Level One Jerusalem Easy ACCeSS ACCoMModations Are GOOd (Lodging & Meals) Transportation Is GOOd Open to the Gospel Stateside * Vancouver, Canada * Sports camp/Park Ministry/prayer walk * dates: June 22-29, 2015 * cost: $1,200—$1,500 * PraTT, Kansas * Construction * Dates: June 27-July 4, 2015 * Cost: TBA * Jamaica, New York * prayer walk/English as Second language/ Park Ministry * Dates & Cost: TBA International (PaSSport Required) * Guatemala * Construction/Evangelism/Medical/Vision Orphan Care * Dates: March 26-April 1 & May 30-June 6, 2015 * Cost: $1,500—$1,600 CoMMunity Outreach * Local SchOOls * Local Events * Magnolia Festival * Gardendale Christmas Parade * Cornerstone Ranch * Light Construction NEEds Level Two Judea Moderate ACCeSS ACCoMModations Are Moderate Transportation Is Moderate International—PaSSport Required Open to the Gospel (Except North Africa) International * Uganda—Gulu (PaSSport & Visa Required) * Medical/Evangelism/ Health & Hygiene/ Vision Clinic/Orphan Care * Dates: May 27-June 5, 2015 * Cost: $2,400—$2,800 * North Africa * Sports Camp/Special NEEds/Dental/ Health & Hygiene * Dates: June 5-13, 2015 * Cost: $2,400—$2,500 * China—Macau (Southeast Asia) * Evangelism/Bible Distribution/Prayer Walk * Dates: June 12-21, 2015 * Cost: $2,400—$2,500 Level ThrEE Samaria DiFFicult ACCeSS ACCoMModations Are Primitive Transportation Is DiFFicult Open to the Gospel PaSSport Required International * Haiti * Construction/Discipleship/Medical/Dental/ Vision * Dates: February 16-21 & February 22-28, 2015 * Cost: $1,200—$1,300 * India (PaSSport & Visa Required) * Evangelism/Orphan Care/Discipleship/ Vbs/English as second language “Prayer Mountain” * Dates: July 11—19, 2015 * Cost: $2,500—$2,600 * Papua New Guinea—PNG (PaSSport & Visa Required) * Discipleship/Evangelism/Water Treatment/ Construction * Dates: September 1—15, 2015 * Cost: $3,500 Level Four Ends of the Earth Primitive ACCeSS ACCoMModations Are Primitive Transportation Is Very DiFFicult Specialized Training Required PaSSport Required Natural Disaster Relief (TBA) Prayer for MiSSions Please pray for: God’s favor and continued direction and guidance to lead GFBC partners with these miSSion eFForts; God to multiply the resources and voluntEErs to further His Kingdom purposes through these partnerships; God to raise up aDDitional leaders with paSSion and vision to reach the lost and un-churched through GFBC’s miSSion eFForts; the GFBC leadership team to be discerning and sensitive to God’s leadership in selecting MiSSion Projects, and aLL areas of miSSion; and, God to lead you in your coMMitment to giving and participation with time and resources in these miSSion endeavors. schedule 5:00—5:40 p.m. Overview 5:50—6:30 p.m. 1st Break Out 6:40—7:10 p.m. 2nd Break out Break-Out ROOms Haiti Guatemala PNG Uganda North Africa Guatemala—students (5:50 p.m. ONLY) Vancouver, Canada (6:40 p.m. only) India Macau, China E3 Medical PraTT, Kansas (5:50 p.m. only) Jamaica, NY (6:40 p.m. only) ROOm 114 ROOm 115 ROOm 110 ROOm 116 ROOm 109 ROOm 108 ROOm 108 rOOm 107 ROOm 111 rOOm 112 ROOm 106 ROOm 106 GFBC MiSSion Leadership Team Richard Bradley John Byars Jody Dial Bryan Erbrick TaMMy Erbrick ScoTT GrEEn Jamin GruBBs Mark HaRRison Michael Hogue Phil Jones Josh MOOdy Kim MOOdy ALLen Oakley Draper Rogers GFBC AcroSS the StrEEt . . . Around the World Foreign MiSSions Stateside MiSSions GFBC MiSSion Projects JiMMie Hale MiSSion Alabama Children’s Home First Priority FCA Southeastern Bible CoLLege TEEn ChaLLenge Various MiSSion Projects Family FaLL Festival The Foundry Gideons Uganda Haiti Seminary scholarships Cornerstone Ranch Children of the World Lifeline/Adoption Care GFBC Foster/Adoption Care ALCAP WeLL projects MiSSion Conference @ GFBC Stateside church plants MiSSionary SuPPort—Sanders’ MiSSionary SuPPort—MOOdy’s Medical MiSSion Harvest Ministry (SEEd Ministry) Just KEEp Smiling WEBSITES: CompeLLed design compeLLeDDesigns.com E3 Medical e3partners.org To every tribe toeverytribe.org/serve/prayer-waRRiors Travisa travisa.com NOTES _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Gardendale First Baptist Church North Campus: 316 Mountain Crest Parkway South Campus: 940 Main StrEEt (Mailing ADDreSS) Gardendale, AL 35071 205.631.8791 Dr. Kevin J. HaMM, Senior Pastor
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