junior First Lego League. Teams would be provided with a challenge, which they would research, with the help of a coach. They would build a model and a show poster for the end tournament. There are a lot of options for how we participate. It’s a structured program with a lot of resources. For a team of 2-6 students it is minimum $500. There are a lot of funding opportunities that we are looking into. Next steps will be to gauge interest levels among students and parents at GES. Teacher Appreciation - Kerri Wise: She would like some volunteers to help the first week of May with activities. Old Business: No old business New Business: 2 Next meeting will be the third Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7 pm due to spring break. Adjournment Stacy Fischer adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Tagliapietra Secretary GES PTA 3
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